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March 16, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-16

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'U' Leaders Roused to Sound
Fury by MSU Proposal

Air Base

"I Don't Know, Fella - I'm A Stranger Here


In Spai

INTINT on keeping Michigan State College
froin reaching up to our "level", the Uni-
versity has obligingly stooped down to theirs--
and maybe lower.
It took the Board of Regents over six months
to take any action on the Student Government
Council, for which students here campaigned
actively. In very hush-hush manner, two 'U'
instructors were eventually fired by the Board
for "refusing to answer questions put to them
by the Clardy investigating committee.
However when a school in East Lansing
wants to change its name to University, im-
mediately and in no uncertain terms the
Regents have been shouting their cause to
the world.
SUCH CHARGES as "they're infringing on
our name" or "it's too confusing" have
echoed from Ann Arbor.
In recent days, even the alumni and ad-
ministration have entered this sacred battle.
Assistant Secretary of the Alumni Association
Robert Morgan put his forces to work inform-
ing University alumni that the move was "un-
(According to Morgan, since the constitution
says there shall be A state university, this
University has already filled that function and
there can never be another.)
THEN,perhaps to strengthen the argument,
Morgan speaking "off the record" blasted
MSC students for being childish, "wearing
short pants," causing "riots" at the Rose
Bowl, etc.
Although admitting the statement at first,
Morgan now denies ever having made it, and
the University is charging that only those
who want to cloud the issues of the name
change are criticising it.
President Hatcher also has entered the list,'

saying yesterday the proposed designation of
MSC as Michigan State University is "an un-
fortunate infringement which the College
should be as eager to avoid as the state
University itself."
NOW where does that put us in the eyes
of others?
Out in Pennsylvania at the proud Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania they may be snickering a
little. No one yelled when Penn State College
switched to Pennsylvania State University. No
one charged "infringement" and no one called
the bo'ys at State childish.
The fact of the matter was that Penn State
had become a University and deserved the
title. That is the only fact that need concern
us here in Michigan, and no one denies that,
Michigan State now qualifies.
Confusion? There's confusion now.
How to avoid confusion? Certainly not by
engaging in ridiculous battles with State over
its name. Penn has eliminated much confusion
by making sure that no matter what Penn
State does to its name, the University of Penn-
sylvania will stand out as one of the nation's
top schools.
Why can't we do that here?
MOST STUDENTS at this University have
no doubt about which of the two schools
are on top. Perhaps that is the reason for the
mature indifference they have shown the en-
tire matter.
But the action by the Regents and other
administrators connected with the University
is lowering the name they are expected to
The difference between the University of
Michigan and Michigan State College (or Uni-
versity) is not in the name! Let us hope it
never will be.
-Murry Frymer

Pay Staff Assistants More.--
eron Inquiry Report

YETERDAY a highly comprehensive report
was issued by the Operation Inquiry com-
mittee following a year's investigation and
study of the residence halls system. Most of
the recommendations brought forth by the
committee, which was set up by the Residence
Halls Board of Governors and the Inter-House
Council, seem worth-while. Behind the recom-
mendations are many reasons considered by
the group.
For instance the committee, headed by Prof.
Charles T. Olmstead of the engineering col-
lege, urges a raise in pay for staff assistants.
Behind this recommendation lay much study
by the nine-member group. In their opinion,
the staff assistant, "although the lowest in
rank and the least noticed and appreciated, is
probably the most important member of the
staff" ... His most important role is probably
that of an experienced student who has been
around and knows the ropes at the University
. The pay of the staff assistant is pitefully
inadequate. While the duties have increased
considerably during the past few years, there
has been a relative decrease in his pay." The
group urges that his new salary scale should
be made a percentage of his room and board
bill so that his salary will increase propor-
tionately if room and board rates rise.
G OING to the top of the house staff, the
Inquiry comittee said the resident adviser
usually serves in the position for only one or
two years. "It would seem that at least a two-
year tenure would be desirable," the group's
report said, "since the second year is usually
more effective than the first. On the other
hand, it is not necessarily the case that he
should serve much more than two years."
~RITING of the associate adviser (house
mother) position in the residence hall sys-
tem, Inquiry said "it was the consensus of
opinion of those interviewed, as well as that of
the committee, that the role is vital to the
success of the system if properly performed."
However, the report continued, partly as a
result of selection and partly as a result of
long tenure, the role is not being performed as
effectively as possible. "The difficulty seems to
be one of maintaining the initial high stan-

