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May 10, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-10

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Omitting SGC President
Damages Michigamua
See Page 4




ill III
r t

Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, WARMER



West ToRequest
Big Four Meeting
Ministers To SigniAustrian Treaty;
NATO Council Admits Germany
PARIS (I)-The Western Powers, with West Germany added of-
ficially to their defensive alliance, decided yesterday to ask the So-
viet Union to a Big Four conference to ease tensions in Europe.
British officials said a conference at the summit is virtually as-
sured. They expressed absolute confidence that President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, British Prime Minister Anthony Eden, French Pre-
mier Edgar Faure and Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin will meet
at some neutral spot during the summer to discuss cold war issues.
d A member of the United States delegation to the Paris foreign min-
isters' conference said Pres. Eisenhower was prepared to attend "a








Atomic Test

World News


By The Associated Press
Nationalist China..


TAIPEI, Formosa - Premier
O. K. Yui said yesterday Nation-
alist China would refuse to quit
the offshore islands even if the
United States should urge such a
Yui, who heads the Nationalist
Cabinet under President Chiang
Kai-shek, emphasized in an inter-
view, however, that the United
States had made no such request.
As for reasons why the Nation-
alists feel the offshore islands
must be defended, Yui declared:
"The defense of Quemoy and Mat-;
su is inseparable from the de-
fense of Formosa and the Pesca-
Colliseum Collapse .. .
NEW YORK - The main exhib-
it floor of New York's new Coli-
seum project on Columbus Circle
collapsed with an explosive roar
yesterday under a weight of fresh
At least one workman was trap-
ped and unaccounted for beneath
tons of debris. Forty others were
known injured, A' thousand men
were oqa the job at the time of the
" . *
Postal Ray Raise .. .
risking a presidential veto, approv-
ed an average pay raise of 8.8 per
cent for postal workers yesterday.
Democratic leaders said the Sen-
ate would take up the bill Wed-
nesday, and that its chances of
passage were good.
But President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower has indicated he would
veto any increase going beyond
'7.6 per cent.
* * *9
Sheppard Trial .. .
CLEVELAND - A judge late
yesterday turned down the demand
of Dr. -Samuel H Sheppard for a
new trial.
He brushed aside as "theories"
an investigator's story that he had
found a stranger's blood spot in
the bedroom where the pregnant
and pretty Marilyn Sheppard was
bludgeoned to death in the early
hours of last July 4.
* * *
AFL Meeting . .
CHICAGO - Some 500 repre-
sentatives of the American Feder-
ation of Labor will meet in Chica-
go in mid-August in preparation
for merging with the Congress of
Industrial Organiations, it was an-
nounced Monday.
t* w
CIO Wage Talks .. .
y DETROIT - The CIO United
Auto Workers yesterday reported
a "lack of progress" in its guar-
anteed annual wage talks with the
auto industry. It ordered an im-
Mediate strike vote among some
465,000 Ford and General Motors
Senior Society
In and out the halls we wander
Singing as we go
Of the girls we're going to honor
With our pins of black and gold
Recognizing loyal service
And their deeds that are well done
They will wear our bows and col-
And of us they will be one
Marian Charvat, '56Ed, Muriel
Chaflin, '55, Grace Cool, '56SM,
Shirlee Diamond, '55, Jocelyn
Feingold, '56, Coralyn Fitz, '56,
Hazel Frank, '56. Marge Frogel.

very brief" conference of Big Four
leaders-just to pave the way for
a meeting of their foreign min-
isters which would get down to
brass tacks. But this has not yet
been confirmed officially.
Top Level Conferences
The British said the top-level
conf'erence-which they under-
stood U.S. Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles has recommended to
President Ei'senhower-would be
held without any fixed program.
The foreign ministers then
would :deal in detail with such is-
sues as German reunification, a
European-wide security system
and disarmament.
Big Three Decision
The Big three decision climax-
ed a day of diplomatic bustle in
Paris in which :
1. The 15-nation North Atlantic
Treaty Organization Council con-
curred that the United States,
Britain and France should seek a
Imeeting with the Soviets.

2. The

NATO Council formally
newly sovereign West
to NATO.

