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March 31, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-31

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RegentPosts Contested by Nine Gandidate

> 3

Voters To Select Two
Members of 'U' Board

Monday Michigan voters will go
to the polls to select two members
for the University's Board of Re-
In 1955 the voters will choose
from a slate of nine candidates,
including two Republicans, two
Democrats, two Prohibitionist Par-
ty candidates, two Socialist Labor
Party members and one candidate
from the Socialist Workers Party.
Normally the spring elections
have resulted in large majorities
for the Republican candidates.
This year the two Democratic
candidates are counting on ex-
tensive campaigning plus a carry-
over of Democratic majorities in
voting last November to carry
them into office.
In addition to the four candi-
dates from major parties, five can-
didates from minor parties are
contenders for the Board.
Two of them-from the Prohi-
bitionist party--provide an outlet
for "conservative" voters.


Two others, from the Socialist
Labor Party, call tor complete so-
The remaining candidate and
the only woman to compete for the
Board, is from the Socialist Work-
ers' Party.
Regent J. Joseph Herbert is run-
ning for his third term as a mem-
ber of the board. The Republican
candidate serves as chairman of
the Board of Regents and has
been a member of the board since
Eugene B. Power is the only Ann
Arbor resident competing for the
Board in the spring elections. The
Democratic candidate is president
of a Traverse City hotel and is a
microfilm producer locally.
William B. Cudlip, the second
Republican contender, is a gradu-
ate of the University's Law School.
Paul L. Adams, a Democrat, is
also a graduate of the University's
Law School. He has been mayor of
Sault Ste. Marie,

1. Would you favor retention, modification or abolition of
the current ban on student driving in Aim Arbor?
2. Should the University continue its ban on certain poli-
tical speakers, or should students be free to hear any speaker
and any speech of their choice?
3. Should the University exercise the right to ban cer-
tain political clubs or groups from campus?
4. What weight should the Regents put on faculty com-
mittees' recommendations for retention or dismissal of faculty
members,--especially those who have refused to testify before
Congressional investigating committees?
5. What policies should the University adopt toward en-
'rollment in view of the increasing number of applications for
entrance each year?
6. Are you in favor of continuing press coverage of the
Regents' meetings?
7. Do you believe that students and professors who are
members of the Communist Party or Communist-front groups
should be allowed to stukly or teach at the University?
8. Should the Regents make a more direct attempt to
secure opinion of faculty and students before making final pol-
icy decisions on matters affecting these two groups?
9. What role should student government play at the Uni-
10. Should the Regents present a prompt indication of
their feelingis toward student opinion as expressed in campus-
wide referenda?


t I

Paul L. Adams'.. .
1. I favor retention of the cur-
rent ban on student driving in Ann
Arbor. I believe that it may be
necessary to modify from time to
time the rules with regard to stu-
dent driving. .
2. I am a strong subscriber to
the Holmes Doctrine that the best
test of ideas is to permit their free
expression in the market place.
Subject to the limitation on free
speech because of a "clear and
present danger," I would favor- al-
lowing any political speaker or
other speaker to present his ideas
to the students. By this I do not
mean to imply that the University
itself should take part in the spon-
sorship or presentation of speakers.
3. I can conceive of circum-
stances under which the University
should exercise its right to ban
clubs or groups from the campus.
I think this right should be exer-
cised with considerable caution
and should apply only to groups
whose activities are clearly im-
miscible to the welfare of the stu-
4. I feel that the recommenda-
tions of faculty comimittees should
be given careful consideration by
the Regents in connection with
the retention or dismissal of fac-
ulty members. However a decision
of this sort is most certainly the
final responsibility of the Regents.
I feel that each case should be
weighed on its merits and that the
Regents should be no more bound
by the recommendations of a fac-
ulty committee than they should be
by the fact that a man has re-
fused .to testify before a Congres-
sional investigating committee. In
other words, I would not feel my-
self bound by the pre-judgment of
any other group.
5. The policies of the University
toward enrollment must necessari-
ly remain fluid. I strongly favor
every possible effort to enlarge the
opportunities far young men and
women to attend college. I believe
that no person should be barred
from attending college by econom-
ic circumstances. I believe that the
University of Michigan must con-
tinue to grow. The exact course of
the University's growth should be
carefully examined from time to
6. I am in favor of continuing
press coverage of Regents' meet-
7. I believe that the students and
professors who are members of the
Communist party or of Communist
front groups should be allowed to
study at the University of Michi-
gan. This assumes of course that
they have secured proper admis-
sion to this country and are not
in violation of the laws of the
United 'States. I do not believe
that such persons should be al-
lowed to teach at the University.
8. The primary purpose of the
University is to teach. The Regents.
should at all times be in direct
communication with the faculty
O"A tsa a+.I- snn si +. n m +na

