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April 20, 1955 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-04-20

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1'41 Ik: t! Q&lLt

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Offshore Island Alternatives
Suggest Limited Aid

WORLD WAR III, if it is to come, now seems
likely to begin over a few rocky dots in the
Straits of Formosa. Admiral Carney, though he
denies it, is quoted on excellent authority as
having predicted an attack on the Matsus in
mid-April, followed later by an assault on
Chinese Communist troops have been pour-
ink down from Korea, and Formosa and the
Pescadores are under close guard by Admiral
Pride and the 7th Fleet. The stage is set, and
the world wonders what the United States will
do, should the attack come.
THERE ARE good reasons why we should
not announce a firm stand on the defense
of the Matsus and Quemoy, despite the example
of Korea, where the enemy misjudged our in-
tentions and brought us to war. America's con-
cern for the offshore islands has been made
abundantly clear, sufficient warning for all but
the most reckless of would-be-aggressors.
There is a serious danger that a public com-
mitment to Chiang-kai shek to defend the is-
lands might prove gmbarrasing should condi-
tions or public sentiment shift. Intransigence
is seldom a virtue in diplomacy. What is dis-
turbing, however, is the persistent report from
Washington that the President has not yet
made up his mind either way on the question
of American response to an attack on Quemoy.
There is a wide difference between keeping in-
tentions secret from Chou En-lai and keeping
them secret from Admiral Pride.
OUT OF THE noisy debate, several factors
in determining American policy can be
distilled. Opposition to American intervention
over Quemoy centers on four points: 1) That
while our Allies favor defense of Formosa, they
would be unwilling to support any action in
defense of the offshore islands. Adlai Steven-
son especially has shown concern over this
split in Allied ranks and the real danger that
we may have to go to war alone. 2) Interna-
tional law is said to hold that the fight over
the offshore islands constitutes an extension
of the Chinese civil war, since they are a part
of China. Formosa and the Pescadores on the
other hand were surrendered by the Japanese
after World War I. Their ultimate fate has
not yet been determined by treaty. 3) While
not as concerned over international law, Asian
neutrals like India's Nehru and Burma's U Nu
deeply resent any suggestions of American ac.-
tion so close to the Chinese mainland. In con-
sidering the views of pro-Western Asians like
Syngman Rhee and Chiang, many commenta-
tors have often ignored the neutralist view-
point, which should never be allowed to veto
policies.but whose reactions must surely be
considered in a balance sheet on any pro-
posed policy. While the neutralists are gen-
erally anti-Chiang, they resent his presence
off the coast much less than they would re-
sent ours.
4) It is said too that Chiang is a reaction-
ary dictator. The corruption of his rule on the
mainland is legendary. To go.to war over the
offshore islands would irrevocably commit us
to the support of the Nationalists and forever
equate America with Chiang in the eyes of
5) The defensability of the offshore islands
is questionable, short of all-out' bombing of the
mainland. It would no doubt be a mistake to.
announce our intention to defend Quemo
and the Matsus only to lose them to con-
centrated Communist military attack. A con-
siderable segment of American opinion holds
it a mistake to risk large-scale war in Asia,
simply to protect the offshore islands. For-
mosa is of course too strategic an island to risk
losing, but it would be difficult to justify-Am-

