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April 27, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-27

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Guild Varies
Church Plan
Sponsoring v a r i e d activities
keeps members of the .Congrega-
tional and Disciples Guild busy.
The group is a combined organ-
ization of the Congregational
Church and :he Disciples of Christ.
Activities are held in the lounge*
of the Congregational Church and
the student center at 438 Maynard.
The center is open daily to all
"Activities of our group are
three-fold, including recreation,
education and spiritual training,
Bob Bacon, retiring president of
the group explained. He said that
the group sponsors a weekly in-
formal social hour at which "we
talk about the week's activities."
Two large banquets are held
during the year, one during ori-
entation week and the other an
alumnae dinner, held in the
Invites Faculty Members
The group also invites faculty
members and visitors to the Uni-
versity to speak at the weekly
Sunday night program.
Worship programs are planned
by the group and are held every
Sunday. In addition, mid-week
meditation programs are held by
the organization. A week-end re-
treat is another important activity
of the group which is held be-
tween semesters. At the retreat,
the organization discusses its
problems and ways of group im-
provement. ,
Many members of the Congre-
gational and Disciples Group do
volunteer work at the University
hospital as a community service.
Work at Dunbar Center, a settle-
ment house in Indianapolis, is an-
other community project partici-
pated in by members.
The group is a member of SRA
and participates in Lane Hall ac-
"Providing a place which offers
a group religious experience to the
individual so he may develop his
religious thinking is one of our
goals. Another is that he may ex-
plore the resource which religion
offers to living," Bacon explained.
Haber Cites
Labor's New
Wage Needs
, American industry should ex-
pect rising pressure from wage
earners for increased welfare
funds and fringe benefits in the
near future, Prof. William Haber
of the economics department yes-
terday told a Management-Labor
Conference at Rutgers University.
Total benefit funds exceed 20
billion dollars, Prof. Haber said.
"We have in effect created a sup-
plementary wage system," he ex-
plained. Some estimates show
"fringe costs exceed 19 per cent
of the total payroll."
Prof. Haber cited two causes of
demands for fringe benefit expan-
sion: the first being Union efforts
to close gaps in private industry's
social security system through col-
lective bargaining.
The second cause is psycholog-
ical demands by workers for
greater job security, health and
retirement benefits.
"The fact that this security con-
sciousness has not been vitiated by
nearly 15 years of high level em-
ployment is one of the most sig-
nificant developments in Ameri-
can labor psychology," Prof. Haber

"This is why the guaranteed
annual wage has become the most
serious of the fringe issues in the
wage negotiations of 1955."
Prof. Haber commented that
welfare funds should be subject
to government regulation and su-
For a Career

TORONTO P)-A fur com-
pany man tossed a $500 shear-
ed raccoon jacket out the third-
story of a downtown hotel yes-
It landed in the gutter. Four
men spotted the jacket but
walked on.
Finally a woman walked
briskly down the street and did
what any woman would have
done-picked it up.
A representative of the com-
pany said: "We did it as a stunt
in connection with a fur asso-
ciation convention. I'm glad
such a nice person found it and
that it's such a good fit."

Algeria May Be Future Trouble Spot

Variety Marks Gomberg Tie Sale

"Everybody wins. Nobody loses."
"Look at this gorgeous one for
only ten cents!"
The Gomberg House tie sale was
in full swing and loud voice. The
annual South Quad event began
Saturday when hundreds of high
school students passed through
the Quad and were immediately
drawn by the ability of the sales-
The second sale took place Mon-
day night as the residents went
into dinner. Superior "hawking"
during this hour resulted in the
sale of the remaining ties.
Annual Contributions
Each year, the men of Gomberg

contribute their ties (or their
roommate contributes for them) to
be sold to the rest of the Quad
residents. The money goes to the
House treasury.
Since very few of the men do
not contribute,, some 300 ties were
collected by the first day's sale. At
that time, Gus Ginter, '57E, and
Tom Jolls, '58, sold over six dol-
lars worth of ties.
Alternate salesmen, George Mc-
Intyre, '57, and George Sawyer,
'58NR, took over Monday, taking
in over three dollars.
All Shapes and Sizes
Most of the ties were of the ul-
tra-modernistic variety, in all
patterns and in most colors. Prices

