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LI)ITPA 7 ,L' lvl,1s'E Z4, '1954
The Case of Prof. Nickerson:
Non-Conformity Is Not Conspiracy
"Hey - What About The Man?"
. .Cetteir to the 6ditor.
IT IS DIFFICULT to assess the irreparable dam-
age done the University of Michigan in general
and the faculty and student bodies in particular
by the dismissals of Prof. Nickerson and Dr. Davis.
To say that faculty morale has suffered immeasur-
ably and that disillusionment runs high among stu-
dents is to say the obvious. These are the glaring,
immediate effects of the firings. There is more than
this, though. One can't escape the strong feeling
that the personal injustice suffered by these two
men is overshadowed by something more urgent,
more desperate. The future course of our education-
al system, and hence our entire way of life, is At a
critical point.
Buried deep within the emotionalism that sur-
rounds and even obscures the real issues involved,
there lies a question of principle: In a free so-
ciety, do a man's unorthodox-yes, even objec-
tionable-personal beliefs render him incapable
of fulfilling his teaching obligations?
The case of Prof. Nickerson is a vivid, clear-cut.
illustration of this question. Here is a man who was
admtitedly professionally competent. The excel-
lence of his teaching ability was never in question.
What caused his dismissal? Prof. Nickerson was for-
merly a memebr of the Communist Party. In 1947,
he left the Party and has not been active in Party
affairs since. In May, 1954, Rep. Clardy's Subcom-
mittee on Un-American Activities subpoenaed Prof.
Nickerson. He appeared in Lansing and refused, on
legal Constitutional grounds, to answer questions
put to him by the House Committee. In later ses-
sions with special University faculty committees,
however, Prof. Nickerson answered all questions
freely and frankly.
One -of the major factors leading to Nickerson's
dismissal, it would appear, is that although he
didn't engage in any political activity while teach-
ing at Michigan, he would "not disavow or re-
pudiate Communism, and his beliefs continued un-
changed." Again, quoting from the President's Spe-
cial Advisory Committee report, Nickerson "con-
tinued td be a Communist in spirit." I
The implication is unmistakable: Prof. Nick-
erson was fired not because he did or taught
anything unlawful or "subversive," but because
he held certain unpopular opinions. Thus, in an
institution where freedom of thought should be
encouraged, we find severe sanctions invoked
against one who exercised his prerogative: non-
Let it be clear that Nickerson never said or did
anything, was never even accused of saying or do-
ing anything, that had the remotest connection
with the "Communist conspiracy." He is not ac-
cused of being a conspirator, or of even passively
aiding the "conspiracy." A poll of his closest asso-
ciates shows that he never publicly defended Com-
munism, much less attempted to indoctrinate any-u
one. His most grievous fault, apparently, is that he
refuses to denounce theoretical Communism or
Marxism, which is, intellectually at least, respect-
able. Nickerson is accused of being "A Communist
in spirit." What this nefarious sounding phrase
means is anybodys' guess. If it means that he priv-
ately believes in some Marxian doctrines, so what?
In a free society, a person is supposedly free to
think as he chooses. Should this man be penalized
because he thinks differently?
The practice of judging a teacher unfit for his
position because he holds certain unpopular poli-
tical, social, or economic views is logically un-
justifiable. A true scholar seeks out the facts, pon-
ders them carefully, and comes to a conclusion on
the basis of what he has done. If correct conclu-
sions were known in advance, this whole process
would be a ludicrous waste. The dangerous proce-
dure of telling a man that he can arrive at only
an accepted conclusion is a characteristic of the
authoritarian state that we are desperately trying
to avoid.
If Prof. Nickerson would have waved the flag,
bought a ticket to theĀ°American'Legion Ball,
and praised the Junior Senator from Wisconsin,
he undoubtedly would have been sent back to
his desk with a pat on the back. Instead, he dis-
played a rare, intellectual integrity and spoke out
in favor of the things he believed. He may be
wrong in his beliefs; but as long as they don't
interfere with his teaching, as long as he per-
forms satisfactorily in the classroom, as long
as he breaks no laws, there can be no justifica-
tion for his dismissal.
