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Speech, Lyric Contests
Undertaken by Union
Christmas Season Requires Special Etiquette
Speech Contest ...
With the hope of establishing a
new tradition at the University,
the Michigan Union is holding a
speech contest for prospective Dan-
iel Websters among the student
Original orations should be pre-
pared by Friday, Feb. 11, the end
of the first week of classes next se-
mester. Entry forms should be ob-
tained, filled out and returned to
the Union Student Offices between
3 and 5 p.m., Monday through Fri-
day, beginning Jan. 3.
A preliminary contest for all en-
trants will be held at 8 p.m. Mon-
day, Feb. 14, in the Union Ball-
room. Finalists will be chosen at
that time. to compete for prizes in
final competition at 8 p.m. Wednes-
day, Feb.. 16, in the Ballroom.
Cash Prizes
The top speaker will be award-
ed a monetary prize, while second
and third place winners will re-
ceive merit awards.
To be eligible for the honors,
participant must be an undergrad-
uate student and have an overall
scholastic average . above two
Speeches may deal with any top-
ic, providing the subject matter
meets with standards of good taste.
z Talks should 'range from six to
eight minutes in length, averaging
1,000 to 2,000 words. A typewritten
manuscript of the exact speech
should be submitted immediately
preceding the preliminary contest.
Judging the contest will be fac-
ulty members from the speech and
English departments, as well as a
professor from another campus.
Since this is a new project for
the Union, chairman Gus Gianaka-
ris expressed hope that the contest
will be the beginning of a series of
annual competitions.
t *
Lyrics Contest . .
The Union is offering students,
alumni and faculty members an
opportunity to contribute to Univer-
sity tradition as it continues its
search for lyrics to Edwin Franco
Goldman's 1 a t e s t composition,
With the hope of making the
march as much a favorite as "The
Victors" and "Varsity," the Union
publicrelations committee under
the leadership of Lee Tenenbaum
and David Hubly, will have the lyr-
ics which are judged best, set to
the music for publication.
Prospective lyricists may pick
up the melodic line, a portion of
the trio of the march, at the Union
student offices. There is only a
limited supply, andthescomplete
score is not available. However,
writers desiring to see the entire
composition may contact Tenen-
Entry Deadline
Deadline for entering the contest
is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 5. En-
tries should be brought to the stu-
dent offices at the Union.
In addition to a typewritten copy,
lyricists should write the words un-
der the music so that the judges
can follow them as the author in-
tends them to be sung.
Goldman, composer of such noted
marches as "On the Mall," intro-
duced "Michigan" at Hill Auditor-
ium last spring. "Since that time
the work has gained in popularity
with bands throughout the nation,"
Tenenbaum said.
Prof. Philip A. Duey, voice in-
structor and director of the Men's
Glee Club, will be one of the four
men selecting the winning lyrics.
Other judges, not yet announced,
will be from the English depart-
ment, the speech department and
the alumni association.
-Daily-Dick Gaskill
"HI-Fl" ENTERTAINMENT-John H. Lovell, chairman of the mu-
sic committee of the Graduate Student Council, changes a record on
the "Hi-Fi" phonograph set. Providing a room where graduate stu-
dents may enjoy recorded music is one of the services of the
Listening Room Sponsored
By Graduate Student Council
Christmas vacation, lo
ed and wonderful, pro
bring students a round
vitations for parties, dan
houses or a weekend v
roommate's home, as w
assortment of presents a:
Invitations, of course,s
be acknowledged- Acco
Emily Post, this holiday
should not be "painful a
ous, as some people thi
For the informal gath
hostess writes a shortr
is friendly and brief, c
all necessary information
sponse, whether it is a
ance or a regret, is also
brief and to the point.
RSVP Cards
Not as common today
formal engraved invitat
this case a small R.S.
in a stamped, addressed
is enclosed with the i
and it should be check
"yes" or "no" upon re
mailed immediately.
Thank-you notes are
for every gift, except th
by members of one's i
f amily. The notes s
written on conservative s
or on engraved informal
on ruled, highly scented
ly-colored paper.
Simplicity and genuin
best in writing, and o
expressions such as "divir
fully", "too sweet" an
nice" should never be u
Thank You Notes
A thank-you to a nei
a friend of the family f
might read something lik
Dear Mrs. Shroeder,
It was very nice of you
of me this Christmas and
the lovely scarf. With
Ann Arbor weather, Ik
get plenty of use from
Thank you so much.
Jane Jones
To a closer friend or
the note might read:
Dear Aunt Betty.
