SGC 'Voices' Unrealistic
In Barring
ISA Seat
Latest Deadline in the State
See Page 4
THC To Sponsor
Faculty Debates
A series of faculty debates, designed to "tie a little closer the
academic community with the residence halls," will be sponsored this
spring by the Inter-House Council.
Three discussions, to be held in each of the quadrangles in turn,
will comprise what IHC President. Tom Bleha, '56, called "one of the
most important things that the IHC can do this year."
Although definite topics for the debateshave not yet been set,
Bleha explained that they would be "issues of social, political and
economic form."
Subjects Pertinent to Students
In addition, he said, they would be problems of special importance
to University students, subjects pertinent to University life.
Alabama U.
Halts Lucy's
Student Accused
Finds Johnson
Of Defamation
4 Favor Nixon
For Another
WASHINGTON ()-Republican
National Chairman Leonard Hall
threw his weight solidly behind
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
yesterday for. another term.
It was an improtant political
boost for Vice-President Nixon,
whom some Republicans would
like to see dropped from the tick-
et, aid perhaps put away in a
Cabinet post.
Hall held a news conference in
the Young Republican wing of the
National GOP headquarters. He
planted himself in front of a huge
photograph of President Eisen-
hower and Nixon, and declaimed:
'Greatest Team'
"It is the greatest team in the
A reporter told Hall he had been
a good prophet in saying Presi-
dent Eisenhower would run again,
and asked him how he felt about
another Eisenhower-Nixon ticket.
"I said sometime ago that I
assumed the ticket would be the
same as in 1952," Hall replied. "I
will not change that one bit."
In theory, a party chairman
doesn't come out for any one can-
didate before the national conven-
tion, but Hall sounded as though
that wouldn't be his practice in
the case of Vice-President Nixon.
Expects Ike-Nixon Slate
While Hall has said before he
expected an Eisenhower-Nixon
slate, the timing and vigor of his
declaration yesterday amounted to
a new force.
Reports persisted nevertheless
that some persons close to Presi-'
dent Eisenhower would like for
him to choose another running
mate. Their thinking was said to
be that the aggressive Nixon, per-
haps the most combative cam-
paigner in 1952, might lose some
independent votes whereas some
other man might not.
One report got pretty involved.
It would have Atty. Gen. Herbert
Brownell taking the next Supreme
Court vacancy, Nixon becoming
attorney general, and Secretary
of the Treasury George Humphrey
stepping in as the vice presidential
Educator Says
Burma Wants
World Peace
Prof. Daw Mya Sein, prominent
-Burmese educator, said yesterday
that her country will be friends
to "everyone" to further world
"The neutralism or our country
is an active one designed to bring
about friendship and understand-
ing in the world," she said in a
lecture in Angell Hall.
She contended that the role of
her country is to act as a "bridge'
between the great civilizations."
"We want to be friends with every-
one, especially our two great1
neighbors, the Indians and theI
Speaking on "Independent I
Burma" Prof. Daw Mya Sein stres- t
sed that such friendship is nec-c
essary to the development of her
young nation as well as to the
peace of other countries.
"We are not trying to convert
our country to an industrial statusc
all at once, it is still true that 85
per cent of our people live byp
tn, , ,4 ,4 , - -
According to preliminary plans,
the debates would feature a group
of faculty or administration mem-
bers and would be open to the
"This is something that we, be-
cause of our facilities," Bleha con-
tinued, "can provide for the cam-
pus and ourselves." ,
Plan Three Debates
Three debates will be held, the
first on March 27 in West Quad,
the second on April 17 in South
Quad, and the final presentation
on May 8 in East Quad.
Bleha, in describing reasons for
the debates, also noted that "an
education of any sort must also
be considered as a basis for living."
The program met with the unani-
mous approval of the council.
It was also announced at yester-
day's IHC meeting that the Uni-
versity has been named headquar-
ters school of the Big Ten Resi-
dence Halls Association.
