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September 28, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-28

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Latest Deadline in the State


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London Meeting
Draws Comment
Professors Express Confidence
That German Solution Will Arise
Confidence, that an alternative would be found in London to re-
place the 'dead' European Defense Community plan, was expressed
by three professors in the political science department.
Nine foreign ministers met yesterday in London to discuss pos-
sible alternatives for EDC which was rejected by the French na-
tional Assembly on August 30.
Solution Not Supernational
"The solution will not be supernational like EDC," commented
Prof. Daniel Wit, "but will resemble the traditional form of collective
security agreement."
The most probable alternative would be expanding the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization making Germany a member, agreed
tboth Prof. Wit and Prof. Robert

Nine Power
LONDON (X - British Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden proposed
last night that the Western Allies
speed up their timetable to get an
agreement within 50 days on free-
ing and rearming West Germany.
Eden made his proposal on the
eve of the fateful nine-power con-
ference opening here today to bring
West Germany into the free world's
defense setup.
Dulles Wants Progress
United States Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles, following talks
with Eden Sunday night and with
French Premier Pierre Mendes-
France yesterday was reported in-
sisting on "substantial progress in
But at the last minute, the
French injected a new and disturb-
ing element by spreading word they
wanted a Saar settlement under
Brussels Pact auspices as a con-
dition for their acceptance of West
German rearmament.
Eden's new plan proposed post-
poining the NATO Council of For-
eign Ministers, set for around Oct.
15, to, give the Allies time to grant
West Germany its sovereignty so
it could become a partner in the
Atlantic Alliance.
Eden Urges
Diplomatic officials said Eden

Advised by





Tests, ROTC
Loyalty Oath
California Case
Taken by ACLU
The refusal of a freshman at
the University of California to
sign an ROTC loyalty oath has
touched, offthe question of the
oath's legality.
The oath, which previously only
upper class students have been
asked to sign, is now required of
all ROTC enrollees..
The Pledge States:
The pledge, which lists 280 or-
ganizations designated by the At-
torney General as subversive,
states in part: "I have entered
under Remarks below, the name (s)
of the organization(s) from the
above list of which I am or have
been a member, or by which I
have been employed, or which I
have attended or been present at,
or engaged in organizational or
social activities which they spon-
sored . . . or with which I have
been identified or associated in
some other manner."
The bill was passed on June 30
by the House of Representatives
as a rider to the appropriation bill
of the Department of Defense.
The rider reads as follows, "No
part of the funds appropriated
herein shall be expended or the
support of any student in basic
courses of the senior division, Re-
serve Officers Training Corps,
who has not executed a cerifi-
cate of loyalty in such forms as
shall be prescribed by the Secre-
tary of Defense."
Cal Requires ROTC
The University of California is
a land grant college where basic
ROTC is required of all full time
male undergraduates. As a means
of permitting students to complete
the required two years of basic
instruction, the university has
opened certain classes for "infor-
mally enrolled" students.
This means that the student1
would get academic credit for the;
course but would not be issued a
uniform. The non-issuance of uni-;
forms conforms to the part of the
bill concerning "funds appropriat-
There have been several stu-
dents at California who have re-
fused to sign the oath for various;
reasons. One of these is being in-l
terviewed by Ernest Besig, direc-
tr of the American Civil Liber-1
ties Union of Northern California,3
who has agreed to handle all ram-
ifications of the case resulting
from Ralph Ornelas' refusal to1
sign the oath.E
According to University ROTC
officials Michigan has never had
a student refuse to sign the loyalty
oath, either in the basic or upper
class ROTC program.4

