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December 04, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-04

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Tactics, Refusal To Testify
Earn Censure for Joe
See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State


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'M' Beats McGill
'4-2, in Opener
Goold Scores Twice in Thriller;
Buchanan, MacFarland Also Tally
Michigan's small but rugged hockey squad opened its 1954-55
season last night by pounding out a brilliant and surprising 4-2 vic-
tory over heavily-favored McGill University before more than 3,000
screaming fans in the Coliseum.
Labeled by the pre-season dopsters as undermanned and weak, the
Wolverines proved to be exactly the opposite ,as they controlled the
game for two periods with tight defensive hockey, and then blew
the roof off the Coliseum with a stunning three-goal uprising in the
final Period.
Leading the way for the youthful Wolverines was Jay Goold, who
f tallied two goals, while teammates Neil Buchanan and Captain Bill

U.S. Court
DuPont Case
CHICAGO (P)-A federal judge
yesterday dismissed the govern-
ment's biggest antitrust case.
United States District Judge
Walter J. LaBuy held the Depart-
ment of Justice lawyers had fail-
ed to prove accusations of con-
spiracy, monopoly and restraint of
trade in a civil suit against E. I.
du Pont de Nemours & Co., mem-
bers of the Du Pont family, Gen-
eral Motors Corp., United States
Rubber Co. and three holding com-
panies of the Du Pont family.
Stock Value Increased
Book value of stock holdings
owned by the defendants was esti-
mated by the government several
months ago at more than six bil-
lion dollars. It has increased since
In a 35-minute summation of
his 220-page decision before a ca-
pacity courtroom crowd including
the 46 lawyers who took part in
102 days of trial, Judge LaBuy
"The government has failed to
prove conspiracy, monopolization,
a restraint of trade, or any rea-
sonable probability of restraint,
and for these reasons, the amend-
ed complaint should be dismissed."
In its original complaint, filed
in 1949, the government charged
that the Du Pont family interests
had used their large holdings of
General Motors and U.S. Rubber
stock to make captive markets for
Du Pont products of the big auto
and rubber manufacturing con-
Suit Asked Sale
It asked that the Du Pont in-
terests be ordered to sell their
General Motors and U.S. Rubber
stocks. The government said the
Du Ponts held 23 per cent of Gen-
eral Motors' stock and 17 per cent
of that issued by U.S. Rubber.
Defense attorneys contended
that the stock in both firms was
held because both stocks were good
investments. All charges relating
to monopoly or restraint of trade
were denied.
The suit had been brought un-
der provision of the Sherman and
Clayton Antitrust Acts. Judge La-
Buy held that neither law had
been violated, and there was "no
need . . . to discuss legal prin-
ciples or precedents.
Ne1'W Staging
To Be Used
In 'Messiah'
Completely new staging will be
a feature of the performances of
Handel's "Messiah" at 8:30 p.m.
today and 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in'
Hill Auditorium.
Rebuilt this past summer, the
present stage will afford more,
room for both chorus and orches-
tra. Seating has been rearranged
by adding an extra row of seats at
the back, eliminating the need for
side stairways.
A steel Foundation has replaced
the original wooden one built in1
1923. The heavy draperies at the
back of the stage have been re-,
placed by plywood panellings, de-
creasing the previous sound ab-

