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December 01, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-01

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History of Student
Proposal Outlined
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the first in a series of interpretive
articles dealing with the origin, purpose and structure of the proposed
Student Government Council, which will be submitted for student opinion
in a referendum on Dec. 8 and 9.)
Daily Assiiciate Editor
Outline for the present Student Government Council plan grew
out of a six-page brief submitted to the Student Affairs Study Com-
r' mittee last January by Malin Van Antwerp, '55L.
The proposal was one of many submitted to the study group
by students, administrators and campus organizations.
The plan called for a board of review composed of faculty and
administration members and a council of students drawn from leading
3ampus organizations and elected members from the campus-at-
SGC, under this proposal, would take over functions of Student
.Mlature and SAC.
Hatcher Sets Up SASC
SASC, a joint faculty-student study group, was set up by Uni-
versity President Harlan H. Hatcher in November to study functions
and composition of SAC.
At the group's initial meeting, President Hatcher pointed out
the SAC study was planned "not because we face any crisis," but
"it would seem helpful if we had a look at the SAC," taking into con-
sideration growth and development of the University since SAC
organization in 1909.
SASC was composed of Chairman Prof. Lionel Laing of the
political science department, Dean Earl V. Moore of the music school,
Prof. Earl Britton of the engineering English department, Dean Walt-
er Emmons of the engineering college and Prof. Kenneth L. Jones
of the botany department.
Student members appointed to the study group by President
Hatcher were Al Blumrosen, '53L, Peter Lardner, '54E, and Sue
Popkin, '54.
Taking their cue from the President's talk, the study group
t asked various campus organizations to submit suggestions for SAC
revamping. During the course of the weekly sessions, SASC re-
ceived proposals from organizations, students, administrators and
former students.
Investigate Student Government
In February, the President gave the group the "green light"
to go into a thorough investigation of student government. This
move came after SASC found the original inquiry extended far
beyond the study of SAC composition. It became apparent that SAC
was part of a maze of inter-related organizations and could not be
studied apart from other groups.
So the study committee moved out of the area of SAC reorgani-
zation into the realm of student government analysis. From these
discussions came the plan presented to the President in May, 1954.
Some of the problems arising during the course of the year-long
inquiry centered around questions of size, finances and powers of
Major protests flared up at the mention of an 18-member student
government, with seven ex-officio and 11 elected members. Many
argued that such a group couldn't carry out the work of a student
government. Student Legislature membership at the present time
is set at 40.
Opponents of the "seven-come-eleven" plan claimed the 18
members could not do all the research and background work neces-
sary for an effective student government.
One solution to the size problem was that of delegating many
of SL's time-consuming service projects to other student organi-
But this solution posed the problem of enforcing delegation of
projects. How could SGC compel another student organization to
take over responsibility for its drives, dances and other service pro-
Some advocated SGC power of the purse to control these groups.
However, this suggestion was not incorporated in the original plan
After weekly open sessions hashing out many of the problems
arising from discussions of student government, the group agreed
upon a plan for an 18-member SGC which incorporated the func-
tions of SL and SAC.
Presented to Regents
Presented to the President in May, 1954, the plan was submitted
to the Board of Regents at their August meeting and referred to
committee for study. At their September session, the Regents' com-
mittee questioned whether the proposal adequately determined the
scope and power of SGC.
University Vice-President James A. Lewis set up a 13-member
committee to resolve suggested changes in the plan early in October.
The revised SGC brief was presented in November for Regental
consideration subject to a student poll of opinion. Regents then
delayed action on the plan until after the student referendum on

Campus Forum
o Discuss SGC
Town Meeting' Sponsored by SL
To Evaluate Proposal Arguemen ts
Daily Managing Editor
Pro and con discussion of basic issues involved in the Student
Government Council plan will be the subject of an all-campus forum
at 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Authorized by Student Affairs Committee yesterday, the "town
meeting" is being sponsored by Student Legislature and other student
groups. Location for the meeting has not yet been determined.
SAC's action implements point four of the resolution passed last
week calling in part for "SAC to join with other campus units in

