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February 09, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-09

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Open Doors to Newcomers



Foreign correspondents, novelists, business managers, governors
and others of world renown are among Daily and 'Ensian alumni.
Experience and adventure gained through membership on one of
the Daily staffs has carried some of its past editors far. Included in
Daily alumni are Thomas E. Dewey, ex-governor of New York; Frank
Gilbreth, author of "Cheaper By the Dozen"; and Stan Swinton, for-
iegn correspondent for the Associated Press.
Although everyone who joins the rangs of The Daily may not
become world famous, everyone will have the opportunity to be on the
inside of campus and city news, to meet and interview famous stars
and speakers who come to campus and perhaps to be caught in the ex-
citement of covering a midnight fire.
Opportunity exists not only for future reporters but also for future
photographers and those interested in advertising or business man-
agement. No experience is needed.
Any student scholastically eligible may attend one of the intro-
ductory meetings for the writing and photography staffs at 4:15 p.m.
today and at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow. Those interested in joining the busi-
ness staff will have an opportunity to do so at a preliminary meeting
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow. All meetings will be held at the Publications
Bldg., 420 Maynard,
The $500,000 plant housing The Daily surpasses equipment of
some small town periodicals. Included in the equipment are a $70,000
rotary press, four linotypes and a photo-engraver.

Tryouts on the editorial, women's or sports staffs will learn head-
line writing and proofreading and fundamentals of news, feature and
editorial writing. They will have the opportunity to meet campus per-
sonalities through beats.
After covering a beat, the Daily staffer becomes eligible for sal-
aried junior staff positions of night editor and assistant night editor.
In the student's senior year he or she may rise to one of the top senior
editor positions.
Business staff beginners will be taught rudiments of advertising
to be used in dealing directly with local merchants. Having become
familiar with layout, servicing, contracts, promotions, circulation,
finance and business management, the business staffer, in his second
semester, will be able to, specialize in the field of his choice.
The staffer may progress to paid junior managerial positions and
in his senior year to one of the high level senior manager positions.
No previous experience is necessary to becoming a news photog-
rapher. The Daily furnishes all photography equipment. From the po-
sition of tryout, the photographer may work up to paying positions.
For students interested in joining editorial or business staffs of
the yearbook, The Ensian will open its doors from 3 to 5 p.m. today.
A meeting for future Ensian staff members will be held at 5 p.m. today
at the Publications Bldg.

SCANNING-'Ensian editors, business managers and photog-
raphers scan their program for the coming year and call for
new tryouts.

PLANNING-Daily associate editors discuss new ideas for this
semester's training program. They issued a call for sports, wom-
en's, business and photograph staff tryouts today.

See Page 4

'C r

Latest Deadline in the State


o + *



Draft Extension
Passed by House
Senate Expected To Take Longer
Than House in Debating Legislation
WASHINGTON (A)-The House voted 394-4 yesterday to continue
the draft four years beyond June 30.
It is currently taking about 11,000 young men each month.
The legislation, asked by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, now'
goes to the. Senate. The same international pressures that helped
to sweep it to passage in the House will be pushing it there, but
- the Senate is expected to take

AEC Refuses
To Abandon
ie Energy Commission has re
fused to abandon the storm-rid
den Dixon-Yates contract, it wac
disclosed yesterday.
Chairman Lewis L. Strauss re-
ported the commission decide(
last Saturday "by majority vot
that it would not now cancel" the
contract for private power in the
2-1 Vote
The majority presumably was
2-1, with Strauss and Dr. Willard
F. Libby in favor. Thomas E. Mur-
ray, the only other AEC member
now functioning, has publicly
urged the commission to rid itself
of the contract and the ensuing
controversy, which he said has
drained its time and energy.
Shortly after Strauss told of the
AEC vote in a letter to Sen. Albert
Gore (D-Tenn.), Murray appeared
before the Senate-House Atomic
Energy Committee, and again
stressed his view that the contract
row has divarted AEC attention
from atomic problems.
impaired Program'
He said it was true, as Strauss
reported last week, that atomic
weapons output is at a record
high and that much headway has
been made in developing peaceful
uses of nuclear energy. But he
added it would be "irrelevant" to
cite AEC's recent progress report
"as evidence that the controversy
over the Dixon-Yates contract has
not impaired our program and will
not do so in the future."
Murray said "for the most part,
these superb accomplishments" re-
sulted from programs initiated be-
fore the contract became an issue
last year.
To Erect Plant
The contract provides for a pri-
vate power group headed by Ed-
gar H. Dixon and Eugene A. Yates
to erect a 107 million dollar plant
at West Memphis, Ark., to gener-
ate electrfcity for the Tennessee
Valley Authority. The power would
compensate for current which
TVA supplies to AEC installa-
Last November AEC signed the
Professor Fired
n} i.ir.[fr m r T'h o T nt.rtn

