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April 30, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-30

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bAlultDA.V, AIIICLL 30, U56




Of Fancies, Flowers, and Finals

Not the Right
Kind of Spring
SPRING AT the University isn't the Spring of
. the romantic cliches. It isn't the Spring of
the baseball season and it isn't the Spring of
eternal hope.
It is an ending, rather than a fresh begin-
ning. It's the time when students begin to
worry. They worry about finals, then their
thoughts shift to room payments and con-
tracts and summer jobs. If they're seniors they
begin to wonder-what next? Four college years
have come rapidly to a close; friends and room-
mates must say goodbye and face the more
serious world of job-relations.
Oh, yes, on the surface Spring is the same
in Ann Arbor. Radios blare ball games to stu-
dents sunning their winter-pale bodies on the
newly green grass. Robins hop around and
trees send forth chartreuse buds. Lilac bushes
try to burst into bloom. Yes, the signs are all
But look more closely at the seemingly care-
free students. The radio is ignored. Textbooks
instead of home-runs fill their thoughts. Bridge
games are clouded over by the realization that
the players should be studying.
HERE ARE arb parties, but they are sort
of oases in a desert of worry and planning.
Always there is the shadow of making money
last the semester, wondering if you'll get along
with next year's roommate and wondering if
finals and finances will be kind enough to
allow a next semester.
The robins will lay their eggs; the lilaeg
bloom fresh and fragrant. None of this will be
It's Spring, all right. But it's not the right
kind of Spring.
-Lou Sauer

Time Enough
For Efficiency
IT'S AWFULLY DULL around here. We've got
four whole weeks to assimilate the contents of
five or six courses apiece-four weeks which,
oddly, are studded with a few other obligations
and engagements here and there.
Time to kill. And even if things weren't quite
so placid-even if the path to the library
weren't quite so well-worn-we could still, for-
tunately, bank on the entire length of Friday,
May 27, which is our own special "study 'pe-
0UR FRIENDS who go to other colleges tell
us that they get a whole week for a study
period. But that's too much time. Even a week-
end, too, would be much too generous an al-
lotment. The point, of course, is to get this
mess out of the way soon, so the seniors can
graduate. It would be too bad to lengthen the
schedule by three days or so-under which cir-
cumstances some of us might even have an en-
tire free day sometime during the exam sched-
It would never do to allot extra days during
the schedule for us to look back over what we've
been taught. That might allow us time to think
and to assimilate. And that just wouldn't do.
Isn't it fun to be so efficient?
--Jane Howard
New Books at the Library
Kohn, Hans-The Mind of Modern Russia.
New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1955.
La Barre, Weston-The Human Animal. Chi-
cago, University of Chicago Press, 1955.
Marquand, John P.-Sincerely, Willis Wade.
Boston, Little, Brown, 1955.
Spender, Stephen-Collected Poems. New
York, Random House, 1955.

"Pass, Friend"
^-- t v
Al l' 1

'Man Called Peter' Falls
Short of Spiritual Aim
"4 MAN CALLED PETER" is, in many ways, Sunday morning in
Cinemascope and Technicolor. It traces the life of Peter Marshall
(Richard Todd), who rose from Scottish immigrant to chaplain of the
United States Senate.
Marshall came to the United States to become a minister, de-


(Continued from Page 2)



