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February 11, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-11

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SGC Positions Deserve
More Candidates


"Glad To Help - Here's Some Swimming Lessons"

CAMPUS LEADERS have been harping at
evidences of student apathy for the past
few years. Their disgust was particularly di-
rected at apathy toward Student Legislature,
the existing student government at the Uni-
versity. Very few students seemed to care one
way or the other what the Legislature did and
SL degenerated into somewhat of a campus
joke. The students rationalized that they could-
n't get excited about a government that didn't
have any power and couldn't accomplish any-
thing constructive anyway.
During the past year plans for a new stu-
dent government evolved and student apathy
seemed to suddenly disappear as almost all
leading campus organizations got behind Stu-
dent Government Council, a student govern-
ment with "power" to get some things done for
the students. Due considerably to strong pro-
SGC campaigns by Interfraternity Council, In-
ter-House Council, Assembly and Pan-Hellenic
among others the students in an all-campus
referendum supported the new government by
more than three-to-one.
W HETHER ONE agreed with the trend of the
vote or not the enthusiasm over the issue
and size of the vote on election day was en-
couraging to campus leaders who had seen
their efforts go almost entirely unnoticed dur-
ing recent years."
Apparently however student enthusiasm was
entirely inspired for the moment. Now that the
real work of making SGC into an effective
campus student government has begun the
campus seems to have again become the unin-
terested, apathetic force of earlier repute.
SGC petitions have now been available for
three days in Ruth Callahan's office at 1020
Administration Bldg. Early yesterday afternoon
only 14 petitions had been picked up buy stu-
dents and 10 of these people are present mem-
bers of the Student Legislature. Since the first
three days are generally a rush period for elec-
tion petitions, the fact there are only three
more petitions out than number of elected op-
enings on SGC is depressing for optimists who

predicted a great student government race
with as many as 35 students vieing for posi-
tions. Apparently the optimists didn't think
student interest would wane rapidly.
PART OF THE poor showng may be laid to
the campus organizations who so ardently
supported SGC. It is peculiar that the one
campus organization that failed to give out-
right support to SGC has thus far supplied
ten of the petitioners. The others don't seem to
be the result of any strong campaign by the
campus organizations to interest capable mem-
bers of their subordinate groups to become can-
didates. It would seem that the fraternities,
sororities and dormitory groups could supply
excellent student government representatives
from among their ranks. IFC, IHC, Pan-Hel
and Assembly demonstrated during the days
preceding the SGC poll what influence they can
assert over their members. Now is the time to
campaign again, this time to get outstanding
members for the student government they pre-
viously supported so ardently.
There is also a need for those student gov-
ernment enthusiasts who annually come to the
University and lose interest after seeing the
lack of success encountered continually by SL.
Many of these students are still on the cam-
pus and should seriously consider reopening
their interest in student government by run-
ning for SGC where there appears to be at
least some possibility for accomplishment.
IF STUDENTS are to elect an effective SGC,
so important in the early days of its exis-
tence, there must be a multiplicity of candi..
dates from which to make an intelligent selec-
tion next March 15 and 16.
Petitions do not have to be turned in until
Feb. 21 so there is still plenty of time for in-
terested candidates. It's time for the people
who have criticized SL's impotence and support-
ed SGC as a substitute to either pursuade cap-
able acquaintances to enter the race or perhaps
step in and run themselves.
-Dave Baad

Shark Liver Crowded Out
By Formosa Trouble

WORLD'S record brown shark has been
caught in Florida waters off Cape Haze.
Exceeding by nearly three feet the largest of
its species previously on record, the shark will
contribute its liver to cancer research. Recent
researches suggest that a material called squa-
lene cuts down the ability of particular mater-
ials to cause cancer. Squalene exists in shark
(Reported in the New York Times, Feb. 6, 1955)
A world's record naval fleet has been as-
sembled in Pacific waters off the China main-
land. The most powerful naval force assembled
since the Inchon landing in Korea, the fleet
will contribute its support to the Nationalist
evacuation of the Tachen islands, 25 miles
away from the mainland. Recent Communist
Chinese attacks on the islands and the diffi-
culty of protecting them against attack suggest
that the precaution of evacuation should be
taken..Despite evacuation of the off-shore is.
lands, the Eisenhower Administration is de-
termined to fight, if necessary, to defend For-
mosa and the Pescadores.
(Reported in the New York Times, Feb. 6, 1955)
YOU'RE UP against rough competition, brown
shark. It looks as if Vice Admiral Pride and
the boys of the Seventh Fleet are commanding
a lot more attention these days than your can-
cer research or the old international-atoms-
pool resolution have any right to expect. You
came along with your scientifically-interesting

