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November 13, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-13

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STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL cannot come into being before
early March. In the interim Student Legislature faces the almost
impossible job of staving off the collapse of student government on campus.
These are implications of yesterday's Regental decision authorizing
a poll of campus opinion on SGC, the results to be reported back for final
action by the Board at their Dec. 17 meeting.
As an isolated action, the Regents' decision is in many respects a good
one. In fact it is the only one that should have been expected, taking into
account an unbroken precedent that Regental actions are final, not subject
to later ratification by other groups. A tentative approval of SGC by the
Regents pending a referendum of the student body would have been a
distinct breach of the precedent. Moreover, the Regents by their move,
express a desire that student opinicon be consulted before final action is taken.
Examined in the context of present campus politics, however, the
action could have disastrous results for student government. The following
alternatives present themselves. An SGC "opinion poll" might be held
prior to the December 8 and 9 dates set for SL elections. If the new plan
is approved by the student body, who would want to run for the Legislature,
a form of government the campus had just rejected?
On the other hand, should the referendum be held along with Legis-
lature elections and approved, how can anyone expect effective student
government from a body existing with realization that it does not have
campus support?
Only extraordinary effort by a demoralized Legislature could prevent
complete breakdown of responsible student government between December
and early March, the soonest SGC elections could be held. What is to
stimulate such effort is hardly to be seen at this point.
At present it is difficult to see how there can be a smooth transition
from existing student government to the new SGC. Yet the way in which
the change-over is handled is crucial to the success of SGC in its early stages.
Hopefully, this was a factor apparently overlooked by the Regents
when they authorized the poll of student opinion.
Responsibility now falls on the campus to keep SL alive during what
promises to be the three most difficult months for student government
in eight years of hectic existence.
-The Senior Editors: Gene Hartwig, Dorothy Myers,
Jon Sobeloff, Pat Roelofs, Nan Swinehart

A Revenge
WASHINGTON. - The newspa-
pers carried big headlines last
week that John P. Davies eight
times investigated by a State De-
partment security board in the
past and eight times cleared, had
been called in by Secretary of
State Dulles and fired.
The headlines carried the essen-
tial facts in the case, the fact that
no doubt was cast upon Davies'
loyalty and that no taint of com-
munism was involved. But because
of space and the press of other
news, they did not carry the hu-
man, backstage story of John
Paton Davies, fired after 23 years,
largely because of the personal re-
venge of one man.
That man is Patrick J. Hurley,
the likable, voluble ex-secretary of
war in Hoover's Cabinent, who was
sent by Roosevelt as wartime am-
bassador to Nationalist China.
It was there that Hurley, not
Gen. George C. Marshall, made
the decision to favor a coalition.
between the Chinese Communists
and Chiang Kai-shek. Hurley has
been blaming John Davies for that
decision ever since.
It was Hurley who first brought
disloyalty charges against Davies.
It was Hurley who kept nagging,
badgering the State Department
until Davies was scrutinized a to-
tal of nine times. And it was
Hurley who was the main witness
against Davies during the latest
All this took a long time, for
Davies had some faithful support-
ers, among them Gen. Bedell
Smith, former undersecretary of
state and wartime chief of staff to
General Eisenhower. Smith not
only paid public tribute to Davies
in his book but also stanchly sup-
ported him in loyalty hearings.
But, finally, Hurley got his man.
Last week, John Davies, after 23
years in the career service, was
called in by Dulles and fired. He
got no severance pay as he would
if working with most private firms.
He got no pension. He did not even
get two weeks notice. He has four
small children, aged three to
eleven, and he's now looking for a
China Wrangle
To get the full picture, you have
to go back to the war days of 1944-
45 when American personnel in
China was at sixes and sevens,
and when Gen. Joe Stilwell was
in such a bitter feud with Gen.
Claire Chennault that eventually he
was replaced by Gen. Al Wede-
meyer; and when Wedemeyer, in
turn, was in such a feud with Am-
bassador Hurley that for weeks
they would hardly speak though
they shared the same bathroom.
Hurley, a tempestuous gentle-
man, who once picked a near fist
fight with Gen. Robert McClure at
a Chungking cocktail party with
Chinese present, was quite em-
phatic in those days that the
United States should work with
both the Communists and Chiang
Kai-shek. In fact, it was Hurley
who went to Yenan personally to
persuade Communist chief Mao
Tse-tung to come to Chungking to
patch up differences with Chiang
Hurley, of course, would like to
forget all this. And some of his
most vigorous reports favoring co-
operation with the Communists
were censored out of the State De-
partment's publication of diplomat-
ic correspondence on China. But
enough stayed in to give Hurley

