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March 16, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-16

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I:1 Ai46F

Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, COLDER





Ike's Party
Wins Major
Tax Battle
Five Democrats
Side With GOP
cratic proposal to cut income taxes
900 million dollars a year was re-
jected by the Senate yesterday on
'a 50-44 rolcall vote.
Forty-five Republicans and five
Democrats joined forces to defeat
the proposal and give the Eisen-
hower Administration its biggest
round so far in the current battling
over taxes.
The Senate then proceeded to
pass on a voice vote a bill extend-
ng present corporate income and
v major excise tax rates for another
year from April 1. This is just what
the Administration wanted.
Now the legislation must go back
to the House, which approved the
tax rate extensions but added a
provision which would have re-
duced the tax bill of every income
tax payer and dependent by $20
Democratic Amendment
Senate Democratic leaders had
offered an amendment as a com-
promise of the House-passed bill.
It would have given a large group
of taxpayers $20 income tax cuts
next year, plus $10 for each de-
pendent except a spouse. It was
drawn to benefit mostly families
earning under $5,000 a year.
There were predictions by some
legislators that HIouse spokesmen
would put up a strong last-ditch
stand for their plan in a Senate-*
House conference committee.
But House Republican leaders
will try to get the chamber to go
along with the Senate version, and
send the extension legislation to
the President speedily.
Report Ike Pleased
The White House said President
Dwight D. Eisenhower was pleased
with the Senate's action yesterday.
In bitter debate which preceded
the showdown, opponents of any
tax reduction at this time called
the Democratic plan "nonsense
and a hoax." They also charged
it was presented "in the name of
political expediency."
Supporters argued in vain it
would distribute the tax burden
more evenly, push up purchasing
power and actually increase reve-
nues by withdrawing some tax
relief given to corporations and
stockholders last year.
By rejecting the whole compro-
mise, the Senate voted to keep on
the law books the relief for cor-
porations and stockholders.
Trophy Return
Still Mystery
Athletic Department representa-
tives here yesterday maintained si-
lence on the return of Paul Bun-
yan to his pedestal.
Athletic Director Herbert O.
(Fritz) Crisler, who was expected
to fill in details of Athletic Pub-
licity Director Les Etter's skeleton
report of the trophy's "mysterious
return," had no word for report-
ers yesterday.
"The only thing I will say to
you,"Crisler remarked, "is that
it's back."
He refused to say who took the

wooden statue, who found it or
how it was returned.
Rumors continued to attribute
the theft to University students
and hinted the trophy's return was
not entirely voluntary but may
have been prompted by University
Concerring the future of this
symbol of Michigan - Michigan
State rivalry, the gift of Gov. G.
Mennen Williams, Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea mentioned some
talk about devoting special space
for the trophy in the new Athletic





}Voting Continues
Through Today
Rossner Predicts 6,500 Total;
Rainstorm Closes Booths Early
In face of threatening skies and a late afternoon rainstorm only
3,200 students voted yesterday in thee first of the two-day all cam-
pus election.
Voting continues from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the 16 polling
booths located around campus. No rain is forecast but temperatures
are expected to hover in the 30's.
Elections director Ruth Rossner, '55, emphasizing Wednesday is
usually a better voting day than Tuesday, still hopefully predicted an
overall two-day vote of 6,500.

Pleased With Tour,
Von Karajan Says
"I never think of what is being said about the Orchestra," Her-
bert von Karajan, conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
said yesterday.
Von Karajan would not reply to other questions regarding his
Nazi affiliations, but referred to comments made upon his arrival
in New York. February 23. He made no public statement of his
attitudes when he arrived in this +----

Rain Accused
Miss Rossner who forecast a first day vote of 4,000 blamed the
p.m. to 5 p.m. rain for loss of around 400 votes.
All booths were closed after thee-

