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February 09, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-09

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Daily Managing Editor
FROM ALL reports the driving ban is here
to stay. And what's more, the order has
gone out from the Administration that it is
going to be enforced.
Enforcement these days means something
quite different from what it meant a year ago
when chances of the ban's removal appeared
more likely. No more weekend enforcement by
rcunty sheriff's deputies whose authority to
stop student-driven automobiles to check per-
mits has been finally denied.
The modern enforcemet ,ills for o, full-
^im cc. ty officer work ingfor the IrU iersity
taking down the license numbers of "suspect"
cars as they are driven by their student own-
ers on the streets of Ann Arbor. The numbers
are then pinned to a name in the issuing state's
license bureau and the names sent to the Of-
fice of Student Affairs to be checked.
If the student is found to have no permit
or has been guilty of violating the permit, .he
is called to the Office of Student Affairs or for
a second offense to Joint Judic I e penalties
are levied.
The neat thing about the renewed enfo";e-
ment is the clever gi-ick the Umver ty has
come up with to trap the "Laeg.V" stude. driv
er. Parallels between thi s vce '. e
fully set but very unfair speed-traps are all
too obvious.
Enforcement is not the only bad aspect of
this foolish and outmoded regulation. Because
exceptions are granted under the regulation
allowing certain categories of students to have
cars on campus, a premium is being placed
on the student's ability to lie successfully and
so secure the coveted permit. The honest stu-
dent who may have just as much need but
who doesn't meet the requirements doesn't
stand a chance. By maintaining a regulation
as unnatural as the prohibition amendment,
the University is in fact fostering an unhealthy
attitude of deception on the part of its student
In addition administrators who recognize
the foolishness of the regulation are forced to
administer it simply because someone in the
upper administration of the University is so
outdated in his thinking as to consider the
rule workable.
It has been two years now since Student
Legislature sent its brief recommending modi-
fication of the driving ban to the Board of
Regents. At that time Regent Vera Baits com-
mended the Legislature for a well-written set
of alternatives contained in the brief. Never-
theless for the past two years the 'corm enct-
able alternatives" have been gathering dust
with little prospect of ever getthrg efo:e I'e
Fegents Lor consideration. Insteadan e ia

silence and an unofficial tightening up on
the enforcement of the rule.
Today the University is the only school in the
Big Ten with a general driving restriction. Mi-
chigan State introduced a new system of regis-
tering student automobiles this fall and from-
reports the system has been working out well
to maintain a check on who has and who does-
n't have a car.
Granted that there are problems of parking
and public relations with the city to consider,
nevertheless the time has come for the Univer-
sity to begin to take some action toward a more
realistic policy in this area.
The president should name a committee of
students, faculty, and University and City ad-
ministrators to sit down charged with the res-
ponsibility to come up with some answer to the
student driving problem. Such a bold approach
would be a refreshing change from a policy of
sneaking around in a patrol car taking down
students' license numbers.
* * * *
FINAL PASSAGE of the Student Activities
Center by the Regents at their January
meeting is long-awaited and very welcome news
to more than a hundred student groups on
campus. When completed the modern $1,700,000
building will provide office, meeting space and
large workshop areas for most campus organ-
Last month's Regental action culminated
more than a year of planning by various stu-
dent committees with the assistance of Uni-
versity authorities. Approval of the Activities
Center together with the recent approval of
the new student government are encourag-
ing signs that the University is willing to
recognize the more significant role students
can play in campus affairs.
* * * *
N VOTING to establish a senior college of
the University at Flint the Board of Re-
gents may have set a precedent that will pro-
vide part of the answer to expanding educa-
tional needs in the state in the next several
President Hatcher indicated at the pres
conference following the Regents' meeting that
the University might consider similar ex-
pansion elsewhere if conditions are as favor-
able as those found at Flint. The arrangement
with Flint Junior College will provide that the
college supply all of the physical facilities and
maintenance while the faculty for the junior
and senior year will be supplied by the Uni-
versity. Graduates will receive a degree from
the University at Flint.
With school enrollments mushrooming
throughout the state the Flint idea looks like
a co:c one to help ease the burden on the
Tiverity here.

