TUARY 8, 1955
----7 TI-1-
ity Accelerates Action
)n. Building Inspections
Ann Arbor's building inspec-
tion program is getting into full
swing now that the additional in-
spector appointed last fall is on
the job.
Robert E. Miller, who resigned
as a fireman to help John E. Ryan
} check the city's multiple unit
dwellings for safety standard vi-
olations, assumed his new duties
at the beginning of the year.
Since then, the Department of
Building Inspection and Safety
Engineering has been inspecting
"three or four houses a day," ac-
cording to Ryan and Miller.
Two Months Stretch
They estimate it will take them
two months to finish investigat-
ing complaints that have piled up
and begin a systematic inspec-
tion of the city's approximately
1,800 multiple unit dwellings.
A complaint comes usually from
a roomer who doesn't feel 'safe'
because of overcrowded conditions
or inadequate means of exit ,in
case of fire.
An investigation of the com-
plaint is made as soon as possible.
Miller or Ryan takes along a form
sheet filled out with information
as he goes from the basement to
the top floor.
Time Limit Set
With the results of the inspec-
tion listed in detail, a carbon copy
of the completed form is sent to
the owner of the building along
with a letter pointing out any vi-
olations and giving him a certain
time in which to bring his prop-
erty up to safety standards.
An owner is usually given 60
days to correct a violation, Ryan
said. "But it may be less than that
if the violation is serious." He re-
ported only one case where as few
as 14 days were allowed.
At the end of the alloted time,
another inspection is made. In
most cases, the owner is concerned
about the safety on his property,
because unsafe conditions cost
him money, if only on insurance
premiums. Because of this, the
second inspection usually finds
satisfactory conditions.
In fact, Miller estimated that
about 50 per cent of the inspec-
tions made have been requested
by owners.
$10 -$100 Penalties
The law provides for those who
are unconcerned to the point of
not cooperating with the Depart-
ment's requests. For a safety vio-
lation, an owner is subject to a
penalty of not less than $10 nor
more than $100.
For refusing to comply with an
order to correct unsatisfactory
conditions, he may be fined not
less than $50 nor more than $250,
and not less than ten days in jail.
Each day a condition goes uncor-
rected is a separate violation.
Once in a while, Ryan and Mil-
ler come across real hardship
cases. "But each situation is
treated as a separate case," Ryan
said. Extenuating circumstances
are taken into account.
The Department is not unrea-
sonable, he added. It simply wants
to make Ann Arbor housing safe,
because in both the short-run and
the long-run, it is for the good
of both owner and tenants.
"Our biggest job," Ryan said, as
Miller nodded in agreement, "is
selling that idea."
Signed contracts for J-Hop
booths, questionnaires a n d
signed rules are due Saturday.
Any house not able to get theirs
in may contact Gene Cohen,
Normandy 2-9705.
Poll Favors
U1'As It Is
(Continued from Page 1)
certainly pass them again
An dan engineer expressed theI
common dating problem of his
group saying, "The engineers are
left out of it. There should be a
mass mixer betweenengineers and
But the common feeling was,
well as James Filgis, '56, put it: "I
like it fairly well the way it is."
Most University students agree.
Nobody even mentioned beef
Industry Program Distributes
First Nuclear Energy Survey
As its first action since it was
launched this fall, the University's
new Industry Program is currently
distributing a survey of the nucle-
ar energy field to interested mem-
bers of industry.
Titled, "A Peacetime Survey of
Nuclear Energy from .an Indus-
trial Viewpoint," the manual is
the result of a year's work by a
team of chemical engineers. The
well-illustrated survey shows var-
ious industries how they can find
a role in the nuclear field.
Difficulties Discussed
Difficulties which might be en-
countered, such as the handling
and storage of radioactive by-
products, are also discussed in the
text. Other topics dealt with in
the manual include the uses of
radioactive fission products from
reactors, the preparation of fuel
from ores and the corporations
currently engaged in the atomic
energy field.
The first of its kind, the survey
is dedicated to the late George W.
Mason, a University alumnus, who
Engineering Council Provides
Government, Gives Service
Providing liaison between engi-
neering students and the faculty is
the job of the Engineering Coun-
Discussing the problem at hand
and coming to a conclusion are
the main steps the council takes
before submitting its decisions to
the Dean's office for consideration.
