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May 18, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-18

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14PAir4gan ~faii4
Sixty-Fifth Year

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Wiretapping Aids Law Enforcement,
But Restrictions Needed

"Yeah, It's Really Sad, Isn't It?"
. "x4~

RECENT HEARINGS in Congress pointing
out the prevalence of wiretapping have
brought this old issue to the fore again.
Wiretapping involves a basic American con-
flict. Ideals of freedom and individual priv-
acy are challenged by the need to use modern
techniques to fight crime and protect national
Presently there is no federal law specifically
outlawing or 'condoning wiretapping. Court
cases involving wiretapping have been based
on Section 605 of the Federal Communications
Act. Cases testing this provision have resulted
in prohibiting the use of wiretap evidence in
federal courts. Nevertheless the practice has
continued. There have been no prosecutions of
wiretappers because the federal government
hesitates to bring charges against -a practice
which it alsp illegally employs.
IT ALSO SEEMS quite a paradox that many
states can legally do what the federal
government can't.
State and local police as well as private tap-
pers are asking extensive use of this modern
convenience. New York police regularly tap
pay stations at race tracks, baseball parks, and
restaurants to check on bookies and gamblers.
At the same time, they are able to listen in on
hundreds of private individuals who would be
fine prey for blackmail.
While many local, state and private tappers
are violating personal privacy, the federal gov-
ernment is "legally" unable to use this modern
technique to deal with treason, espionage, sabo-
tage and kidnapping. Yet modern law enforce-
ment should be able to meet with contem-
porary problems by employing all modern tech-
However, there is a thin line beyond which
they must not go. It will do no good to catch
spies, if at the same time we allow ourselves
to lose the Constitutional safeguards we are
trying to protect-personal liberty and indivi-
dual privacy. It has always been an American
ideal that it is better to allow some law of-
fenders to go free than to use unjust means
to convict them.

many dangers but in the light of the ex-
tensive practice of wiretapping today, the need
for modern techniques in crime detection, and
the confused, and inadequate existing laws,
some new legislation definitely is needed. At-
torney General Herbert Brownell has proposed
that wiretap evidence be used in court. He
would like the federal government to be able
to wiretap in cases involving national security
and kidnapping. Authorization of the practice
would be in the hands of the Attorney General.
This would permit the use of wiretap evidence
already on file. Heavy fines would be imposed
for illegal tapping.
Brownell's proposal puts a great deal of pow-
er into the hands of the Attorney General who
would be able to interpret "cases involving the
national security" to include almost any form
of investigation.
However, he strongly objects to other bills
which permit wiretapping by the Attorney Gen-
eral with the added restriction that the inter-
ceptions be authorized by a federal court order.
' HE OBJECTS on the grounds that it would
conflict with the special need for speed and
secrecy in investigations of Communist con-
spiracy. The court order provision also makes
wiretap evidence now on file inadmissable.
However, the dangers to personal rights re-
quire that a practice such as wiretapping be
very restrictive. Its use should be limited to
only cases of extreme necessity involving na-
tional security and possibly kidnapping. The
power to authorize wiretapping should not be
left only to the conscience of the Attorney Gen-
eral but should be subject to court order.
Provisions could be made to use past wire-
tap information and to allow adequate and effi-
cient speed in obtaining the court order.
Illegal wiretapping should be severely pun-
ished as a violation of a federal law protecting
basic individual rights-for if modern snooping
devices are allowed to get out of hand the state
of affairs depicted by novelist George Orwell in
"Ninteen Eighty-four" will soon be a techno-
logical possibility.
-Arlis Garon