Failed Td Submit Brief
Although Indiana had planned
to submit a brief for the appoint-
ment, it failed to do so, making
tichigan the only school that re-
qiuested the position.
This year's conference will be
held April 13, 14 and 15 at Purdue
Charles MV1. Straayer, '57, was
elected IHC Executive Vice-Presi-
dent by acclamation yesterday, to
fill the recently vacated office..
Another vacancy was filled with
the election, also by acclamation,
of Reed Kenworthey, '57Ed, to the
post of Corresponding Secretary.
Additional nominations and
elections will be held next week to
fill- the position of Administrative
ice-President, vacated by Straay-
GU' Branch
Gra d Rapid's bid to establish
a four year branch of the Univer-
sity and a medical school gained
further momentum yesterday.
A bill to give the University $50,
000 to study the feasibility of such
a branch was introduced in the
House by the Kent county delega-
tion of legislators.
The bill calls for the study to
be conducted by the Board of Re-
A study of the need for addi-
tional medical facilities in the
State is already being carried out
by a committee appointed by
President Harlan H. Hatcher and,
headed by Albert Furstenberg,,
ean of the Medcial School.
Methods of financing would be
me of the prime objectives of the
tudy which would be presented
o the 1957 Legislature and the
Kent County school boards.
The University has already told
Grand Rapids Citizen's Com-
mittee that it is willing to consider
stablishing a branch.
University of Alabama's trustees
"permanently expelled" N e g r o
coed Autherine Lucy on discipli-
nary grounds at a secret meeting
Wednesday night.
The action, which leaked out
early yesterday, came within hours
after United States District Court
Judge2H. Hobart Grooms ordered
the 26-year-old former school
teacher admitted to the Tuscaloosa
campus by Monday.
Miss Lucy, first Negro ever en-
rolled at the 125-year-old school,
was suspended Feb. 6 after three
days of rioting by students and
"outsiders" over her presence.
Charges University Conspiracy
The Birmingham woman
charged in her suit seeking read-
mittance that university authori-
ties conspired in the mob action.
The charges were withdrawn at
the opening of the hearing Wed-
In Montgomery, the House of
Representatives adopted a resolu-
tion to establish a legislative com-
mittee to determine if the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People is
Communist controlled.
Under the terms of the resolu-
tion, which now goes to the Sen-
ate, Miss Lucy would be sub-
poenaed as a witness. Her legal
battle to enter the uiiiversity has
been backed up by the NAACP.
To Transport Negros
The Senate, meantime, shouted
unanimous approval of a resolu-
tion asking for federal funds to
transplant Negroes from Alabama
to regions outside the Southdwhere
"they are needed or wanted."
Gov. James E. Folsom told a
reporter in Montgomery he had
not been advised of the trustees'
action against Miss Lucy but said
he hoped this would wind up the
situation for good.
In expelling Miss Lucy from the
university, the trustees accused
her of making "false, defamatory,
impertinent and scandalous
charges" against university offi-
cials in court and through news-
papers, radio and television sta-
Accused of Making False Charges
The resolution added, "No edu-
cational institution could main-3
tain necessary disciplinary actionj
if any student, regardless of race,r
guilty of the conduct of Autherine
J. Lucy be permitted to remain."
Miss Lucy said she was "shocked
by this turn of events."
"I was looking forward to re-
turning to school," she added. "Atf
this point there is nothing more It
can say."s
Law Students Win ock Court Case
The semi-final round of the
Law School's Henry M. Campbell
Competition was decided in favor
of the teams of Charles B. Ren-
rew, '56L, Richard H. Benson, '56L,
and Norman E. Gaar, '56L,-Rich-
ard B. Madden '56L, last night.
Each team argued a mock case
in the'thirty-first annual Camp-
bell Competition before a court of
professors of law and legal ex-
The two winning teams will
argue before a moot Supreme
Court of the United States April
13, over which United States
Supreme Court Justice Thomas
Clark will preside.