William B. Cudlip. . .
1. I do not have all the facts with
reference to the student driving
problem but assume that it has
been carefully considered and that
the Regents'feel that the present
plan is the best plan.
i. Again, I am not sufficiently
familiar with the problem to give
an informative opinion; but, if it
is the present policy of the Board
of Regents to ban certain political
speakers for certain reasons at
this time, I feel that there must
be good reason for this attitude.
3. I should think that no politi-
cal clubs or groups whoare con-
demned under law or which preach
subversive activities should be tol-
erated on the campus.
4. I am sure that the Regents
carefully consider all matters re-
lated to any question before them;
but, in the final analysis, of course,
under the Constitution and laws
of this State, the Board of Regents
is the governing body of the Uni-
5. I understand that this large
question is before the Board of
Regents, and, while it may not be
settled for some time due to its
complexity, I do not feel that any
candidate should comment on a
matter being considered by the
6. I would subscribe to the pres-
ent attitude of the Regents cover-
ing press coverage of meetings.
7. Like all good Americans I
have no use for communists be-
cause they preach the overthrow
of legitimate governments through
violence and force. Your question is
so broad that I do not think I
could answer it at this time in a
categorical fashion. Academic free-
dom is a necessity but it could be
abused by people with improper
8. As I said before, under the
Constitution, and laws the Regents
are the governing body of the Uni-
versity and I am sure they should
and do take into account all fac-
tors relating to any decisions
which they make.
9. Student government at any
institution of higher learning is a
good thing within the proper tra-
ditional confines that have been
so well accepted during the past
10. I do not feel that I under-
stand this question to the extent
that I can answer it. It probably
has to do with a situation that I
lam not familiar with due to the
fact that I have never served as
favor holding the amount to a
10. I feel that the Regents should
give careful and prompt consider-
ation to any expression of student
opinion and that, in general, they
should give a prompt indication of
their feelings toward such opinion.

Herbert E. Crouter.. .
1. I believe the driving ban
should be modified.
2. If they are not opposed to our
constitutional system of govern-
ment they should be heard.
3. My answer is the same as
4. I believe they should consult
with faculty committees.
5. If we can find men with the
heart and vision of Charles Stew-
art Mott, I believe the best solu-
tion would'be to establish branches
in other cities as we are doing in
6. Yes.
7. No.
8. Yes.
9. Student government should
play the role of upholding the
Constitution of the United States,
and supporting individual Human
Liberty and resisting all "ism's"
of every nature whatsoever.
10. Feelings have nothing to do
with it, but the facts should be
I stand on the side of conserva-
tive thinking in the fields of eco-
nomics, political science,' history,
sociology, education and science,
making no apology for this posi-
I believe firmly in the Christian
faith, and in the Constitution of
the United States as the greatest
document of Human Liberty ever
devised by Mortal Man, and be-
lieve it should be taught in all
High Schools, colleges, and Uni-
versities as a separat subject.
I abhor the progress of creeping
Socialism that is evidenced on ev-
ery hand in this country, and sub-
mit that a critical examination of
many text books is long overdue.
Dr. Earl A. Johnson ...
1. Retention of the driving ban.
2. No known subversives should
be allowed to speak as such.
3. The University should ban
political clubs 'or groups if it in-
terferes with University policy.
4. Regents should leave this mat-
ter to faculty members better ac-
quainted with the person involved.
5. Outstate enrollment should be
limited in favor of accepting more
Michigan high school graduates.
More branches of the University
should be established in other parts
of the state.
6. Press coverage of Regents'
meetings should continue if the
students so desire.
7. Communists and members of
Communist-front groups should be
allowed to study but not to teach
at the University.
8. Yes.
9. Student government should
play a role subject '.o University
authorities and rules of campus.
10. No.

