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December 17, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-17

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Latest Deadline in the State












CONTROVERSIAL PHOTO-Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) during tangle with Army brass,
denies that front photo was altered before being submitted as exhibit at April hearing.
m "
en Leading National,
World News Events Reviewed

What were the ten most import-
ant national and world news
events of 1954?
Here's one slate of nominees for
the big ten of 1954;
1) End of the Indochina war
2) Agreements to rearm West
3) Announcement of hydrogen
bomb explosion in the Pacific
4) Shooting in the House of
5) Army-McCarthy hearings
6) Censure of Sen. Joseph R.
McCarthy (R-Wis.)
7) National elections
8) Guatamalan revolution
9) United States entry into the
St. Lawrence Seaway project
10) Nation-wide tests on the Salk
polio vaccine
Fighting ended in Indochina on
July 28, after, eight years of bit-
ter jungle fighting that cost hund-


reds of thousands of casualties for
both the French and Vietminh.
Armistice July 21
The armistice was signed early
July 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, as
French Premier Pierre' Mendes-
France negotiated only slightly
beyond a self-imposed deadline to
secure the cease-fire.
The agreement divided the In-
dochina state of Viet Nam along
the 17th parallel, delivering some
6,000,000 persons, the city of
Hanoi, and the port of Haiphong
into the hands of the Vietminh.
Allies Agree on Germany
The free nations of the world
took united action this fall to build
a stronger defense against the
might of the Soviet Union and her
On Oct. 21, France, Britain,
United States and West Germany
announced agreement on plans to

Professors Foresee
Prosperous, Calm 1955
A prosperous and peaceful 1955 is in store for the nation, according
to University political, economic and business experts.
With complete optimism, professors have indicated business will
continue on the rise, the Democrats will get along with Eisenhower,
and the foreign policy will remain peaceful coexistance.
Prof. Paul McCracken, authority on business conditions, said that
"the evidence is clear, business is already pulling out of the 1953-54
He foresaw production by the end of 1955 at a rate of 375 bil-
lion dollars, about five per cent above the current level.
Auto Production Up
"The auto industry," said Prof. McCracken, "should enjoy a 10
per cent increase on its volume." He added that consequently em-

bring West Germany into the
Western allies' plans for the de-
fense of Europe. Full sovereignty
of the Germany was recognized,
and compromise agreements on
control of the Saarland reached.
However, final approval of the
London and Paris accords on these
matters must be ratified by the
legislative bodies of the respec-
tive countries. In several cases--
including France and West Ger-
many-full approval of these plans
will not be easily won.
H-Bomb Explosion
On April Fool's Day one of the
most solemn events of the year
was announced: the result of the
world's first hydrogen bomb ex-
The test itself took place in
November, i952, with the detona-
tion of an H-bomb on Elugelab
island in the Pacific. Elugelab is-
land was erased from the face of
the world, and a crater one mile
in diameter by 175 feet deep took
its place.
In announcing the details of the
explosion, the Federal Civil De-
fense Administration said it
"firmly believes it is necessary for
the American public to know facts
about the destructiveness of nuc-
lear weapons."
The sharp crack of pistol shots
interrupted the calm procedings
of the House of Representatives
in Washington March 2, and five
congressmen All, wounded by
bullets fired by fanatic members
of the Puerto Rican Nationalist
Most seriously wounded was
Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich.)
--a graduate of the University.
Rep. Bentley, struck in the left
side below the heart, was given
only a 50-50 chance of living but
later recovered.
McCarthy Hearings
On April 22 the long-awaited
public showdown between Sen.
Joseph R. McCarthy (R+-Wis.)
and Pentagon officials opened
under the glare of television lights
and world wide publicity.
The row was over two main
1) Did Sen. McCarthy and his
aides-Roy Cohn and Francis Carr
-attempt by "improper means"
to get special treatment for Pvt.
G. David Schine, a subcommittee
consultant who was drafted last
2) Did Stevens, Army Counsel
John Adams and others attempt
to block investigation of alleged
"protecting" of Communists in
the Army?

