$ UNDAY,' NOVEMBER 14, 1954
THE MICHIGAN ....ups.. U...AUM.sa
Council Plans
First Dance
'Engine Bounce' Open
To Freshman Class
"Engine Bounce," the first dance
ever to be presented by the Fresh-
man Engineering Council, will take
place from 8p.m. to midnight Fri-
day in the League Ballroom.
Vice-president Irwin Hicks, in
discussing the dance, said, "All
students in the freshman class of
the University are urged to at-
tend." Music will be provided by
Don Denney and his orchestra.
The theme will be an engine
bouncing down the railroad tracks.
Tickets are priced at $1 per couple.
The committee asks that all who
attend dress casually.
Engineering Council Sponsors
The Engineering Council, which
sponsoring the dance, has been
reorganized three times since the
war. Its primary purpose is to give
the freshman engineering students
a legislature of their own.
Eight men and a woman have
been elected to the Council this
semester. They were chosen from
the student assemblies held week-
ly for all engineering students.
Tickets for the dance will be on
sale beginning Thursday. They can
be secured at the freshman as-
sembly, in the Engineering Arch,
or at the Union.
Profits Will Aid "Arch"
Profits from the dance will be
used to help finance the engi-
neering yearbook, "Arch."
President of the Council is Bill
Vander KMoot with Hicks serving as
vice-president and Betsy Palmer
as secretary. In .charge of ticket
sales are Malcolm Walker and
Norman Hozak. General chairmen
are Jack Seastrom and Sandy
Milne remarked, "We're the only
organized freshman class on cam-
pus and we want a very good show-
ing for our first dance."
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Sugesion fr Sud, Tst
Provded t Pahel oru
Chief of the Reading Iniprove-
ment Service, Donald E. Smith,
discussed a plan for studyatg ef-
ficiently and a method for writ-
ing essay exams at a study' forum
sponsored by the Junior Panhel-
lenic Association last weeks.
Smith explained that the plan
set-up has proven effective in in-
creasing exam scores by rdbout 50
Begin With Survey±
One should begin with a, survey
of the material to be studied. This
includes thinking what the title
means, reading the intr oduction,
summary and main heads or first
sentences in each paragraph to
decide what you are attenmpting to
find out. From this, Smith sug-
gests, make-up questions to be
answered as you study.
Upon completition of he read-
ing, recite by answering -the ques-
tion and making very bidef notes,
consiting of key words and listings
only. Long notes, Smith stated,
create a fear of having too much
to learn.
Students can increase retention
and cut last minute stuidying by
90 percent by using an ;mmediate
review plan.
Smith explained that repeated
reading is inefficient, since tests
have proved that 70 percent of
what is first read is retained and
only an additional one-half per-
cent is gained on re-reading.
In taking an essay type exam,
a time schedule should be set up
whereby the student allows about
fifteen minutes, at the end for
completing answers and correcting
Read the questions through thor-
oughly, jotting down key words
to the answers to reduce "clutch-
ing." "Put the question in your
own words," said Smith, "and
compare your version with the
test to be sure you are answering
the right question."
Outline the answer before writ-
ing. Organized answers influence
most graders, whether consiciously
or not. Take time to write an in-
troduction and summary,
Union offers
Student Trips
To 2 Shows
Bus, Tickets Available
For 'Seven Year Itch,'
Shakespeare Comedy
Bits of Broadway will be offered
to University students as the
Union sponsors trips to see produc-
tions of "The Seven Year Itch,"
Nov. 29, and "A Midsummer
Night's Dream," Dec. 9.
Eddie Bracken will play his orig-
inal comic role in "Seven Year
Itch." This part has been called
by Walter Winchell, "A caricature
or a Milquetoast husband who has
Casanova dreams."
Supporting him will be Anne
Kimbell, Howard Freeman, Kay
Lyder and Edward Hunt.
Offers Saving
A $3.20 orchestra seat at the
Cass Theatrein Detroit and bus
transportation costing $2.40 are
included in the Union special price
and $3.25.
The Old Vie Company will pre-
sent Moira Shearer as Titania in
William Shakespeare's comedy, "A
Midsummer Night's Dream," at
the Detroit Masonic Temple for
the fourth Union trip
Robert Helpmann,, who played
opposite Katherine Hepburnin
"The Millionairess," will portray
Oberon. Remembered for his role
in "The Lavender Hill Mob," Stan-
ley Holloway will act as Bottom.
Symphony Orchestra Featured
A full symphony orchestra un-
der the direction of Hugo Rignold
will play Mendelssohn's score for
the ballet.
As the little queen, Miss Shear-
er gives her first performance in
the United States since 1950 when
she was featured with 'Sadler's
Wells Ballet Company.
The production is being direct-
ed by Michael Benthall, who has
done "Antony and Cleopatra" with
Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh
and "As You Like It" starring
Katherine Hepburn.
On National Tour
The show is in Detroit as part
of its national tour, following an
appearance at the Metropolitan
Opera House.
Tickets priced at $5.25 include
seats selected especially by trip
chairman, Mark Gallon, and
transportation to Detroit. Since
the Union was only able to obtain
100 tickets, the first people at the
Union Student Oiff ices will get
Tickets for both show trips may
be purchased at the Student Of-
fice from 3 to 5 p.m. on week days
until the Wednesday before1
Buses will leave for the shows at
6:30 p.m. on the day of the per-
With the excitement of the foot-
ball season almost over, sophomore
women are beginning to get to
work in earnest on this year's
"Sophomore Scandals," a weekend
of dancing and variety shows
planned for Friday and Satur-
day, Dec. 3 and 4.
