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February 11, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-11

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Latest Deadline in the State


O ,0 D



Atom Lead
Called Folly
Gavin Says 'No
Weapons Patent'
James Gavin saii yesterday Amer-
icans should not "assume we have
a patent" on new weapons, that it
would be "complete folly" to think
the Russians are lagging.
Gen. Gavin, Army chief of op-
erations, agreed at a news confer-
ence with the Moscow statement of
Marshal Ivan Konev that the So-
viets have "all kinds of weapons."
The American general did not
comment on Konev's further state-
ment that the Russian weapons
are ready for "the complete de-
feat" of imperialists, meaning the
United States,
One Likely As Other
Gen. Gavin said the American
Army is basing its training plans
' on the possibility of an atomic
war ,or a nonatomic war. He said
one is as likely as the other. He
indicated that the era when hy-
drogen weapons might appear on
the battlefield might begin within
five or fifteen years.
Meanwhile, some American
atomic experts speculated that
Russia may have beaten America
to a short-cut technique for set-
ting off hydrogen bombs, but said
any resulting lag has now been
Experts gave that evaluation to
the boasts of Soviet Foreign Min-
ter Molotov that Russian H-
bomb successes could make Amer-
ican efforts appear backward.
Save Time, Material
Perhaps as far back as 1953,
some authorities said, the Rus-
sians may have found a way to
save huge amounts of time and
material in w.at is required to
trigger an H-bomb.
They may have hit upon a pro-
cess involving heat - producing
compression which would require
comparatively little of the fission-
able materials used in atomic
bombs. American scientists in time
worked out the problem.
Even if the Russians did get the
jump In this phase, some in the
U.S. atomic field cvy they are con-
fident that America has again
pulled out ahead in the race.
Meanwhile, the race goes on, and
the Russians are expected to con-
tinue to bear dowr heavily on nu-
clear weapons, airpower and air
defenses. There has been no evi-
dence available here from this
week's Russian command shakeup
indicating any change in the Reds'
nuclear weapon program.
.Joseph N. Welch
k To Speak Tonight
Problems of trial evidence will
be considered today by d'n expect-
ed 600 lawyers at the sixth annual
Institute on Advocacy sponsored
by the University Law School.
Joseph N. Welch, special coun-
sel for the Army during the recent
McCarthy hearings, -vill speak at
8 p.m. today, discussing "Advocacy
Before Senate Committees"~ in
Rackham Amphitheater.
Leading attorneys will speak on
their particular fields for a con-
ference of lawyers from Michigan
and nearby states.
Today's speeches start at 2 p.m.
with "Problems of Proof," given
'' by Leo W. Hoffman of the Alle-

gan bar; "The Use of Parole Evi-
dence" by Prof. W. Burnett Harvey
of the Law School at 3 p.m. and
"Proof and Argument of Pain and
r Suffering" by Paul W. Lashly of
the St. Louis, Mo., bar at 4 p.m.
Salk Experiments
Results Demanded
A group of-local health directors
in Michigan has demanded that
results of Salk polio vaccine exper-
iment be made public immediately.
Dr. Thomas Francis, head of the
Polio Vaccine Evaluation Center
has indicated results of the evalu-
ation will not be released until
Apr. 1.
Health directors expressed the
fear that it would be very diffi-
cult to conduct a vaccination pro-
gram if it had to be started after
Apr. 1, as some schools close in
May as well as early June.
They voiced their demand at
the State health commissioner's
annual conference for local health

Worker 'Editor j World News



Sees Peace Hope,
Pittman Expresses Optimism
In Address Delivered Here
"Recent changes in the administration of Russia improve chances
of world peace," John Pittman, Foreign Editor of the Daily Worker,
said at a private meeting of about 20 University students yesterday.
Commenting on the stability of international peace, Pittman cited
the South East Asia Treaty Organization, the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, German rearmament and the Eisenhower-Chiang mili-
tary alliance as actions sharpening the possibility of war.