Rumor Says
Now Free
VIENNA, Austria fX - The Cath-
olic press agency Kathpress yes-
terday distributed a rumor that
the Hungarian regime had re-
leased Josef Cardinal Mindszenty.
There was no confirmation from
any source.
The ailing 62-year old cardinal
was sentenced by the Reds in 1949
to life imprisonment on treason
and sabotage charges. The Rev.
Jacob Fried, chief of Catholic pub-
lications here, said the Kathpress
report came from a French busi-
nessman journeying from Buda-
Rumors Only
Father Fried said the French-
man was reliable but picked up the
reports "from rumors only and not
from any official source."
The Kathpress dispatch, date-
lined Budapest, said it was report-
ed Wednesday in "usually well in-
formed circles in the Hungarian
capital" that the cardinal had been
released a week ago and gone to
his diocese. But it added diplo-
matic quarters in Budapest knew
nothing about thq release and that
the cardinal's palace at his diocese
in Esztergom said he was not
Declines to Comment
In Budapest, spokesmen for the
Hungarian Foreign Ministry de-
clined to comment. There have
been rumors in the Hungarian dap-
ital for some time the Communist
regime was negotiating with the
Roman Catholic Church.
Vatican sources said rumors of
the cardinal's release had been
heard "for the past two months,"
without confirmation.
Plane Crashes
Nlear Pontiac
PONTIAC, Mich., (R--The pilot
of an F86B Sabrejet was killed last
night when his plane crashed and
burned in a swamp off Tucker Rd.
near M87 in Holly Township, Oak-
land County.
The plane had taken off from
Selfridge Air Force Base on a rou-
tine training flight.
Air Force officials at Selfridge
identified the victim as 1st Lt. John
D. Brown, 28 years old, of Cedar
Bluf, Va.
Brown was stationed at Selfridge
since July, 1953. He was assigned
to the 13th fighter-interceptor
squadron. He was married and
had twobchildren. His family lived
on the base.



U' Officials Planning
Cooperation with City

-U' Students
Leave City;

500 Remain
Five hundred are all that will

University officials are attempt-
ing to work outia plan to aid the
city building department in inspect-
ing student housing.
At a recent meeting called at the
initiative of the University, pos-
sible courses of action were dis-
cussed by city and school offi-
cials. "Nothing definite" was de-
cided, according to Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea.
Anxious to Combine Forces C
University leaders are anxious
to combine forces with the city,
Dean Rea said, but there are prob-
lems centering around money and
The aim is to have a list of ap-
proved housing prepared by Uni-
versity and city inspectors in time
for the fall term, he said.
There has been no decision as
Today is the last day to turn
in petitions for Joint Judiciary
Council at Student Legislature
headquarters in Quonset A near
Waterman gym.
Five students will be select-
ed to serve for one-year terms
on the basis of their petitions
and subsequent interviews.

to what University agency might
hire inspectors. Health Service has
inspected campus housing, along
with city officials, in the past. The
Office of Student Affairs also
might be the agency responsible,
according to Dean Rea.
Another question faced is finding
qualified inspectors. One suggestion
being considered would call for
the use of students in the School
of Public Health.
Another Plan Considered
Also considered at the meeting#
was a plan to have University-em-E
ployed inspectors deputized by the
city building department. At pres-
ent they would have no authority
to inspect most privately-owned
rooming houses.
John Ryan, director of the city's.
Department of Buildings and Safe-
ty Engineering, estimates that the
job of inspecting all Ann Arbor
housing will take two -years. "We
feel we can do it without the Uni-
versity's help. It will just take a
little more time," Ryan said. "The
city would of course appreciate all
In its current campaign to in-
spect all Ann Arbor multiple hous-
ing, 60 buildings representing 400
units have been covered. Of these,
just one has been taken to court
over the issue of possible viola-

1World Newsj
By The Associated Press
Sheppard Case .. .
CLEVELAND - Dr. Samuel
Sheppard placed his life in a jury's
hands yesterday with an avowal of
Innocence-and a calm, unvenge-
ful, fearless faith in God.
The case of the 30-year-old os-
teopath accused of the July 4
murder of his wife, Marilyn, goes
today to the jury.
Kremlin Threatens ...
MOSCOW - In a blunt note to
the French, the Kremlin threat-
ened yesterday to cancel the
French-Soviet mutual aid pact if
Paris ratifies the agreements to
arm West Germany.
The French National Assembly
begins debate on ratification Mon-
Paris.. .
PARTS - The National Assem-
bly's Defense Committee turned
down yesterday a' report mildly
favorable to ratification of the
Paris treaty for admitting West,

