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March 13, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-03-13

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SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1953,


Safe, Vague Conservatism
Displayed by Candidates

A Cloud No Bigger Than a Man's Future

An Expert Looks at American Literature


A QUICK SURVEY of candidates and their
platforms makes it evident that Steve
Jelin issued a legitimate warning last Wed-
nesday night. Discussing three possible pitfalls
for student government under SGC, he men-
tioned loss of "liberalism" as embodying one
of his greatest fears for student government
in the next few years. Although he stressed
the presence of ex-officio members on SGC
as a great cause of a conservative coloring, he
might well have added the elected candidates
All 24 candidates were asked five questions
for The Daily supplement appearing in con-
junction with today's Daily. The questions
aimed at giving candidates opportunity to
express opinions on some of the specific cam-
pus issues I.e. driving ban, bias clauses, fra-
ternity and sorority rushing problems, con-
troversial sections of the SGC proposal, and
methods of improving over SL's record of the
last eight years.
With few exceptions candidates talked
around the campus' pressing issues. For some
reason every entry seemed to think he had
to mention in his small alloted space that one
of SGOC's biggest problems would be organiza-
tion. It seems extremely profound thinking
that a new organization would need organ-
VOTERS want to know what SGC can and
is going to do after it once gets organized.
Obviously SGC's future is going to depend a

great deal on early organizational procedures,
but all the organization in the world doesn't
produce action from a student government.
Many candidates apparently were afraid to
go out on a limb in support of anything, in
fear of antagonizing a segment of campus. If
you support an SGC policy which will step on
vested interests of a leading campus organi-
zation, like removal of bias clauses or spring
rushing, it isn't likely fraternities and sorori-
ties will be contributing en masse first place
ballots to your cause. However in the present
state of affairs anybody with the courage to
vehemently stand on such a platform would
be so individualized he would probably have
little difficulty winning. Having people against
you doesn't make you lose 'put in the Hare
system a definite following can make you a
MAYBE many of the candidates expect to
get their votes from group support. 18 of
the 24 candidates are members of fraternities
and sororities certainly not indicative of pos-
sible "radical" tendencies of the new SGC.
It is unfortunate that the electorate is go-
ing to have to choose a group of candidates
who don't want to commit themselves on is-
sues. Asthings look now fraternity and sor
ority dormitory support is going to elect a
candidate. This is an 'unsavory state of affairs
for a University with the reputation of Michi-
-Dave Baad

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Some Real Issuues for SGC
Found. in CSP Platform

EVER SINCE Common Sense Party first made
its appearance on campus one of the most
frequent arguments it has had to combat is:
"Who will disagree with your platform? Those
are the things everyone-wants."
If CSP has really put its finger on the pro-
posals which a majority of the student body
would like to see implemented, we might take a
closer look at its fifteen point platform and that
platform's relation to the new student govern-
ment coming into existence next week.
On the surface the issues are not dramatic.
But there is little doubt that these "old tired
issues" are still a source of student discontent,
and still need solving. They include: improve-
ment of the student judiciary system, for many
students judic has come to mean just another
arm of administration control; faculty freedom
to express political and economic beliefs as long
as an individual does not use his position to
influence others, this problem goes to the root
of a university's reason for existing; the right
of students to hear any speaker of their choice,
one of the fundamentals of the always impor-
tant question of intellectual and academic free-
CSP'S PLATFORM includes suggestions for
implementation of many of its proposals.
On the problem of a "dead" weekend before fi-
nal exams for instance the platform offers con-
crete suggestions on which Student Govern-
ment Council should take immediate action.
CSP prpposed that students be given a week-


At the Michigan.. .
never tell.
THE MANAGEMENT will probably deny this,
but it is a fact that the Michigan Theatre
sells tickets right at the box office. If youlve got
tie price you can get in all right. And the police
know it.
The flick now on display will come as a shock-
er to the Corn Belt yokels who like to think
New York is an actual city, to the fine decent
yokels who never dream that N.Y. is in fact
the most colossal front for organized crime in
the history of the world.
And who controls this syndicate whose hydra-
headed tentacles dip into the bleeding pocket-
books of Mr. and Mrs. America? Broderick
Crawford, but he'll deny it. He's using a differ-
ent name of course, and wearing a mustache
and pretending he can't act but it's Crawford
all right.
And he's not the only one. There are others,
former actors and actresses, all trying to hide
the traces of their profession, all in this as deep
as Crawford. Anybody who knows films from
Shinola can figure Hollywood is behind the
whole thingg
But New York, Confidential, based on the
two-fisted best seller by Jack Lait and Lee
Mortimer, rips the lid off the whole squalid oc-
topus and exposes the quicksands of indecency
and lust AND vice inside. It tells confidential.
how these scum bribe and corrupt some pretty
high-up people whose names would make you
gasp if you knew them. But it has the courage
to withhold this information even though a lot
of Commies and New Dealers might not like
A whole bunch of other people aren't going
to like this film one bit better. Movie critics and
other perverts, for one.
As a matter of fact you could count t;e de-
cent people connected with this film on the
fingers of a one-fingered hand and that's Brod-