Imaginary Corporation
The mock case concerned an
imaginary-Marvel Television Cor-
poration versus the United States
in an appeal arising from an in-
cident under the Sherman Anti-
trust Act and the Clayton Act.
In the two seperate although
simultaneous courts, the winning
teams were opposed by the teams
of John A. Beach, 57L,-Edwin S.
Taylor, '56L, and Robert W. Steele,
57L, Edward C. Adkins, 57L. Both
losing teams were appellants.,
Presiding over the courts were
Prof. Samuel D. Estep, William B.
Cudlip and Edward N. Fegney in
the first court and Prof. Jack R.
Pearce and Benjamin H. Long in
the secondi.
Courtroom Atmosphere
The exciting contest was carried
out just as an authentic court case
in miniature. A strict courtroom
atmosphere was maintained, the
justices wore traditional black
robes and student bailiffs kept
This thirty-first annual compe-
tition was student managed and
prepared to painstaking detail by
Prof. S. C. Oppenheim and Roger
G. Kidston, '56L, Chairman of the
Henry M. Campbell Competition.
Undergraduates Invited
He suggested undergraduates
might benefit by attending the
mock court sessions. Not only
would it demonstrate to pre-law
students what actual court ses-
sions are, but it could supply con-
siderable information to political
science and business majors.
"The Sherman Act is as import-
ant to our economic system as
the Constitution is to our political
system," he said.
Convicted ofKilling
Daughter January 9
Defendant Hears Verdict Quietly;
Had Claimed Insanity As Defense
A jury of 8 women and 4 men found Harold A. Johnson guilty
of murder in the first degree at 8:28 p.m. yesterday.
Murder in the first degree carries a mandatory sentence of life
imprisonment in the State of Michigan.
. Johnson heard the verdict without a display of emotion. Counsel
for the defense, Ralph C. Keyes, declined comment on the decision.
As he had not had the opportunity to confer with Johnson, Keyes
could not say whether or not the case would be appealed.
Will Be Sentenced Later
The defendant was convicted of slaying his one year old daughter,
Margaret, the night of Jan. 9. Otis wife, Margery, and three year old
daughter, Barbara, were also vic-
timns of Johnson's shooting that 3
evening. He will be sentenced at
a later date.Eisenhower
Yesterday morning, the jury
heard the final arguments of theEr
prosecuting and defense attorneys.
Edmond F. Devine, counsel for the
state, in pointing out the signifi-
cant elements of the evidence pre-
sented by the state, argued that
Johnson had intentionally, malic- WASHINGTON (A) --President
iously, and without legal excuse or Dwight D. Eisenhower thrust his
Justification murdered his daugh- second-term bid into the Wiscon-
ter. sin and California primaries yes-
The tall,.lanky prosecutor stated terday in the midst of political
that the defendant's motive arose gales blowing up over his health
from a Q ecision that after having and running .mate.
shot his wife, the rest of the fam- Party battle lines for the on-
ily should not live. coming campaienr mp
-Daily'-Chuck Kelsey
leers Open Series at Tech;TrcClm xSatTo y
SGC Expresses Concern
Over Lack of Candidates
Student Government Council members yesterday expressed con-
cern over the small number of petitions being taken out for the
coming SGC elections.
Only one student has taken out a petition in the past two days.
After 10 candidates signed to run in the first few days of petitioning,
SGC members are at a loss to explain this situation, in the light of
SGC's present University status.
Last Spring 24 candidates ran for SGC.
Daily Managing Editor Dave Baad, '56, expressed SGC's favor-
able campus position when he said, "In the one year of SGC's ex-
istence the Council has gained the attention and respect of the
Regents, Administration and faculty. SGC has attained a status
rinot gained by the previous Uni-
versity student governments."
