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February 26, 1956 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-26
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Februcarv 26, 1956



Sunday, February 26, 1956


~i inrev F~hriin~'v 26. 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
*~~1I ~ ~ - - - -

Twyc n TH MCHGA.DALYSuda..ebrar.2,.95


Places ...

tours and passports

Paris, Loncwn, New York, Rome The Capitals of the World

AMORPHOUS, chameleonlike,
the metropolis adapts itself to
the tourist's preconception.
It sprawls, seemingly trapped,
beneath the pin of his formulated
phrase. He may stereotype it to
death, for all it cares.
Your tastes may be high, med-
ium or low. You may be naive and
open-mouthed, jaded and wise,
bored with cliches or ready to be-
lieve anything--Paris has a special
face for you.
LOOKING for art (with a capi-
tal B for Bohemian)?
Paris has it in two general va-
rieties. The tourist is most likely
to see the obvious manifestation.

--Photo-Robert F. Jones


y adapts itself to the tourist's preconception."

"... the cit:
Robert Jones, '56 found this"
side of Paris one summer, tak- It twitches valiantly, high on the l
ing time out from a naval slopes of Montmartre, clad in col- c
training cruise to investigate orfully ragged suits, lumpy berets.
"la vie boheme." It wields brushes, perhaps not in
the most artistic manner, but at c
Cotton-Dacron Cordsa
o a
- -
-* *
a r
Wild's and College y y. iiAyou the
- .
in the Duke Model, natural styling with
deep hooked vent and lapped seams.
Available in light blu grey, and tan o

east out in the open where you
can see it.
How about glamour, fashion and
chic? Walk the boulevards and
you'll see what you expect-long-
egged, sleek-lined and aloof as
Brahmin monks. The fashion-
femmes of Paris seem localized,
however. Step off the boulevard,
and women become garden-varie-
ty again.
Want a fling at the highly-tout-
ed Paris night-life? Perhaps you
have heard that -the real thing
isn't to be found in the Pigalle
clubs or on the stage of the Folies
SOMEONE tells you of a little
catacomb on the Left Bank
near Notre Dame. There's this
jazz combo plays there, they say.
This is more like it, you say. Let's
We're off through the' night
streets in a cab, running without
lights, the driver flicking the

switch on and off only when we
hit an intersection.
Across the Seine, flat and
smooth in the lamplight. On the
river, a tour-boat hisses along,
bright-lit, faces at the glass.
The cab dives down a narrow
street, between buildings so old
that logs are needed to shore
them up.
The brakes whine, and we get
out. You peel off a flimsy bill
with more zeroes than you're used
A WOMAN leads us down a nar-
row stairway. The walls are
nitred and smell like damp chalk.
We emerge into a low-ceilinged
cubicle dominated by a well-carved
bar out of which rise, like the
horns of a goat, two chrome beer-
From the next room, through
a moss-green arch, comes the slow
shuffling of progressive jazz. You
mutter something eager about life

and the stark realism of Europe#
and enter.
It takes but a moment for the
scales to fall from our eyes. The
people sitting enwrapt before the
smoothed-stone dais on which the
swaying bandsmen play are cam-
era-weighted, clean-cut Americans,
even as you and I.
A prime precept of Paris flashes
through our minds: There are
never more than two ".or three
camera-type Americans in an
authentic locale. Duped again.
ONE OF PARIS'S most thriving
tourist-traps is the so-called
"Artists' Bohemia" atop t h e
church-capped bulge of Mont-
martre. The ride uphill to the
A.B. is most certainly calculated
to put one in the mood. You
wind up narrow streets past quaint
little shops. Women stalk the
cobble-stones bearing all manner
of wierd breads.
The higher you climb on the
slopes of Montmartre, the thicker
flock the shrivelled old ladies sell-
ing their posies.
You pass Montparnasse cefne-
tery, an impression or mausoleums
plastered with Rococo gingerbread.
In a moment you are past. All
that remains is an image of age
-tradition, history, memory.
THE CAB stops before a white
basilica - Sacre Coeur, the
Church of the Sacred Heart. Many
stone steps lead from the doors of
the church down to a railed ram-
part. Tourists stand in mechani-
cal concentration, rapidly working
their camera gimmicks.
Around the corner from Sacre
Coeur, you "stumble" on the "ar-
tists." You couldn't miss them
if you tried.
They have set up their easels
in the cobbled street. Bearded,
shabby, clad in sack-like suits,
they seem to ignore the gaping
See REAL, page 3

