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SUND)AY, M~ARCH 20, 1955
%JI IL.d'VYI J ,N 1-11 j YYL..L.IX
Wilder P1ay Satirizes Man
A satirical view of mankind's
history will be unraveled as "The
Skin of Our Teeth" is presented
Wednesday through Saturday.
The Pulitzer Prize winning com-
edy by Thornton Wilder will be
presented at 8 p.m. at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
A 5,000 Year Marriage
Centering about Mr. and Mrs.
Antrobus, an average couple of
Excelsior, New Jersey, the play
carries them through their 5,000
years of marriage, mixing times
and places together.
Wilder uses lantern slides to
depict the advance of the ice age
and has the hero report by tele-
graph that he has just invented
the wheel, and is getting along
well with the alphabet.
But in spite of fire, flood, pesti-
lence, the seven-year locusts, the
ice age, the black pox and the
double feature, wars and depres-
sions, the Antrobuses have sur-
Among those surviving with
them is Sabina, their maid of
They have survived: by the skin
of their teeth.
(A production of this play will
be in France this summer as part
of a Salute to France. It will star
Helen Hayes and Mary Martin.)
Departmental Personnel
In the speech department pro-
duction, the direction is by Prof.
William P. Halstead. Variable, col-
lapsible scenery is by Prof. Jack
E. Bender and the obviousy out-
-Daily-John Hirtzel
UNCONCERNED--Earl Sayer (Announcer) reads the scene while
Henrietta Hermelin (Sabina) and Paul Rebillot (Mr. Antrobush).
act it out.
andish costumes were designed by
Phyllis Pletcher.
Paul Rebillot, Grad., and Valerie
Schor, Grad., are the long-living
couple; wily Sabina Is Henrietta
Hermelin, '55. The Antrobus child-
ren are Mary Davey, '57 and Norm
Hartweg, '56.
The Lydia Mendelssohn box of-
fice will be open beginning tomor-
row for the sale of tickets. Prices
for the comedy are $1.50, $1.20 and
90 cents. A special student price
of 75 cents will hold for Wednes-
day and Thursday perfohnances.
Braque's Prints, Contemporary Art
Exhibited in Alumni Memorial Hall
Arts and Letters in New York, and
circulated by the Smithsonian In-
These American drawings stand
up well against the Braque exhib-
it. The work fluctuates from soc-
ial commentary to atmosphere, but
maintains a generally high level
of quality.
One of the surprising aspects of
this exhibit is the lack of pure ab-
straction. There is such pains-
takingly detailed work as the "Ho-
sanna" woodscape, but in general
a freedom in the realistic frame
One of the outstanding draw-
ings of the collection is Eugene
Berman's "Ischia," a dark, woody
glimpse of Venice in ink and wash.
The clean use of line is shown
in Robert Gwathway's "The Stan-
dard Bearer," in which a politician
type figure holds a standard top-
ped by a cross between the Ameri-
can eagle and a peace-dove.
'U' Organist
To Present
Last Recital
Robert Noehren, University or-
ganist, will present the final pro-
gram in a series of three public
recitals at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill
Johan Sebastian Bach's "Passa-
caglia and Fugue in C minor" will
open the program to be followed
by Johannes Brahms' Chorale Pre-
ludes, "Mein Jesu, der du mich,"
"Herzlich thut mich verlangen,"
and "O Welt, ich muss dich las-
Closing the first half of the
program will be Paul Hindemith's
"Sonata I," including "Massig
schnell, lebhaft," "Sehr Langsam,"
"Phantasic, frei," and "Ruhig be-
After the intermission, Noehren
will play "Air with Variations" by
Leo Sowerby, "Jardin suspendu,"
by Jehan Alain and a Symphonic
Meditation for Ascension, "Trans-
ports de joie d'une ame devant la
gloire du Christ qui est la sienne."
Art Lecture
Musicologist Prof. Louise
Cuyer wil lecture on European
art at 3:15 p~m. today in Aud-
torium A, Angell Hall.
Concentrating on the Low
Countries, Prof. Cuyler will dis-
cuss their music and painting.
She spent last summer in Brus-
sels on a Fulbright grant.
Supplementing her talk will
be slides of famous paintings,
photographs she took in Eur-
ope, and records.
Music School
To PerfOrm
Bach Passion
Cooperate with High
Schools in Program
The music school, in coopera-
tion with the Michigan High
Schools' Chorale Choir, will pre-
sent Bach's "St. Matthews Pas-.
sion" at 8 p.m. Friday in Hill Aud-
Under the direction of Prof.
Maynard Klein and Prof. James
B. Wallace, the performance will
include students and faculty mem-
bers of the music school as well
as the 1,400-voice choir.
Soloists Listed
Soloists include Frances Greer,
Harold Haugh, Prof. Philip Duey,
Arlene Sollenberger, John Moser,
Grad., James Berg, '56M, Donald
Nelson, Grad., William Merrel,
Grad., Joan Marie Dudd, Grad.,
June Howe, '55SM and Elizabeth
Fischer, '55SM.
Instrumentalists include Mari-
lyn Mason, organist; Phillip Stein-.
haus, harpsichordist and Prof. Per-
cival Price, carilloneur.
Friday's performance will be
the third performance presented
by the music school. Previous
"Passions" were done in 1952 and
Tremendous Undertaking
Describing the -."Passion" as a
"tremendous undertaking," Prof.
Klein said "we are proud to do it.
With separate rehearsals for 1,800
performers, including the. Univer-
sity Choir and Symphony Orches-
tra, bringing them together is
some job of coordination."-,
The second balcony will be en-
tirely filled by the 1400 high
school choir, from 25 Michigan
schools, which will be conducted
by Prof. Wallace.
