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February 08, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-08

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Fall of Mendes-France
Will Hurt French Prestige


"And They Used To Say I Was Stubborn"

T HE French cabinet has fallen often since
the end of World War II. But seldom has
a premier been voted out who has been as
popular as Pierre Mendes-France.
He was popular not only with the French
people but in foreign circles, where he re-
stored somewhat the diplomacy which has been
sorely lacking in recent times. While the Red
victory at the Geneva conference ending the
Indochina war was a hard defeat for the West,
Mendes-France did manage to end a long
and costly fight that would eventually have
spelled defeat for France anyway.
More important for the West, he made
the French more cognizant of the need for a
security pact among the West European na-
tions, a pact that should in future years find
these nations integrated economically, as well
as politically. The death of the European De-
fense Community and the rise of the Western
European Union gave the French more assur-
ance against their fear of a stronger Germany.
UT MENDES-FRANCE had a tough situa-
tion on his hands in North Africa. With
the cries of nationalism all about, he had to
find some solution to the rising violence in
the three French territories, Tunisia, Algeria
and Morocco. Mendes-France was trying to
grant local power to these countries and at the
same time keep.them within the French Union.
It was on this issue that the famous milk-
drinker lost a vote of confidence. Reports that

Mendes-France's days as Premier were num-
bered recently began to be heard more and
more. His fall is a serious blow to French
In Mendes-France, the French had a Premier
who was young in both age and outlook.
But ih taking steps not taken before, he made
enemies. The Communist Party was naturally
against any and all policies, the Republicans
were embittered after the blow to EDC and
the farmer-businessman Independents opposed
Mendes-France's domestic economic policy of
lower tariffs and subsidies.
WF E THUS have assorted parties opposing in
most cases only one policy of Mendes-
France. But for reasons nearly singular to the
French, they saw fit to defeat a cabinet not
for its overall views and policies but for one
view or one policy.
The worst part about the defeat of Mendes-
France is that any new premier (possibly ex-
Premier Pinay) is going to have much less pres-
tige and influence, both in France and abroad,
than Mendes-France. The WEU pasct will,
probably be ratified, and unless large-scale
police action is begun, greater local autonomy
in North Africa will have to be granted.
Undoubtedly many Frenchmen wonder what
exactly is going on in their government. And
an outsider wonders just what the French
Assembly has accomplished for itself.
-Harry Strauss


At the State.. .
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
J(UDGING from the lines outside the theater,
most of Ann Arbor knows by this time that
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is the most
entertaining adventure film to come this way
in quite a while.
In giving us a nineteenth century version of
twentieth century commonplaces, Disney has
pin-pointed and preserved the chief appeal of
the Verne novel.: The underwater gear worn
by the actors looks like a cross between an
Aqua-lung and a Victorian wrought iron um-
brella stand. The interior of the Nautilus is
a study in plush and bric-a-brac.
Disney is so effective in working the contrast
between the style of the period and the
technology of Captain Nemo that the viewer
has to remind himself forcibly that submarines
-even atomic powered ones named the Nauti-
lus-are not a wild flight of fancy.
At the same time, Disney minimized the
faults of the novel. The principal characters,
after all, are pretty silly. The scientist is a
well-worn stereotype ("Our lives mean noth-
ing; we must bring these discoveries to the
world!") And Captain Nemo's remarks on the
human race might come from a high school
sophomore trying to build a reputation as
the class cynic.
IF THESE ROLES had been acted with con-
viction, the silliness would have been ap.
parent. Happily they were not acted at all.
They were played, as children play, and in the
broad stylizations a child would use. Therein
lies Disney's peculiar talent.
Kirk Douglas was particularly successful as
the seaman. Peter Lorre as the sceintist's as-
sistant displays the excellent comic talent he
first revealed in Beat the Devil.
The Verne novel ends with the Nautilus being
sucked into the Maelstrom. Disney's version
ends with an atomic explosion set off by Nemo
to keep his secrets out of the hands of un-
principled people. Nemo's dying prophecy is
that men would re-discover the secrets of
atomic energy someday when they have become
wise enough to use them properly.
Yeah yeah.
--Don Malcolm