Vote on Censure

Today; Mundt






Bond Raised{
For Iranian
Political Asylun
Sought by Studeni
Bond enabling Buick Navidza-:
deh, '57L, to remain out of prison
while his case is decided was rais-
ed yesterday by several local resi-I
Navidzadeh, whose passport was7
revoked about six months ago byI
the Iranian government, plans to
petition for political asylum in this
country during a deportation hear-
ing Dec. 8, .Prof. Beauford J.
George, Jr., of the Law School said
The $1,000 bond was raised yes-
terday when indemnity contracts
were filed with a surety companyl
in Detroit. The contracts pledge
the six to eight local persons to
pay the company if Navidzadeh is
not available for the hearing next
Indemnity Contracts
Indemnity contracts were plac-
ed by a local pastor and leaders7
from Lane Hall and the Interna-,
tional Center.
The only question up for con-
sideration at the hearing next
week will be whether or not the
graduate student's passport has
been revoked, Prof. George said.
If the Immigration Service holds;
that the passport was revoked by
the Iranian government, a peti-
tion for political asylum in the"
United States will be presented to
deputy district Immigration Ser-
vice director Edward J. Duggan
during the hearing.
Faces Execution
Navidzedeh claims that if de-
ported, he faces possible execution,
having been charged with being a
Communist sympathizer by the
ruling military junta in his native
country. The student asserts he is
not a Communist and is =being
framed by the ruling group.
With a wife and two children
presently in Iran, Navidzadeh may
receive help from a section of the
McCarran - Walter Immigration
Act which says no person shall be,
deported if he faces physical per-I
secution in his home country.
Another aid being given the stu-
dent is a private bill currently in
Congress sponsored by Rep. Thad-
deus M. Maehrowicz (D-Mich.)
The bill would allow Navidzadeh to
remain in the United States until
it would be safe for him to return

>their efforts to inform students,
about the plan currently under
Debate SGC Proposal
Plans call for the meeting to
take the form of a debate and
eValuation of weaknesses and
strong points of the SGC pro-
posal by the four members of a
panel. A question and answer pe-I
riod will follow.
Evaluating some of the objec-
tions to the plan will be Prof. Rog-
er Heyns of the psychology depart-
ment and member of SAC, and SL
President Steve Jelin, '55. Prof. James K. Pollock, chairmant
The other side arguing in favor sador from the Federal Republic of G
of the plan will include Prof. Earl W.IH. Van Almsick, German consul
W. Britton of the engineering col-
lege and member of the Laing
Lucy Landers, '55. SL Vice-Presi-
dent Ned Simon, '55, will serve as
moderator for the meeting.D scs d by
Available for Discussion
place themselves at the disposal; By LOUISE TYOR
of campus groups during the com- the
ing week to explain and discuss as- Easizing that Weseanu an
"want nothing from Russia but M
pects of the SGC plan. human rights" for the East Ger- wa'
Membership of SAC, which is the
joint student-raculty committee mnsr tHeL eer apba- fthe
authrizd b th Reent asthesadlor of the Federal Republic of hell
authorized by the Regents as the Germany to the United States, stre
co-ordinating body for student ac- speaking here yesterday, discussed "
tivities, includes heads of major .
student organizations and six fac- 'isa
ulty members plus the dean of bu
men and dean of women. World News gre
Included on the group are Deanana
of Men and SAC Chairman Wal- 1 un
ter B. Rea, Dean of Women Deb- 'exp
orah Bacon, Prof. Heyns, Prof. J, s00
Willcox Brown of the School of ;y Thr ocia(ed Pres
Natural R e s o u r e s, Prof. Leo WASHINGTON-The Eisenhow- t
Schmidt of the business admin- en Administration will ask Con- Mr
istration school, Piof. Richard gress for money to back a big no
Townsend of the engineering Col- new economic development pro- ag
lege, Prof. Helen Peak of the psy- nweooi eeomn r-Iar
chology department, and Prof. gram in free Asia as the next out
Philip Duey of the music school. stage in its cold war policy, dip- H
Student members include Miss lomatic officials reported yester- not
Landers, Jelin, Joint Judiciary day. **T
Council Chairman Tawfiq Khoury, WASHINGTON-The Senate's as
'55E; Women's Judiciary Council IWSIGO -h eaesas
Cairmn all y Con Republican leader called again ofc
Chairman Sally Stahl, 55, Union yesterday for a blockade of Red me
President Tom Leopold.,'55, and China to force the release of e
Daily Managing Editor Gene Hart-Chn tofrehe elae f
D M nE rGAmerican prisoners there, but the the
wig, 55.White House said President Eisen