It would seem that the sole aim of the Admin-
istration's action has been to purge "undesirable"
opinions from our school. A free school system,
like the free society in which it exists, must be
able to accommodate all shades of opinion. When
deviations from the "right" ideology are punished,
the monolithic thought-control system that we des.
pise in totalitarian governments is close at hand.
-Art Cornfeld
..r s It,
' .59.. P
The Greatest Good .. .
To the Editor:
RE WEDNESDAY'S editorial on
bermuda shorts; I feel 'that
someone ought to take up the
cudgel for Dean Bacon. Let's face
it: bermudas are undignified;
what's more, they're ridiculous. I
can't imagine why people wear
them except perhaps as part of
that everlasting search for (and
I quote) "individuality."
The issue at stake is not, of
course, whether bermudas should'
be permitted in public; that would
be unutterably silly. What the
writers of the editorial seemed
most afraid of was that the Uni-
versity's government was infring-
ing on "personal liberty." They
cited the driving ban, party regis-
tration and chaperonage and the
ban on drinking as examples of
The reason for the driving ban
should be self-evident; there are
already too darn many cars and
too few parking places in Ann Ar-
bor. I believe that there was an
editorial in the Daily only last
spring upholding the ban for this
very reason.
As for the parties and the
drinking, I guess the editorializers
feel that the University should
trust them to use their own judg-
ment concerning what is aind is not
proper. The question is, are they
mature enough to use their own
judgment? The widespread juve-
nilisms on other campuses ("pan-
ty-raids," etc.) ought to prove
that many college students are
not, The point is, that if people
are incapable of behaving like
adults, they must be legislated
against like children.
The things for you tosdo then,
Miss Goldstein and Miss or Mr.
Marks and the others like you, is
to demonstrate to the University
that you are adult and that you
are willing and able to conform
to the standards of society, which,
after all, are not set up to frus-
trate you, but to lead to the great-
est good for the greatest number.
--Tammy Morrison
Tuition Without
Representation? .
To the Editor:
Last year, widespread apathy
faced the Student Legislature;
many claim that in the light of
current events that apathy may be-
come blase disregard. I write this
letter in hope that this will never
happen. Student legislation, it is
true, may not have achieved full
recognition and enactment.
But it is vitally important that
the reason for this failure be un-
derstood. Progressive legislation
did not die on the floor of SL. It
was tabled by the University ad-
ministration; it was given the
know-nothing, do-nothing treatment
at Regents' meetings.
More than a year was spent on
preparing a five page driving ban
brief which brilliantly considered
that problem; when blatant league
house discrimination appeared in
the early months of 1954 we spent
innumerable hours often into the
early morning preparing motions
in committee. The legislation on
both of these problems passed
unanimously on the floor, was ta-
bled by the Regents and promptly
forgotten about.
At a state sipported university
such as ours it is not difficult of
course to understand such intense
administrative control. However
that understanding in no way jus-
tifies one's giving up on student
representation. To do this is to
accept defeat, to relinquish the
rights democracy insures. It makes
no difference whether the student
pays $90 per semester state tuition
or $215 out of state tuition, that
payment still validates certain
rights. In our country representa-
tion is certainly one of them.
To the Editor:
To give up on representation, to
exchange your rights for compla-
cency, and self-satisfaction is im-
possible. This, if ever, is the time
to rally about SL.
*- David Levy
Bon Voyage .. .
I am writing this letter out of
my great concern for our brave
Wolverine Team and the hazardous
trip that they will be taking this
weekend; hazards which I think
Bennie Oosterbaan should be
aware of.
I am told that the team will be
flying over dangerous Indian Ter-
ritory, particularly oyer an area
where Chief Seattle is on the war
path. While I understand that Chief
Seattle is old and senile, the fact
remains that he is on the war path
and this should be considered, par-
ticularly, since the trip will be
made over high and rugged moun-
tarns with dangerous down dratfs.