This year's production will in-
clude a cast of 90 sophomore coeds,
In addition, many other women
will participateion decorations,
tickets, publicity, make-up, and
program committees.
Begun in 1927
"Bungling Brother's" was the
theme of the first sophomore pro-
duction in 1927. Pink lemonade, a
sawdust arena, clowns, a menag-
erie, musicians, side shows, and
trapeze acts were all featured.
The event was held in Angell
Hall in connection with the An-
nual League and Church Bazaar.
Two years later "Soph Cab"
moved to Barbour Gym and in
1931 came to the League, where it
has remained ever since.
Variety of Themes
During the last 27 years "Soph
Cab" presentations have . had
themes ranging from the gay nine-
ties to "Pseudo Psilly Psymphony,"
featuring cartoon characters.
"Soph Music Bar," was the ti-
tle of the 1944 Cabaret perform-
ance. The following year "Mistle-
toe Mingle" was presented.
"Side Street, produced in 1927,
was a skit depicting Bohemian
life in Greenwich Village.
Greek Mythology
Greek mythology entered the
scene in 1948 with "Don't Myth
It," which had a floorshow en-
titled "A Date with Jupiter."
In 1949 Shakespeare provided
the theme "As You Shake it."
Cleopatra's snakes and Lady Mac-
beth's daggers were offered for
sale at one of the booths.
Winning wells and travels
through Al the Alligator were en-
joyed by guests at the 1950 "Be-
witched Bayou." The floorshow
Hil1lel- To Present
'Sock Hop' Dance
Hillel Foundation will present a
"Sock Hop" from 8 to 10:30 p.m.
tonight in the social hall of the
Hillel Foundation building.
Students attending the sock hop
are asked to dress casually. Mu-
sic for dancing will be provided by.
popular records.
According to Hal Josehart, pres-
ident of Hillel, a prize will be
awarded to the wearer of the
"loudest" socks.
Refreshments will be served to
the dancers.
starred Al the Alligator, a flamin-
go and a rare orchid.
New York Featured
Couples toured New York at "On
The Town" in 1951. The League
Ballroom was recreated into the
Astor Roof,
Familiar New York scenes such
as Coney Island, Central Park and
the Bowery were featured in the
floorshow, "Tickets Please."
The trials of Pizzicato, a sweet
sixteenth note who yearned tobe a
jazz note, was the subject of "Th~e
Lost Chord In Music Heaven."
Last year ghost and goblins, in-
eluding "Kasper the Friendly
Ghost," reigned at the. Sophomore
Cabaret. The stageshow, "Ghosts
Are My Lobby," was a musical
comedy concerning the abduction'
of three senators into the under-
world of the witches,
Soph' Scandals this year is head-
ed by Mary Lee Birmingham, gen-
eral chairman; Mary Gronberg,
floorshow chairman; Sunny Ev-
erett and Sally Miller, skit chair-
men; Sharon Shantz, decoration
chairman; Pat Sackandy, publici- himaadWlm ame
ticket chairman.
Sophomore Coeds Plan for 'Soph Scandals'
it's Haircuts at a
moment's notice!!
0 6 stylists to please you,
otyour convenience
The Dascola Barbers
near Michigan Theatre
d4cro'44 Ca,*pu4
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Dues from all students enrolled in
School of Education courses will
be collected at a booth to be set up
on the first floor of the School of
Education building tomorrow. The
fee is 35 cents. Also collected at
this time will be $2 dues from all
seniors in elementary education.
s « «
BLAZERS - Blazers will be
distributed from 3 to 5 p.m. to-
morrow in the second floor lounge
of the women's pool.
will be a meeting of the Educa-
tion School Council at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the education school
ICE SKATING -- The Univer-
sity of Michigan Ice Rink will open
tomorrow. The Skating Club will
skate there from 1 to 3 p.m. every
Tuesday through Thursday.
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"Students interested in try-
ing out for Gulantics, all-cam-
pus talent show, should begin
organizing their acts," George
Dutter, business manager of the
Men's Glee Club, announced.
Tryouts will be held from 1
to 5 p.m. Dec. 4 and Dec. 11
and all day Saturday, Jan. 8,"
cootdress that is all
figure flattery and
flare.; fashioned of
shimmering satinique . .. there's glamour galore in thk
embroidered and jewel lit portrait neckline and
sleeves .. , wide handsome skirt propped by its o'n
crinoline, side seam pockets, self belt.
Champagne, Blue, Pink, Aqua,.Silver.' 7 to 15. $2 95
As seen in GLAMOUR
Wools.. . Dalton Cashmeres
Canterbury Nylons and Orlon s
Lltoq Moe-arf.
by Barry
No prettier way to relax at the end of a hard day!
The springy, foam rubber "tintersoles") provide just
the lift you need. Fully-lined corduroy with a
concealed elastic instep band for right fit.
5 j C I t...ri4 .bl ~..vs
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3 =
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. A
I l.}
for your Shining Hours!
Holiday Dream
You're the most delectable damsel on the
ballroom floor . . . under the mistletoe, when you