of the political science department; Heinz L. Krek
Germany to the United States; President Harlan H. I
in Detroit, discuss relations between Germany an
European Relatiol
4 mbassador Kreke
relation between his republic ulation does noti
d the Western world. rights, he said.
Mr. Krekeler said that the best West Germany
y to secure human rights for' Scoffing at hints t
people of East Germany is to manffight hunt
lp in the "consolidation and after rearmament,
engthening of the West." stated that this wot
Soviet occupation of Germany pen because "they d
an advantage to the Russians, freedom and securi
V on the other hand . . . it is a "We could have
at disadvantage to have domi- nt
Lion over people who are quite "under Soviet wan
willing to carry the yoke," he but we don't wan
plained. "The disadvantages will He said that the
n outweigh the advantages," he tion of the feeling
dicted. Gremans is the lar
peopit~i iieeaiir irn

.::h1:,Sen. Jenner
Hits Speech
~x By Flanders
Knowland Sees
End of Session
full day of debate in the McCarthy
censure row ended yesterday with
impassioned pleas and counter-
appeals in an all-but-empty Sen-
ate chamber.
There'll be a few more speeches
today. Then, by unanimous con-
sent, this special session of the
Senate will start voting late in the
afternoon on the question of
whether or not to reprimand the
junior senator from Wisconsin on
eler, ambas- charges of unbecoming conduct
Hatcher and and contempt of the Senate.
d the West. Lehman Comments
Sen. Herbert Lehman (D-Lib.-
N.Y.) rang down the curtain with
a declaration that Sen. Joseph
McCarthy (R-Wis.) must be re-
buked because "the tactics he has
ler used are destructive of the very in-
stitutions of free government,"
Sen. Lehman spoke after Sen.
enjoy human Karl Mundt (R-S.D.), taking the
opposite side, declared it would be
and Rus. a great day for the worldwide
ad Russia -Communist propaganda mill if
hat West Ger- censure is voted for Sen. McCar-
toward Russia thy. He said a censure vote would
Mr. Krekeler be viewed as a retreat in this
ald never hap- country's fight against subversion.
Jo not offer us Non-controversial Matters
reunification Sen. William Knowland (R-
es," he stated, Calif). said he expected the whole
t it " censure issue to be settled tomor-
row. The extraordinary session
e best indica- then can end, he said, apart from
s of the East possible later action on a few non-
ge number of controversial nominations and oth-
East to West. er matters.
tributed Ger- . The last full day of general de-

Paris Agreements1
Discussing the Paris agreements, 1
. Krekeler said that "there is
doubt whatsoever" that the
'eements will be ratified with-
t delay.
He said that the Germans do
I like the word "rearmament.".
o share the benefits of free- i
m and have security, we must
ume oui' share of the burden
defense," the ambassador com-
"Reunification does not describe
problem we are facing there
ln - - r t ii i --II 11u N, ivi r. . Ie-