At the Michigan...
THE DETECTIVE, with Alec Guiness
ALEC GUINESS has been many things in his
day-a bank clerk, an inventor, a sea cap-
tain, a "promoter." In the current film at the
Michigan, he is a priest and a detective. In
all his various vocational guises, Guiness has,
however, remained one man-a character
whose values are so separate from those of his
society that he inevitably triumphs over that
society. He is a black-and-white Mr. Magoo,
a character so completely lacking in super-ego
that when he played Richard III at the Strat-
ford Festival last summer, he was barely able
to manage the nightmare scenes in the last
act. Guiness is simply not the sort of man
who has nightmares or who sees ghosts. He
probably believes Shakespeare is making a mis-
take when he shows Richard with a conscience
at the end. Alec knows better.
Naturally then, Chesterton'sFather Brown,
the popular ecclesiastical sleuth, is an ideal
role for him. Brown is, of course, one of these
clergymen who is not content to remain within
the area of the pulpit and the confessional. His
particular pleasure is to play'"evangelist to the
underworld and he does not let his cossock get
in the way. Guiness plays him with his usual
single-minded shrewdness and gentle relent-
UNFORTUNATELY, however, even for those
not yet tired of Guiness, this feature is
likely to seem weak. The plot saddles him with
a bunch of unrealized minor characters, none
of whom are at all worth the effort he puts
forth in their behalf. Among them is a notor-
ious international thief, played by Peter Finch,
and a widowed noblewoman, played by Joan
Greenwood. Apparently their sole function in
the plot is to make Father Brown a kind of
rich man's Barry Fitzgerald. That is, their
wealth is not enough; they need the Father's
warmth and understanding.
Among the other people around are some
very pale policemen, a Damon Runyon safe-
cracker, and a practical bishop. They all
seem to belong in other movies. As a result, the
film is without style, only sporadically funny,
and may seem too bland even for the most
ardent proponents of gentle British comedy.
--William Wiegand

On Press
WASHINGTON-Kentucky's Al-
ben Barkley, the venerable
"Veep," has no trouble remember-
ing he's only a freshman Senator
now. But his secretary, Flo Brat-
ten, sometimes forgets and an-
swers the phone: "The Vice-Presi-
dent's office."
When she made this mistake the
other day, a puzzled voice asked:
"Whose office?"
"The Vice President's office."
she repeated absently. Then, sud-
denly remembering, she correct-
ed herself: "Excuse me, I mean
Senator Barkley's office."
"Thank goodness," replied a re-
lieved voice. "This is Adlai Steven-
Note: The last person Stevenson
would want to get on the phone is
the present Vice-President, Dick
Nixon, who bitterly attacked Ste-
venson in the last campaign.
-Attack the Attackers-
THIS WRITER has had several
talks with Harvey Matusow,
the ex-Communist who once work-
ed for Senator McCarthy and who
says now that he helped to plant
deliberate falsehoods against peo-
ple accused of Communism.
First revelation that Matusow
had repented and was anxious to
tell the truth appeared in this
column on November 8, 1954. In
this and other talks he made
amazing statements which throw
light on the tactics of the junior.
Senator from Wisconsin. One of
them was McCarthy's investiga-
tion of the press.;Matusow told me
that McCarthy had asked him to
investigate the press.
"Why was that?" I asked.
"The press in New York - the
New York Times, the Herald Trib-
une and Time, Inc., had been at-
tacking Senator McCarthyand
he was sore about it and wanted
to take his revenge," Matusow re-
"Did he want to make them ap-
pear to be Communist?"
"That's right. Attack his attach-
ers by calling them Communists
.. .I was able to obtain records
from the Communist Party and
Communist faction of the Ameri-
can Newspaper Guild dating back
to the 1930's and early '40's. It was
completely hearsay evidence that
I was giving him, and he was
completely willing to use it."
-Washington Whirl-
NOW THAT private companies
have been authorized to de-
velop atomic power, they are offer-
ing such attractive salaries to
atomic xeperts that they are lur-
ing some of the best brains out of
government service. The Joint
Congressional Atomic E n e r g y
Committee is worried this will set
back our atomic arms program... .
Atomic energy Chairman Admiral
Lewis Strauss has been boasting
that he got Ex-Chairman Gordon
Dean his plush job with Lehman
Brothers. (Actually, the job was
strictly Lehman Brothers' idea.)
.. Speaker Sam Rayburn takes a
five-block constitutional around
Capitol Plaza every day after the
House adjourns, frequently ac-
companied by Congressman
Wright ,Patman of Texarkana
Texas. "People who work indoors
should get out as often as possible
for some fresh air," says the
Speaker, perhaps thinking of the
oratorical hot air he endures on
the House floor . . . Statuesque
Ex-Senator Gillette of Iowa has
hinted that he would like to come