I am not, suggesting that the
team make the trip by train since
there has been so many train
wrecks in the past few weeks, but
I am suggesting that our brave
Wolverines be divided into three
equal teams and sent in three
planes via different routes, so that
we will not lose our entire team
should a mishap occur.
I further suggest that each plane
be given a fighter escort to pro-
tect them from flying saucers
which have recently been sighted
in that area. In addition, should
the crew of the plane decide to
give our boys a thrill by flying
over coastal waters, let us hope
that they will remain within the
ten mile limit to be out of danger
of flying Migs.
- Luther H. Buchele,
Both the Italian and German
people accepted their respective
brands of totalitarianism more
quickly, more fully, with less re-
sistance than did the Russians.
Carran, the venerable republicrat
from Nevada, is one of the most
blase men in the Senate. He also
likes to see politics operate on a
self-financing basis. To accomplish
this he has a happy faculty for
putting state politicians on the fed-
eral payroll even though they are
doing almost nothing for Uncle
Sam, just as long as they are do-
ing something from him in Ne-
Take the case of Gov. Charles H.
Russell of Nevada, now running
for re-election. Probably few Ne-
vadans know it, but McCarran
kept Russell on the federal pay-
roll while he was running for gov-
ernor last time and right up until
after he was nominated.
What happened was that McCar-
ran at first encouraged ex-Gover-
nor Vail Pittman to run again for
governor, then double-crossed him
and backed Russell. He followed
this up by putting Russell on the,
Senate ECA Watchdog Committee,
which just happens to be the only
committee whose vouchers are not
audited by the General Accounting
Office, a little loophole arranged;
by Sen. Styles Bridges of New
Hampshire when he was chairman
of the committee during the 80th
Congress. The loophole, incident-
ally, permitted Bridges to send ex-
Sen. Worth Clark of Idaho on a
trip to the Orient to report on aid
for Chiang Kai-shek without an OK
from either Congress or the State
his earlier service with the com-
mittee. Since the General Account-
ing Office could not audit the vou-
chers, taxpayers will have to take
McCarran's word for it. He signed
the vouchers.
Junket to Switzerland
The vouchers themselves show
up a couple interesting items. For
example, Russell took a junket at
committee expense to SwitzerlandI
during the tourist season at the
alpine resorts. This might have
been considered committee busi-
ness, except that the only purpose
of the committee was to oversee
the Marshall PLAN. And Switzer-
land was the only country in West-
ern Europe that flatly refused to
participate in the Marshall Plan.
Another interesting item on Rus-
sell's expense accounting is air
transportation to Reno and rental
of an automobile during the March
21-April 24, 1950, period. This
happens to be about the same,
time that Russell was campaign-
ing for the gubernatorial nomina-
IT LOOKS AS though it will be as difficult to
agree on a substitute as it was on E.D.C. itself.
What is the root of the difficulty? It is in the fear
'of what Germany will do, once she is "sovereign"
-that is to say free to have a foreign policy of her
own-and once she has behind that policy the
strongest army on the European continent. E.D.C.
was an attempt to limit the independent action of
a re-armed Germany by putting Germany in a
harness of treaty obligations. The substitutes which
all the governments are now working with are ef-
forts to rig up a different treaty harness which will
no less effectively limit the foreign policy of a re-
armed Germany.
In the last analysis the reason that E.D.C.
failed was that so many Frenchmen, including
their elder statesmen, their senior diplomatic
and military leaders, were unable to believe that
the harness could or would effectively limit the
action of a rearmed and sovereign Germany. They
felt that, though wearing the harness, the horse
would almost certainly run away.
Faced with this there are two different ways of
approaching the problem. One is to rush around
from capitol to capitol trying to untie and to retie,
to hook up and to button up a new harness which
France will approve and which Bonn will be willing
to wear. The other way to approach the problem
is to try to deal directly and firmly with the ques-
tion, what are we afraid that a sovereign rearmed
Germany will do? Then let us talk concretely with
the Germans about that.
