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November 14, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-14

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Decency, Opinion Ignored
In Severance Pay Action
By PAT ROELOFS Second reaction is among active members of
Associate City Editor the American Association of University Pro-
" FTER CAREFUL consideration of the cases fessors: The national AAUP secretary informed
local University officials of a bylaw that "in
of H. Chandler Davis and Prof. Mark Nick- dismissal cases not involving moral turpitude"
erson, the Regents conclude that the circum- one year's severance pay should be granted.
stances of these cases do not warrant sever- Moral turpitude was not charged in either the
ance pay." Davis or Nickerson cases. Furthermore, in the
No further explanation was given the public past the University has granted severance pay
when the Regents took this action Friday. Be- to persons dismissed for "just cause," the "just"
cause the session in which this decision was cause for dismissal in these particular cases has
made was closed to the press, we will never never been agreed upon by all factions of the
learn what the "curcumstances of these cases" University community; therefore, we wonder on
that resulted in the disappointing decision what basis the Regents did base their decision
were. not to grant these men one year's pay. The
AAUP bylaw did not influence them we know.
The impact of Regents' refusal to give pay
to faculty members, dismissed for refusing to BUT THE question of the justness of dis-
disclose political beliefs to a Congressional in- missals aside, there is still the strong feeling
vestigating committee, is not mere disappoint- among students as well as faculty members,
ment however. that in the Davis case, because he is still un-
employed, some financial settlement should be
FIRST, and most bitter reaction on the part given. As anyone can assume, absence of in-
of faculty members in the literary college, is come does bring hardship on the Davis fam-
distrust of the Regents' responsibility; they ily. It seems that common decency would enter
have ignored the vote of the faculty and de- into the matter, that sudden dismissal of a
cided not to act in accordance with a request faculty member should bring with it a finan-
for severance pay for the dismissed mathe- cial settlement from the dismissing body.
matics instruqtor. Between 80 and 85 per cent Common decency, faculty opinion, AAUP op-
of the literary college faculty present at a inion, what part did they play in the Regents'
meeting recently voted to make the request of action? One feels less and less significant day
the Regents-but for reasons we shall probably by day in this University. Does speaking out do
never learn, their request had little weight for any good? The many are becoming powerless;
the Regents. the few have ignored them again.
Sen. McCarthy Keeps
Right on Going

WASHINGTON-Secretary of the
Interior "Generous" Doug McKay
isn't the only member of Ike's Cab-
inet who seems interested in grant-
ing commercial concessions in our
national forests.
Another is Ezra Benson. As sec-
retary of agriculture, Benson is
head of the Forest Service; and, if
he followed tradition, he wouldn't
interfere with decisions of career
national foresters. But he has brok-
en the time-honored practice of his
office and refused to accept a For-
est Service veto of ancapplication
to strip mine in the Cumberland
National Forest in Kentucky.
Benson has been warned that not
only would lovely forestland be
made barren if he overrules the
Forest Service and allows strip
mining, but the unpolluted water-
sheds would be filled with poison-
ous by-products of the surface coal
mining. Also, Benson has been
told, the land will be disfigured
and made worthless by erosion if
the trees are cut down.
Benson hasn't made his final de-
cision yet. Says he wants to ap-
point a committee to decide wheth-
er to submit to the wishes of
Stearns Coal and Lumber Co. of
Stearns, Ky. This makes him the
first secretary of agriculture in
history to refuse to back up the
Forest Service.
B-29 Appeasement
Air Force officers are burned up
at the way President Eisenhower
shrugged off the B-29 incident.
He conceded that the plane was
flying over a disputed area when
it was shot down by Russian fight-
ers, through we don't recognize
Russia's claim to the area. But,
by the same token, the open seas
can be called "disputed territory" S
for a hundred miles out from Si-
In fact, the Russians claim the
Arctic Ocean all the way to the
North Pole as Soviet territory This
will invite the Russians to attack
our planes and ships if they come
within a hundred miles of Siberia,
Air Force generals warn. One top
general charged privately that it
looks as if the President is com-
mitted to a policy of peace at any
Will Joe Martin Step Down?
Close friends of GOP Speaker
Joe Martin say he would like to
step aside as House leader of his
party when Congress convenes in
Martin Is discouraged about Re-
publican loss of the House; also,
the years are beginning to weigh
on the popular, 70-year-old speak-
er, and he reminded friends re-
cently: "I am not getting any
However, if Martin steps down
as GOP boss in the House of Rep-
resentatives, it would mean a hot,
intra-party battle over his possible
successor - Congressman Charles
Halleck of Indiana, who is not as
popular as Joe. To prevent such
a fight, friends have been pleading
with Martin not to relinquish his
leadership, but to stay at the party
helm for at least one more term of
(Copyright, 1954
by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