back to the Senate as chief coun-
sel for the committee investigating
the loyalty-security program.. .
Senator Carlson of Kansas, Presi-
dent Eisenhower's closest friend in
the Senate, has been telling friends
that Ike definitely will run for a
second term. (Mamie doesn't
-Halls of Montezuma-
THE HOUSE Armed Service
Committee had listened wear-
ily to defense Secretary Charles
Wilson and the Pentagon's top
brass relate how reenlistments had
fallen off in the Air Force, Army
and Navy. One after another the
military chiefs bemoaned the mo-
rale factors that were hindering
re-enlistment - low pay, inade-
quate housing, etc. _
Finally General Lemuel C.
Shepherd, Commandant of the
Marine Corps, took the stand. Tes-
tified Shepherd:
"I'm glad to inform the com-
mittee that the Marines are in ex-
cellent shape. In fact, we have no
re-enlistment problem at all to
speak of. Three out of every four
Marines are re-enlisting after fin-
ishing their terms of service. No,
we in the Marines have no com-
plaint. We can live with what we
Remarked Freshman Congress-
man Richard E. Lankford of Mary-
land: "I feel like getting up and


Rafe Freedom. . ..
To the Editor:
MEN, here's the situation: our
University holds in near slav-
ery thousands of helpless women.
They are condemned to attend
classes the whole long day, and
then, after finishing this cruel
toil, they are torn from their last
hold on freedom (us) and regi-
mented into their cells. Their cur-
few usually strikes just as the
stars are beginning to shine. True,
on rare special nights-those when
their jailors want to live it up
themselves-cell call is sometimes
postponed an hour or so. If, per-
chance, a hapless female should
miss the round up by a few min-
utes, she is thrown into solitary
confinement. There is no third
degree, in fact, no defense of any
kind is allowed.
On the other hand, men, we are
free. We have no solitary. We are
on our honor to behave in good
taste. Occasionally, we may be
invited by a friendly counselor to
discuss our problems over a cup
of coffee at the League. But usual-
ly these bull sessions hash over
the hockey and basketball scores
more than any alleged misconduct.
This is as it should be, for we men
rarely misconduct ourselves. Free-
dom has bred responsibility!
By contrast, the sad state of our
women is appalling. But what can
be done about the injustice? It is,
of course, out of the question to
reduce us to their lowly position.
But why not elevate those unhappy
creatures to a nobler station? Let
the women share our freedom.
While they do develop along dif-
ference lines than we, they show
no great mental or physical in-
feriority. It might be that, if given
the chance, they, too, could con-
duct themselves with honor and
dignity. Let us give them that
Men, to arms! Let us press for
the emancipation of the women
on our campus.
-Robert A. Haber
Bah, Humbug .. .
To the Editor:
IN THE January 9 issue of the
New York Times ° Magazine,
Prof. Douglas Bush of Harvard
University contends that too many
offspring of boobus-Americanus
are sneaking into our colleges and
universities. After seeing in The
Michigan Daily the list of the ten
women most admired by students
of the University of Michigan, I
agree with him in uprotarious
laughter. I just about get done
laughing over Marilyn Monroe and
Oveta Culp Hobby when I think
of Mamie Eisenhower and Mme.
Chiang Kai-shek, and I'm off
again and my wife looks at me
and shakes her head and thinks
you know what.
Now mind you, I've nothing
against admiring Mrs. Eisenhower
per se, or Marilyn Monroe for
rather obvious reasons. I just don't
think they ought to be in the
bracket of the ten most admired
women in the world anymore than
I think Mme. Chiang Kai-shek,
consort of a bloodthirsty, totali-
tarian charlatan, should be admir-
ed for any reason at all.
I can think of Katherine Anne
Porter, Simone de Beauvoir, Ruth
Benedict, Susanne K. Langer,
Margaret Meade, Pearl Buck, Gab-
riele Mistral, Vera Brittain-to
name just a few offhand-all of
whom are infinitely more worthy
of admiration.
And then I begin to think of
Ava Gardner . . . The Barefoot
Contessa . . . ha, ha, ha - - -
-E R Karr
Touche .. .