erican involvement over Quemoy and Matsu
and a war over them would be bound to be
ON THE other hand, many Americans are
unwilling to cross off Quemoy and the
Matsus and concede them to the avaricious
Reds. First, the offshore islands, while they
would be of little offensive value to the Com-
munists in staging a Formosan attack, pro
vide a rather powerful deterent to attack when
in Nationalist hands. Opponents of this view
claim that the Seventh Fleet stationed in the
Straits is all the deterent needed to preven
an attack. Be this as it may, the offshore is-
lands are a definite military asset, both in
bottling up coastal .ports and in bombarding
any invasion across the Straits.
SECOND, another reality of the situation is
that Chiang continues to maintain on
the offshore islands forces estimated at around
50,000 men, or one fifth of his effective fight-
ing force. The loss of the islands would only
follow a last-ditch defense leading probably to
annihilation of the Nationalist troops. Nor
can the large civilian populations of the is-
lands be ignored when contemplating disposal
of the islands.
There are indications that the Eisenhower
Administration has urged Chiang to abandon
Quemoy and the Matsus in addition to th
Tachens. One suggestion of this is Secretary
Dulles' anguished cry that Adlai Stevenson
was just passing off the Administration's pol-
icy as his own when he suggested that Chiang
evacuate the islands in return for Allied sup-
port of Formosa and the Pescadores. If this
is the case, this phase of the present dilemma
may be blamed simply on Chiang's stubborn-
ness in holding on to the islands, joining their
fate with that of their civilian populations and
much of his army.
THIRD, ONE of the values of Formosa lies
not in its strategic position alone, but in
The possibilgy of the seturn is perhaps ob-
scure, but it is the motivation which keeps
the threat of attack agaiist the mainland.
Chiang's government in perpetual motion. The
loss of the offshore islands would mean the
end of the dream which has maintained an
effective fighting force on Formosa, at a time
when Communist manpower in Asia is domi-
nant, for lack of a counterbalance. The sub-
version of Formosa itself would be facilitated
by the decline in Nationalist morale and pres-
tige that would follow the loss of the islands.
FINALLY, MANY hold to the theoy that it
is time to draw the line in Asia, that Com-
munist aggression must not be further re-
warded with once-free territory. The islands
are surely 'no more Mao's than Chiang's, and
to allow the Communists to have them, simply
because they threaten to take them, would
seem to many to be just another piece in a
pattern of appeasement in the Far East. There
is the danger of completely demoralizing our
other Asian allies, and of allowing Communism
to add a "bandwagon" appeal, based on its
apparent omnipotence and inevitability, to the
many with which it now sways Asian minds.
THE IDEAL American policy would be one
which would save the offshore islands for
Chiang by measures short of American inter-
vention. Surely Nationalist forces can be,
strengthened through greater military aid to
Chiang's air force and navy. Should this fai
to be adequate, the balance of argument would
seem to fall on leaving Chiang to his own for-
tunes on the rocky dots called Quemoy and the
-Pete Eckstein

In Europe
WASHINGTON-"Ed Corsi, the
immigration expert ousted for
being too enthusiastic about his
job, had a "shadow" planted on
his trail by Scott McLeod, the man
chiefly responsible for his ouster.
When Corsi went to Europe to
survey refugee conditions, a se-
curity policeman named Roy
Wade, whom Corsi describes as a
"Texas cop," was assigned to ac-
company him, presumably as an
"I soon learned that Wade was
shadowing me everywhere I went,"
Corsi recalls. "Every night Wade
would write reports to McLeod on
my comings and goings and the
people I talked to, as well as what
I said to them."
At first Corsi was amused. But
the private-eye business became
irritating when Wade started cen-
soring his conversations. On such
occasions Wade would strike a
mysterious - pose, hand to his
mouth, and whisper: "You can't
talk about that. It's classified."
While in West Germany, the de-
tective interrupted Corsi with the
admonition: "Please, Mr. Corsi,
you are discussing State Depart-
ment secrets!"
"This practically fractured me,"
recalls Corsi, "because the people
I was talking to just happened to
be representatives of the State
The payoff occurred when Corsi
took a firsthand look at living
standards in Red-controlled East.
"I headed for the shoe counter
in an East Berlin department store
because shoes are the key to living
standards," explains Corsi. "In
the United States, an average
worker can buy a pair ofashoes
for a day's wages and have some-
thing left over. Behind the iron
curtain, it takes about eight days'
wages to buy a pair of shoes."
After looking over the shoes in
the East Berlin store, Corsi com-
mented: "In the United States,
these shoes would be discards -
third-rate stuff."
Suddenly his companion went
into his hand-to-mouth routine:
"Please don't say anything like
that," he whispered excitedly.
"Don't Sou realize that we're sur-
rounded by spies? You might cre-
ate an international incident!"
This was more than Corsi could
"I was wrong," he announced
in a loud voice. "These shoes are-
n't third-rate by American stan-
dards. They're fourth-rate."
GROUP of Texas legislators
had their way paid to the Sam
Rayburn dinner by the "Third
House of Texas government"-the
lobbyists . ., . Clyde Bell, venerable
elevator operator at the Mayflow-
er, greeted Harry Truman with
"The Republicans came here with
one shirt and one dollar bill and
they haven't changed either one
of 'em since." ...Mrs. Fred Vin-
son, widow of the late great Chief
Justice, greeted Mrs. Truman
with: "Do you mind if I kiss your
husband?" . .,Judge Thurman
Arnold razzing State Department
over firing Ed Corsi who cam-
paigned for Secretary Dulles for
the Senate: "Isn't it nice that you
have a Secretary of State who will
turn his back on a friend?" .. .
(Dean ,Acheson made a remark
which the Republicans never for-
got that he "Wouldn't turn my