But all these arrangements c
End T achen
Seen Soon
TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)-Soldiers
and guerrillas began landing on
Formosa yesterday from the great
Tachen withdrawal, which n'iay, be
finished by late today or tomor-
Most of the military personnel
came from Pishan, 32 miles south-
west of the Tachens, and the two
Yu Shan islands, 35 miles north-
east of the Tachens,
Weather Hindrance
Rain squalls swept the Tachens,
200 miles north of Formosa, where
the big operation was moving more
slowly" because tons of military
equipment must go out with the
The Tachens still shook to ex-
plosions as the Nationalists blew
up tunnels and gun positions in
the scorched earth strategy, said
Associated Press correspondent
Jim Becker in a dispatch from the
Finish Tomorrow
Rear Adm. Lorenzo S. Sabin Jr.,
commanding the actual withdraw-
al, told Becker the Communists
had given "no indication they will
interfere and frankly I do not see
why they should."
Sabin estimated the operation
could be wound up by tomorrow,
weather permitting. Some Navy
officers thought the work could be
finished sooner.
More than 40,000 civilians and
soldiers are being removed from
the Tachens and surrounding is-
Smith Speaks
On Dwellings
The architecture of Morocco is
often likened to a Lion, Algeria's
to a man and Tunisia's to a
woman, architect, - author and
photographer G. E. Kidder Smith
began, lecturing yesterday after-
noon in the Architecture Audi-
Accompanying his talk on North
African Architecture with rich
color slides and maps, Smith, a
Princeton graduate, described his
travels from Morocco, east through
Algeria to Tunisia.
Religiously inspired buildings,
white mosques displaying grace-
ful arches and domes, intricately
decorated minaret towers and
ruined Roman temples were dis-
cussed by the architect.
Mud and rock houses, sometimes
resembling the Indian pueblos of
southwestern United States, sheer
mud city walls and houses hol-1
lowed in the ground are more com-
mon structures of the area.
Old Law Fo
Beauty Qu

an still be negotiated, the quiet-
spoken journalist added. "They are
not at the level of causing a war."
Quotes Khruschev Statement
Presenting the Communist pap-
er's interpretation of the recent
upheavals in Russia, Pittman
quoted the statement of Com-
munist Party secretary Nikita S.
Khrushchev to William Randolph
Hearst, Jr. in which he said the
new emphasis on heavy industry
is due to economic factors.
Pittman supported Georgi Mal-
enkov's confession of inability in
the economic field and discounted
any inference of Russian empha-
sis on the military.
When Malenkov resigned, he
explained, the Supreme Soviet
"looked around for a replace-
ment" and found it in an eco-
nomic expert "who happened to
be a military man."
Zhukov's Appointment 'Logical'
"The appointment of Red Army
Marshall Georgi Zhukov to de-
fense minister was a logical step
since he had been a first deputy
of defense," the Daily Worker edi-
tor continued.
In connection with V. F. Molo-
tov's report'edly ."get tough"
speech, Pittman commented that
the only new thing in the foreign
ministers talk was the statement
that the United States shouldn't
think themselves ahead in thermo-
nuclear production.
Replying to Pres. Dwight D.
Eisenhower's and Sen. Alexander
Wiley's (R-Wis.) interpretation of
the shakeup as a sign of Soviet
weakness, Pittman said that this
idea "has been a general inter-
pretation of such changes for
NEW YORK, Feb. 10 OP)--j
Louis E. Wolfson, young Florida
financier, disclosed today plans
for a coast-to-coast tour and
other strategy in his fight for
control of Montgomery Ward &
Wolfson told newsmen he ex-
pects to announce his slate for
the nine places on the board
of directors around March 15.
His slate may include a wom-
an, Wolfson said when a news-
man asked him whether he
would emulate board chairman
Robert R. Young of the New
York Central who won his
proxy fight for control of, that
railroad last spring with a
woman candidate on his list.