There is no mystery as to what we, including
first of all Dr. Adenauer himself, are trying to pre-
vent. It is a deal between a sovereign rearmed West
Germany and the Soviet Union. This is the danger
which the E.D.C. harness and all the substitute
harnesses are designed to prevent. For everyone
knows that the pull within Germany towards such
a deal is bound to be very strong, and to become all
the stronger as Germany acquires great military
power in her own right. The Russians hold big
assets for a deal with the Germans: unification,
withdrawal of the army of occupation, rectification
of the frontiers, resettlement of the expelled re-
fugees, trade, and great political influence in the
destiny of Europe. This is no imaginary affair.
There is powerful evidence that the pull towards a
Russian deal is gaining momentum not only in the
opposition to Dr. Adenauer but within his own co-
IS IT POSSIBLE to prevent such a deal by a treaty
which is designed to tie West Germany's hands?
There are many in Europe who believe that this
could have been done by the creation on the basis
of E.D.C. of a federal union in which Germany
would lose so much sovereign power that it could
not make an independent deal with Russia. Others
have contended, rightly it seemed to me, that a
federal union which would last could not be made
as long as the Germans were divided. The primary
interest of the Germans would be outside, not in-
New Books at the Library
Bowen, Robert O.-Sidestreet. New York, Knopf,
side, the federal union. The unification of Germ-
any must be regarded as the primary political in-
terest of the Germans, and any policy built upon
an under-estimate of German nationalism is
doomed to fail.
Those who take this view can have little confi-
dence in the notion that Germany can be harness-
ed by a treaty. What then? There are those who
would like to keep Germany disarmed under four
power tutelage. That, is seems to me, is at least as
unrealistic, at least as productive of underground
intrigue and conspiracy, and founded on the same
fallacy, as the harness theory.
* * * *.
THE TRUE ALTERNATIVE is to treat the Germ-
ans as we would expect to be treated if we
were disarmed, divided, dismembered and occu-
pied. We would expect our allies to have a policy
not only for our rearmament but along with our
rearmament and as part of it, a policy for our
reunification. The real question is what is to be
the policy of a rearmed Germany in regard to its
own reunification. That is the crux of the diffi-
The ultimate, stubborn and destructive diffi-
culty in all these schemes for German rearma-
ment is that they treat it as a thing virtually
by itself. They evade the paramount question
which must dominate the policy of a rearmed
Germany. Yet there is no use elaborating pacts
about German sovereignty and rearmament and
shoving under the table the over-riding question
of German unity.
The Germans will not accept the partition of
Germany. They will throw Europe into convulsions
if their unity is too long denied them. Moreover,
the cold war is going to be lost in Germany by the
side which in the showdown finds German nation-
alism aroused against it. We could have German
nationalism with us. For the Germans are over-
whelming anti-Communist. But we can have Ger-
man nationalism with us only if we convince the
Germans that we really believe in the unification of
Germany, and that unification is an objective, not
merely a distant ideal, of our practical diplomacy.
IT IS NOT too late to take this line. But it is get-
ting late. For in our excessive and over-riding pre-
occupation with German rearmament as such, in
our tepid interest in the German national problem,
in our bad habit of staking everything on a par-
ticular foreign favorite, we are losing contact with
what may well be a majority of the German nation.
We are failing to avert, we are even encouraging,
the notion that the Germans who do not agree with
Dr. Adenauer are anti-American. This is a griev-
ous mistake, and I do not think it is too much to
say that we are in the way of alienating German
national feeling as, to a distressing degree, we have
already alienated French national feeling.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
AGREAT GULF of mutual suspicion and hatred
yawns between the Soviet regime and its sub-
jects. This is the most hopeful element in the
whole equation of world affairs today.