dards . . . Her long tenure sometimes causes
her to lose the original touch and enthusiasm
she had for the job . . . Part of the answer
to this could be found in a periodic residence
halls training program, the purpose of which
would be to present and review essential tech-
niques." Considering the possibility of having
a married couple help supervise the house in-
stead of a house mother was thought inadvis-
able by the committee. "Consequently, it is felt
that the present associate adviser system most
competently fulfills the needs of the system."
MOVING to the problem of staff selection
and recruitment, the Inquiry report says
"the real difficulty at present is not so much
the interviewing process but rather that there
is a scarcity of applicants who meet the proper
standards." This situation could be improved,
the committee feels, in a "well-planned, mean-
ingful training program, as conducted at some
other institutions," were adopted. From the
standpoint of students' over-all welfare, the
committee said "a staff person is as important,
if not more so, as the instructors and teaching
fellows of our various colleges."
In addition, the committee urges a student
evaluation of the staff at intervals. This would
be primarily a corrective device.
CLOSER co-operation should take place be-
tween the educational staff of the residence
halls and the colleges, the committee said.
Co-operation is especially needed between the
halls and the academic counselors and men-
tors. "At the present time," the 23-page docu-
ment states, "it is often felt by members of
the staff that the review boards are readmit-
ting some students to the colleges who defi-
nitely should not be readmitted in the light of
their conduct and motivation as observed by
the staff in their house."
As a resident of the residence halls living
under the Michigan House Plan, the writer
feels the committee's evaluations and recom-
mendations of the educational staff to be valid.
Presently the House Plan is working rather
well, but if the Inquiry committee's recom-
mendations should be adopted by the IHC and
Board of Governors, it would function even
-Joel Berger

WASHINGTON - D e m o crats
took a long step toward
throwing away two of their chie
campaign issues - "giveaways'
and helping small business -
when a top Democrat, Congress-
man Carl Vinson of Georgia, buck.
ed and bristled over giving a hear-
ing to the Small Business Com-
mittee regarding the sale of 11
government-owned synthetic rub-
ber factories.
Vinson was all set to join witl
the Ikeites in handing the synthe-
tic rubber factories over to the big
tire and oil companies when his
fellow Democrat, Wright Patman
of Texas, blew the whistle.
Patman, as chairman of the
House Small Business Committee,
had prepared a resolution with his
colleague, Sid Yates of Illinois,
pointing to the unfairness of the
synthetic rubber giveaway. But
Chairman Vinson of the Armed
Services Committee didn't want
to listen. He even challenged Pat-
man's veracity, which to a Texan
of integrity is tantamount to high
"Mr. Patman, we are delighted
to have you here this morning,"
the Georgian gushed as the hear-
ings opened.
"Thank you, Mr. Chairman," re-
plied Patman, "I shall make - --
"Wait a minute," cut in Vinson.
"Before you start, for the record,
I want to find out-are you speak-
ing in behalf of the Small Busi-
ness Committee, and by direction
of that committee, or are you
speaking in your individual capa-
city as a member of Congress?"
"My committee has had no time
to call a meeting." replied Pat-
man. "But I was assured by a ma-
jority of members of my commit-
tee that I could speak for them.
In addition, I conferred with the
ranking Republican member of
my committee."
Insulting A Texan
SUGGEST that the names of
the members who have auth-
orized Mr. Patman to speak for
them be inserted in the record,"
broke in Republican Congressman
Bates of Massachusetts.
"Don't you think that is going
very far, Mr. Chairman?" inquir-
ed Patman, angrily.
The meeting almost blew up at
this point as several members, in-
cluding Democrats Paul Kilday of
Texas and Mel Price of Illinois,
tried to be recognized by the
"We will get along very well if
everbody will be quiet," thundered
"Do I understand that you are
going to question the right of Mr.
Patman to appear before this com-
mittee?" demanded Kilday.
"No, sir," sputtered Vinson. "Not
at all. That wasn't even intimated
by any question of mine."
"I am not too sure that it was.
nt," rejoined Kilday of Texas.
"What was the purpose of your
question about his appearing for a
majority of the Small Business
"I just wanted the record to
show that he is not appearing by
direction of the committee, but
rather in behalf of a majority of
the committee," explained Vinson.
"Are you going to require him to
corroborate himself by placing in
the record the names of Small
Business Committee members he
is speaking for?" insisted Kilday.
"No," back tracked Vinson.
Gas Station Monopolies
PATMAN THEN explained how
his resolution, prepared by the
Small Business Committee, would
stop the sale of the rubber fac-
tories on March 26 as now sche-
duled by Eisenhower. Supporting
him, Congressman Yates present-

