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February 29, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-29

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Sixty-Sixth Year

I rope You'Brought All Your Tools Th. ime"

When Opinions Are Free,
. Truth' Will Prevail".


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




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If Ike Runs, Many Other
Questions Must Be Answered

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(EDITOR'S NOTE: In an important news con-
ference at the White House this morning,
President Eisenhower may answer the vital
quxestion; Will he run again in November? But
there wil be other vital questions. Discussing
them are James Reston in an article reprinted
from the New York Times.)
WHEN the President gets around to saying
"yes," "no" or "maybe"-the popular guess
that he will say "maybe",-he also will be
confronted by a number of additional questions.
The first of these will be whether, if he is
"drafted," he will insist on Vice President Rich-
ard M. Nixon as his running mate, or give *he
Republican convention a choice of several "ac-
ceptable" Vice Presidential candidates, as he
did in 1952.
The second is whether, if he runs, he will
press Congress for legislation that will clear
up the constitutional flaw about who decides
how the government should be run in the
event of the "inability" of the President to
"discharge the-powers and duties" of the Presi-
A third question is whether the Assistant to
the President, Sherman Adams, who has been
the most powerful official in Washington dur-
ing the worst part of the President's illness, is
to be permitted to continue exercising extra-
ordinary Presidential powers without being ac-
countable to the public or Congress for his
There will, of course, be many other questions
about the course of the President's thinking
since last October, when, he was depressed and
apparently convinced that he should not accept
another nomination, but these three questions
undoubtedly will be uppermost in many minds.
THE PRESIDENT clearly may decide to run
or permit a "draft" regardless of his health.
The Constitution provides for succession in the
event of his death. Neither the Constitution
nor, custom, however, deals satisfactorily with
the President's right to delegate power to indi-
viduals who hold themselves beyond Congress'
power to question, or with the other problem of
who decides what to do if the President is un-
able to carry on his job.
The provision of the Constitution dealing with
the succession question is Article II, Section I,
Paragraph six:
"In case of the removal of the President from}
office, or of his death, resignation, or inability
to discharge the powers and duties of said of-
fice, the same shall devolve on the Vice Presi-
dent, and the Congress may by law provide
for the case of. removal, death, resignation or
inability, both of the President and Vice Presi-
dent, declaring what officer shall act according-
ly until the disability be removed or a President
shall be elected."
As Profs. Edward S. Corwin and Louis W.
Koenig point out in a timely book just pub-
lished ("The Presidency Today," New York
University PressY, neither this nor any other
provision of the Constitution ,answers these
Who is authorized to say whether a Presi-
dent is unable to discharge the powers and
duties of his office?

When he is unable to do so, does the office
become vacant?
To what does the Vice President succeed when
the President is disabled, or is removed, or has
died-to the "powers and duties of the said
office," or to the office itself?
Or does he succeed to the powers and duties
when the President is disabled, and to the
office when the President has permanently
departed the scene?
What is the election referred to in the last
clause of the quoted language-the next regu-
lar Presidential election or a special election
to be called by the Congress?
"I H FACT IS," Professors Corwin and Koen-
ig observe, "that the founding fathers left
the problem of disability hanging in the air,
thereby in effect relegating the direction of
affairs to a (Joe) Tumulty (President Wilson's
secretary during the President's paralysis in
1919), a Mrs. Wilson, or a Sherman Ad-
ams. * * *"
The authors suggest that "a far more ra-
tional course" would be to recognize the dis-
ability question and pass legislation authoriz-
ing a new type of Presidential Cabinet, drawn
from the Executive and the leaders of Congress,
to determine when the President is disabled.
Congress, under the Corwin-Koenig sugges-
tion, also would declare its opinion that in the
event of such a decision by the enlarged Cabi-
net, the Vice President would "act for" the
President only for the period of the President's
It should be noted that, in the quiet debate
that has been going on here about the unusual
power exercised by Mr. Adams during the Presi-
dent's convalescence, nobody has questioned the
character or good faith of Mr. Adams.
What has repeatedly been said, however,, is
that it is wrong in a democracy to give even
a good and honorable man hidden power to
act without having to explain his actions to
Professors Corwin and Koenig, commenting
on this problem, make this observation:
"The commanding role in the Administration
tea'm (during President Eisenhower's illness)
belonged * * * to the Assistant to the President,
Sherman Adams, who presided over a staff
system * * *. This system, the outcome of Mr.
Eisenhower's military experience, lodged great
power in one man.
"THAT MAN was appointed to his post solely
by the President, and his duties rested on
only the most general statutory authorization;
yet his impact on the Presidency in the pro-
longed period of the President's disability wa*
greater than that of any elective official.
"This arrangement, to say the least, is hardly
in accord with the precepts of democracy, and
to argue that it worked well in 1955 hardly
justifies reliance on it as a suitable pattern for
similar situations in future Presidencies * * *."
The questions to be answered soon, therefore,
are not merely whether the President is willing,
but whether he is able to carry the full burden
of the Presidency, and if not, how his White
House aides are to be made accountable for the
acts they take in his name.


