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May 14, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-14

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SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1955


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94P Airliigatt Baitu
Sixty-Fifth Year

"Very Interesting - You Must Come Again Some Time"


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
More Careful Selection Needed
To Raise Honoraries' Standards

MICHIGAMUA, Druids, Vulcans, Triangles,
and Sphinx initiated 95 men last week.
What part in student life do these honoraries
have? What are their duties? Do they have a
useful purpose on campus, or are they merely
part of a colorful and cherished tradition? What
criteria do they use in judging prospective mem-
bers, and what are their qualifications for
There are no definite answers to these ques-
tions, but there are certain basic assumptions
which can be made.
FIRST OF ALL, these honoraries play a very
important part in student life. Membership
in them is a goal which many students seek as
a reward for their participation in activities
and athletics.
When the honoraries have their initiations,
they cause sufficient commotion to attract the
interest of the entire campus. The student body
accepts their presence and respects the reputa-
tions, but is confused about their significance.
The honoraries are believed to have the high-
est possible ideals in all their activities. The
student body expects that they are composed of
all outstanding men on campus, and it sup-
poses that they will continue to initiate all de-
serving members.
THIS WEEK, however, there were two serious
deviations in the initiation process. The first
one was the omission of the President of SGC
from membership in Michigamua.
The second was the omission from member-
ship in Sphinx, of the individual who received
more votes than any other candidate in the
last SL election and again in the first SGC elec-
tion. His service to the campus includes chair-
manship of the Human and International Wel-
fare Committee of SGC, and presidency of
South Quad Judiciary.

Membership in an honorary is a form of rec-
ognition for outstanding achievement. To some
people, it may seem superfluous because it gives
recognition to students who have already been
recognized in other campus organizations.
HOWEVER, this is one of the main purposes
of the honoraries-to acknowledge the par-
ticipation of outstanding students in activities
and athletics.
When the honoraries choose new members,
they must be careful to not omit anyone de-
serving of membership. The feelings of the in-
dividual, along with the respect of the student
body for these honoraries is at stake.
There is definitely a place on campus for
honoraries societies, but it is up to them to
maintain and better their position.
The present active members did not do a very
good job in upholding their standards. May the
new initiates benefit from their mistakes.
--Norman Barr
'-And Here's an Item
From Hoover Darn'
A NEW musical recently opened on Broadway
adapted from a novel called "The Year the
Yankees Lost the Pennant."
Since that is a little long for a play's title, and
. since a leading character is the Devil, the show
is titled "Damn Yankees."
Being a musical, a few of its songs have been
heard on the jukeboxes and now the radio.
But radio has its ethics.
To say "That song is from the new show
called 'Damn Yankees'" is out! Disc jockeys in
this area refer to the show as "Darn Yankees."
--Harry Strauss

.p. _

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unnecessary Bill .


T alks Need Weary Approach

THE KREMLIN has seen to it that not even
for one day did the Western allies
stand alone in the limelight as the champions
of peace by negotiation. At the moment the
West was publishing its invitation to a meeting
at the summit, the Soviet Union published, in
the form of a resolution for the United Na-
tions, an elaborate series of proposals for peace
and the reduction of armaments.
The allies havetbeen talking for a long time
about the invitation they 'have now sent to
Moscow and manifestly Moscow has been pre-
paring its document for a long time.
The publication of the two texts within the
same twenty-four hours shows that if East
and West are agreed on nothing else they are
agreed that there is now in the world an in-
sistent popular demand that war must be
There has come up, comparatively recently,
a new political force with which all the govern-
ments have learned that they must reckon. It
is a feeling which is not merely the ordinary
popular war-weariness and dislike of the hor-
rors and costs of warfare.
THE POPULAR demand, which is most speci-
fic in Europe, for a meeting at the summit
is an expression of the feeling that nuclear
warfare is intolerable. If we take the matter
of that view, we may ask what the chiefs of
government can do about it that the Foreign
Ministers, who are less hurried and better
informed, could not do at least as well.
The answer is I think, to be found in a popu-
lar 'feeling that above the hard specific issues
that the Foreign Ministers deal with so slowly
and so inconclusively there is the over-riding
question of whether these issues are to be set-
tled with nuclear weapons.
As long as that danger is as great as it is
today, every kind of negotiation will be thought
of as appeasement and every concession as a
surrender. The popularity of A negotiation at
the summit derives from the belief that Bul-
ganin and Eisenhower face to face may do
The Daily Staff
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig. ..........s..... .....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers........................ ....City Editor
Jon Sobeloff......................Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs....................Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........................Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.. ....................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston......................Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.. .....Associate Sports Editor
Warren Werthexmer.............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Sh-wmovits..... ...... Women's Editor
Janet Smith.................Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel..... ..............Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pnllak....-..............-......Bus inessManager