Furthermore, a photo still exists
at the Chinese embassy in Wash-
ington of Patrick J. Hurley as big
as life with his arm around Com-
munist dictator Mao Tse-tung;
while Washington newsmen well
remember Pat's press club speech
on Nov. 29, 1945, in which he pro-
"The only difference between
Chinese Communists and Okla-
homa Republicans is that the
Oklahoma Republicans are not
Pal Of Stalin's
Hurley argued that the Chinese
Communists would never team up
with Moscow. He wangled several
trips to Moscow and loved telling
about these trips. He would regale
President Roosevelt and members
of Congress after each trip.
One of his favorite stories was
how he taught Stalin to speak one
pithy sentence of English and how
Stalin went up to a group of Eng-
lish and American guests and used
that sentence. The sentence was,
"What the hell's going on here?"
But the handsome Hurley's ac-
tivities in Moscow were not always
exactly helpful. In the spring of
1945, for instance, Hurley went to
Moscow to try to make sure Stalin
would not support the Chinese
Communists. Averell Harriman,
then ambassador to Russia, accom-
panied him and gave a significant

"Hurry, Friend-There's Not A Moment To Lose"
a °
PIXON 1 l{' 5' s

Mendes-France Group
Has Energy, Confidence
WHAT THE Mendes-France government represents is, one may say,
TV not so much a new social philosophy or a program which is par-
ticularly new but the coming to power of a new generation of public
men. They are the younger men who had no part in, or at least no
responsibility for, what happened in France before the war, during the
defeat and .the occupation, and in the period of post-war fatigue. The
real difference between this government and its predecessors is in its
age and consequently in its experience and outlook. Its complaint against
the old governments is that they were tired, defeatist about the future
of France, and lacking in decision.
It would be hard to say that'there is any big'difference between
what the new government wishes to do and what the preceding gov-
ernments thought ought to be done. The big difference is not over
principles and programs. It is in will power, energy, confidence and
The judgment of the so-called Europeans is that France is too
small a country to live well under modern technological conditions, and
that only as part of a bigger state-namely Western Europe-can
France solve her social problems and prosper. The opposing view, which
is that -of the new government, is that France can and that France
must, redeem and regenerate herself, and that only when France is
once again mistress of her own affairs can she safely enter into a
larger European world. To the new men the notion that France can be
saved only in a European federation is defeatist, and they are deter-
mined to disprove it in action.
Y WHAT action? It is not easy to give a neat answer to the ques-
tion. In the main, however, we can say that the direction of this
government is not towards planning and collectivism but towards thei
removal of restrictions, monopolies, subsidies, quotas, and artificial
prices and protective arrangements-in short, towards a more liberal
economy. There are Socialists in the Mendes-France coalition. But
their influence is not likely to go beyond questions of wages and of
welfare measures to- the issues of public versus private economy. Mr.
Mendes-France is not a Socialist himself. He is rather a modern liberal
who talks about the same kind of economic language as is now spoken
in the British treasury and among President Eisenhower's economic
advisers. When it comes to spending policies he is puritanical and aus-
tere, and in public finance he is grimly attached to the idea of solvency
and of fiscal stability.
The carrying forward of these liberalizing'measures is bound to put
him in constant collision with the representatives of vested interests
and of pressure groups. His predecessors were never able to overcome
sufficiently the resistance of these interests to the needed economic and
fiscal reforms. Some Frenchmen, notably Gen. De Gaulle, have despair-
ed of ever making an adequate government under the existing French
FORTUNATELY FOR France and for the world the transition from
one generation to another is taking place under favoring conditions.
For all its defects the French economy is almost booming.
History shows, I believe, that almost invariably serious political
changes occur in all countries about fifteen years after a war. That is
when the post-war era ends because the generation identified with the
war is retiring. If when this change occurs there is economic misery
and international danger, there can be serious social discontent and
political upheaval.
It looks as if France might go through the transition without seri-
ous internal trouble, indeed in high spirits and with renewed confidence
in herself. If so, it may be said of Mr. Mendes-France that he is not
only a strong man but'also, as Napoleon wanted his generals to be a
lucky man.