'Now We've Got a Man Who'll Turn His Back
On Anybody'



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IT IS STILL too early to forecast the outcome
of the motion of censure of the junior Sen-
ator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy.
However, after the first few days of the
special session of the Senate, several tell-tale
tendencies have been revealed by Sen. McCar-
thy, his would-be censorers and his supporters.
The motion of censure, a complicated docu-
ment proposed unanimously by the now famous
Watkins Committee, seems likely to draw sharp
criticism, not for the censure but for the sec-
tion to amend Senate investigative rules.
FIRST AND MAIN part of the motion is a
detailed account rebuking the junior Senator
for his actions before the 1952 Sub-committee
on Privileges and Elections and for his treat-
ment of Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker.
The rules revision includes protection for
witnesses against a one-man investigation com-
mittee such as Sen. McCarthy chairmaned.
The motion sets up specific rules limiting the
calling and interrogation of witnesses, dis-
closing testimony to the public and investi-
gating expenses.
Sen. Malone (R) of Nevada has termed this

a move "aimed to destroy the investigative
powers of the Senate." But since the Demo-
crats are leaving the feuding up to the Re-
publicans and not many are making their
views on either side public, actual outcome
of the vote next month is still in doubt.
AT THIS STAGE of debate Sen. McCarthy
himself may be the deciding factor of the issue.
The junior Senator is being censured for
his abusive conduct and treatment of wit-
nesses and Gen. Zwicker. For his defense of
the censure motion McCarthy has used the
same tactics.
He seems unable to defend himself other
than by attacking and hurling abuse at the
Watkins Committee and his opponents. Sen.
McCarthy is using for his defense the identical
methods that caused the censure charge to be
brought against him.
WILL HIS FELLOW Senators, who are as-
sembled to judge his questionable acts in the
past overlook in their decision his undeterred
use of these questionable acts in the present?
-Mary Ann Thomas

Regents, Painters
Highlight News
INTER SCHOOL rivalry and a series of policy decisions by the Uni-
versity Board of Regents dominated the campus scene this week.
An estimated 30 Michigan State College students wielded green
and white paint brushes on campus Monday night. Of the 20 suspects
picked up by police six pleaded guilty and ended up paying $5 a piece
in fines and $6.85 in court costs for their pains.
Four others who stood trial in court yesterday pleaded guilty and
the same financial punishment was meted out. Trial of one MSC stu-
dent is set for Wednesday while 11 were released for lack of evidence.
Although the State campus was decorated Tuesday night with a
large block 'M' no University students were apprehended.
HUGE GAME CROWD-Numbering 97,239, the largest crowd to
watch any football game in the nation so far this season saw Michigan
down a slightly favored MSC team.
REGENTS ACTIONS-A student poll on the proposed Student
Government Council Plan prior to final Regents' decision, was author-
ized by the Board of Regents at their Friday meeting.
Approval was also given to a request to the State Legislature for
$3,680,000, estimated cost of a new library strictly for undergraduate
use. Holding approximately 150,000 volumes and featuring open shelv-
ing, the new structure will be located on the present site of the Engi-
neering Automotive Laboratory.
The University ruling body also voted to deny severance pay to
Prof. Mark Nickerson and H. Chandler Davis, who were dismissed from
the faculty in August after refusing to testify before the Un-American
Activities Committee.
National . ..
McCARTHY CENSURE ROW-Marked by heated exchanges be-
tween "the defendant" Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis) and Chair-
man of the committee which recommended his censure, Sen. Arthur
Watkins (R-Utah), the censure issue was debated in the Senate special
session, which opened Monday.
By the end of the fourth day of debate it was suggested that Sen.
McCarthy could evade at least one of the two charges. Despite this
hint from Sen. Francis Case (R-SD) the controversial Wisconsinite
showed no sign of making the necessary apology to Sen. Robert Hen-
drickson (R-NJ), a member of the 1952 Gillette Committee.
Sen. McCarthy called the New Jersey Senator "a living miracle
. . without brains or guts."
GRANDSON OF JUDGE APPOINTED - Filling the vacancy left
by the death of Justice Robert H. Jackson, United States Circuit
Judge John Marshall Harlan was appointed to the Supreme Court
A lifelong Republican, the New York judge is the grandson of
Supreme Court Justice John M. Harlan who in 1896 registered the only
dissenting opinion when the court layed down the "separate but equal"
segregation doctrine.
The new Justice may hear arguments pertaining to enforcement of
the recent reversal of that doctrine. -Phyllis Lipsky