SMacFarland each notched a mark-
Jumps to Early Lead
Michigan jumped out to a. 1-0
lead in the opening minutes of the
second stanza, as Tommy Ren-
dall slipped a pass to Neil Buchan-
on who roared up the right wing
and fired point blank to beat Mc-
Gill goalie, Henri LaFleur.
The huge crowd settled back
to watch Michigan hang grimly'
onto the lead, wondering all the
time when the lack of reserve
strength would begin to take its
toll on the Wolverines.
Turning point of what had, been
purely a defensive contest occurred
during the third period, when Mc-
Gill launched a fierce offensive
barrage at Michigan's fading de-
fense. Time after time, Michigan
goalie Lorne Howes came up with
outstanding saves, but his team
couldn't get the puck out of its
own zone.
Redmen Tie Score
With seven and a half minutes
gone in the period, the rugged
Redmen tallied on a power play
to tie the game as wing John
Ferrabee took a pass from Jack
McMullan and Pete Constable, and
blasted it home past Howes. Mich-
igan was short handed at the
Only twenty seconds after the
Redman had tied the game, Mac-
Farland came thundering down on
LeFleur all alone and missed an
easy shot, with the puck spinning
off into the corner. MacFarland
followed it into the boards and
fired from the corner, and La-
Fluer, lunging to, turn it aside,
accidentally kicked the puck into
his own goal.
Payment Decision
Accepted by U.S.
The United States bowed yester-
day to a World Court decision up-
holding payment by the United Na-
tions of $179,420 in damages to 11
American staff members fired aft-
er United States loyalty inquiries.
Sen. James W. Fulbright (D-
Ark.), representing the United
States in the Budget Committee
here, voiced the administration
stand that the United States still
dissented from the view that the
fired personnel ought to be paid

Goddigge r?
INSTANBUL, Turkey (A)-
Omer Erkan, 113 years old,
married a 21-year-old woman
yesterday after advertising that
he would bestow a house and
$25,000 worth of land on a
GOP Fights
Over Effect
Of Censure
WASHINGTON () - Republi-.
cans in the Senate disagreed yes-
terday on whether wounds open-
ed by the bitterly-contested Sen.
Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.)
censure battle would leave lasting
scars on the Republican party.
One Pro-McCarthy Republican
who asked not to be quoted by
name said flatly:
"We will never forgive Sen.
Flanders Started Censure
Sen. Ralph Flanders is the Ver-
mont Republican whose original
resolution against Sen. McCarthy
started the censure machinery
moving last summer.
The senator who asserted Sen.
Flanders won't be forgiven also
said he understands pro-McCarthy
leaders in the Senate may lead
some kind of action against Sen.
Flanders when the 84th Congress
convenes next month.
Questioned on that, Sen. Fland-
ers said: "I am prepared to meet
any attack on me. I have nothing
to conceal."
New Committee Begun
Established as a result of the
censure hearings, a special Senate
committee yesterday strongly con-
demned a 1952 checkup on Sen.
McCarthy's mail, and urged a Jus-
tice Department investigation. The
Senate cannot act on the commit-
tee's recommendation until it
returns in January.
The committee concluded after
a one-day closed door hearing that
the mail check, which is describ-
ed as a postoffice investigation
technique designed "to aid in the
apprehension of fugitives from
justice," was set in motion by the
rubber-stamped signature of Sen.
Thomas L. Hennings Jr. (D-Mo.).
It said it was convinced this was
done without Sen. Hennings'
knowledge or consent.
Checks Condemned
In a report filed with the Senate
secretary, the committee headed
by Sen. Homer Ferguson, (R-
Mich.) and Sen. Walter F. George,
(D-Ga.) said it desired to con-
demn "in strong language" the
use of mail checks by a Senate
committee or its staff. This ap-
plied to investigations not only
of senators but of all citizens, they
Commenting of the Republican
party disagreement Sen. George
D. Aiken (R-Vt.) said that "if
the cover could be rolled back"
on the inner machinery of the
Senate it could be seen that some
sharply conflicting views held by
Republican senators of American
policy in Asia played a part in
the voting.