At the State...
DRUMBEAT with Alan Ladd as Squanto
THIS ONE Is in CinemaScope, Stereophonic
Sound, and Warnercolor; a most promis-
ing combirmion.
Technically, this film is indeed excellent;
the color is true, the sound and even the music
are most adequate, and the effectiveness of
CinemaScope (as it is known in the trade)
Is everywhere noticeable.
MCMXVIII on a well-worn theme. Ladd is a
great Indian fighter; his family was scalped
and he has become engrossed in his task of
warding off Indians who attack wagon trains.
But U. S. Grant, president and cigar chain
smoker, has asked him to bring peace.
There are good Indians and there are bad In-
dians. The good Indians are led by a brother
and sister team, while the bads are led by
Captain Jack, a sort of Indian Marlon Brando,
who wears the coat of an army captain he once
killed. He wants more land, and he periodically
' shoots settlers and other white devils as the
fancy strikes him.
The 'good Indians want peace, but Captain
Jack speaks:
"My Squaw, Falling Garters, want peace.
My Horse, Drooping Tail, want peace. My
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and -managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig....................... Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..............................City Editor
Jon Sobeloff...... .... ............. . .Editorial Director
Pat Roeofs. ................Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad............................Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.........................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston..........................Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin................Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer..........Associate Sports Editor
Roy Shlimovitz.......... ,..... .... ,.. Womneg's Editor
Joy Squires............ . Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith.................Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton...,...................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.......... ..........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill...........Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise........................Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski.................Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
The Asnociated PrA sis ex1cuiv ntitled tn the nuse

Dog, Running Nose, want peace. But we have
war." So Jack is left beating his drum while
the troops prepare to avenge the slaughter of
the settlers.
In the end, as everyone suspected all the
time, peace comes. The good Indian girl dies;
Captain Jack and his companions, who have
been led astray by Horror Comics, are hanged.
A famous general dies. A noted preacher who
sought to bring peace to these poor people
dies. Troopers die. Indians die. But Ladd lives.
He lives and marries and turns farmer. And
we all know what happens to U. S. Grant. And
there is peace, in our time.
As the film begins, a legend appears on the
screen stating that the events depicted are
authentic, but characters have been invented to
dramatize the truth. This is, I believe, the fail-
ing of this type of motion picture. The char-
acters are truly dramatized, and in this drama-
tization, most of the elements of the autheitic
events are somehow lost so that the final effect
is not of Bringing Peace to the West, but rather
of bringing legendary Alan Ladd, who lives
where all others die and succeeds where all
others fail, home to some improbable girl
whom he marries and lives with ever after.
A girl who, amidst pandemonium and gen-
eral confusion, stands fast, hair combed, make-
up carefully applied, lines memorized, while the
dead are piled up and the wounded cry for
water an penicillin.
BUT IN ALL fairness to everyone concerned,
I must add that this film does start out well.
A droll character who impersonates Grant's
father has some few excellent lines. Grant looks
rather authentic; even his cigars have an auth-
oritative appearance. The action scenes are well
done. Indians and soldiers die convincingly.
The character of the Bad Indian Leader, Cap-
tain Jack, is well developed. In fact, through-
out, I must admit that my sympathies lie
wholly with this poor fellow; personifying the
fighting Indian who, with cunning and courage,
tries to drive out the white man who stole
his land.
-David Kessel
ATTEMPTS to probe the consumer are not
new. Since 1903, when Walter Dill Scott
wrote his historic treatise on "The Psychology
of Advertising," a thriving industry has grown
up in this field. But most of the research was
confined to nose-counting surveys which show-
ed, for example, that 79 per cent of native-
born white housewives in six-room houses in
East Cupcake, Illinois, wanted washing ma-
chines for Chiistmas, while 68.7 per cent of
their sisters in Split Level, Oregon, preferred
home harmonica lessons. These statistics were
produced by asking the ladies what they want-

