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March 13, 1955 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-13

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S NDAY, r4ARCH 13, 1955



Give Vews on SGC Scope, Parties, Orgat


(Continued from Page 2)

the University calendar. I would
like to work for a "dead weekend"
prior to final examinations even
if this may exclude the possibility
of a "meaningful" commencement.
In regard to women's hours, I
would like to see extended closing
hours in women's residences, with
responsibility for their enforce-
ment placed on these student gov-
ernmental groups within the hous-
ing units.
I am particularly interested in
the relationship of the American
and foreign student on campus
and therefote welcome the addi-
tion of other campus organizations
to student government, so that
we can strive to bring about great-
er participation of the American
student in the foreign student's
Public relations is the area
which will need the most emphasis
by SGC. It is vital that the
student body knows, at all times,
what SGC is doing. The stud-
ents must be informed and ex-
press their opinion on matters
because student government has
more power than ever before, and
therefore will be making signifi-
cant final decisions.
Tom Sawyer
TOM SAWYER-Interfraternity
1. The general scope of SGC
activities has been set up in the
SGC proposal. SGC is a policy or-
ganization legislating and deter-
mining policy in t e best inter-
ests of the student body, and rep-
resenting student feelings on is-
sues to the University administra-
tion. SGC powers should not be
limited to their constitution, but
should be extended wherever rep-
resentation of student opinion is
2. SCcannot gain respect by
the extent of its legislation. Its
legislation should be in regard to
important campus and student is-
sues only. The SAC duties must be
carefully integrated into SGC. The
help, opinions, and cooperation of
other student organizations is sore-
ly needed. Housing and the driv-
ing ban are issues which need im-
mediate student.
3. Except for recognition of new
organizations, and approval of
constitution changes, the opera-
tions of campus organizations
should be autonomous from SOC.
The groups should be encouraged
to solve their own problems. These
groups should be open to sugges-
tions by SGC in order to improve
their services to the student body.
4. Political parties are unneces-
sary on this campus, especially
with a body as small as SGC.
There are not sufficient campus
issues or diverse enough feeling on
issues to develop two equally
strong parties. They could even-
tually cause an artificial split det-
rimental to student government.

5. The Book Exchange and Cin-
ema Guild should remain as they
are now under the control of SGC.
The administrative wing should
bring in competent, interested stu-
doents from outside SGC with the
incentive of rising in the commit-
tee system. It would be desireable
to appoint both students and fac-
ulty to important study commit-
tees but only as the functional
need for them arises.

student opinion and with the in-
clusion of seven ex-officio mem-
bers along with the eleven elect-
ed members,,a high degree of rep-
resentation will be maintained.
Certainly, the integration of the
Council with the other campusor-
ganizations will be achieved. The
compact size of this group would
insure close attention to and un-
derstanding of campus issues. I
feel very definitely that the meet-
ings should be open and that pub-
lication of all official proceedings
in the DAILY is necessary.
2. I would like to have the is-
sues involving academic freedom
and bias clauses carefully exam-
ined. Academic freedom and non-
prejudice factors are extremely
vital considerations toward better-
ing conditions for the students. A
more progressive system of regis-
tration and an improved guidance
program, without so much of the
present red tape and ambiguity, is
needed. I cannot respect a rule
that is made and not enforced.
Therefore the present driving ban
should be dropped and a more
practical and efficient plan be set
up. In keeping with some of the
more mature views of other Big
Ten schools a policy of giving a
decided number of late permis-
sions to women particularly up-
perclassmen, who have maintain-
ed the necessary scholastic aver-
age could be feasible. More im-
portant though is that student
opinion should definitely be voic-
ed and considered.
3. The SGC should be supreme
over all other student 'organiza-
tions. The Council's functions
should include all the present
functions of SAC and should be
primarily concerned with all those
problems directly involving stu-
dents providing the basis for im-
provements on campus. This lat-
ter will chiefly depend upon the
optimistic attitude and caliber of
this first group of members.
4. Student political parties and
all other student groups could
play a very active role in student
government as the opening would
not only give them the opportunity
to hear Council member's ideas but
would enable them to give their
own opinions and recommenda-
5. Such,.projects as the Book Ex-
change, Cinema Guild, Homecom-
ing Dance and others are very
important and most certainly
should be continued. Some of
these could be delegated to other
student organizations. A possi-
bility of an interviewing commit-
tee composed of several elected
members plus several outside per-
sons could be devised. The group
could then interview and choose
various committees to undertake
these activities by themselves, but
responsible to the Council. Some
kind of administrative wing will
be necessary to take care of in-
numerable details that will arise
as well as aiding SGC in other