Our fifth column for freedom in Soviet Russia,
already counting millions, can be expanded to
scores of millions. Given favorable circumstances,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
During this period, Russell col- Administration Building before 2 p.m.
lected his full senate salary, plus the day preceding publication (be.
an additional $315 for 35 days of fore 10 a.m. on Saturday).
personal expenses, plus $150 for FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 1954
renting an automobile for "offi- vol. LXv, No. 4 ,
cial business," plus the air trans-'
portation home. And it seems high- Votices
ly doubtful that there was much
ECA business in Reno during the Any veteran who expects to receive
primary campaign. education and training allowance un-
der Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill)
Washington Pipeline at the Uxiversity of Michigan for the
Dave Beck, head of the team-
sters, paid an interesting call on!
In any case, McCarran happily President Eisenhower after he
took advantage of the loophole and back from his recent trip to I
paid Russel $860.85 per month as a rope. He told Ike he had discuss
so-called committee consultant dur- the Red China trip of British Lax
ing the same time he was running leaders with Herbert Morrison a
for governor, asked whether the Laborites we
Russell remained there until now cooperating with the Chur
June 30, 1950, though nominated ill Conservatives to promote F
for governor on June 1, 1950. East trade Morrison denied th
On Dec. 13 1950--wel aftPr Rs- said the timing of the trip wasi
r' 1~iR IiV1 TlU TIME ust rpor t to RoomUIJ
555 of the Administration Building be-'
tween 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Sept.
24 or 27 if he has not already done so.
Regents' Meeting: Friday, October
22. Communications for consideration
at this meeting must be in the Presi-
dent's hands not later than October 14.
The following persons will please re-
port to Hill Auditorium between 5 and
6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 2, to pick up
their lecture Course Usher Ticket&
Woliam, Betty; Weingarten, Rona
Wolfe, John T.; Yagle, Ray A.
Yogich, Louis N.; Yogich, Donna
Yeomans, Barbara; Zilber, Norman A.
Zako, Louis R.; Zerbel, David W.
Shuster, Irene; McPherson, Mary A.
Lofft, Carol; Fagen, Joan H.
Kormondy, Peggy; Remer, Alice
Hynes, Mary Jane; Zweibach, Tobi
Wile, Mary Anil;
Martini; William; Martini, Mrs. William
Academic Notices
History 146 will meet in room 2029
Angell Hail rather than 1437 Mason
German 133 Goethe and His Faust in
English Translation will meet MWF at!
2:00 in Room 102D Tappan Hall.
German 211 (Gothic) will meet Mon.
at 3:00-5:00 in Room 102D, Tappan Hall.
German 207 (Introduction to Old
High German) will meet M 12:00-1:00,
W 8:00-9:00, W 11:00-12:00 in Room
102D Tappan Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Wayne Al-
exander Cessatt, Jr., Chemistry; thesis:
"Decay Scheme and Characterization
Study of Radioactive Products of Deu-
teron Reactions." Friday, September
24, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:30 p.m.
Chairman, W. W. Meinke.
Schools of Education, Music, Natur-
al Resources and Public Health - Stu-
dents, who received marks of I, X, or
'no reports' at the end of their last
semester or summer session of attend-
ance, will receive a grade of "E" in the
course or courses, unless this .work is
made up by October 20 in the Schools
of Education, Music and Public
Health. In the School of Natural Re-
sources the date is October 15. Stu-
dents, wishing an extension of time
beyond this date in order to make up
this work, should file a petition, ad-
dressed to the appropriate official of
their school, in Room 1513 Administra-
tion Building, where it will be trans-
Events Today
A meeting will be held to explain the
Engineering Placement Services:
Fri., Sept, 24, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 348, W.
All students intending to do employ-
ment interviewing, or to otherwise use
these services are requested to attend
one of these meetings.
Interested faculty members are also
cordially invited.
Coming Events
S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion *-
12:00 noon at Lane Hall. Leila Giles,
Secretary of the World Student Chris-
tian Federation in Australia, will speak
on "Student Conditions Throughof
the World." Persons of all religions cor-
dially invited. Please call reservatiops
to NO 3-1511, extension 2851 by Friday
Professor Zernike of the University
of Groningen (Netherlands) will pre-
sent a series of six~ lectures on -prob-
lims of modern optics during the week
of September 27 to October 1. Profes-
sor Zernike is Nobel Laureate of 1953,
the award being based upon his de-
velopment of phase contrast micrQ-
scopy. The program is as follows:
Mon., Sept. 27, 4 p.m. Room 202 West
Physics. Problems in the Diffraction of
Light (With Demonstrations).