Daily Sports Editor
Special to The Daily
HOUGHTON-Three months of
pent-up anticipation explodes here
It's been a long wait-but Mi-
chigan and Michigan Tech finally
come to grips here this evening
in the opener of a four game WIHL
set which will not only decide the
League champion, but for Michi-
gan its ninth straight bid to the
NCAA tourney as well.
Michigan flew into this hockey-
crazed town last night, and ex-'
pects to work out on Dee Stadium'
ice this afternoon. The defend-
ing NCAA champions, who have
been impro' ing with each suc-
cessive game, appear to be at their
peak. The Huskies, only one vic-
tory away from at least a share
of the WIHL title; boast a 20-2
record-and already have clinched
a bid to the NCAA tourney.
This is the situation, and the
entire Copper Country has gone
into a frenzy over it. If the an-
cient Dee Stadium could seat 10,000
it would be jam-packed tonight.
The ticket situation here is im-
possible. There just aren't any.
Long lines have been queuing up
since dawn to grab standing room.
Every last one of the 1,076 seats
have been sold-but a throng of
over 2500 is expected to tax the
very walls of the structure.
Enthusiasm Soars
Everywhere you go here the top-
ic is the same. Despite four feet
of snow on the ground and near
z e r o temperatures, enthusiasm
soars sky-high. All over the town
of 3,829, in the famed Douglass
House where the Wolverines are
quartered, on the Michigan Tech
campus, all minds are tuned to
the explosion that is expected to
rock the Kewaneaw peninsula, as
these two giants collide.
So much does this mean to Tech
that Coach Al Renfrew will pull
every trick in the book to stop Mi-
chigan's Big Blue. It will be a
tough order-even for the League's'
cinderella men.
Not only is the League cham-
pionship at stake, but interest is
See LOCAL, page 7
Special To The Daily
once again is favored to remain
on top of the Western Cbnference
indoor track and field heap, but it
won't be anything like last year..
This seems an almost certain
prediction as the Big Ten blue
chips go into the kitty at Jenison
Field house, the preliminaries tak-
ing place tonight at 7 p.m. and
the finals tomorrow afternoon at
As will be remembered, it was
here on this same campus last
year at this time that Coach Don
Canham's cinder machine buried
its nine victims under a 672-point
deluge. This constituted the most
points gathered by any team in a
Big Ten meet since 1944, when'
Michigan ran up a 75-point total.
Nothing points to scores of such
propensities this year, however.
Iowa Becomes Power
Iowa's Hawkeyes, a pitiful
seventh at last season's indoor
showdown, have suddenly emerged
from their depths to a position of
threatening proportions. Their
two main sparks have been a pair
of versatile performers - Ted
Wheeler and Les Stevens.
Wheeler, recently returned from
a two-year service hitch, has turn-
ed in the Big Ten's best times in
the mile and half-mile so far this
year-4:11.2 and 1:55.2, respec-
In the mile, Capt. allingford
has been timed in 4:14., good for
second best.
In the 880, defending champion
Gray has done 1:55.6, the third
best clocking of the year.
See POWERFUL, page 7
Courtroom Tense
Throughout both arguments, the
courtroom was tense and attent-
ive. The faces of the jury were
grim and several showed the strain
of the responsibility under which
they had been placed. Johnson ap-
peared calm but depressed. .
Prosecutor Devine summed up
his argument with the statement
that the question presented was
one of the capability of the de-
fendant to know the difference
between right and wrong and
having the ability to resist the
impulse to kill at the time of the
Defense attorney Keyes, in sup-
port of Johnson's claim to tempo-
rary insanity at the time of the
offense, attempted to show that
no father could have any reason
to kill his daughter if he were in
his right mind.
Key Point for Defense
As a key point for the defense,
Keyes indicated that Johnson did
not call a doctor nor an ambulance
for his wife after hitting her, with
a shot which he claimed was acci-
dental. This action alone demon-
strated that the defendant was not
sane in either a legal or a medical
sense then and could not be held
legally responsible for his actions
while in that condition.
