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March 01, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-01

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Sixty-Sixth Year

s Opinions Age Free.
uth WP1 Pre a1"

"Somebody From Outside Must Have Influepced Them'
". , c.e d - ..

Editoriali printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Estes, Adlai Want Ike
To alkOn ecrd
Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER and the leading candidates for the
Democratic presidential nomination are in agreement about one
Kefauver and Stevenson say it is fitting that Eisenhower should
be the one to expound on his administration's record, and he says that's
exactly what he's going to do.
The President's announcement that he was willing and felt him-
sel fable to undertake another term came as no surprise. It had
been discounted during the two weeks since his doctors said heshould
be able to carry on the job for "5 or 10 years" more.
He wouldn't say whether he wanted Vice President Nixon again.


Y, MARCH 1, 1956


'Most Important Veep' Candidate
Should Be Gov. Herter

ND NOW who do the Republicans nomi-
nate as their vice-presidential candidate?
The United States voters know President
isenhower is in questionable health. If he
uns for President, his running mate will* as-
ume more importance than any Vice-Presiden-
al candidate in the history of United States
Motivation for Eisenhower's decision to run
gain should not be questioned. The President
eighed the health factor against his duty to
he country for several weeks. His desire to
ontinue his work of the last four years in both
)reign and domestic fields proved overwhelm-
ng. He realized clearly the people would elect
o one else to maintain the Republican philos-
Whether Eisenhower hopes to spend another
.ll term in office or not, the people are still
oing to look at realities. The President has
een practically inoperative since Fast Septem-
er and for psychological reasons as well as
hysical he will likely never return to his robust
re-hear attack days. Also Democrats will men-
.on that in good health or not, no President has
ved past his 70th birthday. Ike will be past
O before a second term would close.
That Eisenhower might not live four more
ears is crucial in selecting the vice-president
ominee. But more important the Vice-Presi-
ent may have to assume many of the essential
adership functions of the President from the
art. The nation's columnists have lamented
ecently lack of direction from the top. Cabinet
iembers apparently are operating in 11 differ-
nt directions and not only the American people
ut our foreign neighbors are extremely con-
used over what exactly is United States polciy.
F EISEHOWER must continue to lead at half-
speed, the man to pick up the slack is the
ice-President. Chaos over Arab arms, vague
pproa hes to Russia's new economic emphasis
i foreign policy and irresponsible "brink of

war" diplomacy demonstrates need for strong
Despite Ike's health it will be difficult for
Democrats to beat him. Democrats selfishly
desire a weak running mate for Ike; the Re-
publicans want the most satisfactory man for
the Right-wing of the party. But its everybody's
concern who runs for Vice-President.
The United States needs a leader. Eisenhower
doesn't need the vote pull from his running
mate. He won in 1952 and if he wins again in
1956 it will be on his own record.
The President reportedly leans to Dick Nixon.
His inadequate leadership as Vice-President,
his name-calling, and such antics as his recent
attempt to reap political benefit from the
Southern segregation problem make Nixon a
questionable choice. Knowland, Knight and
Dirksen are too right-wing to be accepted even
by the Republicans.
Chief Justice Warren's liberalism is too cru-
cial to the Supreme Court.
ONE MAN REMAINS, probably acceptable to
the Republicans, and as close to Eisenhower
in philosophy as any GOP possibility. This is
Christian Herter, governor of Massachusetts.
Herter is not known nationally. Vote-wise he
wouldn't be an asset to Eisenhower, but Eisen-
hower shouldn't need votes. Herter is experi-
enced in Massachusetts politics and served as a
representative to the United States Congress
for ten years.
At 60 years old, Herter is not a budding young
hopeful. But his moderate liberalism puts him
as close to the ideal Eisenhower philosophy as
any prominent Republican.
The GOP still has five months to prepare a
Vice-Presidential candidate. - It shouldn't be a
bouquet to a disappointed Presidential hopeful
this year. Regional considerations should also
be subordinated. This year Republicans have a
responsibility to select their best available
leader to run for Vice-President. Christiar-
Herter should be given serious consideration.
--DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor


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indicating it improper to precommit
point, but he took time to praise
Nixon ioI

the national convention on that


s .

