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April 24, 1955 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-24

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SPRING, 1955


Children's Hospital Unit Rises

Nursing School Cites Growth

Unit Plans
July Opening
Slated for completion in Jul
1955, Children's Psychiatric Hos
pital is being built at a cost of $2
The new hospital will ultimate]
be a part of a total children's me,
ical center with a planned 291
bed capacity.
Built to harmonize with Ou,
patient Clinic and Kresge Medic
Research B u i d i n g, Children
Phychiatric Hospital will hous
75 children ranging in age froi
six to 15 years.
Four Wards Planned
There will be four wards, threc
for 16 children each and a conva
lescent ward of 27 beds. Each 6
the four units will be independer
in terms of the living plan for tb
Each ward will have its ow
nursing and auxiliary staffs, dir
ing room and play rooms.
Dr. Ralph B. Rabinovitch, chi
ofchildren's service, said separat
wards were "necessary in order t
provide a homelike atmospher
closer to a family unit thanE
large institutional group.
Practical Realities
Dr. Rabinovitch explained th
design of the building, its con
struction and the materials use
were dictated by "practical reali
ties that we have faced in th
past in caring for disturbed chil
Accordingly, all walls in the liv
ing quarters are tiled, floors ar
of Gibralter and windows ar
louvre type with inside screens.
"Through careful use of color
drapes and other decorations, a
warm as possible a tone will b
provided along with adequate se
curity," Dr. Rabinovitch reported
All wards will have three type
of accommodations - four-be
dormitories, two-bed dorms an
some single rooms. In addition, tw
detention rooms are provided i
each ward to handle acute out
bursts and allow for brief isola
tion when necessary.
Special Features
Special features in each ward
include a large playroom for ac
tive games, a smaller playroom fo
quiet games and music, a snac]
bar for evening use and a grou
therapy room for special evenin
Special planning has gone int
dining room construction an
service. Children will eat at table
planned for five children and on
Service will be family-style fron
platters on the tables when chil-
dren sit down to eat.
Dr. Rabinovitch , commented
."We have found this far bette
than cafeteria service or prepare
tray or plate service.
Self-Selection important
It allows for some degree o
self-selection which is importan
to children. In the past we have
found that when an unwished foi
food is presented, it is more throw-
able than eatable and mealtime
can be hectic."
Children's Psychiatric Hospita
has, Dr. Rabinovitch said, beer
designed around a total prograx
that includes all aspects of special
care which have been found tC
have therapeutic value.
Specially Planned Schooling
Because severely disturbed chil-
dren may dislike school as a re-
sult of experiences in community
schools, the hospital is geared tc
provide specially planned school-
ing in small groups.

Six remedial reading rooms in
the school area are provided to
help overcome reading disabilities,
common in disturbed children.
Dr. Rabinovitch said, "We have
found occupational therapy an es-
pecially effective medium in our
work. The children choose their
own media. Work in wood, plastic,
leather and copper is popular."
In the new hospital one floor will
be devoted to classrooms and
shops. There will be five of each.
Gymnasium Provided
To take care of recreational
needs a fully equipped gymnasium
and a swimming pool are provided.
There is a 100 seat auditorium
equipped for movies, plays and
other entertainment in which the
children themselves will partici-
Other recreation facilities in-
clude a large playground with fa-
cilities for baseball, volley ball,
slides, swings, sand piles, a wad-
ing pool and other resources.
Each child in the hospital will
have a minimum of three hours
per week with a psychiatrist in
Direct psychotherapy will occur
off the ward, away from the living
area. Each child will see his doc-
tor by regular appointment in the
doctor's office;--he will in effect
be attending a clinic separate

-Daily-John Hrtzel

-Daily-John mirtzel
Medical School Sees Dramatic Chan

Dean of the Medical School
The past twenty-five years bear
witness to dramatic changes in
medical education, research, and
care of the sick at the University.
It is with pride, as Dean of the
Medical School, that I now review
these changes in this special edi-
tion of the Michigan Daily.
It is also with hope and antici-
pation that I point to some of the
needs which confront us in our
desire to improve these important-
services to the State and our Na-
'U' Medical Center
A centralized medical center has
become imperative to our progress
in medicine. Not only at the Uni-
versity of Michigan but elsewhere
the fundamental sciences have
sought greater practical expression
in terms of clinical practice.
It has always been a source of
personal and professional satis-
faction to me that the University's
administration and Regents have
had the keen foresight and desire
to work with us in the realization
of this trend.
Tour of 'U' Center
A brief tour of the growing Med-
ical Center is testimony in itself
that the University of Michigan
which has always Leen, since 1850,
a place where the basic sciences
have been emphasized, is now in
1955 an institution where practi-
cal application is one of our great
responsibilities to 'the people and1
profession of this State.
For example, in the newly con-
structed Kresge Medical ResearchI
Building, in the new Medical Li-1
brary, in the proposed Basic Sci-1
ence Building, in the new Alice
Crocker Lloyd Radiation Therapy
Center, and in the first unit of
the Children's Hospital, we seec


