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May 14, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-14

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Honoraries Need
More Careful Selections
See Page 2

( I P




Latest Deadline in the State FAIR AND WARMER



Vaccine Suppies
Partially Okayed
Government Approves Majority
F of Parke, Davis Preventative
WASHINGTON (P)-The government authorized yesterday a par-
tial resumption of polio vaccinations.
After rechecking for safety, the Public Health Service approved 11
batches of Salk vaccine made by Parke, Davis Co. of Detroit.
This stamped the government's O.K. on all Parke, 'Davis & Co.
vaccine except that in the hands of Minnesota health authorities. The
Minnesota supply, officials said, presumably is all right, too. But its
approval is being held up until all the data is in hand.
All told, enough vaccine to inoculate more than 4,000,000 persons
was approved by yesterday's announcement.

beaten, 3-0, ISv e



Byspar tans
Ohio State in First S
Place by PercentagieIS lt




Some three-fourths of the

Gen. Taylor
kTo Succeed
~'Dwight D. Eisenhower named
new Army chief yesterday to su
ceed Gen. Matthew B. Ridgwa
t who has decided to retire afte
bucking at the President's idea
a smaller atomic age army.
Eisenhower's new choice is Ge
Maxwell D. Taylor, 54, now com
mander in the Far East.
Ridgway notified the Army h
Intends to retire from active dui
on June 30, a month and a ha
before his term is up as Am
chief of staff.
He reached the 60-year a
limit for general officers la
March 31, but was allowed t
continue on his two-year term u
y der a provision which permits t
retention of a certain numbero
retirement-age generals. This ha
r President Eisenhower's, approv'
However, last Monday Ridgw
informed the Army's adjuta
general that he desired to be r
tired June 30, when he will ha
completed 38 years' service.
' Ridgway, in recent appearanc
before congressional committe
considering the military manpow
er budget, has said he compli
with the decision of his superib
But in speeches and discussio
elsewhere, he has said that t
dispersal requirements of a
atomic battlefield willscall fo
'i more, not fewer soldiers.
President Eisenhower, when as
ed about this attitude, told new
men that Ridgway had only
"parochial" responsibility for n
tional defense-a .word whic
means limited or narrow.
Taylor, a tall, handsome figh
ing man, campaigned in some o
the fiercest World War II battl
in Europe. Later he went to Kore
as 8th Army commander, the
moved up to commander in chi
of U.S. and Allied forces in th
Far East.
Reports, which have persist
without denial from the genera
are that Ridgway will become
corporation executive after h
military retirement.
In a brief statement Ridgw;
said that his retirement has be
pending for several months an
"There is no significance whats
ever in the formal announcemei
of the fact being made now."
Scott Presents
Oreon E. Scott, '94L, of St. Loui
1 Mo., presented 30 Webster's un
bridged dictionaries to outstandir
seniors yesterday.
Students were selected for ti'
honor on the basis of scholarshi:
citizenship and participation in a
Seniors in all fields of the unde
graduate colleges and in medic
' 'and law schools were eligible fo
the awards. They were selected ;
a committee on University scho
arships fromnominees by the co
leges and schools concerned.
Last fall Scott gave $75,000 1
the University so the award wou]
remain in perpetuity.
Pentagon Warns
Of Red Airpower
gon sounded a warning yesterda
that Russia is cutting into th
country's lead in the production .

4,250,000 cubic centimeters involved
- already has been used for vaccina-
tions. But Surgeon Gen. Leonard
A. Scheele said Friday's action
means ."over a million more chil-
dren can now be vaccinated be-
ginning immediately."
Inoculation of school children
was halted temp rarity a week
ago, on advice from Washington,
after a number of inoculated
youngsters developed polio.
nt Check Safety Standards
a Scheele ordered Public Health
c- Service experts into the field to
y, check safety standards of the
er manufacturers, company by com-
of pany. Parke, Davis Co. was first on
the list.
'n The Surgeon General told Con-
- gress yesterday that temporary
reverses in the inoculation pro-
he gram in no way threatens its "ul-
ty timate success."
lf "There is still' every reason to'
ly believe," he said, "that enough
vaccine will be available to vac-
ge cinate the children in the most
st susceptible age groups before the
to height of the polio season."
The seasonal peak, he said, can
of be expected, from mid-August to
ad mid-September.
al. The Public Health Service said
ay meanwhile it has under investiga-
nt tion reported polio cases among
e- seven persons said to have devel-
ve oped the disease after association
with members of their families
es who had been vaccinated with the
es Salk vaccine. Those actually vac-
- cinated had not developed polio.
es Although none of the children
s. who contracted polio after vacci-
is nation had been inoculated with
ie Parke, Davis vaccine, Scheele held
up approval of one additional lot
or of the company's output while
k- awaiting more information on it.
h World New
es By the Assoc
n soldiers of Ho Chi-Minh from four
ef French at Dien Bien Phu occupied1
he under martial law.
Air and telegraphic communic
off. A spreading police hunt amo
riid tc fnroun cnaaf f

