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December 03, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-03

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S. -

President Hatcher Comments
On SL, Writer, Off Record

ON THE TUESDAY before Thanksgiving holi-
day President Harlan H. Hatcher address-
ed fraternity presidents at their annual ban-
quet. In his speech he commended the Interfra-
ternity Council for having the right kind of at-
titude when dealing with the administration
and pointed to Daily editorial writer Jim Dy-
gert as having the wrong attitude (referring
to an editorial of Nov. 18, criticizing the Board
of Regents). The president also declared, "Stu-
dent Legislature is not student government. It
has no authority and is only a part of student
government. The trouble with SL is it moved
in on the University like explorers moving in
on a conquest of Africa." In general, the speech
was devoted to a sweeping embrace of IFC and
a slighting of other student organizations.
That portion of the president's speech per-
taining to SL was reported to SL later in the
evening when Ben Uchitelle, president of Pi
Lambda Phi and SL member, took it upon him-
self to tell SL what the president said.
A FER THE SPEECH -had been given Delta
Tau Delta President Jack Schaupp asked
the Daily reporter to speak to IFC President
John Baity. Baity told the reporter that Presi-
dent Hatcher expressed a desire to have the
speech put off-the-record. Several days- later,
William Zerman, assistant to the dean of men,
distributed a letter to all fraternity presidents
praising President Hatcher's speech and urg-
ing them 'to make its contents known to fra-
-ternity members.
- On the surface, President Hatcher was just
making a few off-the-cuff observations to fra-
ternity presidents. However, the speech con-
tained inflamatory remarks. It was, in effect, a
statement of beliefs the entire campus was en-
titled to know-as such it had no claim to off-
the-record status. The public utterances of a
university president are in the public domain--
his actions and statements are eagerly watched
by the campus community.
The fact that Zerman asked dissemination of
the speech to fraternity men, even though by
word of mouth, indicates the contents were
to go to one group of students but not the rest..
THERE IS nothing wrong with addressing re-
marks to one segment of campus in par-
ticular, but deliberately attempting to keep
the rest of the campus unaware of what was
said indicates a lack of confidence in students.
Should a university president make a speech if
he lacks conviction to let his remarks stand
the test of public opinion? The substance of

President Hatcher's remarks would lead us to
believe he was afraid of campus reaction.
Also, the request for off-the-record consider-
ation was made after the speech had been
given. In ordinary journalistic practict, this
consideration must be asked before material is
presented, giving the reporter a chance to leave
the room or refuse to accept information. In ef-
fect, off-the-record status implies an agrre
ment between reporter and informant. When
this consideration is demanded after presenin-
tion of material it represents an unfair request
of the reporter.
A university president is presumed to have
a high degree of objectivity and impartiality
in his dealings with student groups-his posi-
tion demands it. To an extent, President Ha=-
cher's sweeping prais eof IFC together with de-
rogatory remarks directed at other student
groups, belies his impartiality and limits his
objectivity. While the president, just as anyone
else, has the right to criticize or praise, we ques-
tion his judgement in this instance. President
Hatcher's remarks had no constructive effect
other than to boost Interfraternity Council,
ego, and they certainly had a negative effect
on SL morale.
Of more importance, we would question what
President Hatcher meant when he praised IFC
for the right kind of attitude. The president has
often said he is not against criticism-he only
abhors "meanness" and "biting attacks." It is
interesting to note that he praised not those
organizations which criticized him without be-
ing mean-but only those which never criti-
cized him. And the two organizations suppos-
edly guilty of meanness are the only two which
have'been vocal in their criticism of the admin-
istration. This seems to imply that compliance
equals right attitude and criticism equals wrong
attitude or "meanness."
Editorials appearing in the Daily frequently
criticize the administration. We would not deny
President Hatcher the right to return criticism.
To single out a student by name and accuse him
of 'wrong attitude' is not perhaps 'wrong' in
the absolute sense of the term, but it is petty,
trivial and unbecoming the dignity ofthe pres-
ident's office.
President Hatcher overlooked the fact that
a newspaper has the duty to criticize. The Re-
gents, being public figures, are legitimately
subject to criticism. The editorial in question,
whether you agree with its viewpoint or not,
presented a legitimate facet of opinion.
--Lee Marks
--Dave Baad