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Record of SCI Head Dubious

Dems Ponder Ike Attack

FOR MONTHS past, an uneasy backstage ar-
gument has been going on among Demo-
crats in Washington. In its essence, the issue is
this-whether or not to open a direct attack
upon the President himself as the chief source
of Administration confusions and contradic-
tions. This seems to be the prevailing conviction
at Democratic National Committee headquar-
ters, where a strong desire exists to take this
line publicly and persistently. There is a fairly
large group of Congressional Democrats who
share the conviction but oppose making it a
public,issue and another group who oppose it as
an issue because they are not convinced of its
validity. There is some evidence that their na-
tional leaders, Adlai Stevenson, is doing con-
siderable brooding about both the thesis and
the tactic.
What is important is that uneasy, unorgan-
led Democratic pressures for making Mr. Eisen-
hower himself the target are building up behind
the dam of restraint composed largely of polit-
ical, fears directly related to the President's
strong popularity in the country; a few cracks
are beginning to appear in the dam. That is
the significance of the recent public attacks on
the President by Senator Matthew Neely of
West Virgiia: and it is because of this back-
ground that the maiden floor speech of North
Carolina's Senator Kerr Scott is important. The
Scott speech received little attention from the
press. Whether the Scott analysis is accurate
or inaccurate, it is pretty safe to say that his
arguments will correspond closely to the main
current of the general Democratic attack, if
and when their dam does break.
IN BRIEF, the Scott argument is this: that
the President is not the patient, wise com-
The Dai Staff
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers ........................ ... city Editor
Jon Sobeloff..............Editorial Director
Pat Roeloss ............. .Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.Associate Editor
an Sinehart.................... Associate Editor
Dave Livingston ................ ..... Sports Editor
Hanle, Gurwin....... ... Associate Sports Editor
Warn Wertheimer ........... Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz.. , ........Women's Editor
Janet Smith.......... Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ......................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Cois Pollak................ .... Business Manager

mander, occasionally victimized by subordi-
nates who do not fully comprehend his poli-
cies, but that he is, in reality, the chief cause
of administrative troubles because he does not
take personal responsibility for the acts of his
subordinates and because, when they go out of
line, he does not follow through with discipli-
nary action. Scott's direct implication is that
the President's subordinates now know this
and will, therefore continue to say and do as
they wish.
Scott gives various examples. One is the Yal-
ta papers release. The president was not con-
sulted on this in advance, and even after he
stated his opposition to using them for politi-
cal purposes his party leaders went ahead pre-
paring the papers for that purpose. Scott cites
the rash of contradictory policy statements
during the Indo-China crisis last year and the
similar rash during the current Formosa crisis,
He cites the President's refusal to accept re-
sponsibility in the Ladejinsky security case,
holding FOA Director Stassen responsible in-
stead. He cites the President's refusal to en-
dorse or oppose his Labor Secretary's policy on
the important issue of the right-to-work state
laws. He cites the Attorney General's ignor-
ing of the President's strong declaration on
the right to face one's accuser and the Presi-
dent's failure to do anything about it. And
so on.
Scott argues that the old rule, in govern-
ment, business, or the military-the old rule
that the buck is always passed up-has been
reversed, that the President passes the buck
down the line of, command, that this is the
real cause of the troubles, and that only the
President himself can correct it.
WHETHER the people will accept these ar-
guments, or history endorse them, no man
can know. What is important right now is that
they are straws in a wind that is blowing a bit
stronger all the time in the ranks of the Oppo-
sition party.
--Eric Sevareid
CBS Radio
New Books at the Library
Hagedorn, Hermann-The Roosevelt Family
at Sagamore Hill; New York, Macmillan, 1955.
Hahn, Emily- Chiang Kai-shek; New York,
Doubleday, 1955.
Bowen, Elenore--Return to Laughter, New
York, Harper, 1955.
Chotzinoff, Samuel-A Lost Paradise, New

IT LOOKS AS if the boys who
run things for Ike at the White
House either didn't do much
screening or else don't care what
kind of Democrats they appoint on
certain commissions, where, under
the law, they have to appoint De-
They have just appointed to the
Subversive Control Board a vital
body which rules on loyalty and
subversives, an ex-Congressman
from Georgia, John S. Wood, who
ordinarily might have some diffi-
culty passing a security test for a
government job.
Here is his record: When Ralph
Stanfield, a teen-age boy of Tate,
Ga., was seriously injured by an
Army truck on Jan. 2, 1944, Con-
gressman Wood introduced a bill,
as is customary, compensating him
for $10,000. On this his law office
collected a fee of $1,000. This is
against the law. A Congressman is
paid a regular salary to introduce
legislation. He is paid by all the
taxpayers and is not permitted to
collect from any one individual
taxpayer no matter how many fav-
ors he does. Any such fees are a
penitentiary offense.
* * *
HOWEVER, here's how the fee
was paid. First, Charles Holcombe,
according to a statement by Mack
Stanfield, father of the injured
boy, suggested that part of the
$10,000 be paid back to Congress-
man Wood.
Later; Carl Tallant, the Con-
gressman's law partner in the firm
of "Wood and Tallant," suggested
a fee of 10 per cent. Tallant not
only was Wood's law partner, but
got a salary from Uncle Sam of
$7,092 as Wood's assistant, and
handled law cases from the van-
tage point of Wood's office, This
in itself is highly unusual if not
So Tallant made out a check
for $1,000 and Mack Stanfield, fa-
ther of the crippled boy, signed
it ... I have a photostat of the

