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December 01, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-01

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11 I

Associate City Editor
THE Common Sense Party was conceived by
a group of students who wanted Student
Legislature to be a responsible body. The group
felt issues should be worked on after elections
as well as during campaigns. They were tired of
having large sounding promises turn into
nothing more than election devices abandoned
as soon as regular sessions of the Legislature
began. They decided the only method of check-
ing irresponsibility was to form a party to back
certain ideas, and candidates who believe and
will work to enact those ideas. The party will
support the candidates during elections by
campaigning for them and outlining the plat-
form to the public. After the elections, party
members will meet regularly with their repre-
sentatives oi the legislature to discuss what
measures have already been taken up by stu-
dent government and how best to work for
enaction of the party's platform.
An advantage of a party system over a non-
party system is the very coordination of ideas
into a platform, for which a group of people
who agree, are working. As is, persons running
independently for SL are campaigning on many
diverse issues, and when elected to the Legisla-
ture they are all working for different ends. In
addition, because issues are not clearly defined
under the present no-party system, personali-
ties and beauty become the highlights of an
THE PLATFORM of the Common Sense Party
contains 16 points. On some of the issues in
the platform, few students would disagree. As
examples, "dead" weekend prior to final exam-
inations and extended closing hours in women's
residences are points of little differenbe of
opinion. But on these issues, which have been
discussed to death during SL campaigns in the
past, CSP feels method of action is important.
The Common Sense Party has a carefully
worked out plan of nmethodology: based on the
premise that pressure to enact the above poli-

cies is a first necessity. Too often a legislature
member will contact members of other organi-
zations or the administration and make little
headway, then give up in despair and let the
contact forget the issue was ever suggested.
"Constant pressure is the only means of final
achievement" is the guideword of CSP.
CSP further emphasizes formal contact by
the legislature with organizations and in-
tensive personal contact with influential indi-
viduals in student organizations, the faculty,
administration, alumni, Ann Arbor govern-
mental and interest groups, the State Legisla-
ture and the Board of Regents in order to
effect action and change.
Very important to remember however, is that
action be carefully planned before begun; in
the past action was often hastily initiated be-
fore possible objections had been considered,
before all steps had been planned; the result
was often only a half-completed job or no
accomplishment at all.
Common Sensers stress in their platform the
need to discover what public opinion is on
issues coming before the student governing
body: CSP hopes to conduct surveys of the
various segments and interest groups by scien-
tific methods arranged with the help of the
Survey Research Center. Having scientific
knowledge will make student government more
able to fight successfully.
THE Common Sense Party feels that if stu-
dent government becomes more responsible
as well as more aggressive and more unified,
the rest of the University community will have
to pay attention to what it is doing. It seems
18,000 students, the majority group in the
campus community, would desire a strong voice
on campus issues. Today, to say students had
a voice at all would almost be an overstate-
ment. By voting for members of the Common
Sense Party students will be taking a first step
toward more responsible, more respected gov-

Student-Regent Understanding:
SGC Can Pave Way

JF THE Student Government Council is ap-
proved by the Regents, it will mark the
first time in the University's history that the
students have an official student government.
This alone is sufficient reason for preferring
the SGC proposal over the present Student
We cannot be sure that SGC will be any'
more effective than SL in putting student de-
sires into practice. This depends more on the
people within the organization than its struc-
ture. Yet, SGC can offer more effectiveness
because it should attract competent people,
being the official representative of student
That the Regents retain final authority is
another reason why there is no guarantee that
'SGC will accomplish more than SL has been
able to do. However, it seems more likely that
SGC would accomplish more, because its deci-
sions will probably receive more attention from
the Regents. This is deduced from the fact that
the Regents would have approved SGC.
THERE IS also another reason why SGC can
promise greater effectiveness. Approval of
SGC by the Regents may very well bring about
a more cooperative attitude between the Re-
gents and the students.
So far, our efforts to have proposals approved
have often seemed trivial, and perhaps our
wish for SGC is meaningless. That the Regents
always seem to ignore our efforts is the cause
of this.
It has been said that the Regents are doing
their best as elected supervisors of the Uni-
versity, and have the best interests of the stu-
dents at heart. Without disputing this, we can
point out that the definition of "the best inter-
ests of the students" remains in the minds of
the Regents.
THEREFORE, it is very possible that every-
thing the Regents do regarding students is
done within the purpose of doing what's best
for us, and that we, at the same time, think
they have an opposite attitude. The resulting

