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Fast-moving comedy, songs and sT r
dances will highlight this year's
annual production of Hillelzapop-r
A long established tradition at
Michigan, Hillezapoppin' will be
presented at 7:15 p.m. Saturday.
at Tappan Junior High School.
This year seven skits are on thej
agenda in a -revue composed of
fraternity, sorority and independ-
ent groups. It may be a great big
wonderful world to live in, but it's
"A Woman's Wold" for the skit
theme of Sigma Delta Taul Phi
Sigma Delta is presenting "So
There You Are."
Combine Talents
"It Max No Difference," says
Sigm'a Alpha Mu and Delta Delta ;
Delta as they combine talents for
dialing "'M' for Murder," Zeta
Beta Tau will "Dial C for Charlie.":
Still at Broadway, it's not Jan-,
ice Page in "The Pajama Game,"
but Alpha Epsilon Phi coeds who.
will don informal dress for the t
Students will be given a glimpse
of "Animal Heaven" this Satur- t...
day by the Traumatic Players
while Michigan State Normal Hil-
lel Group are using "Let My Peo- "SO TI
ple Go" as a theme for their skit. my Br
Cup To Be Awarded pear in
A gold cuplwill be given to the Hillelz
group presenting the winning skit. held a
Since 1947, when the, trophy was
first presented, Sigma Delta Tau enlisted
has won it twice, Zeta Beta Tau ty, sor
four times, including last year, and groups w
independent groups have won it cup.
twice. Prof.
Since 1945, Hillelzapoppin' has speechrd
ment an
Dental Hygienists the Eng.
judges fo
Awarded 'Caps' Ticket
At Annual Affair $1.50 an
sale from
Sheto 2 p.m.
At a recent ceremony at the day in M
League, 40 women received the There'
symbol of their profession, the Saturday
white cap with a lilac ribbon of free bus
the dental hygienist. LeagueE
Mary Pike, president of the first Junior H
year class, called their names and return t
one by one they were "capped" by formanc
Miss Victoria Tondrowski, clinical
supervisor of dental hygiene. Procee
The code of ethics and oath of to be gi
the American Dental Hygienists
Association were administered by
Prof. Dorothy Hard, director of EAST
curriculum, before the officers and
executive council of the Michigan L
State. Hygienists Association. LG
Among the honored guests were
Mrs. Mary Eayer Burns, president For th
of the state organization, who t itr
spoke on the importance of join- ty histo
ing the group, and Mrs. Zora will com
Knott, who spoke about the newly all-camp
formed dental hygienists alumnae midnigh
organization of which she is sec- Ballroom
retary. Cotton
Also present were Sandra Whit- theme o
tington, president of the new Easterti
Washtenaw District Dental Hy- ing to t
gienists Society, and Sally Meyer, and his
president of the Detroit district As a p
group. with fr
The "capping" ceremony is pre- around
sented by the first year class for leashed t
those graduating in June, and it is al. The:
they who buy the caps and sew on them m
the lilac ribbon. The caps are thenG
worn as part of the regular uni- dance ar
form. f mno
manc ofr
Although the School of Dental tee, anc
Hygiene has been at the Univer- Leauen
sity since 1921, the ceremony itself League
has only been a part of it since En
1948, when the four year degree Entert
came into being. for inter
To Feature Skits
Name Band
To Highlight
Military Ball
Morterie To Provide
Musical Atmosphere
For All-Campus Event
Ralph Marterie and his orches-
tra, playing in a medieval castle
setting, will provide the downbeat
for the annual Military Ball from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the
League Ballroom.
For many years Marterie was a
top radio musician in Chicago. He
made his reputation by playing un-
der such bandleaders as Paul
Whiteman, Roy Shields, Percy
Faith, Frank BlacK and other top
radio names.
Although his orchestra has been
organized for only a few years,
Marterie's ability with the horn
has earned for him the title of
"Caruso of the Trumpet."
His modern, clean arrangements
with individual trumpet flavorings,
led him to break from radio work
and go into the popular band busi-
Critics say that Marterie's brisk
new dance style teamed with his
top-notch work on the trumpet,
have put him into the "everybody's
musician" category.
Carrying with him one of to-
day's larger music crews, Marter-
ie's band consists of five trumpets,
including Marterie, four trom-
bones, five reeds and four rhythm
Included among Marterie's best
songs are: "Dry Marterie," "Once
In a While," "Caravan," and
"Crazy, Man Crazy."