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Iyrownell on theStand

ATTORNEY Ge n e r a Herb
Brownell was finally cornered
behind closed Senate doors by a
belligerent Anti-Monopoly Sub-
committee. He came out mopping
his brow and muttering, "This was
the roughest grilling I'ever got."
Brownell hadn't been on the wit-.
ness stand more than five minutes
before his 32-molar smile started
to fade and the sweat began to
pop out on his forehead. The press
and public were barred from the
hearing room. However, this col-
umn is able to report the high-
lights of what happened.
South Carolina's barrel-bellied
Sen. Olin Johnston, acting as
Chairman, asked whether anyone
wanted the Attorney General put
under oath.
"Oh, no. Certainly not," said
Wyoming's Sen. Joe O'Mahoney.
* .*
THAT WAS the last kind word
of the hearing, as O'Mahoney pro-
ceeded to outprosecute the prose-
He pointed out that the Justice
Department had sided with the
Dixon-Yates power combine in the
early stages of the controversial
Dixon-Yates deal. It had O.K.'d
the legality of a government con-
tract, which President Eisenhow-
er had been forced to cancel after
Senator Kefauver revealed that
Adolphe Wenzell of the First Bos-
ton Corporation acted both as gov-
ernment consultant and private
financier on the deal.
Now, O'Mahoney noted, the Jus-
tice Department was obliged toj
change sides and fight against the
Dixon-Yates combine in the eourts.
Kefauver first suggested, and
O'Mahoney now urged ,that a
special, impartial counsel outside
the Justice Department be ap-
pointed to handle the case.
"The Department of Justice ap-
peared in the early stages of theI
case in alliance with the Dixon-
Yates attorneys resisting every ef-
fort that was made to produce cer-
tain evidence," charged O'Maho-
* * * i
tor Langer interrupted, but not

to help his fellow Republican. He
pointed out that Assistant Presi-
dent Sherman Adams had tele-
phoned SEC Chairman Sinclair
Armstrong to stop a Securities and
Exchange Commission hearing that
might have embarrassed the White
"It would be analogous to Mr.
Adams telephoning a federal judge
in the middle of the trial and say-
ing please hold this up," shouted
Langer, his voice taking off with
a terrible roar.
Then, glaring fiercely at Brown-
ell, the North Dakota Republican
demanded: "Do you propose to
subpoena Mr. Adams in this in-
"Whenever it is necessary or
advisable in order to protect the
government's interest in this mat-
ter for us to confer with or get
information from anybody in the
Executive branch, we will do.so,"
replied Brownell with legalistic
* * *
"IN THIS investigation, if Mr.
Sherman Adams refuses to tell you
why he telephoned Mr. Armstrong,
what are you going to do about
it?" persisted Langer.
"It is our professional job to get
the information, to see that every
scrap of evidence which will help
the government goes into the rec-