Union Veep Candidates Give
Views for Coming Elections


tions, and when necessary with-
drawal of such recognition; (2)
approving or rejecting activities
sponsored by students, and (3)
appointing members to certain
specified groups, as the Joint Ju-
diciary Council.
4. Student political parties
would not represent students as
well as possible. Representatives
on SGC should be acquainted with
the opinions of a large number of
students and reflect these opinions
on the Council. A political party
with a number of candidates would
represent the thought of a small

posal. This means they would take
over the jurisdiction of both SL
and SAC. This included the power
to recognize new campus organi-
zations to approve or deny stu-
dent sponsored activities and to!
make rules concerning the eligi-
bility necessary to participate to
extra-curricular activities other
than those of an athletic nature.
4. I strongly feel that student
political parties have no place in
SGC. Firstly the body is small and
it would be unwise to attempt any
form of voting block as a political
party would possibly provide.
5. It is likely the Cinema Guild
will be dealt out to committees
which will have to report to SGC
periodically. The Book Exchange
would probably be handled in the
same manner.
Joel Tauber
Student Legislature, Chairman
Campus Action Committee,
Chairman International Ex-
change Committee, Finance
Committee, Cinema Guild
Board, Freshman Football.
SGC is the University's first
government with both Regential
recognition and an overwhelming
support of the student body. The
functions of the organization will
be varied as it must replace both
SL and SAC. Among these func-
tions are to express student opin-
ion, to originate student projects,
to appoint student representatives
to approved committees and or-
ganizations, to recognize new cam-

greatly appreciated if you find my
beliefs in student government are
aligned witth yours. If however,
you fail to agree with my basic
principles find a candidate who
will represent your ideas and sup-
port him to your utmost. You vot-
ed for this government, now it's
your obligation to be sure that it
is handled efficiently, and effec-

Our Michigan Union, establish-
ed in 1904, is one of the most
permanent all-inclusive organiza-
tions for men on our campus.
Therefore, it should be a natural
center of campus entertainment,
and activity.-
Instead, there has been a gen-
eral feeling that the Union has
become a secondary, instead of a
primary, source for enjoyment and
business activity among fraternity
and independent men alike. With
the addition currently in the pro-
cess of being built, which will
house all student offices, the
Union will truly become' a place
for all.
* * *
I will carry out the policies that
the present board is investigating
and initiate new ones with caution
and scrutiny. The construction of
the Student Activities Center will
draw all activities out of the Un-
ion, except the Student Union Of-
fices. Consequently, the Union will
take on a more club atmosphere,
emphasizing the social aspect.
I would like to see dancing in
one of the new cafeterias and a
new lounge in the north lobby of
the Union; in the new addition a
music listening room, study rooms,
and meeting rooms.
" * 4
In the next two years, the Mich-
igan Union will be undergoing
radical changes in its plant. The
responsibility of the costs and con-
struction of this building is only
one of the duties of the Union
Board of Directors of which the
Vice-Presidents are members.
The Vice-Presidents form a
group on the Board of Directors
which is expected to represent
student opinion and ideas. The
Union needs men experienced in
Union and other campus activities
to keep Union policy truly gov-
erned by the students for which it
was meant.
I intend to accomplish the pur-
>ose of any student representative
on the Union Board of Directors
-see that what the students ex-
pect of the Union is considered
and effected, for the Union exists
only as a service to and for the
benefit for the University's male
The means of accomplishing this
purpose are many and varied. And
the most effective of them are not
of the type that one announces
beforehand, because they lose their
effectiveness thereby. Those means
and methods which I could out-
line would not be very meaning-
ful, since they would not be effec-
tive, due to which fact I would
probably not use them anyway.
* * *
A strong effort to bring our
Michigan Union closer to the stu-
dent body will be the main pur-
pose and aim of my policies, if I
am elected. By redecorating the
main lobby and the Pendleton
Library, we can do much to
achieve these ends. Preliminary
discussion by the Board of Dir-
ectors has already taken place
and I would like to see these ideas
carried througlt to completion.
A travel bureau is another de-
vice we can use to achieve our
purpose of bringing the Union and
the student body closer together,
along with many other ideas.
I believe that the Union should
expand its service function to the
students. To do this it needs to
keep a close connection to student
opinion. The Union's services
should be modernized, with a
strong attempt made to re-empha-

size its original purposes, services
to and for the student.
Expansion of old services, such
as the travel agency and estab-
lishment of new services, like co-
recreational night are included in
my platform.

