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December 04, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-04

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Tactics, Refusal To Testify
Earn Censure for Joe

"It Needs Something At The Bottom"

"E ERYTHING's over but the shouting"
seems appropriate'terminology for the Mc-
Carthy censure hearings. The last debate of the
special session has been given, the final vote
The junior Senator from Wisconsin has for-
mally been "condemned" on two counts nar-
rowed by the Watkins committee from thirteen
general categories. The first vote charged Mc-
Carthy with obstructing the "Constitutional
processes of the Senate" and acting contrary to
its traditions in failing to cooperate with a sub-
committee which investigated him in 1951 and
1952, and in "abusing" the group's members.
Introduced by Sen. Bennett of Utah during
the special session, the second charge "hereby
condemned" McCarthy for his "handmaiden"
and other charges against the Watkins sub-
committee. While not bringing the abuse charge
of Gen. Zwicker to a vote, the Senate adjourned
sine die, having rebuked one of its fellow mem-
begs for the fourth time in history.
BUT THE shouting continues. Charging that
forgery and suppression of evidence have
been used against him, Sen. McCarthy has
launched a new investigation. And, although not
enough praise can be bestowed upon the Wat-
kins sub-committee for its fair and comprehen-
sive weighing of charges against him, Sen. Mc-
Carthy persists in his accusation that'he was
censured because he "dared to do the 'dishon-
orable' thing of exposing Communists in the gov-
ernment." The junior Senator doesn't know
when to quit.
Even the nationwide campaign for "ten mil-
lion patriots for Joe" fizzled to only one and a

half million as the hearings approached their
tense climax. McCarthy's supporters did cele-
brate their so-called victory of replacing the
word "condemned" for "censured" in the final
resolution, but consultation of the dictionary
places little importance on this maneuver. The
two words are synonyms.
FROM THE crest of his glory just two years
ago the junior Senator has slipped about as
low in public respect as a man in his position
can. Ironically, he is now somewhat dubiously
enjoying the position in which he has so often
placed witnesses testifying before his commit-
tees. It seems fitting and just that Sen. Mc-
Carthy is being condemned for the same prac-
tices for which he has verbally tormented his
witnesses-refusing to testify.
But this is by no means the main reason for
the censure vote. Despite its many weaknesses,
the Senate has rarely been confronted with
such dishonoring and obstructing tactics of one
of its members. The Senator's constant abuse of
human rights and the powers with which he was
entrusted has produced a visible decline of Sen-
ate prestige at home and of the United States
prestige abroad.
Contrary to his recently-expressed opinion,
McCarthy was not censured for his expose of
Communists in government-if such was his ac-
complishment. The final Senatorial action was
an overwhelming disapproval of McCarthy's ob-
structive and abusive tactics unbecoming a
United States Senator. The Senate studied the
Watkins report carefully and responsibly. The
result, to use McCarthy's words, was not a
"vote of confidence."
-Mary Ann Thomas