ord," Brownell declared. "That is
what we will do in this case."
"These career attorneys in the
Department of Justice will have
charge of this case," explained the
perspiring Brownell, "and if they
think it is advisable or necessary
from the standpoint of the gov-
ernment to have certain witnesses
before the court, they will have
"Were you consulted by Sherman
Adams prior to the calling off
of the SEC hearings?" demalded
O'Mahoney, taking over.
"WELL," stammered Brownell,
"I would have to look up my rec-
ords on that."
Referring to an earlier statement
that the government's prosecutors
"would have access" to Sherman
Adams and other high officials,
O'Mahoney pressedl: "I draw a dis-
tinction between having access to
and having power to compel the
delivery to the Department of Jus-
tice of the evidence that might be
"Well, let me put it this way,"
retorted Brownell crossly. "They
would have exactly the same pow-
er as the special counsel would.
They would be representing the
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Sign Of
The Times?
The Search for Bridey Murphy,
if it were entered into the best-
seller competition in fiction would
probably never make a showing.
However, the book is presently
one of the fastest climbing best-
sellers in the country-chiefly ow-
ing to the fact that this fantastic
story is listed as non-fiction.
The theme of the Bridey Murphy
book is hypnosis. The author, Mor-
ey Bernstein, a successful Colo-
rado businessman, is in his spare
time an amateur hypnotist. This
book is, first of all, his public
plea that greater and more ser-
ious attention be given to the
seemingly unlimited power of hyp-
lotic suggestion; secondly, the
book is the report on a remark-
able experiment in hypnosis made
by Bernstein on a Colorado house-
Since the nature of the second
phase of the book has proved so
fascinating and provocative to the
mass American reading audience,
It would seem that the intent,
curious, crusading Bernstein is, to
a large extent, destined to achieve
his first goal. In fact, it is our
guess that Bridey Murphy will be
only the first in a sudden series of
new books which will explore the
long-ignored potentialities of hyp-
dey Murphy experiment conducted
by Bernstein was, essentially, an
experiment in age regression. Sub-
jecting a patient to age regression
while he is under hypnosis is noth-
ing new. The procedure, which
involves sending t h e subject,
through suggestion, back into an
earlier period of his life, has been
employed many times before, us-
ually in an attempt to discover the
origin of nervousand mental dis-
orders. Bernstein, in fact, had
accomplished it successfully sev-
eral tiimes before.
But one night, with the tape
recorder humming at his side, he
tried something different. The
subject, a twenty-nine year old,
woman whom he had hypnotized
before and age-regressed to the
age of one year, was put into a
deep trance. This time Bernstein
took her back to childhood, back
to infancy, past age one to birth
and then-he took her beyond.
Now, apparently having "'bridged
the gap," Bernstein asked his sub-
ject her name. It was, she re-
plied, Bridey Murphy. Further
questioning brought out that the
date from which she was speaking
was 1806; that she lived in Ire-
land, in Cork; that her father was
a barrister; and that she had one
brother who died when he was
four. Bernstein's subject now sur-
prised him by developing a marked
Irish accent.
IN EFFECT, what Bernstein had
done was to "regress" the house-
wife into an earlier life. With
more and more details filled in on
her "past life" by the subject in
later sessions, the present day
search for Bridey Murphy began.
Evidence collected up to the time
of the author's writing seemed to
corroborate that such a person
really did exist, in Cork, in 1806 ...
The rest of the story makes fas-
cinating reading. And it seems
that the American public is about
ready to read it, to establish some
link or acquaintanceship with the

reaim of mysticism- perhaps a
sign of the times.
Actually, nothing Morey Bern-
stein has done is new. All his ex-
periments have been conducted be-
fore and he gives credit where it
is due, especially to Edgar Cayce
who pioneered in the field of ther-
apeutic hypnotic suggestion. Bern-
stein's real contribution is that of
dramatically bringing the potenti-
alities of hypnostic suggestion into
the area of popular understanding.
Stimulated public interest will un-
doubtedly lead to further serious
exploration into the practical
values of hypnosis. It would seem
that there is much to be done in
this direction. Even today, with
the evidence of the Bridey Murphy
experiment at hand, Bernstein bas
found university research heads
complaisant and generally unin-
terested in his findings.
* * *
THIS ATTITUDE seems to be
the fashion. As "Time" magazine
once put it, "Hypnosis has been
the hard luck kid among medical
techniques. A century ago it was
just beginning to win acceptance
as a pain killer when ether was
discovered, and hypnosis was dis-
carded. It was making a come-
back sixty years ago when Freud
hit upon the idea of psycho-analy-
sis, and the experts again lost in-
terest in hypnosis. Now, the third
time around, it is once again win-
ning the support of reputable men
in both the physical and psychic
areas of medicine." The present
progress has been ,if sure, extreme-
lv slow.


THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must lie in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Petitions to the Hopwod committe
must be in the Hopwood Room (1006
Angell Hall) by March 1.
Open House for faculty and staff at
Library Extension Service, on ground
level of General Library. Fri., Mar. 2.
3 to 5 p.m.
Beta Alpha Psi, National Accounting
Honorary Fraternity will meet Wed.,
Feb. 29, 3:30 p.m., fifth floor conference
room, School of Business Administra-
tion, to elect new members.
Blue Cross Rate Ancrease. Effective
March 1, 1956, Michigan Hospital Service
will increase its rates for the hospital
care portion of the Blue Cross-Blue
Shield program. The new rate increases
are .33 a month for a single person
and $1.14 a month for two persons and
family coverage.
Noon showing of new films every
Wed. at 12:30 p.m. in the Audio-Visual
Education Center's auditorium Room
No. 4051, Administration Bldg. This
week two health films, "Understanding
Vitamins" and "Sneezes and Sniffles."
Agenda, Student Government Council,
Feb. 29, 1956. Cave Room, Michigan
League, 8:00 p.m.
Minutes of the previous meeting.
President-MSU Meeting, March 5, 4
p.m., League.
vice-President - Orientation Commit-
tee reports.
Coordinating and Counseling - Rod
Constitutions: College of Pharmacy,
Student Council, requests recognition.
Student Activities Building Commit-
tee-Dick Good.
National and International - World
University Service, drive; Regional As-
Education and Social welfare - Ala-
bama incident, Principia Conference,
Political, lecture series, Academic Coun-
Student Representation -- Student
Activity Scholarship, Sponsorship of
March 22, 23, 24, Junior Girls' Play,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
March 9-change of date for Pete See-
ger concert, approved for Feb. 24.
Old and new business.
Members and constituents time.
Lecture, auspices of Center for Japan-
ese Studies. "Independent Burma," by
Daw Mya Sein, prof. of history at Ran.
goon University. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium
A, Angell Hall, Thurs., Mar. 1.
University Lecture. Prof. S. N. Bisen-
stadt, chairman of the Department of
Sociology at the Hebrew University, will
speak on "The Social Structure of
Israel" Feb. 29 at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. A,
Angell Hall. Open lecture.
Academic Notices
The Extension Service announces that
there are still openings in the following
class to be held in Ann Arbor:
Finishing of Wood
7:30 p.m. Thursday, March1
Wood Technology Laboratory, Glen
Avenue and Catherine Street
Eight weeks, $11.00.
Glenn P. Bruneau, instructor.
Philosophy 34 make-up final examina-
tion Thurs., March 1, 1:30 to 4:40 p.m.
in 2208 Angell Hall.
Bacteriology Seminar; Thumrs., March
1; 1520 East Medical Bldg., 4:10 p.m.
Factors affecting the inactivity of ci-
trate oxidating enzymes in Echerichia
Coli and Brucella Abortus-Russell Mac-
Donald, Dept. of Bacteriology.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Appljed
Meteorology, Thurs., March 1, 4 p.m.
Room 4041 Natural Science Bldg. Prof.
Frederick H. Test will speak on "Forest
Micrometeorology in the Tropics."
Makeup Examinations in Economics
51, 52, 53, 54, and 153 will be held Fri.

March 2, at 3:00 p.m, in Room 207
Economics Building.
Organic Chemistry Seminar. 7:30 p.m.,
Room 1300 Chemistry Building. Dr. H.
Blecker will speak on "3, 5-Diarylisoxa.
Physical- Analytical- Inorganic Chem-
istry Seminar. 7:30 p.m., Room 3005
Chemistry Building. Mr. A. Krivis will
speak on "Homogeneous Precipitation."
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in June, 1956,
must file a diploma application with
the Recorder of the Graduate School by
Fri., March 2. A stu ent will not be
recommended for a degree unless he has
filed formal application in the office
of the Graduate School.
Doctoral Candidates who expect to
receive degrees in June, 1956, must have
at least three bound copies of their
dissertations in the office of the Gradu-
ate School by Fri., May 4. The report
of the doctoral committee on the final
oral examination must be filed with
the Recorder of the Graduate School
together with two copies of the thesis,
which is ready in all respects for pub-
lication, not later than Mon., May 28.
Doctoral Examination for Blue Allan '
Carstenson, Education; thesis: "A
Method for Studying How People Per-
ceive the Power Structure in Their Com-
munities as Tested in Five Michigan
Communities," Wed., Feb. 29, 1020 South
University (3rd floor), at 12:00 noon.
Chairman, H. Y. McClusky.
Pirrwom 1)7#. Ni t'e