Shock? . .
To the Editor:
P ERHAPS this will be a great
shock to some of your readers
who have respectfully submitted
their letters to the editor in re-
gards to your article on Russell
Brown. However, I detect in them
an unfortunate ability to read the
"signs of the times," as it were.
I believe that The Daily is thor-
oughly correct in printing such an
article as it is news and one of'
the jobs of a paper is to report the
happenings in our world, whether
it be national, local, or communal,
such as this story. What has reap-
ed more criticism of your staff is
that it dared come out and write
an article not only on strange hu-
man behavior, but one on human
behavior and religion, a rather
"hot" subject.
I do not believe The Daily de-
serves any blame for printing the
article, or any other like it, as it
could not have been handled more
disinterestedly or unbiased. The
real blame lies further removed. It
lies in the fact that our increas-
ingly confusing culture, our social
and moral standards have reached
a point where they are able to
confuse such an individual to the
point he has to construct some
sort of defense to seemingly keep
from being crushed by them.
This is truly a sad criteria of
our culture, yet more saddening is
the fact that many individuals
have perhaps over-looked it.
-D. H. Goodrich, '57
Thwth . .
To the Editor:
IN VIEW of the tremendous res-
ponse engendered by the Daily
article on "Pope Brown," it is con-
ceivable that further'such articles
are contemplated. If so, it is sug-
gested that some one investigate
"Pope Brown's" good friend and
fellow magician, the reincarnation
of the Egyptian god Thoth, now
domiciled on Thompson St.
-John M. Morgan
Sense of Humor.#.
To the Editor:
HAVE read the many bitter let-
ters to the editor of the .past
few days. This reaction to a per-
fectly innocent article by Theo-
dossin is leading me to believe
that humanity is cursed with a
guilt complex.
Must religion prevail at the ex-
pense of a sense of humor?
-Ronald Fukushima
Implied Ridicule .. .
To the Editor:
AS A Catholic member of the
University Faculty I should
like to register my disapproval of
the article on Russell Brown which
you published in The Michigan
Daily under date of November
ninth. How an article so lacking
in good taste could pass your edi-
torial board is a connundrum to
me. By implication you hold up to
ridicule not only the leader of one
of the world's great religions but
pletely endorsed his program for
The tragic events of history show
that this was anything but the
Hurley And Davies
Davies first came to know the
grandstanding ambassador to Chi-
na when he, Davies, was attached
to General Stilwell in Peking.
Davies remained on only a few
It was quite true that he, like

you parade publically the unfor-
tunate individual who holds such
misguided views on the Pope and
his functions.
In a world sadly in need of the
kind of thinking and journalism
that will foster better understand-
ing and appreciation of other
men's beliefs you have struck a
wedge. As a new-comer to Ann
Arbor-and to your list of readers
-I regret to see this travesty of
religion and of journalistic ethics.
-Ann Al. Heiss
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
(;ogito . ..
To the Editor:
CHALLENGE to Lusterman,
Stone, et al. "Monsieur, (a
plus b to the nth over n equals x,
donc 'Innocent III' existe; repon-
-G. 'Euler' Samson
* * *
No Lectures .. .
To the Editor:
YOUR PAIR of editorials on rec-
itation sections by Miss North
and Mr. Werner interested me very
much. The issues they raised led
me to a different conclusion. Miss
North spoke of students' difficul-
ties in getting down everything the
lecturer says. She concluded that
this necessitates a further explan-
atory lecture by the recitation in-
structor. I would propose another
solution to this problem: Why not
eliminate lectures completely?
At the beginning of each semes-
ter the lecturer could pass out
mimeographed copies of his lec-
tures and let the students go
home and read them at their lei-
sure. The class could meet once or
twice a week in small recitation
sections of the sort advocated by
Mr. Werner for questions and dis-
cussions of the readings.
As I see it, this proposal would
have numerous advantages over
the present systei:
1. It would require the lecturer
to organize his material.
2. This done, it would save him
and his students a lot of time
usually used to transfer his notes
from his notebook into theirs.
3. The students would have
everything for which they were
responsible in written form. The
bother of checking with other stu-
dents' notes to make sure of'hav-
ing a complete set would be elim-
4. Most important would be the
flexibility of the plan to meet the
needs of different students. The
student who could read the ma-
terial rapidly and grasp it im-
mediately would not have to sit
thru detailed explanations in lec-
ture .The slower student would
have the material in front of him
for as much study as he cared
to give it. He could bring any dif-
ficulties to the recitation section.
Clearly, such a procedure would
require a greater amount of inia-
tive on the part of the student.
The crucial issue then becomes:
Should the system serve the stu-
dent who wants an education, or
the one who is here to kill four
years before going to work?
-Betty Cope
* * *
Lecture Committee .. .
To the Editor:
WHO CARES whether or not
student ears are protected
from subversive words by a res-
trictive lecture committee? What
does it matter that faculty mem-
bers' political or social beliefs, ir-
respective of their teaching com-
petence, may become sins leading
to dismissal from their jobs? Per-
hns__in snit of the nratal