By The Associated Press
Reuther Criticizes . .
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's econom-
ic planning was sharply criticized
yesterday by CIO President Wal-
ter Reuther. .
He said the administration is
"looking through a rear-view mir-
ror" when it should be looking
forward to the days of automatic
factories and offices.
"I firmly believe that the ad-
ministration is selling the Ameri-
can people short," Reuther said,
"that its petty, half-hearted eco-
nomic programs are based on an
hypnotic preoccupation with sta-
tistical indexes of the long-run
past, rather than with the tre-
mendous strides toward economic
abundance that present American
technology and ingenuity are cur-
rently making possible."
* * * -
Nixon Protection . . .
MEXICO CITY - Mexican au-
thorities were reported yesterday
to have arrested 14 or more Puer-
to Rican Nationalists in a move to
protect United States Vice Presi-
dent and Mrs. Richard Nixon on
their visit to Mexico. Yesterday
the Nixons mingled freely with
Mexican crowds.
Police officials declined to con-
firm the reported arrests. Howev-
er, Puerto Rican sources hee told
reporters several men and at least
one woman were being held.
Market Rise .. .
WASHINGTON - The stock
market's continuing rise brought
new expressions of concern in
Congress today, and a suggestion
that margin trading be ended.
At a meeting of the house com-
merce committee, Rep. Oren Har-
ris (D-Ark) said stocks were "go-
ing out of sight" and that he fear-
ed a "boom and bust."
Rep. John B. Bennett (R-Mich)
declared he thought margin re-
quirements "should be raised to
100 per cent."
* * *
Cohn Implication . .
NEW YORK - Harvey Matu-
sow said in Federal Court yester-
day that Roy M. Cohn worked
with him in preparing false testi-
mony Matusow says he gave for
the government in a trial of 12
secondary Communists.
Matusow testified at a hearing
on a motion by the convicted
Communist for a new trial.
* * *
Road Compromise -. .
LANSING - Some House Re-
publicans today backed away
from their party's road program
in favor of a compromise with
Gov. G. Mennen Williams.
Republicans interrupted the aft-
ernoon session of the house to
caucus in their third attempt in
two days to untangle the highway
- "We are still making progress
but will have to meet again net
week," said speaker Wade Van
Valkenburg (R-Kalamazoo). ,
. Van Valkenburg said Republi-
can interest in the governor's
highway program is "waning."



-Daily-John Hirtzei
WINTER OF DISCONTENT-Students who left their houses prepared for yesterday morning's
deceptively balmy weather were irritated by the sudden blizzard late last night, blanketing Ann
Arbor and all of southern Michigan with more than three inches of snow. The storm ended late
yesterday, with snow flurries and colder temperatures predicted for today.



SGC Steering Committee
Adopts SL Resolutions
Student Government Council's steering committee adopted three
recommendations yesterday concerned with student government dur-
ing the interim period while SGC is being organized.
The committee passed Student Affairs Committee's recommen-
dation that four SAC sub-committees continue to function through the
transition period until SGC is able to appoint new members from its
own Council or dispose of the group's services.
The recommendation, made by SAC at its meeting Tuesday, in-
cluded the constitutions committee, the calendaring' committee, the
University committee on housing and the student housing study com-
Also yesterday the steering committee adopted Student Legisla-

