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November 18, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-18

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Student Government Hopes
& Regential Politics

"How Do You Feel About -U -
Nonaggression Pacts?"



TURNING FOR a moment from the endless
complexities of national politics, let us
steal a glance at campus politics. Not the poli-
tics of the Student Legislature, which has no
conception at all of the nature of politics, but
the campus politics of the Board of Regents,
which is much more effective.
A brief history of the Laing proposal for a
Student Government. Council is illustrative
here. Presented to University President Harlan
H. Hatcher last spring, the plan receiv-
ed no action until the November meeting.
Meanwhile, students aware of the student gov.
ernment problem stood by helpless and exas-
perated. Also, SL began to find itself in more
of a Limbo than ever, because of the uncer-
tainty surrounding its future.
When the Regents finally did acknowledge
the plan's presence, it was but a token gesture
of appeasement, without even a whisper of in-
dication of their disposition toward the plan,
an authorization of a poll that could have been
held anyway.
THERE ARE on the surface four possible de'
velopments; namely, student referendum ap-
proval followed by Regential approval, student
referendum approval followed by Regential dis-
approval, referendum disapproval followed by
Regential disapproval, and referdum disap-
proval -followed by Regential approval.
If the first happens, students have not only
a promise of a more effective government but
also one that is officially recognized by the
University. Also, if this happens, this writer
will be somewhat surprised, which is surely an
Supposing the second occurs (referendum ap-
proval and Regential disapproval), student gov-
ernment is for all practical purposes dead. Stu-
dent disapproval of SL will have climaxed an
eight year process of decay largely attributable
to a constant ignoring of SL proposals and
opinions by the Regents. If the Regents had
set out to destroy student government by de-
moralizing all student interest in it, they could
not have found a better way.
THE THIRD possibility (referendum disap-
proval followed by Regential disapproval
would mean a spark of life for SL, but a spark
that would take a lot more fanning than stu-
dent interest over the past two years promises.
However, it is not likely that students will dis-
approve SGC, their last chance for meaning-
ful representation to the University.
If however, the referendum does defeat SGC,
the fourth possibility (Regential approval after
referendum disapproval) is most unlikely. The
Regents would need no further justification
for condemning SGC. If they have any in-
clination toward approval, that it has not
been strong enough to bring approval by now,
certainly indicates that. it could not clear the
hurdle of obvious student disapproval.

Of the four, the first two are the more prob-
able. Of the two, approval followed by rejection
is more probable. Changing from a proven in-
effectiveness of student government in an offi-
cially unrecognized form to an official student
government of great promise (which SL also
once had) seems too much for the Regents to
accept at any one meeting.
If there is Regential disapproval following
student support for SGC, then SL's future looks
dark indeed, leaving us at the mercy of the
relative eagerness to start all over again on the
part of SL members.
NOW LET'S take a look at the most likely
development of all, one not included in the ori-
ginal list of the four most obvious possibilities,
but one that seems almost inevitable in the
light of events so far.
What will no doubt happen is that SGC will
be upheld by the students in the December
referendum. Then it will return to the Regents
it their December 17 meeting, where, in this
writer's opinion, the same thing that happened
at the last three Regents meeting will happen
again. No decision on SGC will be made. Prob-
able reasons include a referendum vote too
small, too close, or both to give any clear idea,
of what students really want.
What can we do after that is anyone's guess.
We have at least a thought on what can be
done after any of the first four possibilities.
But this fifth one would leave us utterly con-
fused and disgusted beyond what we were after
previous Regential inaction; or, at least we
would be expected to feel that way.
EVERY ACTION or absence of same on the
part of the Regents so far has left us that way
in some degree. Continuing recurrence of this
has, through the past few years, greatly en-
hanced, if not actually created, what we always
refer to as student apathy. When one gets beat-
en over the head often enough for a long enough
time, sooner or later he goes to sleep.
There is no indication that this trend will
change. Everything points to a continuance,
this time by no decision on SGC, which is even
worse than the bad enough prospect of Re-
gential disapproval.
Disapproval at least is something tangible
against which students could have a notion of
how to act. Procrastination is an intangible
that leaves the student, who has not been
groomed in the politics of intangibles, help-
less and, soon after, uninterested. Evidently, we
cannot accuse the Regents of not understand-
ing this kind of politics.
THAT'S WHY this writer is more or less in-
clined to admire the campus politics of the Re-
gents. They are realistic, and being thus, in-
sure the attainment of their goals, which, par-
enthetically, are much more specific (tangible)
than those of students.
-Jim Dygert