"Months of planning andr
years of experience have gone>
into the creation of these itin-2
eraries. Each itinerary repre-
sents a series of superb travele
climaxes. By enrolling in one7
of these personally escorted, all-a
expense tours, you will save
yourself days, even weeks, of
needless bother and delay.
You'll see much more of Eu-
rope in less time."f
THE Guided Tour is designed tot
take the trouble out of travel,t
to give you the world's highlights
in an efficient, carefully worked1
out program. .
As one travel agency executive
put it, "Travel is hard work." It
is the object of the Guided Tour to
eliminate the usual pains, annoy-
ances and discomforts of inde-
pendent tourism.
The variety of tours offered to,
the general public is amazing. All
tastes, all interests, all pocket-7
books are catered to.
There are the drama tours, the
music tours, the journalism tours,
the foreign affairs tours, the col-
lege student-teacher-graduate-re-
tired businessmen tours.
If you choose the right group
you may be in line for "carriage
rides in the moonlight in Flor-
ence," "interviews on selected days
with Sibelius in his study," or giv-
en an opportunity to "unravel the
riddle of the Sphinx."
TOUR prices range from $945 for
73 days to $1839 for 35 days.
The American Youth Hostel as-
serts that you can learn to travel
for $2.50 a day, while de luxe tours
will give you hotel accommodations
at $35 a night.
The key point of any tour is the
tour leader. He is the person
whose years of experience are
brought to bear on your three or
four months in Europe. He will,
as one agency has modestly put
it: "make it possible for you to
travel without a care in the world
. . He will help make going
through customs a pleasant ex-
perience rather than an irksome
chore. He will see that your lug-
gage is in your room on arrival at
the various hotels. He will be a
valued asset in planning shopping
expeditions, recommending shops
where real values may be obtained,
and in arranging theater and
dancing parties. He will carry
your tickets, arrange the sight-
seeing trips and plan escorted
strolls. He will be on hand at all
times to help you make your tour
the perfect one of your dreams."
The 1956 travel-tour grab-bag's
offerings fall into the following
general categories:
TICAL of the college Euro-
pean tour is one that origi-
nates on this campus-the "Euro-
pean Holiday." It is directed by
two Ann Arbor residents at a price
of $1,445 including aScandinavian
Tho' group will sail from New
York(City on June 27 and travel
to t 6 countries of the Mediter-



anean, Gibralter, Sicily, West
Europe and North Europe - 11
countries in all-returning on Aug.
The itinerary is representative
of the two-month European tour.
The group docks in Naples, after
a cruise of the Mediterranean, and
covers the main cities of Italy as
well as the Riviera.
The Bavarian Alps in Austria,
Switzerland, the Black Forests of
Germany as well a's Heidelberg,
and even a trip up the Rhine River
form the next lap of the journey.
Two days in Amsterdam precede
the Scandanavian part of the
tour, which will be omitted if the
group desires to tour France and
Belgium. Scotland, London and
Paris complete the trip.
JOHN CHAPMAN, drma critic of
the New York Daily News, will
lead a European theater tour,
which takes tour members to
musicals, operas and plays in Eng-
land, France, Germanys Switzer-
land, Italy, Spain, Holland,. Den-
mark and Scotland.
Personal introductions, recep-
tions and educational discussions
are featured. The tour runs from
July 5 to August 11 at a cost of
$1875. Tourorganizer is Thomas
Duffy, who can be contacted at
the Hotel Onondaga, Syracuse,
New York. z
CYCLING about 30 miles or hik-
ing 10 miles a day, staying at
inexpensive accommodations and
relying on your own resources can
bring your travel expenses down
to $2.50 with youth hostel groups.
The American Youth Hostels
Association sponsors all-summer
and four-week specials to Europe.
Sailings are between the end of
May and the first part of August.
All-summer trips are offered to
six. areas of Europe. The lowest
priced tour covers England and
France -at $690, with side-stops to
the Netherlands, Belgium and
FOR THOSE travelers interested
in a combination trip of hos-
teling and independent travel,
AYH offers their four-week spec-
Groups of 10 travel together foi
30 days as a group and learn how
to hostel, then members have a
two to four week additional period
for independent hosteling. Return
passage for .the group is scheduled
Six four-week specials have
been announced, covering differ-
ent sections of Europe and includ-
ing a music festivals tour. Costs
run from $580 to $695, with aii
travel bringing the price up t
approximately $200.
For the first time this year
AYH 9s.pesenting a hiking caifa-
van of Europe for four weeks, fol-
lowed by independent hosteling
Eight hostelers and leader wil
travel by foot, using a Volkswagen
station-wagon to get from one
point to another.
'Fos?.:rltt'her information n ?th4
youth hostel trips, write to th
American Youth Hostels, Ine4 4
West 8th Street, New York City.