N THE LIGHT of what has been said and
done in Bandung and Washington these
past few days, it is impossible to doubt that the
Robertson Radford mission to Formosa had to
do with ironing out the differences between
Taipeh and Washington.
In his press conference on Tuesday Secre-
tary Dulles confirmed this inference, saying
that "there has been some difference of view-
point between the Chinese Nationalists and
ourselves with respect to that matter"-that is
to say a cease-fire-and that while "Secretary
Robertson and Admiral Radford did not go
out there with the idea of exerting any coercive
pressures upon the Chinese Nationalists," they
did go "to sit down together as allies, as part-
ners, to discuss the situation that is develop-
Now while they were sitting down together
in Formosa there developed the flat contradic-
tion between the position taken by the State
Department on Saturday and that taken by
Secretary Dulles on Tuesday. On Saturday the
Department had said that we "would insist on
free China participating as an equal in any
discussions" concerning the Formosa area.
On Tuesday the Secretary said that the pre-
sence of the Chinese Nationalists would not be
indispensable "as far as concerns a cease fire
which Involved the possible interests of the
United States."
This bobble cannot have made life easy for
Secretary Robertson, who was staying with the
Chiang Kai-sheks. But as the accomplished
diplomat that he is, we may perhaps suppose
that he explained to Chiang that while we were
willing to negotiate a cease-fire without his
presence, we would keep him fully informed
and would consult him before we agreed to
That would be the most that we could offer
to Chiang under the policy stated by Mr. Dulles
on Tuesday. It would also be the least that we
could honorably do for him. It does not alter
the fact that we have declared our willingness
to make a cease-fire in the Formosa region
without his consent.
OUR IMMEDIATE problem in Formosa is
how-without his consenting to the cease-
fire which he has publicly rejected-Chiang
can be persuaded to cease firing. The United
Sixty-Fi fth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig......................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers............................City Editor
Jon Sobeloff......................Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs................. Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.........................Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart........................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.........................Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin................Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........................Women's Editor
Janet Smitn................Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel .......................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak..........................Business Manager
Phil Brunskill.............Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise.........................Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski................Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23241

States is not firing in the Formosa region,
and when we discuss a cease-fire we are talking
not about our forces but about Chiang's forces
and the Communist forces.
If the United States is to negotiate a cease-
fire for the two Chinese antagonists, we must
on our side of the bargain be able to say that
Chiang will in fact cease firing.
Now the more public the negotiation with
Peiping, the more formal the agreements we
ask for, the more embarrassing it will be for
Chiang. For while we can almost certainly in-
duce him to give orders to his armed forces to
stop firing or at a minimum not to hit any-
thing if they do fire, we are asking something
very difficult of him if he is supposed to give
public and formal consent to a cease-fire.
That consent would be a virtual renunciation
of his hopes of returning to the mainland, and
it would be tantamount to a recognition that
the Red regime is the de facto government of
mainland China.
It may be said that though this pill is bit-
ter, it has been an essential part of US. pol.
icy for a considerable time, and it might as
well be swallowed now as later. The pill will
have to be swallowed but there is no reason
why we should be in a hurry about it. We can
let the facts and the events work their way.
Our treaty with Chiang for the defense of
Formosa registers the American decision not
to assist him in a campaign of restoration.
This decision would have been accepted and
more or less taken for granted by this time had
not everything been confused by the man-
euver which entangled the President in the
off-shore islands. The defense of the off-shore
islands might have forced the President to let
himself be drawn into that general war to
overthrow Red China which it has always
been his policy to avoid.
FHERE IS, however, a considerable difference
between our saying these things and our
asking Chiang to say them too. He should not
be hurried if we can help it. If it can be done,
we should try to put off until after there is in
fact a cessation of the firing the formal dis-
cussion of the future of Formosa.
It may be Chou will not assent to confiden-
tial discussions, a tacit cease-fire and a tacit
moratorium on the Formosa problem. But we
might try for it, and there is so much sense
in it that we could count on much support.
Senator Knowland might well ask himself
whether this course is not in Chiang's interest
as well as in the interest of the United Stats
and of the peace of the world. I say this be-
cause if we are forced now to deal with the
long term problem of Formosa, the contradic-
tions and confusions of our political and legal
relations with Chiang's government will rise
to plague us.
They are improvisations resulting as much
from the pressures of American domestic poli-
tics as from the necessities and realities of our
interests in East Asia. Thus, for example, we
recognize Chiang's government as the govern-
ment of China and yet we have not recognized
that Formosa, where he is, has been legally
ceded back to China. Chiang is juridically sov-
ereign where he does not rule and he is not
sovereign where he does. The future of For-
mosa is juridically a matter in which the Al-
lied and associated powers all have their re-
serve rights.
Issues of this sort some how or other must be
dealt with in any final formal settlement. Yet
they are in the light of the urgent practical
nrohlems of our day almost metaphysical in