misunderstanding follows because we sincerely
disagree on what's best for the students.
It is also caused by the fact that the Regents
give us no basis for thinking that they do, in
fact, have our interests at heart. Until now, the
Regents are to some degree responsible for any
student feeling that they are ruthless. This is
because the Regents do not usually give any
indication of how heavily studeit opinion
weighs in their decisions on what is best for us.
In fact, very often they fail to say whether
student opinion has any weight at all in their
What we need is a compromise. We must be
willing to yield graciously to the final authority
of the Regents (for it is theirs anyway) if the
Regents are willing to demonstrate that they
do take student opinion seriously.
REGENTAL approval of SGC would most
likely be the first step in establishing such
an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect
between the Regents and the students, an
atmosphere that has not often existed.
At any rate, students must see the meaning
in an approval of SGC, and make every effort
to see that it is approved.
The Regents are reasonable men, and are no
doubt willing to demonstrate to students that
they do have our best interests at heart and
thereby clear up the misunderstanding. At the
same time, students are probably more reason-
able than they are interested in SGC. Being
reasonable, they must realize that a large and
therefore representative vote must be turned
in on the referendum if they have any desire
at all to see their own opinions have a chance
of becoming at least part of the basis for the
forming of University policy involving students.
A SMALL VOTE will indicate that students
do not know, or do not care, what is best
for themselves, and will relieve the Regents
from considering the possibility that they do.
With this in mind, every student should
make it a special point to vote. in the SGC
-Jim Dygert

U.S. Trade
WASHINGTON - U.S. bankers
have a lot more at stake in the Rio
De Janeiro economic conference
than most of them realize. So does
the American public.
This was one reason why Con-
gressman Jim Fulton of Pittsburgh
tangled with his fellow Republi-
can, Secretary of the Treasury
Humphrey, for coming to the Rio
conference with "an empty brief
Congressman Fulton not only
knew Latin American temperament
regarding the Eisenhower admin-
istration's loan policy, but he also
knew that both the President's
brother Milton and U.S. Ambassa-
dor Merwin Bohan had stepped off
the U.S. delegation because they
opposed Humphrey's tight-fisted
point of view.
What U.S. bankers face in Rio
is a plan for a purely inter-Latin
American bank put forward by Ar-
turo Maschke, president of the Cen-
tral Bank of Chile. This bank would
be composed only of Latin Ameri-
can nations. The United States
would be barred. However- and
here is where U.S. bankers would
get caught in the middle - the
capital for this bank would be
drawn from Latin American de-
posits now in U.S. banks.
As of today, Latin Americans
have a total of $1,800,000,000 on
deposit in North American banks.
And under the Maschke plan, they
would withdraw this money from
U.S. banks and put it in their own
bank as collateral against develop-
ment loans to underdeveloped La-
tin American countries.
Any withdrawal of nearly two
billions from American banks, es-
pecially if done suddenly after the
Rio conference, might have a dis-
comboulating effect upon t h e
American banking system.
Meanwhile, what the American
public doesn't realize is that Ger-
man businessmen are descending
on Latin America in increasing
numbers, offering long-term credit
and cheap prices. Thus, while the
USA spends money building up
Germany, Germany is indirectly
using that money to unbuild Amer-
ican trade in Latin America.
Today, Latin America buys more
from the USA than all of Europe
and Asia combined. Ranking next
to Canada-our best customer -
come Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Vene-
zuela, all buying more than Eng-
land, France, Germany.
And while Latin delegates at Rio
learn that the USA is considering
a two- to three-billion development
fund for Asia, Secretary of the
Treasury Humphrey discusses a
prospective bank which would take
a year to organize and which would
loan Latin America $100,000,000
sometime in the future.
That's why Congressman Fulton
criticized his fellow Republican,
Secretary Humphrey, for coming
to Rio with "an empty brief case."
Republic.ans are almost holding
their breath to see whether Demo-
crats at New Orleans walk into a
What they're hoping is that the
Democrats will elect as their new
national chairman James Finne-
gan, chairman of the Philadelphia
City Council.
The Republicans haven't any-
thing against Mr. Finnegan per-
sonally, politically, or any other
way. But they do have some inter-