back on Alger Hiss.") ., A friend
greeted Congressman Francis Wal-
ter of Pennsylvania who wanted
Corsi fired: "You'll have to sing
Santa Lucia all over your district
to get re-elected." e . . Confided
Borden Stevenson, son of Adlai,
to a friend: "father will run
again." . . . Gov. Averell Harriman
got plenty of advice from Colum-
nist Doris Fleeson ... Three May-
ors of the top U.S. cities, all demo-'
crats, gave themselves free and
friendly advice - Mayor Wagner
of New York, Mayor Clark of
Philadelphia, and Mayor Daley,
newly elected boss of Chicago ...
Mayor Clark's answer to whether
he would run for the Senate from
Pennsylvania was: "no comment."
Democratic Split
PAUL BUTLER, who's done a
dynamic job as new chairman
of the Democratic National Com-
mittee, stubbed his toe at the
closed-door committee meeting
when Tracy McCracken, homespun
Democratic Committeeman from
Wyoming, proposed that all ex-*
national chairmen be made mem-
bers of the committee without the
right to vote.
McCracken had discussed this
with Dave Lawrence, Mayor of
Pittsburgh, who favored getting
the benefit of such ex-chairmen
as Jim Farley, Howard McGrath,
Frank McKinney, Bill Boyle, Hom-
er Cummings, Steve (Mitchell, et
When McCracken made his mo-
tion, it was immediately seconded
by Margaret O'Riordan, Democra-

A t the Michigan .. .
THE COUNTRY GIRL with Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, and William
BASED on a rather weak play by Clifford Odets, and transcribed
for the screen by Writer-Director George Seaton, The Country
Girl is one of the most disappointing films of the past few years.
One might have expected greatness, but it offers shallowness all too
The plot centers about a romantic triangle: (1) Aging singer
Big Crosby has an inferiority complex and blames his insecurity upon
the accidental death of his son; he is attempting a comeback in a

new musical show. (2) The sing-
er's wife, Grace Kelly, has become
a physical wreck under the strain
of caring for her childish, drunken
husband; she is 'a mother to him,
but is fighting to make a man of
him. (3) Director William Holden
has had an unhappy marriage and
is in charge of Crosby's comeback
appearance; he is slowly falling
in lovebwith Miss Kelly, all the
while blaming her for her hus-
band's poor mental health.
From these melodramatic do-
ings, The Country Girl draws its
inspiration, of which no small part
may be reduced to a theatrical
synthesis of popular psychology.
For the first hour or more, when
character development and dra-
matic heightening are in order,
the script furnishes the players
with an endless byplay of words
in which they attempt to chry-
stalize their psychological moti-
vations, engaging in a kind of lay-
men's psychoanalysis. Once the in-
dividual personalities - are estab-
lished, the picture makes an
abrupt shift.
SUDDENLY the insecure singer
is secure; the dumpy, bitter,
self-righteous wife, beautiful, ac-
cepting a share of the blame for
her husband's condition, adopting

"He Gets Off a Nice Clear Decision, Doesn't He?"