New Yorker
OYLE'S Parody of THE NEW
REVIEWING college-humor ma-
gazines may well seem to de-
serve a place high-up (or far
down) on any list of strictly use-
less pursuits, but that, I think, is
a superficial view. There is no
reason why the members of a col-
lege community who are interest-
ed, for whatever reason, in under-
graduate inventiveness should not
expect to find it displayed in the
humor magazine quite as clearly
as in the school's more solemn
Sometimes, I know, and in some
places, the college humor maga-
zine becomes a monstrously feeble
collection of syndicated jokes, bad-
ly drawn cartoons, and letter-
press whose only recognizable aim
seems to be to get away with as
much as possible in the way of
thinly-veiled obscenity. But that
does not describe recent issues of
Gargoyle, and the current num-
ber, a cover-to-cover parody of
The New Yorker, makes is plain
that some of the best literary tal-
ent on campus has contributed to
THE TITLE seems to me not
completely successful, but the
cover-design was inevitable, ex-
cept that the butterfly on which
Eustace B. Tilley has for so long
now been fixing, each spring, his
monocled gaze, has undergone a
startling metamorphosis.
Then, beginning with a page of
"Goings on about Town," and a
couple of pages of "Talk of the
Town," the regular New Yorker
departments and features follow
in their accustomed order, and
are mostly quite delightful.
Of the three parody stories,
"Pretty Mouth and Bald My Head,"
which represents a grafting of .
Henry's "Gift of the Magi" on to
all the J. D. Salinger you've ever
read, makes the strongest initial
impact, but "Big Bore in West-
chester" is an equally successful
parody of a kind of story-low-
toned, unemphatic treatment of
minor crises in suburban married
life-that gave the parodist few-
er obvious angles to work on.
The "Profile" ("This is the first
of nineteen articles on the Brooks
brothers") might have been bet-
ter, but the Television column is
fine, and so is the "Books" page
-"Vlasics and Commercials" -
on which a critic who bears a not
wholly fortuitous resemblance to
Edmund Wilson harks back to the
moment in the Twenties, in Green-
wich Village, when he "first be-
came acquainted with the writ-
ings of the Vlasic Finer Foods Co.,"
through having the label on a
bottle of Vlasics Sweet Gherkins
thrust on his attention. My own
favorite item in the issue is the
"Letter from Thaenraelgh," but to
analyze its rare beauty would take
more space than I have here.
Both in its cartoons-most of
the New Yorker regulars come in
for their share of attention-and
in its articles and features, the is-
sue meets the chief tests of suc-
cessful parody.
It is good-natured, it presents
a recognizable but subtly exagger-
ated simulacrum of the original,
and to the amusement value which
derives from our being able to
recognizerthe original beneath the
travesty, it adds what is no less
essential: the power to be amus-
ing, in a hundred incidental ways,

in its own right. Of course it is a
mistake to be too serious in >ur
analysis of humor, but from that
it does not follow that successful
humor does not deserve to be tak-
en seriously: it is rarer than you
-Herbert Barrows
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigar under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roeiofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston ........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ... Assoc. Sports Editor
warren Wertheimer
..Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz . Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Wnn.en's Editor
John Hirtzel......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak. ......Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bil Wise .. Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephoin NO 2324-1