"This Isn't The Kind Of Blockade I Had In Mind"
ox Y


THE CURIOUS SAVAGE, presented by the Ann Arbor Civic Theater
THE THIRD PLAY of the Ann Arbor Civic Theater season is a comedy
by John Patrick, author of two better-known comedies, "The Hasty
Heart" and "Teahouse of the August Moon." Whether or not this play
antedates the other two, I am uncertain, but its obscurity is clearly de-
served. Although the Civic Theater gives it a respectable sort of pro-
duction, as a play "The Curious Savage" is mechanical and uninspired.
It derives its humor from the petulant confusions of mental patients;
its astounding thesis is that people outside the sanitarium are far more
foolish than those within.
The plot is reminiscent of "The Silver Whistle" and even of
O'Neill's "The Iceman Cometh." In these plays, the author is pri-
marily interested in what is going to happen to a group of unfor-
tunate exiles when someone with imagination shows up in their
midst, full of concern about them and maybe a method for lick-
ing the things they fear in the outside world. In "The Curious
Savage," the setting is an asylum, the interloper into the self-
styled Nirvana an elderly woman who has taken up with a teddy
bear for companion because of the sharper-than-a-serpent's tooth
ingratitude of her three children. In committing Mother, the off-
spring, however, neglect to notice that she has liquidated some ten
million dollars of their assets and will not tell (for two acts) what
she has done with the proceeds. At about this point, however, under
threat of sodium penothal, she produces the "bonds" which were
secreted in the teddy bear all along. But just at that moment, the
lights go out and the securities vanish. While it was dark, I van-
ished too. Doubtless it all ended happily.
The institutionalized members of the cast do their best to keep
things politely manic, but they are forced to pretend that distinctions
exist between them when the author provides nothing but various de-
grees of shrillness to suggest this. Perhaps you must pretend that these
people are like real "cases" in order to enjoy the play, but it is hardly
worth the effort. Patrick's approach to characterization is largely a
matter of labeling anyway. In "The Hasty Heart," we got "Yank,"
Scotty, Limey, and a mute Nigerian; in "The Curious Savage," we get
"Senator," "Judge," "Heiress," and a mute lunatic. The only dif-
ference is that all the resources of medical science are brought to bear
in the former play; in the latter, they don't even crack the sodium
The best performance in the play is that of Beth True in the lead-
ing role. She gets laughs even from lines like "Hell hath no music like
a woman playing second fiddle." Dori Appel is energetic as Fairy Mae,
a patient who wants to be loved; and Mary Lee Merriman makes the
heiress role poisonously statuesque. Bob Maitland's set was discreet and
comfortable, and Ted Heusel's direction seemed very well paced under
the circustances.
-Bill Wiegand