Perhaps the gravest problem
with which I am intensely con-
cerned is the lack of integration
on campus between American and
foreign students. I have been
studying this problem and feel
that it's solution may in great
part be achieved through the work
of the Michigan Union.
Asecond serious consideration
is the task which SGC must face
in the future. SGC will need as-
sistance from outside campus
* *
Did you realize that $6 of your
tuition each semester is for the
Union and its services? Are you
receiving privileges and uses of
the facilities comparable to that
amount? It is my belief that only
a minority of the persons paying
this fee are actually receiving
benefits. Therefore, it is my de-
sire to set forth a program that
would serve a larger number of
men on this campus.
* * *
One of the purposes of the
Michigan Union, to quote Article
II of the Union Constitution is
"to provide a University social and
recreational center." As the Board
of Directors of the Union (on
which the Vice-Presidents serve)
constitutes t h e policy-making
body of the Union, I would, as
Vice-President, be in a position
to directly affect the policies
which determine the extent that
the purpose of providing a social
and recreational center would be
I believe that one o the most
adequate methods of ding this is
for the Union to sponsor more ac-
tivities of a co-educational na-
ture and to provide more facili-
ties designed for the use of men
and women together. These fa-
cilities would include listening
rooms, a snack bar, lounges, a
library, etc.
1200 students on campus are
foreigners. Most of them are
male and have direct contact with
the Union. As the International
Center is located in the Union
building, the utilities of the latter
are convenient means for carry-
ing the student 'activities.
We would like to have a more
direct contact with the American
students and work hand in hand
to the betterment of active rela-
tions between the two groups. The
International Students Associa-
tion with this concern in mind
has been working towaris a goal
of better integration and more
active cooperation between the
American and foreign students.
My two years of Union work, in-
cluding one on the Executive
Council, have given me an oppor-
tunitq to see first hand the scope
and effects of the many Union
projects. This experience has
shown me that despite the appeal
of the services they are not being
utilized by all segments of the
My chief aim, therefore, is to
get complete, efficient use of the
services being offered for all Un-
ion members and the campus in
general. This I intend to do if
elected by using my knowledge of
the Union for making careful de-
cisions on the Union Board of
* * *
A student vice-president has a
great responsibility in represent-
ing the voice of the students to
the Board of Directors of the
Michigan Union, and in present-
ing the ideas and decisions of the
board to the student body.
A vice-president must also have

a good background in knowledge
of how the Union operates and
what it offers the student so he
may make decisions that will
benefit the great majority of the
decisions that will benefits the
great majority of the students.

Hank Berliner1
Student Legislature, Delegate
to National Student Association
Congress, Sphinz, Phi Eta Sig-.
1. The scope of student govern-
ment extends as far as the base
upon which it is built. That base
is the desires and opinions of the
student body, manifested in their
elected and appointed representa-
tives, and modified by the general
welfare of the entire academicE
2. Undoubtedly, many people
will proclaim to work for the
"standard" goals i.e. removal of the
driving ban, establish student
bookstore, remove all regulations
of any kind etc. I will try to attain
those goals which best serve the
entire community by attempting
to cooperate, not compete, with
University officials.
3. Ideally student government
implies one ultimate structure:
centralized authority over all stud-
ent organizations. Practically, we
cannot ignore the years of tradi-
tion behind the major campus or-
ganizationsuntil such time as the
SGC proves that it can perform
the governmental function intel-
ligently and effectively.
4. While I do not believe in
restrictions on any group of stud-
ents interested in student govern-
ment, I am not convinced of the
value of campus political parties.
5. I favor the establishment of
appointed boards directly respon-
sible to SGC to govern Cinema
Guild and the Student Book Ex-
change. Executive Wing mem-
bers of the new student Govern-
ment should be integrated into
the committee system on a volun-
teer basis, encouraged by the other
campus organizations.
Finally, the success of student
government is in reality depend-
ent on the students themselves.
Their obligations did not termin-
ate with the ratification of the
SGC referendum, nor even with
the selection of certain repre-
sentatives. It extends to keeping
their representatives informed,
supplying opinions, ideas and hard
Raymond Sund
President of Inter-Guild, Union,
Phi Eto Sigma, Tau Beta Phi,
Phi Kappa Phi
1. The scope of the Student Gov-
ernment Council should include:
(1) the co-ordination and regula-