that what happens in the class-
rooms and laboratories is expected
to benefit the patient.
One of our greatest ambitions
since the establishment of our
Medical School has been to train
young men and women for the
general practice.of medicine.
Today the patient is no longer
a stranger to the anatomist; the
research scientist does not limit
his activities to individual studies
in a coveted laboratory; and the
student is well aware of the fact
that modern medicine calls for a
close correlation of the fundamen-
tal sciences with clinical practice.
Every Available Faculty
In less than one square mile
with the 900 bed University Hos-
pital, the Out Patient Building,
the Kresge Medical Research In-
stitute, and the new Medical Sci-
ence Building as the "hub," the
Medical Center of the University
of Michigan will offer virtually ev-

ery facility known to modern med-
The ideal arrangement of a
medical school directly connected
to its hospital will be achieved. In
this intimate relationship there
will be no barriers to daily and
hourly conferences between the
pre-clinical and clinical faculties
so that the basic sciences will
serve the doctor in his daily prac-
tice of medicine.
Our enrollment exceeds that of
other insttiutions and our post-
graduate courses are the model
for other medical schools. There
is no department in the medical
school which fails to appeal to a
large group of undergraduate and
postgraduate medical students
and students in the allied sciences
seeking more intensive special-
ized education.
Creative Instruction
Despitethis progress we share
one need with other medical
schools. Solid and creative in-
struction in the basic sciences is
the foundation of medicine and
we at Michigan need more anat-
omists, biochemists, physiologists,
bacteriologists, and pharmacolo-
These fields are exceedingly
barren and call for many more
graduate students in their class-
rooms and laboratories. If enroll-
ments continue to increase accord-
ing to predictions, many more
teachers and research scientists
will be required.
If integration is to be more
than an abstraction, we must add
more fundamental scientists to
the medical team. In connection
with this important aspect of our
total planning, serious considera-
tion is being given now to an ex-
panded fellowship program for
graduate students in medicine.

Pediatrics By
The S
Section Set and ill
back 64
For Future 1891 as
Children's Hospital, psychiatric sity hos
unit, now under construction, is teachin
being built with the idea of later 1941.
adding a pediatrics unit. The S
Preliminary plans have already T
been drawn up for the pediatrics Universi
unit, according to Dr. James Wil- Medical
son, chairman of the pediatrics ally loca
and communicable diseases de-
partment. pus. Th
Need for the pediatrics unit, ac- been m
cording to Dr. Wilson, is based on tional p
the "obvious fact that present fa- growing
cilities are outdated and inade- Grd
Small Infant Wards made ou
Dr. Wilson explained it is dif- Surs
ficult to care for infants under the Schools
existing set-up. Infant wards are leader
too small and arranged so that many ye
constant supervision by nurses
cannot be carried out efficiently.
"Originally," Dr. Wilson report- TheI
ed, "wards were open which in- gram w
creases the possibility of infection basic pr
and gives no protection against calenda
noise or ventilation, in lengt
"When they were reconstructed of Bach
to provide smaller wards, they The S
were made too small." Michiga
Contagious Hospital, also under holds c
the pediatrics department was Departm
termed by Dr. Wilson, "A wooden Higher
structure, condemned as a fire National
hazard and physically separated is appro
from the pediatrics unit." by this
Increase of 40 Per Cent
The proposed pediatrics unit of S
Children's Hospital, as now plan- Stude
ned, calls for an increase of 40 per School a
cent in bed capacity, a total of quireme
200 beds. establish
It will be built so that there will Universi
be the same space per infant as Applic
there is per adult in a regular hos- dence o:
pital. "Cross infection is a mat- abilities
ter of distance between patients, gram.
not the size of the patient," Dr.
Wilson said. Trans
Construction will allow for strict colleges
isolation anywhere in the hospi- leges an
tal without moving the patient. the pro
"This is necessary since most cross sion of t
infections occur before diagnosis fully co
is made," Dr. Wilson commented. equivale
Laboratory Space Upon
Laboratory space is planned for one of t
research which in pediatrics, Dr. halls an
Wilson explained, is usually car- students
ried out in close relation to pa- They
tients. and do
An unusual feature of the pro-
posed hospital will be, it is hoped, a
a small number of "living-in"
units for parents so they can stay
with and care for children. "That
is a new idea in this country but
old in medicine."
Dr. Wilson said one aim of the
new hospital was to have decen-
tralized play rooms so children
don't have to be transported long
Next to Psychiatric Unit
Although working plans are not
yet made, preliminary plans call
for eight 25-bed wards. Outside of
the building will harmonize with
the psychiatric unit.
FEach of the Hospital's four
floors will have a small classroom
(there will be one large classroom
in the building), conference rooms
and small suites for parents to
relax in.
Present plans call for a linen
room in each ward with a laundry
unit so small clothes and diapers
will never leave the ward.
Decentralized Laundry Units
"We can prevent unnecessary
handling of clothes, loss, and less-
en possibility of infection by using
decentralized laundry units. Also,
it will save a lot of bookkeeping
and accounting time," Dr. Wilson
Each ward will consist of four
bed and two bed-ooms with full