something for peace which Molotov and Dulles
will not, which Molotov and Dulles dare not, do.
W HAT CAN that something be? From the
summit, let us remember, the details are
invisible and only the biggest things on the
landscape can be seen. Can we find in the So-
viet proposals published on Wednesday a clue
to what in fact they wish to talk about at the
Their document is acompilation of all sorts
of things, of proposals, trading points " propa-
ganda, and the kitchen stove. But I think that
it contains also an indication of the kind of.
East-West bargain that the Kremlin is most
interested in.
In Section 3 of the Soviet resolution they
propose that "except for strictly limited contin-
gents of troops left temporarily on the terri-
tory of Germany pending the conclusion of an
agreement on their full withdrawal" there
should be "the immediate withdrawal by the
four powers . . . from the territory of Germany
to their national frontiers."
If these words mean what they say, they
propose a withdrawal of the Red Army not
merely across the Oder-Neisse Line into Po-
land but back into the Soviet Union-if the
American forces are withdrawn from the con-
tinent of Europe.
Section 4, which follows immediately, makes
more specific what the Soviets have particularly
in mind. They want "the dismantling of the
destruction bases on foreign territories." We
may read this to mean not the destruction of
the air bases in Europe but the transfer of
these bases from the American Air Force to the
nations on the continent where the bases are.
This, judging by Marshal Zhukov's recent
speech, is the American withdrawal which they
are most interested in and the price they are
offering for it is the withdrawal of the Red
Army not only from Germany but from the
satellite empire.
WE MUST NOT misunderstand this, and jump
to conclusions. This is what they are pro-
posing and not what they would settle for.
What we are seeing, I think, is in dim outline
the propositions on which they will try to
negotiate at the summit.
I venture to think this because it has for so
long been theeview of men abroad, whose judg-
ment I have found the most discerning and re-
liable that if and when the real East-West
negotiation began, the subject matter would be
the recession of the Red Army and of the Am-
erican Air Force from their most advanced
Such a recession was not a negotiable pro-
position so long as the recession of American
forces meant leaving behind a military vacuum.
It may well have become a negotiable issue, or
be by way of becoming one, in so far as the
national forces of the European continent are

To the Editor:
CONGRESS is being served up
the latest sugar coated version
of Pentagonism's p e r p e t u a l
schemes to foist military dictation
upon the youth and economw of
our country.
This bill, HR5297, involving
peace time compulsion, is not only
un-American and of questionable
constitutionality; it is also .dis-
honest in its claim of necessity for
national defense. Unless we pro-
pose to police the world forever
with infantrymen, what possible
NEED can exist defense-wise for
eight years of military slavery for
our young men in an era of inter-
continental guided missiles of un-
speakable destructive power?
Advanced concurrently with the
development of automation in in-
dustry, doesn't this proposal ap-
pear to bemore accurately de-
signed to cope with internal un-
employment than with the pre-
sumably imminent threat of for-
eign aggression? Is this a product
of our best thinking?
The writer is one American who
Is thoroughly fed up with being
forced to subsidize taxe-wise such
wearisome propaganda as gushes
forth from the most solidly en-
trenched and multi-mouthed bur-
ocracy in the nation. If any read-
ers, convinced that logical dissent
is not necessarily disloyalty, share
my preference for honest states-
manship over hypocritical scape-
goat hunting, why not drop your
- ongressman a gentle hint to that
-R. F. Burlingame
Milan, Mich.
* * *
Soviet Editors . ..
To the Editor:
MANY STUDENTS were looking
forward to the trip of the So-
viet editors to the U.S., as a chance
to meet and speak with Soviet citi-
zens as well as to show them the
way our schools are run. The move
by the State Department was, I
am sure, as great a disappoint-
ment to them as it was to me.
A few U.S. student delegations
have gone to the Soviet Union and
on no occasion has the Soviet gov-
ernment required they be finger-
printed or required them to sign
a statement giving the government
the right to hold them from de-
parting if it saw fit. Yet this is
what our government has demand-
ed. It is not surprising the editors
cancelled their trip.
The finger-printing regulation