liver muttering obsolete words about the "con-
tinuation of mankind" and the "preservation
of the species." Sorry, shark. The 20th century
word is "manunkind." Oh, they'll take your liver
and do what they can with it, try to find out if
the substance known as squalene really can
prolong the life of man. You may even rate a
few lines down on the science page. But for
lasting, continuing interest, you're heading in
the wrong direction.
Actually there hasn't been much room for
attention to peaceful sharks the last few de-
cades. World War I . . . of course that was
before your time. You may dimly remembel?
World War II. Probably have heard quite a bit
of the word "Korea" in your day. And then
just as you were preparing for your dash into
the limelight, they sprung Indochina on you.
O.K., you waited your chance; you even ac-
cepted Mendes-France. And then when you
came along Cape Haze with your contribution,
you find yourself outclassed.
NTICE OF you to think of us though. There are
other optimists around, but they're having
some difficulty deciding what to do when after
a Communist says "No, I won't come to your
peace debate." We do have some nice word,
however. "Co-existence"-how's that? And
then this one--"two Chinas." Not bad. So you
see, Shark-they're trying to work something
out. Your contribution might do some good
after all. We'd like to live that long-we just
seem to be having a little difficulty.
--Debra Durchslag

Ike Might
Red China
WASHINGTON-It won't be an-
nounced for some time and it
may even be denied, but the Pre-
sident has just about made up his
mind that when the time is ripe
he will recognize Red China.
The fact that the Red Chinese
have overwhelming control of the
mainland, plus the shaky Nation-
alist leadership of Chiang Kai-
shek, plus the dubious policy of
risking a major war for the sake
of Formosa all contributed to the
President's thinking.
Secretary of StateDulles has
leaned toward this view for some
time. Eisenhower himself has
come round to it more recently.
But he has long been convinced-
even before he became President
of the United States--that this
country could not afford to get
bogged down in war with China.
The Eisenhower strategy will be
to grant recognition if the Reds
cut out their propaganda attacks
against the USA, agree to a cease-
fire and agree to respect the right
of the Nationalists to maintain a
separate China on Formosa.
All the above is one reason why
Sen. William Knowland of Cali-
fornia has been running down to
the White House two or three
times a week lately. He suspects
that this shift is in the wind and
has been doing his best to stop it.
In doing so, he has one potent,
important ally-Red China itself.
Communist Chinese leaders have
become so cocky, so brazen about
having the West on the run, that
they may thumb their noses at
any sort of agreement even if they
get recognition in return.
U.S. observers in Moscow re-
port the battle for power inside
the Kremlin has reached such bit-
terness that both Premier Malen-
kov and Nikita Khrushchev, who
is lining up a lot of support among
the late Marshal Beria's secret po-
lice buddies, has canceled a trip
he was to make into the Ukraine.
The American Embassy warns
that the situation is tense and that
new, sweeping purges are in the
works which might cost Khrush-
chev his head.
Congressman Carl Vinson of
Georgia, the House Armed Serv-
ices Chairman and great cham-
pion of the Navy, is so anxious to
whoop it up for another supercar-
rier that he has scheduled brand
new hearings. His committee has
already approved the supercarrier,
so he is actually planning hearings
on a matter that the committee
has already decided. But Vinson
believes it pays to advertise. By
holding the hearingsaovertagain,
he hopes to whip up public sup-
port to force the Appropriations
Committee to grant the money for
the supercarrier. Otherwise, they
may be guided by the advice of
atomic experts that one enemy
plane in the Mediterranean could
wipe out our entire Mediterranean
fleet with one A-bomb.
Eden may have jettisoned his
great ambition to succeed Winston
Churchill as Prime Minister of
England by his 100 per cent sup-
port of the USA over Formosa.
Immediately after President
Eisenhower asked for his Joint
Resolution giving him a free hand
around the Formosan Straits, Ed-
en came out with a public state-