At the Michigan*.. .
powerful and moving melo-
dramatic expose of crime and cor-
ruption in a longshoremen's union.
Masterfully directed by Eliz Ka-
zan, it features some of the sea-
son's best acting performances and
outstanding technical work. Come
award-time next spring, Water-
front should certainly receive a
large share of the honors.
The action begins with the mur-
der of a longshoreman, in which
ex-fighter Terry Malloy is an un-
knowing accomplice. Terry, strong-
man for the union czar (Lee J.
Cobb), is an uneducated fellow,
seemingly unaware of the wicked-
ness with which the union is rul-
ed. Hounded by the dead man's
sister (Eva Marie Saint) and a
crusading priest (Karl Malden),
he goes through a perplexing or-
deal in which he must decide be-
tween ignoring his conscience
over the murder or becoming a
"pidgeon." His love for Miss Saint
only complicates the matter. That
he finally declaes to "squeal" is
not novel; but the sensitivity with
which his transrormation and final
decision are portrayed is indeed
very novel.
KAZAN DIRECTS his actors
with a firm, steady touch. His love
scenes come over with a tender
warmth; they are always natural,
but never overdone. The fight se-
quences capture all the brutality
of a raw-fisted battle; and the
minor character's are handled with
enough attention to take them
out of the category of stereotypes.
There is bound to be the inevi-
table comparison between Terry
Malloy and Brando's Stanley Ko-
walski of Streetcar Named Desire.
Both characters are essentially
animalistic, crude, and unaware
of other human beings. But in
Malloy, Brando projects a char-
acter that is something more than
animalistic. It is an individual,
almost childlike, who is growing
up to the reality about him, who
is becoming aware of evil, and who
is learning to criticize instead of
accepting passively without ques-
tioning. The final scenes where
Brando is trying to grasp ,the
meaning of his confused life are
done with such realism that they
are actually embarrasing. The
audience, overwhelmed, can do
nothing but laugh. But when the
laugh is gone, Brando's portrait
of a brooding, insecure young man
EVA MARIE SAINT as the con-
vent-educated girl handles a dif-
ficult role with intelligence and
acting ease. Her character could
easily become top heavy with its
naivete and sweetness; but she

