Sunday, April 17, 1955
Page Seven
Sunday, April 17, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
sciences as well as their applica-
tions in agriculture.
Prof. Chatters, who received his
doctorate degree in botany at the
University in 1941, gained interest
in radiations research at the Uni-
versity where he made studies in
1937 and 1938 on the biological ef-
fects of fast neutrons from the
The laboratory includes a room
ith a $4,000, 150-kilovolt X-ray
nit for radiation damage and mu-
tation studies, a controlled light
room for investigations with ultra
violet light and auto-radiography,
two temperature controlled rooms
for radioisotope countine and ex-
primentation calling for cool
temperatures and a large labora-
tory and small animals room for
biological research.
SAFETY precautions include con-'
crete storage vaults for radio-
Isotopes, lead shielding for the use
against X-rays, safety glasses for
protection against ultra-violet
light, well-ventilated fume hoods,
and remote control devices for
handling radioactive materials.
Since the College's interests are.
primarily in the field of agricul-
ture, much of the work to date has
been of this nature. One of the STANDIN
most commonly used insecticides DEM
has been synthesized and tagged I
with radiosulfur as well as with
radiophosphorus by members of
the college chemistry staff.
After the tagging was completed MUSIC
by the chemists, botanists, and en-
tomologists, the insecticide was
used to obtain a better under- G
standing of the fate of such chem-
icals when applied to plant sur-
faces or when administered by By I
root systems. " Y CON
ANOTHER GROUP on the cam- the music
pus studied what happened to nearly as p
phosphorus when administered to according t
an animal which craved this ele- lace, music
ment from a dietary deficiency or As the &
other causes. Another studiedtasthd p
what determined the mechanism tarofy Wa
by which the cotton boll weevil anything tl
damages the cotton plant. This student, fr
was done by using weevils tagged for admiss
with radiophosphorus to learn position af
whether the boll weevil injects The broa
saliva into the plant tissues or ers appli
merely chews up the plant result- acceptance
ing in characteristic weevil dam- nation of a
age. student-tea
Experiments with the growth of istration, a
gneat animals, weed killing by tification fi
chemical means and the efficient placement.
and economical use of convention- "It seem
al fertilizers, are examples of add- all this w
ed research opportunities made lace noted
available through the use of radio- teresting ti
active material. tive work.I
-RAYS AND ultra-violet light to the job
are being used to help solve next day"
agriculture problems and to ob- As an ad
tai fundamental information on lace "doesn
radiation biology. For example, arbitrary
the breeding studies that are be- sary to an
ing made in conjunction with the are valuab
radiation work to determine whe- they can b
ther flourescent and non-fluores- to a parti
cent varieties will breed true or particulart
not. In addit
In the field of Veterinary tive post, P
Mfedicine, as well as in conjunc- es two sec
tion with the problems of industry, tue to no
the Laboratory is contributing to uag a mus
the general welfare. give up son
"Like the Phoenix Project at the students a
University of Michigan," Prof. ing becaus
Chatters explained, "the Okla- ground, as
homs A&M College Radioisotopes those class
and Radiations Laboratory's fa- The 39-y
cilities are devoted to non-military sterS.C.
applications of radioisotopes and Tennessee'
radiations." itary Acad
"My folk
military pr
A I LDreally wan
ILY studying p
II ~~r\ "In my
P HOTO prep schoo
I had a j
RTUF APresbyterian
then and m
going to be
Story by cian after
Pictures -Courtesy University
Prof. Roy M. Chatters his Bache
Princeton i
from the L
f-Heat' H oles
4STANT concern is that facuHl was fir
of the 550 students in lowbcame al
school be treated as lownbearea
possible as individuals," 'lowing year a
to Prof. James B. Wal- nt post i 11
school secretary. Previous to
chool of Music's secre-~ganPsf a
anist and ci
ublic relations director, Avenue Chur
lace's position entails imilar poit
hat has to do with thean acson,
om the time he appliesDund hisn,
ion until he obtains a During his
ter. graduation. Prof. Wallace
dephia ah
d scope of the job cov-wa p ac
ations for admissions, with a part
of admissions, coordi- Orchestra in
ll academic counseling, concerts.
cher relationships, reg- He had also
cademic discipline, cer- at Belhaven
or graduation and job Miss.
s as if i can never get IN 1942, he
ork done," Prof. Wal- States Ar
"and that's the in- American an
hing about administra- until 1946. Aft
t is a challenge to stick the musicals
and carry over to the the total hist
theatre, publi
ministrator, Prof. Wal- States govern
it believe in hard fast While in t
rules. Some are neces- more than 20
y good discipline. They the United S
le only in as much as Germany, as
e adapted and adjusted istrative work
icular individual at a After the w
ion to his administra-p
rof. Wallace also teach-
tions of Music Litera-
n-music students. "Be-
ician, I never want to
me aspect of music. The e
re extremely stimulat-
e of their varied back-
id I look forward to
ear-old teacher and ad-
cwas torn in Wetmin-
and graduated from
s Brahnam Hughes Mil-
emy in 1932.
s had sent me off to ..
rep school to see if I
ted music. I had been
iano since the age of
first letter home from
l, I told the folks that
ob as organist in the
n Church. I was 15
iy folks' reply was 'He's
e a bushy-haired musi- '
EIVED his Bachelor's
in psychology from the
of Mississippi in 1930,
lor of Music from
n 1939 and his Master
University in 1947.