Set by U.S.
To Test New Defense
Against Submarines
WASHINGTON ()-Tlie United
States will explode an atomic de-
vice in the Pacific Ocean within
the next few days to test new de-
fenses against submarines.
A brief Defense Department an-
nouncement said the underwater
blast will take place several hun-
dred miles off the West Coast in
an area "completely clear of fish-
ing grounds and shipping lanes."
It did not pinpoint the spot, nor
did it give the exact time.
There will be no hazard to in-
habitants of the mainland or any
islands in the Eastern Pacific, the
announcement said.
The test was organized by the
Defense Department and the
Atomic Energy Commission with
the assistance of preliminary stud-
ies made by the Scripps Institutei
of Oceanography.
There was no mention of observ-
ers, foreign or domestic, in the an-
I nouncement, and p r e s u m a b l y
members of the American press
will not be permitted to witness
the explosion.
Since the Pentagon said the test
is designed to strengthen defenses
against submarine attack, it is
probable that obsolete submarines
will be used as underwater tar-
gets. Some surface craft also may
be anchored in the blast area to
measure the effects of the explo-
sion, although the announcement
did not touch on this.
It said a "small yield nuclear
device" would be used.
The shot will be the second pub-
licly announced underwater atomic
test made by American scientists
and military expe:ts. The first one
boiled the waters off Bikini in
1946. It was one of an initial series
of experiments made after World
War II.
Joint Task Force:7, commanded
by Rear Adm. C. B. Momsen, will
conduct the new test. Momsen is
one of the Navy's leading experts
on submarine warfare.
Informed officials commented, in
connection with the test, that ank
atomic weapon can be dropped or
planted like a World War II sea
mine and timed to explode under

--Daily-John Hirtzei
PLANS FOR A SUMMER information program are discussed by Bob Knutson, Vice-President James
A. Lewis, Tom Bleha, Irene Pavlove, Don Feather and Debbie Townsend.

U.S. Taking
Riske Says
" 10 E

be reached to surmount a. last-
minute hitch which developed
Future of Property
This concerns the futut of
former German property held by
the Soviets in Austria. The Rus-
sians were reported to have re-
fused to include in the treaty the
extensive concessions promised to
Austria when Austrian leaders
went to Moscow recently.
Conference sources said the So-,
viets now insist that these conces-
sions be made the subject of a
separate agreement between thel
U.S.S.R. and Austria, while the
Western ambassaidors say they

Group Discusses
Summer Plans

Fly to Vienna
3. The Big Three foreign min-
isters announced they would fly to
Vienna to meet Saturday with So-
viet Foreign Minister V. M. Mplo-
tov to complete the Austrian in-'
dependence treaty. They probably
will sign it on Sunday, ending 10
years of four-power occupation.
French Foreign Minister An-
toine Pinay announced the agree-
ment to invite the Russians to a
Big Four conference. Pinay spoke
to a news conference following the
NATO Council's closed meeting.
Pinay said the Western minist-
ers still must agree on a proposal
for the time and place of the con-
ference. July is believed the most
likely month. The West favors
Lugano, Lausanne or Geneva, all
in Switzerland, as the site.
British officials, meanwhile,
said Molotov has agreed to meet
Dulles, Pinay and British Foreign
Secretary Harold MV~acMillan in
Vienna Saturday to sign the long-
delayed Austrian treaty. This
would bring the withdrawal of
Russian and Allied troops from
Austria in return for a commit-
ment for that little nation to stay
out of military alliances.

Freedom See n
By nd of Week
Acceptable Compromise Found
For Future of Austrian Oilfields
VIENNA, Austria (P)-The last major obstacle to the conclusion
of a treaty of independence for Austria was reported out of the way
yesterday-and. the nation may get its long-awaited freedom this
Informed sources said Western delegates to a five-nation ambassa-
dors' conference ironing out the text of the draft treaty presented an
acceptable compromise on the hotly debated future of the Austrian
Western delegates still expressed hope that a compromise would