of the "Cow College" in East Lan-
sing. And if they are going to try
to raise funds, I certainly wouldn't
contribute. I can think of many
better ways of wasting money.
Furthermore, if no one is going
to clean the dust from the Michi-
gan locker room, wouldn't it be
far better to have something cov-
ering it up so that people would
never know?
Let him who has no Bunyans
y -Connie Sherman, '56
Apologies .. .
To the Editor:
PUBLIC apologies to the stu-
dents from Hawaii who re-
ceived the alien registration re-
minder and thanks to Alvin Chock
for his concern. The International
Center does not consider students
from Hawaii as aliens. Unfortun-
ately, we who perform the work
of the Center are not quite per-
fect. We made a mistake in in-
cluding Hawaiians in this mailing.
We do include students from
Hawaii in many of our mailings
because so many of them like to
participate in some international
programs. (In the same way, we
send our Newsletter to any other
American students who wish to be
informed.) It was my pleasure to
meet two students from Hawaii on
the Center-sponsored tour to
Greenfield Village on December
28th. They said that they were
pleased to be informed about the
It is the vigilance and vicifer-
ousness of students like Mr. Chock
which keeps us on the ball.
-James M. Davis, Director
International Center

Picaresque Genre
Turns Up in Novel
FELLOW PASSENGER, Goeffrey Household Little, Brawn & Co.
$3.75. 271pp.
THIS novel is written by the author of that excellent tale of escape,
Rogue Male, which was an exciting story of the man who came
within seconds of assassinating Hitler with a high-powered hunting
Noting that Fellow Passenger is also classified as a story of "escape,"
the reader anticipates a new display of Household's great talent for
suspenseful narration. But the book is essentially something apart from
a thriller, clearly falling as it does within the limits of a very old, tradi-
tional literary vehicle-the picaresque novel.
THERE are many nice little vignettes of English rural and urban
life woven into the threads.of Households yarn. These scenes in-
terpreted through the person of Claudio Howard-Wolferstan-a thor-
oughly charming and accomplished rogue-are the highpoints in a
novel that generates little emotional current.
Howard-Wolferstan is an extremely interesting fellow, resourceful
beyond belief, who possesses such an extensive stock of fugitives wiles
that the reader is tempted to settle back and accompany the hero
on a casual philosophical tour of England, abandoning the ridicul-
ously slight possibility that Howard-Wolferstan would ever allow him-
self to be caught by even the smartest agent of either the Scotland
Yard or Kremlin crews who are on his tail.
From the moment he is captured in the closely guarded lodging
house for British atomic scientists following an escapade in a female
researchers' room (where he proves himself as ever equal to the de-
mands of the situation) to the moment of ultimate surrender in a
London hotel room, the fugitives exterior is scarcely ruffled.
The disgressions peculiar to the picaresque genre are also present
here as is the traditional first person narrative which is carried
to the extreme in this novel for the narration continues from the
first page to the last with no break at all.
For such reasons our Fellow Passenger is recognized as an old, old
friend only slightly disguised in a new suit of custom tailored tweeds.
-Donald A. Yates