Sharp Increase .in State
Employment Observed
A "sharp upswing" marked Michigan employment during the last
three months of 1954.
According to the state Employment Security Commission, the im-
provement was partly due to a seasonal increase in automobile pro-
duction. "Labor market conditions in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area
have improved considerably" as well as those in other parts of the state.
The upswing followed a year of
adjustment for Michigan manu-
facturing industries. Declining de-
fense activity, inventory liquida-
rbi s L ocal tion and less consumer buying
were responsible, the commission
t Unemployment in the state av-j
.onIUts eraged 211,000 monthly in 1954 as
against 80,000 the year before. The
lowest' unemployment figures of
saying "a queen contest would the year were reported for Decem-
highlight any event. Michigan ber, a total of 149,000 persons.
needn't take a back seat to any Long-ruin trends in Michigan
school." employment are reported in a
Another queen-contest advo- booklet published by the federal
cate is Duncan MacDonald, '55. government. According to the
"It would be kind of nice to have booklet, employment increased
a homecoming queen," the former from 1,821,000 men and women in
University quarterback comment- 1940 to 2,391,000 in 1950.
ed, "it would add a lot to the col- Michigan ranks fifth in the na-
or and festivities of the big week- tion in manufacturing employ-
end " ment, generally because of the au-
"Not Worth Result" tomobile industry.

ture proposals to have SGC take o
SGC Posts
Now Sought
By Fourteen
Only one Student Government
Council petition was picked* up
yesterday from 1020 Administra-
tion Bldg.
The petition, being circulated by
Paula Strong, '56, brings the total
of prospective SGC candidates to
14, a figure termed yesterday b5
Ruth Callahan, SGC's Adminis-
trative Secretary "rather disap-
Other petitions taken out since!
Monday include two for literary
college senior class officers, four
for Board in Control of Student
Publications. seven J-Hap, five
Union Vice-President and none for
either engineering school senior!
class officers or Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics.
SGC petitions so far have been
issued to Miss Strong, Donna Net-
zer, '57, Bill Adams, '57, Joel Tau-
ber, '57, Bob Leacock, '57, Janet
Neary, '58, Larry Levine, '56, Hank
Berliner, '56, Larry Harris, '56,
Bill Hanks, '56BAd, Jesse Meyers,
'57, Lois Zertecka, '57, Bruce Boss,
'57 and JoAnn Karch, '57.

over Cinema Guild temporarily and
to continue present SL representa-
tion on- 11 University committees
during the interim period.
Recommended by SL at its
meeting Wednesday, the Cinema
Guild resolution calls for passing
Cinema Guild to SGC urntil the
new student government might
wish to dispose of it in some other
Eleven committees which will
continue to have SL representation
include the Union Board, Loan
Committee, Fresh Air Camp Com-
mittee, Regional Executive Com-
mittee of National Student Asso-
President's Conference, Treasur-
er of Central Pep Rally Commit-
tee, Lecture Committee, University
Calendaring Committee, Library
Steering Committee and Literary
College Administrative Board.
At the same time the steering
committee voted to maintain the
NSA Travel Director and the SL
Executive Wing Coordinator.
The steering committee's next
meeting will be at 3 p.m. Thursday
in the Union.
Assassination Plot
PANAMA (A') - Prosecution of
ex-President Jose Ramon Guizado
on charges of plotting the assas-
sination of President Jose Anto-
nio Remon was recommended yes-
terday by a special inquiry com-

'Very Tasty'
CHICAGO (/P)-The collec-
tor of customs yesterday re-
ceived nearly a ton of fried
grasshoppers consigned to a
Chicago food distributor.
"I . guess people eat them,"
said collector Frank Peska as
he figured a duty of $315.20 on
the shipment..
Seniors Say'
Facilities OK
During yesterday's Inter-House
Council meeting in the East Quad-
rangle President Stan Levy, '55.
'reported that a survey made of
seniors living in the men's resi-
dence halls showed the students
preferred the physical facilities
presently in use.
Of the 150 replies to about 175
questionnaires mailed out, no sen-
iors gave preference to triple
rooms over singles and doubles.
Double-rooms were the most pop-
ular form of arrangement,. Levy
At next Thursday's special IHC
meeting in South Quadrangle the
problem of . what to do with re-
gard to the occupancy of Chicago'
House next year will be discussed
the IHC decided.
Male students are scheduled to
reoccupy the house with girls now
there scheduled to be moved to
the Couzens Hall addition. How-
ever, there is a possibility that the
addition may not be ready for oc-
cupancy at the beginning of next
During the session .yesterday,
Bill Butzloff, '58, was elected re-
cording secretary.
Levy said that the Operation
Inquiry report will be released
about March 1. Annual elections
for president and administrative
and executive vice-presidents will
be held April 14.