a healthy outlook on life; the com-
pletely imperceptive director, com-
pletely perceptive. Obviously this.
sort of transitions are difficult to
make, requiring delicate handling
and sensitive acting, neither of
which is presented in sufficient
quantity to offset the inherent
Crosby handles his role with
great conviction; the closeups of
his dissapated, drunken face seem
to mirror the weak, unhappy, tra-
gic figure he portrays. Miss Kelly
shows considerable promise as an
actress, but very often fails to
deliver the warmth and emotion-
alism which her role demands.
That her performance is the best
of the year is most likely so; that
she is a great actress is rather
absurd. Her famous coldness and
reserve seem inappropriate here
and her face is too often a bland
mask. Holden's performance is
rather standard, with his by now
almost-stereotyped charm.
The Country-Girl is not a "bad"
picture; in fact, it is one of the
year's more interesting efforts, de-
serving serious consideration. But
seldom has any picture promised
so much and given so little.
-Ernest Theodossin

(Continued fromPage 2)
will be at the Bureau of Appoint-
Mon,April 25-
Bank of America, Hdq. In Los An-
geles, Calif.-men in LS&A and BusAd
for a Special Accelerated Training Pro-
gram leading to positions in Lending,
Operations, Trust, International Bank-
ing, Standards and Methods, Account-
ing Personnel Relations, Escrow, and
Tues., April 26--
Women's Army Corps-women in any
field for Officer Training.
Canada Life Assurance Co., Jackson,
Michigan-LS&A and BusAd men for
Wed,, April 27-
R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chicago,
11l. (The Lakeside Press) - men in
LS&A, BusAd., and Engrg. for Produc-
'tion, Sales, & Office Administration,
Thurs., April 28-
Mich. Bell Telephone-women in any
field for Management Training.
Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co.,
Kalamazoo, Mich.-men in LS&A and
BusAd for Sales and Management
Training Program,
Given Mfg. Co., Hdq. in Los Angeles,
Calif.-men in L&A and BusAd for
Sales. (company manufactures Waste-
King garbage disposers)
Moorman Mfg. Co., Quincy, 111.-men
with any degree for Sales covering
Midwest area. (compny manufactures
supplemental feeds for livestock and
Fri., April 29-
Wurzburg's Department Store, Grand
Rapids, Michigan-men and women for
Management Training Program in Re-
tailing, and Accounting.
For appointments contact the Bureut
of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528 Admin.
WPAG-TV, Ann Arbor, Mich.-man to
sell time or space on WPAG-Tv.
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces exams for the following: open
to any qualified citizens of U.S., appli-
cation accepted up to May 13, 1955-
Assoc. Landscape Architect, Jr. Land-
scape Architect. Sr. Hardware Speifica.
tions Writer; open to any qualified citi-
zens of U.S., applications accepted up
to May 27, 1955-Sr. Landscape Archi-
tect, Social Worker (medical), Interme-
diate Psychiatric Social Worker; exam
to be held In Albany only, application
accepted up to May 6, 195 -- Deputy
Clerk also acting as Court Stenograph-
er; open to residents of N.Y., applica-
tions accepted up to May 13, 1955 -
Landscape Architect, Chief-Bureau of
vocational Curriculum Development
And Industrial Teacher Training, Pro-
fessional Educ. Aide, Aquatic Biologist.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528
Admin. Bldg.
Botanical Seminar. Hubert W. Vogel-
mann, Department of Botany, will
speak on, "Biosystematic Studies on
Primula mistassinica in North Amer-
ica." Wed., April 20, 4:00 p.m. Refresh-
ments. 1139 N.S.
University Lecture under the auspices
of the Department of Chemistry. Wed.,
April '20 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1300
Chemistry. Dr. C. E. Nordman of the
Institute for Cancer Research of Phila-
delphia, will speak on, "Crystal Struc-
ture Studies of Citric Acid and the
Citrate Ion."
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Economics. "The Devel-
opment of the American Labor Pro-
gram." Professor Selig Perlman, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin. Fri., April 22, 4:15
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for
Students in Education will be held May
26, 27, and 28. Students who anticipate
taking these examinations must file
their names with the Chairman of Ad-
visers to Gradujyte Students, 4019 Uni-
versity High School, not later than
May 1.
Sociology Coffee Hour In the Sociology
Lounge at 4:00 p.m. Wed., April 20.
Zoology Seminar. Dr. David L. Nanney
will spek on "Nuclear Differentiation:
The Resurrection of a 'Dead' Issue,"
Wed,. April 20, at 4:15 p.m., in the Nat-
ural Science Auditorium.
Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs.,
April 21 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300
Chemistry. Miss Patricia A. Mcveigh
will speak on "Hydrogen Isotope Ef-
Seminar in Analytical - Inorganic -
Physical Chemistry. Thurs., April 21 at
7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Rog-
er F. Klemm will spek on "The Deter-
mination of Bond Dissociation Energies
from Chemical Kinetics Data."