Twelve Scholarships Available
For Annual N.S.A. Seminar


Twelve all-expense scholarships
are available for the National Stu-
dent Association's third annual
international Student Relations
Seminar, July 11 through August
American students' relations
with students in other countries
will be the subject of the semi-
nar. Speakers at previous seminars
have included Prof. Carl Fried-
rich of Harvard and Prof. Hans
Kohn of City College of New York.
Stabbins To Speak
The Departments of Botany and
Zoology are sponsoring a lecture,
"The Present Status of the The-
ory of Organic Evolution," at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Aud. B., Angell
The speaker will be G. Ledyard
Stebbins, Chairman of the De-
partment of Genetics, of the Uni-
versity of California.

ranged considerably though us-
ually in the 15 to 25 cent category.
One tie, however, went for a re-
puted 60 cents.
John Garvey, '58, took the re-
maining 100 ties Monday night
for a mere 50 cents. Said Garvey,
"I'm sending them to my little
(Continued from Page 4)
socate professor of naval arch., wtf
speak on "History of Design of Sail-
La Petite Causette will meet from 3:30
to 5:00 p.m. Thurs., Apr. 28, in the left
room of the Michigan Union cafeteria.
Mid-Week Vespers in the sanctuary
of the Presbyterian Church sponsored
by the Westminster student Fellow-
ship, 5:10-5:35 p.m., Thurs., April 28.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
Thurs., April 28, after the 7:00 a.m.
Holy Communion.
The Clugstone Inheritance, a new
play by James Harvey '53, will be pre-
sented by the Department of Speech
through the co-opertaon of the De-
partment of English Thurs-Sat., April
28-30, at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. All seats are reserved at
$1.20 - 90c - 60c with a 'special rate
of SOc for students opening night.
Tickets on sale at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre box office, open 10:00 a.m.
to 8:00 p.m.
WCBN East Quad staff meeting Thurs.,
April 28, 7:15 p.m. in Hinsdale study
hall. Nominations of officers. Attend-
ance required.
The 49th Annual French Play. Le
Cercle Francais will present "L'Avare,"
a comedy in five acts by Moliere, Wed.,
May 4, at 8:00 p.m. sharp, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.

Prof. Kathleen Coburn of Vic-
toria College, University of Toron-
to will lecture on "Wordsworth and
Coleridge" at 4:10 p.m. today in
Aud. A, Angell Hall.
The lecture is under the auspi-
ces of the English department.
* * *
Intercooperative Council will
hold their annual elections at an
all-membership banquet 6:15 p.m.
tomorrow, at the Congregational
Church Hall.
* * *
The Dramatic Arts Center is
sponsoring a n1m festival with
showings at 8 p.m. Friday, and 10
a.m., 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday.
Each show is composed of sever-
al short films, varying in length
and subject matter. The Saturday
morning films were chosen espe-
cially for children.
Pershing Rifle members from the
University will compete in a one-
day invitational rifle meet Satur-
day at the University of Toledo.
The meet, first of its kind at To-
ledo University, will also be at-
tended by Pershing Riflemen and
drill teams from Bowling Green
State University, Wayne Universi-
ty, University of Detroit and To-
ledo University.
Applications for the - selective
service qualification test to oe giv-
en May 19 are available at the lo-
cal draft board office, 208 W.
Board No. 85 officials said that
the test is for new students and
those who missed previous exami-
nations. Deadline for returning
applications is May 9.