makes her every action believable
by living the role instead of act-
ing. Lee J. Cobb makes a menac-
ing union boss, and Karl Malden is
sometimesroverly histrionic as the
fighting priest.
Perhaps the most magnificent
thing about Waterfront is the
photography. The camera work ef-
fectively captures the mood and
atmosphere of the smoke-filled
bars, dirty streets, slimy alleys,
and frosty winter mornings of the
docks and tenament district.
-Ernest Theodossin
* * *
At Architecture Aud....
rone Power.
THIS FILM is a good example
of how a movie based on a his-
torical novel can squeeze most of
the original plot in and still be
pretty good. Samuel Shellabarger's
best seller has Tyrone Power pa-
rading handsomely and a little
stiffly about as Captain Orsini, Ce-
sare Borgia's right-hand man, in
fourteenth-century Italy. It has Or-
son Welles as Orson Welles, this
time assuming the name of Bor-
gia and being properly suave and
villainous. And it has Wanda Hend-
rix wandering blankly around, us-
ing her three facial expressions
over and over again. But, if we
overlook these drawbacks, we find
that the plot is better-than-aver-
age, and exciting, too; we find that
there are lots of battles and sword-
play and people being hurled off
walls; and we find that the sup.
porting cast is quite good (stand-
outs: Belli, the supremely wicked
henchman, and Felix Aylmer's
portrayal as the sage old husband).
There are supposed to be great
hulking amounts of historical da-
ta in the picture; like a revolu-
tionary idea in warfare, that of
strapping about sixteen cannon
barrels together and firing them,
I guess, all at once. This is shown
in blueprint form and is appar-
ently supposed to blow great
gaping holes in the opposition.
Everyone is properly awed. Also,
we are told, historically accur-
ate are the plans of Cesare Bor-
gia to take over all Italy; this
is re-emphasized from time to
time by having Welles place his
fingers in strategic places on
the map of Italy, and gloat. And..
then, of course, the film was shot
entirely in Italy, and as far as
possible in the exact locations
that the events took place in.
Alfred Newman wrote the music
for the piece. It preceded the
"Robe" music by a couple of
years, and one can catch, from
time to time, themes that appear
exactly the same way in "The
Robe." I guess our modern day
composers just use the same old
stuff over and over again but
serve it differently each time.
What's the world coming to?
-Norm Hartweg

Regional Arms Limits
Our Answer to East
THERE IS certainly no chance whatever that the Atlantic allies will
accept the latest Soviet proposal, which calls for a European con-
ference of twenty-three nations to meet two weeks from now. It is in
fact difficult to suppose that the Kremlin itself thinks that such a
mammoth gathering could be organized in two weeks. What with all
the experts, who would be numbered in the hundreds, the secretaries,
the code clerks and the translators, the newspaper men and the radio
and television operators required for the participation of twenty-three
nations, it would be necessary to evacuate dozens of Paris hotels or to
build some new hotels in Moscow. Nothing like that can be done, even
with all good will, in two weeks.
The size of the proposed meeting is on its face evidence that this
is not a proposal for a serious negotiation about the future of Germany.
When there is to be a serious negotiation, as in the course of time there
surely will be, it will not begin with an international circus but with
private conversations.
WHILE THERE IS no chance that the West will agree to this con-
ference, or to any conference to discuss the ratification of the
London agreements, it is no less true that the Western governments
are in favor of negotiation, preferably through diplomatic channels
but if necessary by conference. Their immediate problem is to make
clear to European opinion, and particularly to German opinion, why
and how the London agreements are compatible with the eventual uni-
fication of Germany.
That is a difficult point to make as long as the Soviet Union
is able to keep on saying that it favors the reunification of Ger-
many. All the evidence points to the contrary, that the Soviet Un-
ion is unable and unwilling to relinquish its hold on the East Ger-
man government and its control of the military frontier between
Poland and Germany. Mr. Molotov has had every opportunity to
show something that would mean an intention to relax the Soviet
grip on Eastern Germany. He has always been very careful to make
ao proposal for the unification of Germany which could have been
Acceptable. He has been the champion of German unity in the
manner of a man wishing to be able to talk about it provided there
was no danger of its coming about.
Any time he really changes his fundamental position, that is to
say any time he shows that the Kremlin has decided to do in East Ger-
many what it is doing in Manchuria, there will be all the negotiation
and the conferences that they could desire. The Soviet Union is with-
drawing in the Far East. It has yet to take an action which means a
.similar withdrawal in Europe.
UNTIL THIS happens the unification of Germany is not possible.
The real problem is how to co-exist with decreasing tension when
there are two Germanies and two Europes. The London agreements do
not prevent this co-existence. They may well be used to promote such
The Soviet note describes the agreements as providing for "the
restoration of militarism in Western Germany." That is not what they
are intended to do. The Western nations, including West Germany,
were acutely aware of the danger that the rearmament of Germany
would open the way to the revival of German militarism. The heart of
the London agreements, the indispensable condition of the agreement
to rearm Germany, is the revised Brussels Pact. This extraordinary
ti'eaty provides for the limitation of armaments in Western Europe.
If it is read constructively, it offers an excellent basis of negotiatio,
with the Soviet Union. It would be a negotiation for a general and re-
ciprocal limitation of armaments in the whole of Europe.
Once the London agreements are ratified, the West will be
able to say to the East: "We have put a ceiling on the size of. the
forces which are to be maintained between the Elbe River and
the Atlantic Ocean. Will you do the same for the forces that are
to be maintained between the Elbe and the Urals? If so, then we
shall have put all the forces on the European continent under a
limitation openly agreed to. We can then negotiate for a reduction
of the size of these forces, and particularly on the size of the
forces which are to be maintained in close contact within Ger-
A general, even though small, agreed reduction of the forces now
leployed between the Urals and the Atlantic would greatly relax the
tension in Europe. It would not be in itself a general settlement of the
German question or of the related questions of Eastern Europe. But it
would enable Europe to live more easily and securely with these prob-
lems, and perhaps in the course of time to outlive them.
w7E SHOULD not confuse a plan of this sort with the idea of a global
reduction of armaments. This would be a reduction of armaments
within a region-that of the European continent-and not a reduction
of the armaments in being throughout the world. It would be more like
what is happening in Korea, with the withdrawal of Chinese and Am-
erican divisions, than what is being talked about at the United Nations
in New York. But it might be the practical next step in the effort to
relax the tension and to reduce the danger of war.
(Copyright 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