check, dated Sept. 13, 1947, on the
Bank of Canton, Canton, Ga....
It would have been easy for the
FBI to verify this. Furthermore,
Wood once admitted it publicly on
the floor of Congress. Yet Eisen-
hower appointed him anyway.
* * .
A CONGRESSMAN is supposed
to recommend the award of mail
routes on merit, not because of any
fee, direct or indirect . . . Here is
how Congressman Wood awarded
them, as told in a sworn affidavit
by Weldon C. Bennett of Canton,
He took an examination for Ru-
ral Mail Carrier in June, 1949, and
two weeks later went to see C. D.
Holcombe, Secretary to Congress-
man Wood . . . "I offered C. B.
Holcombe $1,500 for said route,"
Bennett states. Mr. Holcombe is
the secretary who originally ap-
proached the elder Stanfield about
the $1,000 fee. Two other sworn
affidavits signed by Ralph Clark
of Flowery Branch, Ga., and Har-
old W. Puckett of Buford, Ga.,
state that in September, 1949, Con-
gressman Wood told them he was
awarding the Flowery Branch mail
route to Homer Reeves because of
the large fee he had received in
connection with a lawsuit brought
by Reeve's father in breaking the

will of the late Dr. George Bryce
. . . Reeves stood sixth on the
eligibility list.
, * *
AS CHAIRMAN of the Un-Am-
erican Activities Committee, Wood
was supposed to probe alleged
Communism wherever he found it,
including Hollywood. However,
when his committee started to
probe certain Hollywood film writ-
ers in, 1945-46, Louis B. Mayer,
head of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer,
hired an obscure Georgia attor-
ney, Edgar Dunlap, living in Con-
gressman Wood's district.
Mysteriously, t h e Hollywood
probe was postponed . .. Later the
Republicans took over Wood's
commnittee and the 'probe went
forward. However, attorneys for
film writers Robert Kenny and
Bartley Crum were informed in
advance by attorneys for the film
industry that Congressman Wood
would ask friendly questions.
The officialrecord of the hear-
ings shows that Wood did. He fell
all over himself to be nice, kind,
and gentle .. .. The current ques-
tion is: Would Wood be especially
kind to others brought before the
Subversive Control Board if they
hired a lawyer from his district in
(Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate)

(Continued from Page 2)
office help; kitchen help & first & sec-
ond cooks; bartenders; desk clerks, etc.
For further information, see material at
the Summer Placement meeting, Thurs.
May 19, from 1:00-4:45 p.m. in Room 3G
of the Michigan Union
Gibson Company, Mich. will inter-
view candidates for Field Representa-
tives for sales of home freezers in Jack-
son, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Muskegon,
Ionia and Battle Creek. Mr. Anderson
will interview candidates in Room 3G
of the Michigan Union, from 1:00-4:45
p.m., May 25 instead of on My 19.
U.S. Civil Service, Dept. of Commerce,
Bureau of Public Roads, announces
exam for Engineering Aid, GS-1 through
GS-6. (Highway Surveys, Construction
and Research).
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., May 24
Gen1. Motors-Fisher Body Craftsman's
Guild-men, any field but especially in-
teresting to speech majors, for posi-
tions of Field Representatives. Positions
run from August 29 to December 29 with
possibility for further opportunities
with the Gen'l. Motors Corp. These po-
sitions involve traveling throughout the
U.S. after a three-week training pro-
gram in Detroit.
Gen'l Motors-Central Offices, Detroit,
Mich.-women for secretarial positions
and also women who'are interested in
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext.
Hopwood/Lecture. Archibald MacLeish
will speak on Modern Poetry: "Why
Can't They Say what They Mean," in
Rackham Lecture Hall Thurs., May 19I
at 4:15 p.m. Presentation of the Hop-
wood Awards for 1955 will follow the
lpcture. Open to the public.
University Lecture, Prof. Nidamarulu
Srinivasan of Andhra University, Walt-
air, India, will speak on "The Foreign
Policy of India" wed., May 18, 4:15
p.m.in Rackham Amphitheater. Spon-
sored by the Department of Political
Academic Notices
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing'
to recommend tentative June gradu-
ates from the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, and the School of
Education for departmental honors (or
high honors in the College of L.S.&A.)
should recommend such students in a
letter delivered to the Office of Registra-
tion and Records, Room 1513 Admini-
stration Building, by 12:00m, Mon., June
6, 1955.
Zoology Seminar. Dr. John E. Bar-
dach, assistant professor of Fisheries,'
will speak on "The Temperature Sense
of Cold-blooded Vertebrates," May 18,
at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Au-
Sociology Colloquium. Dr. Dorothy
Thomas will discuss "A Study of Popu-
lation Redistribution and Economic
Growth," Wed., May 18, at 4:00 p.m. in
the East Conference Room, Rackham.
Doctoral Examination for David Ed-
ward Harmer, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Reaction of Chlorine with Certain Aro-
matic Componds under Intense Gam-
ma Irradiation," Wed., May 18, 2024
Chemistry Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chair-
man L. C. Anderson.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Wil-
liam Miller, Fnglsh Language and Lit-
erature; thesis: "The Effectiveness of
Rhetorical Devices in Elizabethan Epyl-
Iia," Wed., May 18, East Council Room,
Rackham Building, at 3:00 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for David Hel-
man, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"Synthesis of Electric Filters and Delay
Networks Using Tchebycheff Rational
Functions," Wed., May 18, 2084 East En-
gineering Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
A. B. Macnee._
Doctoral Examination for Donald Lee
Dean, Civil Engineering; thesis: "A
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Tall
Flexible Towers," Wed., May 18, 307
West Engineering Bldg., at 2:30 p.m.
Chairman, L. C Maugh.
Doctoral Examination for Phillip Al-
exander Yantis, Speech; thesis: "Ef-
fects of Inner Ear Pathology on Aural
Overload," Wed., May 18, 1007 East Hu-