Law Addition. .
To the Editor:
judge of building design are
probably poor, since I must con-
fess to a reactionary attachment
to such things as the present Union
cafeteria and even (from certain
angles) the Romance Languages
Building, but nevertheless I can-
not think of the new addition to
the Law Quadrangle as anything
other than an architectural pro-
fanity. Despite my unlearned po-
sition, I tend to consider the taste
of the designers as being equal to
that of those people who would
put ketchup on filet mignon or
even eat spaghetti with chocolate
The University student natural-
ly takes pride in the few excep-
tions from the rule of architectural
dullness and motleyism present on
this campus, so that when the
.most pleasing of these exceptions
has its theme altered from a sym-
bolization of accumulated wisdom
to an advertisement for the Alum-
inum Company of America, an ex-
pression of protest is in order. It
surprises me that the powers-that-
be have approved this feature. The
building is becoming an anachron-
istic absurdity comparable to a
Greek tragedy with a spaceman
I don't know how much agree-
ment this protest will find, but
this letter at least will fulfill the
demands of my personal consci-
ence. But this obligation fulfilled
will still not ease me of the neces-
siy to grind nMy teeth and increase
my pace when passing the corner
of Monroe and Tappan.
-Gordon L. Black
* * *
UN Study.. .
To the Editor:
THE International Committee of
the Wesleyan Guild sponsored
a study group on the UN over a
six-week period. These are the
conclusions we came to on two
vital, current issues namely U.S.
contribution to the UN Technical
Assistance Program and Charter
Recently the United States has
regretably tended to become un-
ilateral in its decision-making in
certain areas thus by-passing the
UN. As an example, we regret the
recent reluctance of Congress to
appropriate the eight million dol-
lars requested by the President for
UN Technical Assistance. In com-

parison to the need, this figure is
low, yet Congress hesitated. This
sort of action points up our seem-
ing lack of faith and support of
the UN.
In regard to a Charter Revision
Conference, we feel that at this
time there is not a great deal of
opportunity to accomplish major
charter revisions and there is some
danger in any attempt. It is more
apt to widen the split between
East and West. It is better, we
feel, to work with problems as the
UN is set up now rather than run
the risk of breaking into two more
separate power blocks. There is
now more power in the General
Assembly and it has been able to
break stalemates arising in the
Security Council. This process of
evolution under the present char-
ter shows potentiality in the Gen-
eral Assembly and is something in
which to put our confidence.
-Marilyn Cortright
* * *
Co-op Store ...
To the Editor:
AS A STRONG believer in the
L cooperative movement I wish
to take issue with Prof. Stevens
when he states his reasons for the
closing of the Co-op store as
"prosperity and political climate
of conformity you find around,
here these days. People don't have
to save money so closely any
The only bearing "climate of
conformity" could have on people
in relation to the cooperative
movement would be their reluc-
tance to join such a group. But a
static membership level, as in the
case of the Ann Arbor Co-op
should in no way affect its earn-
ing power. The Co-op doesn't live
off its members but depends on
its competitive ability to attract
customers like any other store.
The question to be answered is
why did the Co-op store do a $2,-
000 a week business while a store
across the street does a $20,000 a
week business. The answer, I
think, is poor management, a
common ill of many co-op stores.
No amount of co-op philosophy
can turn high priced mediocre
quality 'food into something the
consumer wants.
I personally feel happy that the
store has finally closed. As an ex-
amplehto students of what the co-
op movement is that store was a
disgrace. This is perhaps a callous
view but the only one possible if
the movement is ever to grow.
-Andrew Whinston