WASHINGTON - Here are the
hard-core Republican senators who
Joe McCarthy expects will vote
for him: Bricker, Ohio; Bridges,
N.H.; Butler, Md.; Dirksen, Ill1;
Goldwater, Ariz.; Jenner, Ind.
Malone, Nev.; Mundt, S.D., and
Welker, Idaho.
Here are other Republicans who
may either go along with Joe or
favor a compromise: Capehart,
Ind.; Hickenlooper, Iowa Know-
land, Calif.; Langer, N.D.; Mar-
tin, Pa.; Schoeppel, Kans., and
Wiley, Wisc. Others who are wa-
vering include Barrett, Wyo.
Beall, Md., and Dworshak, Idaho.
If McCarthy gets two Democrats,
as he claims privately, they'll
probably be Eastland of Missis-
sippi and Daniel of Texas. Another
Democrat, Lennon of North Caro-
lina, made some pro - McCarthy
cracks when he arrived in Wash-
ington, but got burned by them;
while Holland of Florida is another
who might possibly stray from the
Democratic fold.
Outside Interference
Undersecretary of Agriculture
True D. Morse is sorry he let him-
self be talked into campaigning
against fiery Democrat Wayne
Hays, congressman from Ohio's
14th district.
Safely re-elected, Hays phoned
Morse last week and sarcastically
told him: "I'm sorry I wasn't
around to return the greeting when
you came to say hello last month,
but I was busy campaigning."
Morse was duly embarrassed
and mumbled something about
"nothing personal."
"I thought you'd like to know,"
Hays continued, "that this was the
first election in which I carried
the county where you spoke. Be-
fore, it had always gone Republi-
"You're welcome any time you
want to visit," Hays concluded
NOTE - Ironically, Undersecre-
tary Morse didn't want to get mix-
ed up in the Ohio campaign and
did so only after much urging from
GOP chairman Len Hall.
Washington Pipeline
General Motors' much-publicized
expansion plans, which were sup-
posed to be a sign of GM's faith
in the American economy, actual-
ly are intended largely for Eu-
rope. GM has already drawn up
blueprints for $200,000,000 worth of
new facilities in England, Germa-
ny, Belgium and Switzerland. .. .
By building overseas, GM's labor
costs will be lower and profits
higher... .Secretary of Agricul-
ture Benson has succeeded in whit-
tling down the government's moun-
tain of butter from 466,000,000 to
393,000,000 pounds. One method has
been to increase GI consumption.
He has dumped nearly 36,000,000
pounds of surplus butter on the
Army, has also persuaded the Ar-
my to raise the daily milk ration
by half a pint. Now he's negotiat-
ing with the Navy and Air Force to
use up more surplus dairy prod-
cuts... .Tax boss T. Coleman An-
drews now writes tough letters
to newspaper editors when he's
criticized in print, (Andrews has
the power to investigate anyone's
taxes, but he'll find editors aren't
easily intimidated.)
(Copyright, 1954,
by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)