esting data on another James Fin-
negan. And they know that the
American public, which reads, in
a hurry, is sure to get them mixed
The other Finnegan is the for-
mer collector of internal revenue
in St. Louis, who went to jail for
taking pay from people in tax
trouble. Most of the public have
now forgotten his name. But what
the Democrats don't know is that
the name James Finnegan is going
to pop into the headlines fairly soon
as a result of a federal grand jury
now meeting in Omaha which has
been trying to ascertain who origi-
nally whitewashed the Finnegan
At first the St. Louis Finnegan
w a s completely exonerated by
friends inside the Treasury Depart-
ment and, based upon this white-
wash, President Truman accept-
ed his resignation. After this, how-
ever, persevering Sen. John J. Wil-
liams of Delaware brought out
such damning facts on Finnegan
that he was sent to jail.
Senator Williams has now been
demanding that the Justice Depart-
ment investigate and prosecute
those responsible for the white-
wash, and a grand jury in Omaha
has elicited some dynamite-laden
statements from Frank Lohn, for-
mer chief of tax intelligence in
Kansas City, one of the men who
probed the Finne-tn case.
All this has nothing to do with
the Philadelphia Finnegan-except

Still, Small Voice


At the Cass in Detroit*...
THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH with Eddie Bracken, Anne Kimbell, Kaye
Lyder, Howard Freeman, and Edward Hunt.
THE OLD PROBLEM of how to make a worn out, tired touring
company sparkle appeared anew at Monday night's performance
of George Axelrod's The Seven Year Itch. This romantic comedy which
has received considerable acclaim since its Broadway debut in 1952,
emerged as anything but a "hit"-it was a cold, mechanical, and
very disappointing reading. Only in the final act did the cast project
any feeling of fun and humor.
Admittedly, Seven Year Itch is hardly the funniest play of all
time. It is a pleasant and diverting spoof about a typically American
husband whose typically American wife takes their typically American
boy to the beach for the summer. Hubby, left home alone with an
ulcer and a stern warning against cigarettes and intoxicants, begins
pursuing a curvacious model who lives in the upstairs apartment.
The play occurs within a single living room set. But the author
uses flashbacks, dreams, solioloquies, and even a few talking con-
sciences to provide movement and contrast with the real-life episodes.
It is chiefly these fantasy sequences that give the play humor and
hold together an otherwise simple story line.
AXELROD'S WORK is often rather cliched and very seldom original.
However, the manner in which he pokes fun at psychiatrists, pocket
books, drinking , and dozens of American institutions can be fun if
handled with spirit.
Monday night's cast had very little spirit, and, consequently,
failed to give the play the needed boost. Eddie Bracken as the husband
has an extremely arduous role. He must be on stage throughout the
entire evening. Bracken, famous for his many movie roles,, is well
equipped in the talent department, a necessary prerequisite if Seven
Year Itch is to appear worthwhile. But the many months of reading
the same lines over and over again have begun to show; and Bracken
has apparently lost any feeling for the play. He reads his lines with
perfect accuracy, but there is a terrifying kind of mechanization that
leaves the audience cold.
ANNE KIMBELL as the girl is one of those attractive females who
insists on over-acting. It is not really overacting, just a kind of
bubbling and chortliing that seems so popular with today's ingenues.
She failed to suggest that her character was anything more than a
fifty-mile-a-minute gabbing fool. The lines that deserve laughs failed
to register with Miss Kimbell's delivery.
Kaye Lyder as Bracken's wife was wooden. The only actors who
seemed to be enjoying their work were Howard Freeman as a sex-
and-violence psychiatrist and Edward Hunt as the author who writes
love scenes ("inward, outward, pulsing, throbbing, upward, downward").
Their spontaneity and ease brought most of the few laughs in a fairly
boring performance.
-Ernest Theodossin