F. Curtis.
"Thus far the extension of NATO
seems t obe the only positive al-
ternative," Prof. Curtis added,
Rapproachment between the
Paris and Bonn Governments is
what the success of the conference
hinges on, Prof. Marbury N. Efi-
menco. "London and Washington,"
he continued, "are just mediators."
German Restrictions Temporary
"However, West Germany will
emerge from the conference with
some agreement on rearmament,"
he continued, adding that "any
restriction on West Germany will
be temporary. For in reality Ger-
many will be the third most im-
portant power in Europe.
The result of this will be the rise
of Nationalistic forces which will
push Chancellor Konrad Adenaur
into making more "assertive" de-
mands of the West, Prof. Efimen-
Ico said. .
"While Secretary of State Dulles
is interested in rearming Western
Germany onlypto strengthen the
Western European .shield against
Communism, the Germans regard
independence plus strength as a
means towards the goal of reuni-
fication," he pointed out.
"The unification of Germany
the one neglected aspect at the
conference ,involves Moscow. Thus
the London conference can only go
part way as long as Moscow is on
the sidelines."
Two possible Moscow reactions
towards German unification were
suggested by Prof. Efimenco. The
most realistic, he felt, is that Mos-
cow will retain its present position
in East Germany.
The other, he continued, is that
Moscow will be willing to bargain
with an independent Germany for
some kind of rapproachment, also
banking on the growth of the Com-
munist Party in East Germany.
Ramifications of Rejections
"The major significance of the
rejection was that the mass level
of public opinion in Western Eu-
rope still did not support EDC and
that the French National Assembly
was just mirroring this lack of
support," Commented Prof. Wit.
A positive result of the rejection,
speculated Prof. Curtis, may be a!
more realistic policy outlook by
the United States in the future,
and not 'putting all our eggs in
one basket."
All existing plans and alterna-
tives for EDC turn on two existing
The Brussels Pact which was
signed in 1948 is a treaty that
links Britain, France, Belgium,
The Netherlands and Luxembourg
economically, culturally and mili-
Under the military aspect an
armed attack on any one of the
parties would bring the automatic
assistence of the others. The mii-:
tary phase, however, has been dor-
mant since NATO was signed in
The North Atlantic Treaty links
the Brussel signers with the Unit-
ed States, Canada, Norway, Den-
mark, Iceland, Italy and Portugal,
(Turkey and Greece were added
later) in the common defense of
Europe and North America against
armed attack.

1. That the conference opening ||'
today conduct parallel talks. For- -
eign ministers of the United States,
Britain. France and West Germany COMMITTEES HELPED MAKE '54 OPERA ONE OF MOST
should arrange for the restoration SUCCESSFUL EVER
of German sovereignty. The fullj
nine-power conference would con- '55 Opera Seeks Talent
centrate on German rearmament.
2. Experts would betinstructed
agreements reached for the con- For Committee Tryouts t
sideration of a second nine-power
conference to be held within one;
month, presumably in London. The 1955 Union Opera is looking for men and women.
3. If the ministers agree on the Committee tryouts for the annual musical comedy, using an all-
details at their second meeting, male cast supported by male-and-female committees, will be held to-
they would jointly report at a spe- morrow and Thursday at 4 p.m. in Rm. 3-G of the Union, according
cial meeting of the NATO Council to Guy Moulthrop, '56E, promotions chairman.
to be held not later than mid-No- Talent of all types is needed for these behind-the-scenes roles, ac-
vember. -_- --<cording to Moulthrop. The staging
4. The NATO Council then would of the Opera is almost entirely,
formally admit Chancellor KonradR d rCh done by students.
Adenauer's West German Federal ! Work for the opera falls gener-
Republic as the 15th member of I ally under five committees accord-
the intercontinental military alli- Annou nceding to Moulthrop:
ance. Secretariat: includes a house
The agreement then would have WASHINGTON fR) - The United manager, responsible for coordin-
to go through national parliaments States and Canada yesterday an- ating ushers during the local per-
for ratification. nounced plans to build a fence of formances and typists to handle
The French idea - as outlined radar stations across the top of office work and correspondence.
in corridor talk perhaps circulat- the continent as far north as prac- Production: costume chairman
ed mainly for bargaining purposes ticable in the Arctic. and assistant, seamstresses, prop-
-is to have thedisputed, coal-pro- erties chairman and assistant,
ducing Saar border state put un This new, northernmost network stage manager and student direc-
der control of the enlarged Briis. will bedsgedt ie serytor'.

Nickerson .
Given Post;
In Mantitoba,
Prof. Mark Nickerson, former
member of the University Pharma-
cology department who was fired
for refusing to cooperate with the
Clardy Committee, has joined the
faculty of medicine at the Univer-
sity of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Can-1
Prof. Nickerson is in charge of
work in pharmacology in the De-t
partment of Physiology at the Uni-I
versity there. There are 16 other
members of the physiology depart- i
ment on the 187-man Medical
School staff.
Two hundred seventy men and:
women attend the Medical School
in Winnipeg with about 58 people
graduating each year.I
Prof. Nickerson appeared before!
the House Sub-Committee on Un-
American Activities Committee.
headed by Rep. Kit Clardy, (R-
Mich) in Lansing May 10. When1
asked about political activities he1
refused to answer the investigators1
on grounds of the Fifth Amend-~
President Harlan H. Hatcher sus-
pended the pharmacologist follow-~
ing the Lansing hearing pending in-
vestigations by University faculty
groups. Two of the groups recom-
mended reinstatement of Prof.
Nickerson, and the Medical School
Executive Committee recommend-!
ed dismissal. August 26 the Regents
authorized his dismissal following
President Hatcher's recommenda-
The pharmacologist, who was ant
associate professor heading re-
search in cardio-vascular ailments!
here, also.held an M.D. degree. Het
was employed by the Universityk
on the tenure system. which in-
cludes faculty status until retire-
ment age.I
Rushing Total
Eclipses -1,000E
The total of men registered thus1
far for social fraternity rushing
soared past the 1,000 mark yester-
day for the first time in Univer-
sity history.
*Me old record of 885 was pass-J
ed last Wednesday. Men still in-
terested in registering for rush-
ing may still do so in the Office
of Student Affairs until 5 p.m..
Formal fraternity rushing start-
ed Sunday with all fraternities
holding open houses. Rushing will
continue through this week and
next, coming to an end October 10.