Traditionally a formal affair
open only to members of the
ROTC units on campus and re-
serve officers in the Ann Arbor
area, this year's affair will be open
to the entire campus.
Carrying out the medieval
theme, decorations for the dance
will center around colorful flags
and shields with coat-of-arms on
Tickets for the all-campus dance
will be on sale this week at the
NROTC Office in North Hall.
Tickets are priced at $4 per cou-
. : Greek Wee'kTo Present
Walt Kelly ,s Speaker
Pogofenokeeland will come to
Ann Arbor Monday, April 18 as
Walt Kelly brings his cartoon
friends to the Greek Week mass
Creator of the renown Pogo,
Kelly began his drawing career as
editor and cartoonist of his high
school paper in Bridgeport, Conn.'
Under the .tutelage of his fa-
ther, a theatrical scenery painter,
Kelly developed his drawing talent
until he became a reporter, writer
and artist on "The Bridgeport
Animates Cartoons
Animating cartoon creatures be-
came Kelly's job in 1935 when he
went to work for Walt Disney. Aft-
er six years' association with Mick-
ey Mouse and Donald Duck, he
set up studio as a commercial ar-
tist in New York City.
A political cartoonist for "The
New York Star" for a year, Kelly
also drew for children's comic
Pogo was born for the artist's
Bumbazine series in 1948 and soon
appeared as a daily comic strip.
Kelly's first two books dealing
with Alfred, the alligator, and all
the other inhabitants of Pogofe-
nokeeland, sold more than a half
million copies. According to esti-
mates, more than 37 million read-
ers have become acquainted with
these "people" through the comic
In 1952, Walter Crawford Kelly,
Jr. was named Cartoonist of the
Year by the National Cartoonist
Picnic Arranged
Arrangements for the mass pic-
nic, which will launch a week of
activities for affiliated students,
are being made by Jerry Goebel
of Phi Delta Theta and Harriet
Thorn of Delta Gamma.
Fraternities will "usher" soror-
ities to the Field House for the
supper and entertainment. If the
weather permits, Ferry Field will
be used.
ilcfl'44 Coaj
HERE YOU ARE"-From left to right are Paul Cohn, Sim-
nberg, Steve Bronstein and Chuck Schwartz as they will ap-
, "So There You Are;' Phi Sigma Delta's skit. A part of the
apoppin' program, this skit will be one of the seven to be
Tappan Junior High School.
-Daily-Dick Gaskll
FURNITURE PLANS-As Prof. Catherine B. Heller shows some
of the models completed by her interior design students, Grace
Ritow and Mrs. Phyllis Seltzer look on intently.
Interior Design Class
Teachc3 Useful SkiIls
ADC MEETING -- Assembly Ex-
ecutive Board requests that all
Assembly Dormitory Council rep-
resentatives be present at the ADC
meeting to be held at 4 p.m. to-
morrow at the League. Candidates
for the posts of Assembly presi-
dent and vice-president will speak
to the Council.
ORIENTATION - Petitions for
women orientation leaders are due
at 5 p.m. tomorrow. Applicants
may also sign up at the League
Undergraduate Office for inter-
views to be held tomorrow, Tues-
day, and Wednesday.
* * *
For junior positions on the Inter-
viewing and Nominating Commit-
tee, Joyce Reuben, Mary Nolan,
Kathy Lund, Ruth Bassichis, Bar-
bara Clark and Barbara Hum-
phrey, have been nominated. The
Women's Senate will select three
winners to be announced at In-
stallation Night.
the support of fraterni-
ority and independent
rho compete for the gold
Jim Stephenson of the
epartment, Prof. Marvin
g of the fine arts depart-
d Prof. Donald Pearce of
ish department, will be
or the evening.
Tickets On Sale
s for the production are
d $1.75. They will be on
n 11 a.m. to noon and 1
on Monday through Fri-
ason Hall.
s no traveling problem
night. Prices will include
transportation from the
at 6:55 p.m. to Tappan
Sigh School. Students will
o Hillel after the per-
e for a post party.
Proceeds Given
ds from Hillzepoppin' are
ven to the United Jewish
Appeal which distributes funds to
several beneficiaries.
The bulk of the funds will go
to the Joint Distribution Commit-
tee which helps build up Israel.
Beth Israel Congregation and Hil-
lel Foundation in Ann Arbor also
receive part of the funds.