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
... Polio scientist

Enders Asks
Polio Study
Famed poliomyelitis scientist Dr.
John Enders of Harvard Universi-
ty and Children's Hospital, Boston,
said yesterday scientists must con-
tinue to studio pqlio viruses even if
Salk vaccine is a success.
Delivering the annual Don W.
Gudenkunst Memorial Lecture, the
Nobel Prize winner said "there is
high prospect that active investi-
gation into polio viruses will con-
tinue even if Dr. Francis' evalua-
tion of Salk vaccine proves suc-
Dr. Enders told a large audi-
ence, "We have found that nearly
every living cell succumbs to po-
lio virus."
This, the soft spoken medical
man claimed, indicates that nerv-
ous tissue is not the only food that
feeds virus.
Much Work. Necessary
The Harvard scientist noted that
much work is necessary to improve
and purify Salk vaccine.
"Ultimately," he said, "it may
be desirable to innoculate humans
with attenuated or weakened liv-
ing virus before the population
can be expected to reach a satis-
factory level of immunity."
"Orphan Viruses"
A hushed audience heard Dr.
Enders speak of "orphan viruses,"
viruses which seem to produce
symptoms like paralytic polio.
"There may be in addition to the
three known types of polio virus
still a fourth ytpe," Dr. Enders
Despite remarkable progress in
the past few years, Dr. Enders re-
porte;, the "ideal system of cul-
turing virus has not yet been de-
vised." Because of high costsand
limited quantity of monkeys, whose
kidneys now provide a base for
growing virus, other methods will
have to be tried.
Dr. Enders listed, as possible
media, eye cornea, human liver
and selected human embryo mate-
rial. Dr. Enders received the No-
bel Prize
Dr. Enders concluded his lecture
by commenting,'""It can be seen
that research in polio is not in the
terminal stage."

Gerhart von Westerman, man-A
ager of the Orchestra disavowed
any Nazi sympathies. He said he
and von Karajan had been mem-
bers of the Nazi party in the Hit-
ler days only because they had to
be, being in quasi-public positions.
Cleared1by Authorities
Von Karajan and other ex-Nazi
members in the Orchestra were
cleared by de-Nazification proced-
ures and by the United States
State Department before they ar-
rived in this country.
Referring to numerous protests
von Karajan said "musicians are
not politicians. They think not -in
terms of politics, but only in
terms of melody and rhythm.'
As for the Nazi atrocities von
Karajan said "I took no active
part in the hideous Nazi technique
of terror, and during the war I
performed the most heinous act
of all-I dared to marry a Jewess."
Overwhelming Response
"I have been pleased with the
reception to our concerts in this
country," he said. "It has been
quite overwhelming." The Orches-
tra performed to a sold-out house
including standing room in Hill
Auditorium yesterday.
When asked if he felt that the
Orchestra has shown that music
and politics are not connected,von.
Karajan said that "I am not con-
cerned about anything except the
concert. But look at the Orchestra
members when they play and you
will get 'your answer."
Another basis for protests has
been the playing of "Deutschland
Uber Alles" at concerts. Von Kara-
jan said that this is a misconcep-
tion. The Orchestra did not play
"Deutschland Uber Alles," but a.
new anthem of West Germane,
based on a .'ymn by Haydn with .
new text an.1 new words.
No de.e"'stration occurred be-
fore, during, or after the concert,
although many people in the sec-
ond balcony refused to stand for
the German anthem.
With the possibility of demon-
stration due to local protests, a
police sergeant was stationed
Humphrey Tells
Stock Probe Fear
WASHINGTON (R) - Secretary
of the Treasury George M. Hum-
phrey said yesterday the Senate
stock market investigation might
deal a blow to public confidence in
the American economy.
But Chairman James W. Ful-
bright (D-Ark.) of the Senate
Banking Committee said he would
not be "dissuaded" from continu-
ing the inquiry.

Few Eligible
For Driving
(EDITOR'S NOTE -- This Is the
fourth in a series of interpretive
articles on the University driving
ban. Today's article discusses the
regulations governing the use of au-
tomobiles by students.)
If you happen to fall in a fa-
vored category, you may be al-
lowed to operate your prized car
while pursuing academic life at
the University.
Two general categories exist for
driving permits: the exempt and
the special.
Exemption gives you full, free
rein with your automobile. To
qualify for one of these permits,
you must be (1) either 26 years of
age or older or (2) have a faculty
rating of teaching fellow or high-1
Exemption Not Automatic
There is great emphasis in the
regulations placed on the fact
that "exemption is not granted
automatically, but is 'given upon
personal request."
This means you must register
your car at the Office of Student
Affairs in the Administration or
face a possible fine.
A favored few-perhaps 1,500 a
year-also qualify in the other cat-
egory of "special" permits. As with
the exempt sticker, it is not grant-
ed automatically but only on ap-
plication to the Office of Student
Special driving privileges may be
granted within these classifica-
Special' Categories
1) Married use, for married st-u-
dents under 26.
2) Family use, for residents of
this area living at home.
3) Commuting use, for students
living beyond reasonable walking
distance (one and a half miles)
from campus.
4) Business use, for students
needing a car in their employment}
or to get to the job and back. !
5) Health and limited social use,
for physically handicapped stu-'
Assistant to the Dean of Men
Karl Streiff points out that nei-
ther of the above permits carries
University parking lot privileges.
Such a violation may cost you a
$1 parking fine plus a fine for vi-
olating the driving regulation. j