Justce Dept. and Civil Rights


y For Democrats

DEMOCRATIC leaders choked silently yester-
day, then announced that it was only fitting
that it be President Eisenhower who defends
his administration's policies and records in the
coming elections.
Nevertheless, most Democrats, even proud
Harry Truman who stormed "we can beat any-
body" did not welcome Eisenhower's candidacy.
He was the one man who could beat them in
1952, and he is the one man who can beat them
in 1956. With his announcement, the Republi-
can party suddenly molded into a firm and
united power. All of the recent GOP 'mistakes'
in foreign policy suddenly assumed minor im-
portance. Even the current farm bill in Con-
gress no longer seems the bombshell'it was.
The important thing is the man.- %
Personal magnetism has always been an im-
portant asset to a Presidential candidate. In
1952 Eisenhower ran and won an election on
little more. He did have optimistic answers to
some vital issues, the most important an end
to the Korean war. But most important the
people felt the warmth and leadership they
missed in the Truman administration. Eisen-
hower had led multi-national forces in bringing.
this country to peace in 1945. This was what
the people wanted.
Now, despite 1952 Democratic predictions
that the shine would wear off the Eisenhower'
glory, the President has lost little of his former
appeal, probably he has gained. His United
Nations proposal for inspecting armaments
boosted his star high; the first Geneva confer-
ence turned it into a shining symbol of the
free world's struggle for peace. This is true
not only in the United States, but throighout
most of the world.
Strangely enough, where the Eisenhower ad-
ninistration has blundered, Eisenhower the
man has escaped unblemished. Dulles, Benson,
Nixon took the blame, and when Eisenhower
backed them up, it has been excused as a
general's duty.
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ..................................City Editor
Murry Frymer ................... Editorial Director

When Eisenhower suffered his heart attack
last fall, the Democrats believed their big oppor-
tunity had coe. The people could be convinced
of the administration's weakness, even if Ikel
was impenetrable. And so Democratic attacks
hit the farm policy, the State Department blun-
ders, and Vice-President Richard Nixon's poli-
tical slanderings.
But Eisenhower has turned what 'seemed
weak GOP hopes into popular strength. Al-
though the delay in Ike's decision to run was
probably honestly based on testing his recuper-
ative strength, the delay and the decision have
brought him new appeal. Now, he is making
a sacrifice for his country, he is running out
of a sense of duty despite the danger to his
life. Now he is not only a great general, a kind
and peace-loving leader, but a noble patriot.
That's quite a combination to beat.
All the Democratic attacks at the Eisenhower
administration may do them little good unless
somehow they can be connected with the
President. For despite the political facts, the
1956 GOP candidate will be the man, not the
party. An attack on the latter may miss the
former altogether.
So despite the optimistic remarks made by
Democrats yesterday, few, if any of them know
how or what .can wind~ for them in '56. Steven-
son's moderation policy gives them their best
opportunity since it best guarantees the South.
But the 'man' Eisenhower will have to be
attacked, and the President will only be sitting
home at his farm with a TV camera and a
The economy, despite the farm problem is
running smoothly. There is no war, and no
great danger of war.
If the GOP picks its Vice-Presidential candi-
date wisely, Adlai and the -Democrats will be
facing a task much more difficult than in
New Books at the Library
Aradi, Zsolt-The Popes; N.Y., Farrar, Straus,
Attwood, William-Still the Most Exciting
Country; N.Y., A. Knopf, 1955.
Bannister, Roger-The Four-Minute Mile;
N.Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1955.
Bell, Daniel-The New American Right; N.
Y., Criterion Books, 1955.
Benchley, Nathaniel-Robert Benchley; N.
Y., McGraw-Hill, 1955,
Binns, Archie-Mrs. Fiske and the American
Theatre; N.Y., Crown Publications, 1956.
Blegen, Theodore C.-Land of Their Choice;
Minneapolis, U. of Minn., 1955.
Bordeaux, Henry-The Lost Sheep; N.Y.,
Macmillan, 1955.
Caldwell, Taylor-Tender Victory; N.Y., Mc-
Graw-Hill, 1955.

