See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY
Won't Use. Islands
Bingley Honored
Fate of SL's
In Cease-Fire
Still Uncertain; Second
Special Meeting Called
Sec. Dulles Promises
Must Agree
If Abandoned
TAPEI, Formosa () - Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
told President Chiang Kai-shek
yesterday Quemoy and the Mat-
sus would not be used in any
cease-fire negotiations without
-7 Nationalist consent, sources close
to Sec. Dulles said.
These sources said abandon-
ment of the offshore islands would
be considered only if the Nation-
alists agreed and if such a step
could bring a guarantee of peace
in Asia.
Vow ToDefend
The Nationalists have vowed to
A defend Quemoy and the Matsus
against the Communists. Chiang
himself seemed to throw cold wa-
ter on any attempt to tie his hands
shortly after Sec. Dulles left for
Chiang told the closing session
of the Central Committee of the
Kuomintang-his Nationalist par-
ty-that the government must
strengthen itself "to realize our
mission of counterattack and na-
tional survival."
Sec. Dulles reiterated that the
mobile United States air and sea
forces in the Far East would be
used as a deterrent to aggression.
But he put the accent on peace in
a statement at the airport before
his departure.
Signs Treaty
"It is the ardent hope of the
United States, he said, "that the
Chinese Communists will not in-
sist on war as an instrument of
their policy.".
Sec. Dulles' first act on his ar-'
rival earlier in the day was to
sign the mutual defense treaty
under which the United States
guarantees to defend Formosa and
the nearby Pescadores from Red
He has said previously the Unit-
ed States would not defend the
offshore islands "as such" but
would watch closely for any Com-,
munist attempt to use them as
stepping stones to an attack on
Coleman Opens
Health Confab
Close to $50 million must be
appropriated for the year's public
health budget said State Sen.
Creighton R. Coleman (R-Battle
Creek) in yesterday's opening ad-
dress of the Public Health Con-
He said the additional money
will have to be raised from taxes.
Sen. Coleman added that coun-
ties would have to continue stress-
ing the tuberculosis problem,
though he remarked they have
done a commendable job. At pres-
ent, he added, he is not worried
about the empty bed situation
in TB hospitals, considering it a
challenge to fill them. He noted
that in every other program there
are not enough facilities.
He also spoke on the care-of-
old-people problem calling it eco-
nomic, social and financial and
that a local .solution could be
found for it.
Konno Puts Ohio State
Into Big Ten Tank Lead
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS-Ford Konno captured his fourth, straight 1,500 meter
freestyle title last night as Ohio State took a five point lead in the
opening evening of the Big Ten Championship Swimming Meet.
Konno took an immediate lead in his heat, the third and last
of the night, and splashed to a margin of more than one hundred
meters over Michigan's John O'Reilly. who gained second place. The
Fraternity To Return
To 'U' in Near Future
Interfraternity Council executive committee last night decided to
re-admit a fraternity to campus in the near future.
Final decision as to which fraternity it will be-Tau Epsilon Phi
or Phi Epsilon Pi-will be made when the committee meets Thursday.
Also during the session, the group voted to present to the House
Presidents Assembly a brief concerning the start of a co-operative food
IDormont Hits
Try for Title
MSC Hosts Big Ten
Illinois Risks String
This may be Michigan's year to
step out of the bridesmaid's role.
The Wolverine tracksters stand
an excellent chance of dethron-
ing four-time champion Illinois as
the forty-fifth annual indoor Big
Ten Track and Field Champion-
ships get-underway tonight at
Michigan State College's Jenison
Field House in East Lansing.
T h i s evening's preliminaries
will begin at 7 with the finals
scheduled for 1 p.m. tomorrow.
While Indiana and Iowa also
loom as major contenders for the
title, most track experts have
agreed that Michigan's well-bal-
anced team will probably be Il-
linois' biggest headache.
Site Important
The Maize and Blue have been
good-but not quite good enough-
in their last four championship
tries. Don Canham's teams fin-
ished second to the Champaign
outfit in '51, '52 and '53, and was
barely edged out for second place
last year by Indiana.
Canham and Prof. Phil Dia-
mond, Michigan track expert, be-
lieve Illinois to be slightly strong-
er, but point-out that the meet's
site evens up things. This is the
first time in a few years that the
meet hasn't been held in Cham-
paign's Illinois Armory, and a rel-
atively unfamiliar confine may se-
riously hinder the Illini's chances.
Iowa has the potential to win,
but is generally considered a year
away from- championship caliber.
Indiana, last year's runner-up, can
challenge only if Olympic star Milt
Campbell is in top form; and
Campbell hasn't been up to par
recently because of a lingering leg
The Wolverines are favored in
four events - the 880, mile, high
jump and mile relay.