Yesterday was Friday, the 13th,
so someone had to be unlucky.
Much to the regret of the Mich-
igan fans, it was the Wolverine
baseball team which was on the
wrdng end of the luck, as they
bowed to Michigan State, 3-0.
OSU in First
Meanwhile, Ohio State edged out
Minnesota, 4-3, to take a hair-
line possession of first place in
the Big Ten baseball standings.
OSU has a percentage of .714,
while Michigan and Minnesota, al-
though they are both a half game
ahead of the Buckeyes, trail with
percentages of .700.
The Michigan-MSC game, mark-
ed by good pitching and tough
breaks, was the Wolverines' third
conference loss of the season.
Michigan State pitcher Walt
Godfrey and Michigan's Marv Wis-
niewski had a scoreless hurling
duel going until the seventh inn-
ing, when the Spartans managed
to push across two runs. These
proved to be more than enough
to win.


Russia, U.S.
Lack Assent
On Controls
West Wants Broad
Weapons Supervision
WASHINGTON 03 ) - A dozen
disarmament documents released
yesterday showed Russia and the
Allies as far apart as ever on the
question of controls to make sure
nobody cheats.
The hitherto secret documents
showed fundamental agreement on
many counts by all five member
nations of the United Nations Dis-
armament Commissionwhich has
been meeting at London since
Feb. 25.
But they also showed a wide



In the seventh frame, State's gap on the issue of ironclad guar-
Ray Collard led off with a clean antees.
hit through the box to centerfield. West Seeks Broad Control
Bob Powell then hit a short pop The West wants a control agen-
fly just behind first base which cy in being, with wide powers to
eluded the outstretched hands of go anywhere and check up on
Michiganright fielder Dan Cline. anything, before the first gun is
Godfrey Slams Line Drive scrapped under any disarmament
With men on first and second program.
and no one out, pitcher Godfrey Russia continues vague about
stepped to the plate. After foul- the powers of a control agency.
ing off four pitches in a row with Indeed, the Soviets argue that na-
two strikes on him, he finally tions distrust each other so much
slammed the ball down the right they would not stand for unlim-'
field line. ited inspections, so controls are
The ball raised chalk dust, land- "mere formalities" and raise false
ing square on the foul line, and hopes of security.
was declared a ground rule double, Wide-Open Split
when it rolled onto the tennis The split was wide-open on this
courts. key point-one so vital that Ameri-
With one run in, and men on can officials said agreement could
second and third, Johnny Matsock be reached on every other issue
hit a sacrifice fly to center field and the talks could founder on
to register the second run. that point alone.
Powell Homers But the documents, when com-
Michigan State's final run came pared with a Soviet disarmament
on a home run over the left field plan being ballyhooed by the
fence by Powell. Trpvelling over Kremlin, show at least four major
340 feet it was Powell's third hit concessions by the Russians. They
in four times at bat. indicate, too, that Moscow has
See GODFREY, Page 3 come close to the Western view
on another point and has sprung
at least three surprises.
It was because of the ballyhoo
uthat the documents were released.
Ho na n Under terms of a United Nations
resolution of last Nov. 4, five na-
tions have been meeting in secret
disarmament talks at London.
ciated Press That is, they have been consid-
Indochina-Ten thousand picked ered secret by the United States,
elite divisions which crushed the Britain, France and Canada. But
Haiphong yesterday and placed at Russia broke silence three times-
the latest being last Tuesday
ation with the free world was cut
ng North Indochina's 13 million y s
"ntanainwihN' nmP ' 1 F

-Courtesy University News Service
HONORED FOR SERVICE on the committee of the 32nd Annual Honors Convocation were Anne
K. Campbell and John C. Baity. Their service was noted yesterday in Hill Auditorium.



res aent sfor anyone suspected oz conaboraion- wi ~ Jos enemies t
was extended into the port of Haiphong.
CHICAGO-Louis Wolfson probably will have two friends to sit
down with him at the directors meeting of Montgomery Ward &
Co. today.
One will be a woman-the first woman 'director in Ward's 83-
year history.
This won't be enough to give the 43-year-old Florida financier
control of the big mail order and retail merchandising firm. It will
leave him in a minority position-three members out of a nine-man
board of directors.
Wolfson's three choices for the board are himself, Alexander Ritt-
master III, 38, a New York. financial consultnt, and Bernice Fitz-
Gibbon, a New York advertising and promotion consultant.
* * * *
SINGAPORE-A score of new strikes hit Singapore yesterday in
the wake of rioting-officially described as conforming closely to
a Communist pattern-that cost the lives of American correspond-
ent Gene Symonds and two Chi-g

Bob Burgee, '56, was 21 yes-
terday, but he did his celebrat-
ing on the diag instead of at
the "Bell."
A staff assistant in South
Quad's Huber House, Burgee
was mobbed and tied by some
of his proteges, who carried him
on their shoulders across cam-
pus to the diag.
As a large crowd gathered
where the hapless Burgee lay
face-down across the M' seal,
his friends doused him with wa-
ter while mumbling some ritual,
sang "Happy Birthday" and left
him to extricate himself.

