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April 26, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-26

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Lw 43U



Latest Deadline in the State t


Ike To Send Ship
On.World Cruise
NEW YORK (A)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday un-
veiled plans for a goodwill worldcruise by an atomic powered peace
His plan was a takeoff in reverse on the "big stick" policy of
T nearly half a century ago.
"Visiting the ports of the world," he said of his proposed atomic
merchant ship, "it will demonstrate to people everywhere this peace-
time use of atomic energy, harnessed for the improvement of human
The nation already has an atomic submarine afloat and a sec-

By The Assoiated Press

ond in the works. However, Presi-
dent Eisenhower chose to drama-
tize peace rather than might with
Han entirely new atomic merchant
ship to carry America's message to
the world.


This atomic test town received at
least 24 hours of graces yester-
day when whistling winds forced
postponement of Tuesday's sched-
uled nuclear blast.
Test officials were hopeful that
the weather picture might change
to allow the explosion to be set
off Wednesday from a 500-foot
tower near this model city on
Yucca Flat in the largest civil de-
fense test ever held.
Forecast wind speeds of 70
m.p.h. at the expected height of
the atomic cloud posed a poten-
tially serious radiation fall-out
problem to a number of Nevada
* * *
Muller, Nobel Prize winning genet-
icist, asserted last night that ra-
diation from H-bomb tests could
cause "tens of thousands" of
harmful futations in the next
generation of Americans.
The Indiana University profes-
sor, in a speech prepared for the
annual meeting of the National
Academy of Sciences, said the mu-
tations won't undermine the
heredity of the entire- United
' States population significantly,
"but each individual harmful mu-
tation is, however, an evil, and we
have no right to dismiss it lightly.
"Therefore, we must base our
case for the continuation of the
atomic tests squarely on the fact
that they are at the present stage
necessary to prevent our being put
at a military disadvantage. Only
from a position of all around
strength, I think, can we finally
reach a situation where general
disarmament is feasible."
ATLANTA, Ga. ()-Governors
of states affected by the Louis-
ville & Nashville Railroad strike
will meet with company and union
representatives in Nashville today
in a new effort to end the walk-
Gov. Lawrence Wetherby of
Kentucky, chairman of the South-
ern Governor's Conference, called
the meeting.
A similar meeting of governors
last week in Nashville proved
* * *
chairman of the Federal Securities
and Exchange Commission said
yesterday the agency is studying
rules which might discourage the
formation of uranium companies
which don't have "much chance
of success."
Ralph H. Demmler told a news
conference that investigation in-
dicated "a rather substantial per-
centage" of firms selling stock to
finance uranium exploration or
development fail to sell their en-
tire offerings.
Citizen Battle
Road Problem
DETROIT (P-The turnpike vs.
freeway issue is developing into
something of a tempest in subur-
ban Bloomfield township, Oakland
Some want one, some want the
other-and some want none. Bat-
tle lines are being drawn along
'Telegraph Road (U.S.24)
But if the Michigan Turnpike
Authority has it way it will build
one in the form of a toll express-
way along the west side of Tele-
If highway commissioner Char-
lesZiegler has his way, he will
0 build one in the form of a lim-
ited access freeway to the east
of Telegraph.
Citizens to the west of Tele-
graph and in Bloomfield Town-
.sn hq P han hafnv- -in>

Thus he acted in reverse of the
historic 1907 gesture by President
Theodore Roosevelt, who dispatch-
ed a battleship fleet around the
world to focus attention on Amer-
ica's fighting power,
Disclosed at Luncheon
President Eisenhower disclosed
his latest atoms-for-peace plan at
the annual luncheon of The As-
sociated Press at the Waldorf-As-
toria Hotel. He flew here from
Washington and returned late in
the afternoon.
Early in his 4,000-word text, the
President sprung his idea for an
atom peace ship in these words:
"We have added to the United
States program for peaceful uses
of atomic energy an atomic-pow-
ered merchant ship.
Request for Funds
"The Atomic Energy Commis-
sion and the Maritime Adminis-
tration are now developing specifi-
cations. I shall shortly submit to
the Congress a request for the nec-
essary funds, together with a des-
cription of the vessel.
"The new ship, powered with an
atomic reactor, will not require re-
fueling for scores of thousands of
miles of operation. Visiting the
ports of the world, it would dem-
onstrate to people everywhere .this
peacetime use of atomic energy,
harnessed for the improvement of
human living.
An Atomic Exhibit
In part, the ship will be an atom-
ic exhibit, carrying to all people
practical knowledge of the useful-
ness of this new science in medi-
cine, agriculture and power pro-
"In every possible way, in word
and deed, we shall strive to bring
to all men the truth of our asser-
tion that we seek only a just and
lasting peace."
In Washington, the AEC declin-
ed comment on the President's