Tues., Sept. 28, 4 p.m. Room 2038
Randall. Mathematical Problems ofthe
Diffraction Theory of Light.
Wed., Sept. 29, 4 p.m. Room 20
Randall. The Formation of the Mi-
croscopic Image.
Thurs., Sept. 30, 4 p.m. Room 202
West Physics. Possibilities of Interfer-
ence and Phase Contrast Microscopy.
(Physical Principles).
Thurs., 8 p.m. Room 202 West Physics.
Applications of Phase Contrast Micro-
scopy (With Demonstrations).
Fri., Oct. 1, 4 p.m. Room 2038 Ran-
dall. Optics of the Diffraction grating.
All who are interested are invited.
The first and fifth lectures will be
the least technical.
Mirigat Bll
vl .vG L, Jyv- elui lu
sell's election-he was still drawing
expenses, though the vouchers
claimed these expenses covered
The Eg
(EDITOR'S NOTE: In keeping
with our policy of editorial page
diversity of opinion, The Daily here
presents the reactions to "The
Egyptian" volunteered by another
Daily Reviewer.)
Once in a great while, Holly-
wood puts together a film worthy
of the literature on which it is'
based: "The Killers," "Treasure
of Sierra Madre," and "Oxbow!
Incident" are a few examples thatj
come to mind. But in making "The
Egyptian," Messers (sic) Zanuck,
Curtiz, and Crew have heeded Un-
cle Louis' (B. Mayer) famous ad-
mondition to "Give 'em entertain-
ment - they don't want art." If
these are the two alternatives,
the film version of Waltari's novel
is pure (sic) entertainment (sic).
The plot (sic) regales (sic) us
with the rise & fall & rise & fall
(economico - professionally) &,'
concurrently, the rise & fall &I
fall & rise (morally) of the story's
(sic) narrator, Sinewy (sic) (Ed-
mond Purdom), a Theban cra-
nium-cracker. The sub-plot deals
with the rise (politico-economical-
ly) and fall (morally) of Sinewy's
(sic) less complex friend, Har-
rumph (sic), portrayed by Victor
(Pantsless) Mature. Gene Tierney{
highcheeks her way through 'a
part suggestive of Diana & Sap-
pho; poor Michael Wilding, bear-
ino- h is white-man's burden'
fortunate ... Bek also told Ike Anderson, M. Lenore; Anderson, Marilyn
Alley.Don W.; Alley, Ruth Briggs
(Copyright, 1954, Ashley, Robert R.; Ashley, Mary T.
by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Albright, Margaret; Ash, Phyllis
Brown, Herbert R.; Buchanan, Robert
Burlinggame, Richard J.; Becker, Ann
* Bulger, Craig; Burgee, Robert C.
Burstein, Barbara E.; Bauer, Nancy
Brinley, Jack; Blum, Lois
Buse, Donna; Bell, Shirley
Bell, Arlen; Bitman, Sue
r V iew Baranski, Elisabeth; Butler, Connie
Barker, Jane; Barich, Judy
Casey, Charles S.; Chigrinski, Bob
eral unfortunate lions, a cat, a Clegg, John M.; Caris, Mary K.
cast of thousands, and 30 seconds Curtis, Dorothy; Coleman, Jill A .