Rita Shaw.. .
Socialist Workers' Party
1. I favor abolition of the ban.
2. The ban on political speakers
should be removed and students
should be free to hear any speaker
or speech of their choice. Educa-
tion implies the opportunity to
hear all views, a precondition for
making an informed choice among
them. Those who restrict this op-
portunity are promoters of con-
formity and enemies of real edu-
3. Students should have the free
and unfettered right to form and
belong to any and all political
clubs and groups of their choice,
on and off campus.
4. I feel the Regents should ac-
cord great weight to faculty com-
mittees' recommendations on all
matters, but I am opposed to the
dismissal of any faculty members
merely because they exercise their
constitutional right to refuse to
testify before Congressional witch
5. I favor establishment of more
junior colleges and more branches
of the University in other parts of
the state. I am emphatically op-
posed to placing limits on enroll-
ment. The right of youth to a uni-
versity education should be recog-
nized universally. My party and I
advocate that the billions being
used to militarize the youth, and
prepare for war be transferred to
socially useful projects including
the expansion and improvement
of our school system so that facili-
ties will be adequate, teachers will
be paid decent salaries, and all
children, regardless of class or col-
or, will have access to a full and
free education.
6. Yes.
7. I believe that any young per-
son academically qualified should
be allowed to study and any teach-
er academically qualified should be
allowed to teach at the University,
without regard to their political
views, sympathies or associations.
My party and I have no political
sympathy for the Communist Par-
ty, but we will defend to the end
the democratic rights of their
members and sympathizers to
study, teach, meet, speak and write
without discrimination. Anyone
who would do less than this is'un-
fit for public office.
8. I believe that the Regents not
only should encourage faculty and
students democratically to elect
representatives to present the
views of these two groups on mat-
ters affecting them, but that jro-
visions should be made to give
these representatives full member-
ship on the Regents, with both
voice and voting rights.