can be set aside by the State De-
partment if it so desires. The oth-
er demand requires no more than
sober thought for its removal, for
certainly we would object to such
a demand being made on our citi-
zens as a prerequisite for a friend-
ly visit.
It is not in the interest of eas-
ing world tensions for a group of
Soviet citizens invited here, as our
guests, to make a trip planned by
our country, to be greeted as ene-
mies and potential criminals.
The decision of SGC to protest
these regulations is a good one, in
the best interests of the students
who have much to gain from such
a visit. It is a good first step; it is
up to us to support it by writing
through our organizaions and/or
as individuals o the State Depart-
ment asking for a lifting of these
There is still a chance for such
a visit to take place next semester
if we show we really want it now!
--Etta G. Saxe
* * *
New Honorary. .
To the Editor:
M R. MARKS is of course right
in what he says about the lat-
est campus tragedy-Michigamua
and SGC. The real pity however,
is that the SGC President won't
be eligible for the new campus
honorary being formed to honor
those who have made the most
-Marshall Rosenberg, '56
* * *
Desk Apiece, Please . ..
To the Editor:
I AM COMPLETELY opposed to
Miss Kovitz's rather careless at-
titude regarding the fifty dollar
boost in dorm fees. If I am going
to pay fifty dollars extra for less
than I have now, I think that my
roommate and I are entitled to a
desk apiece. We'll squeeze by with
one closet.
As a matter of fact, if they lower
that raise by thirty dollars, we
would be glad to empty our own
wastebaskets once a week.
Being from New York, I'd hate
to see the University loose its cos-
mopolitan atmosphere. Although
I haven't learned anything from
the "people of varied backgrounds"
on campus, I guess that somebody
has. Don't get me wrong, I really
would like the chance. If we elim-
inate the "in-state" students, we'd
have even more people of even
more varied backgrounds to learn
-Judy Blum
* * *

Film Poses
TAKEN FROM Graham Green's
novel of the same name, "The
Heart of the Matter" probes deeply
into a man's relationship with
The plot concerns itself with
Scoby (Trevor Howard), a police
officer in South Leone, British
Africa. An honest, hard working
man, he is ignored for a commis-
sionership and nagged by his wife,
Louise (Elizabeth Allan). They are.
deeply in love, but the climate is
unbearable and she is bored and
In order to send her to the Cape
for a vacation, he borrows 250
pounds from the' local racketeer,
thus placing himself in a position
to be blackmailed. While his
wife is away, he falls in love with
Helen (Maria Schell), a young
Austrian refugee. Wilson (Den-
holm Elliot), in love with Louise,
spies on them.
WHEN LOUISE returns, the
racketeer threatens to expose Sco-
by's affair if he refuses to assist
him in diamond smuggling. Wil-
son tells Louise anyway, and, all
phases of his once-bright honor
gone, Scoby decides to commit sui-
A sincere Catholic, Scoby has
compromised all his ethics. He has
committed adultery, lied, ignored
his duties, betrayed his country
and taken Communion in mortal
sin. From his point of view, there
is only one way out, the unpardon-
able sin of suicide.
Howard's portrayal of a man
who faces his conscience is mas-
terly. He is utterly human and
completely convincing. Miss Schell
is a pixie-like cross between Cleo-
patra and Audrey Hepburn, and
her acting is fresh and youthful.
Miss Allan is competent and Elli-
ott is properly impassioned.
THERE WILL BE complaints that
the real action is a long time in
coming, but the first scenes lay a
background that is necessary for
complete understanding of Scoby's
state of mind. This movie does a
rare thing; it explores a situation
from every angle, encompassing all
the events that lead up to Scoby's
Incidental star of the show is the
musical background. The native
African drums and chants give an
authentic flavor to the setting.
They sometimes creep in almost
unnoticed, being so well-suited to
the action. -Tammy Morrison