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Art Museum Features
Whistler, Textiles
0NLY RARELY, I believe, does one have the opportunity to see
first hand such a comprehensive collection (150 prints) of one
artist's graphic work as is displayed this month at the Museum of
Although the Whistler Prints Exhibition may seem fragile to
the point of insipidity as the result of one's accustomedness to the
formal and thematic violence of much contemporary art, one should:
keep in mind the not inconsiderable stature of this artist.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler, 1834-1903, was the major Ameri-
can figure in the early history of modern art and as an etcher, par-
ticularly in his devotion to his craft, some critics have ranked him
second to only Rembrandt.
His etchings brought success when his paintings were scorned
and it is his etchings today that still command the greatest respect.
One may study the artist's development here from the detailed
realism of his French plates to the simple lyricism of his Nocturns
while being provided along the way with examples of some of Whistler's
most famous works: The Traghetto, The Embroidered Curtain and An-
nie Haden (dry point).
The hard, metallic quality of the copper plate is transmitted to
the etchings and yet is transformed into delicate and resonant pat-
terns of light and texture out of which are spun countless lines,
sharp as razor cuts and free as smoke wisps..
Whistler is indeed able to establish a fine balance between sub-
ject, formal elements such as line and pattern, and the natural "feel"
of the medium which can give the greatest pleasure to a sensitive spec-
Lithographs by Whistler are also exhibited, but they seem to
this reviewer as comparatively dull works. Apparently Whistler did
not have the temperament to exploit the vigorous, bold qualities that
lithography has to offer.
This collection is the University's having been bequeathed in
1936 by Margaret Watson Parker as part of a larger collection of art
objects including many Japanese works. It is appropriate that orien-
tal art should also have been collected since Whistler is known to
have been fascinated by Japanese prints.
In fact, they became a formative element in the development of
his style. He, as well as Degas, Manet, Renoir and Monet, frequented
such little oriental curiosity shops as "La Porte Chinoise" in Paris.
It is only a matter of a few steps and the gallery visitor may see
several good prints by Utamaro, also from the Parker collection, in
the Oriental Gallery which will give an excellent idea of what was
so valued by Whistler.
ALSO SHOWING is the French Textiles 1685-1800 exhibition. It is
a show of suggestions and fragments that attempts to illustrate
some of the textile design trends in 18th century France.
In this respect it is perhaps not too successful, although the
caption guides are helpful.
Perhaps more important to the casual observer, the textiles
touch the imagination with intimations of the luxurious and sump-.
tuous. The bold design, rich color and texture variety tantalizingly
evoke visions of great pieces of the material extravagantly draped
across a wail.
It is something to inspire artists of Matisse like temperaments as
well as to stimulate one's own awareness of another field of artistic
-Victor H. Miesel

Contributions Help Make
Hospital's Kids Happy

T ODAY is the last day of the annual Galens
Christmas drive.
Not only do contributions from this drive
bring cheer to children in the hospital at
Christmas through the Galens Christmas party,
but throughout the year Galens donations make
possible an organized crafts program for the
children in University Hospital.
Besides supplying all of the equipment and

craft materials needed in the workshop the Ga-
lens pay the salary of a full time teacher with
the money netted from the drive.
The many contributors to the Galens tag
day, and the 26 members of the Galens Hon-
orary Medical Society should be commended
for what they are doing for children in Uni-
versity Hospital.
-Kathy Severance

Academic' Cream of Crop'
Shouldn't Sour on SL

THE GENTLEMEN of law are joshing, of
course, in the flurry of letters they have
recently sent to the editor, letters rather be-
wilderingly vehement in their anti-Student
Legislature feeling. We must venture one ques-
tion, Why are the graduate barristers (a se-
lect few, to be fair to our grand schola legis)
directing their superior wit against an essen-
tially undergraduate body? Cautiously and
with great humility we shall suggest a few
possible reasons and then evaluate them.
Do they wish to set up their own standards
for extra-curricular activities and demand the
adherance to them of the University's 15,000
other students. No-this is surely not the
reason. For the barristers are to be our in-
struments of justice in the years to come.

DO THEY begrudge unhappy, maladjusted
undergraduates for compensating in such
an extra-curricular activity, for wending their
laborious way towards maturity in such a non-
pecuniary manner? No-for the barristers on
their ascendant level of human interactional
and behavioristic dealings could hardly bother
with such petty maldirection, and besides,
it's "all a part of growing-up."
Has the intense legislative violence of SL
ever turned on the gentlemen of law (for this
alone would seem to explain their intense and
persistent humour). No-SL, as well as the
entire campus, demurs to the "academic cream
of the crop-the student lawyers."
Ah, well what can it be? Men of law, jus-
tice, and honor, wherefore do thou such in-
famy to SL?
-David Levy