-Daiy-Chuck Keisey

-ployment in the Michigan, and es-
pecially Detroit, area would be up
by more than the national im-
The findings of an "Economet-
ric Model for the United States"
was the source of Prof. Daniel
Suits' predictions. The model con-
structed by Prof. Lawrence Klein,
now on leave at Oxford U., and
Arthur Goldberger, was used in
previous years for forecasting and
was, according to Prof. Suits,
"fairly accurate."
"The most we can say," Prof.
Suits said, "is that the outlook for
'55 is about the same as this year.
There should be no substantial
movement either way."
Prof. Suits added that 1954 rep-
resented a downturn from 1953,
but there was not much possibil-
ity in 1955 to reaching back to
the '53 level,
Ike To Get Support
In the political sphere, Prof.
Harold Door expressed belief that
the Democrats will support Eisen-
hower "on the major issues."
"We will have some disagree-
ment on minor issues and some
not so minor issues-especially for
political fodder," he said.
Prof. Joseph Kallenbach said
that such Administration projects
as increasing expenditures for de-
fense, and a foreign policy of con-
tainment and coexistance was in
line with the Democratic party
nrr.m hit, ufshr - m ho a

remain of a once proud band of
Christmas vacation will claim
most University students this year.
Only a few, mostly foreign stu-
dents, will be spending the holi-
day season in Ann Arbor.
Representatives of Internation-
al Center estimate that between
300 and 400 foreign students will
stay on campus. Many of them
will attend the Christmas party
tomorrow at the Union and an-
other party given by University
President and Mrs. Harlan Hatch-
er Dec. 26.
Green House in East Quad-
rangle will house the' men staying
on campus from the three resi-
dence halls, estimated from 601
to 75.
No meals will be served, accord-
ing to Quad officials, because
many of the men are invited to
parties and dinners in Ann Arbor
The few women who remain
" will be housed in the League.
A local travel service has hand-
led nearly 1,000 reservations for
students leaving town. Most are
going to New York, according to
a representative of the service, and
* Florida trips are more popular
this year than last.
Local bookstores will remain
open, but as an. employee of one
of them put it, "Things will be
'U' Law School
In Moot Finals
NEW YORK OP) -Teams from{
21 universities yesterday began
final rounds in a national moot
court competition sponsored by the
Young Lawyers' Committee of the
New York City Bar Assn.
In the first round the following
universities were eliminated: Uni-
versity of Chicago, Western Re-
serve, Willamette University of
Oregon, the University of Florida
and Villanova.
Still in the competition is Uni-
versity of Michigan.
It ,is the fifth annual such
competition and 82 university law
schools took part in regional con-
tests earlier. The 21 regional win-'
ners came here for the finals to-
day and tomorrow.
I _ . i