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of th, University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to allmembers of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1955
Students who are definitely planning
to transfer to the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, School of Educa-
tion, School of Music, School of Nurs-
ing, or the College of Pharmacy in
September from another campus unit
should come to the Office of Admis-
sions, 1524 Administration Building be-
fore June 10 to make application for
Admission Test for graduate study in
Business: Candidates taking the Admis-
sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi-
ness on May 14 are requested to report
to Room 140, Business Administration
at 8:30 a.m. Sat.
Late Permission: Because of the Inter-
national Ball, all women students will
have a 1:30 late permission Sat., May 14.
Women's residences will be open until
1:25 a.m.
Awards for students interested in In-
dustrial relations: The Clarence Hicks
Memorial Fellowship in Industrial Rela-
tions, $1,000; R.C.A. Scholarship, $800;
and The Burton Arnold French Schol-
arship, $390.
Open to students currently registered
in the University. Applications may be
secured from Mrs. Gooch in the office
of the Bureau of Industrial Relations,
Room 354, School of Business Admini-
stration (Ext. 2195). As It Is expected
that the recipients will be announced
early in June, applicants are urged to
complete the form prior to May 20. 1955.
Students who think they may qualify
for any one of these grants are urged
to discuss their interests with faculty
members in Industrial dmlationsin the
School of Business Administration.
For additional information, students
may consult with Prof. Leonard Sayles,
306 School of Business Administration
(Ext. 2872).
Attention June Graduates: College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, School
of Education, School of Music, and
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in June. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to allow
your instructor to report the make-up
grade'not later than 12:OOm Mon., June
6, 1955. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation until
a later date.
Recommendations for Deprtmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative June gradu-
ates from the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, and the School of
Education for departmental honors (or
high honors in the College of L.S.&A.)
should recommend such students in a
letter delivered to the Office of Registra-
tion and Records, Room 1513 Admini-
stration Building, by 12:OOm, Mon., June
6, 1955.
Choral Union Series 'and Extra Con-
cert Series, auspices of the University
Musical Society. Orders for season
tickets for either or both series are be-
ing accepted now, and are being filed
in sequence-to be filled in the same
order later, and mailed in Sept.
Camp O'Fair Winds, McKeen Lake
(near Lapeer) Mich. will interview wom-
en candidates on May 16 from 1:00 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m. in Room 3B of the Michi-
gan Union. There are openings for the
following positions: Waterfront Dir.
and assistants; Arts & Crafts Dir.;
Boating Dir.; General Counselors and
assistant Counselors two assistant
cooks. Salary schedule: Directors and
assistant cooks, $250 for 8 week season;
assistant counselors $150 for 8 week
season. There is also an opening for a
Young Man to assist in maintenance
work. His salary would be between $25
and $30 per week. Call the Bureau of
Appt's, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614 to make an
app't to be interviewed.
Camp Deerhorn, Rhinelander, Wis.
(Boys camp) will interview male candi-
dates for a position as Handicraft Di-
rector (someone to supervise shop). Sal-
ary, plus all expenses paid from thetime'
of leaving Ann Arbor until your return.
Contact Mr. S. N. Smock, NO 3-1981 be-
tween 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. to make an

app't to be interviewed on May 15.
Beginning Tues., May 17, the follow-
ing School Representatives will be at
the Bureau of Appointments for inter-
Tues., May 17-
Battle Creek, Michigan (Lakeview
Consolidated School District)-Teacher
Needs: H.S. Mathematics; Jr. High So-