J. Joseph Herber .,.,..
1. The driving regulations at the
University have given rise to some
rather difficult and complex prob-
lems. They are undergoing study at
the present time by the Regents.
Under the circumstances, I do not
believe it appropriate to express a
dfinite opinion on this matter
2. There is at present no ban on
political speakers, if we use the
word "political" in the commonly
accepted sense. If the word. "po-
litical" is intended to include per-
sons who preach subversive doc-
trine under the guise of political
argument, I do not favor the use
of this institution for the propaga-
tion of subversive dogma or of
communistic philosophy.
3. Again, if by the word "politi-
cal" is meant to include groups of
subversives or those who preach
subversive doctrine or those who
seek to promote communistic
propaganda, it is my belief that.
the University should exercise its
right to exclude them from the
4. In the past, the Regents have
given serious consideration to rec-
ommendations of faculty commit-
tees, in cases referred to in your
Question Two. However, the ulti-
mate responsibility in such mat-
ters must still be accepted by the
Regents and the ultimate deci-
sion made by, them.
5. In practice out-state enroll-
ment is already limited. No quali-
fled students residing in Michigan
have been excluded from our un-
dergraduate units
Generally speaking, first priority
should be given to applicants re-
siding in this State, although it
is not expected that the University
of Michigan will be forced to ex-
clude applicants from other states
and countries if they are properly
Although not as het established,
a branch of the Uriversity at Flint
in the form of the Senior College
is, as you know, in contemplation.
Whether similar establishments in
other parts of the State will be the
final answer to the problem can
not as yet be determined.
I do not favor making the Uni-
versity of Michigan a graduate or
professional school.
Junior colleges may offer a par-
tial solution of the problem and
the University has encouraged the
establishment of junior colleges
and the maintenance of high aca-
demic standards at such institu-
I believe the present standards
of entrance requirements are suffi-
ciently high.
It is impossible to state at this
time whether any type of limit on
enrollment will have to be invoked
in the future.
6. The experiment now in proc-
ess of press coverage of Regents'
meetings has found favor with the
University and with the press
alike. I favor it in its present form
and hope it may continue.
7. I do not favor the employment
or retention of faculty members
who are members of the Commu-
nist Party or of Communist-front
groups. Such persons, in my opin-
ion, lack the freedom of thought
which is necessary for objective
and sound teaching. Communism
and academic freedom are incom-
patible. Insofar as students are
concerned, I would not bar them
from study at the University, so
long as they are not guilty of sub-
versive acts or the preaching of
violent overthrow of our govern-
8. Your question does not indi-
cate what is meant by "direct at-
tempt." In my experience on the
Board of Regents I have found
that the Board, as well as the ad-
ministration, has at all times at-
tempted to keep informed of fac-

ulty and student opinion. This
comes through the Dean of Men,
the Dean of Women, the Vice-
President for Student Affairs, the
recommendations of the various
executive committees, the Deans
of these several units and, of
course, such reflection of student
opinion as The Michigan Daily and
other student publications offer. I
do not favor continuous referenda
on policy matters, nor do I consid-
er this a feasible method for gov-
erning the affairs of the Universi-
+- r II ... . ...

Eugene B. Power.. ..
1. I do not know. The fact that
enforcement has proved most diffi-
cult is something of an argument
for removal. At the same time, the
University is contemplating park-
ing meters in its lots, an indication
that the parking situation, even
while the ban exists, has become
almost intolerable.
2. I believe the question relates
to the use of University owned
property, since students are very
free to hear speakers elsewhere. In
the use of University property
there are certain outside limits of
propriety on which the University
must insist-not only as to advo-
cacy of force to subvert the gov-
ernment but as to other criminal
and highly anti-social conduct.
Since I have great faith in the
ability of our young people to find
their way in an environment of
free discussion, I certainly accept
the general principle of free choice
of speakers by accredited student
3. Accrediting of student organi-
zations to ensure their responsibil-
ity for their debts and for their ac-
tions seems to me quite proper. I
would not have recognition given
to any organization that is by law
illegal, but otherwise I would have
no "ban" and do not understand
that there is one now.
4. I would certainly give great
weight to faculty committees' rec-
ommendations in 'dismissal cases
of all kinds, though the ultimate
responsibility lies with the Board
of Regents and each Regent must
therefore consult his own con-
science and make up his own mind.
5. (a) It is a primary duty of a
state university to provide ade-
quate educational opportunities
for residents of the state, but I
would be very sorry to try to
solve the problems of our resident
students by simply excluding non-
(b) University branches can do
much to relieve the pressures in
Ann Arbor and I very much favor
exploring these possibilities fur-
(c) The University in Ann Ar-
bor should not be made into a
purely graduate and professional
center, since this would deplete
the resources for undergraduate
education and also cut off the
graduate center from important
sources of stimulus and vitality. It
is probable, however, that there
will have to be increased empha-
sis in Ann Arbor on graduate and
professional training as commu-
nity colleges are developed through
the state, especially for the first
two years.
(d) I think community colleges
are an important part of the solu-
tion, particularly when the main
tide of young people hits the col-
leges in a few years. We should
plan for. them now.
(e) Higher standards for admis-
sion should not be imposed merely
as a means of solving our popula-
tion problem. If higher standards
are needed in any particular area
they should be justified on other
(f) A numerical limit by itself
seems to have no virtue. But we
certainly know that increase in
size diminishes returns. Since no
one knows what the optimum en-
rollment is, we shall have to find
it through experience and experi-
ment, but the problem of size can
be partly met, as indicated above,
by the development of University
branches and by the fullest sup-
port of a strong community col-
lege system.
6. Decidedly,
7. I think students should be ed-
ucated, whether members o f
"Communist - front" organizations
or of the Communist Party itself.