Keyes concluded with an em-
phatic denial that a sane sound
man could take the life of a
helpless child. He based this state-
ment on the testimony of psychia-
trists and on an appeal to the
common practical sense of the
The jury was charged by Cir-
cuit Court Judge James R. Breakey
Jr. at 3 p.m. With an hour out for
dinner, they reached a verdict in
approximately 42 hours.
S Inedswutly
around the health issue.
Democrats drummed on the
"part-time president" theme and
set up President Eisenhower's
health as a key issue on grounds
the President already had done so
himself. Adlai Stevenson said in
New York the presidency "can-
not be conducted on a part-time
GOP Predicts Backfire
Republicans predicted that such
tactics would backfire and cost
the bemocrats votes.
President Eisenhower backed up
his big decision to try for another
term with assurances to the
American people Wednesday night
that in spite of his September
heart attack he is able to handle
his presidential duties as well as
ever-now and "indefinitely."
So, he said, "I shall accept" the
presidential renomination he is
sure to get. At the same time, he
said, he will be a man operating
under "restrictions," doctors' or-
ders, and a lighter working sched-
Enters Primaries
Shifting from words to action,
President Eisenhower yesterday,
signed the papers which will put
his name into the GOP primaries
in Wisconsin April 3 and in Cali-
fornia June 5. His consent was
required in those states and he
gave it. And he will be in pri-
maries in half a dozen other states
where his consent wasn't needed.
Three Republican House mem-
bers were tapped to fly to Wiscon-
sin yesterday with the President's
signed entry for the primary.
Vice President Nixon, Senate
Republican Leader William E.
Knowland of California and Gov.
Goodwin Knight of California were
picked to sponsor Eisenhoweit in
their state.
Predicts Unanimous Vote
Senator Knowland, who had
presidential ambitions of his own
until President Eisenhower's hat-
in-ring. announcement, predicted
that the President will be nomi-
nated unanimously at the GOP
national convention starting Aug.
20 in San Francisco.
Although he bypassed a direct
answer to a question whether he
was backing Nixon, he told a news
conference he assumes his fellow
Californian will get second place
on the ticket once more.
Eisenstadt To Talk
On Israel Ideology
White Claims GOP Will
Approve Any Ie Choice
"There is a very good possibility that Richard M. Nixon will be
Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower's running mate in the coming elections,"
Professor John P. White of the political science department said.
President Eisenhower has always displayed affection for Nixon.
In his speech yesterday he spoke of his "unbounding admiration" for'
the vice-president, although he gave no further indication of his
Decision Up to Ike
"Ike can have what he wants; the decision is up to him," Prof.
White said. "The convention will back whomever he chooses."
Now that President Eisenhower has said that he will run, the
campaigns of both parties will be focused on the presidential cam-
paign, not the vice-presidential candidate.
The Democrats will concentrate on attacking President Eisen-
Council members are anxious to
have many qualified -candidates
run for SOC positions. Janet
Neary, '58, said, "In order for is-
sues to be carried to the student.
body it is necessary to have a
competitive campaign. This can
be accomplished only when there
are enough qualified people -run-
ning to insure'positive discussion
of these issues."
Robert Leacock, '57, SGC mem-
ber, in commenting on a student's
reason for seeking office, said,
"Running for office shows a stu-
dent's concert for his educational
environment in that participation
in student government provides an
opportunity-for a voice in shaping
University policy."
From a candidate's position the
Council offers an opportunity to
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The United States told Russia yesterday that
Soviet balloons have flown over American territory-that is, Alaska-
just as United States balloons have flown over Soviet territory.
An American note to the Kremlin asked in effect: So what
are you complaining about?
* * * ,
JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector - Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett
yesterday denounced United States Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles' statement of Middle East policy before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee last week.
He said Secretary Dulles' policy would withhold from Israel the
means of security the United States adopted for itself-the building
up of massive armed strength.
* * * * ,*
}FBA Plans
Produie, Salt