Elects Off icers
Sigma Alpha Iota, national pro-
fessional music sorority, has elect-
ed its new officers for 1955-1956.
Heading the group next year will
be Meredith Manns, president, as-
sisted by Phyllis Rhode, vice-pres-
Other officers include Margue-
rite Long, recording secretary;
Jeanne Leland, corresponding sec-
retary; Jean Carlson, alumnae sec-
retary; Katherine Rush, treasur-
er; Linn Bevis, chaplain; Patricia
Stenberg, editor and Betty Beebe,
To introduce students to the
problems confronting them when
they have to buy a house, a course
in interior design is being offered
for juniorsaand seniors.
Aimed at teaching students to
appreciate and recognize good de-
sign in home furnishing, Prof.
Catherine B. Heller, instructor of
the course, emphasized that it is
not an interior decorating course.
"It is a course in doing," she
remarked. "By completing elemen-
tary problems in all phases of de-
sign and interior furnishing, stu-
dents gain satisfaction in their at-
tained knowledge."
Outside Work Required
Pref. Heller stressed that many
outside hours of work are required
in addition to regular lectures.
Textures, the importance of
line, form and space, relationships
of coldi and proportion, and the
balanced "dynamic design" of to-
day are taught to the juniors and
seniors taking the course.
Tlie final problem in recent
years has been one which "is a
specific solution of a specific home.
By selecting an actual family liv-
ing in an actual home, students
learn to realize and overcome the
problems that arise.
Arrange Furniture
They must arrange the furni-
ture in pleasing, functional places
in a room and select the actual
furniture which would be used ins
the problem. "They even select
the specific materials to be used,"
Prof. Heller added.
In this interior design course,
special attention is called to "put-
ting the house in relation to its
environment." Miss Heller said
that one must consider "the lot,
space, garden, windows a n d
amount of room available in plan-
ning interior furnishings."
The economic situation of the
family is another important as-
pect. "Too often students plan
huge mansions with all sorts of
lavish furnishings, not even con-
sidering that most people can't
afford to spend that much money."
Work Within Budget
To remedy this situation, Miss
Heller requires that the students
work within a budget. She also in-
structs them in "tricks to make
houses seem bigger than they are."
As an example of these meth-
ods, Miss Heller mentioned that it
is necessary to show how correct
usage of light and space can make
a room appear larger. "Glass walls,
terraces and large garden areas all
help to create the illusion of a
larger house."
When students complete this
course, Miss Heller remarked that
they are now "quite well-qualified
to chose their own home."
1216 So. University
y, Friends, and Acquaintances
NO 3-4436
vague, Union To Hold Cottontail Capers
e second time in -Universi-
y, the League and Union
bine forces to present an
us dance from 9 p.m. to
t Saturday in the League
tail Capers, chosen as the
f the dance, will feature
me decorations and danc-
he music of Don Kenny
ublicity stunt, live rabbits
ee tickets to the dance
their necks, may be un-
this week on the Diagon-
lucky students who catch
ay keep the tickets.
al co-chairmen of the
re Harvey Rutstein, chair-
the Union dance commit-
d Joanne Craft, of the
social committee.
Iertainment Planned
ainment is being planned
mission of Cottontail Ca-
pers by Grace Rittow and Steve
Dorothy Swanson and Loren
Singer are taking charge of tick-
ets, which will be priced at $1.50
per 'couple.
Programs, which consist of red
tassels:and a white background
booklet with a black bunny on the
corner, are being planned by
Elaine Bice and Don Seltz.
Rabbit Decorations
Ron Ritzler, Carolyn Moeller
and Fred Zechman compose the
big three who will carry out the
theme of the dance with decora-
tions. Next to the bandstand a
huge white rabbit with a top hat
and a cane will overlook the crowd.
On the wall, across from the
bandstand, white rabbits will spell
out "Top Hats." Two gigantic rab-
bits will greet the dancers as they
enter the room.
Publicity chairman for Cotton-
tail Capers is Allan Drebin.
Joint Sponsorship
This event is the first League-
Union sponsored dance in over
two years. The last one, Gridiron
Gambles, was held in the fall of
Drebin mentioned that League
and Union officials hope to make
this event an annual affair, in or-
der to promote better relations be-
tween the two organizations.
In this way, "students will meet
more people and accomplish a def-
inite purpose and function at the
same time."
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