)mises to
d of in-
aces, open
isit at a
ell as an
,nd gifts.
should all
ording to
nd labor-
ering, the
note that
n. The re-
n accept-
Y are the
ions. In
V.P. card
ed either
ceipt and
in order
ose given
hould be
Is - not
or loud-
eness are
ver used
ne", "aw-
nd "real
ghbor or
or a gift
ie this:
to think
send me
the cold
know I'll
the gift.
Thank-you notes should always
mention the present or favor re-
ceived. The letters should be
handwritten-typing is in poor
taste-to make them more per-
sonal, and they should be mailed
soon after the gifts is received as
A different type of thank-you
note is sent to a host or hostess
after one has spent some time
at his or her home.
Friendly Style
Called bread-and-butter notes,
they should be written Inform-
ally, in a friendly and spontane-
ous, style:
Dear Mrs. Carroll,
Thank you so much for inviting
me to stay at your home during
the Christmas vacation. I had
such a wonderful time and en-
joyed being with your family for
the holidays. Thanks again for
having included me in your vaca-
tion plans.
Very sincerely,
Larry Land
Often, thank-you's are given by
telephone if distance permits. The
phone conversation, should be
brief and sincere:
"Hello, Mrs. Lee., This is Jane
Smith. I'd like to thank you for
the wonderful holiday weekend
spent at your home . . "Th
delighted host or hostess, upon re-
ceiving a note or call, will pro-
bably extend another invitation to
the courteous guest.
Etiquette is painless. And be-
sides, it does pay off
Acpo44 Catnpu4
SKIT NIGHT - Scenarios for
Spring Weekend Skit Night are due
today in the Student Offices of the
Union. The offices will be open
from 3 to 5 p.m.
Panhel meeting will be held at 4:30
p.m. today in the League.
BASKETBALL - The following
teams will play in the: basketball
tournament: At 5:10 p.m. tomorrow
--Alpha Xi Delta vs. Pi Beta Phi
IT; Kappa Kappa Gamma I vs. Al-
pha Delta Pi; At 7:15 p.m. Hobbs
vs. Sigma Delta Tau, Newberry II
vs. Chicago II.
/ * . *
will be a meeting of the stunts
committee for Spring Week-end at
7 p.m. today in Room 3-A of the
Union. For more information call
Lois Union, NO 3-3384 or Russ Mc-
Kennan, NO 2-5649.
Mechanical Ways
To Assist Rushing
New rushing procedures, includ-
ing a more accurate method for
compiling necessary information,
were discussed at a recent meet-
ing of the Panhellenic Association.
On a recent trip to Purdue Uni-
versity, Margaret Spindler, League
rushing chairman, and Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director of the
League, observed the procedures
involved in the more modern and
accurate system.
It has been proposed that IBM
machines be secured to do all the
mechanical, time consuming "pa-
per work" of rushing. The ma-
chines, operated by two trained
employees, will type two lists of
each rushing group.
They will also print total lists of
rushees and all rushee cards and
invitations. At the tabulating office,
cards will be run through the ma-
chines, sorted and placed in sepa-
rate envelopes.
The cost of such a system would
be about $600, covering tabulations
for over 1000 girls.
An orientation for seniors was
also discussed. Seniors would be
shown around various places of in-
terest on the campus which they
have not previously become ac-
quainted with.
A "listening room" in which
graduate students may enjoy re-
corded music is one of the newest
projects of the Graduate Student
Charles Sleiker, a graduate stu-
dent in electrical engineering, or-
ganized the plan in the fall of 1953
with a "hi-fi" phonograph that he
had constructed over the summer.
Since then the music committee of
the Council has compiled a large
collection of strictly classical rec-
ords, with an emphasis on cham-
ber music.
According to John H. Lovell,
chairman of the committee, the rec-
ords, all long playing, consist of 100
symphonic works and three operas.
Lovell remarked that at the be-
ginning of this semester the Coun-
cil set aside $50 for the purchase
of more records. This sum was
matched by the Rackham School
of Graduate Studies. The Commit-
tee was able to add to its collec-!
tion 28 records, including Mozart's
Quartets dedicated to Haydn, 'all
of Bach's Brandenberg Concertos
and more Beethoven Quartets.
Many of the new records are
those requested by students who
use the room.. The Committee is
trying to make this policy the ba-
sis for future selections, Lovell
Any graduate student who wish-
es to use. the record room need
only purchase a 50 cent ticket
which entitles him to full privileges
for a school year whenever the
building is open.
Lovell declared that students can
bring their own records to play on
the machine. "We are trying to
give students who appreciate good
music but cannot afford a "hi-fi"
set the opportunity to listen to and
enjoy these classical records," he
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