f y1 j~'-
Y ' '.,

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts, and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 58
Air Force ROTC: Notice is hereby
given that the Air Force Officer Quali-
fying Tests for AFROTO cadets will
be given in Kellogg Auditorium from
1:00-5:00 p.m., Fri., Dec. 3 and from 8
a.m.-12:OOM. Sat., Dec. 4. Attendance
of all concerned at both sessions is
TIAA - College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association re-
tirement program who wish to change
their contributions to the College Re -
tirement Equities Fund, or to apply for
or discontinue participation in the
Equities Fund, will be able to make
such changes before Dec. 15. Staff
members who have % or a of the con-
tributions to TIAA allocated to CREF
may wish to change to a ?; basis, or
go from the latter to a ,a or J basis.
Applications for Fellowships and
Scholarships in the Graduate School
for 1955-56 are now available. Applica-
tion for renewal should also be filed
at this time. Competition closes Feb.
15. Blanks and information may be ob-
taned in the Graduate School Offices,
Rackham Building.
Graduate Record Examination: Appli-
cation blanks for the Jan. 27 adminis-
tration of the Graduate Record Exami-
nation are now available at 110 Rack-
ham Building. Application blanks are
due in Princeton, N.J. not later than
Jan. 13.
Representatives from the following
will interview at the Bureau of Ap-
Tues., Dec. 7
Canada Life Assurance Co., Jackson,
Mich.-Feb. men in LS&A and BusAd
for Sales.
Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co.,
Kalamazoo, Mich. - Afternoon only,
LS&A and BusAd men for Production
and Sales Training. This is KVP pa-
per products company.
Wed., Dec. 8
Continental Casualty Co., Chicago,
I1. - LS&A and BusAd men, and wom-
en who have had a Math. background
for positions as Accountants, Actuaries,
Advertising and Sales Promotionalists,
Salesmen, Claim Adjusters and Examin-
ers, Statisticians, and Underwriters.
Thurs., Dec. 9
American Seating Co., Grand Rapids,
Mich.-Feb. men and women in LS&A
and BusAd for Sales Trainee, Manage-
ment and Supervisory Trainee Posi-
Students wishing to make appoint-
ments with any of the above should
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
Room 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext. 371.
A local firm needs a man for its en-
gineering lab. A high school degree is
enough, but the man must have some
mechanical aptitude and be able to
work in a research lab.
Dept. of Health, Educ., & Welfare,
Nat'l. Microbiological Institute, Rocky
Mt. Lab., Hamilton, Mont., has two po-
sitions open for Research Assistants in
Bacteriology GS-5.
Y.M.C.A., Chicago, I11.-will hold its
Annual Interpretation and Recruiting
Luncheon for both men and women
Tues., Dec. 28.
Dept. of Personnel, City of New York,
announces an exam for Superintendent
of Construction (Buildings), grade 4.
Requirements include 6 yrs. practical
experience, including 3 yrs. as Supt.
of Construction. Engrg education can
be substituted for up to 3 yrs. of ex-
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528
Ad. Bldg. Students are reminded that
applications for the JMA exam will not
be accepted after Tues., Nov. 30.
Academic Notices
Botanical Seminar in Room 1139 Nat
ural Science Building Wed., Dec. 1 at
4:15 p.m. Prof. William C. Steere, Stan-
ford University and National Science
Foundation, will speak on "Cytologi-
cal Studies on Mosses." Lantern slides,
Geometry Seminar Wed., Dec. 1, 7:00
p.m., in 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Smoke