ment endorsing Ike. This unprece-
dented gesture had been arranged
in advance with John Foster Dull-
es to give vigorous allied support
to the President's message.
But after the British began tak-
ing a good look at the Joint Reso-
lution, even Eden's enthusiasm
cooled while other British politi-
coes boiled. For the Joint Reso-
lution would permit the United
States to drop the A-bomb on the
Chinese mainland without a de-
claration of war even if China
only concentrated troops opposite
It was to head off such a policy
that Premier Clement Attlee made
a special trip to Washington dur-
ing the Korean war.
As a result, Eden has become a
political storm center. Even his
friend Winston is growling that
the Eisenhower policy imperils the
safety of Hong Kong.
So, unless Eisenhower works out
his strategy of Red Chinese recog-
nition and a cease-fire, the debon-
air Anthony, who has been wait-
ing so long and so patiently for
Churchill to retire, may be dis-
appointed in achieving his great-
est ambition.
JUST BEFORE he left on his Ca-
ribbean tour, Vice-President
Nixon told one of his closest
friends that President Eisenhower
does not intend to run for a sec-
ond term. Nixon said the President


Senatoria Antics .. .
To the Editor:
AS ONE LOOKS at the New York
Times in 1955 one notices a
striking and attention-demanding
similarity between it and the New
York Times of 1919. And one won-
The Times has always pursued a
policy of diligent fairness in news
reporting, and one may well as-
sume that if the Times gave so
much space to a group of people in
1919, and the same amount of
space to them again in 1955, that
group must have retained its im-
portance to the public eye.
Therefore, when one sees the
antics of Republican Senators Mc-
Carthy and Knowland as well air-
ed by the Times today as those of
the late Senator Henry Cabot
Lodge were thirty-five to forty
years ago, one begins to fear that
these intemperate, politics playing
men are quite as capable of doing
this nation the magnitude of

harm accomplished by Henry Lod-
ge thirty-five years ago when he
killed the League of Nations
through his Senate "leadership."
I come from a Republican sec-
tion of the country where the Re-
publicans have governed well for
years, and cannot possibly under-
stand why the enlightened states
of California and Wisconsin were
able to let these men slip by the
polls to positions of great import-
ance when they are of such calibre
as to be dedicated to the proposi-
tion that laws are to be interpre-
ted according/ to what they want
them to say. Mr. Bricker is also
one of these counter-constitution-
Perhaps education of future
generations will aid America in
preventing American Legion po-
litics from governing her. Then it
will no longer be possible to elect
Senators who represent not states
but such curious entities as For-
mosa and the Chicago Tribune.
--C. D. Hanover, '57


c7 ..


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility, Publication in it is constu-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m..on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 85
Medical College Admission Test: Ap-.
plication blanks for the May 7 admin-
istration of the Medical College Ad-
mission Test are now available at 110
Rackham Building. Application blanks
are due in Princeton N.J. not later
than April 23. If you expect to enter
medical school in the fall of 1956, you
are urged to take the test on May 7
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Application blanks for the
May 14 administration of the Admission
Test for Graduate Study In Business
are now available at 110 Rackham Bldg.
Application blanks are due in Princeton,
N.J .not later than April 30.
Art Prit Loan Collection: The of-
flce, 510 Administration Building, will
be open Mon. through Fri. 10:00 a.m.-
12:OOm. & 1:00-5:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m.-
12:OOm. Rented pictures may be picked
up at these dates, and others may be
Several Laurel Harper Seeley Scholar-
ships are being announced by the Alum-
nae Council of the Alumni Association
of the University of Michigan for the
academic year 1955-56. These awards are
in the amount of $200 each and are
open to both graduate and undergradu-
ate women. The awards are made on
the basis of scholarship, contribution to
University life and financial need
Application may be made through the
Alumnae Council Office in the Michigan
League Building. Applications must be
fIed before April 1. Awards will be an-
nounced by April 30.
The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship
with a stipend of $750 is being offered
by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni
Association of the University of Michi-
gan for the academic year 1955-56. This
award is open to women who are grad-
uates of an accredited college or univer-
sity. It may be used by a University of
Michigan graduate for work at any col-
lege or university, but a graduate of any
other university will be required to use
the award for work on the Michigan
campus. Personality, achievement, and
leadership will be considered in grant-
ing the award,
Application fortthe fellowship may be
made through the Alumnae Council
Office, Michigan League, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. All applications must be filed
by April 1. Award will be announced by
April 30.
Choral Union Vacancies-A few va-
cancies exist in the tenor and bass sec-
tions of the University Choral Union,
due to graduation and calls to service.
The Choral Union will perform in two
concerts of the May Festival with the
Philadelphia Orchestra.
Applicants should make appointments
for auditions promptly at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Tower; or telephone Normandy 8-
7513, or University Ext. 2118.
Applications for Grants in Support of
Research Projects; Faculty members
who wish to apply for grants from the
Research Funds to support research
projects should file their applications
in the Office of the graduate School
not later than Wed., Feb. 16. Applica-
tion forms will be mailed on request, or
can be obtained at Room 1006 Rackham
Building, Ext. 372. Applicants are urged
to file their requests before the final,
due date to expedite handling.
Students who turned i'i books to the
Student Book Exchange may pick up
checks and 1nsold books from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. Mon. and Tues., Feb. 14 and
15, at the Alumni Memorial Hall. Books
not picked up by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday be-
come the property of the Exchange.
Applications for LaVerne Noyes Schol-
arships for the spring semester must be
on file by 5:00 p.m. Tues., Feb. 15 at
the Scholarship Office, 113 Administra-
tion Building. This scholarship is open
to undergraduate students who are
blood descendants of American veter-
ans of World War I. Application forms
may be obtained at 113 Administration
Representatives from the following
will interview at the Engineering