termined that this was God's plan
inward and outward experiences.
He was first pastor of a church
in a small Georgia town, then
shepherd of a large, indifferent
flock in. Atlanta. His compelling,
off-beat sermons soon made him
very popular there.
It was in Atlanta that he met
his wife, Catherine (Jean Peter),
a senior at Agnes Scott College.
After they werehmarried, he took
a ministry at the New York Ave-
nue Church in Washington. First
meeting with rebuff, he soon won
over his congregation.
* * *
HIS WIFE contracted tubercu-
losis and was for many months an
invalid. When she finally recover-
ed, he was stricken with coronary
thrombosis in the pulpit and just
barely pulled through. He accept-
ed the office of Senate chaplain
against his wife's wishes and died
of thrombosis while still a young
The picture has its defects,
among them the limitations of the
screen itself. Its aim was to por-
tray the spiritual life of a spiritual
man, but it fails sadly.
The greatest thing about Peter
Marshall was his intensely person-
al relationship with God, his hu-
manization of Christ, yet the
scenes of his spiritual experiences
fall far short of the mark. They
reach out, trying to grasp the In-
tangible, but He isn't there, and
He. should be.
The main complaint of the view-
ing public will no doubt be Peter's
However, worse and longer ser-
mons have been made, and they
do serve to emphasize Marshall's
attitude toward God.
* * *
TODD AND Miss Peters are pro-
ficient in front of the camera, and
they do very well with sterile ma-
terial. They try hard to express
something, but their lines say
nothing. Todd almost achieves his
goal in the scene where he trips
in the fog and just avoids falling
into a deep morass, but the limits
of the medium stymie him.
.So what should have been a rich
account of a man's intimately hu-
man relationship with God turns
out to be all-too-human. It sells
itself for a mess of pottage and
makes too much a play for the
soap opera devotees.
Best Scene: Marshall's prayer
opening the Senate session.
-Tammy Morrison

for him. The plot deals with his
lNeed China
'S it-Down'
Associated Press News Analyst
One of the most important fac-
tors to be kept in mind in con-
nectionlwith any negotiations with
Red China is the effect of a sep-
arate peace with her on relations
with Russia.
For six years, now, numerous
competent observers of Chinese
affairs have clung to the idea,
against many contradictions, that
one day natural forces by which
Russia and China tend to repulse
each other will begin to get in
their licks.
* * *
SECRETARY Dulles referred
Tuesday to indications that Pei-,
ping sometimes seems to be act-
ing independently. He also refer-
red to the difference between rais-
ing hopes of peaceful settlements
before all the nations at the Ban-
dung conference, which would ex-
pect the Reds to follow up, and
mere peace offensives over the
Peiping radio.
The Secretary made it clear the
United States was taking Chou En-
lai's statement more seriously than
indicated by its initial reactions
Saturday, ,despite the cold water
thrown by the Chinese Premier's
later statement that he had no
intention of giving up on plans to
"liberate" Formosa.
* * *
IN THE FIRST place, even if
Chou merely wants to explore his
chances of getting Formosa with-
out a fight, it is obvious that Asia
expects the United States to dem-
onstrate its goodwill by negotiat-
There is a deep suspicion that
the Chinese Reds have no more
intention of abandoning their poli-
cy of expansion than has Russia.
But even a temporary "sit
down" produced by the fear that
they have gone as far as they can
now without risking a dangerous
war, would have a profound effect
on the whole program of inter-
national communism.

