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March 01, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-01

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1, 1956



Michigras Officials Accept Floats

Twenty-two of the 35 float en-
tries for the 1956 Michigras have
been accepted, Bill Miller, Com-1
mittee co-chairman revealed.
Miller said that rejected houses
can petition again but emphasized
that the new petitions must be
turned into the Michigras office
in the Union by 5 p.m. tomorrow.
Rejected houses an d other
group may petition again, Miller
Those accepted on the first pe-
tition include, Alpha Phi and Phi
Gamma Delta, Gamma Phi Beta
and Theta Xi, Pi Beta Phi and Phi
Kappa Tau, Alpha Delta Pi and

Beta Theta Pi, Hobbs House and
Sigma Alpha Mu.
Float Entries Accepted
Phi Delta Theta and Alpha Chi
Omega, Kappa Kappa Gamma and
Lambda Chi Alpha, Hayden House
and Prescott House, Sigma Kappa
and Chi Psi, and Alpha Omega Pi
and Phi Sigma Kappa have also
been accepted.
The list continues with Alpha
Delta Phi and Alethia, Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon and Alpha Gamma
Delta, Delta Chi and Henderson
House, Delta Tau Delta and Victor

Assembly Positions Open
To IndependentWomen

Vaughan, and Alpha Sigma Phi
with Phi Sigma Delta.
Also accepted were entries from
Alpha Zeta Delta and Theta Delta
Chi, Delta Sigma Phi and Tyler
House, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sig-
ma Delta Tau, and Fletcher and
Van Tyne. Working alone are the
International Center, Alpha Ep-
silon Pi and Kappa Sigma.
Float Plans
A second petition, describing
float plans in more detail and in-
cluding a scale model of the float
will be due from all groups enter-
ing the parade by Thursday, March
15. The petition blanks may be
picked up from 2 to 5 p.m. Mon-
day in the Michigras Office.
At the same time, Miller said,
a materials order list may be ob-
tained. Groups entering are re-
quested to list the materials they
will need for the construction of
their floats and submit them by
Monday, March 12.
The material will be distributed
from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday,
March 24, in back of the Union.
Each group entering a float is
also asked to write a poem or
caption describing their entry
which will be put in the Official
Program. It is due by Thursday,
March 8.
"Consultation hours are still be-;
ing held for float representatives,"
Miller remarked. He or co-chair-
man Libby Garland will be avail-
able from 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays in the Mi-
chigras office to answer any ques-
tions or to offer suggestions.

Petitions Due
For Panhel
On Monday
Petitions for Panhellenic Associ-
ation positions are due Monday in
the League Undergraduate Office.
There are six senior posts open
to women who are currently junior
students. These include president,
first vice-president, second vice-
president and treasurer. Other
senior positions available are those
of rushing chairman and public
relations chairman.
Posts open to coeds who are cur-
rently second semester sophomores
or juniors are secretary of Panhel
and chairman of rushing counse-
lores. Two assistant chairmanships
of rushing and rushing counselors
are also open to second semester
sophomores and juniors.
All of the applicants for the
above positions will be interviewed
by the Interviewing and Nominat-
ing Committee, who will select two
people for each of the posts.
There are eight positions open
to any members of Panhel. These
include four members of the Secre-
tariat and four members of the
Public Relations Committee. The
women who petition for these posts
will also be interviewed and chosen
by the Interviewing and Nominat-
ing Committee.
Members of the present Panhel
Board will be on hand in the
League Undergrad Office to an-
swer questions about any of the
positions. Petitions are available
at the League and in the individual

"It's a particular challenge,"
said Beth-Sheva Laikin describ-
ing her role of Hedda in Ibsen's
drama, "Hedda Gabler" currently'
appearing at the Dramatic Arts
Tall, slim Miss Laikin finds por-
traying Ibsen's character on stage
"a wonderful experience in under-

gy major," the hazel-eyed bru-
nette recalled.
She became actively interested
in drama in her junior year al-
though she "had always been fas-
cinated by the theatre but some-
how couldn't picture herself 'back
of the footlights.'"
"I was scared to,.death the first
time I Appeared in a play," Miss
Laikin laughed. But her self con-
fidence soon grew, and by her sen-
ior year she was holding leading
roles in Speech Department plays.
National Theatre Conference
After graduation the aspiring
young actress auditioned for a
place in the National Theatre
Conference. Made up of students
from ten universities, the Confer-
ence aimed to mix drama with
work on a master's degree.
She received a fellowship and
played a, role in a road tour of
"The Late Christopher Bean."
The following year saw her in
New York at New York University
studying for a Master of Dramatic
Arts in the School of Education.
The East held her attention for
a while. "Like every young actress
I wanted a creek at the profes-
sional theatre."
But also like so many aspirants,
Miss Laikin didn't get the right
"breaks," so she spent much of
her time playing leading roles for
radio classical plays.
Away from New York, the young
actress , appearea in Norwich,
Conn., with Edward Arnold as