32ndonors Conclave Held
academic achievement were those Walters then introduced the re-1
Academic splendor was evident with an average of 3.5 or better. tiring members of the Honors Con-9
in Hill Auditorium yesterday when Students with special awards on vocation Committee, Anne K.9
the 32nd Honors Convocation took the basis of outstanding work in Campbell, '55E, and John C. Baity,
place. particular fields were also honored. '55, and the new members, Claudia1
Deans of the various colleges and Walter Opens Ceremony Moore Smith, '56 Ed., and Roger
of the University donned cap and . Andersen, '56E.
gown, made resplendent by color- Assistant to the President Erich Honored students were then
ful hoods signifying their degree, A. Walter opened the ceremony. asked to stand after which Walters
to pay tribute to University honor Members of the Michigan School- introduced University President,
students. master's Club and members of the Harlan H. Hatcher.-
Students who were honored for Regents Board were also present.Dodds Speaks
_________Walter introduced Robert Dom-'
browski, '55, chairman of Senior President H a t c i% er presentedy
Board, who presented the board's Hai-old W. Dodds, President of1
LIn U "award for the outstanding profes- Princeton University, whose ad-1
sor for 1955 to Prof. George A dress topic was "What is a Uni-
A ba sd o Peek,Jr.,.of the political science versity." Dodds spoke about the
'd Prbf. Pee was presented with a student as he first enters a Uni-
To Viit plaque "In recognition of his con- versity. "Bewildered and not a
tributions to the field of teaching complete adult, we must draw outg
The new Japanese Ambassador as well as to the furtherance of and confirm the best in the young
to he.Unied tats. ado.uh student-faculty relations," Dom- people who come to us," he said.1
to the United States, Sadao Iguchi s a Americans, according to Presi-
will be hosted by the Unversity browski said. A
Monday. . He continued, "this plaque is be- dent odsUnaveasindequt
Arriving at Willow Run' Airport ing given as a symbol of appreci- concept of a. University. Not just
atin fr yur ntiingeffrtsinindividual schools, but an under-
in the morning, the Ambassador ation for your untiring efforts in
will be met by Prof. John W. Hall aiding students both academically lying unifying principle, the uni-
of the history department, who is and in the extra-curricular vei. universal brings the parts into a
ofstne h i tor depart entr isFor this and so many other things niversal whole.
assistant director of the Center aea
for Japanese Studies. the student body of the University Universities of today are n i
Lucenwl ehl nM.thanks you." 'outgrowth of medieval universi- l
Luncheon will be held in . _ny--uties. These were in turn a littlel
Iguchi's honor at the Union. Fol- planned product of instinct for as-
lowing this he will go to the Stud F f sociation of those who wanted'
ies Center for conferences. *A iVe learning and those who shared
The International Center will learning, he continued.
hold a tea in the afternoon and d These medieval universities en-
the Japanese Studies Center will IM S1O Rdured without many of the aids
host him at dinner in the eve- and conveniences of the modern
ning. Tag Day buckets were filled university. Student and faculty
The Ambassador has served as with over $2,400 yesterday for the relations were often poor and as
diplomat in various parts of the 'University Fresh Air Camp. new ideas were brought out the
world throughout his career in Co-chairmen of the fund-rais- universities became more and more1
public service. He recently has ing drive, Molly Dwan, '58, and a symbol of free thinking, Dodds
served as Ambassador to Canada. Bob Trost, '58 were "very pleased said.
-- with the excellent response." In the modern University the
Ch gurc -State Issue Contributions at the 35 stations times of turbulance within and
ranged from a few cents to a tax without proves the most pro-
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina oP) check for $25. ouctive time for the institution,
-Congress struck two blows yes- The drive will be continued to- Dodds pointed out. However, hel
terday at the Roman Catholic day, with $2,600 still needed to added, after a "slumber period,".
Church. reach the $5,000 goal set for this renewed activity is noticeable. I
These were the latest develop- year. Difference of Opinion
ments In the 6-month-old contro- Buckets are being manned by "A university entertains differ-'
versy between the Peron adminis- students throughout the campus; ences of opinion, not unity in opin-
tration and the church. area. ion as many people think," said
President Dodds. "Party lines are
not advisable and competence and
integrity should be demanded of
its members."1
.0 g"The true university is the es-
MarrR e 11 D g Plngesence of liberal learning so much
in evidence at the University of ;
Michigan," Dodds cited. "This is
what unifies human life and the
"By using your head, you can
gain knowledge, and this knowl-
edge leads to wisdom which is the
ultimate goal of a university. You
honored students carry the talent
y and the inclination to use your
"Never surrender this attribute
and remember that the universi-
ty stands for support against those
who misunderstand and misrepre-
sent ideas," he concluded.
Following the address, President