THE JUSTICE Department is
planning to step gingerly into
the red-hot racial question in the
South with a set of recommenda-
tions for law enforcement that will
probably make both sides sore.
'The recommendations will be for
stiffer protection of the Negroes'
right to vote not only in federal
but in state and local elections. If
approved by the White House, they
will be sent to Congress as the re-
commendations of President Eis-
As of today, the Justice Depart-
ment interprets the President Law
as giving the federal government
power to intervene solely in feder-
al elections. Broadening interven-
tion to apply to local elections is
sure to set off a furor in some
states and will meet vigorous
opposition 'in Congress. However,
House Republicans have enough
votes, if lined up with Northern
Democrats to pass such a bill-if
they wish. Whether it could get
by a Senate filibuster is another
While this legislation is bound
to create bitterness in the South,
Negroes will claim it does not go
far enough. They want immedi-
ate intervention in Montgomery,
* * *
ell has now taken a definite and
official stand that there is no way
the Justice Department could have
intervened in the Emmett Till
Murder Case in Mississippi.

In reply to a letter from Cong-
ressman Clyde Doyle (D., Calif.),
Assistant Attorney General War-
ren Olney, writing for Brownell,
states categorically that the Jus-
tice Department cannot intervene,
also that it cannot inervene in
two other Negro murder cases.
"Emmett Louis Till was kid-
napped and killed by private indi-
viduals," Olney wrote Congress-
man Doyle, "his body was found
within three days of the kidnap-
ping and he was not transported
across state lines. These offenses
were thus violations of the laws
of Mississippi only and not of any
federal statute. This department,
therefore, had no jurisdiction or
authority to take any action in
connection with the latter and no
investigation was conducted."
REFERRING to two other mur-
ders of Negroes in Mississippi, 01-
ney wrote Congressman Doyle :
"We assume that the two,'adult
Negro citizens' referred to in the
fourth paragraph of your letter
are Lamar Smith, who was killed
at Brookhaven, Miss., on or about
August 13, 1955, and the Rever-
end George Wesley Lee, who was
shot to death at Belzoni, Miss., on
or about May 7, 1955.
"Preliminary inquiry in connec-
tion with the death of Mr. Lamar
Smith showed that he was killed
not because of the exercise or the
attempt to exercise his right to
vote, but in a controversy and

fight with private individuals over
his alleged illegal manipulation of
absentee ballots in a purely local
election. Such facts, of course,
indicate no offense under federal
statutes, and this department has
hence been unable to take any ac-
"EXTENSIVE investigation was
conducted in connection with the1
death of the Reverend George
Wesley Lee to determine whether
he was killed, as had been alleged,
because he insisted upon his right
to vote or for the purpose of inti-
midating others in the exercise
of this right. The investigation,
despite its thoroughness and dis-
patch, has failed, up to now, to es-
tablish the truth of such allega-
tions, or any violation of federal
Concluding his letter, Olney put
the Justice Department categori-
cally on record for tighter laws to
protect Negroes' right to vote.
"In the opinion of the Attorney
General," he wrote, "existing fed-
eral law is not sufficient to pro-
tect the right to vote as the same
is secured by the Constitution of
the United States. Accordingly,
the Attorney 'General is preparing
to recommend comprehensive leg-
islation in this field to the Presi-
dent for transmission to the Cong-
ress. It is believed that such leg-
islation will reach the Congress
in time for action at this session."
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

