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November 20, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-20

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Senate Censure Hearings
Shouldn't Be Televised

"You're Not Here To Think, Mister"




HAROLD E. FELLOWS, president of the Na-
tional Association of Radio and Television
Broadcasters, criticized the Watkins Commit-
tee the other day because of its refusing ad-
mission of radio and television reporters to the
McCarthy censure hearings.
Of course, it is quite natural that the radio
and television industry be anxious to sponsor
another marathon like that of last spring. The
televising of the Army-McCarthy hearings
made money for the networks and advertisers.
With a special session of the Senate to con-
sider the recommendations of the committee
pending, the radio and television world must
have licked its chops.
HOWEVER, despite radio and television ef-
forts to prove differently, the Senate and its
deliberations exist for a more important rea-
son than public entertainment.
Granted, the hearings last spring were in-
teresting. Through the medium of television,
the public was able to experience, practically in
person, the workings of the machinery of gov-
ernment and to see the various personages of

whom they had been reading for months on
However, while the public was able to receive
first-hand information about the sometime
mysterious workings of Congress, the contest-
ants-players in the drama-were provided
with a first-hand opportunity to acknowledge
their public by impromptu speeches and assort-
ed chaos.
THE HEARINGS were turned into a side
With an unfortunate accident to Sen. Mc-
Carthy's elbow occurring, a ten-day adjourn-
ment in the proceedings has been called. This
will leave the senators only 23 days in which
to hear the evidence and judge the question.
With such a short time allotted to the Sen-
ators to decide such an important issue, a great
deal of concentration and deliberation will be
The Senators will have enough on their minds
without having to contend with another three-
ring TV circus.
--Louise Tyor

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New System May Change TV
From Set to Box Office


HEFEDERAL Communications Commission
has announced that the preliminary paper
work necessary before the question of "pay-as-
you-go" television can be raised has begun. It is
almost certain that the controversial matter
will come up some time this winter.
Because the "pay-as-you-go" system will
greatly affect the public and the entertain-
ment industry as a whole it is necessary to
understand just what questions will face the
THE FIRST major issue is this: Can TV
channels, theoretically the property of all the
people, be reserved only for those who are able
to 'pay? The answer to this question appears
self-evident. While the channels may belong to
everyone it is obvious that the only people who
own radio and television sets are those who
can, in one way or another, afford them. It is
also apparent that the status of American
economy is such that nearly everyone is able to
own either a radio or a television set. Then too,
for those who did not wish to spend the extra
money or who could not afford the extra mon-
ey there would always be other channels and
programs available.
BUT WHO is to regulate the television prices?
Why not the FCC itself? Surely the Commission
which has regulated telephone and telegraph
rates for many years should be capable of hand.
ling the television problem as wefl.

The FCC will also have to decide whether or
not to standardize the' manner in which the
home TV system would operate. Should the
public be given the opportunity to air their
views on whether they will pay via individual
coin boxes or by some other method? Certain-
ly the people should be consulted as to whether
or not they desire a TV "subscription," how
they will pay for it and how long they will re-
new it.
A final decision on "box-office video" will
take a lot of time since it is obviously the hot-
test potato since color television. If approved
it would result in repercussions throughout the
entertainment world.
WITH A box-office in every home the gross
profit to be gained from a full length movie
would dwarf anything Hollywood has seen.
Consequently theater owners who are still not
completely over the initial shock of TV are up
in arms over the project.
To the public it would mean no more adver-
tising influence. The show would go on with
the purpose of pleasing the viewer and not with
the intent of converting him to the use of
Mother Anne's lavender scented garlic.
Whatever the outcome, the issue can't be
put off any longer. The day may not be far
away when we can relax at home in our arm-
chairs and enjoy "Two Tickets to Broadway"s
practically free of charge.
-Mary Lee Dingler