Allies Will
Meet To .Set
Big 4 Talks
Dulles Names Paris
Site of May 8 Parley
WASHINGTON (A') - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles will
meet with the British and French
foreign ministers Paris May 8
"to discuss concrste plans" for a
later Big Four conference with
In announcing this yesterday,
the State Department gave no of-
ficial word as to whether the Big
Four meeting might be at the
foreign ministers level, or higher.
However, a top official said what
Dulles has in mind is a Big Four
meeting of foreign ministers first,
perhaps to be followed by a heads-
of-state conference.
Bulganin Interested
Russia's Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin dropped a remark Saturday
in Moscow that he was interested
in such a high level meeting, tell-
ing newsmen to "ask Eisenhower
and Eden about the date."
If the foreign ministers' meet-
ing made a promising start in set-
tling the East-West deadlock over
Germany's future, it was said au-
thoritatively, President Eisenhow-
er would be prepared to meet with
Bulganin, British Prime Minister
Eden and the French premier.
Diplomats Chart Steps
In advance of the American-
British-French meeting in Paris,
the three Allies agreed to send
teams of lower ranking diplomatic
experts to London Wednesday to
chart the steps to be followed in
arranging a later meeting with the
At a later news conference, a
State Department spokesman em-
phasized Chancellor Adenauer's
West German government will be
fully consulted at both London and
Paris by the Big Three foreign pol-
icy chiefs in discussing anything
directly involving the future of the
divided country.
Dulles' apparent readiness to
aim for a June conference with
Russia represents a softening of
his previous position.
Ainge, 3, asked his mother if
he could take the family car
and get some gas.
Minutes later came a crash.
With Dale at the wheel, the car
had rolled backward and smash-
ed a $150 plate glass store win-

Rep ort

Report Says
Red Strength k§
AtHih Peak
Claim Russian Army
Stroges in World
WASHINGTON () - Military
leader's have told Congress the
mammouthRussian army is vir-
tually on a war footing and that
Red China's air force could be
doubled or tripled "overnight" by
the Soviets.
The reports were 'made to a
House Appropriations subcommit-
tee at secret sessions last February
but were -not made public until
Assessing the strength of the
Russian Army, Gen Matthew B.
Ridgeway said it has received new
atomic warfare training and is
equipped and disposed to under-
take a major attack with little
"Powerful" Red Force
The Army chief of staff describ-
ed it as the most powerful land TEN YEAR
force in the world, "in an excellent now located
state of combat readiness."
Gen. Nathan F. Twining, Air
Force chief of staff, reported on Lck
the air potential of the Red Chi-

U~1.5. Wants
Peiping Is Asked
For Good Faith
BANDUNG Ihdonesia (1P)
Prime Ministed Mohammed All of
Pakistan said Red China's Pre-
mier Chou En-lai told him yester-
day the door to direct negotiations
with the United States on For-
mosa is almost closed, but then
conceded it "is still open a slight
Mohammed Ali said he told
Chou the door. is still open and
should be opened wide.
There was no comment by the
Red Chinese on Mohammed Ali's
Chou Raises Hopes






-Courtesy of International Center
S AGO TODAY delegates from 46 nations laid the groundwork of the United Nations,
d in the ultra-modern building along New York's East River.
of Universal View Hinders UN

He told the subcommittee Com-;
munist China's "rapidly expand-
ing system of bases . .. gives the
Communists the ability to move in
aircraft r-apidly from the. Soviet
"We cannot ignore their capa-
bility to double or triple their air
strength in the Far East over-
night," Twining said.
Security Program
Another report made public
showed that the U.S. Air Force has
intensified its personnel security
program over the last two years.
As a result, said Maj. Gen. J. F.
Carroll, director of special investi-
gations for the Air Force, 260 se-
curity risk cases were filed against
uniformed personnel in 1953 and
1954, and 37 officers or airmenf
w e r e discharged on security
Army Statistics
The screened record of the sub-
committee's proceedings also dis-
1.. Ridgeway estimated the Army
eventually will need 200,000 spe-
cially trained volunteers annually
to build up the planned strength
of the reserve.
2. He reported Communist
ground forces in Korea have been3
reduced to a 11% to 1 numerical
superiority over South Korean and
UN troops.
3. Secretary of the Army Ste-
vens said the Army now has
enough ammunition to hold its
own in a "shooting war" until pro-
duction lines get moving. ,
4. Army estimates fix the value
of fighting equipment stored in
this country and abroad at 20 bil-
lion dollars.