THE PRESiDENT made it clear
to press and public that he expect-
ed his health to be a campaign
issue. The Democrats have sid
they won't let him off on that.
And he says he's not going to
quibble about it.
The Republicans can now move
toward their convention without
fighting in public, although t e
internal conflict between the Old
Guarders and the Middle-of-the
Roaders will continue.
The Democrats, on the other
hand, can be expected to seek more
earnestly for solutions' to party
divergencies, and for a means of
soft-pedaling their pre-convention
fight for personal preference, as
they train for another bout with
the current champ.
to the ~t~
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold
any letter.
Sorry, Emily . ..
To the Editor:
I JOIN the ever-increasing par-
ade of sputtering letter-writers
To the Editor, sputtering as do
they, "You quoted me out of con-
text." (Feb. 26 )
A check with the signature of
my letter, dated Feb. 23, should
serve to reveal that without "Em-
ily Bronte" affixed to the letter,
said letter loses all clarity, point,
cogency, wit, etc.
-Lynn Zimmerman, '56
* * *
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily apolo-
gizes to Miss Bronte, and has fired
the non-intellectual proof reader who
WUS Thanks.,.
To the Editor:
[HE World University Service
committee sincerely thanks all
those who gave of their time and
energy in our recent drive and sale.
The spirit of cooperation received
was excellent in spite of the lack
of mail delivery and rainy weather.
It was especially heartening to re-
ceive many calls from those who
were uncertain of their'stations.
On behalf of those who benefit,,
we are deeply grateful to the many
students and faculty members who
contributed. We hope you will con-
tinue to support WUS in helping
students to help themselves.
-Anne Woodard, '57
Chairman WUS

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Open House for faculty and staff at
Library Extension Service, on ground
level of General Library. Fri., Mar. 2,
3 to 5 p.m.
Blue Cross Rate Increase. Effective
March 1, 1956, Michigan Hospital Service
will increase its rates for the hospital
care portion of the Blue Cross-Blue
Shield program. The new rate increases
are .33 a month for a single person
and $1.14 a month for two persons and
family coverage.
The following student sponsored social
events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are reminded
that requests for approval for social
events are due in the Office of St'udenit
Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon
on the Tuesday prior to the event.
March 2, 1956: Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha
Phi Omega, Delta Theta Phi, Phi Delta
Phi. Stockwell Hall, Theta Delta Chi.
March 3, 1956: Acacia, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma
Phi, Alpha Tau Omega,, Beta Theta Pi,
Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta
Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta
Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, Delta Tau
Evans Scholars, Gomberg, Interco-
operative Council, Kappa Sigma, Lamb-
da Chi Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha
Kappa. Phi Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi.
Delta Theta and Sigma Chi, Phi Epsilon
Pi, Phi Gamma Delta.
Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi
Sigma Delta, Prescott House, Reeves
House, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu,,
Sigma Phi, Stockwell, Tau Delta Phi,
Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Chi; Theta.
Xi, Trigon, van Tyne, Williams House,
Zeta Beta Tau.
March 4, 1956 Phi Delta Phi.
Arthur Rubinstein, pianist, will give,
the eighth program in the Choral
Union Series tonight at 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium.
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, March 4. in Hill Auditorium. This
is the first of four programs continuing
the series of Bach organ music and fea-
turing the Clavierubung, Part III. Others
will be performed by Professor Noehren
on March 11, 18, and 25th; all are open,
to the general public without charge.
A cademic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar; Thurs., March,
1; 1520 East Medical Bldg., 4:10 p.m.
(Continued on Page 6)