end to catch up on and review course material
before the spring exam period, even if this
means giving up a "meaningful" commence-
ment. It suggests that a survey of seniors, par-
ents and alumni be taken to find out how these
people feel on the question of a "meaningful"
commencement, and it recommends that SGC
press for permanent representation on the Uni-
versity Calendaring committee. which sets up
versity Calendaring committee.
The new student government with a $9,000
budget, derived from taxation, could afford to
sponsor such a survey. With Regental recog-
nition SGC is in a position to insist that the
University consider the results of its survey and
give it a voice on the calendaring committee,
which sets up the University's yearly schedule.
THERE ARE several other suggestions in the
CSP platform which prospective SGC mem-
bers would do well to take a look at. They in-
volve, for instance, representation of Interna-
tional Student Association on the Council, wom-
en's hours, and discrimination in University
housing. Many of these proposals incldde sug-
gestions for implementation, similar to the one
that accompanies the "dead" weekend propo-
sal. Others, like the stand on free expression of
beliefs by faculty members, are statements of
policy. By looking into these statements and
their ramifications SGC members would be
fulfilling their duty to express student opinion
on important questions.
THESE ARE the issues which must be kept in
mind when the ground work for SGC is laid
in the next few months. The attitude of the new
council toward these problems, and the action
it takes on them will serve as precedents and
may decide the whole future of SGC as an ef-
fective student government.
It is unfortunate that during the past few
weeks of campaigning many of these problems
have been ignored. But it is crucial that SGC
candidates, as well as candidates for top posts
in the seven campus groups represented on the
council begin giving them serious consideration.
-Phyllis Lipsky
Sixty-Fifth Year
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War by April.. ..
To the Editor:
"WAR BY APRIL," "War before
summer," this is the continual
line of thought one gets from his
newspaper, radio, and TV set now-
adays. People have come to ac-
cept this idea, drummed into their
heads as it has been, in much the
same way as they have learned to
absorb the modern cigarette ad-
vertisement. But let's stop and
think. Is there any justifiable rea-
son for war in the Far East?
I say, "no." War, especially mod-
ern war, is too great an evil to
ever make it justifiable again. The
little "good" obtained from a war
never balances or justifies the ter-
rible evil that results from it. Is
the "saving of face" in the East
worth the thousands of lives and
millions of dollars it will cost?
What about Formosa and
Chiang? Of course we can't sur-
render our allies to the Reds--
but there is a solution. Let the
United Nations administer Formo-
sa, and allow the Chinese Com-
munists to enter the United Na-
tions. One more veto more or less
will not effect the efficiency of
this governing council to any
greater degree. Surely a war of
words in the )councl chambers is
far better than a war on the bat-
-Richard VorenKamp
* * *
Arab Refugees...
To the Editor:
THERE ARE some facts con-
cerning the Arab refugee prob-
lem that Y. Menkes, A. Menkes,
and M. Menaster, have omitted.
The Palestinian Arab exodus be-
gan as a result of the massacre of
Arab citizens at Deir Yassin by the
Irgun. The Israeli army later on
occupied the two large Arab towns
of Lydda and Ramlah and evicted
the Arab citizens there by force.
It did the same to many villages
in northern Palestine.
It is neither for the Zionists nor
for the Arab governments to dic-
tate that the refugees should be
re-settled. They demand that they
go back to their homes, and they
have every right to go back.
Finally, it is not for Menkes,
Menkes, and Menaster to judge the
sincerity of Mr. El-Dareer's feel-
ings towards the refugees. We re-
spect the sincerity of Jewish feel-
ings about their tragedy in Europe.
We ask that they should respect
our feelings for the Arab tragedy
in Palestine.
-Michael Marmura
Spring Weekend...
To the Editor:
"WE WOULD LIKE to express
our heartiest thanks and ap-
preciation to all of the many peo-
ple who have worked so hard and
have given their time to help us
on the 1955 Spring Weekend. We
only regret that we are unable to
thank each person individually,
and sincerely hope that the events
of the weekend will justify every-
one's hard work."
-Barbara Burstein
Stan Leiken
1955 Spring Weekend
General Co-chairmen
* * *
Zionist Protest ..
To the Editor:
BE IT KNOWN that the protest
action taken by the Universi-
ty of Michigan chapter of the Stu-
dent Zionist Organization in re-
gard to the appearance of the Ber-
lin Philharmonic Orchestra on the
University campus on March 15,
receives the full backing of the
national organization,
The National Council of the or-
ganization, at its meeting this past
weekend, endorsed the protest and
boycott by its Michigan University