SAVOYARDS have a treat in store for them
at the Lydia Mendelssohn where the Gilbert
and Sullivan Society is presenting its fall pro-
duction, "The Pirates of Penzance."
While this is not among the best of Gilbert
and Sullivan's operettas, it is filled with tune-
ful music and, as usual, clever lyrics.
The "plot" as such is harmless and no one
pays too much attention to it. Rather, play di-
rector Clarence Stephenson and music director
Jerry Bilik have coined their efforts to present
a lively and humorous production.
THE STORY is concerned with Frederic and
his indenture to pirates (his nurse had under-
stood pilots) and of course, these are very harm-
less pirates who will not attack anyone weak-
er in strength or anyone an orphan. Their dil-
emma isn't difficult to unravel.
Our hero must serve until his 21st birthday,
and discovers that he was born on Feb. 29, and
so must serve for many years. A tender mo-
ment follows when he asks his beloved, Mabel,
to wait for him.
Happiness wins out nonetheless and the hero
gets his heroine, the pirates, since they are
really noble men, are new men now, and we
have as gay a finale as all operettas should
A HANDSOME-LOOKING couple are Arnulf
Esterer and Lynn Tannel as the young leads,
and they easily make the audience forget some
of the "operettish" lines they must sing.
Esterer has a very good voice and except
for some moments of opening-night jitters, was
quite convincing. Miss Tannel has a pleasing
voice, is graceful in her movements, and is very
pretty besides.
Giving some hilarious moments were Marian
New Books at the Library
Ulman, James Ramsey - The Age of Moun-
taineering, New York, J. B. Lippincott Com-
pany, 1954
Gross, Ben-I Looked and I Listened, New
York, Random House, 1954.
Holzman, Robert S., Ph.D.-Stormy Ben But-
ter, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1954.
Horgan, Paul-Great River, The Rio Grande
In North American History, New York, Rine-

Mercer as our hero's nurse. Miss Mercer in
costume of more than yesteryear, prancing
about, though in full command of the stage,
steals about every scene she's in with her art-
ful sense of timing and mimicry.
ALSO HANDING in a droll performance is
Dick Booth as the captain of the brave, brave
soldiers. The chorus line of the soldiers is, in-
deed, an effective piece of staging.
Nancy and Mary Witham, Katy Micou, Bob
Cotton and Bob Brandzel were also admirable
in other lead roles.
Leading the small but good orchestra was
Jerry Bilik and he put the group through their
paces admirably.
The performance as a whole is fresh and
lively. It's a grand show to see whether or not
you've seen a Gilbert and Sullivan before. You'll
enjoy what a good professional student group
can do with an old warhorse.
-Harry Strauss
Sixty-Fifth Year
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(Continued from Page 2)
will conclude the discussion of Chap-
ter v of Cochran's "Sampling Tech-
Zoology Seminar. "Cortical Reaction
in Sea Urchin Eggs," Robert Day Al-
len, 8:00 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 18, Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Coffee hour for all Political Science
concentrates Thurs., Nov. 18, 4:00-5:00
p.m. in the Michigan League.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Ap-
plication of Mathematics to Social Sci-
ence will meet Thurs., Nov. 18, Room
3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. G.
Graves will speak on T. W. Anderson's
"Probability Models for Analyzing Time
Changes in Attitudes."
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Nov. 18, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Ted W,
Hildebrandt will speak on, "Elimina-
tion Methods for Matrix Operations."
Education School Council is sponsor-
ing a coffee hour Thurs., Nov. 18 in
the Education School Lounge, 4:15-
5:30 p.m.
Logic seminar will meet Fri., Nov.
s9 at 4:00 p.m. in 443 Mason Hall. Mr.
Livesay will continue to discuss the
proof of the completeness theorem of
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Nov.
19, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Wil-
liam Liller will speak on "Stellar and