Mepleeieng irom
Mr. Krekeier att


City Employs
New Inspector
For Housing

VV 11,CnUOUZCUA IUaUGlU(in Germany) in lull, Mr. Krek-
hower feels this would be "war eler explained. He said that West;
action." Germany is the representative of!
Pres. Eisenhower thus lined up all Germany only in the eyes of
solidly with Secretary of State the West. One quarter of the pop-
I John Foster Dulles against the -------- -------
propOsal of Sen. William F. Know-
land (R-Calif.) S b r a
* * 'cb ar*n

many's rapid economic recovery to bate started off on an angry nott
three factors: with Sen. William Jenner (R-
1. Will of the German people to Ind.), a staunch McCarthy back-
work hard. er, in a blistering exchange with
2. Aid from the United States. Sen. Ralph Flanders (R-Vt
3. The part of the German gov- The subject of an exchange was
3.Teart of gtheng Germpagv a broadcast Sen. Flanders made
erment in giving competitive for the "Voice of America"
free enterprise an opportunity to ThanksgivingDy to the people of
flourish. the Soviet Union.
Says "Soviet Brothers"
Tr o-RiO pso1n Speak~s Sen. Jenner touched off the fire-
works by demanding to know why
On Popular Music Sen. Flanders referred to the peo-
ple of the Soviet Union in the
Concerning popular music, Clyde broadcast as "my friends, my So-
Thompson, string bass teacher in viet brothers."
the School of Music, imagines that Sen. Flanders retorted: "The
even Johann Sebastian Bach's senator from Indiana is beside
sons might have said to each oth- himself."
er "Let's hit it, dad's gone back Finally Sen. Flanders said that
tio "et'shittdads!on anybody who read his Voice
to the church!" speech, which he put into the Sen-
The Student Chapter of the Mu- ate record, would know he aimed it
sic Educators National Conference at the people of the Communist
discussed yesterday the problem of world over the heads of their
using popular music in high school rulers.
music teaching. Senator William Fulbright (D-
Two popular and spiritual vo- Ark.) said that Sen. McCarthy
cal duets, a tap dance accompany- has "preyed upon the fears and
ing "Tea for Two," two trombone hatred" of the uninformed and
quartet selections, and a jazz brought a sweeping change in the
composition by Thompson started whole character of criticisms to
the program. which senators are subject.
Chance Emphasis in Language
TeachingStress Structures

Taking an important step for-
ward in a campaign to curb build-
ing code violations the city Build-
ing Department has hired Robert
Miller as full-time housing in-
spector, John Ryan, department
chief, said yesterday.
An Ann Arbor resident, Miller
will devote his full time to an in-
spection of multiple-family dwell-!

LONDON-Sir Winston Church-
ill celebrated his 80th birthday . ar i
yesterday with a tear and a smile a
-and nary a hint that he has any Know all ye citizens
immediate intention of retiring. That all true Knights
* *Must through squireship
PRETORIA, South Africa-- Go by starlight
South Africa's governing National-
ist party yesterday picked as new Know all ye citizens
prime minister Lands Minister Jo- That many squires
hannes Gerhardus Strijdom whose Train by Starlight
goal is to make the country a re- To become Sires
Healso wants the government Know all ye citizens
to make an even sterner policy on Your obligations
racial segregation. For these men train
*c*s* To lead our nation


SGC now awaits both student decision in the Dec. 8 and 9 ref-
erendum and Regental action at the next Board session Dec. 17.
Presumably, if the plan receives both student and Regent go-
ahead, elections would take place early in the spring semester. Mean-
while, SL would act as a "care-taker" government until SGC goes
into effect.
Enrollment in Russian Studies
Drops in American Colleges

Enrollment in Russian language
courses at the University has
dropped from 133 last year to 108
this fall, according to Dean Bur-
ton D. Thuma of the literary col-
lege, despite the growing demand
from government agencies forI
specialists in Russian and other
Slavic languages.
A recent survey by the New York
Times shows that this figure is
the reflection of a trend in most
American colleges and universities
with an over-all drop in Slavic
language enrollment of 35 perl

terest in the study of Russian and
related languages.
Seveenko Appreciates Report
"I was very glad to see that
someone was courageous enough
to point out that in some narrow
minds," he commented, "the study
of Russian is equated with un-
American attitudes."
"The peak of interest in Russia
may have been caused by the not
necessarily justified emotional at-'
mosphere of benevolence and pop-
ularity which I was aware of in
1945 when still in Europe," he