Poll Result
To Be Noted
By Regents
Bonisteel Sees No
Reason for Delay
The much discussed Student Gov-
ernment Council Plan goes before
the Board of Regents today.
SGC, referred to an all-campus
student poll at the Nov. 12 Regents
meeting, has been placed on to-
day's agenda, according to Secre-
tary of the Regents Herbert *
Among other aspects of the SGC
proposal, Regents will consider re-
sults of the all-campus poll which
favored the new student govern-
ment plan 5,102 -to 1,451.
Student Response Pleases
Student response to the SGC poll
pleased University President Har-
lan H. Hatcher and Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis who both thought it- express-
ed definite student interest in'SGC.
Although speaking only for him-
self, Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel
of Ann Arbor, said yesterday be-
cause of student enthusiasm shown
during the past few weeks SGC de-
serves most serious consideration
of the Board of Regents.
"I have no desire to delay any
longer on the plan," he said. "Ev-
erybody has the general idea of the
plan now and we don't want to
lose the momentum for the propo-
sal created during the past few
weeks by the discussions pro and
con on SGC.'
Understands Impatience
ar understand the impatience of
students over the student govern-
ment plan, but the Regents can't
ignore the University governmen-
tal responsibilities invested in them
by the people of Michigan," Bon-
isteel continued.
The Board would like to give stu-
dents self-government but it can't
infringe on the Regents' responsi-
bilities, he concluded.
Several student organizations in-
cluding Interfraternity Council, In-
ter-House Council and various stu-
dent honoraries have come out in
favor of the plan.
As indicated earlier two Regents,
Vera B. Baits and Kenneth M. Ste-
vens, will not be present today.
If SGC passes today prfsent
plans call for the new student gov-
ernment beginning operations in
According to Vice-President Lew-
is elections for SGC would be held
in mid-February.
Elections wouldn't be held ear-
lier because of conflict with Janu-
ary exams.
Arts Center
Shows Local
Artist's Work
Twenty-nine paintings by five
local artists will be exhibited at
the Dramatic Arts Center during
the run of the present DAC pro-
duction, "She Stoops to Conquer."
Arranged by the Ann Arbor Art
Association, the exhibit includes
water colors and oils by Edith
Dines, a University graduate and
Alice Reischer, who was commis-
sioned last spring to paint a por-
trait of Dean Mortimer C. Cooley
for the Cooley Memorial Bldg.
Other artists whose works will
be displayed are Lester Etter, Uni

versity athletic publicity director;
Prof. Herbert W. Johe, of the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design,
The DAC production of "She
Stoops to Conquer" will run
Thursdays to Sundays through
Jan. 9, except for the Chiristmas
No 'End of Wnll


Court Aids Administration o Justice

Censure Procedings
On Aug. 5, a six-man, biparti-
san committee was named to sit
in judgment of Sen. McCarthy,
with Sen. Arthur V. Watkins (R-
Utah) as chairman. The full Sen-
ate had voted Aug. 2 to turn the
charges against the Wisconsin
senator to a special committee.
On Dec. 2, the Senate officially
condemned his conduct on two
counts by a 67-22 vote:
1) For failure to help a 1951;-
52 investigating subcommittee and
"abuse" of the group's members.
2) For charges against the Wat-
kins committee that they were
acting as a "Communist hand-
maiden "


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of articles on the Court of
Last Resort.)
Since it began seven years ago,
the Court of Last Resort has evolv-
ed into an effective instrument for
correcting injustices of wrongful
But, as Dr. LeMoyne Snyder of
Lansing, one of the Court's expert
investigators, has pointed out, the
Court cannot hope to help all those
who need assistance.
Instead, Dr. Snyder said, "The
Court's main objective is an over-
all better administration of jus-
tice." He suggested as a practical
solution the eventual establishment
of a group that would function like
Great Britain's Home Office.
Home Office Functions
The Home Office investigates all
capital cases in Britain, and makes
recommendations to the crown as
to tzrnf v enfan- --M I-

pressure, he viewed its impartiali-
ty as helpful to an individual's
chances of obtaining justice.
Referring to the comprehensive
legal safeguards of the American
Constitution for an individual ac-
cused of crime, he denied their ef-
ficacy. "In actual fact, that pro-
tection does not exist."
The prevalent attitude among
law enforcement agencies and even
judicial groups is one of eagerness
to convict, he said, because of the
pressure of public opinion.
And the state can afford thou-
sands of dollars to obtain a convic-
tion, while providing the accused
with "not even a nickel" for - his
Appointed Attorney
Often the only defense the ac-
cused has is a court-appointed at-
torney "whom the defendant some-

times sees for the first time at his
But even if a court-appointed at-
torney did his utmost for his cli-
ent, he is usually a young man
just out of law school, and is no
match for an experienced prose-
"A trial is, in most cases, just a
personal battle between the de-
fense counsel and the prosecutor,
anyway. The question of whether
the accused is guilty or innocent
becomes secondary," he added.
After a conviction is obtained,
the state considers the case closed
and has no desire to see it re-
opened. In fact, the Court, on sev-
eral occasions, has found itself
hindered by antagonistic public of-
What are the Court's immediate
plans to cope with the situation?
Dr. Snyder said the Court "is at
present in a state of flux." Although
Argosy magazine has recently dis-





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