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April 24, 1955 - Image 13

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-24

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SPRING. 1955



Law School Progresses

Dean of the Law School
The Law School is experiencing
an ever increasing pressure from
college graduates who .wish to
study law at Michigan.
This is in part due to the grow-
ing repute of the School, but there
are also other factors involved. All
signs point toward about a fifty
per cent increase in the number
of college graduates during the
next decade, or a little more.
Moreover, there is a gradually
increasing need of professional le-
gal service throughout the coun-
try. This is particularly true in
Michigan where the population is
growing rapidly.
So it is clear that we must plan
for a gradual increase in Law
School enrollment from the pres-
ent total of about 750 students to
approximately 1000 to 1100, this
change to take place over the next
ten to twelve years.
Probably by 1970 we shall be
enrolling 1200 prospective lawyers
each year.
Carefree Planning
Naturally, this trend requiresl
careful planning to meet future
The size of the faculty must be
increased from its present 28 mem-
bers to about 40 members. If pos-
sible, the living quarters in the
Lawyers Club should be increased
from the present 360 maximum to
? at least 600.
Classrooms are adequate buit
additional provision must be made
for such supplementary functions
as special student reading rooms
} and typing rooms.
There is no reason, however,
why we cannot take care of the in-
creased numbers, provided proper
plans are made in advance. New
York University Law School has
an enrollment of 1650; Harvard
has 1500. Michigan can accommo-
date 1200 if suitable provisions are
made. ,
Scholarship Needs
From the standpoint of the
students there is-no greater need
than that of additional scholar-
ship aid and loan funds. Tuition is
high-$500 for nonresidents and.
$250 for residents.1
The cost of books and supplies
is great and always increasing. A
minimum of about $1200 per aca-j


demic year is required to meet the
costs of legal education today.
Because of the exacting scholar-
ship standards of the School, stu-
dents without substantial outside
financial support find it practical-
ly impossible to maintain them-
selves without adequate provision
in the form of scholarships and
At the present time the School's
funds for these purposes are too
limited to take care of the needs
of the present enrollment. When
the numbers increase, as they will,
the funds wil'. be even less ade-
Even with the benefit of the
generous Frederick L. Leckie
Scholarship Fund, Michigan still
falls far short of meeting the nec-
essities in this regard.
Moreover, we fall short of the
corresponding assistance provided
by such sister institutions as Har-
vard, Yale, Columbia, and New
York University.-
Stress on Fundamentals
In regard to the substance of
the law curriculum, Michigan
plans to continue its strong em-
phasis upon the thorough train-
ing in the fundamentals of the
law, with a careful attention to
developing in the students skill
in the logical processes which the
lawyer must constantly utilize.
At the same time the curriculum
must be constantly changed to
meet the changing needs of the

profession. Accordingly we shall,t
as we have in the past, be addingc
new courses and discarding out-
noded subjects as the needs in-r
In addition, we must offer more
seminars to meet the increasingi
demand for specialized work ine
limited fields.
We must further take account
of the treid toward specializatien.
As in medicine, where the spe-
cialization has now resulted in
the departmentalization of medi-
cal education, we are finding thati
the law is also developing its spe-
cialized areas; for example, taxa-
tion, labor law, patent law, ad-l
miralty, and corporate practice.
As the years go by, further7
fields of specialization will un-
doubtedly be developing, and we
must take account of them in
evolving the Law School curricu-
Size of Classes
Finally, as the size of the
School increases, we must be cn-
stantly alert to the necessity of
sectioning and resectioning our
more popular classes-particular-
ly in the classes of the highly im-
portant first year.
Law classes of upwards of 100
in size are too unwieldly to be ef-
fecti(e. s
The students cannot, in oversize
classes, get the benefit of infor-
mality and intimacy that are so
important in the classroom.
Additional faculty must be pro-
vided to permit adequate section-
ing, with a maximum of 75 ,to a
section being regarded as the lim-
it, so that Michigan may continue
to profit by the closer contact be-
tween faculty and students - a
feature so lacking in certain other
large schools.
Library Gets
North Campus
Stack Building
To cope with problems of ex-
panding facilities, the library sys-
tem has acquired a new storage
Located on North Campus, the
building is planned to house some
400,000 volumes. About 40,000 have
already been moved to the new
Older periodicals and books for
which there is only limited use are
intended for storage in the build-
ing. A library bindery and a read-
ing room are also located there.
Books Sent to South Campus
The storage building is open to
all students, but the general li-
brary provides facilities whereby
students may have books sent
from North Campus to the main
The materials at the storage
center may be taken out at any
A four-level structure, the build-
ing has everything in the way of
modern library appliances, even
drawers which hold books in place
of the conventional shelves.
Intended as an economical sav-
ing unit, the storage annex pro-
vides safe-keeping for books under
air conditioning and controlled
humidity which serves to preserve
paper and ink best. Storing these
books on the main campus would
be much more-expensive.
Steady Rate of Transfer
The big move-over from the gen-
eral library stacks has been going
at a slow and steady rate. Before
books are removed from the regu-
lar stacks, each title is checked to
insure that its need is limited and
that often-read volumes are made
more readily accessible to stu-
Daily service is available for stu-
dents. The storage unit serves not
as a warehouse for discarded books,

but as an annex at which students
may do research on many little-
read volumes.
In case of need for further space,'
the building is so designed that its
present storage space may be trip-
led in size.