Tues., Feb. 15-
Indiana State Highways, Indianapo-
lis, Ind.-Ail levels Civil E. for C.E.
Pure Oil Co., Chicago, I1.-All levels
Civil, Mech., Chem. E. for Research,
Development, Production, and Sales.
Wed., Feb. 16-
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.-
Regular-B.S. in Ind., Mech., and
Chem. E., Summer-Juniors in the pre-
ceding fields for Management Train-
infi Program, Summer and Regular Em.
Carter Oil Co., esearch Dept., Tulsa,
Okla.-B.S. & M.S. in Mech. E., and
Advanced Degrees in Physics, Physical
Chem., and Chem. E. for Research Re-
lated to Petroleum Production.
Thurs., Feb. 17-
Piasecki Helicopter Corp., Morton,
Penn.-B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Civil,
Elect., Mech., Ind. E., Physics, and Math.
for Design, Devel., and Testing.
Marathon-Group Meeting for Seniors
& Grad. Students in 'Chemistry, Mech.
E., Ind. E., and Chem. E. and 246 W.
Engrg., 7:30 p.m.
Fri., Feb. 18--
Leeds & Northrup Co., Phila., Penn.-
All levels in Elect., Mech., Ind., Chem.
E., and Physics for Research, Devel.,
Manufacturing, and Sales.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 248 W.E., Ext. 2182.
General Electric Co., Aircraft Gas Tur-
bine Div., Cincinnati, Ohio, is interested
in women with Math majors or minors
to work in engineering positions. If
several women are interested a repre-