General Elementary Supervisor.
Youngstown, Ohio-Physical Educa-
ion-Assistant Director.
Lakeview, Oregon - Teacher Needs:
H.S. Commercial, including typing,
bookkeeping and shorthand; Girl's
Physical Education-Health (7th & 8th);
Freshman English-Spanish-Journalism
(if possible).
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.
The Henry Russel Lecture will be de-
livered by Dean George Granger Brown,
Wed., May 4, at 4:15 p.m., in the Am-
phitheater of the Rackham Building.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for
Students in Education will be held May
26. 27, and 28. Students who anticipate
taking these examinations must file
their names with the Chairman of Ad-
visers to Graduate Students, 4019 Uni-
versity High School, not later than
May 1.
Psychology 40 Exam has been post-
poned until Fri., May 6.
Biological Chemistry Seminar. "Some
Problems on Vitamin D and the Mech-
anism of Calcification," under the d.
rection of Dr. A. A. Christman, Room
319, West Medical Building, Sat., Apr.
30, 10:00 a.m.
Doctoral Examination for Donald Ar-
thur Taylor, Business Administration;
thesis: "The Economic and Social Sig-
nificance of Certification Marks," Sat.,
April 30, 734 School of Business Admini-
stration, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, D. M.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Paul
Boynton, Political Science; Thesis: "The
Political Philosophy of George San-
tayana," Mon., May 2, 4th floor Con-
ference Room, Haven Hall, at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, Frank Grace.
Doctoral .Examination for Edward
John Kormondy, Zoology; thesis:
"Studies on the Life History, Morphol-
ogy and Ecology of the Genus Tetra-
goneuria in Michigan (Odonata: Libel-
lulidae)," Mon., May 2, 2089 Natural Sci.
ence Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, T. H.
Student Recital. Jon Petersen, pian-
st, 8:30 p.m. Sat., April 30, Auditorium
A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree; program: Frescobaldi,
Schumann, Debussy, and Finney, open
to the public. Mr. Petersen is a pupil
of Helen Titus.
Events Today
The Clugstone Inheritance, a new
play by James Harvey '53, will be pre-
sented by the Department of Speech
through the co-operation of the
Department of English Sat., April
30, at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. All seats are reserved at
$1.20 - 90c - 60c. Tickets on sale at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre 'box office,
open 10:00 a.m, to 8:00 p.m.
Hawaii Club Luau honoring seniors at
6:00 p.m. Sat., April 30 at Lane Hall.
Wear your (aloha shirts, muu muus,
etc.) Hawaiian outfit. Dancing.
Newman Club annual Spring Dance
Sat., April 30, from 8:30-12:00 p.m. at
the Father Richard Center. The Blue
Notes will provide orchestra music for
the dance. Admission: $1 per couple.
Hillel. Sat, morning services. 9:00 a.m.
Hillel. Sat., April 30, 8:30 p.m. Israeli
Cabaret Night. Israeli entertainment
and refreshments. Israeli and American
social dancing in cabaret atmosphere.
Admission $1.00 per couple. Proceeds to
go to Jewish National Fund. Call NO 3-
4129 for reservations.
Russian dance group will meet at
3:00 p.m. at International Center.
Stump Speaker's Society of Sigma
Rho Tau will hold final debate practice
on the issue: Resolved: The automobile
manufacturers should adopt a guarn-
teed annual wage. 2084 East Engineering
at 10:00 a.m. All interested engineers,
architects, and technologists invited.
Coming Events
Hillel. Sun., May 1. Hillel grad group
presents a wienie roast on the banks
of the Huron. Stag or drag. Senior wom-
en welcome. Meet at Hillel at 7:15 p.m.
Cost: Members 65c, non-members 85c.
Call NO 3-4129 for reservations.

Lutheran Student Association. Sun.,
May 1, 7:00 p.m. Picnic, leaving the
Center at 5:00 p.m. The Rev. Richard
Knudsen of Good Shepherd Lutheran.
Church, Detroit, will talk on "The In-
ter-Racial Church." Students of West-
ern Michigan College at Kalamazoo
and wayne University will be guests.
Center on Hill St. and Forest Ave.
Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., May 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the church
for d record session. You are invited to
bring your favorite records, classical
and popular, and listen to them on a
Hi-Fi set, Refreshments. Transporta-
tion from Lane Hall at 7:15 p.m.
Annual Spring Dance Concert, pre-
sented by Modern Dance Club and
Choreographers' Workshop. Sun., May
1, 8:00 p.m. Pattengili Auditorium, Ann
Arbor High School. Tickets $.75..
Hillel. Sun., May 1, 6:00 p.m. Supper
Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Sun., May 1, 6:00 p.m., exchange supper
meeting at the Evangelical and Re-
formed Church, 423 South Fourth Ave-
nue. Mr. and Mrs. Boehm will speak on
their experiences in Alaska.