Gray Favored
Pete dray has run the half-mile
in 1:52.8 this year, making him
the favorite in the event, but Hank
Cryer of the Illini has run under
1:50 outdoors. This could well be
the closest race of the meet.
John Moule is the best bet in
the mile run, but the Michigan
captain isn't alone in the field;
Rich Ferguson of Iowa, Indiana's
Jim Lambert and Karl Jonsson of
Illinois are all topnotch milers and
are capable of winning.
See MICHIGAN, Page 3
swinning time was 18:21.8, fully
ten seconds slower than Konno's
NCAA record which was set in
1952 at East Lansing.
Final Heats Pay Off
All of the six point-worthy
places were earned in the final
two heats. Chuck Stephanos of
Ohio State won the second heat
with a time that placed him
fourth in the race, behind Iowa's
Ross Lucas who trailed O'Reilly in
the third heat.
Stephanos' three points were
added to the seven that Konno
earned to give OSU a 10 point
total for the first night's activity.
O'Reilly was credited with the five
points which rated the Wolverines
an early second place tie in the
tourney. Lucas' third place finish
was worth four points for Iowa.
Rounding out the scoring were
Bill Kerr of Indiana who won two
points for firiishing fifth and Glen
Johnston whose one point for
sixth place ,carried Iowa into a tie
with Michigan behind the leading
O'Reilly was hard-pressed to
edge Lucas for the runnerup spot
in the opening event. After lead-
ing Lucas for the first 600 meters,
the fast-developing Wolverine was
matched stroke for stroke by the
Iowan until a last-minute sprint
earned O'Reilly second place by
only three seconds.
Both O'Reilly and Lucas were
well over a minute slower than the
victorious Konno. O'Reilly's time
was 19:41.6, while Lucas swam
the 1,500 meters in 19:44.9.
Two other Michigan tankers
participated in last night's race.
Harrison Wehner finished just out
of the scoring in eighth place with
a time of 20:59.5. Wolverine Tom
Prunk's 21:30.7 rated him far
away from point honors.
Wehner Fades
Wehner led Kerr early in the
third heat and gave promise of
contributing to Michigan's score
with a possible fifth place finish.
But Kerr outlasted the fading
Wolverine to gain fourth in the
heat and fifth in the race.
See OSU, Page 3
Defers Action
On Calendar
At a meeting of the University
Calendaring Committee yester-
day, a proposed long-term aca-
demic calendar was discussed.
The suggested plan includes a
shorter Christmas vacation, offi-
cial approval of the present
Thanksgiving vacation, two 15-
week semesters and elimination of
the existing "dead" period between
The proposal also outlines a
shorter pre-class period at the be-
ginning of an earlier fall semes-
No definite decision was reached
by the committee, however, be-
cause of possible conflicts with the
athletic and orientation programs.
Further consideration of a pos-
sible acceptance of the proposal
were postponed until next week's
Appoint Hampton
Secretary to NSA
-Daily-Lynn Wallas
ASSISTANT TO DEAN OF MEN John E. Bingley is greeted by
Strauss House President Bob Warrick, '57E, on becoming Faculty
Associate of the East Quad house. Bingley was Resident Director
of East Quad last year. Looking on are Eva B. McKenzie, Strauss
House Associate Advisor, and Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis.
Zionists Reaffirm Stand
On Berlin Philharmonic
"We don't deny the right to bring Nazis to this country, but we
do not want to attend their concert," David Sirota said yesterday at
an open meeting discussing "Music and Politics: The Berlin Phil-
harmonic Orchestra."
About 50 people at the Hillel Foundation discussed the fact
that conductor Herbert von Karajan, manager Gerhart von West-
0 erman and several members of the
._ _ . _. nr~to~r cnc n Tn n 7 rfr m m
'LYL Hears
Nowak Talk
Addressing the Labor Youth
League on the question of German
rearmament,'- former State Sena-
tor Stanley Nowak said that Ger-
many is the "key to the entire
question of whether we will have
peace or war."
In reply to the statement that a
military Germany is necessary to
preserve and strengthen peace in
that area, Nowak said, "General-
ly speaking, the rearmament of
any country will lead to war. In
Germany's history, rearmament
has always led to war."
Points Out Contradictions
Pointing to contradictions in the
argument for rearming Germany,
.he commented that a half-million
man German army will not be an
effective force against the Rus-
sian army.
"Since it would have no military
value," he said, "it can only serve
to provoke war. Our policy, if con-
tinued, will lead'to war and the
American people will pay the high-
est price."
"We have no allies," Norwak con-
tinued, 'for Irance will not fight
and the West German people will
not be bought. With present atom-
ic weapons, we will be licked as
thoroughly as Germany was."