Pass Out
driver asked Truman McLaugh-
lin for 65 cents fare.
McLaughlin got out his
streetcar pass. The driver de-
manded cash.
"I pay for all my rides with
this," McLaughlin said.
The two argued. A policeman
was called.
"I've got a pass," MLaugh-
lin told the officer. "Why do
I have to pay for riding a bus?"
McLaughlin was arrested on
a charge of drunkenness and
in District Court yesterday he
was fined $1 and costs.
He wasn't on a bus. He was
in a taxicab.
In Churches
"The Christian church should
lead the way in every effort to re-
move racial discrimination," Rev.
Henry O. Yoder of the Lutheran
Student Center said Thursday.
Commenting on a speech Assist-
ant Secretary of Labor J. Ernest
Wilkins delivered to the Council of
Churches assembly in Boston dur-
ing which he criticized the failure
of churches to act against segrega-
tion, Rev. Yoder stresses the ne-
cessity "not only of pronounce-
ment but of deeds.
"Color Line Not Needed"
"If churches are to remain
faithful to Christ their head, they
must know no color line," Rev.
Yoder explained.
About 2,000 representatives of 30
Protestant and Orthodox denomina-
tions joined in discussion of segre-
gation in America's churches,
agreeing that the present time is
of crucial importance."
Reverend Frank J. McPhillips,
Newman Club adviser, observed
that his group always had a num-
ber of Negroes in chapel and in
the club. "Southern churches have
usually gone along with local con-
ditions," he said. "Often state
laws restrain them."
Forced Open-Air Meeting
Rev. McPhillips recalled a meet-
ing of Newman Clubs in Houston,
Tex., where because of their mixed
membership they were forced by
local laws to hold their meeting in
the open. "The sooner it's realized
that Christ died for all regardless
of color, the better it will be for
Unitarian leader Rev. Edward
H. Redman suggested that church-
es must make it very clear to mi-
nority groups that they are wel-
come. "I've been very interested
in experimental inter - racial
churches," he remarked, "but that
type of thing creates a funny kind
of segregation in the act."
While there is much that the
church can and should do in wel-
coming minorities, Rev. Redman
laid the final obligation on the
congregation and its attitude.
UN May Hear
Airmen Issue
The United States and its allies
in Korea agreed last night to place
before the United Nations Assem-
bly at the earliest possible mo-
ment the case of the 11 American
fliers held as spies in Red China.

This decision was announced by
the chief American delegate to the
UN, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., after
a meeting of the 16 United Nations
Allies in Lodge's office. He issued
the following brief statement to
"We had a meeting of the 16
and there is marvelous and in-
spiring unanimity on the vital need
to ~3 -1-al ee o lt 11 A ki,.u

IHC Annual

NAACP Stickers

Held Today
Inter-House Council's second
annual Residence Halls Confer-
ence will be held today from 10
a.m. to 3 pm. in the Union.
More than 75 house members
representing the 23 quadrangle
residence halls will be on hand
for the series of 12 discussion ses-
Representatives Chosen
House presidents have chosen
representatives for the confer-
ence. Connection with IHC is not
In addition University President
Harlan H. Hatcher, University
Vice-President Wilbur K. Pier-
pont, Union President .Tom Leo-
pold, '55, Student Legislature
President Steve Jelin, '55, and
Board of Governors of Residence
Halls members have been invited
to attend.
Although last year's conference
was held in conjunction with As-
sembly, today's session includes
only IHC.
Tom Bleha, '56, executive vice-
president of IHC, who is in charge
of the conference, called lack of
similarity of problems the main
reason for non-Assembly attend-
ance at this year's meeting.
Big Ten Conference
The conference, last held inthe
spring of 1953, has been moved up.
to December because the Univer-
sity is hosting the annual BigTn
Residence Halls Conference April
29, 30 and May 1.
Starting at 10 a.m., the agenda
has been split into three hourn-
long parts with four discussion
sessions at each hour.
Although occasionally discussed
indirectly during weekly IHC
meetings, thetopics are felt by
IHC officials to warrant further'
consideration and analysis.
Bleha, discussing the reasons
for originating the Residence
Halls Conference, said it was felt
a time was necessary when an'
overall discussion of the philoso-
phy of the residence halls system
could be held.
Although not report dissemi-
nated from last year's mneeting,
recorders will be active during to-
day's sessions and a final report
of the conference will be issued'
next week.
Discussion leaders include As-
sistant to the Dean of Men, Peter
Ostafin, Business Manager of Res-
idence Halls Leonard A. Schaadt,
Assistant to the Dean of Men
Ivan Parker, Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
and John E. Bingley, Assistant to
the Dean of Men.
'Scientific Genius'
DETROIT (') -- A search for
chemicals, poisons and cultures,
stolen from the Detroit Institute
of Technology, ended today in the
basement home laboratory of a
16-year-old boy whom police de-
scribed as a "scientific genius."