more than the one day of debate
the House held.
The four House members who
voted "no," all Republicans, were
Burdick of North Dakota, Hoff-
man of Michigan, Mason of Illi-
nois and Smith of Kansas.
Uncertainties of the Formosan
,ituation and the' designs of Rus-
sia were in the background as the
House debated.
Chairman Charles Vinson (D-
- Ga.) of the Armed Services Com-
- mittee, successfully resisting a
s move to limit the draft extension
to two years, told the House:
"We're about as close to shoot-
d ing as has ever happened in the
e history of this government. In
1951, we had trouble in Korea.
e In 1955, we had trouble in the
Formosan Straits."
Continues Until 1959
s In brief, the approved bill would
I continue until the middle of 1959
the government's authority to
draft young men from 18/2 to 26
years of age for two years of
f active duty, followed by six years
in the reserves.
The measure continues present
law under which all 18-year-olds
must register, becoming subject to
induction six months later. Defer-
ments for essential industrial and
farm workers and some students
are permitted, but they are subject
to the draft until the age of 35.
The House approved these two
amendments by the Armed Ser-
vices Committee:
1. Youths joining the National
Guard under 18% and serving un-
til the age of 26 cannot be drafted
lin peacetime.
2. Men with six months' duty in
the uniformed services or 24
months in the Public Health Serv-
ice since Sept. 16, 1940, also would
be exempt from the draft except
in event of war.
The House also approved an
amendment by Rep. B. P. Harri-
son (D-Va.) seeking to protect
farm workers. It would prohibit
the denial of farm deferments on
the grounds that the product in-
volved was in surplus supply. Rep.
Harrison said some Virginia wheat
farmers had been denied defer-
ment because the local draft board
ruled that wheat was in oversupply #
at the time.
Army Hero
Anthony C. Mc luliffe, an old ar-
tilleryman who won fame with one
word as a World War II fighting
man, today was formally nominat-
ed to his ne v post as commander
of +4% TT--n Q - A.,.i I

N. Tachen
Reds Stay Clear
Of Evacuation
TAIPEI, Formosa (P)-The U.S.
Navy announced the last Chinese
civilian was removed yesterday
from North Tachen, whose garri-
son was reported ready to leave
only a scorched earth behind.
Reports from the United States
7th Fleet said Red antiaircraft
gunners for the second straight
day fired on United States carrier
planes but no damage was report-
ed. An AP dispatch said the Reds
on Yikiangshan, eight miles north
of the Tachens, fired on two planes
Monday night and one yesterday.
No Interference
Otherwise; the Chinese Commu-
nists from nearby island positions
still made no attempt to interfere
in the withdrawal, which was mov-
ing in such high gear that some
authorities expected it to be com-
pleted by Monday at the latest.
The Communists are expected to
move in shortly thereafter.
The residents of the North and
South Tachens, 200 miles north of
Formosa, crowded aboard Chinese
landing craft and United States
transports while carrier fighter
planes flashed overhead on patrol.
One Civilian Stays
Late reports from the Tachens
said only one civilian had decided
to remain on North or Upper Ta-
Most of the 15,000 civilians are
on South or Lower Tachen. Most
of the 15,000 Nationalist regulars
and guerrillas are on North Ta-
A press dispatch from the Ta-
chens said guerrillas but no regu-
lar soldiers were loaded aboard
ships yesterday and that the dem-
olition of harbor defense had be-
gun. Nationalist sources in Taipei
said the Tachen garrison was ex-
pected to apply the scorched earth
plan to the islands.