Law Library Stacks Near Completion
An addition to the William W. ' * * %
Cook Legal Research Bldg. is ex-
pected to be completed in July,
Architects who planned the ori-
ginal building have been hired by
the University to complete the ad--
dition, so it will be in harmony
with the rest of the Law Quad-
One difference in the appear-
ance of the addition will be alum-
inum panels inserted between sev-
eral parts of the stone-brick ex-a
Endowment Aids Building
Cost of the addition is estimat-
ed at $675,000. State Legislature
appropriations furnished $75,000
of the cost. The remainder came.
from the income of the William W.
Cook endowment.
Cook, the University's largest
private donor, contributed funds
for building the entire quadrangle.
In addition, he left an endowment -
of $2,500,000 which furnishes a
yearly income of $125,000 used forA
legal research.
Four New Floors
The addition will provide four
floors for library stacks, offices, Daily-John Hirtzei
Fontanna Traces School's 52 Years

Sawyer Notes Rise
In Higher Education


Expect Enrollment
To Hit 2,000 in '65

Dean of The School of
Natural Resources
The School of Natural Resources
celebrated the fiftieth anniver-
sary of professional instruction
in forestry in the fall of1953.
Starting as the' Department of
Forestry in 1903, it became in 19-
27 the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, and in 1950 the School
of Natural Resources.
Each change in name has been
accompanied by a broadening in
the scope of instruction so that to-
day in addition to its original cur-
riculum of forestry, the School has
curriculums in wood technology,
wildlife management, fisheries
management, and conservation.
Past Twenty Years
The past twenty years have wit-
iessed a remarkable increase in
the use of professional personnel
in the field of natural resources,
arising from the general public in-
terest in resources conservation,;
from the discovery by private in-;
dustry that good forest manage-
ment and utilization pays off, from,
the consistent demand for wood
products, and from the pressure
of the public upon our fislh and
game resources.
It is anticipated that these de-
mands will continue during the
next decade, and, taken in con-
junction with population trends,
appear to point toward steadily in-
creasing student enrollment.
Survey of Needs
Along with other units of the
Division of Biological Sciences, the
School is presently engaged in
making a survey of space needs.
It has long since outgrown its
quarters in the Natural Science
Building, so much so that it has
seen forced to establish one of its
departments in the West Medical
Building. The School currently
needs 30 to 40 per cent more space
than it presently occupies and it
is estimated that it will need that
much more again within the next
Field facilities for present and
future needs for instruction and
research are much more adequate
than those on campus.

considerable increase in student
enrollment can be absorbed with
relatively little staff expaension.
Rather, staff needs are concerned
with areas of instruction not now
covered or which need expansion.
Natural resources management
is dynamic-its needs are con-
stantly changing and the School
should be prepared to meet new
demands as they arise.
Recognized Leadership
Since its establishment the
School has been one of the recog-
nized leaders in its field. Its for-
estry curriculum has consistently
received high rating from its ac-
crediting association, the Society
of American Foresters.
It has led the way in establish-
ing curriculums in such new areas
as game and fish management
and conservation. It has attracted
graduate students (who comprise
one-third of the School's student
body) from every state in the Un-
ion and from many foreign coun-
Up to the present time the
School has managed to maintain
its position of leadership despite
the fact that it has not kept pace
with other schools in the matter
of physical facilities. It is defin-
itely.going to need help in this re-
gard during the next decade.

Dean of the Graduate School
A striking characteristic of the
culture in the United States and
one which has set it apart from
that of other countries has been
the rapid increase in the last fifty
years of the proportion of our pop-
ulation that has been receiving ed-
ucation beyond the elementary
grades, not only in the high schools
but also in the colleges, profes-
sional s c h o o I s, and graduate
At the present time about 60 per
cent of all youth of age 18 gradu-
ate from high school; about 12
percent of those of age 22 gradu-
ate from college; about 15 per
cent who receive bachelor's de-
grees continue on to earn a mast-
er's degree, and about 2 percent
continue on to a Ph.D.
Higher Attainment
It might be thought that this in-
crease in numbers would indicate
a decrease in the level of attain-
ments of the average student. Nu-
merous studies, however, show that
this is not the case and that the
average aptitude and intelligence
of high school students, of college
students, and of graduate students
is at least as high now as it was
twenty years ago.
Fourthermore, there still is a
large part of those not receiving
higher education who are as well
qualified to pursue these programs
as are those enrolled in them.
Another fact too has greatly in-
fluenced the size of our schools re-
cently. The low birth rates in the
depression years of the thirties
have been followed by much high-
er rates in the booming forties,
and these new generations are be-
ginning to fill our schools.
Increase in Enrollment
These two factors are produc-
ing a great increase in enrollment
in high schools, .in colleges and
in graduate schoofh. The Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate
Studies of the University of Michi-
gan has participated fully in this
Thus, there were enrolled in the
Graduate School in 1920, 447 stu-
dents; in 1930, 1465 students; in
1940, 2480 students; and this year,
following some decline from the
postwar bulge, 4100 students.
The number of degrees conferred
has likewise rapidly increased from
156 master's degrees and 303 doc-
tor's degrees in the year 1953-54.
This latter number of degrees
places the University of Michigan
in fifth place in number of doc-
tor's degrees conferred and in