To the Editor:
- on page six of Friday's paper
. reflects the only too typical atti-
tude among many campus "lead-
ers" that SGC is doomed to fail-
ure before it starts. Under a sub-
heading "Candidates Pessimistic,"
an SL member running for SGC
is quoted as saying that "the can-
didates themselves are pessimis-
Unfortunately, this opinion does
not prevail among many of the
SOC candidates, especially some
of those who were previously mem-
bers of SL. What is more unfor-
tunate is that if these pessimists
are elected to SGC, their pessi-
mism will almost certainly be re-
flected in their acts and the fail-
ure they predict will almost cer-
tainly come true.
Some of the candidates look on
SGC as "one last chance" to
"show our strength" in making
student government effective.
Since SGC has been officially rec-
ognized by the Regents, it should
promptly demand that the stu-
dent driving ban be lifted, that
the three professors dismissed last
spring should be reinstated, that
other major changes sought by
SL should be "pushed" immediate-
ly to determine whether or -not
SGC is going to be successful.
I disagree.
I think SGC has the greatest
possibility of being the successful
student government that most of
the people on the campus, includ-
ing the Regents and the admin-
istration, want it to be. As proof
of the favorable hopes of the Re-
gents and the administration, the
SGC was given much power for a
two-year trial in spite of the ex-
cesses of the SL (certainly not be-
cause of them),
But if SGC is to be successful
in gaining the recognitioon of its
opinions by the Regents and the
administration, it cannot start off
its existance by immediately "de-
manding the moon." SGC will be
successful by tact and patience
through small gains, small con-
cessions, and small successes.
I believe that these "pessimistic
candidates" are undermining SGC
before it ever starts with their
predictions of gloom and doom. I,
for one, believe that SGC can and
will be a great success-if it's giv-
en a proper chance.
-Bill Hanks

SGC Potential...

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Prof. Joe Lee
Davis of the English department here
answers our reporter's questions on
American Literature.)
I WOULD say there are two im-
portant milestones. The first is
what F. O. Matthiessen called the
"American Renaissance" - the
period in which Emerson's ideas,
especially his theory of expression,
shaped American letters and af-
fected writers as diverse as Tho-
reau, Whitman, Hawthorne and
Melville. In this period-the de-
cade of the 1850's-appeared such
masterpieces as "The Scarlet Let-
ter," "Leaves of Grass," "Moby
Dick' 'and "Walden."
The other important event has
been in the present century: the
second "American Renaissance"
between the World Wars, particu-
larly in the Twenties. Out of these
expansive decades have come all
the American writers who have
received the Nobel Prize and many
others almost as good and some
even better.
SO FAR as the 19th Century is
concerned, Emerson was the
great shaping force, as critic, phil-
osopher and esthetician. After
him, Howells helped bring into
being the age of Realism. H. L.
Mencken and T. S. Eliot have
been two of the most potent influ-
ences on 20th Century American
literature, although Mencken was
of his day while Eliot still wears
IN A POLL taken in 1948, teach-
ers of American literature were
asked to rank our writers. Eight
stood out above all the rest:
Hawthorne, Poe, Melville, Henry
James, Emerson, Thoreau, Twain
and Whitman. I agree, although
I wouldn't put them in just this
order. In my opinion the two
American works most worthy to
be included in a course in World
Literature are "Moby Dick" and
"Leaves of Grass."
Among living writers the two
who interest me most (not neces-
sarily the greatest, for time is
packed with surprises!) are Wil-
liam Faulkner and Wallace Ste-
vens. The former is somewhat un-
even and Stevens somewhat dif-
ficult, but I still think them best.
I would also add Rqbert Frost to
these two.
SINCE about 1850, the greatest
works have been in the novel.
Poetry comes next and after that
the prose of doctrine, including
criticism. Too much American
drama (and this goes for some of
O'Neill) has dated rapidly.
AGAINthis must be broken down
into periods. The early and
middle 19th Century saw Eng-
land's influence leading to roman-
ticism and the American renais-
sance. German and Spanish and
French literature also exerted in-
Later, French Naturalism and
Symbolism and 19th Century Rus-
sian fiction must be reckoned
with. Faulkner, being a wide read-
er, reflects many influences, but
certainly he has learned much
from Dostoievsky.
Continental influences, rang-
ing from Scandinavian and Ger-