Chinese Paintings Show
Fine Ink Brushwork
AN EHIBITION of Chinese paintings of the Ming and Ch'ing dynas-
ties (1368-1912) from the Metropolitan Museum, New York, is cur-
rently on display at the Museum of Art. The show illustrates the vary-
ing styles of this final phase in the great tradition of Chinese paint-
ing. Marked differences in the aim and technique of the oriental artist
will be at once apparent to a western audience. Most obvious is the
nature of the format itself, which consists usually of a long, vertical
scroll (kakemono) or of a horizontal scroll (makemono) meant to be
unrolled slowly in the hands in the manner of a Roman scroll. Again,
the medium used is that of ink on silk or paper, and so is largely mono-
chromatic although sometimes enlivened by the addition of color. With-
in such definite technical boundaries, a most subtle and refined art
was evolved whose primary focus was on realizing the vital spirit (ch'i)
of its subject matter. Thus; realism in the western sense, was subordi-
nated to the main purpose of infusing the painting with an inner vital-
ity from the universal spirit or Tao. For this reason, one finds that the
Chinese painter emphasizes the importance of proper spiritual prepara-
tion for painting by meditation and concentration before beginning to
paint. Such a spiritual preoccupation may thus ignore problems of
exact portrayal as three point perspective, or modeling with light and
shade-which had been of major concern in the west from Hellenistic
times to their solution in the Renaissance and Baroque periods.
MASTERY IN the play of ink and brush is the essence of the Chi-
nese painter's expression. Concentrating all of his powers on the de-
velopment of a brush-stroke technique with which to convey the vary-
ing hues and textures of valley and stream, he has reached with ink
alone an extreme sensitivity to the slightest tonal variations as was
never achieved in the west, where inks remain a secondary media in
contrast to the main stream of coloristic experiment. Although often
repeated, it is a fallacy to suppose that the highly developed art of
calligraphy, or writing with brush and ink, is a corollary to the artistic
genius which produced the great masterpeces of Chinese painting, for
it is evident that an expert calligraphist need not be an excellent ar-
tist. Such speculations were however, indulged in by the literati of the
Ming and Ch'ing periods as well as by modern writers. The amateur
painters of this circle are responsible for many a dry and lifeless work
dependent upon a scintillating eclecticism gathered from earlier mas-
ters, especially from the finest period of Chinese painting: the Sung
THE PAINTINGS on view are a grouping of just such works which
naturally reflect their heritage from past achievements. Indeed, many
explicitly state an intentional imitation of the stylistic concepts made
famous by a former master. Such attempts, of course, have their pit-
falls; some of which unfortunately, are painfully obvious. Again, the
brilliant brushwork of the Che School from the Ming period has pro-
duced some striking results, illustrating very well the force of the brush
in the hands of a polished epert. The enormous kakemono by Shen
Chou, a celebrated master of the Ming period, should be noted for the
vitality of rough brushwork and the delicacy in the atmospheric use of
color. The oriental lack of interest in creating a unified perspective is
everywhere evident in the vertical spacial arrangments, in which fing-
ers of mist and water indicate a horizontal spacial progression. The
highly developed ability of the Chinese painter to simulate a moving,
golden haze, creating the illusion of atmosphere is perhaps best seen
in the piece attributed to the style of Kao K'o-kung, stemming from the
school of Mi Fei.
For the student of brushwork, this show offers a wealth of variety
in the many styles of the Chinese painter.
THE VERY NATURE of the brush, offering as it does so many pos-
sibilities for stylization, is responsible for the often highly abstracted
nature of Chinese rendition. The extreme skill behind each stroke be-
comes all the more striking when the observer remembers that each
stroke of ink on silk is final and unchangeable. Perfection of brushwork
is thus the sine qua non for Chinese painting. -Jane Tilley




I i

A t Hill Auditorium ...
COMBINED CONCERT -- Michigan State
College and University of Michigan Men's
Glee Clubs
RAISE YOUR glasses now on high, shout your
praises to the sky . . . Such were our feel-
ings upon leaving the concert last night. The
two glee clubs in their combined efforts man-
aged to instill a great feeling of satisfaction
into the audience.
Both groups took a good long time to warm
up, but when midway through the game, both
began to emerge victorious, and we may say
that the score ended in a tie.
The kickoff, for State seemed slightly un-
sure. Individual sections of the chorus took
the field, rather than a well-knit organized
body. Musical unsteadiness was particularly
apparent in the Brahms Liebesleider Waltz,
while the Schubert "Omnipotence" plodded
along with little subtle phrasing and dynamics.
The Spartan Quartet received a pass from
soprano soloist June Cannon and proceded to
soothe our ears-with only an occasional flaw
in intonation.
The first touchdown was scored with the