402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet Thurs., April 21, Room
3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
C. H. Coombs and R. C. Kao will speak
on "Non-Metric Factor Anplysis."
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Thurs., April 21, 3:30-5:30 p.m. in Room
3010 A.H. Miss Irene Hess will discuss
Chapter 11 in Cochran's Sampling Tech-
Application for English Honors Cur-
riculum: Meeting for students interest-
ed in entering the English Honors
Curriculum that begins next Fall.
Thurs., April 21 at 4:00 p.m. in 2402
Mason Hall. The nature of the program
will be discussed and students will be
invited to raise questions. Sophomore
students are particularly invited, but
Freshmen who are interested in the
program are also welcome.
Doctoral Examination for Charles De-
pew verNooy, III, Chemistry; thesis:
"The Stereochemistry of the Diels-Al-
der Reaction between Cyclopentadiene
and Substituted trans-Cinnamic Acid
Derivatives. The Formation of Nortri-
cyclene Derivatives in Brominations of
exo-2, 5-Methylene-1, 2, 5, 6-Tetrahy-
drobenzoic Acids," Thurs., April 21,
3003 Chemistry Building, at 1:15 p.m.
Chairman, C. S. Rondestvedt.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., April 21, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. John Cris-
pin of Willow Run will speak on "The
Radar Cross-Section of an Infinite