--Daily-Dick Gaskil
SICKNESS AND HEALTH--Voter apathy wasn't found among
guests of the Health Service infirmary yesterday, when the Union
and InterFraternity Council joined to distribute ballots to hospital-
ized students. Shown voting here are Carol Ford, '56A&D, and Eve-
lyn Jacoby, '57, as Russ McKennan, '57E, Union representative,
looks on.
Committees To Discuss
MSC Name Situation
A special committee of University Board of Regents members
will meet a representative committee from Michigan State College
tomorrow to attempt a solution of the MSC name change controversy.
Michigan State is claiming that it could be called a "University"
since its plant and functions now fulfill qualifications of that title.
The University has been arguing that much a name change would
be an infringement on our name, and would cause confusion.
University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday released a state-
ment in which he stated the Uni- G'

rain started.
Last spring when elections were
also held Tuesday and Wednesday
3,500 ballots were cast the first
day. 6,0091 voted during the two
In December when the Student
Government Council referendum
and SL elections were held Wed-
nesday and Thursday, 4,000 voted
the first day and 6,741 over the
two day period.
Health Service Policy
Underdirection of 'Russ McKen-
nan, '57E of the Union staff ap-
proximately 20 students confined
to Health Service were given
chances to vote yesterday.
According to Miss Rossner con-
finees to health service have nev-
er voted In all-campus elections
Student Legislature members
will begin counting ballots at 6
p.m. today in Club 600 and ad-
joining rooms of South Quadran-
Student Government Council
ballots will be counted in Club 600.
Twenty - three candidates are
running for 11 elected SGC posi-
tions. The top six on the ballot
tonight will serve one year terms
on the new student government"
while the other five get half-year
More Elections In Fall
Elections for the five positions
will be held again next fall with
the winners receiving one year
terms. From then on bi-yearly SGC
elections will be held for one year
Both station WCBN, the Quad-
rangle radio network, and WHRV
will broadcast elebtion returns to-
Although the definite time
schedule hasn't been worked out,
WHRV will start broadcasting late
in the evening and continue until
going off the air at 12:05 a.m. to-


versity's position:,
"If Michigan State College of
Agriculture and Applied Science
will choose another name not in
conflict with that of the old and
established state University of1
Michigan, and if that name is not
in violation of the state constitu-
tion, the University of Michigan
will not oppose it, but support it1
College Should Avoid
"The University," he continued,
"does consider the proposed desig-
nation of the College of Michigan
State University an unfortunate -
infringement which the College
should be eager to avoid as the
state University itself.
The legal question arises from
two sections in the state consti- i
In Article XI, Section 8, the1
State Board of Agriculture is giv-
en supervision of "the College." In 3
Article P, Section 5. the constitu-
tion provides that the Legislature
should support "a" University.
Branch Proposal1
A letter sent to Robert O. Mor-
gan of the alumni association by
University alumnus George Gold-
See 0U', MSC, Page 4
!Senate Requests
Radio, TV Plans
Of State Schools
LANSING, (R)-Heads of state-
supported colleges and universities
are being asked by the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee today to
'detail their television and radio
broadcasting plans.
The committee presented to offi-
cials of the University a letter from
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field), its chairman who is absent:
because of auto accident injuries.
The committee said the same re-,
quest would be given to other in-
stitutions and that the University
was first only because its officials
were on hand for budget talks.
Porter asked the committee to
"place special emphasis" on budg-
ets for any institution engaging in;
the radio and television field.
S1 i r T) A1 0_.