cial Studies; Jr. High Industrial Arts
and Crafts H.S. Latin-English; Music-
Elementary grades, vocal and strings;
Early and Later Elementary.
Fri., May 20-
Monroe, Michigan -- Teacher Needs:
Early Elementary English-Latin; Com-
cercial - Typing, Bookkeeping; Short-
hand; Girls Physical Education-Ele-
mentary; Head Track Coach, Asst. Foot-
ball Coach, Social Studies; Social Stud-
ies-English-Jr. High.
For appointments or additional infor-
mation contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
U. of M. Fresh Air Camp, Patterson
Lake, 24 miles from Ann Arbor, will in-
terview male candidates on Wed. after-
noon, May 18 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00
p.m. There are openings for the follow-
ing positions: Watercraft Dir.; Nature
Lure Dir.; Arts & Crafts Dir.; Athletic
Dir.; Assistant Overnight man and
cleanup. This is an eight weeks camp
with one week of orientation. Salary:
$400 for Waterfront Dir. with all other
positions at $375 for the season. Contact
Bob Hurley at NO 3-1511, Ext. 2158 to
make an appointment to be interviewed.
U.S. Civil Service, Chicago, 111-exam
for Auditor GS-5, training in account-
ing required.
YWCA, Jackson, Mich.-interested in
securing a Teenage Program Director.
Seniors or graduates are eligible to ap-
ply, should have interest in group work
and skills that would be valuable in
YWCA work.
East Michigan Tourist Association is
seeking a chamber of commerce secre-
tary for a Michigan city.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528
Ad. Bldg.
University Lecture In Journalism.
Harry S. Ashmore, Executive Editor of
the Little Rock, Arkansas, Gazette and
author of "The Negro and The Schools,
will speak Mon., May 16, on "Journal-
isa The Bridge Between The'World of
Ideas and The World of Man" in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre at 3:00 p.m. Open to
the public.
Academic Notices
Sociology Department picnic, Sat,
May 14 at Dexter-Huron Park, from 3:00-
8:00 p.m. All sociology concentrates, so-
ciology staff, and sociology and social
psychology graduate students invited.
Rotating Seminar in Mathematical
Statistics. Sat., May 14, at 2:00 p.m., in
Room 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. D. V. Lind-
ley, of Cambridge University and the
University of Chicago, will speak, "On
a Measure of the Information in an
Experiment and Its Application to the
Inference Problem." Prof. A. H. Cope-
land will speak on "Probabilities, Pre-
dictions and Observations."
English Honors Examination. 2:00
p.m. Sat., May 14 in 1007 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Elmer Sam-
uel Moon, English Language and Lit-
erature; thesis: "Organic Form in the
Shorter Poems of Edwin Arlington Rob-
inson," Sat., May 14,' East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.
Chairman, A. L. Bader.
Sociology Colloquium. Dr. Ronald
Freedman, associate professor of sociol-
ogy, will discuss "A Study of the Growth
of American Families," Mon., May 16 at
7:30kp.m. In the East Lecture Room,
Botanical Seminar. Dr. Franz Moewus,
Kaiser Wilhelm Institut Berlin-Dah-
lem, Germany, will discuss, "Problems
and Aspects of Biochemical Genetics in
Chlamydomonas." Mon., May 16, 730
p.m. 1139 Natural Science. Refresh-
Doctoral Examination for Stewart
Charles Husander, Education; thesis:
"Some Relationships between Aspects
of Growth of Youth and the Evolve-
ment of their Occupational Interests,"
Mon., May 16; East Council Room, Rack.
ham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, H.
G. Ludlow.
Doctoral Examination for David ree-
land Miller, Psychology; thesis: "The
Effects of Involvement in a Purchase
Decision on Attitudes toward Automo-
biles," Mon., May 16, 7611 Haven Hall, at
1:00 p.m. Chairman, Daniel, Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Carol Ruth
St. Cyr, Education; thesis: "Present and
Potential Uses of the University of
Michigan Materials Center," Mon., May
16, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg.,
at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, S. E. Dimond.
Doctoral Examination for Helen Belle
Watson, Education; thesis: "The Com-
parative Relationship of High School

p~hysical Education Programs in Ten-
nessee to -the Development of Strength
and Motor Ability of College Women,"
Mon., May 16, East Council Room, Rack-
-ham Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
P. A. Hunsicker.







Doctoral Examination for
(Continued on Page 4)



Little Man On Campus

By Bibler

Gargoyle Foreign Exhibit 'Delightful'




for Cultural Exchange is now
presenting folk art from Poland,
Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria,
Hungary and China at the Rack-
ham galleries.

litical upheaval after the war have
had a profound effect on poster
Particularly in cinema posters
is this change evident. When one
now views a poster of this type he

well give the West something to
dwell on in regards to advertising.
Bulgarian and Romanian cera-
mic ware have a universal appeal
because of their intricate patterns
and superlative glazes.

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