(Continued from Page 2)

received by the Near East College Asso-
ciation for various positions in the
American Schools and Colleges in the
above areas. All applicants must be
single and appointments are made for
a three year term. Further information
can be obtained by contacting the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg., Normndy 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Thurs., Feb. 10-
Inkster, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Early and Later Ele-
Fri., Feb. 11-
Long Beach, California-
Teacher Needs: Elementary and Sec-
ondary-all felds. Thee will be a Gen-
eral Meeting at 4:00 P.M. Fri. in Roomn
4051, Administration Building for all
those interested in receiving information
about the Long Beach Public Schools.
Colored slides will be shown. Those peo-
ple having personal interviews with the
representatives from Long Beach are
also urged to attend this meeting.
Tues., Feb. 15-
North Muskegon, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Elementary, English,
Mathematics and Science, Elementary
Music and Art.
Battle Creek, Michigan-
Teacher Needs: Elementary, English,
Social Studies and Mathematics.
Wed., Feb. 16-
Flint, Michigan--
Teacher Need.
Wed., Feb. 16, Thurs., Feb. 17 and Fri.,
Feb. 1-
Portland, Oregon-
Representatives from the Portland,
Oregon Public Schools will be in this
vicinity interviewing all elementary and
secondary candidates interested in
teaching in Portland, Oregon. For more
information contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments. For appointments contact,
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Jackson Girl Scout Council, Jackson,
Mich., has openings for an Executive
Director-responsible for the entire pro-
gram and a Field Director-working un-
der the supervision of the Executive Di-
rector. BA is required with a major in
the social sciences preferred or a mini-
mum of twenty hours in soc., biology,
psych., econ., or related subjects.
Wayne County Civil Service announces
exam for Librarian I and Librarian Aid
to work in Wayne County Libraries
throughout the western part of Wayne
Morris Silberman, General Contrac-
tor, Dallas, Texas, is looking for a
young man interestedin the housing
field. Architectural, engineering, or
business background helpful but not a
Kendall Co., Boston, Mass., has open-
ings in its plants in various locations
for Physicists, Chemists, Engrs., and
Stanley H. Brams, Detroit, Michigan,
has a position for a Stenographer to
work on a labor relations newsletter.
Shorthand of primary importance.
U.S. Civil Service Commission, Treas-
ury Dept., announces exam for Internal
Revenue Agents to fill positions in dis-
trict offices in Chicago and Springfield,
Ill., Detroit, Mich., and Milwaukee, Wis.
Must have either 3 yrs. experience in
commercial accounting or education in
accounting above high school level-1
yr. of education for 9 mo. of experience
or teaching of accounting-i yr. of
teaching for 9 mo. of experience.
Herman D. Weiss, Detroit, Mich.,
wishes to employ a young man inter-
ested in sales. The position requires
travelingin Michigan and Ohio to sell
automotive products.
Smith College School for Social Work,
Northampton, Mass., pffers a program
in social work for students interested
in graduate work in this field.
Ford Instrument Company, Long Is-
land, N.Y., is offering the Hannibal C.
Ford Fellowship for advanced study in
engineering at Cornell University. The
winner will be selected in March, and
applications should be in by Feb. 19,
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Van Nuys,
Calif.. is sponsoringr an Advanced Stud