Matcher Speech .. .
To the Editor:
PRESIDENT Hatcher's recent
speech to the IFC presidents
has again demonstrated the wis-
dom employed in selecting him
as the president and diplomatic
representative of this university.
His broadmindedness, impartiali-
ty, intelligence, and foresighted-
ness should serve as an outstand-
ing example to be emulated by all
thinking persons.
-Alan Stuart Ross
* * *
Point of View...
To the Editor:
MR. MOORE'S remarks con-
cerning student governments
were, unfortunately at least par-
tially true inasmuch as a student
government that is permitted to
do no more than express student
opinion seems to be of no real
use. However, as a university is
created for its students, it also
seems reasonable that mature, re-
sponsible members of the student
body should have quite a bit to
say about thehpolicies of the uni-
versity. Personally, I believe that
many students dislike having to
accept decisions made by the ad-
ministration on the theory that
"affairs can be handled far more
efficiently and competently by the
officials of the University who are
being paid to do the job," simply
because there is often a great dis-
tance separating the points of
view of the student and the ad-
ministration, and because the po-
sition of the officials does not
necessarily carry added insurance
against making mistakes.
-Kenneth Edwards, '56E
* *' *
Davis Fund . .
To the Editor:
WHETHER McCarthy's premises
are justifiable is a question
not yet fully determined by the
American public. However, few can
seriously doubt that McCarthy was
not a gentleman in the Senatorial
sense of the word in his actions
toward the subcommittee which
Investigated him in 1952 and to-
ward Gen. Zwicker and Senator
Watkins. It was, indeed, one of
"the finest hours" of the Senate
when they voted to censure him
on the former action.
There is now an opportunity for
a "fine hour" on the University of
Michigan campus. A committee
has been organized in the Literary
School which seeks to raise, by
voluntary contribution, an amount
equal to the severance pay which
the Board of Regents refused to
grant H. Chandler Davis.
It would be a fine show of stu-
dent pride if students would con-
tribute funds to this committee for
the issue affects the whole Uni-
versity community. Contributions
may be sent to Prof. Bott, 3006
Angell Hall.
-Arthur Oleinick, '57
* * *
To the Editor:
AH, SWEET breath of spring.
At long last a clear voice from
the blue has pierced the clouds
surrounding my cranium and sun-
light streams in. Becky Conrad,
in the "first in a series of inter-
pretive articles dealing with the
origin, purpose and structure of
the proposed Student Government
Council," has once again given
my university life purpose.
She cogently points out that
there no longer is a need for one
to wander about in a confused
state with SAC, SL, SASC and
SGC rolling forth from bubbling
lips. The whole problem is really

with the SASC. Out of this grew
SGC. Now SGC, "under this pro-
posal, would take over functions
of SL and SAC." Remember, Hat-
cher set up SASC to study SAC
in the first place. At this point
the whole thing remains rela-
tively simple. SAC, (nowhere in
the article given any further
identification by Miss Conrad ...
but then everybody knows what
SAC is. They control planes ...
or is that the plane spotters on
top of the Union .. . General Le-
may smokes cigars and she likes
hot rods . . . pfft) SAC, I say,
was there since 1909. Hatcher
makes SASC to study SAC. Out
comes SGC, and goodbye SL.
Really nothing to it if you follow
Miss Conrad's advice and diagram
as you go along. By the way,
somewhere along in here between
Jelin heard the clarion call of
home and the hearth and threw
in the towel.
Well, anyway, we're all set for
the big vote on the 8th and 9th.
CSP urges all of us to exercise our
privilege and get in there and re-
ferendum. (In case you missed
CSP, they dropped in when Jelin
dropped out). If we don't re-
ferendum as we have never refer-
endumbdumbed before, SL will
become the watchdog of the Re-
gents while CSP takes over YD
and SASC and SAC go up the hill
to fetch a pail of HadaCOL.
Finally, if there are any ques-
tions, we are invited to ask The
Daily. Or you can attend a
Campus Forum to be held Tues-
day at a "location not yet de-
Moral: The Michigan Daily re-
tains a high circulation without
comic strips.
-Ted W. Swift, '55L
. . -*'
Fire Fund Thanks.. .
To the Editor:
WE WISH to thank the members
of The Michigan Daily staff
for the effort and time you gave
to collecting money and clothing
for those students who were burn-
ed out in the fire which occurred
on October 28th. You may be in-
terested to know that the total
collected was $769.50. To this the
Dean of Women and the Dean of
Men contributed through the
grant-in-aid funds available to
their offices.
A distribution of the money has
been made, and we know how
grateful the students were for this
assistance which helped, in some
measure, to compensate for the
severe losses they sustained. We
thank and commend the Michigan
Daily for establishing the Fire
Relief Fund. It was a real service
to fellow students.
Sincerely yours,
-W. B. Rea
John Bingley
* * *
Sunday Magazine .. .
To the Editor:
WE WISH TO express our dis-
tinct and enthusiastic praise
for The Daily Sunday Magazine.
A venture such as this one im-
measurably adds to the prestige
and dignity of The Daily and of
the University as well.
We, the Board of Directors of
"Cognizance," a new campus lit-
erary magazine of an esoteric na-
ture, also wish to express our fu-
ture potential as Magazine ad-
Thanks to The Daily and con-
"gratulations for those who now
advertise in the Magazine.
Ben Uchitelle, Bobo Kahan,
David E. Levy
* * *-
Pnr Pnltieg -