Moral Unity...
To the Editor:
IN THESE times of world tension,
I view with alarm evidences of
domestic discord, such as the let-
ters to the editor concerning a re-
cent article of yours. Some fric-
tion is quite necessary to the demo-
cratic process, but our lack of mor-
al unity is apparently deeper than
we suspect, if such a minor thing
can evoke such great recrimina-
The struggle for men's minds is
world-wide, and Democrat or Re-
publican, Catholic or Protestant,
all men of good faith must pull to-
gether to win. So let us be tolerant
of our neighbors beliefs, and face
the true dangers in today's world.
-R. Quinlan, '50
* * *
McCarthy's Flouting .,..
To the Editor:
ions on the McCarthy matter
and many have expressed them,
probably ad nauseum, to the coun-
try at large.
Risking this emetical danger,
I'd like to present a viewpoint, ba-
sic in my view and undoubtedly
shared by many people, that does
not seem to receive much focus of
attention in the press. The real is-
sue does not center on objectives
espoused by Senator McCarthy but
on ways or means he has employed
of achieving them. This is what
makes the matter significant since
it strikes at the foundations of a
democratic system which is funda-
mentally a way, a procedure, and
not any particular end.
Our whole system is based on a
moral sense of balance and re-
straint, of tolerance, reasonable
courtesy, decency, fairness, and
such. When a man flouts these
things, as I believe Senator Mc-
Carthy has done, he steps over a
line that is terribly important to
us. That this line is hard to define
does not lessen its basic impor-
tance nor the necessity of facing
up to the challenge, It does, how-
ever, make it an extremely difficult
and trying thing to deal with as
the happenings in the case most
abundantly illustrate.
It is this basic attack on our
way of doing things, whether con-
sciously so recognized or not, that
gives the matter its widespread in-

terest. One can only hope that our
Congressional leaders will see the
issue for what it is, a common dan-
ger to all, apart from partisan pol-
itics, Communism, etc., and act
with resolution. From what one
reads of the Senator's recent ac-
tions, he is doing a fine job of
helping this to come about.
-Prof. Kenneth P. Davis
* * *
Arts Center Response. .
To the Editor:
WOULD like to support the
views expressed by Robert Pal-
mer in his letter to the editor ap-
pearing in The Michigan Daily of
November 14, 1954. I also attend-
ed the Dramatic Arts Center per-
formance of Arms and the Man
and noticed the student body of
the University of Michigan con-
spicuously absent. The University
has long been acclaimed as an en-
vironment of intellectualism, and
the contributions of organizations
such as the Dramatic Arts Center
certainly play an integral part in
the University's fine reputation. It
is disappointing to see the lack of
student enthusiasm in an organi-
zation of f e r i n g this cultural
growth to the individual, the Uni-
versity and the community.
The performance of Arms and
the Man was certainly enjoyable.
Being a member of the audience
in this effective arena type pro-
duction is a vivid and unforget-
table experience. The Arts Center
has displayed its worth in its first
play. It deserves our support, and
we need the continuation of such
cultural opportunities in this col-
lege community. The next produc-
tion of the Center begins Novem-
ber 18 and continues through De-
cember 12. Let us respond to the
invitation of the Arts Center, give.
them a full house and provide our-
selves with an evening of delight-
ful and profitable entertainment.
-Margie Urban
* * *
So Did We . ..
Dear Michigan Daily,
'VETHANK YOU for letting us
come to your newspaper of-
fice. We enjoyed it very much.
Third Grade
Pittsfield School
P.S. Thanks for printing our pic-
ture, too.

At the State...
Gene Tierney, George Raft, Van
Heflin, Ginger Rogers, Peggy
ALL THE suspense your system
can take, or so says the mis-
leading advertising; also Cinema-
Scope and Color and Wide Range
Sound or some equivalent phe-
This film starts out rather well.
Heflin, a brilliant young theatri-
cal producer, meets Garner, a
young writing wench, while his
wife isaaway. This meeting takes
place at the apartment of Rogers,
a nasty actress, during a droll
party. Heflin is indifferent to young
Garner, and besides his wife trusts
him, after a fashion. But, in suc-
ceeding weeks, he lets her use his
apartment which she claims is. a
better place to write her stories
than her squalid place in Green-
wich Village.
From here onward, complica-
tions set in, and someone is mur-
dered. Raft, a smart cop, investi-
gates as one might want him to.
Heflin is suspected of this murder,
and he roams the streets search-
ing for clues.
Clues he finds, also some help-
ful people, including a female ar-
tist whose unconvincing voice and
inept acting I found most discon-
Well, I might as well tell you,
Miss Garner is murdered. But she
was just a no good urchin trying to
climb to the top of the New York
heap, and she didn't quite get
there. But I am under somewhat
of an obligation not to say any
more. The suspense is all your
system can take, though.
Without completely spoiling the
much touted suspense, it must be
said, that this film starts'out quite
well. The story is developed rather
nicely; there are a few not unex-
citing moments. But the ending is
completely ruined by a compli-
cated series of confused flashbacks
which are badly managed. It is
unfortunate that some better end-
ing could not have been devised,
since the film certainly deserves
a better one.
As for the shorts, there was a
somewhat amusing feature which
concerns itself with life in certain
of the Carribbean (sic.) Islands.
I suppose this material might in-
terest ethnographsts, sociologists,
,.and other unsavory members of
present day society. For me, it
was a tiresome caricature.
--David Kessel
At Architecture Aud.... .
BASED ON James Hilton's fa-
mous novel, Lost Horizon still
stands as a classic example of how
effective the screen is for creating
fantasy. Producer-Director Frank
Capra has captured Hilton's rich
imagination, bringing to life the
magical and wondrous world of
Hidden in the Valley of the Blue
Moon somewhere in the Himalayas,
Shangri-La is a kind of modern-
day Utopia: disease is unknown,
people live for centuries, and love,
harmony, and co-operation are the
principles which motivate its in-
habitants' lives.
At the insistence of the High
Lama (Sam Jaffe), Shangri-La's
300-year-old ruler, Robert Conway
(Ronald Colman) is kidnapped and
brought into the country to be
trained for leadership. Conway, a
member of the British diplomatic
corp, is busy evacuating foreign-
ers from war-inflamed Baskul
when his plane is stolen and he
and the passengers are left in the
Valley of the Blue Moon.