will continue his discussion of alge-
braic geometry.
Sociology Coffee Hour: A coffee hour
for graduates and faculty of the So-
ciology Department will be held at
4:00 p.m. today in the department
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet in 3409 Mason Hall,
4:00-5:30 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 2. F. Harary
will speak on "Directed Graphs- as a
Mathematical Model."
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Dec. 2, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247, West Engineering. Prof. C.
L. Dolph, "Remarks on the Schwinger
Variation Principles."
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet Thurs., Dec. 2, at 4:00 p.m.,
Room 3201 A.H. J. Meagher will con-
clude his discussion of Chapter 5 and
Miss Irene Hess will begin discussion
of Chapter 6 in Cochran's Sampling
Museum of Art. French Textiles, 1685-
1800, through Jan. 2; Whistler Prints,
through Jan. 2. Alumni Memorial Hall.
Open 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. weekdays, 2:00-
5:00 p.m. Sundays.
Events Today
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent+Bafst a troc+ fCaontphorv ,., no


ensong at 5:15 pm.,.Wed., Dec 1, in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
Linguistics Club will meet Wed., Dec.
1 at 7:30 p.m. in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. Miss
Eva Siversten will speak on "Pitch
in Kiowa" and Prof. Gordon E. Peter-
son on "The Perception of Language."
Society of Medical Technologists will
hold a business meeting in the Rumpus
Room of the League Wed., Dec. 1 at
7:30 p.m. All members must be pres-
ent. If you cannot attend, phone 2-
The Congregational-Disciples, Guild:
Wed., 7:00 p.m., Discussion group at
Guild House.
Undergraduate Zoology Club. "Polio-
myelitis, Its Epidemiology (ecology) and
Prevention" by Dr. Robert F. Korns,
deputy director of the Poliomyelitis
Vaccine Evaluation Program. 3126 Nat-
ural Science, 7:00 p.m., Wed. Last open
meeting of the semester.
ULLR Ski Club will meet Wed., Dec.
1, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 3S of the Un-
Movies. Free movies,. "Montana" and
"Pompeii and Vesuvius," Dec. 1-6. 4th
floor Exhibit Hall, Museums Building.
Films are shown daily at 3:00 and 4:00
p.m., including Sat, and Sun., with an
extra showing Wed. at 12:30. Open to
the public free of charge.
Pershing Rifles. Be at TCB in uni-
form at 1930 hrs. Wed., 1 Dec. for regu-
lar company drill. Bring gym shoes.
Wesleyan Guild. Wed., Dec. 1
week Worship, 5:15 p.m. in the chapel.
Mid-week Tea in the lounge 4:00 to
5:15 p.m.
House Athletic Managers meeting on
Wed., De. 1, at 5:10 p.m. in the
W.A.B. Please send a substitute if you
can't make it.
Coming Events
SRA Workcamp will be held in Ypsi-
lanti this week-end-Fri. afternoon to
Sun. noon. Only six vacancies are re-
maining-make your reservation with
a $2.00 deposit at Lane Hall.
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire-
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., Dee.
2, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Building.
Young Democrats. "India's Position
in the Clash Between East and West"
will be the discussion topic Thurs.,
Dec. 2 at the Michigan Union. Room
3R at 7:30 p.m., led by John F. Muehl,
Assistant Professor of English and B.
V. Govindaraj, student in International
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House,
Thurs., Dec. 2, after 7:00 a.m. Holy Com-
munion. Student-conducted Evensong
at 5:15 p.m., Thurs., De. 2, in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
La P'tite Causette will meet Thurs.,
Dec. 2 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. In the left
room of the Michigan Union cafeteria,
Phi Sigma Society. "Cellular Permea-
bility in Bacteria," Dr. Philipp Ger-
hardt, Assistant Professor of Bacteriolo-
gy. Rackham Amphitheater, Thurs.,
Dec. 2, at 8:00 p.m. Refreshments. Open
to the public. Business meeting, 7:00
p.m. Initiation 7:30 p.m. Welcome ad-
dress by Nat'l. Chancellor, Dr. Karl F.
S.L. Travel Show Thurs., Dee. 2, at
7:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. A
student panel will discuss experiences
in Europe and a travel agent will ge
advice on low cost opportunities for
student travel.
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Re-
ception following the "Messiah" Sat.,
Dec. 4, in the Methodist Student
Michigan Crib. Trip to Circuit Court
Thurs., Dec. 2. All interested meet Bill
Tyson, 1:00 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 2, in
front of Hill Auditorium, to go to
Judge Brakey's courtroom for the 1:30-
5:30 p.m. session. Late-comers should
join the group in the courtroom on
Huron Street anytime during the after-