Ten years ago today former
President Harry S. Truman wel-
comed delegates from 46 nations
to the San Francisco conference,
labeling them "the architects of
a better world."
Headlines of the day gave evi-
dence of an air of hope and con-
fidence, and as one Associated,
ress article related, "the delegates
appeared grimly determined to
A decade later newspapers tell,
of a planned Big Four power con-
ference, talks over the impending
Formosa crisis, and a 29 member
Asian-African conference, all out-
side the confines of the UnitedI

Efimenco pointed to the Tru-i
man doctrine and the formation
of the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization as two instances in
which the U.S. has acted "con-
trary to the spirit of the UN which
is to take universal outlook."
Ten Year Vote
The UN charter provides for a
vote to be taken by the United
Nations 'ten years after its birth,
to decide whether to hold a con-
ference on changing its charter at
that time. The United States fa-
vors such a conference, but sev-
eral news analysts have voiced the
opinion that the current situation
with the East-West split, will pre-
vent any constructive major revi-
cin in the rhte~r

States, holding hearings in many
cities, to find out what people
want done about the UN if any-
Major Changes Prevente'd
Last week it heard from former
Presidents Truman and Hoover
and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
who substantiated the opinion of
the news commentators that the
descrepancies between the Com-
munist and non-communist worlds
would prevent major changes.
Efimenco also viewed the con-
ference on change in the charter
with doubt. He sees "little prospect
for overhauling the charter," and
maintains that "the. revamping of
the machinery will not be an an-

Russian Writers Still
fHave Rebellious Instincts

Despite rigid party restrictions{
in Soviet literature, rebellious in-
stincts of Russian writers have
not died, according to Prof. Er-
nest J. Simmons of Columbia Uni-
Prof. Simmons said writers don't
share the optimistic view of life
contained in the Communist Par-
ty line. They acknowledge that
there is:misery in life.
Prof. Simmons is chairman of
the Slavic linguistics department
at Columbia, and an authority on
19th century Russian literature.
"Loyalty Motif"
"Signs of literary restrictions
became obvious after World War
II," Prof. Simmons related. "Loy-
alty to principles of the party be-
came the central motif of novels.",
"Every heroine in Soviet liter-
ature was a party member," he
continued. Other main themes
were rehabilitation of soldiers, in-
dustrialization and hatred of im-
perialistic powers of the West-es-
pecially America.
An anti-cosmopolitan campaign,
stimulating fear and compliance,
forced writing to take on "the uni-
formity of the dead in a cemetery,
and criticism, the sameness of the
Lack of Originality?
In 1949 the party began to crit-
icize literature, blaming not its
policy but the writer"' lack of or-
Then writers began to fight

staged now, the theaters are emp-
ty, he said. -
Literature had reached a state
of crisis at the time of Stalin's
death in March of 1953. His death
intensified, the momentum of the
opposition, and a growing' revolt
against party abuses began.
But the revolt died a year later.
As Georgi Malenkov lost power,
the party returned to Stalin's
"get tough" policy with literature,
Prof. Simmons said.

Noticable Contrast JJ e .1 W1"4
The contrast is noticable, and A Senate sub-committee this swer to the major problems of the
summarizes briefly the crux of the year has gone all over the United world.'
UN's greatest obstacle - gaining'
the support of the member nations LOWER TRAFFIC TOLL:
in adopting a universal view to-'
ward world problems.
Prof. Marbury Efimenco said F
the UN's long range constructive
efforts along the socio-economic
line have been progressing well. In Student Death Rate
"However," Efimenco continued,
"efforts along the political lines{
have been less impressive." He By LEE MARKS
said the pre-requisites to politicalnine years immediately fol-
Figures released recently by lowing institution of the ban
success were never organized. i Health Service Director Warren E. (1928-'29 to 1936-'37) saw but five
Problems Inherent , 12-2 o13-3)swbtfv
" euroblemsInherentForsythe show a marked decline in deaths. A rise in population fig-
"Security and political problems student death rate since drivingorst10,9maehedthae
are inherent since the UN inher- ban regulations were institutedin ures to 109,090 made the death rate
ited shifting power relations caus- 1927-'28. ss05 per million.
ed by World War II," he added. In the last six years before the «I think the figures are very sig-
The United States expected the ban (1921-'22 to 1926-'27) a total the numbertof deats before an
UN to act as a protector of law of 18 students were killed in auto- aternu driving ban," Dr For-
and order, and used the failure mobile accidents. after theidiingban,D.Fo-,
of this objective as reason to act At this time, the total popula- "Te s
outside the organization to gain tion was 68,409, making the death themselves," the health service di-
security. rate .26 per ,-illion.
i rrfr R7lak di