Beloved Enemy

*Y 70.
t F' 1I_

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Evacuation of Is lands
illInsure Cease Fire
THE EVACUATION of the Tachens has now begun, and if it is suc-
cessful, which we need not doubt, the position will be stronger and
safer than it was before.
A great deal has been said and written about how important it is
to hold positions of strength. The Tachens were not a position of
strength. They were a military and political liability. They could not
be defended except at the risk of a general war which no one in his
senses would undertake for such unimportant territory. The Chinese
Nationalists troops on them had nothing useful to do, and they were
in a military trap-like the French at Dienbienphu. Had they been lost,
instead of being evacuated, Chiang would have made the same military
error as the French made when they locked up a garrison at Dien-
bienphu, locked it up in an outpost of no decisive importance which

arent, Guardian or Spouse' -
OnceShntd.Be Enough

University is well versed
tistics of its charges.

times over, the
in the vital sta-

On file in various campus offices, duplicated
far more often than is necessaiy, are quickly-
tcrawied notes on the n caral stat s, ,etizen-
shi and places o' birth e hits 1.:; 0 ,stu-
dents. Railroad tickets, o , Uch Ie i. or n:a-
tion is originally written, are soon perforated
and sent off to their destinations, only to lie
dormant, for the most part, for the remainder
Hof the year.
While the memory of tedious minutes devot-
ed to the tickets still lingers sharply in stu-
dent minds, it might be well to consider that
the tickets are almost as valueless as they are
FROM HIGH administrative officials to be-
g mning freshmen, nobody's very sentiLental
about the tickets. They've bee ca d a neces-
sary evil, but the evil light be at least par-
tially alleviated.
Other institutions seem to have hit upon
more efficient means of gathering needed sta-
tistics on their students, and the University

might seriously consider some of their methods.
In some cases, for instance, each fact is writ-
ten out only once, on one all-inclusive card,
with photostatic copies made for filing else-
Another possibility, also reducing the tick-
ets to one card, would distribute the informa-
tion when different departments need it by
having a staff of typists copy the information
as many times as it's needed.
AS THE CAMPUS population expands, stor-
age space for the repetitious information
will be limited to a minimum. Arrangements
might also be made for student information
to be on file at just one University locale, with
the information there available to other of-
fices whenever necessary-but not occupying
valuable space in the other departments.
The railroad ticket problem is as perennial
as that of women's hours or the driving ban,
but much more simply solved. The hurdle of
changing a major part of the registration pro-
cedure would be complex, but benefits would,
ultimately, outweigh the difficulty.
-Jane Howard

could not be defended. The story
in Indo-China might well have
been different from what it is to-
day if a policy of evacuation from
indefensible outposts to concentra-
ted strong points had been carried
ply to the other off shore is-
lands, and the sound American
policy would be to follow up what
is being done in the Tachens by
doing the same thing in Quemoy
and Matsu. This is the surest way
to carry out the policy which the
President laid down in his mes-
sage to Congress. The policy is to
keep Formosa and the Pescadores
out of unfriendly hands, and to
bring about a cease fire in the For-
mosa Strait. There is one way by
which at present Formosa can be
defended. That is by American
military power. But there are two
ways in which the policy of the
cease fire can be put into effect.
The one-which we have been at-
tempting-is to negotiate a cease
fire with Peking. If they would
agree to it, they would tacitly as-
sent not to attack Formosa and
we-so it is generally understood
-would in return bring about
either the neutralization or the
evacuation of the off shore is-
This way of arriving at a cease
fire has been rebuffed angrily by
Chou En-lai. We ought not to be
surprised. It was wishful think-
ing to suppose that the Chinese
government, which has won the
civil war on the mainland, would
appear as a non-member before
the Security Council in which Chi-
na is represented by a faction that
is no longer on the Chinese main-
land. It was no less wishful to sup-
pose that the Red Chinese would
publicly sign a cease fire which
meant that they had renounced
the right to complete the defeat
of Chiang and to recover by force
the island of Formosa.
It is most improbable that the
cease fire can be obtained by pub-
lic agreement either in the UN or
in any other kind of conference.
THERE IS, however, another
way to bring about the cease
fire for which the United States
national policy calls. It can be
done by direct American action,
and it does not depend upon the
negotiation of an agreement with
Peking. This is to do in Quemoy
and Matsu what we are doing in
the Tachens-to evacuate them
not as the result of a bargain but
as a strategic measure to liquidate
a position of weakness, and to fall
back on Formosa, which is a gen-
uine position of strength.
Once that is done, there will be
in fact, whatever Peking may or
not agree to, a practical cease fire
in the Formosa Strait. Pin-prick
bombing and shooting and raid-
ing, which the Nationalists do
from these off shore islands, will
stop. There will be a hundred miles
of blue water between Red China,