rector; Nafe Katter, Assistant Stage
Director; and Jeanne Parsons, Choreog-
rapher. Scenes from Act II of "Carmen"
by Georges Bizet, Scenes from Act III
of "The Bartered Bride" by Bedrich
Smetana, Scenes from Act II of "La
Traviata" by Guiseppe verdi, and
Scenes from Act II of "Die Zauber-
floete" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Events Today
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire-
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea Thurs., Nov.
18. 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Building.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dentsBreakfast at Canterbury House,
Thurs., Nov. '18, after the 7:00 a.m.
Holy Communion.
La P'tite Causette will meet Thurs..
Nov. 18 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the
righteroom of the Michigan Union
The Congregational-Disciples Guild,
Thurs., 7:00-8:00 p.m., Bible Class at
the Guild House.
A.S.P.A. Social Seminar, Thurs.,
Nov. 18 at 7:45 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. Speaker will be George Bean, City
Manager of Peoria, Illinois and Presi-
dent of the I.C.M.A. Light refreshments.
English Journal Club will meet at
8:00 p.m.. Thurs., Nov. 18, in the East

Bahat Student Group, Thurs., Nov.
18, at 8:30 p.m. in the Women's League.
First Baptist Church-Thurs., Nov.
18. 7:00 p.m. Yoke Fellowship in prayer
Journal Club. Meeting of the Journal
Club of the Department of Romance
Languages, Thurs., Nov. 18, at 4:15
p.m., in the East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Two papers will be
presented, to be published soon: !'An.
Interpretation of a Sonnet Series of
Sor Juana Ines de Ia Cruz," Profs
Irving Leonard; and "Detective Fiction
in Latin America," Donald A. Yates.
Open to everyone.
Coming Events
Martha Cook invites all women new
to the campus this year to an Open
House Fri., Nov. 19 from 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Intercultural Outing. Topic? "Bur-
ma." Group will leave Lane Hall at
1:30 p.m. Sat. for a week-end of in-
formality, biking, cooking, eating, folk
songs and dances, and- discussion with
students from several countries. Re-
turning Sun. afternoon. Location: Sa-
line Valley Farms. Cost: $2.50. Make
reservations at Lane Hall. Est. 2851.
"Dream Girl," Elmer Rice's Broad-
way comedy, will be presented by the
Department of Speech with the co-
operation of the Department of Eng-
lish Dec. 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Elmer Rice will di-
rect- the production.


Painful Objectivity..
To the Editor:
R HEY KEEP on writing down
all the time ..,
And they all say nothing, they
realize nothing; they remember
meaningless patterns which they
cannot understand and go out like
scared children defending the hon-
or of the family car to write
little letters defending their own
or their families' inherited tradi-
tions, or even those of some un-
specified individual who "might

es a reduction of self-importance,
a realization that the things one
had always held sacIred are not so
held by others .. . who might just
possibly be right rather than one-
There are many ridiculous things
about democracy, totalitarianism,
atheism, and organized religion.
Mimicry of one's beliefs is not to
be met with righteous indignation
but with serious self-thought and
critical self-examination. One of
the most important and painful
aspects of growing up is the reali-
.o-i rt o n ,a - l m fnr - vn

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