ed a masterful report which im-
pressed even hostile, committee
Yates showed that under the
Eisenhower rubber sale, 87%/2 per
cent of all rubber production
would be in the hands of the big
four tire companies, who worked
together to controf the sale of
Shell Oil, for instance, which
takes over the government rubber
factory in Los Angeles, has a con-
tract with Goodyear and Firestone
to sell them rubber; then Good-
year and Firestone turn round and
sell Shell tires. These tires are
distributed to the public through
Shell gasoline stations.
And Congressman Yates show-
ed how any Shell dealer who tries
to stock any other tire competing
with Goodyear or Firestone loses
his Shell franchise.
The Standard Oil Companies al-
so have a deal with U.S. Rubber to
make Atlas tires, sold exclusively
through Standard Oil filling sta-

Election Issues .. .
To the Editor:
IN THE PAST few days there has
been much talk, especially in
The Daily to the effect candidates
for SGC were presenting no issues
of importance to the voters.
I think there are vital issues in
this election. This letter is directed
to all who had some reservation
about SGC.
Two of the main issues I see
are the need for increasing the
number of elected representatives
who sit on SGC, and for writing
a constitution for SGC.
Perhaps the biggest objection
that most people had to SGC was
the constricted size of its elected
membership. I for one think 11
elected representatives is nowhere
near adequate to democratically
represent the many views one finds
on a campus this size.
The main function of a constitu-
tion for SGC would be to clearly
define just what its jurisdiction
and area of operation is. Unless a
constitution is written, the Board
of Review may impede any action
taken by SGC, not on the basis of
the merits of the issue involved,
but simply on the grounds that
this action was not within SGC's
jurisdiction. Thus, any action of
SGC the Review Board didn't like
could be stopped by invoking the
"jurisdiction argument." Without
a constitution to clearly delineate
SGC's purview, this problem will
be forever present.
Both an increase in the number
of elected representatives and a
written constitution for SGC are
needed if SGC is to operate effec-
Paul Dormont
* * ,*
Arab Attacks . .
To the Editor:
BETWEEN September 1954 and
February 1, 1955 Egypt has
been condemned on 27 occasions
by the Mixed Armistice Commis-
sion for violationos of the Israel-
Egypt Armistice Agreement. These

"Occasions" include armed attack,
murder and sabotage. On January
21, an Egyptian army unit drew
up and started firing across the
armistice line. Three days
later the Egyptians were condemn-
ed by the Israel-Egypt Mixed Ar-
mistice Commission and a few
hours after this statement the
Arabs again attacked-this time
from the Gaza strip into the set-
tlement of Ein Hashlosha. Two
men working in the fields were
ambushed, one killed and the oth-
er wounded. These are just a few
in a procession of border incidents
resulting in maim and murder.
Internally, Egypt persecuted sev-
eral innocent persons. As a result
of "questioning" Elias Cremona,
died under torture, Max Bennett
committed suicide, Victorine Nino
threw herself from a window dur-
ing the "interrogation." The
French Consul-General in Cairo
attended the "trial" and reported
seeing the marks of brutality on
Moshe Marzouk - French citizen.
Mr. Roger Baldwin, Chairman of
the International League for the
Rights of Man, who was in Cairo
at that time said the charges of
espionage and sabotage were
"childish and irrational."
It is probably the first time in
history that seven nations march-
ed against one small nation, 262
miles in length and 50 miles wide,
and still went down to an ignoble
Arabs started it, lost it, and to a
nation the size of Connecticut. I
would suggest that the next time
the Arab League selects a target
for its brutality it should pick on
a country even smaller than Israel
-if it can find one-maybe it
will have better luck.
-Shulamith Lakin
SGC Attitudes..,.
To the Editor:
ONE MIGHT think from the tone
and content of letters printed
in The Daily Tuesday, that the
vast majority of SGC candidates
were completely unqualified for
the office they hope to gain. It
seems to be forgotten that out of
forty SL members, less than nine
are running for election to SGC.
It may be that the other fourteen
candidates are comparatively in-
experienced, but it also may be
that 'we have a positive attitude
towards the success of SGC and
the support of the faculty and ad-
ministration, along with a vital
interest in and desire to work for
the ultimate success and power of
SGC is a new organization; per-
haps new attitudes towards the
ability of SGC to work with the
faculty and administration, and a
desire to do so, wil do more than
the negative, experienced attitude
expressed so often.
Certainly, condemning the peo-
ple who have taken the initiative
to run for SGC at this point will
be not nearly so effective as pre-
senting constructive suggestions
from the basis of this experience
they claim so necessary.
-Lois Taterka
* * *
Call to Greatness ..
To the Editor:
DOES Mr. Holloway really believe
that the West Point "code" is
a lot of malarkey? Did such great
men as Eisenhower, MacArthur,
Bradley, etc. waste their time pat-
terning their lives to this code so
that we and the generations to
come might enjoy the privilege of
freedom? "The Long Gray Line"
is one of the finest motion pictures
that has come to Ann Arbor in
quite some time. It tries to illus-
trate to the public a tradition that