glass partitions between each two-
bed room. WHEN
"We hope to have a tiny, venti- adde
lated closet between each room Hospital
with an automatic bed pan steril- one of tl
izer so bed pans won't have to beine w
carried up and down corridors," in the w
Dr. Wilson said.
Maintenance pDev
Requests New Site Of I
According to Walter M. Roth, ca m
superintendent of the plant de-
partment, plant maintenance
shops will be moved within the D nevelo
next five years. roads an
Exact location of the shops is July.
uncertain. However, Roth guessed A requ
that they would be located "eith- the site c
er on North Campus, or between
here and North Campus." w to the Lt
Cost of new plant maintenance has not
shops, amounting to about $40,000 Develo
would have to be approved by the campus
State Legislature. State officials
will probably receive the request Universit
in 1959-60. Amounts
In 1958-59 the University is ex- quested i
pected to request $450,000 of the years.
State Legislature for a storehouse Work v
and garage. Roth said there are tion, sew,
no definite plans for these build- and wate
inns Q-t

of the School of Nursing
chool of Nursing has a long
ustrious history, dating
School was established in
one of the first nursing
to be a part of a univer-
pital. It became a separate
g within the University in
School is affiliated with a
ty-owned and controlled
Center that is strategic-
ted on the University cam-
rough the years there have
any changes in the educa-
program to meet the ever
health needs of society.
ates of the School have
utstanding contributions to
in Michigan, the United
and the world and the
has been recognized as a
n nursing education for
Present Program
present educational pro-
as initiated in 1952. It is a
ofessional program, three
r and one academic years
h and leads to the degree
elor of Science in Nursing.
School is approved by the
n Board of Nursing. It
harter membership in the
nent of Baccalaureate and
Degree Programs of the
J League for Nursing and
ved for full accreditation
election of Students
ants are admitted to the
as freshmen. Admission re-
nts are the same as those
ted for other units of the
ants are selected upon evi-
f scholastic and personal
to pursue the nursing pro-
fer students from junior
and other four-year col-
ad universities may enter
gram in the summer ses-
he first year after success-
ompleting two semesters
ant course content.
admission students live in
the University's residence
d for the most part with
of other schools.
have the opportunity too,
participate in all of the


te of Proposed Medical Buildings


University's many social, cultural
and educational activities.
The purpose of the School is to
secure educational experiences best
suited to the maximum develop-
ment of the student as a profes-
sional nurse and as a responsible
and contributing member of a
These experiences enable the
student, upon graduation, to func-
tion effectively under supervision
in professional nursing and serve
as a basis for graduate study.
The program of study is design-
ed so that there are general edu-
cation, professionally-related and
professional courses throughout
the four years.
These courses are taught by fa-
culty of the School of Nursing;
Medical School; School of Public
Health; College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts; School of Edu-
cation and School of Social Work.
The faculty of other schools and
colleges within the University may
contribute to the program, de-
pending upon the courses elected
by the students.
Clinical class instruction is giv-
en concurrently with nursing ex-
perience. A wide variety of planned
clinical experiences is obtained in
the various hospitals of the large
University Medical Center, inter-
nationally known for its teaching
and research, under the direct
guidance of the nursing school's
An opportunity is offered for
some students to include public
health nursing practice, away
from the Medical Center.