-Daily--Dick Gaskill
ROBERT L. EVANS, '56L, and Willie Hackett, '56, of the campus
chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People look on as a local merchant places an anti-discrimina-
tion sticker on his store window. The organization is continuing its
drive against prejudice in local shops, which it began last spring. Ac-
cording to Hackett, over 90 per cent of the business places approached
accepted the sticker. The most significant result is that three barber
shops have opened their doors to Negroes as a result of the campaign,
he said. Hackett commented that the attitude of store owners who
do not accept the stickers has improved.
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press go along with a demand for a re-
VIENNA - A Communist East- count in his election loss to Dem-
ern NATO to counter the West's ocrat Richard L. ; Neuberger and
Atlantic defensive alliance will the case was promptly dropped.
make little' change in the pres- e
ent military setup behind the Iron
Curtain, Western military experts COLUMBUS - U.S. Sen. Thomas
said yesterday. A. Burke (D-Ohio) cut Republican
. . * George H. Bender's 6,041 victory
WASHINGTON - The nation's margin about in half today on the
governors recommended to Presi- basis of nearly complete figures
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower yester-in Ohio's biggest vote recount.
day that the federal government * S *
spend 25 billion dollars over the NEW ORLEANS - Adlai Ste-
next 10 years on an interstate venson and Rep. Sam Rayburn
highway system from coast to (D-Tex.) parted company last night
coast. on the issue of the immediate elec-
* * * tion of a successor to Stephen A.
WASHINGTON - Sen. Guy Cor- Mitchell as Democratic national
don (R-Ore.) declined yesterday to chairman.
SGC Questions
Question: Can the SGC recommend something to the Re-
gents if the Review Board does not wish them to do so? Is
this the case with SL?
Answer: Should the Review Board decide a subject is not
within the scope of SGC's jurisdiction, it appears unlikely that
the formal recommendations would be carried by the University
President through official channels to the Regents. Informal
recommendations and appeals to groups superior to the Review
Board would still be possible.
Question: Does formal Regent recognition of SGC guaran-
tee more administration support and cooperation with student
government and activities?
Answer: No, a structure of student government cannot guar-
antee support from any group.

Pope Passes Serious Crisis;
Speedy Recovery Predicted

- 1

Doctors Say
Church Head
Almost Died
Dope Dampened
By High Source
VATICAN CITY (P)-Five med-.
ieal experts early today said there
is still hope for the recovery of
Pope Pius XII from his desperate
A brief special medical bulletin
said the "perceptible improvement
... has continued in such a man-
ner as to permit good hope" that
the 78-year-old pontiff would sur-
vive his grave crisis.
Not in Immediate Danger
One of the experts, Dr. Luigi
Vittorio de Stefano, said later
that the pontiff barely escaped
death yesterday but now seems to
be no longer in imminent danger
of dying.
"The consultants met for more
than two hours. We have found
him in the best of spiritual condi-
tion. I cannot say the same for
his physical condition, at least for
now," the doctor said.
Dr. de Stefano said that the
Pope's heart was nolding up well.
"Certainly," he said. "if his
heart had been weaker there
would have been a chance that
Friday's collapse could have been
He apparently meant Thursday,
not Friday, when he spoke of the
pontiff's collapse.
Recovering Rapidly
"However, I am glad to an-
nounce that the Pope is recover-
ing very rapidly. I believe that he
is no more in imminent danger of
Noted Italian surgeon, Prof.
Raffaele Paolucci Di Valmaggiore,
"I have found the holy father
not at all in desperate condition,
certainly much different and bet-
ter than what I could have imag-
ined. I have hopes that through
appropriate treatment, which
Pope Pius XII now is receiving, he
will be able to recover in good
time and gradually reacquire his
forces until recovery is complete."
This optimism was dampened
somewhat by the oral statement
of a highly placed medical source
afterwards making clear that the
Pope's immediate condition of the
past few hours has shown deter-
ioration and he remains in acute
danger. The official medical bul-
letin was issued 48 minutes after
Reports at midnight said the
gathering of doctors might be con-
sidered the possibility of surgery,
Galens Drive
Nets $3,500
Galens Honorary Medical So-
ciety yesterday netted $3,500 of
the $6,500 goal set for the anual
two day Christmas drive.
This amount is necessary to
maintain the Galen workshop on
the ninth floor of the University
Hospital for the coming year. Sup-
ported entirely by Galen contri-
butions the workshop provides
craft opportunities for hospitalized
Run as par of the Hopital
School, a full time teacher is sup-
plied through the money received
from the drive.
Equipment supplied by the Ga-
lens includes a jig saw, kilns, a