Killed By
WASHINGTON -- The murder
of William Remington in Lewis-
burg penitentiary was not the re-
sult of anti-Communist hatred or
of rival prison gangs, but of the
worst vice occurring in our pri-
sons today-homosexuality.
That is the judgment of one ex-
convict who served with Reming-
ton in Lewisburg, plus that of
various prison experts.
It highlights a system which
breeds more crime instead of cur-
ing it, which makes hardened
criminals out of first-termers and
which spews increasing amounts of
social poison into the blood stream
of American life.
Lewisburg happens to be among
the best of the federal penitentiar-
ies. Among convicts it is called
the "country club." It is better
run, and its inmates have a bet-
ter chance of rehabilitation.
And if two convicts were able
to steal into Remington's cell at
Lewisburg to bludgeon him to
death, much worse is able to take
place, and has taken place, in the
cesspools of overcrowded human-
ity which are called state peni-
"You can't believe it unless you
see it," said John Staples, of
Washington, D. C., who recently
served time in Lewisburg on a
charge of income-tax evasion.
"You think Remington was kill-
ed by Communist haters? No, he
was killed because of a sex deal.
Prison Beatings
'He probably made some re-
mark about some affair, and that's
why he got his. I never heard of
this deal of the brick in the sock.
When I was there they used those
brushes you have for cleaning out
toilet bowls.
"The same thing happened to
a guy in the bed next to me," con-
tinued Staples., "He made a re-
mark about two guys who were
having an affair. Just happened
to say wasn't it terrible that such
things were tolerated. So one
night they came in after lights
out, pulled the blanket up over
his head so he couldn't see who
it was and couldn't get away
"They just about beat him to
death, and even if he had seen
them he wouldn't have dared tell
anyone about it, else he would
have been killed for sure. I put
my head under the covers and
tried to pretend I was asleep, or
I would have gotten it too.
"They don't bother anyone in
Lewisburg because he's a Com-
munist. Everybody up there hates
the government. The more you
hate the government, the more
you're respected.
"And this idea that someone
wanted to steal money from Rem-
ington is pure poppycock," said
Staples. "Everyone knows that
the most dangerous thing you can
have is money. When they come
around to inspect your locker and
find money in it, you're in trou-
ble. You can's us money in. jail
-except for bribery, and that's
why it isn't allowed.
"Your money is taken away
when you come in any any money
your relatives send is kept on ac-
count. You have a charge ac-
count at the commissary, but you
can't use money.
"So when the prison authorities
talk about stealing something out