our fictitious interests, and we
shall have the moral and political
support of our allies.
I T WILL be said by some that to
exacuate the islands is ap-
peasement. " But if we are talking
about appeasement and about
prestige, which is the firmer Am-
erican policy; to sell these islands
for a cease fire, treating them as
pawns in a bargain, or to get rid
of them as military and political
and legal liabilities, and to take a
stand on a line-that of Formosa
and the Pescadores-which is a
defensible legal line, a defensible
strategical line, which is a sound
political line in that it has the
support of our allies? I think it is
more dignified to evacuate the is-
lands for our own reasons than to
sell them to obtain the benefits
of a truce. We can have the bene-
fits of the truce without bargain-
ing and by our own voluntary ac-
THERE IS only one considerable
doubt about this policy. It is
whether Chiang can be induced to
agree to it without demoralizing
his army and his officialdom.
There is no denying that that
could happen. But we have to re-
member that if it is going to hap-
pen because of the evacuation of
the off shore islands, it is going
to happen anyway. For the Ad-
ministration has taken the fun-
damental decision not to support
a war for the conquest of the
mainland. It cannot be sound po-
licy to use Quemoy and Matsu as
a way of allowing the Formosan
Chinese to deceive themselves in-
to thinking that the Administra-
tion does not mean what it says.
It cannot be sound policy to use
these islands as bait to the For-
mosan Chinese, as a way of caus-
ing them to keep on thinking that
the United States can be pushed,
pulled, ensnarled and entangled
into the kind of war that the Uni-
ted States has decided not to
We cannot go on forever, or for
long, sacrificing the national in-
terests of the United States to our
fears and to our guesses of what
will and what will not happen to
the morale of Chiang's regime. If
our true interest is to evacuate the
off shore islands and to stand on
the legal line of Formosa and the
Pescadores, then we owe it to the
people of this country to follow
our true interests, refusing to let
high policy be controlled by the
internal politics of the Formosa
(Copyright, 1955, N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.)
Aid for Atoms
mission, recognizing that none
of the 100-odd firms studying the
economics of nuclear power in the
United States is willing to bear the
full cost of experimental develop-
ment ,has finally decided to offer
them ssam i tsne.