ings. He will start Dec. 16 at a
salary of $4,500 a year.
YD Drive IsApproval to hire an additional
inspector was granted the building
A drive for signatures on a department at a City Council
petition favoring the censure of meeting Nov. 15 when a budget
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R- committee recommendation to set
Wis.), sponsored by the Young aside $5,000 for salary and ex-
Democrats, has been postpon- penses was accepted unanimously.
ed pending the results of to- Speed Inspection
day's vote in the Senate. At that time Ryan said an ad-
The drive was scheduled for ditional full-time inspector would
today. "considerably speed" the proposed
inspection of all multiple-family
dwellings in Ann Arbor, making it
CSP To H old a two year job instead of 10 as
previously estimated.
Miller, 31 years old, has had car-
Paint Party Ipentry experience and was a mem-
ber of the Ann Arbor Fire Depart-
Its working committees now set ment for the past five years.
up, the Common Sense Party has "Tremendous Help"
turned its energies toward cam- Ryan said he was picked from
paigning in the Dec. 8 and 9astu- 15 applicants and "should be a
dent elections. tremendous help to the Depart-
Bill Allen, '54, public relations ment."
chairman, announced at yester- "Miller has the personality and
day's meeting that the party is in ambition to do the job we want,"
financial difficulty. CSP has call- Ryan claimed.
ed for a "paint party" Friday at 7 As the next step in the inspec-
p.r. at Stockwell Hall to which tion program, Ryan said the ordi-

PARIS-The French National ' Know all ye citizens
Assembly yesterday voted to By the Five Stars
change the Constitution so new Of Scabbard and Blade
premiers can be voted into office Squires these men are:
more easily during the nation's
frequent cabinet crises. Donald B. Barrigar, Maurice N.
S* * Decoster, Paul Z. Domeny, George
DETROIT-Chrysler Corp. nar- W. Hill Jr., Gilbert R. Hitchcock,
rowly averted a strike yesterday. Richard C. Johnston, Mickey M.
Five minutes before a 7 a.m. Karimoto, Charles C. Kelsey,
strike deadline the company came James D. Knipp, Robert B. Knut- I
to an agreement with the CIO son, Elliot H. Levitas, William R.
United Auto Workers over an of- McArthur, Ernest E. McCracken,
fice worqers' contract dispute. Bruce H. McGarvey, Robert H.
* * McSweeny, Timothy A. Reiman'
BADEN BADEN, Germany- Richard H. Stableford, Lowell R.
Wilhelm Furtwaengler, 68, noted I Satin, Wayne C. Thiessen, A.
German orchestra conductor died Frank Vick.
of pneumonia yesterday. The Five Stars Have Shone!
* * __~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the see-
end in. a series of articles explaining
the new Literary College language
requirement and illustrating the var-
ious language-training systems.)
"The major emphasis of lan-
guage learning has changed with-
in the past few years," Prof. James
O'Neill of the French department
Discussing present day teach-
ing methods, he added that "the
first emphasis is on oral - aural
training-the ability to understand
and respond within a language
This is not only tiue of romance
languages but also of other mod-
ern languages and to some extent
to classical languages as well.
Stress Language Structure

ther aids are microfilm slides and
pictures which help the instructor
illustrate grammatical points and
Aid Speaking Ability
Out-of-the-classroom aids are
used to give the students a speak-
ing ability together with a read-
ing knowledge.
Classical languages, Latin and
Greek, are not taught with the
goal of speaking. However, accord-
ind to Prof. Waldo Sweet of the
Latin department, "certain points
of structure must be over-learned,
and the oral-aural method seems
to be effective, faster, and more
University language depart-
ments use the knowledge of the
foreign tonguektogether with
courses in writing, thinking, and
history to give the. student a

WASHINGTON - Secretary of 1lay Terms Road
Defense Charles E. Wilson said Terms Road
yesterday he will ask the next Con -Plan I r actica
gress to boost the pay in the arm-
ed services and extend the draft PHILADELPHIA (P-Gen. Lu-1




n sir fnv ff%51Y" mflra Tt f !.l Y"C

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