Cites Other Agreements
"Who will lead this new army?"
he asked. "There are no other gen-
erals than those under Nazi Hit-
ler," he commented, "so it will be
trained by the same Nazi offi-
cers that trained Hitler's army."
Nowak cited the program of the
Yalta and Potsdam agreements as
the real solution to the German
problem. "They provided for the
breakup of the Auge German mon-
opolies and cartels," he said, "be-
cause of large concentration of
wealth in the hands of militar-
orchestra were Na i arty mem.-
Sirota added that "these men
are personally responsible for the
extermination of millions of Jews."
Responsible For Extermination
Shulamith Laikin, '55, iresident
of the Student Zionist Organiza-
tion which sponsored the meeting,
said "The Nazi's were not a po-
litical party. Nazism was almost a
religion. Where can you designate
where art begins and the man
Ida Hakemeyer, representing the
American Association of University
Women, felt that the issue over the
Berlin Philharmonic is an "attack
on the German people as a whole.
Forgiving can be the only posi-
Can One Corrupt?
Discussing the accusation of
conductor von Karajan's Nazi af-
filiation, Bernard Guggenheim,
56E,iasked if "one person corrupts
the whole orchestra?"
David Darsky, answering Gug-.
genheim said that "when you ap-
plaud for the music, you applaud
for the members and give them
respect they do not deserve."
"We forgot our losses too quick-
ly," Israeli A. Noar commented.
"All Germans in the war were ac-
tive Nazi Party members and
should, be judged so."
Past Killings
"All nations have killed Jews at
one time or another in history,"
Peter Hoff, teaching felloA' in the
Spanish department said, "so by
that token we should not hear
French orchestras, English orches-
tras, Spanish orchestras or Rus-
sian orchestras."
In Detroit, where the orchestra
has scheduled an appearance for
March 17, Council 167 of the Polish
Alliance has demanded that von
Karajan's visa be revoked.
The United States State Depart-
ment has advised all protesters
against the Orchestra that all le-
gal requirements for admission to
this country have been met.
buying plan among campus frater-<
nities. The plan will begin on a.
trial basis next month.
TEP or Phi Ep?
Both TEP and Phi Ep have pre-
viously been on campus. Tau Ep-
silon Phi operated here from 1922
to 1932, while Phi Ep was here
from 1921 to 1942.
During the committee's discus-
sion, howeyer, it was decided that
at present there would be room for
just one of the two houses. Both
fraternities are predominantly
According to ex-IFC President
John Baity, '55, there are now two
unaffiliated Jewish students here
for every Jewish affiliate, while
the campus ration of non-Jewish
fraternity men is one to every four
non-Jewish independents.
There are presently six predomi-
nantly Jewish fraternities here.
Food Buying Plan
Earlier in the meeting, it was
disclosed that a trial period for the
co-operative food buying plan'
which began yesterday will extend
to June 1. Orders for trial goods
will be placed before tomorrow for
the April shipments.
Under the trial period, only two
goods will be bought in April and
March in order to test the plan's
Food will be purchased in quan-
tity after bids have been submitted
by merchants. Eventually, if con-
tinued, the co-operative plan will
enable fraternities tohpurchase
meats, furniture and other items.
At present fraternities at Ohio
State, Oregon State and several
other universities purchase food
Exchange Program Ruling
Earlier in the meeting, the
committee decided the IFC will
recommend to the Assembly that
IFC assume the obligation for
room and board for one exchange
student annually from the Free
University of Berlin under the
program set up by Student Legis-
Also during the session, Sigma
Phi Epsilon was fined $25 for a
"pledge prank." An active in the
fraternity said last night the inci-
dent occurred Feb. 3.
Anna Russell,
Famed Satirist,
Sings Tonight
Anna Russell, musical satirist,
will present her one-woman show
in two different 'performances at
7 p.m. and 9 p.m. today in Hill Au-
Tickets priced at $1 and 50 cents
are on sale from members of the
Michigan Singers, at the Hill Au-
ditorium box office and at Rm.
3519, Administration Building.
Scaring numerous successes in
transcontinental tours, pop con-
certs and her own Broadway show,
Miss Russell has been asked byI
~M'Jeers Mayj
Visit Europe
Michigan's hockey team has
been invited to Germany next
Christmas to hold a series of
clinics and exhibitions it was
announced yesterday.
The German Ice Hockey As-
sociation in Dusseldorf has
asked Michigan to send its icers
at German expense (excluding
transportation). Michigan Ath-
letichDirector H. O. Crislerdwas
'enthusiastic about the idea,"
according to Coach Vic Hey-
The Wolverines have accept-
ed tentatively.