should be incorporated in the
treaty to be signed by all five gov-
tiadlordy LEE MARKS ernments
Leaders of the four housing groups met with Uiniversity admin- ern.e.ts.
WASHINGTON OP)-Adm. Ar- istrators yesterday to discuss preliminary plans for a summer in- Austrian Officials Optimistic
thur Radford testified yesterday formation program. Austrian officials also are op-
the United States is taking a "cal- Aimed at making the transition from high school to college timistic that the treaty will be
culated risk" on the size of its Far as painless as possible, the program will be tried on an experimental finished by Saturday wheUnite
Eastern forces but that naval and basis this summei. States, Britain, France and Russia
aid reinforcements can be rushed Although final plans have not been formulated, in essence they are to meet in Vienna.
consist of having qualified University students contact prospective Reports from Paris said Soviet
in "very quickly." freebn to answer questions RprtM sePissd
Andresheechtoranswer questions Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
And the chairman of the Joit I about University life. has indicated he is willing to leave
Chiefs of Staff said they will be, University Vice-President James a.meeting of Soviet bloc leaders
if necessary. Radford appeared be- Str ireA. Lewis, Don Feather, assistant anmWetsng-ofdSmvet bho les
fore the Senate Foreign Relations director of admissions, IFC Execu- Iin Warsaw and meet the West-
Committee to speak out for the tive Vice-President Bob Knutson, Saturday or Sunday.
dllarsforein' ai progrm o56,-Irene Pavlove, '57, represent- U.S. Secretary of State John
dollar foreign aid program. ing Assembly Association, Tom


Nation Polio
Halt Ignored
By Michigan
By The Associated Prest
Michigan is the chief holdout to
the government's recommendation
that the nation's polio vaccination
program bed halted temporarily.
Most states have followed the
recommendation announced b y
Surgeon General Leonard A.
Scheele, but State Health Com-
missioner Albert Heustis said
Michigan's program will proceed.
State officials said it would only
be stopped by a "direct order"
from the government.
Washtenaw county's plans are
still indefinite, Dr. Otto K. En-
gelke, county health director said
yesterday. He said a decision
would be made later in the week
whether first round makeup inoc-
ulations scheduled for Friday
would be delayed.
Plans Proceeding
Plans are proceeding so far, he
said, but they may be changed at
any time when state and national
authorities take a similar. stand.


Sen. Mike Mansfield( D-Mont.)
contended this country "may be

WASHINGTON (A') -- The 57-

Bleha, '56, president of Inter-I
House Council and Panhellenic

playing a dangerous game" by re- day-old Louisville & Nashville President Debbie Townsend, '561
ducing its Far Eastern forces "to Railroad strike, one of the longest attended the meeting.
such an extent that we have to de- walkouts in rail history, will end Stresses Two Points
pend on our allies"-South Korea Wednesday morning with unre- Vice-President Lewis stressed
and Chinese Nationalist Formosa. solved issues to be decided by a two points:
Radford said the military aid neutral referee. 1) The proposed plan is not in
program is "part and "parcel" of Negotiators, dogtired from al- any way a recruitment or indoc-
the United States Defense Depart- most continuous day and night trination program. Only students
ment's program. bargaining over the weekend, already accepted for enrollment
It is based on "interwoven self- agreed on the settlement plan yes- at the University will be contact-
interest," he said. terday morning. ed.
2) If it is to be successful, the
plan must not be slanted towards
any particular group. The Vice-j
President pointed out that in the
Asia' Drive Beins Toda past similar programs have been
attempted by groups seeking pri-

Foster DunLes,t3British oreĀ£0eign ejT- he county has enough vaccine to
Cetary Harold MacMillan and proceed with makeup inoculations,
SFrance's Foreign Minister AxAoinebut a new supply would be neces-
Pinay are reported preparing to sary to begin the second round
fly here about Thursday, although scheduled for May 20.
Dulles:is awaiting approval from Heustis expressed confidence in
Washington. Michigan's supply of vaccine which
First Time has already been given to more
If Austria gets freedom this than 300,000 youngsters with only
weekend, it will be the first time one possible case of polio among
in 17 years she will have been free -them.
of military occupation. Current Supply
In five sessions last week, the Michigan's current supply of
ambassadors of the Big Four, vaccine from the Parke-Davis Lab-
meeting with Austrian Foreign oratories is enough to inoculate
Minister Leopold Figl, settled 50,000 youngsters, Heustis said. He
most of the text of the independ- believes this 'supply which has
ence treaty. The draft runs shown "no bad results" should be
about 30,000 words. 'used up.
Wehave no reason to change

SGC-Sponsored 'Books for.