S oviet


BONN, Germany (A) - The
Bundestag, lower house of Par-
liament, last night scheduled
Feb. 26 for a final vote on the
Paris treaties to rearm West
Germany, in a smashing victory
for Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer's plans for quick ratifica-
Ike Outlines
3 Year Drive
For Schools
WASHINGTON (iP) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower outlined
yesterday a three-year attack on
the nation's school shortage which
would throw $1,100,000,000 of fed-
eral money into emergency con-
Sen. H. Alexander Smith (R-
N.J.) and Rep. P. Freylinghuysen
(R-N.J.) immediately introduced
bills to put the President's pro-
posal into effect.
The President's plan is aimed
at assisting school districts in
three categories:
1. Those which are able to issue
building bonds but which cannot
market them at reasonable inter-
est rates.
2. Those which have issued all
the bonds they are legally per-
mitted but which still have some
money available.
3. Those which are flat broke.

'Likely After
MOSCOW (I)-Georgi Malen-
kov's resignation from the Soviet
premiership likely will mean a
substantial reshuffle of the whole
Soviet government under the eye
of Nikita S. Khrushchev, Western-
ers in Moscow believed last night.
Malenkov stepped down yester-
day with a confession of failure
to do his job. To succeed him
Krushchev nominated Nikolai Bul-
ganin, defense minister and an
army marshal, as the choice of
the Communist party's Central
Committee which Khrushchev
heads. The Supreme Soviet Parlia-
ment voted in Bulganin by ac-
Heavy Goods
The day's developments under-I
lined the Soviet Union's renewed
emphasis on production of heavy
goods, including armament - a+
policy examplified by Khrushchev.'
The tough policy was further
supported in a long speech by
V. M. Molotov, the foreign minis-+
ter. He criticized the United States
as an aggressor, upheld Commu-
nist China's claim to Formosa and
presented a picture of possible
atom warfare which Communism;
alone would survive.P d
Recent articles in Pravda and
in other papers have concerned1
the priority of expanding the So-
viet Union's heavy industry as a
necessity for furthering the na-
tion's military might and produc-
ing prosperity.
Pravda last month said people
who disagreed with priority for
heavy industry are rightist devia-
tionists and spoilers of Marxist-
Leninist-Stalinist theory.{
Stop Campaign,
That would seem to put a quietus1
on the campaign for more con-
sumer goods through which the
Malenkov government, the first
post-Stalin government, sought tot
popul'arize itself with the people.1
It also seemed to many Western1
observers an admission that the
Soviet Union cannot do all things
at once. They cannot push a mas-
sive farm expansion program tak-
ing hundreds of thousands of peo-
ple out of city factories and plac-
ing them on the virgin land of
Siberia and. Central Asia, at the
same time pushing a big livestock
program, a big consumer goods
program, and yet have expansion
of heavy industry too.1
Something had to give.
The resignation of Anastas1
Mikoyan as trade minister was a
recent tipoff to differences in theE
Malenkov Cabinet. Khrushchev
apparently swung his support tot

Meisel Says Reds
Now Showing Fists
Prof. James H. Meisel, of the political science department and ex-
pert in Soviet government, said yesterday that the dramatic resigna-
tion of Premier Georgi Malenkov and the asendency to that post of
Nikolai Bulganin may be a propaganda move to scare Western powers
workingfor WestGetnan- rearmament.
"After two years of cooing and wooing the West on German re-
armament," Prof. Meisel said, "the Russians are now showing their



Shifts; U.S.
War, Reds Say

"There's no question about" t
SAC Seeks
To Contine

Nouveauriche Garg

4 Committees
Student Affairs Committee yes-
terday recommended to the Stu-
dent Government Council Steering
Committee that four SAC sub-
committees continue to function
through the transition period un-
til SGC is able to appoint new
members from its own Council or
dispose of the groups' services.
The four SAC committees in-
clude the constitutions commit-
tee, the calendaring committee, the
University committee on housing
and the student housing study
These four groups will carry on
their activities until SGC has be-
come sufficiently organized to as-
sume control over these areas. At
that time SGC may decide to con-
tinue the committees under its
auspices or make some changes.
SAC also heard a report from
its subcommittee studying student
housing and made the recommen-
dation that the group come up
with procedures for going ahead to
solve the housing problem rather
than attempt to reach any sub-
stantive conclusions at this point.
Presumably another g r o u p
would be set up later by the presi-
dent to study possible solutions to
the problem of off-campus student
IFC Rushing
Sign-Up Open
Students interested in rushing
may sign up from 9 to 5 p.m. daily
until Feb. 16 in Rm..1020 Admin-
istration B 1 d g., Interfraternity
Council rushing chairman Bob
Knutson, '56, said yseterday.
From 3 to 5 p.m. daily until the
end of rushing, rushing councilors
will be in the IFC offices, Rm. 3-C
of the Union, to answer rushees'
nijj~inn.. - . - i*,rY%. - ra A