B o0f
WASHINGTON - The more you
study what went on behind the
scenes in the McCarthy debate the
more you reach the unfortunate
conclusion that it resembled what
took place in prewar Germany.
And the better it is to have it
What fed the McCarthy contro-
versy were ominous undertones of
religious prejudice. And though the
public phase of the debate fortu-
nately has ended, the seeds of in-
tolerance, recently unloosed, may
continue - unless the American
people are alert to scotch them.
Significantly, Ludwell Denny,
able foreign editor of the Scripps-
Howard Newspapers, cabled from
Bonn this week that "the religious-
political strife which helped Hitler
is rising again." He goes on to
pin-point Catholic-Protestant rival-
ry, plus anti-Jewish feeling - all
playing into Communist hands..
That should not happen here.
But to a lesser extent, it did
happen during the McCarthy de-
bate. Southern senators from Pro-
testant states received vitriolic let-
ters from northern Catholic areas
berating their position on Mc-
Carthy. -The letters, of course,
represented but a small segment
of the Catholic faith.
Furthermore, most Catholic sen-
ators were against McCarthy. Men
like Murray and Mansfield of Mon-
tana, O'Mahoney of Wyoming,
Burke of Ohio, all Catholic, voted
their conscience and were against
McCarthy. They represent the
great majority of Catholics who
believe that religion and politics
must not mix, and who follow the
time-honored Catholic doctrine of
brotherly love. But the prejudiced
group that bombarded Washington
with the idea that McCarthy was
being censured because of his re-
ligion were so vocal that it hurt
the cause of religious tolerance.
Simultaneously, Gerald L. K.
Smith, from a secret hiding place
in Washington, began pouring a
poisonous propaganda barrage in-
to the blood stream of American
Here, for instance, is an illus-
tration of how Smith used Mc-
Carthy to attack the Jews.
In a fervent, clever appeal for
money, dated November 23 and
captioned "Still In Washington
Tough Battle", Smith poured out
this poison:
"Five million dollars are avail-
able to the forces that are deter-
mined to destroy Senator Mc-
Carthy by murder, character as-
sassination, removal from the Sen-
ate - anything to make sure that
the treason committed against our
nation never will be uncovered."
(Unfortunately, Monsignor Martin_
in New York had stated earlier
that $5,000,000 had been raised to
destroy McCarthy.)
"Because of Congress and a few
courageous men in both houses,"
Smith continued, "the conspirators
who originally designed this Fabian
bureaucratic alien-minded, Jew-
financed dictatorship - yes, be-
cause of a handful of fighting pa-
triots, they have been unable to
set up the complete controls over
your life and mine as they origin-
ally planned.
"When I came to this city,"
Smith continued, "I registered at
a certain hotel under the name of
an employee. I gave no one my
hotel address. The second Sunday
I was here, Drew Pearson an-
nounced where I was, including
the room number of Mrs. Smith

and myself."
This is a flat denial of a broad-
cast by Fulton Lewis, the radio
champion of Senator McCarthy
who has sometimes lent himself
to the operations of Gerald L. K.
Reading at length from my col-
umn of November 17, Fulton, Jr.,
correctly quoted me as reporting:
"Smith registered as Stephen
Goodyear in room 1017 of the May-
flower Hotel."
Then Fulton continued : "I had
a firsthand interest and sympathy
and let us say, curiosity about
this Drew Pearson column . .. As
a result I did a little reportorial
checking on my own responsibility.
"The records of the Mayflower
Hotel show that a Stephen Good-
year was registered in a room 1017
on Wednesday of last week and
that he gave a Tulsa, Oklahoma,
address . . . ." Mr. Lewis told his
radio audience:
"I placed a long-distance call
to Mr. Stephen Goodyear
The lady to whom I talked said
there was such a person as Steph-
en Goodyear and that she would
try to reach him and have him
call back.
"In about an hour he did so, in-
formed me that he was registeed
in room 1017 at the Mayflower
Hotel as of last Wednesday. So,"
triumphantly concluded Mr. Lewis,
"the registration of Stephen Good-
year was his own registration and

Knowland'Going Away'
On Far East Policy
Associated Press News Analyst
ADMINISTRATION STATEMENTS on Far Eastern policy have gone
just about as far as possible now toward cleaning up the United
States attitude, but whether it will satisfy the "get tougher" demands
of the Republican Senate faction led by Sen. Knowland remained in
Secretary 'Dulles has now made two particularly lucid statements
on the subject. As it stands, the United States will defend Formosa and
the Pescadores if they are attacked.
Retaliation will be made to fit the grade of any aggression, with
all-out attack on the mainland always remaining a possibility. In other
words, the Chinese Reds are put on notice that- they cannot expect
anything like the Manchurian "sanctuary" which they enjoyed during
the Korean war as a part of Allied policy
AS FOR THE Knowland suggestion for a naval blockade to force re-
lease of American prisoners by Peiping, Dulles clarified statements
he and the President had made apparently ruling it out. It is some-
thing which might still be adopted if other measures fail, he said.
Some other members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
immediately expressed approval of the "new treaty with Chiang Kai-
shek's Nationalists which implements the Formosa policy, but Knowland
had no immediate comment.
One point the blockade advocates were expeoted to raise in the new
Congress, if indeed they do not do so now, is the possibility that a
blockade could be conducted by the Chinese Nationalists if they were
supplied with the ships necessary.
The problockaders may couple this idea, however, with their long-
standing contention that primary enforcement of the blockade could
begin by telling nations which receive American foreign aid to stop
shipments on pain of losing it.