Summary of Eisenhower Radio-TV




By The Associated Press
THE FOLLOWING is a summary
of the main points made by
President Eisenhower when he told
the nation last night he is willing
to run again.
He said that, despite his heart
attack, "there is not the slightest
doubt that I can perform as well
as I ever have, all the important
duties of the presidency."
The President scheduled a radio-
television appearance after an-
nouncing earlier in the day he
would be available for renomina-
Eisenhower ruled out any "ex-
tensive traveling" or "whistle-stop
speaking" in the event of his re-
nomination-something that can
be taken for granted in the light
of his decision to run.
He declared:
* * *
"I SHALL, in general, wage no
political campaign in the custom-
ary pattern. Instead, my principal
purpose, if renominated, will be to
inform the American people ac-
curately, through means of mass-
communication, of the foreign and
domestic program this Administra-
tion has designed and has pressed
for the benefit of all our people; to

him that this increased risk "is not
He added:
"So far as my own personal
sense of well-being is concerned,
I am as well as before the attack
At the same time, Eisenhower
said, he must restrict his activi-
ties and so, he said:
gates to the national convention
come to believe that they should
have as their presidential nominee
one who would campaign more
actively, they would have the per-
fect right-indeed the duty-to
name such'"a nominee.
"I, for one, would accept their
decision cheerfully and I would
continue by all means within my
power to help advance the inter-
ests of the American people
through the kind of program that
this Administration has persistent-
ly supported."
Mrs. Eisenhower and the Presi-
dent's brother, Milton, arranged to
be with him in his office as he
detailed for the American people
the factors that lay behind he sec-
ond term decision,
Eisenhower began by saying he
reached his decision only after
"th mostae,, anddpm,,ft

well as ever, Eisenhower said that
he "has been doing so for weeks."
"Of course," he continued, "the
duties of president are essentially
endless. "No daily schedule of ap-
pointfihents can give a full time-
table-or even a faint indication-
of the president's responsibilities."
He recited some of the many
items a president must handle, and
said "so far as I am concerned, I
am confident that I can carry them
He continued:
"Otherwise, I would never have
made the decision I announced
"The doctors insist that hard
work of the kind I have described
does not injure any recovered coro-
nary case, if such a recovered pa-
tient will follow the regime they
lay down. Certainly, to this mo-
ment; the work has not hurt me.
* * *
READINESS to obey the doctors
is, out of respect for my present
duties and responsibilities, manda-
tory in my case. I am new doing
so, and I intend to continue doing
so for the remainder of my life,
no matter in what capacity I may
be living or serving.
"Incidentally, some of my medi-
cal advisers believe that adverse
effects on my health will be less

midday breather. I must normally
retire at a reasonable hour, and I
must eliminate many of the less
important social and ceremonial
Eisenhower wound-up by saying:
"As I hope all of you know, I-
am dedicated to a program that
rigidly respects the concepts of
political and economic freedom on
which this nation was founded,
that holds that there must be
equal justice and equality of op-
portunity for individuals, that
adapts governmental methods to
changing industrial, economic and
social conditions, and that has, as
its never-changing purpose, the
welfare, prosperity, and above all,
the security of 166 million Ameri-
* * '4
"THE WORK that I set out fdur
years ago to do has not yet reached
the state of development and-frui-
tion that I then hoped could be
accomplished within the period of
a single term in this office. So if
the American people choose, under
the circumstances I have described,
to place this duty again upon me,
I shall persist in the way that has
been charged by my associates and
"I shall continue, with earnest-
ness, sincerity and enthusiasm, to
discharge the duties of this office.




Debra Durchslag ..................,. Magazine
David Kaplan ........................ Feature
Jane Howard ........................ Associate
Louise Tyor ...................... Associate
Phil Douglis.. .............. .. Sports
Alan Eisenberg ............... Associate Sports
Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports
Mary H ElithaleT .................Women's
Elaine Edmonds .......... Associate Women's


... If renominated, 'I shill accept'
Wednesday night's speech to. a
question he laughingly declined to
answer at his morning news con-
ference-that is: Had he, before
his heart attack, made up his mind
whether he would seek a second
* * *
"IN MY OWN CASE," he said,
"This question which was unde-


John Hirtzel ...................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff.
Dick Aistrom ...................... Business Manager
Bob nLgenfritz ........... Associate Business Manager


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