The Daily' Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University2
of Michigan for which the Michigan1
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.1
the day preceding publication (be-s
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 83
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Feb. 19 administra-
tion of the Law School Admission Test
are still available at 110 Rackham
Building. Application banks are due1
in Princeton, N.J. not later than Feb. 9.
Sophomore and Freshmen Women:
Martha Cook Building is receiving ap-
plications for Sept., 1955. There will be
space for 40 sophomores and 20 fresh-
men who will then be juniors and
sophomores respectively. Anyone inter-
ested phone 23225 any we'ek day between
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Outstanding ap-
plication blanks should come in at once.
The Danforth Foundation, an educa-
tional trust fund in St. Louis, Mo., in-
vites applications for its 1955 Graduate
Fellowships from college senior men
and .recent graduates preparing for a
career in college teaching and who are
planning to enter graduate school in
Sept., 1955, for their first year of gradu-
ate study. The maximum annual grant
for single Fellows is $1800, for married
Fellows, $2400. All applications must be
completed by Feb. 15. For further in-
formation, see Prof. W. J. Schlatter,
School of Business Administration.
The Ford Foundation Behavioral Sci-
ences Division is again offering Fellow-
ships for the first year of graduate study
to selected Seniors who wish to pursue
graduate studies in psychology, sociolo-
gy, or anthropology, but who as under-
graduates have concentrated in fields
other than these. The University of
Michigan may nominate 4 qualified sen-
iors for this award. I the current year
it is estimated that approximately
twenty-five awards of $1800 each will be
made to successful candidates applying
from the 59 institutions participating in
this program. For information and ap-
plications, students should come to the
Office of the Graduate School.
Teaching Positions - Hawaii. There
are over 125 vacancies, Elementary level,
in the Public Schools of Haiaii for the
1955-56 school year. Salary on a 12
month basis with AB degree begins at
$3000. Further information on these po-
sitions and vacancies ir Secondary In-
dustrial Arts and Band can be obtained
by contacting the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Nor-
mandy 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Teaching Positions-Turkey - Greece -
Lebanon. Applications are now being
received by the Near East College Asso-
ciation for various positions in the
American Schools and Colleges in the.
above areas. All applicants must be
single and appointments are made for
a three year term. Further information
can be obtained by contacting the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg., Normandy 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Thurs., Feb. 10-
Inkster, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Early and Later Ele-
Fri., Feb. 11-.
Long Beach, California-
Teacher Needs: Elementary and Sec-
ondary-all fields. There will be a Gen-
eral Meeting at 4:00 P.M. Fri. in Room
4051, Administration Building for all
those interested in receiving information
about the Long Beach Public Schools.
Colored slides will be shown. Those peo-
ple having personal interviews with the
representatives from Long Beach are
also urged to attend this meeting.
Tues., Feb. 15-
North Muskegon, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Elementary, English,
Mathematicsrand Science, Elementary
Music and Art.
Battle Creek, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Elementary, English,
Social Studies and Mathematics.
Wed., Feb. 16-
Flint, Michigan-
Teacher Need.
Wed., Feb. 16, Thurs., Feb. 17 and Fri.,
Portland, Oregon-
Representatives from the Portland,
Oregon Public Schools will be in this
vicinity interviewing all elementary and
secondary candidates interested in
teaching in Portland, Oregon. For mor
information contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments. For appointments contact,
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.

Sports and Dance Instruction-Woln-
en Students. womenstudents who have
completed their physical education re-
quirement may sign as electives on
Tues. and Wed., Feb. 8 and 9 from
8:00 a.m. to 12:00m. in Barbour Gymna-
sium. Instruction is available in figure
skating, swimming, diving, modern
dance, riding and fencing.
Any veteran who expects to receive
education and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) at the
University of Michigan for the FIRST
TIME must report to Room 555 of the
Administration Building with tuition
receipt between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Feb. 10 or 11 if he has no already done
Women Students-The trampoline in
Barbour Gymnasium will be available to
women students every Wed. at 4:10
p.m. beginning Feb. 9.
Several Laurel Harper Seeley Scholar-
ships are being announced by the Alum-
ni Association of the University of
Michigan for the academic year 1955-
56. These awards are in the amount of
$200 each and are open to both graduate
and ,mdergraduate women. The awards
are made on the basis of scholarship,
contribution to University life and fi-
nancial need.
Application may be made through the
Alumnae Council Office in the Michigan
League Building. Applications must be
filed before April 1. Awards will be an-
nounced by April 30.