sponsible for developmntand appli-
cation work with polyester resins.
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces exams for the following open
to residents of N.Y. state: Associate
Training Tech., Sr. Training Tech.,
Training Tech., Assist, in Adult Civic
Education, Assist. in Americanization
and Adult Elementary Educ., Assist. in
Educ, for the Aged, Institution Educ.
Supervisor, Sr. Library Supervisor, Sr.
Publicity Agent (Radio), Probation Ex-
aminer, Dentist, Safety Field Rep.
(Fire), Motor Equipment Maintenance
Foreman, Horticulture, Hearing Report-
er, and Hearing Stenographer. Applica-
tions for these accept'1 up to March
18, 1955. The following are open to all
qualified citizens of the U.S., and ap-
plications for the first two will be ac-
cepted up to March 18, 1955: Medical
Records Librarian, Wyoming Co.; As-
sistant Principal, School of Nursing;
and Superintendent of Rereation,
Westchester Co., (application will be
accepted for this one up to April 1,
1955). The ollowing positions exist In
.ll counties except Bronx, Kings, New
York, Queens, and Richmond, and ap-
plications will be accepted up to March
18, 1955: Highway General Maintenance
Foreman, and Highway Light Mait-
nance Foreman.
Guarantee Mutual Life Co., Detroit,
Mich., is looking for young men inter-
ested in selling lifeinsurance through-
out the state.
Navy Overseas Employment Office has
openings for an Administrative Assist-
ant with experience in real estate or
law, and a Supervisory Attorney Advi-
sor with some knowledg of legal real
estate ctivity-S-13. Both positions
are in Guam, Marianas Island.
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces exams for Account Clerk, Sta-
tistics Clerk, Clerk and File Clerk. Fi-
nal filing date Feb. 14, 1955.
U.S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces exams for Communication
Coding Clerk, Sttistical Clerk, Supply
Clerk, and Traffic Clerk. Applicants
must have had at least two years of
appropriate experience including one
year in one of the specialized fields of
work appropriate to the positions above,
For information about any of the
abovetor other job opportunities con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, ext.
371, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Feb.
11, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Free-
man D. Miller will speak on "Surveys
for the Mass Discovery of fint Blue
Logic Seminar: Fri., Feb. 11, at 4:00
p.m.,gin Room 3010 A.H. Dr. Buchi will
speak on "Tarski's Definition of Defin-
The meeting of Section 38 of Psy-
chology 31, Tutorial originally ched-
tiled for 8:00 p.m. Mon., Feb. 14, will be
held instead Tues., Feb. 15 at 8:00 p.m.
in 1035 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for James Da-
vis Shortt, Jr., Education; thesis: "Ap-
praisal of the Counseling Facilities in
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, University of Michigan" Fri.,
Feb. 11, 4019 University High School, at
10:00 a.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch.
Doctoral .Examination for Richard
Frederick Berendt, Bacteriology; thesis:
"Resistance-Lowering Properties of Na-
sal Secretions," Fri., Feb. 11, 1568 East
Medical Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
W. J. Nungester.
, Biological Chemistry Seminar: F. S.
K. MacMillan, a gradute student -i
the Department of Biological Chemistry,
will discuss some phases of the research
work contained in his doctoral disserta-
tion. The topic is: "The Formation of
Glucuronic Acid and its Role in the
Metabolism of Foreign Organic Com-
pounds." Room 319, West Medical
Building, Sat., Feb. 12, at 10:00 a.m.
, Faculty Concert: Frances Greer, so.
prano, will appear in her first Ann Ar-
bor recital at 8:30 p.m. Fri., Feb. 11, in
Lydia Mendelssohn T'.eater, when she
will sing compositions by Arnold, Pur.
cell, Pergolesi, Ravel, Poulenc, Hhn,
Gaubert, Weill, Carpenter, Bliss, Gibbs,
and Hagemann. Miss Greer will be ac-
companied by Eugene Bossart, lecturer
in vocal literature and accompanying in
the School of Music. Open to the gen-
eral public.
Events Today
Michigan Actuarial Club. Robert
Ward, assistant actuary of the Provi-
dent Mutual Life Insurance Co. of
Philadelphia, will spek on "Accident
and Health Insurance" at 4:00 p.m
Fri., Feb. 11, in Room 3-B of the Mich-
gan Union.
St. Mary's Chapel. Open house at the
Newman Club Fri., Feb. 11, from 8:00.

12:00 p.m. The dance will be a Filipino
Mixer. Orchestra, refreshments and en-
Westminster Student Fellowship Val-
entine Party will be held in the Social
Hall of the Presbyterian Church at 8:15
p.m. Fri., Feb. 11. Square dancing,
games, and refreshments. Cost to covet
refreshments will be 10c.
Coffee Hour will be held at Lane Hall
this and every Fri. afternoon at 4:30
Hillel: Fri. evening services 7:15 p.m.
Sixth Annual Institute on Advocacy,
Feb. 11 and 12, presented by the Law
School. "Problems of 'TrialEvidence."
Rackham Bldg. Fri. sessions at 2:00,
3:00, 4:00 and 8:00 p.m.; Sat. sessions
at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Of special interest will be the talk by
Joseph N. Welch of the Boston Bar on
"Advocacy Before Senate Committees,"
8:00 p.m. Fri. Registration Fee: $7.50.
Students and faculty are welcome to at-
tend Mr. Welch's lecture, if there to



At Hill Auditorium...
ISAAC STERN, violinist, with Alexander Zakin at the piano.
T HE American violinist Isaac Stern opened his program with La Folia
of Corelli. The work was well played in the style of the Italian
master, though marred in a few places by intonation slips. Perhaps
these were the fault of not being sufficiently warmed up to the
audience. In the A major Sonata of Cesar Franck Mr. Stern displayed
a magnificent concept of tone production. Neither a large, nor a
small tone,, it comprised the warm vibrant quality demanded by the
work. The entire scope of this work was well defined, with particular