Curriculum, engineering school
policy, and sponsorship of many
service projects come under the
council's consideration.
David Davies, '55E, current
president, said that replacing the
Engineering Council which went
out of existence in 1952, the pres-
ent council is largely the work of
Tawfig Khoury,' '55E, who was
president of the Engineering
Steering Council in 1953-54. Khou-
ry realized that the Steering Coun-
cil was doing little in the way of
student programs and instigated
work on the formation of a new
council. After the constitution and
final plans were drawn, they were
presented to the Dean's office and
the SAC for approval.
In the spring of 1954. thn coun-
cil went into operation with Da-
vid Davies, '55E, who drafted the
council's constitution as president;
Bill Diamend, '56E, vice-president;
and Charles Stickles, '55E, secre-
Each department in the Engi-
neering School has at least one
professional organization. T h e
presidents of each organization
takes a position on the council
along with the president of the
senior class and members at large
who are chosen by petition.
The council is at present work-
ing on a plan whereby a system of
class boards will be developed in
the school which will send repre-
sentatives to the council. These
representatives will serve as a li-
aison between the classes and the
governing group.
An assembly for seniors, called
Senior Seminar, said Davis, was
th first project worked on by the
council. This assembly presents
students with job prospects and a
review of the types of engineering
careers open today.
For the benefit of high school
students who visit the University
in the spring, the council is spon-
soring the Engineering Open
House. Members are also working
on a proposal of having a mass
meeting to try to find out about
desired curriculum changes. A
committee will be formed at this
meeting to make specific recom-
mendations to the Dean's office for
Latest project is the attempt by
the council to have an engineering
lounge in E. Engine Building
where meetings of the various or-
ganizations in the school could
take place. An office is also needed
for the organizations to do their
paper work in.
Meetings of this group are open
to all students.
Red Cross Opens
Teachers' Course
Those interested in becoming
swimming teachers at camps this
summer may enroll before Jan. 17
for the Red Cross water safety in-
structors' course.
It will begin at the end of the
month, according to Mrs. Ethel L.
Atkinson, executive secretary of
the local chapter.
Interested persons may enroll by
coming to or calling Red Cross
headquarters in the Nickels Ar-
took a prominent part in the es-
tablishment of the Phoenix Pro-
ject andwas the first subscriber
to the Industry Program.
Communication Chief Aim
The program has, as its chief
objective, direct communication
between the University's College of
Engineering and industry.
The College will disseminate
non-classified information and ar-
range technical meetings for in-
dustries at the same time increas-
ing its own educational program
through increased contact withl
representatives of industry.
Big Ten Group
To Discuss
Dorm Living
Representatives of independent
men and women will hash over
mutual problems at the Big Ten
Residence Halls Conference April
29 to May 1 at the University.
Held each year at one of the
Western Conference schools, the
meeting's major purpose is to dis-
cuss common problems of resi-
dence hall living and student gov-
ernment, according to Silvia Le-
vi, '56, co-chairman of the Assem-
bly Association-Interhouse Coun-
cil conference committee.
The University has agreed to
supply living quarters and linens
free of charge for the estimated
150 students expected to attend
the conference from other schools,
Miss Levi said.
Other expenses will be covered
by a registration fee which has
been approximately $7.50 in past
Plans for the conference include
inviting some Michigan colleges
which are not members of the Big
Ten to attend as guest schools.
Final decision as to which
schools will be asked has not been
made, Miss Levi said.
DAC To Hold
Panel Tonight
A panel discussion will follow!
tonight's performance of "She
Stoops to Conquer," at the Dra-
matic Arts Center.
Participating in the talks will be
Prof. Frank L. Huntley of the Eng-
lish departmept, Prof. Wilfred
Kaplan of the mathematics de-
partment, Anne Heidbreder and
Joe Gistirak, director of the pro-
The three final performances of
the Goldsmith play will be at 8:15
p.m. today and 2:30 p.m. and 8:15
p.m. tomorrow. Admission is $1.65.
Means Safe
(Continued from Page 1)
thought which believes lasting im-
munity can only be accomplished
by using live vaccine. Dr. Enders
said recently in Stockholm he be-
lieves the final vaccine will use
live virus.