Office, Michigan Legue, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. All applications must be filed
by April 1. Award will be announced by
April 30.
Camp Tanuga, Kalkaska, Michigan,
will interview in Room 3G of the Mich-
igan Union, Thurs., Feb. 17, from 8:45
a.m. to 4:45 p.m. They need camp coun-
selors, craft counselors, a doctor and a
nurse. For further information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 2614,
Room 3528, Administration Building.
Student Organizations planning to be
active during the second semester must
register in the Office of Student Affairs
not later than Feb. 26. Forms for reg-.
istration have been mailed to the ex-
ecutive officer of organizations regis-
tered for the first semester. Additional
forms my be secured in the Office of
Student Affairs, 1020 Administration.
For procedures and regulations re-
lating to student organizations, refer
to University Regulations Concerning
Student Affairs, Conduct, and Disci-
pline available in the Office of Student
Affairs .
Social Events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be reg-
istered in the Office of Student Affairs,
and are subject to approval by the
Dean of Men. Application forms and a
copy of regulations goyrning these
events may be secured in the Office of
Student Affairs, 1020 Administration
Building. Requests for approvl must
be submitted to that office no later than
noon of the Mon. before the event is
scheduled. A list of approved social
events will be published in the Daily
Official Bulletin on Thurs. of each week.
In planning social programs for the
semester, social chairmen will want to
keep in mind the action of the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs which re-
quires tht the calendar be kept clear
of student sponsored activities for the
seven days prior to a final examination
period. Final examinations for the
prsent semester begin May 30. For the
spring term the calendar will be closed
beginning May 23.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School.
Thurs., Feb. 10-
The Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif.
-All degrees in Math. and Physics, and
in combination with Engrg. for Re-
search and Development. U.S. citizens
Fri., Feb. 11-
Standard Oil C. (Indiana Dv.)
Whiting, Ind.-B.S. & M.S. In Chem. E.
for Technical Service Work, and PhD
in Chem E for Research.
Mon., Feb. 14-
Naval Air, Material Center-Phip.,
Pa., Turbine Test Station - Trenton,
N.J., Development Center - Johnsville
Pa-B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Elect., Mech.
E., and Engrg. Physics, for Research,
Devel., and Design.
Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich.-
All levels of Elect., Maintenance, &
Chem. E. for Product Engrg., Construc-
tion, Maintenance, Product Develop-
ment & Technical Services, Pilot Plant,
Mechanical Handling Systems, Inc.-
Detroit, Mich.-B.S. In Ind. & Mech. E.
for Sales Engrg., Design, Research and
Production Engrg.
U.S. Govt., Army Ordnance, Detroit
Arsenal, Detroit, Mich.-B.S. in Mech.,
Elect., Metal., and Chem. E. for+ Sum
mer and Regular Research & Devel.
Gulf Oil Co., Gulf Research & Devel.
Co., Pittsburgh, Penn.-Al levels of
Elect., Mech., Chem. E., E Physics,
Chem., Physics, Geological mjors and
Geophysics majors for Summer and
Regular Research & Devel.
Calif. Institute of Tech., Jet Propul-
sion Lab., Pasadena, Calif.-All levels
of Aero., Elect., and Mech. E. for Re-
search & Devel.
Nat'l Steel Corp., Great Lakes Steel
-Detroit, Mich., Weirton Steel Co. -
Weirton, W. Va.-B.S. in Mech., Metal.,
Elect., & Chem. E. for Production and
Standard Oil Co., Creole Petroleum
Co., New York and Venezuela, S. A.-
B.S. & M.S. in Elect., Mech., Chem. E.,
and Physics for Oil Production and Re-
fining. Single men only.
Tues., Feb. 1S-
Dayton Power & Light Co., Dayton,
Ohio-B.S. in Civil, Elect., Mech. E. for
Engrg. Training Plan.
Aluminum Co. of America, Pittsburgh
Penn.-All levels of Civil, Elect., Ind.,
Mech., Metal., Chem. E., Engrg. Physics,
Engrg. Mech. for Production, Devel., Re-
search, and Sales.
TheJeff rey Manufacturing Co., Co-
lumbus, Ohio-B.S. & M.S. in Mech. E~,
and BusAd majors for Sales, Engrg. for
Production, Research Engrg.
U.S. Govt., Naval Research Lab.,
Washington 25, D.C.-Al levels of Elect.,
Mech.,rMetal., and Nuclear E., Physics,
& Engrg. Mechanics, for Research.
United Aircraft Corp., Research Dept.,
East Hartford, Conn.-B.S. & M.S. in
Chem. E. and all levels of Aero. and
Mech. E. for Research.
Farnworth Electronics Co. (Div. -of
I.T.&.T.), Fort Wayne, Ind.-All levels