Chou spurred hopes Saturday
for a peaceful settlement of the
Formosan question by proposing
that Washington' and Peiping
negotiate directly on the issue.
Then he raised doubts as to
China's intentions by telling the,
conference Sunday arid U.S.-Chi-
nese talks would not affect in the
slightest degree the exercise by
Red China of its "sovereign right
in the liberation" of Formosa,
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's
Nationalist stronghold,
Three Conditions
The U.S. State' Department has
called on Peiping to let Nation-
alist China pa'rticipate in any
talks on Formosa and to demon-
strate its own good faith in three
ways: Agree to an immediate
cease-f ire in Formosa Strait, re-
lease imprisoned American air-
men and about 40AUnited States
civilians also held in Red China,
and accept a UN invitation to dis-
cuss ways of ending hostilities in
the Formosan area.
Mohammed Ali told newsmen he
had discussed all phases of the
Formosa problem with Chou.
Declaring his belief that both
Peiping and Washington want a
settlement, he added;
"Both Sides Suspicious"
"The only trouble is both sides
are suspicious. But I don't see
much difficulty in removing that
"The Chinese point of view is
that it is America that does some-
thing to increase tension, and the
Chinese people are irritated about
He said he believes, and prob-
ably told Chou, that "the United
States should ease this tension by
agreeing to at least informal nego-'
tiations without conditions." He
added that on Chiang's part, re-
lease of the American airmen
"would be most helpful."
Need for Trust
Mohammed Ali did not say
whether he specifically asked
Chou to release the imprisoned
Americans, but he indicated he
had raised the questaion, saying:
"There is the need to eliminate
suspicion on both sides, and I be-
lieve China could help by re-
leasing the American airmen or
perhaps arranging for a Nation-
alist Chinese evacuation of the
offshore islands."
jUnion To Choose
Miehigeras Head
Petitioning for general co-chair-
manship of Michigras, the Uni-
versity's bi-annual imitatio of
New Orleans' Mardi Gras specta-
cle, is open beginning today until
May .
Petitions are to be submitted in
duplicate to the Union student of-
For further information contact
Todd Lief, Union president, or Bob
Blossey, executive secretary, at the
Union, NO 2-4431.
Britain 'Desires.


Turkish Professor Visits Ann Arbor


A broad economic background
was behind Turkish professor
Amer Celal Sarc of Columbia Uni-
versity as he spoke to University
economics students and instruc-
tors yesterday in Angell Hall.
Of his third and longest visit
to the United States. Prof. Sarc

rector remar e a
Other Factors Involved
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
pointed out, "A lot of other factors
are involved. The issue is terribly
There were a large number of
bad accidents, especially in the
years immediately preceding the
car ban, Dean of Men Walter B.
Rea said.
He indicated, however, that bet-
ter cars, better roads and driving
conditions and more expert driv-
ers could also be contributing fac-
tors to a decline in the death rate,
"Th Pant that t nidn nndi

the U.S., Canada, or Great Brit-
ain. In fact the only school avail-
able was the University of Berlin."
Prof. Sarc went to Berlin where
he studied economics and statistics
for eight more years.
In 1925 he went back to Turkey
and became a member of the eco-
nomics faculty- at the University

--%:; -V--1- ---- -,-WV . -- 1e laCL11c L a acu en ana
said, "This is the first time I have of Istanbul. death rates have dropped consid-
seen Ann Arbor. You have fine Appointed Dean erably could conceivably be used
people surrounded by a good cam- Pirof. Sarc served as a profes- as a criteria for not modifying the
pus." sor of economics for 10 years and driving regulations," Dean Rea
He added, "I have greatly en- in 1936 he was made dean of that said.
joyed my visit to the United department. "A' careful analysis of the sta-
States. But in four months I must "After twelve years as dean of tistics, though, might show other
go back to Instanbul to resume economics," Prof. Sarc continued , causes for the difference in death
my work at the University," "I was chosen to be president of rate beside the driving ban," he
the University of Istanbul. When
Relate-Career- continued.


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