drill press and many other power
and woodworking tools. At Christ-
mas time each year the Galens
support a party for the children in
the hospital.
thContinuing through today, the
26 members of the junior and sen-
ior medical school honorary will
be stationed on Ann Arbor street
corners and on campus the whole

Languages Aid in Study
Of Far Eastern Culture

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth
In a series of articles explaining the
Literary College's new language re-
quirement and illustrating the var-
ious language-training systems.)
"With the ever increasing im-
portance of the Far East in the
current political scene, it is imper-
ative that Americans learn the
language and culture of Far East-
ern peoples."
This belief of Prof. Joseph Ya-
magiwa, chairman of the Far East-
ern department, is borne out by the
years he has devoted to teaching
Americans about language and cul-
ture of Japan.
Intellectual Center
"The University is one of the few
intellectual centers in the country
where Americans have the oppor-
tunity to learn Far Eastern lan-
guages," Prof. Yamagiwa said.
"We try to give our students a
thorough understanding of the peo-
nle andl the social forces which mn-

Far Eastern language courses,
which include Japanese, Chinese
and Vietnamese are taught almost
exclusively in the native tongue.
"By studying recordings of class
sessions, we try to limit the amount
of English spoken to a maximum of
five or six minutes per period."
These recordings are also used
to enable the student to hear how
his pronunciation compares with
the instructor's. Thus the student
cap- correct his own errors.
Writing Romanized
Students are first introduced to a
romanization of Oriental writing.
By the end of the first semester,
they are ready to learn a few sim-
ple Japanese characters.
They are not, however, tested on
the characters. "We teach them
for the student's benefit. Our peo-
ple are generally strongly motivat-
ed to learn the language and are
willing to get all they can," Prof.
Yamagiwa said.
Janannee Films

Japan Occupies Strategic Position

EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the last
in a series of two articles on the Uni-
versity's Center for Japanes- Studies.)
"Japan is very important now
to America because she is a major
showplace for American demo-
cracy and ideals in the Far East."
This was expressed by Prof.
John W. Hall of the history de-
partment, acting director of the
Center for Japanese Studies.
Prof. Hall added that in our
present foreign policy, Japan
stands as a major ally, a buttress
to our position in the Far East.
For this reason, it is essential for
the countrov tn have vnunn Amer-

World War 11 taught the United
States was the general inadequacy
of American knowledge of critical
areas outside the United States,
Prof. Hall cointinued.
This inadequacy resulted in
graduate training and research
centers devoted to studying var-
ious areas of the world. These
centers were established in most
of the major American universi-
ties, depending upon the resourc-
es and interests of each univer-
Following World War 11, the
University had a nation-wide re-
putation in Far Eastern studies,
f1, --rfmoe%- va ra 1r a -- - rn

inception. He is now in Japan
on a seiester's leave of absence,
and Prof. John W. Hall is taking
his place.'
The acting director feels that
Japan represents today the most
fully industrialized, modernized
area in Asia. The experience which
she had in pulling herself up from
an underdeveloped country can tell
America what to expect in other
parts of Asia, he said.
He further believes that thef
Center satisfies the necessity ofI
training students with skills in
the Japanese area.
Departments in Program
Departments of the University

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