(Copyright 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)



(Continued from Page 2)
Students wishing to make appoint-
ments with any of the above should
contact the Engineering Placement Of-
fice, Ext. 2182, Room 248 W.E.
Representatives from the following
companies will interview at the Bureau
of Appointments:
Mon., Nov. 15
General Electric Co., Schenectady,
N.Y.-Feb. students in LS&A and Bus
Ad, especially accounting and econom-
ics for Business Training Course.
Mon. & Tues., Nov. 15'& 16
A Representative From JMA, Civil
Service, will interview those interested
in the Junior Management Assistant
exam. He will discuss opportunities
under the JMA program at a group
meeting, Mon., Nov. 15, at 4:00 p.m.,
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Bldg. In addition he will
talk to people at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments on Mon. afternoon and
Tues. morning, Nov. 15 & 16.
Tues., Nov. 16
Proctor & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio
-Women, BS or BA in any field, Feb.
graduates, for Consumer Survey Work,
involving travel throughout the United
Scott Paper Co,, Chester, Pa.-LS&A
and BusAd for positions in the follow-
ing departnments: Consumers' Repre.
sentative, Sales, Accounting, Control-
ler's Division, Auditing Department,
Personnel & Ind. Rel, Purchasing, and
Traffic & Customer Service. Offices
are throughout the U.S.
For appointments with any of the
above, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Ext. 371, Room 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg.
U.S. Civil Service announces an ex-
amination for Systems, Accountant
Grade GS-12 through Grade GS-15,
Applicants should have 6 years' ex-
perience, and show they are qualified
to work in General Accounting, Cost
Accounting, and/or Property Account-
ing. C.P.A. Certificate can be substi-
tuted for 3 years' experience.
Radcliffe College, Cambridge 30, Mas-
sachusetts, announces a Management
Training Program, jointly sponsored
by Radcliffe College and Harvard Grad-
uate School of Business Administration,
to provide a one-year graduate train-
ing course for young women in the
Administration field. Numerous fel
iowships are available in addition to
college loans.
Aeroquip Corporation, Jackson, Mich-
igan announces several positions for
Trainees in Sales Engineering and Serv-
ice Engineering Departments.
For further information about these
or other job opportunities contact the
Brean of Annnintments .Ext. 371

Clubs. 8:30 p.m., Sat., Nov. 13, Bill Au
Events Today
Movies: Free movies. "Famous Fish
I Have Met," "Introduction to;,Haiti,"
Nov. 9-15, 4th floor Exhibit Hall, Mu-
seums Bultling. Films are shown daily
at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including Sat.
and Sun., with an extra showing' on
Wed. at 12:30.
Wesleyan Guild. Sat., Nov. 13. 'Bar-,
becue with Michigan State after the
game. It will cost 75c.
Dunker's Hour at the Newman Club
Sat., Nov. 13 immediately following the
Michigan-MSC football game. All New-
man Club members and their friends
Hillel: Open House Sat. after the
football game,
Episcopal Student Foundation. Cider
and doughnuts after the game Sat., at
Canterbury House. Canterbury Club
hayride and food roast Sat., Nov. 13.
Meet at Canterbury House at 7:15 pm.
Jordan Hall open house today di-
rectly following the game. M.S.C. stu-
dents invited as well as U. of M. Stu-
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
After-Game Open House at the Guild
M ichianar Christian Fellowship:
"God's Standard for Man" discussion
at 4:00 pm., Lane Hall. Refreshments.
scavenger Hunt with the Spartan
Christian Fellowship from State, 7:00
p.m. at Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Wesleyan Guild., Sun. Nov. 14. We
will meet with the Episcopalians for a.
talk and discussion on the beliefs of
each Church. Meet in the lounge at
5:30 p.m. to go over to the Episcopal
Church as a group'for supper. The pro-
gram will begin at 6:45 p.m. at the
Episcopal Church.
Hillel Choir Rehearsal Sun. at 4:30
p.m. in the main chapel. Openings for
tenors and basses who can read music.
Sun., 8-10:30 p.m. Sock Hop-Dancing
and refreshments. Members 25c, non-
members 35c.
Fireside Forum of the First Methodist
Church invites single graduate students
to the regular Sun. evening meeting at
7:30 p.m. in the Youth Room to hear
Edmond DeVine, Washtenaw County



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