Stella Springer in "The Apple of
My Eye." She had further acting
experience with Kay Francis in
"Goodbye My Fancy."
The vivacious actress also work-
ed as technical assistant for sev-
eral Broadway shows. She further
varied her career by doing free
lance work in Detroit, teaching and
engaging in social work.
Miss Laikin returned to Ann Ar-
bor for the year 1952-3 to play
the leading role in all plays pre-
sented by the Detroit Arts Thea-
Appeared at World Stage
She also appeared in perform-
ances at the World Stage in De-

DAC Star Finds Ibsen Role 'Challenging'

troit before coming back to Ann
Arbor and the DAC, -at the invi-
tation of director Joseph Gisterak
to play in "Hedda Gabler."
Asked what roles she prefers,
Miss Laikin replied promptly, "I
guess any role you are working
at the moment is special."
She grinned and added, "I'll ad-
mit I've always been fascinated
by Pirandello, Ibsen and Williams."
Her eyes sparkled as . she ex-
plained why playing the same role
night after night doesn't become
boring. "With every perform-
ance, there's always something
new-some added insight into the
character you're playing."

I I III I! s


It's Always
Service Witha Smile

Independent women interestedy
in positions on Assembly Board
may secure petitions today through
Wednesday, March 14, when peti-
tioning closes.
Forms may be picked up at the
League Undergraduate 'Office.
When coeds return them, they are
asked to signup for interviewing.
A coffee hour will be held at
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. today at the
League for all women who are
interested in petitioning.
Positions Open
Positions open include president,
who is the chairman of the execu-
tive board of Assembly Association
and of Assembly Dormitory Coun-
cil and first vice-president, who
performs the president's executive
board meeting.
Also open is the position of sec-
ond vice-president, who is chair-
man of the Assembly League


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House Council and is Assembly's
representativq on the advisory
board of the Buro-Cats.
Other positions available are
secretary, who takes and files min-
utes of executive board and ADC
meetings and who has charge of all
correspondence pertaining to As-
sembly, and treasurer who has
charge of expenditures and reve-
nues. of Assembly.
Social Chairman,
The social chairman submits
plans for social functions and
meets regularly with social chair-
men of dormitories and League
Houses to corrdinate house events.
Other executive board posts in-
clude personnel chairman, who has
the responsibility for Assembly in-
terviewing and who devises ways
of stimulating interest among in-
dependent women in extracurricu-
lar activities.
Special projects chairman has
charge of Tag Day and is general
chairman of I-Hop while the pub-
lic relations chairman handles all
publicity for Assembly, ADC and
League House Council. The big
sister chairman has charge of the
big sister program.
Fort Nite Chairman
Included for the first time in
spring petitioning is the Fort Nite
General Chairman which is not
a board position. The coed selected
will have charge of the annual
Fort Nite.
All posts except those of presi-
dent, first vice-president and sec-
ond vice-president are filled by
the executive board through inter-
From petitions and interviews,
the executive board will select two
candidates for those positions and
later will present their platforms
to the members of ADC who do
the electing.
All coeds are eligible to petition.
Anyone desiring further informa-
tion should contact the League
Undergraduate Office.

standing what goes on inside of
"Hedda is a composite of so'
many things," she said in her soft
husky voice," and you have to im-
ply all of her tense moments."
First Appearance
This is Miss Laikin's first ap-
pearance with the DAC, but Ann
Arbor is not strange to the De-
troit resident. She graduated from
the University in 1947.
"I started out as an anthropolo-

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TABLE TENNIS-Entries for the
Table Tennis Tournament begin-
ning Monday are due at 5 p.m.
today in office 15 of Barbour Gym-
nasium. Entries will be notified of
their playing times by post card.
* * *
BURO-CATS - There will be
meetings of the Buro-Cat Activi-
ties and Secretariate committees
at 6:30 p.m. today in the League.
The room numbers will be posted.
bers of the co-recreationalModern
Dance Club will meet at 7:30 p.m.
today in Barbour Gymnasium.
* * *
JR..MICHIFISH -- Members of
Junior Michifish will meet at 8:15
p.m. today in the women's swim-
ming pool. Any interested coeds
may attend.

Warner s proves .. .
Spring's the time for a change! A couple
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stance. And when it comes to this sort
of figure remodeling, you can rely on us
for your Warner's.
We've got them all. The sleek-lined new corselette,
that naughty but nice Merry Widow, those airy, youth-
ful Warnerettes. Then, of course, a magnificent range
of Warner bras.
The FABULOUS Merry Widow taking very new form.
Waist easy, bust gently rounded, youthfully high. No.
1317. A cup in white, B or C cup din white or black.

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To say nothing of Warner's "Shadow" the new
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WARNER'S Easy-fitting petal-cup bras, and the
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