The University properties near
Ann Arbor and at the Biological
Station, Camp Filibert Roth and
Sugar Island provide excellent
field laboratories for most School
For fisheries management, how-
ever, the School has a definite
need for certain types of lake and
stream property not now available.
Dynamic Program
Staff needs of the School are
not as pressing as space, and a

fourth place in the number of mas-
ter's degrees conferred.
Future Increases
It is fairly easy to forcast the
number of doctor's and master's
degrees likely to be conferred in
the next few years in the United.
States since the students who will
receive these degrees in the next
five years are already in college
and those who will receive such
degrees in the next ten years are
already in the high schools, and
the proportions of them who will
go on from high school to college
and from college to graduate
school can be accurately predict.-
We can reasonably expect that
within the next five years the
number of graduate students in the
country will increase by fifty per
cent and that by 1970 it will dou-
Whether the University of Mich-
igan can absorb its full propor-
tion of this increase will depend;
of course, largely on the availabil-
ity of adequate staff and physical
facilities. Students will certainly
be at our gate asking for admis-
sion. It seems unlikely that the
State will feel that it can provide
additional graduate schools with
faculty and equipment to take up
this load, since graduate schools
are much more difficult to inaug-
urate and more expensive to main-
tain than undergraduate colleges.
All teaching departments have
been asked to plan on their needs
in teaching staff and current ex-
penses to handle increasing num-
bers of graduate students.
Research laboratories are rising
on the North Campus and a large
library addition is planned.

h. 1

- Dean of the
School of Business, Administratimtn
The ' building, constructed in
1949, was planned for a student
enrollment of 1200.
That number will be reached $n
the fall of 1955. It is anticipated
that the number will reach 1500 in
five years and will total 2000 in the
next ten years.
This will make it necessary to
add classrooms and office space
for the faculty before that time.
Near Capacity
It would be possible to accon-
modate 1500 as far as classroom
space is concerned in the present
building without overcrowding.
An increase to that size, however,.
would necessitate an increase in
the instructional staff and that
would require more office spice.
So that should be the first addi-
tion to the physical plant.
In order to provide for an in-
crease to an enrollment of 2000
: students an addition to the pres-
ent building would be necessary.
I would estimate that an addition
E about one half the size of the
south wing of the present build-
ing would provide the necessary
classroom, laboratory, and office
space. This would not be a major
construction problem.
Teacher-Student Rates
The more important problem in
meeting the increase in enroll-
ment is the necessity of adding to
the teaching staff. It is essential
to maintain a faculty-studerdt ra-
tion of 1 to 13.
A doubling of the student popu-
lation, therefore, would require a
doubling of the teaching staff.
This will necessitate a program of
graduate training here and in oth-
er leading schools of business ad-
ministration. There is already a
dearth of well trained personnel
available for major appointments.
Graduate Program
This situation can be alleviated
by the development of a strong
graduate fellowship program. The
Development Council of the Uni-
versity is engaged in a solicitbation
of funds to provide a number of
fellowships aimed primarily for
graduate students preparing for
teaching careers on the faculties
of collegiate schools of business.
Michigan has been the twaining
ground for teaching personnel in
the business field. It is antieinated






................ - - I- ...........


sociations. These are usually fi-
nanced by direct grants to the Bu-
reau of Business Research. They
cover problems in finance, market-
ing, personnel _:elations, account-
ing, and management.
Some research grants from
foundations provide funds to aid
individual faculty members in un-
dertaking basic research on prob-
lems in economics and administra-
tion. It is essential that funds for
undesignated projects be in-
creased materially.

BusAd School
Begins Plans
Construction on the addition to
the School of Business Admin-
istration, still in the embryonic
planning stage, is tentatively plan-
ned for 1959-60.
Planning cost is estimated at
$120,000 and building cost at $2.88
million. Construction will depend
upon funds appropriated from the
State Legislature.
The addition will be built on to
the present school, occupying the
rest of the block bounded by Tap-
pan, Monroe, Haven and Hill.

We are proud of the part
we have played in- the
construction of the new
athletic administration


:r ry.
'. 1

Our firm is proud to have a part
in the University of Michigan's
continuing expansion program.
WWrr. -w - ~m-= _ _, - W- Ja WV I e


Lii ~ uiw' fnJi. A &k 54 #1k Ii I

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