Enrollments in the School of
Nursing have more than doubled
since the initiation of the new
program three years ago.
It is believed that the 534 stu-
dents in the School is the highest
enrollment of any undergraduate
nursing program in the United
States and the world. Although the
majority of students are Michi-
ganders, most of the states have
Future Development
The School is looking forward to
an even greater future than in the
past. It is estimated that by 1970
enrollments will double and that
its graduates will continue to
make notable contributions.
In addition the Graduate School,
through the School of Nursing, is
considering the initiation of a
graduate program in nursing. This
is an effort to meet. the critical
needs in Michigan for qualified
nursing personnel.
The School plans to expand its
activities to assist nurses-on-the-
job to improve their professional
nursing practice by providing con-
tinuing education courses and con-
sultant services to nursing schools
and hospital nursing services.
Needs of the School
Facilities now utilized by the
School are crowded and undesir-
able. Some offices, nursing labora-
tories and classrooms are located
in the basements of Couzens and
Beal Residences.
Other faculty offices and class-
rooms for clinical instruction are
in the various University hospitals.
Plans are now with the architects
for a School of Nursing Building
to be located next to a new Medical
School Building and the Univer-
sity Hospital.
Additional needs to meet future
responsibilities, including increas-
ed enrollments, are enlarged fa-
culty, non-academic personnel and
operating budget.
It is imperative that the School
of Nursing receive this needed as-
sistance. The maintenance of ade-
quate health services is fundamen-
tal to public welfare and qualified
nursing personnel in sufficient
numbers are needed to assist in
this maintenance.
The University of Michigan has
the responsibility of serving the
people of the State and its School
of Nursing is dedicated to prepare
more and better qualified nursing

---Daily--John Hirtzel

PROPOSED buildings are Shown in white above are: the Bldg. (the largest white rectangu-
d to the present University school of nursing (center white lar block at left.
area, Ann Arbor will have block); pathology unit; and bio- Gray Y-shaped building at'right
ipresent 'University Hospital. At
he largest medical centers chemistry, pharmacology a n d front left is the Kresge Research
orld. Medical School Administration Bldg. with Medical Library.

Medical Science Units Will Provide
Additional Vital Research Space

An estimated seven million dol-
lars will be spent in constructing
a Medical Science and School of
Nursing building.'
The unit will be the first of two
in long-range plans for new medi-
cal buildings.
Plans for the proposed unit were
approved by the Board of Regents
Jun. 21, and were presented to the
State Legislature in early spring
for financing.
To Replace Old Buildings
Departments of pathology,
pharmacology and biological che-
mistry and administrative offices
for Medical School and the School
of Nursing will be housed in the
unit, planned as a replacement
for East and West Medical Build-

the first unit will house biological
chemistry and pharmacology. Be-
tween the four-story building and
the main Hospital a two-story unit
will accomodate pathology with
one wing housing the School of
Need for Grading Site
Before construction begins, the
site will need a considerable
amount of filling and grading and
the present isolation unit of the
Hospital and east wing of Beal
House will have to be demolished.
Exterior of the building will be
face brick and limestone to har-
monize with Outpatient Clinic and
Kresge Research Bldg.
A network of classrooms, la-
boratories and lecture halls willj

a similar building had been con-
structed in Long Island, N. Y., re-
cently, at a cost of more than 16
million dollars.
Special features of the Medical
Sciences Building include a lec-
ture amphitheater consisting of
three separate lecture halls with
a total seating capacity of 625
students, animal quarters, refri-
geration rooms, radio-isotope la-
boratories and photographic facil-
Hatcher Outlines Need
University President Harlan E.
Hatcher said the new structure
will assist materially in the Uni-
versity's expanded program of me-

New North
pus Set
pment of North Campus
d utilities may begin in
est of $100,000 to develop
f North Campus was sent
egislature in January. It
yet been put to a vote.
ping the new University
will take three years, the
y b u d g e t estimates.
of $100,000 will be re-
for each of the three
will include road construc-
age systems, landscaping
r and gas mains.

Hospital Schedules Complete
Renovation, Remodeling Job

University Hospital is slated


receive a complete renovation, ex-
pected to cost in the neighborhood
of five to seven million dollars.
John Zugich, assistant director
of University Hospital, explained,
"Our real needs are closer to $12,-
000,000 but they have been pared
According to the University's
five year building reports, the
State Legislature will be asked to
appropriate one million dollars in
1955-'56, $650,000 in 1956-'27,
$915,000 in 1957-'58, one million
dollars in 1958-'59 and 1.4 million
dollars in 1959-60.

ties. (Zugich explained that when
the Hospital was built, most pa-
tients could not afford private or
semi-private favilities. Now, since
most insurance plans call for such
facilities, there is a greater de-
mand for them.)
5. Centralization of cyinical and
diagnostic laboratories.
6. Modernization of ancillary
services. (Services that provide
materials and supplies to the pa-
tient's bedside.
7. Renovation of nyirsing divi-
sions in patient's units to make
them more modern and efficient.
Reasons for Renovation


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