Report Sets Stage
For Bitter Debate
conduct Described as Inexcusable
In Committee Recommendations
WASHINGTON (P)-A public and official reprimand for Sen.
Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) was recommended yesterday by a Senate
committee of three Democrats and three Republicans.
The committee said the Wisconsin Republican should be censured
for conduct it described as contemtuous, contumacious, dentincia-
tory, unworthy, inexcusable and reprehensible.
Report Surprises Many
The report, which surprised many by its vigor, set the stage for
what promises to be long and bitter debate in the special Senate ses-
sion convening Nov. 8 to consider the recommendations.
In voting unanimously for censure on two of five main categories
of charges, the investigating committee headed by Sen. Arthur
- -- - -------------- ----~V. Watkins (R-Utah) held that:'
a6K'eSen. McCarthy was "contemptu-
ous, contumacious and denuncia-
tory" toward a Senate subcommit-
tee which investigated his finances
BV Tyhoon in 1952.
By Ty hoon He made statements about fel-
He m d tt m ns a o t fllow senators on the subcommittee
that were "clearly intemperate, in
HAKODATE, Japan IP) - Bodies bad taste and unworthy of a memn-
and debris strewed the beaches her of this body."
here yesterday after a savage ty- Zwicker Charges
phoon sank a huge ferry and killed
possibly 1,600 persons, most of He treated Brig. Gen. Ralph W.
them in northern Japan. Zwicker, when the general was a
Seventeen Americans -soldiers, that was "inexcusable" and "rep-
were among the dead. Nearly 50
other Americans were listed as The Watkins committee said
missing by the U.S. Army and other charges brought against the
Japan National Railway. controversial senator "do not, un-
JhApaniNanldieRaiader all the evidence, justify a res-
TeAmericans dedin Jaa ns olution of censure."
worst maritime disaster Sunday of Thesofenere a ." M~rh
when the typhoon, which had been had to incite federal rthy
heading out across the Sea of sought-
Japan, turned and struck Northern ployes to break the law to bring
Japan with winds of 100 m.p.m. him government secrets, and that
The Toya Maru with an eshdp he had improperly received and
mated 1 200 persons aboard had an- used confidential information from
mate 1,00 prsos aoardhadan-executive files.
chored off Hakodate harbor when s
the rush of wind and water hit. It McCarthy Has No Comment
capsized. Only 163 persons were But while recommending against
known to have survived, censure in these instances, the
Four other ferries from Hako- committee said the evidence did
date were also caught and sank- show Sen. McCarthy had "commit-
The tides still were washing in ted a grave error" and acted im-
bodies. Rescue workers searched properly, showing "a high degree
the beaches and debris in the hope of irresponsibility."
of finding more alive. Sen. McCarthy, under treatment
The typhoon first struck south- at the Naval Hospital at Bethesda,
ern Japan. Ma., made no comment. But his
Two U.S. Navy ships and planes lawyer, Edward Bennett Williams,
from four U.S. bases in Japan said the senator will make a vig-
launched a survivor search but orous defense on the Senate floor
stiff winds and high waves kept that will require "quite a consid-
rescue work at a minimum. erable time."
The White House kept out of the
ev e H l picture. Murray Snyder, President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's assistant
press secretary, said at Denver:
' } "That's strictly Senate business.
On PositolThe White House will have no com-
0 tSen. Johnson Comments
enAlso at Denver, Sen. Edwin C.
Four members of the Student Af- jJohnson (D-Colo), vice - chairman
fairs Study Committee met with of the special committee, said:
Student Affairs Vice - President "We were just to Sen. McCarthy.
James A. Lewis yesterdayrto re- We gave him the benefit of every
view the present status of the Stu- doubt, but we could not close our
dent Government Council proposal. eyes to his treatment of his col-
The meeting was called by the leagues and witnesses who ap-
vice-president as the result of sug- peared before him."
gestions for modification of the SGC Sen. Herman Welker (R-Idaho)
plan made last week by the Re- "unhesitantly" rallied to McCar-
gents' study committee and the Stu- thy's side.He accused the Watkins
dent Legislature. committee of setting a precedent
Included in yesterday's meeting "for any senator, no matter how
of the so-called "Laing Commit- incompetent, to embarrass another
tee" were Dean Earl V. Moore of by sending down a resolution of
the music school; Prof. Kenneth censureship and accusing any sen-
L. Jones, chairman of the botany ator of mistreating of this or that
department; Prof. Earl W. Britton person.'
of the engineering school and Dean Sen. Ralph B. Flanders (R-Vt),
Walter J. Emmons of the engineer- whose resolution set off the inquiry
ing school. leading to yesterday's report, said
Two other members of the com- he does not plan to lead a fight
mittee last year, now out of town, for censure of Sen. McCarthy by
are being contacted. I the full Senate.
"In the light of suggestions from Enough For Flanders
the Regents and the Student Legis- "I don't want to fight any more,"
lature, the committee felt it should Sen. Flanders told newsmen in Chi-