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Surplus Foo Problems

To The Editor





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Associated Press News Analyst
DO YOU REMEMBER when foreign cartoon-
ists, back in the early 24s, habitually de-
picted Uncle Sam as a fat moneybags sitting
heavily on the aspirations of his allies in World
War I?
The United States is sitting today on great
piles of another kind of wealth, more vital than
dollars, about which she must do something
as she prepares to meet Russia's new-type cold
They are piles of surplus food.
It doesn't matter so much at this moment,
when there is no great food emergency. But
just let times become a little worse in the
countries for whose allegiance Russia and the
West are competing, and new cartoonists, us-
ing ancient languages which have a new im-
pact on today's world, will be depicting Uncle
as a fat old hoarder.
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .......... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ...................................City Editor
Murry Frymer .,.................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag .................... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ......................... Feature Editor
Jane Howard ........................ Associate Editor
Louise Tyor .,.......... ......Associate Editor

For the sake of her own economy, as well as
for utilizing its value as a weapon in the cold
war, a system of distributing this food has be-
come as important, to the United States as
anything else right now.
THE PROBLEM cannot be solved by a mere
giveaway program, or by "dumping." Other
friendly countries, and some of the countries
which must be courted, produce food for export
as a regular part of their economies which
must not be upset.
That's one of the troubles with the idea of
relieving the pressures of the food surpluses on
the American economy by continued price sup-
ports at home while selling the balance abroad
for what it will bring.
The United States has been making small
experiments with a system which permits some
needy countries to buy surpluses with their own
currency, then use the currency under the eco-
nomic aid program for development of their
economies, instead of being given dollars.
That makes the food a gift which can be
turned into a political football by foreign gov-
ernments, and is unhealthy for a large long-
term program. And in the long run Americans
will not support a program which permits for-
eign housewives to serve bread from American
wheat more cheaply than it can be done in
Kansas City.
PERHAPS some system could be worked out
by which all producers of exportable foods
would work together to see that shortage areas
were supplied, with repayment on the best pos-

Women's Honoraries ...
To the Editor:
LOUISE TYOR'S editorial re-
garding women's honoraries
being confused about their campus
role presents a gratifying example
of a thoughtful and sincere ap-
proach on the part of the writer
and of the members of the honor-
aries who are doing the "soul-
searching." As a former member
of one of these groups, I think I
experienced some of the mixed
feelings that these people have-
a sense of accomplishment and an


by Dick Bibler

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excited pleasure at being selected
along with a very fine group of
girls, but along with this, some
constantly gnawing questions:
What is the purpose of our be-
ing selected as a group if we do
not have the time and left-over
energy to do anything together?
If we really have been outstand-
ing in our contribution to the Uni-
versity, hasn't this been sufficient-
ly recognized both by others and
to our own inward satisfaction?
What about the list of girls we
are going to tap? Aren't they those
who are either well-known and
recognized as a result of their
work or else have chosen to con-
tribute on a quieter basis or among
a smaller group of people? What
about the list of girls we aren't
going to tap, even though in the
last analysis some of them are jukt
as deserving, if not more so, than
those who will be? . . . And as
one question led to another, they
all led to the inevitable, "Why hon-
oraries at all?"
If the answer is, "Why not?" I
would think that one of the strong-
est reasons is because the exist-
ence of honoraries contributes but
another facet to the fabricated
jewel that often glares too bright-
ly on this campus-that of "suc-
cess" of the type that is achieved
through blind, competitive striv-
ing or simply based upon what
other people seem to think is im-
If this is an inevitable pattern




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