of Remington's locker, it's just an
alibi to cover up the worst thing
that happens in a pen.
Disease in Jail
"A kid who comes to the pen
doesn't have a chance,",continued
Staples. "Some boy 18 or 19 looks
like a movie star to those guys
who have been in there five or
ten years, and probably will be in
there five or ten more. He'll wind
up perverted, or in a padded cell,
or both.
"I worked in the hospital, and
when these guys who were healthy
when they entered the pen start-
ed coming for treatment, I was
sort of confused, but I caught
on. We gave shots every week,
and every week we had plenty of
new customers.
"You can't tel me the authori-
ties don't know anything about it
either. I've seen men right out
in the prison yard kissing. each
other, and combing each other's
hair. The guards would have to
be blind not to see it, too. When
we left, the assistant warden gave
us a little speech, kind of a send-
off. And he actually told us: 'If
any of you men have engaged in
homosexual activities while you've
been here, don't let it bother you.
You can all go back to a normal
"That's just what he told, us,"
staples said. "Now isn't that a
helluva thingh!
"Isn't that better than telling




.At the Orpheum...
1 HE ORPHEUM has dredged an early Hitch-
cock film out of the small but adequate col-
lection of motion pictures which are well worth
For the faddist, it might be noted that Mr.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig................ Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..........................City Editor
Jon Sobeloff....................... Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs..................,. Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.......................Associate Editor
N/i Swinehart........................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston................Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.................Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer, .,.........Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shiimovitz...................... Women's Editor
Joy Squires.,.. .Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith..............Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton..,......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.................. ....Business Manager
Phil Brunskill..............Associate Business Manager

Hitchcock appears in the film but I shall re-
frain from letting this vital piece of information
slip out into the outside world.
As for the film, this concerns the activities of
a spy ring of a rather quaint sort. The leader is
Godfrey Tearle, onetime Roosevelt imperson-
ator. Robert Donat becomes involved in a barely
improbable series of intrigues and counter in-
trigues. In order to escape from the calculated
stupidities of the British Police, and also to
locate a man in Scotland to whom he has been
referred by a beautiful dying female agent,
Donat flees to Scotland.
UNFORTUNATELY, he is discovered on a
train and takes off on foot. A droll incident
occurs about here when Donat comes upon the
hut of a tight fisted Scotchman and his plump
wife. The Scot is shrewdly portrayed by some-
one who looks as if he might be a Hitchcock
discovery from off the streets of London. But
Donat is not yet played out though the police
are at the door. He makes off with the Scot's
coat and locates the mysterious Mr. Tearle.
I cannot bring myself to tell more of the story.
Hitchcock suspense is not designed to be di-
luted by reviews such as this.
A comparison of Thirty-Nine Steps with the
most recent Hitchcock film, Rear Window,
shows that Alfred has lost none of his famous
camera technique during the passing years. For
all of CinemaScope and Wide Range Sound and
Technicolor I still somehow prefer his early

The Daily Official Bulletin Is' an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts, and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 61
Social Chairmen are notified that
Women's Judiciary has authorized 11:00
p.m. late permission for women stu-
dents Dec. 15 and 16. Post-caroling or
other Christmas parties may be sched-
uled on these nights in accordance
with this announcement and should be
registered in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, 1020 Administration Building on
or before Fri., Dec. 10. Chaperons may
be a qualified single chaperon or a
married couple.
Michigan Union song Contest. "The
Michigan March" by Dr. Edwin Franco
Goldman needs lyrics. Complete infor-
mation on contest and a copy of the
music can be obtained at the Union
Student Offices. Contest deadline is
Jan. 5 at 5:00 p.m.
One of the banks in Chicago, Ill. ex-
tends an invitation to Seniors from
that area to visit them on their Ca-
reer Day during both the Christmas and
spring vacations. This invitation is
open to both men and women. Anyone
interested in being included in this
visit may leave his name at the Bureau
of Appointments.
U.S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces an exam for Investigator (gen-
eral), GS-5 to 12, open to those who.
have had experience in investigative or
accounting work or in the application
of statutory laws, court, and other au-
thoritative decisions. Education may be
substituted for work experience at the
rate of 1 yr. of study for 9 mo. of ex-
perience in accounting, CPA certifi-
cate for 3 yrs. experience, completed
study of law at rate of 1 yr. to 1 yr.,
membership in the state bar for 3
yrs. experience-all of the above men-
tioned will substitute for a maximum
of 3 yrs. Successful completion of study
for an LLB degree can substitute for 4
The Civil Service of Canada announ-
ces applications for summer employ-
ment in Agricultural Science, Chemis-
try, Biology, Engineering, Forestry, Sur-
veying, Architecture, Economics. Gen-
eral Arts, Sociology, Psychology etc.
Applicants must be registered as stu-
dents at a university, and must be
British Subjects.
Civil Service Commission of Canada,
Ottawa Canada announces applications
for the following Civil Service posi-
tions: Personnel Administration, Nat-
ural and Medical Sciences, Engineering,
Architecture, Forestry, Geology, and En-
gineering Physics.,
For further information about any