Meany Claims -
'Only 25 Percent'
By The Associated Press
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. -- AFL un-
ion leaders yesterday unnimous-
ly approved the AFL-CIO merger
agreement and the pact appeared
well on its way to. being put into
Endorsement by the AFL Ex-
ecutive Council was only one in a
series of necessary ratifying ac-
tions, but AFL President George
Meany said he was coifident they
will be accomplished.
Told that some business leaders
have expressed fear that welding
the AFL and CIO into a single 15-
million - member organization
would tend to create a labor mon-
opoly, Meany expressed disagree-
Only Part Organized
"We represent only a minority
of workers in the country," Meany
said. "There are more than 60 mil-
lion workers and we've organized
less than 25 per cent of them."
Meany said millions of workers
probably never could be organized
because their work doesn't lend
itself to uniohism.
Meany and CIO President Wal-
ter Reuther, along with other top
AFL and C O officials, signed the
detailed agreeinent to merge their
big organizations here Wednesday
White Collar Workers
Meany cited the ."great mass of
White-collar workers who need to
better their conditions" as one
field for concentration of the or-
ganizing drive.
In its last session the Executive
Council called for at least a 10
percent wage increase for postal
and other Federal employes, whom
they termed "stepchildren of our
American economy."
Haber Says
'Bigness' Will
.Add Respect
Desire for "bigness and the
respect it draws was given as one
of the reasons for the CIO-AFT .
merger yesterday by Prof. William
Haber of the economics depart-
"The new federation," said Prof.
Haber, "puts labor in a more Im-
portant position psychologically
and politically." Actuall:-, he add-
ed, labor is in the same position as
before the merger but "we respect
and fear bigness."
The labor expert said that the
new respect would be a greater
weight in the drivedfor more nem-
Good And Bad Effects .
"However," he. said, "size will
also tend to make them more sus-
Prof. Haber pointed to what he
thought would be the good and
bad effects of the merger.

"As far as it (the merger) re-
duces Jurisdictional controversies,"
Prof. Haber said, "that is good for
the workers and the country. That
it .will reduce inter-union conflicts
is also good. As far as the merger
leads to great power, it is dan-
gerous for the country."
Prof. Haber said, however, that
he did not expect the merger to
lead to such power..The American
tradition is conservative, he said,
and that, he expected, would lead
to moderation.
Little Monopoly Basis
The University economist found
little basis in the charge leveled
yesterday by president of the Na-
tional Association of Manufactur-
ers, Henry G. Riter III, that the
new federation constituted a "dan-

Nobody from Ann Arbor com-
peted in last week's contest for
"Miss Big Ten," held at Michigan
State College.
Candidates from all other Big
Ten universities except Wiscon-
sin were on hand for the competi-
tion, with a University of Minne-
sota coed winning the title.
Absence of a University contes-
tant was not, as Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon put it, "because
we don't have nretty girls on cam-

Phoenix Project Launches 100th Study


Dedicated to peacetime use of
atomic energy, the Michigan Me-!
morial-Phoenix Project last week
observed a milestone in its four-
year history: initiation of its hun-
dredth project.
Most recent of the projects will

pus' nuclear reactor building. Bid-
ding is now in progress for the
unit, he, said, with its contract to
be granted early next month.
Reactor goundbreaking ceremo-
nies are scheduled for later this
year. A three-story windowless
structure, the unit will adjoin the
north end of the research building.

materials - increasing ductility
without changing stress and strain
Dedication Plans Begin
As other Phoenix Project work
has progressed recently, heat .fa-
cilities and elevators have been
installed into the North Campus
Phoenix Building, which is slated

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