reorganize and go ahead to resolve cago during a halt in his vacation
the outstanding problems," Lewis trip to Oakland, Calif.
said. "I think they have done a good
"Arrangements are being made job," he said of the committee re-
to discuss further developments port.
with student leaders," he pointed "The fact that the investigation
out. was done in a completely judicial.
Among the questions raised by atmosphere lends more strength to
the Regents' committee about the the charges that were sustained
SGC plan was whether the outline: than if all the charges had been

sels alliance, the same alliance
through which the Germany would
eventually supply troops for West-
ern defense.
T ryouts!
Daily Editorial staff tryout
meeting will be held at 7:30
p.m. today and 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Gargoyle-Gen-
eration office instead. of the
room previously announced.
All edit tryouts are expected
to attend one of the meetings.
Anyone interested in joining
the edit staff also may attend.

warning as possible of the ap-
proach of any enemy planes
across the polar icecap and thus
help intercept a possible hydrogen
or atomic bomb attack on Ameri-
ca's big cities.
It will be the third radar chain
stretched across Canada.

Program: advertising salesmen
and women to solicit ads for the
Ann Arbor program,
Promotions: campus publicity
committee to coordinate campus
radio and television publicity per-
sonnel, art committeemen, and
road show committeemen to han-

The "Pinetree" chain, started dIe publicity for the annual Christ-,
four years ago, extends across the mas Midwest road tour.
populated southern part of the Do-
minion, generally along the 54th a
parallel. This was a joint Canadi-
an-U.S. project. ,I
Tomorrow will be the last
Last spring, Canada undertook day to pick up checks and un-
to finance, construct and operate sold books at the Student Book
the "Mid-Canada line" of radar Exchange in the quonset hut
stationsacross the broad center Inear Waterman Gym.
of the country. na aemnGm


Germany at Mercy of Politics: Kopf

A West German governor sug-
gested in an informal discussion at
the Union yesterday, that his coun-
try was almost powerless before
other nations of the world.

Hinrich Wilhelm Koft, minist-
er-president or governor of the
state of Lower Saxony in the West
German Federal Republic, has
spent the last three days here as

World News Roundup1
By The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - Nationalist China's foreign minister
yesterday struck at what he called the growing tendency of some
United Nation's members to negotiate outside the UN with Red China.
The minister, George K. C. Yeh, denounced the Geneva Con-
ference and repeated his long-standing contention that the Soviet
Union has qualified for expulsion from the UN.

part of a two-month tour of the
United States.
The visitor commented on the
current problem of rearming Ger-
many that "Germany is not the
subject but the object of inter-
national politics today. We play
no role, we are left only waiting
to be told where we stand."
Guest of University
The 62-year-old statesman from
Hanover was the guest of the po-
litical science department in his
visit to the University.
Prof. James Pollock, department
chairman, worked with Kopf in
the period of post-war reconstruc-
tion in Germany.
Kopf's trip to the United States
is being made in conjunction with
the Exchange of Personnel Pro-
gram of the Department of State,
I and i nnviru'by+he Onvem1,rn-

Although Kopf lived briefly in
Brooklyn for a short period 45
years ago, he speaks no English
and is accompanied by an inter-
preter and secretary, Countess
Elizabeth Werthern.
Kopf entered German -politics in
1918 as an assistant to the min-
ister of the Weimar Republic, and
by 1933 was a county governor.
But that year he was dismissed
from civil service by the Nazis,
because of his leading role in the
social Democratic party. He re-
mained in private business during
the war and in 1945 was appointed
to a high state office by the mili-
tary government.
Veep of Bundesrat
The minister-president also is
serving as vice-president of the
Bundesrat or upper house of the


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