"We Japanese realize clearly ourl
past mistakes in neglecting to
study about foreign countries."
This is a quote from a letter by
Hideharu Maruyama of the Uni-I
versity of Tokyo written to Ameri-
can students to thank them for
contributing their textbooks to the
Books for Asian Students drive.
The letter continues to point out
that Asian students are eager to
learn about America, but that this
is impossible because American
books are scarce in Japan and ex-
pensive to import.
The Books for Asia drive will be

conducted at the University start-
ing today and lasting through
Representatives from each hous-
ing unit will provide boxes for de-
positing books. Receptacles will
also be placed in the Union, League
and Mason Hall.
American Sponsored
Under the sponsorship of Stu-
dent Government Council, the In-
ter-Fraternity Council, Inter -
House Council, Panhgllenic and
Assembly Associations are alsoI
helping with the drive.
After the books are collected

C. rmarily to advance Teir own in-
they will be sent to San Francisco ; "While this program will not1
for shipment to Asian countries, supercede or replace attempts byt
In a formal statement, the Asian vested interests to indoctrinate
Foundation claimed many Amer- students, it will be aimed wholly From the Stonehenge circle
can professors returning from at promoting the interests of the Aided by the witches' cauldron,
Asia have pointed to the lack of University as a whole," Vice-Presi- l"stic plans were brewed in dark-
textbooks as one of the most press- dent Lewis commented. ness.
ing problem of Asian education. Major obstacle to implementing, Many twigs were examined,
Little Money for Textbooks the plan, as pointed out by Knut- Many rocks were overturned,
Commenting that Asian students son, is the time element. With only Subjected to heat from blaring
have little money to spend, the r_ a, few weeks left before finals, torches
the Foundation said there students rapid progress will have to be Observed by men of knowledgeI
can only read the literature that made if the plan is to be tcied and magic.
is being flooded through Asia that on even an experimental basis Most decayed, were burned, were
distorts objectives of the Free this summer. destroyed.
World. This communist literature A Good Proposal Finally from the murky grove,
is given away or sold at a very low Group leaders at the meeting From the cave where Fingal
price. were generally agreed that* the perished,
The books that are contributed proposal was a good one and could;The order of the Mighty Oak
to this drive serve a double pur- be implemented on a trial basis emerged,
pose. They help Asian students and over the summer. Causing the earth to shake and
professors by supplying current Contact of prospective fresh shiver,
Contactiof nationstand citie- to
tools for classroom use and they man will be on an individual basis. Causig nations and citiea to
spread a better understanding of Representatives of the four cower
Western thought among the East- housing groups will furnish the All to bend the twig and sapling'
ern peoples. admissions office with a list of And to capture the sturdy aywends
Distributed Equally students willing to serve as "coun- The Almighty DRUIDS have
The books are distributed equal- j cilors." These students, as plans cspoken!
ly through Asian organizations I stand now, will then contact pros- o came: Bushel-Basket But-
which are anxious to alleviate the pective freshmen over the summer. tonball Benedict; Bartering Blue-
need for texts. Prof. Robert Hall, -ourtesy Asia Foundation Discussing the types of com wood Buchaerliner; Caper-cutting
of the far eastern studies depart- -dunities from which to draw d
ment, has been selected to take ENCYCLIPEDIAS TO councilors and prospective stu- Cottonwood Corey; Darting Dog-
care of distribution in Tokyo and ANTHROPOLOGY BOOKS... dents, those present agreed that wood Douglis; Ferocious Fir Fox;
will go there next year. middle-sized, distant towns werej Foghorn Foxtail Fritts; Front
Under the direction of Tom Saw- Chemistry and math books are best Page Fringetree Frymer; Genteel
yer, '58, the committee was set un !not ne -id as muic hahmanitie s 4.chm an i;v Gopherwood Gardner;

course in the middle of the stream.
Protection against paralytic polio
is at stake for many Michigan
youngsters," he said. Some 50 more
cases of paralytic polio could be
prevented by using the current
supply, he added.
Scheele Voices Faith
Scheele, too, voiced faith in all
vaccine now available for use. But
he urged a postponement of vac-
cinations until federal inspectors
make on-the-spot double checks
in the five vaccine-making labora-
Individual lots of vaccine will be
cleared for immediate use as soon
as the inspectors okay them and
telephone their reports to Scheele,
who said he hoped the first lots
can be released late this week.
In other developments:
1. Chairman W. Magnuson (D-
Wash) of the Senate Interstate
Commerce Committee said an in-
vestigation will be started early
next week into what, he called
"muddled confusion" surrounding
the vaccine.
2. Dr. Jonas E. Salk, developer of
the vaccine, said at Pittsburgh
the Public Health Service's action
"expresses its desire to do all in
its power to assure the continuous
flow of safe and effective vac-
cine." Salk said the safety of the
vaccine itself has been proved be-
yond question.

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