For the most part, the other
plane passengers are used chiefly
to represent different points of view
as "civilized men" in Shangri-La.
They follow fairly well the author's
creations; but a finicky paleontolo-
gist (Edward Everett Horton) has
been introduced for comic relief,
and a consumptive lady (Isabel
Jewell) is along for hysterical cry-
ing space.
One may. disapprove of the
changes, but the film is authentic
in spirit and tone. The eerie world
of goodness and near immortality
are skillfully sketched through im-
agjfy photography,dlavish decor.
There are some difficulties in
the film. The romance between
Conway and lamasery - educated
Jane Wyatt is a trifle maudlin; and
the film has undergone merciless
cutting since its original release in
1937, making certain scenes com-
pletely incongruous and unex-
plained. But Lost Horizon is still
as accurate a screen translation
as any Hollywood effort at novel-
into-movie. The dramatic license
which Capra has taken is permis-
sable because it does not destroy
the original meaning. Even today
Lost Horizon has an arresting fas-
cination in its strange world of
-Ernest Theodossin
- - -
At the Orpheum .. .
IES, with Eleanora Rossi Drago,
Lia Amanda, Antonella Lauldi
and Gino Cervi.
THIS IS a beautiful movie. Three
lives, which almost remained
unknown to each other, each dis-
traught in its own orbit, together
apparently plain and repetitive like
the windows in a large apartment
building, are fulfilled in one story.
Because of a disaster happening
in common to three women, three
sympathies are entwined, three des-
tinies are resolved. And the sixty-
seven other young prospective
stenographers, who also were in-
jured by the crumbling of the
stairs in a building of their hoped
for future employment, became of
interest and separate significance,
yet suddenly also are thrust beyond
their single orbits to think sympa-
thetically with each of the others
subdued by the shared misf or-
The three women into whose
feelings and past the movie in-
sinuates itselfahad lived lives,
which if summarized in retro-
spect here, would seem full of
usual tragedies and unfulfilled
hopes. But the sensitive re-living
of these pasts was a reminder of
the specialness of the past of
each. No philosophical mention
can picture the comedy and er-
ror allotted to each life; or its
complexity when viewed from
within. The accidental summon-
ing into one hospital ward of
these particular seventy women
is a reminder of the unpredict-
ably constructed bridge on which
we live.
A delightful character in the
film is Furella, the husband of the
second woman to reveal her life.
A millionaire do-nothing with all
day to enjoy his short-wave set and
play practical jokes of the toy
mouse sort, Furella in the end re-
pents of his waywardness and tac-
itly consents to spread his obnox-
ious relish on others besides his
The music, score by Varetti, is
interesting even in moments when
its role necessarily is most sub-
sidiary. And in moments of word-
less tension the music is a wonder-
ful communicator.
Technically there may be imper-
fections, but they distract very
-Bill McIntyre