I would not employ as a teacher
any person now a member of the
Communist Party. I do not know
the meaning of the term "Commu-
nist front group," though I know a
lot of the efforts made to define it.
Apart from the reservation for
present Communists, I think the
whole question of teachers' compe-
tence should be settled by the tests
of performance in teaching and re-
search, the tests of intelligence,
honestv and nersnal character

JamesC. Horvath .. .
James Sim .k.
Socialist Labor Party
(EDITOR'S NOTE: James C. Hor-
vath could not be reached for com-
ment on the questions submitted to
Regental candidates. James Sim said
the answers and statements which
follow might be applied as answers
both for himself and Horvath, his
running mate.)
1. The ban should be lifted; it is
a form of tyranny.
2. Students should be intelligent
enough to hear any speaker of
their choice.
3. No, political clubs should not
be banned. The Vniversity should
be completely free.
4. The University Regents should
accept faculty committees' recom-
mendations completely and should
not bother with the cases at all.
There shouldn't be any office of
Regent anyway.
5. Educational facilities will be-
come ever more crowded. Educa-
tion will not improve as long as
capitalism continues.
6. Yes.
7. Any Communist Party mem-
ber or member of a Communist
front group should visit a psychi-
atrist rather than be ousted from
the University. But I would not
deprive them of their freedom.
8. Surely.
9. I do not wish to comment on,
this question.
1. Surely.
Education is not the creator of
progress. It is the creature of each
social order. Most of the progress
down through the centuries has
come from the rebels against reg-
ular education systems rather
than through the official forms of
education. I don't '_:lieve the Com-
munists are rebels; they are just
as reactionary as the so-called
right wingers are.
Previous to capitalism during
medieval times all education was
subservient to feudal rules. It was
not until capitalism came along

Dance Fair
To Be Given
Dance Fair, a newly-organized
professional dance group, will pre-
sent an evening of dance April 15
to 17 at the Dramatic Arts Center.
Music for the production, which
is an adaptation of the legend, The
Golden Deer, has been written by
Donald Harris, Grad., and- will be
played by the Ann Arbor Civic
Symphony. Choreography has been
done by Geraldine Miller.
Composed of local talent, the
group is not formally associated
with the DAC. However, the cen-
ter is sponsoring the presentation
in the hopes that the group will
eventually become an integral part
of the organization, according to
A. J. Pocock, DAC business man-
Men March Today
For Red Cross
Some 90) Ann Arbor men are
expected to march on the city to-
day in the Red Cross' residential
The "Dad's March" quota has
been set at $10,500 of the Red
Cross' overall goal of $43,380 for
Ann Arbor.
that some changes and Improve-
ments could be made.
Today education is going social-
ly downhill. No improvement can
be made until socialism is estab-
While in America we can grad-
uate brilliant physicists, architects,
etc., the great bulk of students
have no knowledge of, the forces
which activate society and aren't
permitted to learn them. Their in-
structors would be reprimanded
for teaching them.
Thus no great social impulse
can come from organized educa-
tion today.
Education can only teach and
instruct as the ruling class of to-
day permits. Only socialism will
bring a rennaissance of real stud-
ies and investigations.






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Polling Stations Listed for Wards



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