Negro spiritual arrangement of "Noroh." The
men finally got that spirit! James McMahon
did a fine solo of the Serenade from the "Stu-
dent Prince," but the choir became a little
over-powering at times.
Michigan took the field for the second half,
but they took half their program to get the
ball. The sound was more balanced at the
start, but the spirit was lacking until the mid-
point. Solos were sung by Tom Lester, Dan
Pressley, and an old friend Russ Christopher.
Accompanist Joseph Savarino stepped forth to
give us some modern jazz, which caused every
foot in the house to beat.
The evening ended with Michigan songs and
the two school Alma Maters. They had real
drive behind them, as well as excellent singing.
Off hand, I would say that the Spartans did
not practice quite enough restraint in their
singing, so that the sound was rowdy at times.
As for the Wolverines, the intonation was off
occasionally. When you take a leap up, boys,
let's think high, and I'm sure you'll land ac-
With the audience rising to sing the "Yellow
and Blue," hands on our hearts we left joy-
ously, for the technical shortcomings did not
in any way mar the total effect produced.


1 rll ll 1 1 I r1 1 II


Drama Panel.. .
To the Editor:
T ATTENDED last Sunday's per-
formance of "Arms and the
Man," which I found thoroughly
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers...............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff. Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.........Associate Editor
Dave Livingston........ ...Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin. Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
................Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz.......Women's Editor
Joy Squires. .. . Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton........Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise......... Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telbn> e O23-4-

satisfying and enjoyable; however,
I was disappointed in the panel
discussion which took place after-
ward. I would like to have heard
a lively discussion of Shaw and
his plays, for I believe there is
much benefit in this kind of "aud-
ience participation." But one im-
portant thing was obviously lack-
ing Sunday night-an audience.
Of the small number who attend-
ed this performance, some people.
left immediately following the play
so that when the panel began, the
assembled cast almost outnumber-
ed those of us who sat scattered
about the auditorium. After un-
successful attempts by Professors
Pierce and Engel and Director Gis-
tirak to raise questions about the
play and its background, the dis-
cussion became desultory and, I
thought, irrelevant.
Perhaps if the single article I
saw in the Sunday Daily had been
printed on page one rather than
buried on page five, better publi-
city might have brought out the
:rowd this event deserved. I sug-
gest that hereafter sufficient ad-
vance notice of Arts Center panels
be given so that all persons who
are interested may plan to attend
on those particular evenings. But
even more, I strongly urge every-
one genuinely interested in drama
to become a member of DAC, to

on themselves the right to claim
we of M-J like Beef Birds. The
mere fact that we didn't protest
as loudly as Lloyd is no indica-
tion of our satisfaction.
We all agree there is nothing
wrong with "good meat" and stuf-
fing but razor thin slices of dried
out meat with soggy tasteless stuf-
fing is not good. Let those who
like eat it but not where we all
must eat it with them.
The story of the problem on the
hill is more than Beef Birds. It is
a general problem of high rates
and decreasing value. Many a day
we are confronted with a salad
for lunch. Now, there is nothing
wrong with a salad but one leaf
of lettuce, a half pear, some sher-
bert, and an olive is no lunch for
hungry people.
There are three dietitians in
M-J, yet when we are confronted
with the dinners forced on us, they
always come out cold. A stuffed
pork bone without any meat is
bad enough, but a cold stuffed pork
bone with tepid buttered potatoes,
that's too much. We hasten to add
that one part of the meal is warm,
the milk (and the ice cream and
soup when we have it.)
The telephone situation on the
hil is-- e ahnihpT fm talcef