WASHINGTON - It was just a
short time ago that only one presi-
dent of a foreign country or one
member of a royal family visited
the United States in four years.
The King and Queen of the Bel-
gians, for instance, came to the
United States during World War I,
and this royal visit, plus the re-
mark of New York's Mayor Hylan,
"You said a mouthful, Queen,"
were so rare that both were re-
membered until the arrival of the
next crowned head.
- She was Queen Marie of Ruma-
nia who came during the Coolidge
Administration; and the whole
town, plus; later, a good part of
the United States, turned out to
see her.
Four years later Ramsay Mac-
Donald, then Prime Minister of
England, came to see Herbert
Hoover, and his visit was so lei-
surely that they spent a week end
sitting on a log at the Rapidan
fishing camp in Virginia. Diplo-
macy took its time in those days.
Henry L. Stimson, then Secretary
of State, spent three months in Lon-
don in 1930 trying to iron out a
naval treaty. He did not fly to
Manila for two days,,to Bonn for
one day, and Geneva for five days.
Not only did prime ministers ar-
rive only once every four years or
so, but they came by steamship,
and spent plenty of time confer-
Today, how different! Today, the
Detroit assembly-line technique
moulds our diplomacy. Today, one
prime minister is no more than
welcomed than he is shooed out
the door. These .days, while the
Queen Mother of England is in the
United States, the Prime Minister
of Japan arrives. And during the
week of his departure, the Premier
of France is welcomed, to be fol-
lowed within one day by the Chan-
cellor of Austria, plus the Prime
Ministers of Norway, Sweden and
Denmark, plus a Danish Prince -
all arriving within a matter of
In the Hoover-Roosevelt-Truman
Administrations, a prime minister
rated a night's visit at the White
House plus an official dinner. To-
day he rates a lunch. Royalty vis-
iting Presidents used to rate an
official welcome at the Union Sta-
tion by the American President in
a topyhat. Now they have to be
satisfied with Mr. Nixon and no
Bad Diplomatic Management
Part of this stampede of dis-
tinguished visitors is pure acci-
dent, part is bad management. All
of it emphasizes the world leader-
ship of the United States.
But the manner in which these
heads of foreign nations are liter-
ally herded in one door and out
the next is not going to help the
future foreign relations of the
For instance, the Prime Minister
of Pakistan, Mohammed Ali, ar-
rived in the United States while
President Eisenhower was still in
Denver, and was kept cooling his
heels. Ike had been expected back,
but changed his mind. So the Prime
Minister was taken on a sight-see-
ing tour waiting for the President
to return.
This delay jammed up the rest
of the schedule. For, while Prime
Minister Mohammed Ali was here,
the President of Liberia also ar
rived. His visit had been carefully
timed to coincide with the elec-
tion campaign in order to help win
Negro votes for the Republicans;
so his trip couldn't be postponed.
(Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)


. i

Dos Passos Interesting
Despite Cliches


MAN who is effective in one medium of+
expression often falls down in another.
This is what happened when novelist John Dos1
Passos spoke at Hill Auditorium Thursday
night. Few of the ideas Dos Passos expressed+
seemed new to a college audience and as the
speech progressed he became more and more
repititious instead of exploring his thoughts
more thoroughly.
YET FOR those who could penetrate the '
author's unusual speech pattern the evening
was not wasted. A few of the things he said
were important because a man of Dos Passos'
reputation was saying them, but more interest-
ing to this writer were the moments when the
personality of a thoughtful, scholarly man
came through.
DECLARING "I'm not a bookish man" the
novelist emphasized the importance of a cer-
tain amount of experience, "it doesn't have to
be very much," before a man can understand a
concept. There was also something of the in-
terest and excitement of a scholar or an his-
torian when he spoke of the old documents and
marginal notes he came across in his research
What They're Saying
"11E OLD GREEKS knew the curative effect
of the theatre. Up on the hills overlooking
the great hospital city of Epidaurus, they built
a large theatre. Here the sick who underwent
the therapy of the healing waters of the springs
also underwent the spiritual therapy of the the-
atre. The theatre is still a hospital of the spirit.
Both the clown and the poet serve as part of
its health-restoring and strength-renewing per-
sonnel. Both provide the cleansing, replenish-
ing element of man's examination of himself.
This is why the theatre must receive govern-
mental assistance, preferably through regional
rather than central agencies. And it must be
free of political control. The personal and intel-
lectual ireedom of all peoples, the enjoyment
of physical and mental health by a peaceful
world, are merely stages of advance in the
preparation of man for his ensuing achieve-
ments in art. In terms of finalities, art is as ab-