number of people in the party
more than it would represent all of
the students.
5. Some projects could be dele-
gated to existing campus organi-
zations, provided the groups are
capable and willing to do the
work. The other projects could be
handled by committees composed
of chairman from SGC and of
other students who are not on
Bob S path '
Student Legislature (executive
1. The scope of the SGC will be
a wide one. This derives from the
fact this body shall assume the
duties of SAC and SL. It will be
the job of SGC to consider all
those things of importance to the
student body.-
2. The first job that seems of
extreme importance is the prob-
lem of organization. The SGC has
many of its duties outlined in the
SGC proposal, but many ways of
doing great amounts of adminis-

Joe Simon
Student Legislature (executive
wing), Greek Week Commit-
I believe it is the job of student
government to be extremely aware
of current ideas, problems, and
opinions and to represent them by
its actions. But since the scope of
the SGC is so great having taken
over both the routine functions of
SAC and SL is must also be ex-
tremely aware of certain limita-
tions on its actions if it is to ac-
complish the job of serving the
I believe the limitations which
SGC should regard as affecting
its actions are:
1. Is it concerning itself with
the internal matters of individual
student groups without being ask-
ed to do so by those directly con-
2. Is it dealing in University
functions which do not directly
concern the student body?
3. Is it delving into matters
which represent the individual
interests or aims which particular
students or groups have set as

Lois Ta terka
Young Democrats, Daily Busi-
ness Staff, Volunteers for Stev-
1. As the official spokesman of
the student body, SGC should
have jurisdiction over any ac-
tivity, issue, or organization that
represents student action. It
should serve as representative of
student opinion to the Board of
Review, and seek to reach a med-
ium of agreement on any campus
issues that arise.
2. My primary interest is in
seeing SGC prove itself an ef-
ficient, representative and strong
organization. I would like to see
an improvement of the academic
counseloring service; a more com-
prehensive distribution require-
ment system; and student opin-
ion expressed through SGC having.
some voice in faculty dismissal
3. Organizations such as the
IHC, League, and Union etc. are
all represented on the Council,
and thus have a voi& in all cam-
pus policies. They should be run
independently as they are at pre-
sent, and yet keep the Council
posted as- to their activities thus
assuring a united campus gov-
4. With the Council's present
rather small representation I be-
lieve a political party, providing
a "block" of members, would de-
tract from the efficiency and free-
dom of the Council. Each mem-
ber should have in mind primar-
ily student opinion and benefits
and not party policies.
5. The running of Cinema
Guild and the Book Exchange
should be the complete respon-
sibility of a committee set up by
SGC. The Council should not un-
dertake the running of these and
like functions that might detract
from the more urgent issues at
hand. The administrative wing
should continue virtually as it has
to date, with an added effort to
draw the interested and capable
students to it.

pus organizations, and to approve
student sponsored activities.
In addition to these general
functions are control over Cinema
Guild, the Student Book Exchange
and the Homecoming Dance. In
order to run these Boards most
effectively, I feel that members
should be selected by the SGC.
Half of these boards should con-
sist of students who have had
previous experience on one of the
boards and the other half should
consist of students who have
shown an interest but have not'
yet served.
While working on the Student
Legislature I became interested in
the pre-registration program for
the University. The program would
allow all students to register in
courses during the preceeding se-
mester therefore allowing an ex-
tra week at home.
SGC should be the central auth-
ority over all student organiza-
tions. This does not mean that
SGC should have complete control
over the groups but rather that
all major decisions of each group
should pass through SGC. In this
central capacity SGC should rec-

ities will be organized and provide
a method for development of new
I have no particular problems
or reforms that I would immed-
iately like to take action on. It
is my belief that the most import-
ant function of SGC in its initial
few months should be efficient
organization of an administrative
wing and a committee system. As
soon as this is completed I will
of course turn to such things as
the driving ban.
SGC should have the power
to set-up basic rules governing

trative work are left purposely
vague. SGC must resign itself to

Ed Velden I

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