Faculty Right in Easing
Blow to Davis

IN ORGANIZING a definite attempt to pro-
vide a substitute for H. Chandler Davis'
denied severance pay, some of the literary col-
lege faculty members are alleviating the con-
sequences of his dismissal.
One of the stronger arguments against dis-
missal is, its effect on the individual's life. He is
usually looked upon as an undesirable; em-
ployers squirm when he applies for a position;
former friends hesitate to admit they knew him
well; and everyone is sorry they can't help him.
When dismissal on flimsy grounds is the cause,
the situation is especially loathsome.
It is the prospect of these effects that turns
men's minds to conformity. Herein lies the most
potent psychological weapon of the thought
control involved in dismissal.
T HE EMERGENCY Fund Committee for H.
C. Davis is demonstrating that his collea-
gues have not deserted him, although they
should according to theories of social norms.
The committee is proving that many men will
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig......... ....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers...........................City Editor
Jon Sobeloff.....,,*,,,.........E(itorial Director
Pat Roelofs..............Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad. ........,... . ..Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.. ........Associate Editor
Dave Livingston......................Sports Editor
Hanley Glurwin.............. .Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer .......... .Associate Spor 's Editor
Roz Shlimovitz.............Women's Editor
Joy Squires.............Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith....s..,......Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton.................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak...........................Business Manager
Phil Brunskill..............Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise...................Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Moinkoskl............ ... Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights or
republication of all other matters herein are also re-

not succumb to distorted norms, that they re-
fuse to submit to pressures toward conform-
ity, that there is a stimulating hope that free-
dom will survive in the minds of men, the only
place it can exist.
Indeed, the faculty is going out of its way to
make that point. As Davis, himself, said, it is
the Regents who are responsible for his un-
employment. His colleagues owe him nothing.
THE REGENTS could have demonstrated they
were not merely submitting to conformist
pressures by providing Davis some protection
from the consequences of their action. Grant-
ing Davis severance pay would have added cre-
dence to claims that they acted justifiably.
They could have convinced us that Davis was
dismissed more for not cooperating with Uni-
versity impartial examiners than for his poli-
tical ideas. As it happened, the Regents added
injury to insult by not granting severance pay.
The literary faculty members 'and any oth-
ers who contribute to the Emergency Fund
are to be commended for attempting to alleviate
the injury.
-Jim Dygert
New Books at the Library
Coughlan, Robert-The Private World of
William Faulkner, New York,'Harper & Broth-
ers, Publishers, 1954.
Newhouse, Edward-The Temptation of Ro-
ger Heriott, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Com-
pany, 1954.
O'Connor, Frank-More Stories, New York,
Alfred A. Knopf, 1954.
Peckham, Howard H.-Captured by Indians,
New Jersey, New Brunswick, 1954.
Ritter, Christiane-A Woman in the Polar
Night, New York, E. P. Dutton & Company,
Inc., 1954.
Simpson, William R. and Florence K. with
Samuels, Charles-Hockshop, New York, Ran-
dom House, 1954.
Anonymous-A Woman in Berlin, New York,
Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1954.
Barkley, Alben W.-That Reminds Me, New
York, Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1954.
Chase, Mary Ellen-The White Gate, New
York, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1954.
Jackson Ward, Barbara-Faith and Freedom,
New York, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,
Marquand, John P.-Thirty Years, Boston,
Little, Brown & Company, 1954.
Marx; Arth&r-Life with Groucho, New York,