on Thomas Jefferson. The novelist it seemed
had tried to recreate for himself the outlook on
life, almost the actual experience of a man liv-
ing in Jefferson's day. He impressed his audi-
ence with the extent to which this experience
differed from the day to day experience of a
twentieth century American.
THIS DOES not seem to be what Dos Passos
tame to say. But unfortunately in his discus-
sion of the problems of individual liberty and
what the men of Jefferson's time can tell us
about these problems he seldom went beyond
the cliches he was trying to combat. The most
interesting part of his talk was, therefore, the
references he made to his research and to the
feeling for the period he had gained from it.
-Phyllis Lipsky
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.......................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..........................City Editor
Jon Sobeloff. ............Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.. .....Associate Editor
Man Swinehart......................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.........................Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ........... Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer. . .. ... Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shiimovitz....................... Women's Editor
Joy Squires.................Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith.................Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton......................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
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Mary Jean Monkoski................. Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights or

Russia's Conference
Proposal Fails
Associated Press News Analyst
FOR YEARS, every time the Russians have made some gesture toward
a European settlement, France has wavered about some move to-
ward Western European defense unity.
This time, things are different.
When Russia made her proposal for a European conference for es-
tablishment of a mutua defense system it was immediately recognized,
as it was recognized before the four-power conference at Berlin last
year, as another move designed to stop incorporation of Western Ger-
many into a European defense system.
BRITAIN, THE United States and others reacted quickly. They
were not interested in another conference until after Western European
Union had been ratified, which was expected to take several months.
'France was a little slow to react, and there was some worry among
the other parties to the Paris agreements that she might again grasp
at some straw which might in the end save her from agreement to West
Germany's rearmament.
BUT PREMIER Mendes-France has spoken out firmly now. It
would be dangerous, he said, to attempt a conference this month, as
Moscow suggested. When the defense agreements have been completed
it will be time enough, he said.
This should lay, once and for all, the fear entertained by some in
+V% - m ss- T +- Qa..+h+T'G A -T1} Tl mwh w. r-rP.i+PH with killing



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construe-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts, and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
vol. LXV, No. 53
Teaching Candidates: A representative
from the Mount Clemens, Michigan
Public Schools will be on campus Tues.,
Nov. 23 to interview interested elemen-
tary teaching candidates. For appoint-
ments, contact Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., No
3-1511, Ext. 489.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Howard El-
liott Winn, Zoology; thesis: "Compara-
tive Reproductive Behavior and Ecology

from "Faust" by Gounod; and four
songs by contemporary composers. Tick-
ets are available at the offices of the
Musical Society until 12:OOM. Sat., and
at the box office in Hill Auditorium
after 7:00 p.m. Sun.
Events T oday
University of Michigan Newman Club
will be host to Newman Club dele-
gates from the state of, Michigan for
a three day convention. Sat., Nov. 20.
panels and workshops, dinner at 6:00
p.m.: Communion Breakfast Sun. fol-
lowing 9:30 a.m. Mass. Speaker for the
dinner will be Prof. G. B. Harrison, and
for the breakfast, Bishop C. L. Nelli-
gan, of Assumption University, Canada.
All events at the Fr. Richard Center.
Movies. Free movie. "Glacier Park
Studies," Nov. 16-22. 4th floor Exhibit
Hall Museums Building. Films are
shown at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. daily, in-
cluding Sat. and Sun., with extra
showing Wed. at 12:30. Open to the
public free of charge.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club meets every
Sun., 2:00 p.m. at the north entrance
of the Rackham Building. Wear your
old clothe.

Michigan Christian Fellowship: Sun.,
Nov. 21. Discussion on "How God Meets
His Standard for Man," 4:00 p.m., Lane
Hall. Refreshments.
Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the
church. Discussion of "Flying Saucers."'
Students needing transportation meet
at Lane Hall or in front of Alice
Lloyd at 7:15 p.m.
Lutheran Student Association, Sun.,
7:00 p.m. Those who could not make it
for the supper are invited to the pro-
gram, a talk by Dr. Frank Madsen,
President of the Michigan Synod of
the United Lutheran Church. He will
speak on the World Council of Church-
es Assembly at Evanston and show
slides. At the Center, corner of Hill St.
and Forest Ave.
Next meeting of the Geological-Min-
eralogical Journal Club Mon., Nov. 22
at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2054 Natural
Science Building. Prof. Hugo Struns
of the University of Regensburg will
speak on "The Mineralogy and Para-
genesis of Phosphate Minerals as Ex-
emplified by their Occurrence at Ha-
gendorf, Bavaria."
WCBN-East Quad will hold an impor-
tant business meeting in the council


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