(Continued from Page 2)
by Radcliffe College and Harvard Grad-
uate School of Business Administration,
to provide a one-year graduate train-
ing course for young women in the
Administration field. Numerous fel-
lowships are available in addition to
college loans.
Aeroquip Corporation, Jackson, Mich-
igan announces several positions for
Trainees in Sales Engineering and Serv-
ice Engineering Departments.
For further information about these
or other job opportunities contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371,
Room 3528 Administration Building.
John Dos Passos, Noted American
Author, will speak Thurs., Nov. 18, 8:30
p.m., in Hill Auditorium, third num-
ber on the 1954-55 Lecture Course. His
subject is "Jefferson's Times." Tickets
for this lecture will be on sale in the
Auditorium box office Wed., 10:00 a.m.-
5:00 p.m. and Thurs. 10:00 a.m.-8:30
Choral Union Concert Jorge Bolet,
Cuban-American pianist, will give the
fifth concert in the Choral Union
Series Mon., Nov. 15. at 8:30 p.m., in
Hill Auditorium. Mr. Bolet will play
the Haydn Andante con variazioni;
Beethoven's Sonata in E-flat major
(Les Adieux); Liszt Sonata in B minor;
and four Chopin Scherzos-Numbers
1, op. 30; 2, Op. 31; 3, Op. 39; and No.
4, Op. 54.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton Tow-
er. Tickets will also be on sale on the
night of the concert after 7:00 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium box office,
Student Recital: Phyllis Bentley El-
son, pianist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music at
8:30 p.m. Sun., Nov. 14, in Auditorium
A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Benning
Dexter, Mrs. Elson will play the fol-
lowing program: Partita No. 5 in G
Major, Bach; Sonata in E Major, Op.
109, Beethoven; Ondine, Ravel; Ru-
manian Folk Dances, Bartok; Ballads
in G Minor, Op. 23, Chopin. The pro-
gram will be open to the public with-
out charge.
Events Today
Movies: Free movies. "Famous Fish
I Have Met," "Introduction to Haiti,"
Nov. 9-15, 4th floor Exhibit Hall, Mu-
seums Building. Films are shown daily
at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including Sat.
and Sun., with an extra showing on
Wed. at 12:30.
Wesleyan Guild., Sun. Nov. 14. We

to the regular Sun. evening meeting at
7:30 p.m. in the Youth Room to hear
Edmond DeVine, Washtenaw County
Prosecutor, discuss "Catholicism from
the Layman's viewpoint."
The Unitarian Student Group will
meet Sun., Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. at the
church. Topic for discussion, "Extra-
sensory Perception." Students needing
transportation will meet in front of
Lane Hall or Alice Lloyd Hall at 7:15
Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester
Co-op, 900 Oakland, Sun., Nov. 14 at
8:00 p.m.
Open - Open House at Jordan Hall
Sun., Nov. 14, from 2:30-5:00 p.m. Eve-
ning, Sock-Hop in the lounge.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
2:00 p.m., Sun. at the north entrance
of the Rackham building.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Rehear-
sal at Lydia Mendelssohn at 2:15 p.m.
for the principals and at 6:00 p.m. for
the chorus.
First Baptist Church. Sun., Nov. 14,
9:45 a.m. Guild studies Philippians and
Colossians, 11:00 a.m. Sermon, "What-
ever Happens," 6:45 p.m. Student pan-
el on "Christian Basis of Ethical
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services. "Faith
of the Church" lecture series, 4:30
p.m. at Canterbury House. Student
Supper Club, 6:00 p.m. followed by a
joint meeting with the Methodists, at
the Parish House. Coffee Hour and bull
session at the Student Center follow-
ing 8:00 p.m. Evensong.
Westminster Student Fellowship will
meet in the Presbyterian student cen-
ter at 6:45 p.m.
Coming Events
La P'tite Causette, informal French
conversation group, will meethtomor-
row from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the right
room of the Michigan Union cafeteria.
Xi Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta will
give a tea for prospective members
Tues., Nov. 16 at 8:00' p.m. in West
Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Academic Freedom Sub-Commission:
First Meeting Tues., Nov. 16, at 4:00
p.m. in Room 3K of the Union.
The Corecreational Badminton Club
will meet Tues., Nov. 16, at 8:00 p.m.
in Barbour Gym. Bring your own
Duetscher Verein, 7:30 p.m. Tues.,
Nov. 16 in Room 3-R of the Union.



(Editor's Note: This review was first published in
the May 30, 1952 issue of The Daily. The reviewer is
no longer on campus; but reappearance of the film
warrants a reprinting Of this discussion.)
At Architecture Aud.
GIGI, with Daniele Delorme, Frank Villard,
and Yvonne DeBray.
THIS IS A movie that could never have been
made In the United States, not so much
because of what is done, but because of the
basic situation in the story.
It is the story of the demimonde, that self-
respectable half-disgraceful world inhabited by
women who have inventionally entered "the
,orl's odestnfesn Tse omn. ho,_

WITHIN THIS framework is unfolded the
story of Gigi. She is a young girl who is being
carefully trained and molded by her aunt and
grandmother to take her place in the ranks of
the finest courtesans.
Gigi treats it all as an exciting game, appar-
ently not understanding the goal the two old
women have set for her. These two veterans are
cautious to ptoreserve her innocence and youth.
ful appearance, much more than we might an-
ticipate considering the career she is about to
The gentleman they have picked out for her
target is a young wastrel who specializes in
entertaining young ladies; he is also a very
good friend of Gigi's grandmother, and he
spends a lot of time at their house.

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