"The Chorale Choir is a dis-
tinctive thing," Prof. Klein com-
mented. "It is the reflective re-
sponses to the scriptures and takes
the place of a congregation."
Marks Clnintaton
The Passion itself "Marks the
culmination of a development that
began during the first centuries of
Christian worship," according to
Prof. Hans T. David who wrote
program notes for the work.
"As early as the fifth century,"
Prof. David continues, "the nar-
rative of the suffering of Christ
was presented on Good Friday in
'solemn passion'."
"This means that the Passion
was chanted in a somewhat rich-
er manner than that customarily
applied to the Gospels."
Few Can Compare
"The work is one of Bach's most
monumental and inspired crea-
tions, and there are few works in
the immense music literature that
can be 'compared with the St.
Matthew Passion in depth and in-
tensity of religious expression,"
Prof. David said.
Prof. Klein noted that each year
more than 200 people are turned
away from the free performance.
The full house would warrant a
second performance "so that more
people could hear the work and 50
schools instead of 25 could per-
"But," Prof. Klein added, "some-
how that is impossible."
Huge rocks carved by wind and
sea tower into unusual rock forma-
tions in the Upper Peninsula. Pop-
ularly called "picture rocks" they
have become a major tourist at-
The University will be host to-
morrow to one of the most cele-
brated scholars of the present age.
Prof. Francis Dvornik, professor
of Byzantine history at Harvard's
Dumbarton Oaks Research Center
in Washington, D. C., will deliver
a lecture on Byzantine elements
apparent in Russian political
Explains Puzzling Features
The talk will cover issues im-
portant to present day as well as
ancient Russian political strategy.
Prof. Dvornik has pointed out that
many puzzling features of Russian
political thinking may be traced
directly to Byzantine sources.
Prof. Dvornik studied Slavic
philology and archaeology in
Prague, later being trained in the
French school of Byzantine and
Slavic scholarship.
Travels to England supplement-
ed Prof. Dvorak's research and
teaching at the University of Pra-
gue, and one of his books was
largely based on research in the
Slavic material contained in the
British Museum.
In 1939, when the Germans In-
-by L. H. Scott
vorni Talk o Trace
Russian Political Ideas
Beautifully Cleaned
and Pressed
With the Famous
Hollywood Block
Returned to
You in Reusable:","
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Ct N UNDER THE micRoscoP
vaded Czechoslovakia, he decided
to remain in England. His seven
years in England saw the produc-
tion of numerous articles and two
major books, "The P h o t i a n
Schism," and "The Making of
Central and Eastern Europe."
Photian Schism
One Byzantine scholar has re-
marked that the work Prof. Dvor-
nik performed in casting new light
on the Photian Schism completely
revolutionized historical thinking
on that subject. He has decisively
demonstrated that the, story sur-
rounding the breaking between the
churches is no simple "cops and
robbers" tale.
Prof. Dvornik left England in
1947 on an appointment as visiting
scholar at the Dumbarton Oaks
Research Library and Collection.
Film Presentation
The third program of the Gothic
Film Society's second semester bill
will feature the silent film "Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," with John
Barrymore, at 8 p.m., tomorrow
in Rackham Amphitheatre.
516 E. Liberty
NO 2-3231
NO 2-323
In Rackham Amphitheatre. IL~
--Daily-by John Hirtzel
The big name exhibit now on
hand in. the galleries of Alumni
Memorial Hall is a collection of
Braque lithographs, but it in no
way dwarfs the simultaneous ex-
hibition of contemporary Ameri-
ican drawings, both showing
through April 3.
The Braque exhibit, circulated
by the Museum of Modern Art,
traces the artist's work in print-
making from 1907 to the present.
It begins with the cubistic still
lifes of his early period and pro-
gresses to the more colorful and
bolder work of recent years.
"Theogony" Illustrations
A large part of the exhibit is
occupied by illustrations commis-
stoned in 1930 by Ambroise Vol-
lard for the "Theogony" of Hesiod,
and later abandoned to be resum-
ed in 1950.
In the first illustrations Bra-
que's more lyrical form begins to
appear, making an interesting
departure from drypoint cubistic
monotone. Echoes of these grace-
ful illustrations occur periodically
in his work.
After 1920, 73raque begins to use
color much more daringly, depart-
ing from one-tone prints to more
brilliant lithographs. He progres-
ses to a simplification of forms,
rather than the breakdown of
forms as occurs in cubism.
The later "Theogony" illustra-
tions, by comparison with the
earlier work, show Braque's great-
ly expanded sense of form.
American Drawings
In the North and South Gal-
leries are displayed 65 contempor-
ary drawings first shown in late
1953 at the American Academy of
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many recorded by The Philadelphia Orchestra
BACH: Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor
Philadelphia Orchestra, Ormandy
BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 5
NBC Symphony, Toscanini
BRAHMS: Concerto No. 2
Serkin, Philadelphia Orchestra
BEETHOVEN: Missa Solmnis
Toscanini, Shaw Chorale, NBC Symphony
MOZART: Sinfonia Concertant K 297
Von Karajan, Philharmonic Orchestra
SCH.4 IPFDT" . .r, ......KI, Q0 II
BRAHMS: Four Serious Songs
William Worfield, baritone
BARTOK: Concerto for Orchestra
Von Karajan, Philharmonia Orchestra
CARL ORFF: Carmina Burana
Eugen Jochum, Bavarian Orchestra, Chorus
PROKOFIEV: Concerto No. 3
Pennario, St. Louis Symphony
BLOCH: Concerto Grosso
Kubelik, Chicago Symphony
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