Phi Ep Given
Admission of Phi Epsilon Pi ass
a "colony" to the fraternity sys-
tem here was approved by the
Fraternity Presidents' Assembly
last night.
The move must next go to the
Student Government Council for
final ratification. If approved, the
colony will begin functioning in,
September. 'I
At the same time, the group
moved to allow suspension as it
may see fit of any or all 11 quali-
fications for possible final ad-
mittance in 1956. The qualifica-
tions were decided during an In-
terfraternity Council executive
meeting Thursday.
Also during the meeting it was
announced that Walt Kelly, crea-
tor of the Pogo comic strip, willE
be featured speaker of the April
16 Greek Week picnic in "Yost
Field House.
With one dissenting vote the
Presidents moved to have the fra-
ternity system support the embryo
co-operative food buying plan
from this month through June.
During the meeting it was an-
nounced that the Junior IFC will
meet for the first time in its his-{
tory in a fraternity house.

Tells Details
Of New Plan
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, as
the third in a series on the proposed
new city charter, discusses some of
the big decisions the commission.
Ann Arbor's Charter Reviso
Commission faced many big deci-
signs along the way.
Several issues threatened to ere-
ate organized opposition to the
charter in the coming April 4 ele-
Appointment by the mayor of
Ann Arbor's seven representatives
to the county board of supervisors
was one of the most controversial
decisions the commission made.
Supervisors are now elected on a
ward basis.
"They're no longer legislators-
merely administrators of county
government, is the way Commis-
'sion Chairman Lawrence Ouimet
explained the decision.
Charter Trend
Prof. Arthur Bromage of the po-
litical science department, a for.
mer alderman, said there is "a
trend in modern cnarters toward
appointing county supervisors rep-
resenting the city." He compared
the supervisors to "a board of de.
rectors rather than a lawmaking
Temporary replacement of "peo-
ple who go away to Florida" was
cited by commission member Prof.
Robert Angell of the sociology de-
partment as another reason for
the decision. "It's very important
to get people on there who have
closer contact with the city," Prof.
Angell added.
Some citizens, including several
supervisors, have opposed the plan
as undemocratic. They also criti-
cized the original proposal to have
all the supervisors appointed at
A compromise was reached
whereby one supervisor is appoint-
ed from each of the five wards.
The city assessor and a supervisor
See CHARTER, Page 4
U.S May Use
Small Atomic
Arms: Dulles
E WASHINGTON (A)- Secretar
of State John Foster Dulles sai
yesterday he believes the United
States will use small atomic weap-
ons against military targets In any
new major military action.
He implied that American
' forces in the Far East might use
such weapons if President Dwight
D. Eisenhower decides to defend
the offshore islands of Quemoy
and Matsu against Chinese Com-
munist attack.
Dulles spoke out about the gov-
ernment's possible atomic war,
strategy in answering questions at
his first news conference since
returning from his Far Eastern


Spud Queen
The National Potato Council
yesterday asked The Daily to
help it select a national Potato
,The Council said that the
Potato Queen is selected from
"students at colleges of agricul-
ture throughout the nation."
Interested students may pick
up entry blariks at The Daily

Claude Rains To Give'Enoch A rden'

Noted stage and screen star Claude Rains will present a program
of dramatic readings with musical accompaniment at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Entitled "Great Words to Great Music," the program is sponsored
by the University Oratorical Society.
"Enoch Arden," by Tennyson, will be the featured presentation.
Musical arrangement was composed by Richard Strauss 30 years ago
for a similar presentation.
Other selections on the program include "On the Harmfulness
of Tabacco" by Anton Chekov, "Journey of the Magi" by T. S. Eliot, a

Five Colleges To Debate
Status for Red China
By DICK SNYDER bidding West Point and Annapolis
"Resolved: That the U.S. Should participation, University President
Extend Diplomatic Recognition to Harlan H. Hatcher said last fall
Red China." that "the midshipmen are' under
Students from the University strict military discipline and are
and four other colleges will take in a service which is traditionally
part in debate on this question to- policy-enforcing, not policy-mak-
day in various speech classes. ing.
Other schools represented in the Annapolis Case
all-day, cross-question debate will "Such an order would be incred-
be Alma College, Wayne Universi- ible if applied to other .schools,"
ty, Michigan State Normal and he continued, "but in regard to the
Western Reserve. Each school will Naval Academy you must consider

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