man Expressionism'to French Ex-
istentialism, are still being felt
in drama and fiction.
THERE'S no doubt that Ameri-
can works have influenced
other literatures. Poe had immense
influence on French symbolism.
Hawthorne affected the English
novel, notably Hardy. Whitman
has for a long time been a force
in world literature. And what
would English literature be like
without James and Eliot?
The influence of American
writers on other literatures is
mounting today. Consider the
vogue of Faulkner and Dos Passos
in France. Hemingway must also
be included. The Nobel committee
noted his "style-forming" influ-
Now it is the American novel
that everyone is interested in as
never before.
find today's literature far in
advance. As far as quality is con-
cerned, we've had far better dram-
atists like O'Neill, Williams and
Miller than any of 10 years ago.
Range of experiment and ex-
perimental skill are far greater in
fiction than in former times. The
tragic vision of Faulkner, when.
at his best, is worthy to be com-
pared with that of Hawthorne and
Melville. And Faulkner, it must be
remembered, is but one of several
major talents.
Poetry in the 20th Century is
on the whole greatly advanced.
Among earlier poets, it would be
difficult to find a group compar-
able, say, to Frost, E A. Robin-
son, Jeffers, Cummings, Stevens
and Eliot. These are in the same
class with Whitman and Emily
Dickinson and far superior to the
so-called "school-room" poets:
Bryant, Whittier and Longfellow,
although the latter deserves re-
valuation as a narrative poet.
There has been a rich critical
movement in this century. The
flowering is far beyond anything
we have had earlier.
IT IS characteristic of America
but quite differently sometimes
from what we think. None of our
spokesmen are more critical of
America than our writers-and
this is a sign of our national
health. They keep alive our ideal-
ism and are free to express them-
selves as they could not in a to-
talitarian state. Our censorship
has been negligible. Our best writ-
ers are still thorough-going indi-
THAT more people are reading
today may be indicated by
paperback sales. Certainly litera-
ture is taught in schools as never
On the other hand, radio, tv,
and the many other distractions of
a machine society raise the ques-
tion: are people getting out of
literature what they got a hundred
years ago? Sharing good books
was more a part of the average
family's living in the 19th Cen-
tury. Readers loved books, and
they constituted a more cultivated
class than the so-called educated
class today. This is not statistical
evidence, though, but merely my

T HERE is some evidence that
wrtesin order to make a
living, must write for tv and the
movies. Such activity may or may
not hurt a writer. Gore Vidal,
despite his work for tv, is still
turning out pretty good novels. On
the other hand, one wonders what
Ben Hecht might have done if
there had been no Hollywood.
I still tend to agree with James
T. Farrell in his somber reflections
on American writing-the book
clubs, Hollywood, radio, television
and the paperbacks are taking
over and their total effect is cor-
THE tendency today is for the
best writers to come from the
colleges, from creative writing
classes. Writers used to come from
.among the journalists, like Dreiser
and others of his period. Journal-
ism still produces some of our best
writers but the more distinguished
stylists seem to be coming from
the classroom.
A number of our most promin-
ent writers have been or are
teaching creative writing, such as
Allan Seager, Lionel Trilling, Wal-
lace Stegner, Katherine Anne Por-
ter, A. B. Guthrie, Robert Penn
Warren and Saul Bellow.
.John Aldridge in his "After the
Lost Generation" sees a danger
in college-sponsored creativity--
too much technique and too little
grasp of life. I don't take this
view. Hope lies in th integrity be-
ing produced in colleges.
THE New Criticism will continue
to exert influence, despite some
signs of a reaction against it. It
has preserved integrity in our lit-
erature and needs to extend its
The "pure pietry and obscure
poetry" sponsored by this criti-
cism will give place to a poetry
more accessible to the average
reader and more expressive of our
life but still righly resourceful
in its aesthetic strategies.
Thirdly the decline of natural-
ism will perhaps continue, with
new developments in fantasy,
symbolism, satire and the art nov-
el. The tradition of Dreiser, Far-
rell and Dos Passos was an im-
portant one, but the James Joneses
aren't keeping it alive.
The possibilities of symbolism
in fiction are variously illustrated
in Hemingway's "The Old Man
and the Sea" and Faulkner's "A
Fable," and in the work of a host
of new writers. Malcolm Cowley
and Aldridge may teach these
youngsters needed lessons but
won't be able to discourage them.
The historical novel is still an
important form. While much of
this fiction is for the popular
mass audience and isn't of the
highest literary value, such writ-
ers as Guthrie and Conrad Richter
do admirable work in this field,
and there will be others.
No abatement seems promised
in the concern with psychology,
especially abnormal psychology.
Tennessee Williams has a better
grasp of it than O'Neill before
him. Some of our younger writ-
ers have had both successes and
failures with it Shirley Jackson,
Carson McCullers, Truman Ca-
pote, Paul Bowles and Norman
Mailer among others.
-Harry Strauss