of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, at :30 p.m Thurs.,
April 21, in Rackham Assembly Hall,
Mrs. Dudd studies voice with Frances
Greer. Compositions by Mozart, Schu-
bert, Schumann, Debussy, Ravel, Gliere,
Tchaikovsky, Kountz, and Rimsky-Kor.
sakov, and will be open to the public.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonnur, 7:15 p.m.
Thurs., April 21; works by Martini, Gor-
don, Schubert, Tchaikovsky; group of
Arab melodies.
Events Today
Frosh Weekend. Floorshow Rehearsal
Schedule: Wed, 7:00 p.m., Group 2;
Thursday, 7:00 p.m., Groups 7a and 7b;
Sat., 2:00 p.m., Groups 6, , 9; 3:00 p.m.,
Group 1 Sun., 3:00 p.m., Group 5.
Episcopal Student Foundation, Stu-
dent Breakfast at canterbury House.
Wed., April 20, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
Hispanic Fiesta. Exhibit of Hispani
Arts and Crafts, Oriental Gallery, Alum-
ni Hall. Open to the public. Wed., April
20, 1:00-500 p.m. and 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Thurs., April 21, 1:00-5:00 p.m. and
7:00-9:00 p.m. Fri., April 22, 1:00-5:00
Carillon Concert of Hispanic Musi,
by Dr. Percivji Price, Burton Memorial
Tower. Wed., April 20, 3:00-3:10 p.m.
Thurs., April 21, 3:00-3:10 p.m.
variety Show (Hispanic music, songs
and dances), Auditorium A, Angell Hall,
Wed.. April 20. 4:00-4:45 p.m, Thur,
April 21, 6:00-6:45 p.m.
General meeting of Sigma Alpha Eta
Wed., April 20. at 7:30 p.m. at Lane
Hall. Elections of new offices. Dr. Harry
Towsley will speak on, "Speech Cor-
rection and Pediatrics." All members
requested to attend.
Frosh Weekend. Mass meeting of the
Blue Team Wed., Apr. 20 at 5:00 p.m. in
the League ballroom. Everyone must at-
Pershing Rifles. Meet at TCB at 1930
hrs. Wed., April 20 for regular company
Coming Events
Frosh Weekend. Maize Team Mass
Meeting, Thurs, April 21, 5:00 p.m in
the League. Every member of any com-
mittee or participant in the floorshow
must attend.
"Law and Christian Ethics," joint
Presbyterian - Lutheran discussion,
Thurs., April 21, at 9:15 p.m., in the
Lutheran Student Center. Paul G.
Kauper, professor of law; John W.
Reed, professor of law; and Ray Kla-
sen, Ann Arbor lawyer, will lead the
discussion. Refreshments.
Congregational - Disciples Guild,
Thurs., Apr. 24, 7:00 a.m., Breakfast
meditation group a't Guild House Chap-
el. 5:00-5:30 p.m., Mid-Week Meditation
in Douglas Chapel,
Hillel. Reservation for Fri. evening
dinner must be made and paid for by
Thurs., Apr. 21 at the Hillel Building
between 7:00 and 10:00 p.m.
La Petite Causette meets Thurs., Apr.
21 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room
of the Union cafeteria, Scrabble en
A Social Seminar will be held t 7:45
p.m. Thurs., April 21 in the West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
James C. MacDonald, assistant profes-
sor of journalism, will discuss, "The
Administrator and The Press." Refresh-
Christian Science Organization Testi.
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs, Up-
per Room, Lane. H1L.
International Center Tea. Thurs., 4:30.
6:00 _p.m. Rackham.Buiding.
Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs, at 7:45
p.m. in 311 W. Eng.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
Thurs., April 21, After the 7:00 a.m.
Holy Communion.
Arts Chorale will meet pt 7:00 p.m.
Thurs., Apr. 21 in And. D Angell Hall,
Open to public.
Young Democrats will sponsor a pan-
el discussion on the topic: "Is a Trend
towards Conformity Threatening Aca-
demic Freedom?" Speakers will be Ed-
win E. Mose, associate professor of
mathematics; William B. Palmer, asso-
cite professor of economics; and Ar-
thur M. Eastman, assistant professor of
English. Thurs., April 21 in Auditorium
B, Angell Hall at 7:45 p.m. Open to

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers ............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.......Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
David Livingston.........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ..Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
.........Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz......Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate women's Editor
John Hirtzel,.....Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak ..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1





FOR THOSE in the post-vacation and spring
doldrums we suggest a relaxing visit to the
University Museum of Art. Nothing monumen-
tal or awfullly challenging was planned, but
rather a bright cluster of small exhibitions are
Contemporary paintings from the Museum's
collection are displayed in the main gallery.
Among them, Friz Winter's Principal and Sec-
ond Movement, effectively mounted, struck our
eye. It is in the faniliar idiom of Abstract.Ex-
pressionism, but of special interest is the
fact that it is a comparatively recent example
of modern German art. English, French, and
American contributions to this new "Interna-
tional Style" are also exhibited.
A STUDENT COLLECTS is the title of the
neighboring gallery. It reflects the encour-
aging collecting skill of University law student
Alan Neidle. Although including a wide variety
of styles, the collection is discpilined by a per-
sonal taste and a limitation of media to the
graphic arts. Especially interesting were sev-
eral vigorous woodcuts: Triumphal Procession
by Hans Springlee, a pupil of Durer; and an
excellent study by Hendrick Goltzius. The in-
evitable Piranesi engraving of a Roman view
is included. But why not? The Roman series
of this eighteenth century Italian are almost
synonymous with our conception of the city. To
many, his Rome is the real Rome just like
Guardi's Venice remains the Venice of every
tourist's dream. It is just this sort of an exper-
ience that prompts one to observe that our
visual conception of the world does not deter-
mine but is determined by the visual arts.