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 113
Meeting of the University Staff. Gen-
eral staff meeting at 4:15 p.m. Mon.,
March 21, in Rackham Lecture Hall.
President Hatcher will discuss the state
of the University. All members of the
University staff, academi and non-
academic, are invited.
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
wed., March 16, from 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Candidates for fall orientation leaders
.nay sign up now in the Student Offces
of the Michigan Union between 3:00
and 5:00 p.m. Male students only,
Frosh Weekend. Publicity Committee,
Maize Team-All committee members
that did not sign up last week for one
of two sub-committees, Posters or
Stunts and Skits, are asked to do so
this week, in the Undergraduate Office
of the League. Meeting times for these
separate committees are posted on the
sign-up sheets and will also be listed
in the Daily. Every member must at-
tend the meeting of her committee next
week or contact Jeanne Tammi, 3001
Stockwell or Margaret Decker, 3068
Alice Lloyd.
Driving Permit Holders are hereby ad-
vised of their responsibility to register
1955 license numbers with the Office of
Student Affairs by April 1, 1955. Fail-
ure to so advise this office will be con-
sidered a vioation of the University
automobile regulation and will be dis-
ciplined accordingly.
Michigan League has openings for part
time cashiers mostly week ends. For
further information call at Michigan
Tues., March 15-
Roseville, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Early Elementary.
Royal Oak, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
All fields.
Wed. March 16-
Coronado, California-Teacher Needs:
All fields.
Clarkston, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Commercial, English, Industrial Arts,
Mathematics, 'Kindergarten, Early and
Later Elementary.
Monroe, Michigan -- Teacher Needs:
High School - Speech, dramatics and
English; Swimming and Physical Edu-
cation (Women); Mathematics and
Driver Training; Public Librarian.
Junior High-English, Social Studies
and Journalism.
Elementary - Kindergarten, First,
Fourth and Sixth Grades.
Dearborn, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
All fields.
Thurs., March 17-
Detroit, Michigan -Teacher Needs-
All fields. There will be a; general meet-
ing at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday in Room
3A, Michigan Union for all those who
are interested in receiving information
about the Detroit Public Schools. He
will talk to Juniors and Sophomores
Fri., March 18-
Saginaw, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Early and Later Elementary.
The following Public School systems
are interested in teachers in the follow-
ing fields:
Albion, Michigan-Early Elementary,
Social Studies and Arithmetic.
Bear Lake, Michigan -- (ear Lake
Rural Agricultural School) Band, Sci-
ence and 7th Grade Teacher.
Charlotte, Michigan-All fields.
Crystal Falls, Michigan-Vocal Music
and Homemaking.
Davison, Michigan - (Davison Agri-
cultural School)-All fields.
Deckerville, Michigan - Industrial
Arts, Commercial, Social Science with
English minor; English with Latin and
French minor and Mathematics; Early
and Later Elementary.
Grant, Michigan - Elementary; 8th
Grade; Combination 7th and 8th and
Assistant Coach; Social Science, can as-
sist coach; Home Economics.
Hersey, Michigan-(Hersey Township
Agricultural Schoo)-Jr. High teacher
able to handle some coaching, Kinder-
garten able to handle vocal Music or
Jr. High Classes.
Hessel and Cedarville, Michigan-Lat-
er Elementary; Commercial; mathemat-
leg and Science