ron Street, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
George Herman.
Doctoral Examinatin for Harold Bier-
man, Jr., Business Administration; the-
sis: "The Effect of Inflation on Depreci-
ation and the Computation of Income
of Public Utilities for the Years 1940
to 1953." Wed., May 18, 816 School of

Business Administration, at 3:30 p.m.
Chairman, W. A. Paton.
Doctoral Examination for Walter Co-
hen, Psychology: thesis: "Comparisons
of Homogeneous danzfelds with Gans-
felds Containing Simple Figures," Wed.,
May 18, 7611 Haven Hall, at 10:15 a.m.
Chairman, C. R. Brown.
Doctoral Examination for Jane Hag-
gart, Pharmacology; thesis: "On the
Mechanism of the Vascular Action of
Morphine," Wed., May 18, 103 Pharma-
cology Building, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,
L. A. Woods.
Doctoral Examination for Charles
Overton Handley, Jr., Zoology; thesis:
"A Revision of the American Bats of
the Genera Euderma and Plecotus,"
Wed., May 18, 3024 Museums Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. T. Hooper.
Doctoral Examination for John Ed-
ward Williams, Fisheries; thesis "Deter-
mination of Age From the Scales of
Northern Pike (Esox lucius L.)", Wed.,
May 18, 2124 Natural Science Build-
ing, at 9:00 amn. Chairman, K. F. Lag-
Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs.,
May 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chem-
istry. John J. cllaha will speak on
"Nucleophilic Displacements in Nitro-
phenyl Halides."
Seminar in Analytical- Inorganic-
Physical Chemistry. Thurs., May 19 at
7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Sis-
ter Mary Brandon Hudson will speak on
"Spectrophotometric Measurements of
Molecular Complexes."
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet Thurs., May 19, Room
3401 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. Philip Runkel
will speak on "Formalizations of New
comb's A-B-X System."
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., May 19, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Dr. T.
Kaplan of WRRC will speak on "Power
Spectra and Pulse Radar."
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet Thurs., May 19, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Donald
Lamphiear will speak on Chapter 12 of
Cochran's Sampling Techniques.
Doctoral Examination for William Al-
lan Lunk, Zoology; thesis: "The Rough-
winged Swallow: A Comparative Stupy
Bse on Its Breeding Biology in South-
ern Michigan," Thurs., May 19, 2089
Natural Science Building, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, J. VanTyne.
Doctoral Examination for Grace Jean
Thomas, Zoology; thesis: "Some Aspects
of the Biology of Sphaerium (Muscu-
lium) Partumeum (Say), Thurs., My
19, 2089 Natural Science Building, at
9:00a.m. Chairman, F. E. Eggleton.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Ar-
thur Gillies, Bacteriology; thesis: "A
Comparison of the Effects of Radiation
and Heat Steriliztion of Nutrilites on
the Rate and Yield of Lactic~Acid Fer-
mentation," Thurs., May 19, 1566 East
Medical Bldg., at 8:30 a.m. Chairman,
L. L. Kempe.
Doctoral Examination for Yu-Chun
Hou, Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"Physical and Thermodynamic Proper-
ties of Trifluoromethane," Thurs., May
19, 3201 East Engineering Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, J. J. Martin.
Doctoral Examination for Harvey Al-
len Lund, Botany; thesis: "The Biosyn-
thesis of Growth Hormones in the Pis-
tils of Flowers Preliminary to the Set-
ting of Fruit," Thurs., May 19, 1139
NaturalScience Building, at 9:00 g.m.
Chairman, F. G. Gustafson.
Doctoral Examination for Kuel-sheng
Chang, Geography; thesis: "Chinese
Great Explorers: Their Effect upon Chi-
nese Geographic Knowledge Prior to
1600," Thurs., May 18, 210 Angell Hall,
at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, R. B. Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Hayden
Kenna Carruth, Speech; thesis:y"Cur-
ricular Speech in Michigan High
Schools," Thurs., May 19, East Council
Room, Rakl .m Bldg., at 2:30 p.m.
Chairman, G. E. Desmore.
Doctoral Examination for Harold
Woolley, Physics; thesis: "The Calc-
lation of Thermodynamic Functions for
Asymmetric Rotator Molecules and Oth-
er Polyatomic Molecules," Thurs., May
19, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, D. M. Dennison.
Student Recital. Joseph Savarino, pi-
anist, 8:30 p.m. Thurs. evening, May 19,
in Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. A pupil of
John Kollen, Mr. Savarino will play
w a by Scarlatti, Bach, Beethoven,