does at least shape and form photography's
treatment of that experience. Another show,
The Photography of Francis Brugiere, may be
seen to confirm this view. Brugiere is cred-
ited as being one of the first to use the cam-
era not as a simple recorder of visual appear-
ances, but as a creative tool. As early as 1912,
it sems, he created a series of "light abstrac-
tions." Undeniably, however, the inspiration
came from the cubist experiments of Picasso
and Braque.
In,addition the visitor should note the Crea-
tive Photography Kit display and the little
show, Drawings of French Artists from the
extensive drawing collection of our Museum.
-Victor H. Miesel
what They're Say ing
Suburbia: Inner, Outer and The Country!
Watch hardware store windows. In all three
areas, these stores sell lawnmowers. But in Out-
er Suburbia they also sell sickles; in the Coun-
try, scythes.
Note certain tempos. In Inner Suburbia, a
man will come to fix the pilot light on your gas
stove within twenty-four hours; Outer Subur-
bia, within seventy-two; Country, within two
(because he's the householder himself and he
only has to come in from the barn).
Pay attention to complexions. In Inner Sub-
urbia they are ruddy or bronze about two
months a year, of standard or City pallor the
rest; in OuterSuburbia, they never get lighter
than buckskin; in the Country, saddle-leather
all the time.
Keep an eye on lawns. Inner Suburbia: like

Join 'emn...
To the Editor:
INSOFAR AS the University
Board of Regents is seeking to
maintain the distinctiveness of
the. University of Michigan's name,
I would like to, in all humbleness,
suggest the following resolution to
the Regents' dilemma.
Considering that the State Leg-
islature of Michigan is displaying
extreme liberality in dispensing
new titles to various state insti-
tutions, the Regents should adopt
the policy, "if you can't beat them,
join them," petitioning the State
Legislature of Michigan to add the
prefix "Arch" to the present title
"University of Michigan."
I believe that this solution will
be acceptable to the Regents; and
also a rather fatigued student
body which is well aware of the
otherramifications of the word
"arch" exclusive of its use as a
prefix designating superior rank,
-D. Schroeder, '58 A&D
* * *
Rutherford Dismissal..
To the Editor:
THE CASE of Jesse Rutherford,
dismissed from his job at the
VA hospital, illustrates once again
the injustice of -the misnamed
"loyalty" program.
In establishing tests of political
conformity for Civil Service posi-
tions, the "loyalty" program does
violence to the concept of an im-
partial and non-political Civil
mittee of distinguished Democrats
comprised of ex-chairmen and
"Plf' hP, alar - assrrta

One can hardly argue that the
intent of the "loyalty" program is
to weed out potential spies, sabo-
teurs, and traitors. The kernel of
the "loyalty" program is the no-
tion that certain ideas are "sub-
versive," therefore any person
having similar ideas, or having
connections, however indirect, with
any is a "security risk."
We might note that the only
government employe convicted re-
cently under the espionage laws--
for passing secrets to the Nether-
lands government - passed all
"loyalty" tests with flying colors.
In the wake of the "loyalty"
program we find the talebearer,
the nameless accuser, the inform-
er and the professional witness-
sordid careers exemplified by Ma-
tusow, Chambers, Budenz, and
company. Penalties of loss of job
and the brand of "security risk"
are applied without reference to
normal rules of evidence.
It is a sorry thing for American
democracy when mere past affilia-
tion with the Progressive Party
brings about dismissal from a po-
sition not even remotely connect-
ed with national security. The fir-
ing of Jesse Rutherford was an
act of vindictive McCarthyism.
Many of the injustices perpe-
trated in the name of the "loyalty"
program have been righted by the
force of public opinion. Let us
hope that Mr. Rutherford, too, re-
tains his job and his good name.
-David R. Luce
* * *
Turnabout ..*
To the Editor:
SINCE MSC has now dropped the
word "college" as an inade-
quate description, and since our
neighbor in Ynsilanti wants tn



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