Ironwood, Michigan - Music (String
Manchester, Michigan-Music (Vocal)
Onekama, Michigan - Mathematics
with some work in Agriculture (Man)
Band and Chorus (Man).
Warren, Michigan-( Warren Consoli-
dated Schools) All fields.
The following Out-of-State represen-
tatives are interested 'in teachers in
the following fields:
Cochise County, Arizona (centered
proba~bly in the city of Douglas) -
Speech Therapist.
Yuma, Arizona - Speech Therapist.
Arvin, California - Early and Later
Elementary; Vocal Music.
Rocky Ford, Colorado - All fields.
Miami, Florida - Physical Education
(Girl's); Physical Education (Boy's).
Barrington, Illinois - Speech Correc-
New Haven, Indiana - Physical Edu-
cation and Gymnastics (High School-
Eveleth, Minnesota - (Junior Col-
lege) - Zoology and Anatomy.
Henderson, Nevada - Ill fields.
Bound Brook, New Jersey - All fields.
Holland, New York - All fields.
New York, New York - Job -Opportu-
nities with the Presbyterian National
Missions - all fields.
Selkirk, New York - Elementary; In-
dustrial Arts and Art.
Rossford, Ohio - Art; Girl's Physical
Education; Third and Fourth Grade.
Lakeview, Oregon - All fields.
Butler, Pennsylvania - Speech Thera-
West Liberty, West Virginia -- (West
Liberty State College). Zoology; Phys-
ics-Man preferred; Journalism, Publici-

summer ob opportunities listed with
us will be presented.
Tau Beta Community House, Colum-
biaville, Mich. will interview male can-
didates for General & Special counsel-
ing positions on Wed., March 23 be-
ginning at 2:00 p.m. Salary ranges from
$150-250; season from June 15 to Aug.
12. Candidate must be 19 or over and
have a health certificate. Prefer some-
one with previous experience. Transpor-
tation prodived from Community House
in Hamtramck & return. If interested
in being interviewed call Bureau of Ap-
pointments, NO 2-1511, Ext. 2614.
Firestone, Akron, Ohio will take ap-
plications from men for their Ware-
house. Write direct to Donald Olson,
Personnel Director, Akron, Ohio. If
interested in selling for Firestone on
,commission for the summer Mr. Olson
suggests that you apply at the Branch
Office in the area in which you would
like to work.
Scott Paper Company, Chester, Pa.
will take applications from Engineering
students for technical employment for
summer work.
Michigan Bell Telephone Company,
Detroit, Mich. is interested in receiving
applications from Electrical Eng. stu-
dents and physicists for summer em-
Red River Arsenal Ordnance Corps,
Texarkana, Texas has two openings for
summer employment in the Statistical
Quality Control field. The work will dea
with statisticl decision and the appli-
cation of higher mathematics to the
management field. Salary Approx.
$321.00 bi-weekly.
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of
New York, needs a typist or stenogra-
pher and a man to do actuaril work
for the summer. Contact Mr. Me Intyer
or Mr. Hyer directly at their New York
International Harvester Co. Toledo,
Ohio will take applications from cand-
dates interested in sales. They have a
drawing acct-commission arrangement
f or summer sales. Write direct to Mr.
P. W. Gorman, Sales Promotion Super-
visor, International Harvester Co., 43
Fearing St., Toledo, Ohio.
Traverse City, Mich. (Boy Camp)
needs a siling counselor (salary range
$200-250 for 6 week period) and a eoot
(feed 65-70, salary $55 week, Wed, aft-
ernoon & Sunday afternoon off) Con-
tact Mr. Joe Gembis, 16545 Huntingto.
Road, Det. 19, Mich. (KE- 1-2399)
Camp Fairwood, Bellaire, Mich., Boys
camp, needs male counselors for Sail-
ing, Riding, Riflery, Tennis & Arphery.
Salary range from $400 for Junior, Sen-
ior or Grad, students to $250-300 for
Freshmen or Sophomores Assistant
Counselors. Contact Mr. M. jr. Eder,
5699 Belmont Avenue, Cincinnati 24,
Hiram House Camp, Moreland Hills,
Ohio (15 miles from Cleveland) needs
Unit leaders, Cabin Counselors, Riding
counselors. Salary range from $150-400;
season, June 15 to Aug. 29. Also have
full-time openings for trained & un-
trained Group Workers beginning Sept.
1955. For these positions they are in-
terested in college grads as well es
graduates of the Graduate School of
Social Work. Salary ranges from $3000
to $3800. Contact Mr. Henry B. Ollen-
dorff, Ex. Dir., The Neighborhood Set-
tlement Association of Cleveland, 410
Cuyahoga Savings Bldg., 2123 East 9th
St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Mon., March 21-
Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc., Mel-
rose Park, Ill.-B.S. & M.S. in Elect. N.
and Physics for Research, Development,
and Design.
Chrysler Corp., Chryl1er Institute of
Engrg., Detroit, Mich.-B.S. in- Chem,
E. and Metal. E. for Graduate Training
Clevite Corp, Cleveland Graphite
Bronze Co., Cleveland, Ohio-B.S. in
Ind. E., B.S. & M.S. in Mech., Metal,,
and Chem. E. for Design, Dev., Produc-
tion, and Sales.
Mich. Chem. Corp., St. Louis, Mich.-
B.S. & M.S. in Chem. E. for Process
Engrg., Pilot Plant
U.S. Govt., U.S. Army Ordnance, Pe-
atinny Arsenal, Dover, N.J .-all levels
in Elect., Mech., Chem. E., B.8. in Ind.,
Aero., and Metal. E. for Summer &Reg-
ular Research, Design, Dev., Production,
U.S. citizens only.
Perfect Circle Corp., Hagerstown, Ind.
-B.S. in Mech., Elect., & Metl. E. for
Summer & Regular Manufacturing &
Preston Labs., Butler, Penn.-B.S. &
M.S. in Mech. E. and Physics for Re-
search & Experimental Stress Analysis.
Mon., Tues., March 21 & 22-
General Dynamics Corp., Convair Div.,
San Diego, Calif .-all levels of Aero,
Civil, Elect., Mech. E., Engrg. Mch,
and Physics for Research. Dev, Analy-
sis, Tests.
Tues. March 22-