and Schubert. Open to the public.
Events Today
Drama Season. "Gentlemen, The
Queens," starring Helen Hayes. May 18-
21, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. 8:30
p.m.; matinee Thurs. and Sat., 2:30 p.m.
(Continued on Page 6)




Lengthy 'Eternal Sea'
Combines Various Plots
"THE ETERNAL SEA" is a film that works itself into 'at least four
different Hollywood story formulas: the war story, the brave
hero story and the good-old-American-never-say-die story.
Naturally, it cannot handle all of these at once, although it tries,
oh how it tries. The result is a lengthy film, abounding with cliches.
It is a true story, based on the career of Rear Admiral John
Hoskins, but this does not guarantee anything. Sterling Hayden, as
Hoskins, has a trying time keeping up the blood-and-guts front as
the film follows him through World War II, peacetime maneuvers,





So Little Room...
To the Editor:
BEFORE we all settle back after
viewing the recent events of a
peaceful nature in international
affairs and conclude that the
forthcoming Big Four conference
is going to straighten things out,
it would perhaps be wise to re-
flect and speculate a little on
nature and possibilities of the con-
ference and its accomplishments.
Let us consider, first of all, that
the principal participants .will be
comparatively new men at this
sort of thing, except for Sir An-
thony Eden.

What, then, would come of the
conference? For one thing, it
would save us the embarrassment
of hypocracy, since we have been
preaching for such a meeting for
so long. Secondly, it would comfort
our European allies who are more
exposed to the tensions and poten-
tial destruction of a third world
war. Thirdly, it would give the
Communists a chance to show if
they really have anything to of-
fer, which, of course, can be ex-
pected to turn into another propa-
ganda loud-speaker.
How, then, should we look at
the coming meeting at the sum-
mit? Should we assume that heads
of state just tire of the slowness

Navy jet development and Korea.
*.1* *
HE LOSES A LEG somewhere
along the way, and the picture
capitalizes upon this fact so often
that it becomes tiring and a bit
Undoubtedly, his heroism was
great and admirable, but when an
artificial limb becomes the sub-
ject for jokes, tears and corny sit-
uations, the real deed loses out to
phony sentimentality, which per-
vades throughout. Examples? Cer-
tainly: the soprano in the back-
ground music who hums inspiring-
ly when certain ships flash across
the screen, and the choir breaking
into "Glory, Glory Hallelujah" at
the end.
exciting moments in the film are
the scenes of battles and navy
maneuvers, some of which are au-
Along with Mr. Hayden is Alexis-

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by Dick Bible


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