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts, and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 60
TIAA -College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association re-
tirement program who wish to change
their contributions to the College Re-
tirement Equities Fund, or to apply for
or discontinue participatior in the
Equities Fund, will be able to make
such changes before Dec. 15. Staff
members who have % or V3 of the con-
tributions to TIAA al1octed to CREF
may wish to change to a 1 basis, or
go from the latter to a 1 or 1 basis.
Choral Union and Extra Series ushers
are remninded that one performance of
the "Messiah" is included in each se-
ries. Attendance will be checked as us-
ual, Consult your cards for time and
Graduate Record Examination: Appli-
.cation blanks for the Jan. 27 adminis-
tration of the Graduate Record Exami-
nation are now available at 110 Rack-
ham Building. Application blanks are
due in Princeton, N.J. not later than
Jan. 13.
Social Chairmen are reminded that
the closing hour for social events spon-
sored by student organizations on the
evening of Dec. 11 may be extended to
1:00 a.m., provided evefts are so regis-
tered in the Office of Student Affairs.
Registration is due not later than
12:Or., Mon., Dec. 6.
Representatives from the following
will interview at the Bureau of Ap-
Tues., Dec. 7
Canada Life Assurance Co., Jackson,
Mich.-Feb. men in LS&A and BusAd
for Sales.
..Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co.,
Kalamazoo, Mich. - Afternoon only,
LS&A and BusAd men for Production
and Sales Training.
Wed., Dec. 8
Continental Casualty Co., Chicago,
Ill. LS&A and BusAd men, and women
who have had a Math. background for
positions as Accountants, Actuaries,
Advertising and Sales Promotionalists,
Salesmen, Claim Adjusters and Exam-
iners, Statisticians, and Underwriters.
Illinois Civil Service Commission an-
nounces openings for Delinquency Pre-
vention Coordinator, Social Worker,
Sociologist II, Supervising Psychologist
I; Supervising Psychologist II, Super-
vising Sociologist I, Supervising Sociolo-
gist II. College graduate, some posi-
tions requiring one or more years of
practical experience. Closing date for
application is Dec. 11.
ThirdoAnnual Manuscript Writing
Contest sponsored by The American
Society for Personnel Administration.
Competition is open to Juniors, Sen-
iors or Graduate Students specializing
in Personnel or Business Administra-
A bank in Chicago, Ill. extends an
invitation to Seniors from that area to
visit it on its Career Day during both
the Christmas and spring vacations.
This invitation is open to both men
and women. Anyone interested in be-
ing included in this visit should leave
his name at the Bureau of Appoint-
mnents immediately.
V.S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces an exam for Investigator (gen-
eral), GS-5 to 12, open to those who
have had experience in intestigative or
accounting work or in the application
of statutory laws, court, and other au-
thoritative decisions. Education may be
substituted for work experience at the
rate of 1 yr. of study for 9 mo. of ex-
perience in accounting, CPA certificate
for 3 yrs. experience, completed study
of law at rate of 1 yr. to 1 yr., mem-
bership in the state bar for 3 yrs. ex-

clear, or for inspection of the telescopes
and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy.
Children are welconied, but must be
accompanied by adults.
University Lecture in Journalsm.
William R. Mathews, editor and pub-
lisher of The Arizona Daily Star, will
speak on "American Journalism Comes
of Age," Mon., Dec. 6, at 3:00 p.m., in
Rackham Amphitheater. Coffee hour
at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1447 Mason Hall.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar: "Com-
parative Cellular Energetics," under the.
direction of Dr. J. F. Hogg, Room 319,
West Medical Building, Fri., Dec. 3, at
4:00 p.m.
Logic seminar will meet Fri., De. 3
at 4:00 p.m. in 443 Mason Hall. Dr.
Buchi will speak on "Godel's Com-
pleteness Theorem for the First Order
Function Calculus."
Electrical Engineering Department
Colloquium. Fri., Dec. 3. Prof. H. W.
Welch, "Recent Work on Ferrites and
Ferroelectric Materials by the Elec-
tronic Defense Group." Coffee, 4:00
p.m., Room 2500 E. Eng. Bldg., talk,
4:30 p.m. Room 2084, E. Eng. Bldg.
December meeting of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts will be held Mon., Dec. 6, at
4:10 pm. in Angell Hall Auditorium A.
Events Today
Lane Hall Coffee Hour.. The Christ-
mas tree will be decorated Fri., Dec. 3,
4:15-6:00 p.m. Lutheran Student Asso-
ci-tion will be guild host.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-conducted Evensong at 5:15 p.m.,
Fri, Dec. 3, in the Chapel of St. Mi-
chael and All Angels. Canterbury Club,
7:30 p.m. Fri., Dec. 3, at Canterbury
House. Prof. Helen Dodson of the Mc-
Math-Hulbert Observatory will discuss
"Certainty and Uncertainty."
Hillel. Fri. Evening Service 7:15 p.m.
Conducted by Rabbi Joseph Katz and
Cantor Martin Glantz. Rabbi Katz will
speak "On the Future of American
Judaism-A Tercentary .Topic."
Reception for Faculty Members Fri.,
Dec. 3, from 8:00-12:00 p.m. at the New-
man Club. This annual Faculty light
Party will be combined with a Pan
American Dance for Newman Club
members and their guests. Orchestra
for dancing, and refreshments.
First Baptist Church. Fri., Dec. 3, 8:00
p.m. Guild holds open house and
Christmas movie.
Mahatma Gandhi: Twentieth Century
Prophet," a full-length documentary
film. Sponsors: the India Student Asso-
ciation, the Fellowship of Reconcilia-
tion, the Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom, and the Young
Friends' Fellowship. Fri., Dec. 3, 4:00
and 7:00 p.m. Michigan Union Ballroom,
No admission charge.
Sociedad Hispanica members have
been invited to the Latin-American Fi-
esta Fri., Dec. 3, at the Newman Club.
Dancing, floor-show, and refreshments.
8:30 p.m.
Westminster Student Fellowship open
house in student center of Presbyterian
church at 8:00 p~m.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
8:30 p.m., Taffy Pull at the Congrega-
tional Church.
Wesleyan Guild. Fri., Dec. 3 Co-rec-
reation at the I.M. Building at 7:30
Coming Events
Dream Girl, Elmer Rice's Broadway
hit comedy, will be presented by the
Department of Speech in co-operation
with the Department of English Wed.-
Sat., Dec. 8-11, at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Mail orders for
tickets accepted now for $1.50-$1.20-
90c. Special student rate of 75c in ef-
fect Wed. and Thurs.
La Sociedad Hispanica. Tickets are
on sale this week in the Romance