Safety of Virus
"We have to be careful," Dr.
Landauer said, "not to use a vac-
cine which will itself cause an
infection of a serious nature. The
Salk vaccine, using dead virus, is
perfectly safe."
The doctor pointed out there are
large supplies of killfed virus avail-
able. If later tests show a live vir-
us would be more effective it will
be used.
Preliminary tests showed Salk
vaccine was safe. With the know-
ledge that Salk vaccine raised the
level of virus-fighting antibodies
nigher than gamma globulin and
could be manufactured in quantity
at a cost low enough to make feas-
ible widespread use, preparations
were begun for a massive under-
taking-field trials to establish
the Salk vaccine's value.
NYU To Give
Twenty Law
Annual competition for the Eli-
hu Root-Samuel J. Tilden Schol-
arships, designed to select "20 most
promising college seniors planning
legal careers," has been announ-
ced by New York University.
Valued at $6,600 each, scholar-
ships are awarded to two candi-
dates from each of the ten Fed-
eral Judicial Circuits for a spe-
cial training program at New York
Awards will be made on the ba-
sis of academic records, extra-cur-
ricular activities and potential ca-
pacity for public leadership.
Candidates must be unmarried
male citizens of the United States
who will have received baccalau-
reate degrees from an approved
college by the time they begin
studying law.
Information may be obtained
from the dean of the New York
University School of Law, Wash-
ington Square, New York 3, N.Y.
Child Films
Now Available
Half-hour filmed shows on child
development are now being made
available to groups around the
state by the University.
The shows are up-to-date ver-
sions of a series presented over
WWJ-TV, Detroit, several years
ago by Dean Willard C. Olson of
the education school, an authori-
ty on child development.
Organizations interested in tak-
ing advantage of this service may
contact the University's Audio-
Visual Education Center in the
Administration Building for fur-
ther details.
Clubs Sponsor
Girls Home
Girlstown, a proposed home for
gils is to be established in the
Ann Arbor region by the Michigan
State Federation of Women's
Girlstown is to be a home for
girls without police records and
who need refuge from unfavorable
home conditions. Girls will be re-
commended to Girlstown by so-
cial agencies.
Since the site for Girlstown has
not been chosen, the University
Board of Regents has promised
cooperation in helping to find a
building, choose trained staff
members and to participate in the
operation of Girlstown after its
-X E-rr
-Courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory
In the center of New York's Long
Island is some valuable property.
During World War II, it was
Camp Upton, an Army induction
After the war, the government
developed the 3500 acres into a
center of nuclear research and de-
velopment: Brookhaven National
Laboratory. It is sponsored by nine
northeastern schools, Associated
Universities, Inc., under contract
with the Atomic Energy Commis-
Population: 1400
During most of the year, Brook-
haven employs about 1400 workers,
but only a minority live on the
post itself. Well-designed apart-
ments overshadow the houses' ex-
teriors for they are reconverted
The site is not open to the gen-
eral public. All employees go
through careful security checking,
and visitors are permitted only via
passes signed by an employee.
Cars are stopped at the two en-
trances for identification,
Without a car, an individual is
There are no stores, only a cafe-
teria and snack bar; goods must
be bought in neighboring towns.
The area lies in a valley, two miles
from one highway and four from
the other. Patchogue, the largest
city in the vicinity, is about 14
miles away.
Tennis and handball courts, a
gymnasium, a swimming pool
(open only in the summer) and a
baseball diamond are the recrea-
tional facilities. A large theater
and smaller halls are used for
lectures as well as dramas pre-
sented by the post's theater group.
Summer Program
Summer students form, an im-
portant part of Brookhaven's re-
search program, coming there only
after high recommendation from
their schools.
A typical student was Roger
Theis, a junior in Bates College,
Me., back for his second summer
working in biophysics. The year
before he worked with plant hor-
mones, switching after deciding
what field he expects to enter.
Summarizing the summer pro-
gram, Theis said that Brookhaven
offers "tremendous opportunity
for research, especially for under-
graduate experience-to see and
use machines and apparatus that
have previously been described in
, "There is the opportunity in
learning by doing and being ex-
posed to understanding scientists
in their fields."
-Courtesy of BNL
-Daily-Harry Strauss
-Daily-Harry Strauss
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