Egyp7t Signs
Pact; Israel
CAIRO, Egypt ( ) - Egypt
threatened yesterday to hit back in
force against . Israel if border
clashes between the two countries
In Damascus, Egyptian and Syr-
ican officials announced the sign-
ing of a new Arab defense pact
aimed at the Jewish state. Then
the Egyptian delegation, headed
by National Guidance Minister
Salah Salem, moved on to Amman
with hopes of adding Jordan as
a third partner. All three coun-
tries are Israel's neighbors.
Emergency Session
These developments came on the
eve of an emergency session of
the United Nations Security Coun-
cil in New York to discuss Egypt's
charges of aggression ,by Israel.
Egypt charges Israeli forces
made two attacks on Egyptian
troops Monday night on the out-
skirts of Gaza, Egyptian-held city
about two miles on the Egyptian
side of the armistice-fixed border
in southwest Palestine.
The Egyptians reported 36 of
their soldiers and two civilians
were killed in the clash and 31
'Strong Enough'
Egyptian Premier Gamal Abdel
Nasser told cheering students at
his country's military college in
Cairo, "we are now strong enough
for Israel." He declared the Egyp-
tian army has been ordered "to
retaliate by force against any
Berlin U' Part
Of Fund Plan
Student Legislature came close
last night but recessed again with-
out disposing of its $4,500 treas-
SL President Ned Simon, '55,
called another special session for
7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
- Since the Legislature plans to
end its existence Wednesday with
a grand finale banquet the finan-
cial question should be solved
Two Parts Approved
Two parts of the main motion
giving $1,000 to the frozen trust
fund for student government in
case SGC fails to survive its two
year probation and $2,000 to a
scholarship fund for students in
activities were temporarily ap-
proved by SL last night.
The Legislature hit a snag on
the third section delegating $1,500
to the Free University of Berlin.
Paul Dormont, '55, presenting
excerpts from a book supposedly
received from the Free University
of Berlin, strongly questioned the
benefits of the exchange.
He proposed a substitute motion4
delegating $1,500 to the Free Uni-
versity only after a study of the,
benefits of the' present Free Uni-
versity program. He proposed giv-
ing the money to SGC if the Ex-
change program was found seri-
ously wanting.
Quoting from the book, "The
Tragedy of Silesia" by Dr. Jo-
hannes Kaps Dormont tried to,
demonstrate definite anti-Polish
and anti-Jewish sentiment by the
Cites 16 Quotes
He cited 16 quotes indicating
they were only the worst ones.
Legislature cabinet members,
however, were not certain the book
actually came from the Free Uni-
versity. They knew it was sent
from Berlin but had no proof it
originated from the Free Univer-
Simon called Dormont's argu-
ments, which dominated discus-
sion until adjournment time, "filf-
buster Tactics" and called his ef-
fort a "circus."
Early Motion Beaten
Earlier in the meeting Dormont's
motion to give the whole $4,500 to
a trust fund to loan money to non-
profit groups whose pu'pose is to
provide goods and services to stu-
dents was defeated 23-2 after an
hour and fifteen minutes discus-
If the Legislature approves $1,-
500 for the Free University the
whole motion including the already
temporarily approved first two
parts will have to be reapproved
in whole by SL.
Two amendments to the main
motion-one to delete the name
"endowment fund" from the
scholarship plan and one to spe-
cifically offer three $100 scholar-
ships each fall semester and two
$100 each spring semester-were
passed earlier in the meeting by
the Legislature
Motion Seeks Compulsory
Candidate Training Groups
Student government candidates in the future may be required
to attend all candidates training meetings or fade being dropped
from the ballot.
The SGC steering committee yesterday passed a recommendation
to SGC that attendance at the training sessions be made mandatory
in the future.
Although attendance at the training meetings during the last
two weeks was generally good
2 Law Students Challenge.
Campus to 'Go Fly a Kite
There are plenty of strings attached to the all-campus challenge *
made by two law students.
Jim Leavengood, '57, and Jim Kilsdonk, '57, boldly stated, "We
challenge anyone on campus to a kite-flying contest."
The pair have good reason for their cockiness. Wednesday, en-
couraged by premature spring fbver, they succeeded in flying a kite
in the Law Club. This is reported- "
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
U.S. To Aid Bombed Britain?
LONDON - Prime Minister Churchill said yesterday a sneak
hydrogen bomb raid on Britain might bring a retaliatory punch "al-
most immediately" from American bombers.
Plan New Building
On State, Liberty
there were enough absences to
impair the over all success of the
In other business IHC President
ly the "first" for such a feat.
Their diamond-shaped kite, the
first seen in '55, was put out to
one 'thousand feet before the line
became tangled in branches.
Record Short Lived
'r ora: aan I anA i a
donk said, "We would like to ar-
range a match with them on
equal ground (meaning no trees)
and with equal weapons (meaning
no box kites)."
T .ri X Y ITnbm.*
Harlan Showdown
Seek Abolishment . .