Democrats Lash Dulles
Over Yalta Leaks

WASHINGTON-Full story has-
n't been told of the lacing
Secretary of State Dulles received
over the Yalta disclosures. And, if
he got his way, it never would be.
Dulles just plain won't give his
permission to release the secret
transcript of what he told the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee
about Yalta. Ironically, this puts
him in a predicament not unlike
that of Sir Winston Churchill, who
objected to releasing the Yalta
papers in the first place.
Dulles admitted in the trans-
cript, this column can reveal, that
the decision to release the Yalta
papers ,was made before the Bri-
tish approval arrived. Minnesota's
razor-tongued Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey drew this confession from
Dulles after painstakingly going
over the time sequence with him.
x * *
"DO YOU CALL that the best

Expect West German A rmy in 3 Years

way to build relations between Bri-
tain and the United States?" de-
manded Humphrey. He suggested
that "we need Britain" even more
than we need Formosa.
When Dulles repeatedly argued
that Churchill. had withdrawn his
objections to the Yalta release,
Humphrey read Churchill's speech
before the House of Commons
apologizing for the American re-
lease and promising that it would-
n't happen again.
"Does this sound like an irri-
tated man talking, or one full of
love and respect?" demanded the
Minnesota Senator.
Fulbright, peering through spec-
tacles low on his nose, asked Dul-
les why he had picked out the
Yalta papers to be released ahead
of all other wartime conferences.
Dulles pointed out that Congress
in 1951 had voted a special appro-
priation for publishing the Yalta
papers. He interpreted it as Con-
gress' intention that the Yalta pa-
pers should be given priority.
Asked point-blank what mis-
takes were made at Yalta, Dulles
claimed loftily he didn't care to
get embroiled in partisan politics.
"The way this whole Yalta mat-
ter has been handled has resulted
in partisanship," snorted Montana
Democrat Mike Mansfield.
* *
KENTUCKY'S venerable Sen.
Alben Barkley, the ex-Veep, point-
ed out that President Eisenhower
had disassociated himself from the
Yalta release, and demanded to
know how it could be that the
President wasn't informed.
Dulles replied that he consider-
ed the Yalta release an adminis-
trative detail that the President
shouldn't be'bothered about.
Few matters in foreign policy
had arisen since the Eisenhower


Associated Press Writer
BONN, Germany-German and
Allied military experts calcu-
late it will take at least three
years to make West German arm-
ed forces ready for combat.
Some German sources think
that, for political reasons, it may
take until 1960.
The three main factors affect-
ing the speed of rearmament are:
1. The Germans have to start
from scratch to create modern
forces for the atom age. There's
a serious shortage of qualified
young officers and noncoms.
2. A mass of legislation is re-
quired to legalize the raising of
armed forces.

be necessary to implement the
Paris treaties in Germany.
The first will be a "volunteer
law" to establish a 150,000-man
cadre for the armed forces. A con-
scription law will be needed to en-
able 350,000 men to be called up
for 18 months training and then
kept on reserve.
A new democratic military code
is to replace the strict Prussian-
style regulations of the past.
question of who is to be com-
mander in chief, which is sure to
stir controversy.
Parliamentary sources doubt
this process can becompleted
much before the end of this year.
That means the first recruits
%ln rl ha taT ^1 in . .Ca xin i

training, these divisions will be
ready to take on strength through
the draft.
Initial air force training, espe-
cially of pilots, is expected to be
carried out in American and Bri-
tish establishments.
The service commanders as well
as the commander in chief have
yet to be named. The leaders cho-
sen, the cadre trained, the forces
will be ready for the draft.
The day when the summonses
go out to the nation's young men
is also subject to political influ-
* * *
in September, 1957. Political ob-
servers believe the government
would not risk its election chances


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