years of age, married or single.
United States Atomic Energy Commis-
sion announces .openings for Sendor
Mathematician and Senior Physicist.
Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.,
offers a program of graduate training in
BusAd for students in Liberal Arts, En-
gineering,or other non-business as.
Scholarship aid is gvailable for both
the summer program and for the regu-
lar academic year.
Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, Mich., has
a need for Engineers, especially E.E.
U.S. Naval Ordnance Lab., White Oak,
Md., has positions for Technical Writ-
ers. A position open for Publications
Editor (GS-5, GS-7) requires training
in English with one yr. of college al-
gebra and physics,nEngineering, or a
Physical Science.
Blackmer Pump Co., Grand Rapids,
Mich., needs a Chief Industrial Engr.,
32-42 yrs. old, experienced in Time
Study and Standard data on Machine
American Association of Advertising
Agencies is sponsoring the 9th annual
advertising aptitude exam to be given
March 8. Applications will be pccepted
up to Feb. 26. Free exams will be given
to five applicants stating the best rea-
sons for wanting to enter the advertis-
ing field. These applications must be in
by Feb. 21. The exam is open to men
and women in their last year' of col-
lege and interested in advertising.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments; Ext. 371, 3528
Admin. Bldg.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School.
Thurs., Feb. 10-
The Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif.
-All degrees in Math. and Physics, and
in combination with Engrg. for Re-
search and Development. U.S. citizens
Fri., Feb. 11-
Standard Oil Co. (Indiana Div.),
Whiting, Ind.-B.S. & M.S. in Chem. U.
for Technical Service Work, and PhD
In Chem E for Research.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 248 W.E., Ext. 2182.
. Summer Placement - The Summer
Placement Department of the Bureau
of Appointments will hold its first
weekly meeting on Wed., Feb. 9 wt the
Michigan Union in Room 3B from 1:00
p.m. to 5:00 p.m. At this time all pres-
ent summer job opportunities listed for
1955 will be presented.
Thomas M. Cooley Lectures, pre-
sented by the University of Michigan
Law School. "Public Policy and the
Dead Hand." Lewis M. Simes, Floyd
R. Mechem, Professor of Law, Univer-
sity of Michigan. 4:15 p.m., Room 120,
Hutchins Hall. Admission is compli-
Feb. 8, Lecture II: "The Policy
Against Perpetuities: Dead Hand vs.
Feb. 9, Lecture III: "The Policy
Against Perpetuities: Dead Hand vs.
Living Hand."
Prof. William B. Willcox, Department
of History, will be guest speaker, Wed.,
Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium C, An-
gell Hall, in the first of the Military
Science Lecture series. Subject, "Brit-
ish Strategy in the American Revolu-
tion." Public invited.
Zoology Lecture: Kenneth C. Fisher,
associate professor of animal physiolo-
gy, University of Toronto, will speak
on: "Physiological Adventures in Ani-
mal Behavior," Wed., Feb. 9, at 4:15
p.m. in 429 Mason Hall.
Academic Notices
Engineers: Placementmeetings to ex-
plain how you may use the Engineer-
ing Placement Service will be held Wed.
and Fri., Feb. 9 and 10 at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 311, W. Enginering. Your at-
tendance is especially desirable if you
intend to interview employers on cam-
pus this semester.

Formosa Resolution Leaves
Line-Drawing to UTN

WITH the adoption of the Formosa resolu-
tion, after the White House statement and
Sen. George's interpretation of it, the position
is as follows: Congress has promised to support
the defense of Formosa and the Pescadores, and
has given the President assurance that it trusts
his judgment on what military measures are
prudent and necessary. The President in his
turn has promised Congress that he will take
personal responsibility for the military meas-
ures. In effect the President has asked and
has received a vote of personal confidence in
his Formosa policy.
If this were a domestic matter, that would
be sufficient and all would be well. But the
second phrase of this great matter is about to
begin. The Administration policy, as the Presi-
dent said in his message, is to seek a cease-fire
through the United Nations. The question we
must ask ourselves is whether the resolution
as adopted by the Congress takes a position

are to take a hand, as quite rightly we wish
them to, it will be necessary to find a legiti-
mate legal basis for the ine of the cease-fire,
and it will be necessary to find a procedure
for regulating military action in the area.
THERE is little doubt that a United Nations
resolution is bound to take cognizance in
one way or another of the radical legal differ-
ence between the position of the off-shore is-
lands on the one hand, and of Formosa and the
Pescadores on the other. A line of demarcation
is indispensable to a cease-fire, and there can
be no other line than the juridical line. This
line, we must remember, is not, as was sug-
gested on the floor of the Senate, something
dreamed up by columnists. It is a line based on
the Japanese peace treaty which was nego-
tiated by Mr. John Foster Dulles.
W HAT could be done, assuming the juridical
line were the line of the cease-fire, in case
reconnaissance and intelligence reports showed

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigar. under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig. Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers ............. City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston .........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
....Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz .......Women's Editor
Joy Squires . .Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith .Associate Wonmen's Editor
Dean Morton . Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak ........Business Manager
P41l Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
The Associated Press
Michigan Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights or republication aofall other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second class mail


Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues.,

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