Design-Highways, Structures, Sewers;
& Construction Supervision.
Tues., Dec. 7
Chemstrand Corporation, jointly own-
ed by Monsanto Chemical Co. & Amer-
ican Viscose Corp., Decatur, Alabama
-All degree levels Chem., Mech., Elec.
& Chem. & Physics for Research, De-
velopment, & Manufacturing.
Link-Belt Co., Chicago, Ill.-B.S. de-
gree in Ind., Mech. & Met. E. for Eng.
Sales, Design, Foundry Operation, and
Jeffrey Mfg. Co., Columbus, O.-B.S.
& M.S. in Mech. E. for Sales, Engineer-
ing for Production, Research Engineer-
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., Cal-
ifornia Labs, Mountain View, Calif.-
Feb. grads. all degree levels of Elec. E.
and Eng.-Math. for Research & Devel-
Cooper-Bessemer Corp., Mount Ver-
non, O.-B.S. or M.S. degrees in Mech.,
Civil, Ind. & Chem. E. for Research,
Development, D e s i g n, Engineering,
Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co.,
Kalamazoo, Mich.-In A.M. only-All
degree levels of Chem. & Mech. E. for
Production Plant Engineering, Research
& Design.
Wed., Dec. 8
Sherman-Williams Co., Cleveland, O.
-B.S. degrees in Chem. & Mech. E.;
also Chem. majors for Research, Devel-
opment, Operations. Administration,
Management, & Staff Engineer.
Ingersoll-Rand Co., New York, N.Y.-
B.S. degrees in Mech. Industrial &
Elec. (Power Option) Engineering for
Design, Development, Research; Pro-
duction Engineering; Sales Eng.
Reliance Electric & Engineering Co.,
Cleveland, O.-B.S. degrees in Elec.,
Eng. Mech., Ind. & Mech. E. for Tech-
nical Sales, Design or Research, Pro-
duction or Plant Engineering.
Corning Glass Works, Albion, Mich.
-B.S. degrees in Chem., Elec., Ind. &
Mech. E. Also M.S..degrees in Ind. &
Mech. E. for Process or Equipment En-
gineering-Production, Design & Devel-
Thurs., Dec. 9
Gibbs and Cox, Inc. New York, N.Y.
-B.S. Mech. E., and all degree. levels
of Naval Arch. & Marine E.; applicants
must be U.S. citizens; for Research,
Development & Design Engineering &
International Nickel Co., Inc., New
York, N.Y.-All degree levels of Met. E.
for Industrial Research-Operations-
Metallurgical Central & Development.
Motorola Inc.,. Chicago, Ill1.-all de-
gree levels of Nce. N. for Research,'De-
sign, & Development.
Fri., Dec. 10
Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., Cin-
cinnati Milling Products Div., Cincin-
nati, O.-M.S. degrees in Chem. E.;
must be U.S. citizens, and have had
military service; for Research & De-
University Lecture in Journalism.
William R. Mathews, editor and pub-
lisher of The Arizona Daily Star, will
speak on "American Journalism Comes
of Age," Mon., Dec. 6, at 3:00 p.m., in
Rackham Amphitheater. Coffee hour
at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1447 Mason Hall.
/f Iv /\'i7A A 7 A I



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