Reds Seek
With Tito
Slav Still Claims
Pro-West Policy
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-The Soviet govern-
ment announced today Communist
party boss Nikita Khrushchev and
Premier Nilolal Bulganin are go-
ing to call on Yugoslav President
Marshal Tito in Belgrade late this
The meeting would be before
the expected "summit" confer-
ence of Bulganin, President Dwight
D. Eisenhower, British Prime Min
ister Anthony Eden and Premier
Edgar Faure of France.
Tito's independent Communist
nation has been estranged from
the Kremlin since his historio
break with the Soviet-directed
Cominform in 1948.
U.S. Declines Comment
The State Department in Wash-
ington said it had no comment
to make on the development. It
was learned, however, that the
Yugoslav government had advised
the United States yesterday of the
impending meeting and said it re-
flected no change in Yugoslavia's
policy of good and cordial rela-
tions with the West.
The announcement said Krush-
chev and Bulganin would go to
Belgradehwith other Soviet offi-
cials at the end of May.
Tn recent months, however,
there has been a new attitude, with
both sides seeking to "normalize"
relations. Tito-had never ceased
to insist that he would stick up
for his independence.
Improved Relations Hope
The announcement of the Soviet
trek to Belgrade said:
"With mutual desire with the
aim of further improvements in
relations between the two coun-
tries and with the aid of strength-
ening peace, the government of the
Soviet Union and the government
of Yugoslavia have decided to hold
a imeeting. of their representatives
at the highest level."
The announcement listed First
Deputy Premier Anastase Mikoyan,
the Soviet Union's veteran expert
on foreign trade, and the deputy
foreign trade minister, Pavel
Kumyikin, as members of the So-
viet delegation.
Emphasis on Trade
Though Mikoyan recently was
relieved as minister of trade and
made a deputy premier, his in-
clusion indicated trade would be
one of, the main subjects discussed.
The other two members of the
delegation are Deputy Foreign
Minister Andrei Y. Gromyko, And
Dimitri Shipiliev, who is chairman
of the Foreign Affairs Commis-
sion of the Supreme Soviet's
Chamber of Nationalities, or House
of Parliament. Shapiliev also is
editor of Pravda, the Communist
party newspaper.
The high-level session in Bel-
grade was announced as Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
was preparing to leave Warsaw
for Vienna to discuss with West-
ern foreign ministers the expect-
ed meeting at the summit between
Bulganin, President Eisenhower,
Eden and Faure. The. West has
proposed this meeting for July.
Mock Attack
Empties City

eerie stillness, a feeling of empti-
ness settled over this little town
in the east Arkansas flatlands
yesterday after thousands of
children, fleeing from a mock air
attack on Memphis, flooded In
for refuge.
Martial law reigned for four
hours while Forrest City went
through the motions of feeding
and sheltering a hungry and

All the British colony's bus
transport and a large section of
its industry was paralyzed, though
the violence that flared Thursday
slacked off. The British moved
thousands of steel-helmeted Gurk-
ha and Malayan troops into emer-
gency positions.
*. * *
NEW YORK - Sen. John J.
Sparkman (D-Ala) said yesterday
that Adlai Stevenson, who headed
the party ticket in 1952, would be
the Democrats' presidential can-
didate next year, and did not rule
out that he himself would run
again for vice-president.
Sparkman said Stevenson "faces
no serious competition" for the
Sparkman talked at a young

Michifish Stage Wet Mock
Colored lights flashed on blue-green water last night as Michifish
took its "Big Plunge."
Coeds from the University and varsity swimmers contributed to the
aqua spectacle.
Bleachers at the women's pool were filled, and in spite of the hu-
mid air, everyone seemed to enjoy himself.
"Big Plunge" was the marriage of "the Bride" as played by Cindy
Camp, '57N.
The theme was the bride's preparation for the wedding. Red light-
ing played dramatically on black-suited women while they swam
through their paces in the skit titled "Gloves-Styled for the Occa-
Other scenes had "the Bride" choosing jewelry, sweaters, beach-

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