in Elect., Mech., Ind., Physics, Chemis-
try, and MAth. for Research, Devel.,
Design, Manufacturing.
Pillsbury Mills, Inc. - Minneapolis,
Minn.-B.S. & M.S. in Ind., M4ech., and
Chem. E. for Research and Devel., Pro-
duction Training, and Ind. Engrg.
Tues. & Wed., Feb. 15 & 16--
Trane Co., LaCrosse, Wisc.-B.S. &
M.S. in Aero., Civil, Elect., Chem. E.,
Engrg. Mechanics, azid all levels in
Mech. E. for Sales Management, Sales
Engrg., Research, Product Design, &
Devel., Ind. Engrg.
Wed., Feb. 16-
The Fluor Corporation Ltd., Los An-
geles, Calif.-B.S. & M.S. degrees in
Mech., Elec., Chem., & Civil (Structural)
for Engineering, Construction, & Manu-
B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio
-B.S. & M.S. degrees in Chem., Mech.,
Elec., Civil, & Ind. E.; also Chemists
and Physicists for Production, Research
General Engineering.
B.F. Goodrich Chemical Company,
Avon Lake, Ohio-B.S. & M.S. degrees
primririly in Chem. E., but also Chem-
ists & Mech. E. for Production, Chemical
Development, Sales Dev.
Beech Aircraft Corporation, Wichita,
Kansas-B.S. & M.S. degrees in Aero.
& Mech. E. for Design, Aerodynamic,
Structural, Mechanical & Weight Engi-
Inland Steel Co., Indiana Harbor
Works, East Chicago, Ind.-oll levels
ofaMetal. and Chem. E., B.S. & M.S. in
Math., Physics, Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech.,
Engrg. Mechanics for Research & Devel.,
Quality Control, Profuction, Technical
Services, Project & Design, Plant &

, .



Lyra1ende ssohn e
Harold Haugh, tenor, with Charles Fisher at
the piano.
Program: Die Schoene Muellerin, by Franz
ONE HEARS a great deal about the Lieder
Style, as if there were only one way to in-
terpret the songs of Schubert, Schumann,
Brahms, and Wolf. I don't know how ortho-
dox or orrect Harold Haugh's performance of
Die Sch bene Muellerin was, but he sang these
marvellously straightforward and melodious
songs with spirit, imagination, and obvious rel-
ish of his task. He tended to project many of
he songs with a somew_at .icd
style -and with the awareness 'ht he was re-
citing a stony, one with well-def ini c .aracters
and moods, and with a touch of pntho at the
erd. M. Ta uh cq)T,_ht tb ,'v1 r o l the
mm fmm the stud cw+.,1 7r ,n

songs were a bit rough vocally, as compared to
the clarity of tone in most of the others.
Als in Stanley Kimes' recital last semester,
Mr. Fisher again proved to be a sympathetic
and capable accompanist. His playing was crisp,
relaxed, and excellently controlled dynamical-
ly. In a couple of the songs it seemed that the
melodic content of the accompaniments could
have been brought out more expressively, but
there was no serious fault to find. There are
nearly always a great many notes in Shubert's
piano parts, and they often do not lie easily un-
der the hand. It was good to hear them'played
as smoothly and skillfully as they were by Mr.
To hear the entire Schoene Muellerin cycle
is to :ut. at the lyrical genius of Schubert.
It toid 1.ot have been any effort for him to
write music, else he could not have been so
amazingly prolific a composer. With this reali-
zation, and remembering that his critical facul-
,y let i m do 7n at times, it is really remark-


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