SOMEWHERE in the midst of
packing suitcases, making res-
ervations and planning routes, the
prospective European traveler must
take time out to equip himself with
an essential travel aid-his United
States Passport.
The handy green booklet will
enable him to visit all the- coun-
tries of Europe (outside the iron
curtain), although visas are nec-
essary in the case of Finland and
Yugoslavia, and can be obtained
in two to six weeks' time.
The process of application is not
calculated to overwhelm the aver-
age college student, but a certain
procedure must be followed.
Applications must be made in
person at the County Clerk's office,
or before an agent of the Depart-
ment of State, and the following
documentary proofs must be pre-
1. Proof of citizenship, such as
a birth certificate or naturaliza-
tions papers,

2. Two recent photographs,
2x/ inches by 2M inches, on a
light background.
3. An identifying witness, who
has known the applicant for at
least two years, who is over 21
years of age and has proof of
American citizenship.
These three items must be ac-
companied by a nine dollar money
order (only money orders will be
accepted), and one dollar addi-
tional fee for the .County Clerk's
ONCE equipped with the pass-
port, the traveler will find that
some countries also demand visas.
Outside the iron curtain, the Eur-
opean countries of Yugoslavia and
Finland demand visas, which can
be obtained from any Finnish or
Yugoslavian consulate.
Travel behind the iron curtain,
into the countries of Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Russia and Ro-
mania is now possible without


Make Early Plans
If there is a European trip in your future, travel agencies
advise action now.
During the summer season, steamship passage is booked
years ahead. Individual round-trip tickets tourist class are
now almost impossible to obtain for the coming season.
It is considered safe traveling to book passage this month
for a year or even two years ahead. A 25 per cent deposit will
be due after the space is assigned, but the ticket can be can-
celled and complete payment will be refunded as late as six
weeks before departure.
Steamship ticket applications are filled according to date of



33-DAY tour of Europe $1098 per person
60-DAY tour of Europe. $1398 per person
" Roundtrip trans-Atlantic airplane ticket-by TWA Constellation
* All first class hotel accommodations
" Most meals (Breakfast and Supper)
* Sightseeing guided in principal cities
* First class auto tour of Europe in a new English-built Ford
which you drive
License plates and touring documents
* International auto insurance.
" Ford Motor Co. Ltd. new car warrantee
0 Directed route and Europear road maps y
0 Membership acd badgein European Auto Club'
Roof luggodo rck; canvas cover; straps
.- . -r'
of any additional charge -the



FRONT ROW: Left to right-Harry P. Hawkins, Ann Hoa
BACK ROW: Left to right--D. A. Devarti, Herr

Ready to serVE


cda rge fdrPLAN res
y wfor.,:HOTEL res
charge for STEAMSH I
charge for CAR reserv
charge for CANCELLA

it's yours to tqkdome to the U.S.A. --YOURS TO KEEP!!
1313 South University . -NO 2-5587


Now is the time to apply for steamship
accommodations for the summer of 1957. -

.j .~

~'--- - caLr Service is rrE
a i - EIt\BEA
T Rv-,-AV E - - B u, -


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1313 S. University

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