he new Soviet emphasis on build-
ing military might with which to
face the West, Prof. Meisel said.
The plan could be, he continued,
to strengthen Red China's hand
so that Russia itself doesn't have
to fight.
Not An Army Man
"One thing that should be clear,"
Prof. Meisel said, "is that Bulganin
is no army man. He is a political
general and as such is sincerely
disliked by the army."
Prof. Meisel added that the in-
fluence of the army may now be
increased but not because of Bul-
The real usurpation of power in
Russia is not to Bulganin, how-
ever, but Communist Party lead-
er Nikita S. Khrushchev.
Khrushchev Is Dictator
Prof. Meisel said he does not
think that Khrushchev will at-
tempt to enter the government,
but will remain in his post as Sec-
retary General of the Party. Nev-
ertheless Khrushchev is now "vir-
tual dictator" of the Soviet regime,
Prof. Meisel said.
Khrushchev showed his strength
by personally selecting Bulganin
to the Premier post. Khrushchev
nominated Bulganin, but the vote
was by acclamation.
Why did Khrushchev not nomi-
nate himself ?
"Bulganin knows best how to
keep the army marshalls in line,
since he nominally comes from the
army," Prof. Meisel said. "They
may not defer to a civilian like
Ironic Change
Prof. Meisel found the so-call-
ed reason for. the governmental
change somewhatdironic. Malen-
kov, in stepping down, from the
post he assumed in March, 1953,
gave as his reason his failure in
.the field of agriculture.
However, said Prof. Meisel, it
was in reality Khrushchev's failure
since it was he who was respon-
sible for the agricultural develop-
ment program in Russia.
Prof. Meisel pointed to a his-
torical parallel in Russia in 1t41
when Stalin took the Soviet Pre-
miership from V. M. Molotov. The
purpose then was preparation for
war, Prof. Meisel said.
However, in this case, because of
the agricultural failings, and do-

Hint US
R i
MOSCOW (A) - Foreign Minis-
ter V. M. Molotov yesterday accus-
ed President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er and the United States Congress
of openly- threatening Communist
China with war over Formosa and
the Pescadores.
He hinted also that the United
States may be behind the Soviet
Union in atomic weapons develop-
Molotov made a wide-ranging
two-and-a-half hour foreign af-
fairs speech to Russia's Supreme
Soviet Parliament in the great
Kremlin Palace, capping an event-
ful day that saw Georgi M. Mal-
enkov resign as premier and Mar-
shal Nikolai Bulganin elevated to
succeed him.
'Chinese Territory'
The veteran foreign minister de-
clared that Formosa and the Pes-
cadores, "without mentioning oth-
er islands adjacent to China, are
undoubted Chinese territory."
"In spite of all this," he said,
"these islands have now been seiz-
ed by the U.S.A. who maintain
there, at their expense, the crimi-
nal gang of Chiang Kai-shek that
was expelled from China, prepar-
ing with the aid of his hired forces
an attack against China.
"Lately things went so far that
the President and Congress of the
U.S.A. got carried away to such
an extent with their policy of
strength that they began openly to
threaten with war the Chinese
people who are protecting their
rights to these islands and defend-
ing their national honor and sov-
ereignty against the aggressor."
Charge of Aggression
As the two branches of Parlia-
ment-the Soviet of the Union and
the Soviet of Nationalities-listen-
'ed quietly, Molotov developed his
charge of aggression by the Unit-
ed States against China over For-
mosa. This is in line with charges
of aggression already leveled by
Moscow in the United Nations Se-
curity Council.
Molotov declared the Russians
consider "the aggressive actions
of the U.S.A. and its threats of
war" as "an aggression which must
be unconditionally condemned by
the UN, if it values its authority."
In effect, he demanded the with-
drawal of the United States 7th
Fleet, whose task force now is
screening the evacuation of Na-
tionalist Chinese from the Tach-
ens and stands between Formosa
and Pescadores and any attack
from the mainland.
'Must Withdraw'
"The U.S.A. must withdraw from

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