Red Prisoners Need
'Peaceful' Freeing

Check Fascism ...
FOR THOSE who considered that
McCarthy was a dead issue,
the developments of the past few
weeks should have dispelled the il-
lusion. In that time, McCarthy
supporters held a mass rally in
Washington, launched "Ten Mil-
lion Americans Mobilized for Jus-
tice," and held another mass rally
in New York.
That wealthy and powerful
forces are behind McCarthy is in-
dicated by the roster of public sup-
porters of "Ten Million Ameri-
cans," including Rear Admiral
John C. Crommelin, Chief of Staff
of the group, and General George
E. Stratemeyer, Chairman. These
men have been long-standing ad-
vocates of the "war-now" policy of
blockading and attacking the
mainland of China-McCarthyism
in foreign affairs.
These events signify the devel-
opment of a fascist movement. Of
the "Ten Million Americans," W.
K. Kelsey, Detroit News columnist
said: "the leaders of the crusade
of the ten million are neither blind
nor innocent dupes. They know
what they want. In Italy it was
called fascism." The 45th NAACP
Convention Resolution stated:
"Under the banner of fighting
Communism, McCarthyism aims
to lead the nation to fascism."
We have seen a debate on Mc-
Carthy censure scheduled by YR
and YD at Wayne vetoed; a debate
on the admission of China to the

Carthy from the Senate, or failing
that, his censure.
Similar positive developments
here by our facluty and students
are needed to help check the omi-
nous pro-fascist trends.
-Mike Sharpe
On Letters,. .
T HE Letters to the Editor section
of The Daily has always been
a respectable medium through
which interested readers have
beenable to expressrtheirsconsid-
ered opinions on topics of local
concern. For this reason I find the
loathsome abuse to which the sec-
tion was subjected in the Novem-
ber 30 issue both disgraceful and
disconcerting. Specifically, I refer
to the letter from Messrs. Fuller
and Prendergast whom, incident-
ally, I do not know. At the risk of
getting a "punch inthe snoot," I
feel compelled to clarify a situa-
tion which may have confused
some readers.
Fuller and Prendergast, in a
letter they no doubt considered
clever and amusing, threatened to
"punch in the snoot" anymore
"mugs" who wrote "funny" letters
about Steve Jelin. They were re-
ferring to a letter in the Novem-
ber 21 issue of The Daily which
was submitted by Messrs. MacDon-
ald and Swainson whom, incident-
ally, I do know. MacDonald and
Swainson, in a carefully phrased
letter, had praised Mr. Jelin for

Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT Eisenhower and Secretary Dulles
are still insisting on "peaceful" efforts
rather than. the "war action" of a blockade to
get imprisoned Americans out of Red China,
and Sen. Knowland is still asking "When, and
what peaceful means?"
The answers don't come easily. A beginning
was made at Geneva, where American and
Chinese representatives met face to face and
a strongly expressed American protest was re-
jected, as expected.
THE QUESTION of what to do next was be-

approach, and a more realistic one insofar as
actual release is concerned. It is just possible
that Russia does not appreciate this interfer-
ence with her "soft" policy of the moment.
Russia is herself getting tougher right now,
however, with her threats about what the
Western European Union will do to peace, and
her organization of a counter-bloc.
Actually, if any release is achieved, it will
probably come through specific and secret
negotiations-which might be carried on either
through the face-to-face offices established in
Geneva or through Russia
A SIDE FROM his answer to Knowland, which

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers...........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff .... ...Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs .....Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad . ... ....Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston .........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
.. . Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz.......Women's Editor
Joy Squires . .Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith .Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton ......Chief Photographer
Loi PolakBusiness Staff
Lois Pollak .........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

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