t Thomas Wolfe as Painter
I a of Great Literary Scenes
(Continued from Page 1)
blessing as a writer lay in the
quite as simple as it looks to sep- agonizing fact that he was never
arate the man from the artist, and able to build an emotional, pro-
the artist from his art. And this tective fence around his soul, thus
is especially true of Wolfe and his keeping the crowd on the outside
writingswhere it really belonged. The
For Eugene Gant, Tom Wolfe, sneer; the questioning smile and
and George "Monk" Webber-call the unsaid word, these-when ap-
them what you will-were one. prehended by his vulnerable sen-
The artist was his own model, and sitivity and cradled by his peculiar
the man who wrote the Wolfe tet- kind of genius-aere the stilted
N ralogy was its principal character, crucifixes upon which his books
as well. And this; the major criti- were built.
cism constantly leveled against H SPOLM oha ua
I ,Wolfe: that le was an "autobio- bHig PROBLEMs, both bashuan
. graphical" writer, tends to become benadaritwsbscly
., a .only further confused when ad- one of evaluation. For in all his
S mixed with the many legends of wretched and lonely life Tom
the man. But only by an under- Wolfe never learned that one sim-
standing of the man couldone plcesmile exceeds, in worth, the
- begin to comprehend the artist value of a thousand sneers. His
who wrote-in the only way he books were tailored to his size and
knew how-as he compulsively had they were filled, to his heart's ca-
to write. pacity, with the misery of pain.
A gigantic hulk of a man (six As Eugene, the boy, he had a
feet six inches tall, and weighing home; though he neither seemed
two hundred fifty pounds) Tom to become a part of it, nor to find
Wolfe was never able to find the one later on in life even as "Monk"
blessing of anonymity in a crowd. the man. And if his writings laid
He was too long for Pullman fallacy to anything, it was to the
berths, too wide for common old saying that, "The home is
chairs. And, as if this were not where the heart is." For often,
enough, he was afflicted with an more often than we poor mortals
PROF. CHATTERS almost convulsive stammer being would care to admit, the home is
able, at best, to talk only with his where the heart would like to
RANSFERRING closest friends. He was, so to speak, be. And, ironically enough, this
REMOTE a grotesque among grotesques, strange hill boy, who understood
And his tragedy as a man and his father and mother better than
most men ever have ina parent-
son relationship, never really came
to know them.
He met as strangers the two
O. 5aP -GCII/d Ape ople he was to come to know
Oi rofiij. W alI~lce best in life. The first of these, Max
Perkins, became his editor and
good friend.
st appointed to the year in Heidelberg, Germany, in In Max Perkins, as editor, Tom
47 as a teaching fel- the fields of history of music and Wolfe met a guide through the
an instructor the fol- the organ. labyrinth of flowing rhetoric and
nd obtained his pres- He also attended the first Salz..cadenced prose; a guide who was
50. burg Music Festival after the war, to lead him through the jungle of
coming to Ann Ar- held in August, 1945. He received words toward a method of com-
allace served as or- the Award of Merit in the same munication of feeling and an es-
soir director of Park year, sence of meaning. And, more than
ch in New York and He holds membership in Pi Kap- this, he had found a friend who
ons in Philadelphia pa Lambda, Phi Mu Alpha Sin- both recognized his talent and be-
Miss. fonia, and five University Com- lieved in his potentiality as a
stay in Philadelphia, mittees in addition to secretary writer. But Wolfe-the provincial
conducted the Phil- of music school executive com- -while coming to know this ver-
h Society which sang mittee. satile and able editor, was never
of the Philadelphia Prof. Wallace has conducted to learn to understand him.
three yearly all-Bach the high school choirs in the three Perkins, on the other hand, had
local performances of Bach's "St. found himself a young and highly
been Dean of Music Matthews Passion," The last one literate writer who, while gifted
College in Jackson, was March 25. with a power of description and a
"I have a great love for choral talent for detail, was-by his very
music," he said, "because my fav- nature-alien to the discipline of
entered the United orite form of music is the vocal literary form. And literary form
my, serving in the form of art. It is the basic form is exactly what an editor receives
d European theatres of musical expression and has al- a paycheck, as a means of com-
ter the war, he wrote ways been the greatest contribut- pensation, for enforcing. For
section included in ing medium to all the history of Wolfe, caught in the web between
ory of the European music." the Voodoo-mysticism of the emo-
shed by the United tions prayer meetings of the
ment. DISCUSSING the future, Prof. Southern hills and the Romanti-
the Army, he gave Wallace says that "my con- cism of Coleridge, was not only the
0 organ concerts in stant dream about the position I symbolist who worked in imagery
itates, England and hold, is that the time is drawing but-something very different, as
well as doing admin- near when we can see as a reality well-the realist who dealt with
C. a music school on the North Cam- things tangible in a most intan-
ar, he studied for a See 'OFF-BEAT', Page 11 gible way.
PERKINS saw in Wolfe exactly
what he was: a primitive from
- the hills who had tried to read
every book in the Harvard library,
and had authored the longest and
most intricate play ever actually
put into production by Baker's 47
-n Workshop. And it was Perkins, as
well, who was the first to see that
dm honly by a fusion of almost all
forms literary could this young
man ever find a means of self-
.Here, again, we are confronted
with the fiction and the legend of
Wolfe the man and the artist.
Starting with the publication of
the "Angel" and 'culminating with
the release of "Of Time And The
River," Wolfe was subjected to one
of the most vicious attacks, by a
mob of critics, to which any writer
has ever stood as the ungrateful
heir. But it was Perkins who, while
being praised, was equally con-
demned. For he was accused of
everything from telling Wolfe
what to write to actually clipping
up the pages of the Wolfe manu-
script and repasting the frag-
:v4. ":.'.: <::'ha .ments, in editorial sequence, as
--Daily-Ben Monaghan finished copy for the two novels.
PROF. JAMES B. WALLACE And Wolfe, while writing "The
® "a bushy-haired musician after all" See THOMAS, Page 12