'Professional' Students
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to express my dis-
taste for the conduct of so-
called "professional" students on
this campus, particularly that Of
the law students. As a Harvard
graduate, I came here prepared to
see the same standards of behavior
which professional students did in
a gentlemanly manner at Cam-
bridge. My first experience with
Michigan decorum occured when
a friend of mine invited me'to a
party in a local medical fraternity
house. The party was deplorable;
the general behavior of both men
and women was both boisterous
and in extremely bad taste.
Further observation has not
changed my impressions. After liv-
ing in the Lawyers Club for a time,
I have come to the conclusion that
my fellow students behave in an
even more ill-mannered way. I am
unable to sleep at night because
of the rowdiness that inevitably
accompanies groups of law stu-
dents returning from an evening's
"refreshment." In connection with
a forthcoming dance, there has
been frantic and noisy prepara-
tion for what my cohorts describe
as "a real blast" and "a good ex-
cuse to get smashed." I am in-
formed that one can expect all
kind$ of horseplay at this affair.
I sincerely hope some of this
changes, and. that professional
students on this campus learn to
comport themselves in a more ma-
ture mariner. At present, they are
doing a dis-service to what other-

Law Student which these unthink-
iug juveniles have failed to trample
through the mire of their mis-
guided trumpetings re Mr. Jelin's
retirement from public life here
on campus. It is my fortune-or
misfortune-to be acquainted with
all the parties to this controversy,
and indeed I was shocked to see
that again it was the cream of our
academic crop-the student law-
yers-who were making such bray-
ing donkeys of themselves.
The true isue in this case is not
the correctness or incorrectness of
Mr. Jelin's resignation, or even of
the wisdom of his election in the'
first place, but rather; Why is
there a Student Legislature for Mr.
Jelin-or anyone else-to resign
from, or to preside over at all?! As
seems always the unfortunate case,
the bleatings of these retarded
lambs has all but submerged the
only true good which should come
out of Mr. Jelin's resignation. Stu-
dent Government in modern Am-
erican collegiate life, to put it
most charitably, is merely an ad-
ministrative toleration of the un-
satiable thirst of a few unrestrain-
ed pseudo-intellectuals and future
graft grabbers who are drunk on
the idea of meddling in affairs
which could be far. more efficiently
and competently handled by our
University Administrations.
Let's use the occasion of Mr. Jel-
in's dramatic resignation as a time
for a complete reappraisal of our
purpose in being here at Michigan,
and then make our University a
leader in a college world move-
ment to abolish Student Legisla-





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