Associated Press New Analyst
IHEPROGRESS being made toward the
merger of the American Federation of La-
bor and the Congress of Industrial Organiza-
tions naturally raises the question of whether
the United States is to have either a de facto
or a formal labor party.
There are a good many students of things
political who think that the 20-year-old divi-
sion in the ranks of the labor organization has
been a prime factor in preventing such a de-
velopment already. What will happen when
organized labor is, so to speak, under one man-
agement, is a matter of prime importance.
The day when American labor and a politi-
cal party will represent a single entity, as is
the case in Great Britain for most practical
purposes, does not seem near, but it may be
The AFL, particularly, has usually followed
the policy that it would engage in politics only
to the extent required by labor unionism. Led
by the CIO, however, both organizations have
in these latest S ears come to the conception
that unionism embraces ideology, management
and market practices, federal business regula-
tions, and almost anything that touches the
economy and the state of the nation as a
From endorsement of individual candidates
for public office on the basis of their attitudes
toward issues in which labor was most inter-

resulted in fairly general support by labor
afficials for the Democratic party.
The rank and file of union members, how-
ever, have never considered themselves bound,
as party members frequently consider them-
selves bound, to follow the official line. When
it comes to voting they have split like all other
Americans split, according to their individual
concepts of their best interests.
A single management for unionism, however,
presents an opportunity for such more intense
organization in political action. Vast campaign
chests will be available.
There have been predictions that a unified
labor movement would take over completely the
Democratic party. Others foresee that labor
will gradually assume the posture of maintain-
ing at least a show of independence of both
parties, so holding a position from which the
whip can be cracked at will.
Even in Britain during the industrial nation-
alization program of the Labor party the trades
unions there declined to permit their leaders
to take an active part in boards of manage-
ment. Their contention was that by assuming
responsibility for management a union leader
was bound to come in conflict with unionism.
However things evolve in the United States,
this merger is bound to have vast political ef-

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
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Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs . .. . ..Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
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Dave Livingston .........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin .,, Assoc. Sports Editor
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The Associated-Press
Michigan Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
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matter. Published daily except Monday.

notice to the sweep of the third
movement, Recitative-fantasia.
Following intermission, the high-
light of the evening, Mozart's Con-
certo No. 3 in G, K. 216 was a rare
musical experience. Though still
a young man, Mr. Stern displayed
a musical approach well into ma-
turity, and proved himself one of
the few violinists alive who play
Mozart really well. Again the tone
production and phrasing were out-
standing, and lacked the usual ex-
aggeration one hears in such
straightforward music.
In place of the Ginastera Rhap-
sody the Four Roumanian Dances
of Bela Bartok were substituted.
Technique was the spotlighted
feature here, and Mr. Stern has
this aplenty. The third dance em-
ploys a series of rather tricky har-
monics, and these were executed
with complete freedom.
La Fontaine d'Arethuse of Karol
Szymanowski and La Campanella
of Nicolo Paganini ended the
printed part of the program.
The Szymanowski is an impres-
sionistic work full of rich sonori-
ties, and the Paganini is the well
known display piece which always
seems to find its way into violin-
ists' programs. Two encores were
performed, a Danse by Darius Mil-
haud, and the popular Hora Sta-
Throughout the entire program
Alexander Zakin did a very notable
performance at the piano, well in
balance with the work of the vio-
linist. The somewhat sparse aud-
ience, perhaps due to the change
in weather, received the Stern-
Zakin team warmly, and the pro-
gram as a whole was one of the
outstanding of the series.
George Papich turned pages in a
dignified manner.
--Gordon Mumma
AND SO what does the Peale
phenomenon mean? It means
that an old, wrong answer to our
new American problems is very
popular, and that we have a hard
choice to make. We are a people



. f

First Baptist Church.
8:00 p.m. Guild Party.
Wesleyan Cuild. Fri.,
pids Capers" valentine
lounge, 8:00 p.m.

Fri., Feb. 11.
Feb. 11. "Cu
Party in the

Lutheran Student Association. Fri,
Feb. 11, 8:00 p.m. The Freshmen Coun-
cil is preparing a party for new and
old students. Center, corner of Hill St.
and Forest Ave.
Enisenal Student Foundation. Can.

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