The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building b-fore 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1955
Vol. LXV, No. Ill
Meeting of the University Staff. Gen-
eral staff meeting at 4:15 p.m. Mon.,
March 21, in Rackham Lecture Hall.
President Hatcher will discuss the state
of the University. All members of the
University staff, acaderfic and non-
academic, are invited.
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., March 16, from 4:00-6:00 p.m.
March Time House Candidates
13 6:30 van Tyne House,

Personnel Interview. Mon., Tues.,
March 14 & 15. The Carter Oil Com-
pany, Subsidiary Standard Oil Com-
pany (N.J.), Tulsa, Oklahoma-M.S. and
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Chemical, Electri-
cal, and Mechanical Engineering for
Research and Development in the fields
of Petroleum Exploration and Produc-
Disciplinary action in cases of stu-
dent misconduct: During the period
Dec. 1, 1954 to Feb. 22, 1955, cases in-
volving 28 students and 3 groups were
heard by the Joint Judiciary Council.
In all cases the action was approved
by the Sub-Committee on Discipline.
Conduct unbecoming a student:
a)Illegally entering registration at
Waterman Gymnasium: One stu-
dent fined $10.00 and warned; one
student fined $5.00 and warned.
b) Taking items of food from a su-
permarket without paying: Two
students fined $20.00 each, $10.00
suspended in view of court fines
and costs of $21.25 each.
c) Taking and retaining rug belong-
ing to Ann Arbor resident (togeth-
er with two other students pre-
viously disciplined): One student
fined $25.00 and warned.
d) Attempting to sell student football,
tickets at price above legal amount:
Two students fined $5.00, required
to pray$4.00 restitution to Ticket

chaperoned women were guests:
Three students fined $35.00 and
warned (previous disciplinary ac-
tion); two students fined $20.00
and warned; two students (house
officers) fined $30.00 and warned;
one student (house officer, pre-
vious disciplinary action) fined
$60.00 and warned.
Violation of state laws and city ordi-
nances relating to the purchase, sale
and use of intoxicants:
a) purchasing intoxicants as a minor,
using false identification, and con-.
suming intoxicants in a student
residence: One student fined $30.00,
fine suspended in view of court
fine of $54.30 and warned.
b) attempting to purchase intoxicants
as a minor, using falsified identi-
fication: One student fined $20.00,
fine suspended in view of court
fine and costs of $51.25; one stu-
dent fined $15.00, fine suspended
* in view of court fine and costs of
$54.30 and warned.
Violation of University automobile regu,
lations: Two students fined $20.00 (sec-
one violation) and warned; one student
fined $40.00 (third violation of Univer-
sity regulations), $25.00 suspended,
asked to remove cir from campus and
severely warned; one student fined
$10.00 and permit revoked; one student
fined $30.00 (third violation of Univer-
sity regulations) and required to re-
move car from campus and warned:

University Lecture in Journalism.
Wallace Carroll, Executive News Editor
of the Winston-Salem (N.C.) Journal,
will speak on "Seven Deadly virtues"
of American Journalism in Rackham
Amphitheatre Mon., March 14, at 3:00
p.m. A coffee hour will follow in the
Department of Journalism Conference
Room. Open to public.
Prof. R. A. Stirton, chairmrn of the
Department and director of the Muse-
um of Paleontology, University of Cali-
fornia, will speak at 8:00 p.m. Tues.,
Mar. 15, in the Natural Science Auditor
ium, on "Living Australian Mammals,"
under the auspices of the Department
of Geology. Open to the public.
John L. Austin, professor of moral
philosophy at Oxford University, will
speak on "Performative Utterances,"
Tues., March 15 at 4:15 p.m. in 1025
Angell Hall, under the auspices of the
Department of Philosophy.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Mon.,
March 14 at 4:10 p~m. in Room 2308
Chemistry. Dr. E. F. Westrum, Jr., will
speak on "New Developments in the
Theory of Low-Temperature Heat Ca-


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