Crane Co., Detroit, Mich.-B.S. in
Ind., Mech., and Chem. E. for Summer
and Regular Sales.
Allied Chem. & Dye Corp., penoL.
Chem. Div.,-River Rouge, Mich.B.S.
& M.S. in Mech., Chem. E., and Chem
for Summer and Regular Research,
Sales, and Production.
Internat'l Tel. & Tel. Corp., Federal
Telecommunication Labs., Nutley, N.J.-
All levels of Elect. E. and Physics for
Research & Dev. U.S. citizens only.
I-T-E Circuit Breaker Co., Phila.,
Penn.--any degree candidate interested
for Sales.
The Ohio Crankshaft Co., Tosco Div.,
Cleveland, Ohio-B.S. i n Elect, and
Mech. E. for Application, Dev., Re-
search, Sales. Male, U.S. citizens only.
Tues. & Wed., March 22 & 23-
Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.--aU
levels of Ind. and Mech. E. for Design,
Research, and Testing.
For appointments contact -the Engrg.
Placement Office, Ext. 2182, Room 248
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., Mfarch 22-
Washington Nat'l. Insurance Co., Of-
fices in various locations,-LS&A and
BusAd men & women for Salaried Sales
for Group Dept.
Reynolds Metals Co., Various locations
--LS&A and BusAd men for Accounting,
Production Control, Labbr, Relations,
Sales and Production.
Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Co.,
Chicgo,Il.-men for positions in Un-
derwriting, Claim Adjusting, Account-
ing, Statistics, SAfety Engrg., Auditing,
and as Special Agents. No specific major





si /

At Hill Auditorium ...
Herbert von Karajan, conductor.
PROGRAM: Mozart, Symphony in D major,
K. 385; Wagner, Prelude and Love-Death
from Tristan und Isolde; Brahms, Sym-
phony No. 1 in C minor.
THE untimely death of the great Wilhelm
Furtwangler brought to the directorship of
the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra the younger
but no lesser musical personality of Herbert
von Karajan. The elegant and expressive man-
ner in which von Karajan handles his music,
as well as his large and varied repitoire, places
him with the few really great conductors of
our time.
The Berlin Philharmonic*has for many years
been top rank, and their concept of sound

never tubby or distorted. The most notable
sounds come from the wind section with the
brass players using smaller instruments and
the reeds producing a crystaline quality of
The program opened with the Mozart, which
was played with a small orchestra and paced to
perfection. The Wagner left the audience gasp-
ing for breath. The sounds produced in the
Prelude were unbelieveable, rich in quality
and with a clarity similar to a fine baroque
The great C minor Symphony of Brahms
ended the program, and in this work the genius
of von Karajan was most apparent. His ap-
proach was conceived on so expansive a scale
that details could be dwelt upon with great
care while the whole span of the work un-
folded with a near-intolerable beauty. The

Sixty-Fifth Year.
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