Caciappo, Betty; DeBouver, Ronald V.
of footage of authentic Egyptian Dickstein, Ruth; Dunham, Harriet
scenery fill in the many corners Diamond, Bill; Dolby, Freida
of this spectacle. Inhowfar the Diamond, Tula; Dudd, John Edward
novel is historically accurate, or Dudd, Joan St. Denis; Dorpalen, Re-
the film true to the novel, I am Domke, Elaine; Danielson, Shirley
unprepared to say; but certainly Emmons, Kathleen; Eaton, Barbara
the scriptwriters, Messers (sic) Edwards, Melvin; Freedman, Cyril
Dunne & Robinson, show them- Foley, Carol Diane; Fleming, Marion
selves adept at confusing historyFluche, Marcia; Fraser, Jean
y Fischer, Carol Lee; Faily, Alice Jane
& literature to an extent hitherto Faily, Joy S.; Gray, Jerry M.
unmatched. They have concocted Gokenbach, Bonnie; Glasner, Bernice
a hotch-potch which includes mis- Ganger, Eleanore; Godfroy, Mary Beth
quotations & other inaccuracies & Heiman, Richard J.; Haan, Robert L.
cuaming&therulingcumes oHuizenga, Florence; Hughes, Joan Lee
cramming the resulting mess into Hyman, Joan; ,Helfman, Esther
the actors' (sic) throats, to be Helliwel , Norene; Hamil, Elianor
spewed forth at the most unlikely Holtrop, Teresa; Hollyer, Julia
times & in the most disjointed Hogh, Ingeborg Martha; Irish, Lee
aysm Tus methvemrstpdsented Johnson, F. Deborah; Jacobs, Marilyn
ways. Thus we have represented Schain
John Donne ("Ask not for who the Kirkpatrick, Don L.; Koutsoudas, An-
drums thump . . ."), Jesus ("Love drew
thine Hittite enemies"), Abe Lin- Krans, Cynthia; Kamp, Charles
Coln & others ("The color of a Kavanau, Thelma; Kornwise, Sally
Kadri, Joan; Krawitz, Sally
man's skin has no significance"), Kornberg, Honora; Kahn, Barbara
Horatio Alger ("Even the son of Lamo, Margaret; Levy, Susan
a cheese-maker may aspire to the Lawler, Joan H.; Lorber, Sally
pharoahship"), and whatnot else. Licht, Roberta; Levinson, June
Scenes from past films are dupli- Lazar, Maxine; Labiner, Marilyn
sates wthliptfirlmoscare dpinMangulis, Janis E.; Medvesky, Julia
cated, with little or no change in Murphy, Patricia L.; Malloy, Patricia L.
either the main characters or the Marshall, Anne; Meier, Dorothy
cast of thousands: the Christian- McKeighan, Sally; Meeter, Hermine
type progrom in "The Egyptian" Nash, Gordon L.; Nyberg, Richard
of the believer in Akton, the OnegyaitlandaRob ,tN yeanne
II Otto, Carl; Oiala, Dorothy F.
God, smack of "The Robe," "De- Paullin, Charlene; Philko, Phyllis
metrius & he Gladiators," & oth- Rasbach, James; Rasbach. Joyce
1 ers. The attributing of pre-Chris- Rose, Janice; Richards, Mary A.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
S.R.A. Friday Afternoon Coffee Hour Editorial Staff
at Lane Hall, 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. All Eugene'Hartwig.......Managing Editor
students, especially new graduate, Dorothy Myers..............City Editor
transfer and freshmen are cordially Jon Sobeloff..........Editorial Director
invited. Pat Roelofs.........Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.........Associate Editor
Westminster Student Fellowship is Nan Swinehart.......!.Associate Editor
holding open house in the student Dave Livingston...........Sports Editor
center on the third floor of the Pres- Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor
byterian church tonight from 8 to Warren Wertheimer
12. All are welcome to get acquainted.............Associate Sports Editor
and have fun. Roz Shlimovitz........ Women's Editor
I Joy Squires.... Associate Women's Editor
..Hillel . . . Friday evening supper Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor
followed by services at 8:00 Dean Morton .......Chief Photographer
Generation, campus literary maga-
sine, will have an organization meet-
ing at 3 p.m. today in the GENERA-
TION office on the firs floor of the
Student Publications uilding. Per-
sons interested in obtaining positions
on the editorial, business and art
staffs are invited; no previous exper-
inifl.n nerve .gr.
Business Staff
Lois Pollak .,........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise.........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski. .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1