General disdain of the Arabs,
coupled with poor handling of
religious matters, has made Al-
geria a possible trouble spot in
restless Africa, says a University
Prof. Horace M. Miner of the
sociology and anthropology de-
partments bases his conclusions on
observations made during a year
of study among the natives of the
Sidi Khaled oasis in Algeria in
"Despite postwar efforts of the
French to "democratize Algeria,"
he said, "the Arabs are strongly
oriented toward autonomy."
Identify With Moselms
He explained that Arabs iden-
tify themselves with the Moslem
world and want their own gov-
ernment, independent of France.
Unlike protectorates of Tunisia
and Morocco, Algeria is an inte-
gral part of France. Its three
northern departments have polit-
ical status equal with any con-
tinental French department. But
Arabs are granted only a "second-
rate" citizenship, Prof. Miner ex-
plained. They have a few rights
and benefits.
85 Percent of Population
Arabs comprise 85 per cent of
Algeria's population, but may elect
only one chamber of the Algerian
Although the French allow civil
cases concerning Arabs to be tried
under Moslem law, criminal cases
fall under French legal jurisdic-
"Freedom of speech for the Al-
Study Grant
For Science
Goes to Cain
Albert C. Cain, Grad., has been
granted a fellowship for graduate
study in the behavioral sciences,
The Ford Foundation announced
The fellowship provides stipends
of $1,800 for first year graduate
work in fields that contribute to
a scientific understanding of indi-
vidual behavior and human rela-
Fellowships are given to students
who haven't concentrated in the
behavioral sciences as undergrad-
uates. They are part of a Ford
Foundation program to encourage
more outstanding young people to
enter the behavioral sciences. Re-
cipients are free to study under the
fellowship at the university of
their choice.

. >$ 77
starter set of white
Arzberg china, regularly 22.60,
will cost only $17.95 from May 2
through May 14. Phone us
and we will reserve your
set for you.
537 East Liberty * NO 8-6779
Read and Use Daily Classifieds

gerian Arab is greatly limited,"
Prof. Miner said.
Economic troubles have brought
about friction between Arab and
Frenchman as much as anything
else, Prof Miner believes.
Population Doubled
In the past 50 years, he said,
the Arab population has doubled,
as the result mainly of improved
sanitary facilities innovated by the
French. Cessation of tribal war-
fare and improved diet are equally
responsible, he said.
A problem arises from the fact
that the French government has
sold most of the good agricultural
land to French colonials," Prof.
Miner continued.
Arabs are forced to cultivate
poorer land, which is a difficult
proposition even without the add-
ed problem of water shortage,
Prof. Miner said.
Discussing an organized nation-
alist movement in Algeria, Prof.
Miner described an underground
organization known as the Move-
ment of the Triumph of Demo-
cratic Liberties.
The Movement was engaged for

the most part in espionage activi-
ties when he was in Algeria.
Recently, however, the group
has been involved in violent out-
breaks which have cost the lives
of at least eight Frenchmen to
"MTLD is strongly anti-Com-
munist," Prof. Miner said, "and its
membership is made up almost en-
tirely of the poor."
"The only rich Moslems are
those who collaborate with the
French," he said. They are called
the "Beni Oui-Oui" or Tribe of
Yes-Men, by the other Arabs.
"The French are afraid of the
Arabs, and the Arabs of the
French," he said. "Realization of
Arab unrest has caused the French
to be suspicious of other foreign
powers in Africa.
Montagune To 'talk
Edwin Montague, Director of the
Personnel and Training Division
of the Internal Revenue Service in
Washington, D.C., will speak on
"The Federal Budget Process," at
4 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 130 Busi-
ness Administration Bldg.


All undergraduate and graduate
students are eligible to apply for
the scholarships which cover all
expenses including transportation,
room and board at Harvard Uni-
versity for the seminar.
The scholarship also covers ex-
penses at the Eighth National
Student Conference at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota, August 21
through 31.
Applications ,for the seminar
may be obtained by writing to
USNSA, 52 Boylston St., Cam-
bridge 38, Mass.
Safety Meeting
General George C. Stewart,
manager of the National Safety
Council, and Edgar L. Harden,
formerly dean of Continuing Edu-
cation, Michigan State College will
be major speakers at the Michi-
gan Safety Conference in Grand
Rapids April 26-28.





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