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VOL. LXV, No. 46



Mc arthy
., ommittee


Still Rages


On Dixon-Yates Signing


Says Senate
Avoid Censure

-Daily-Lynn Wallas
OLD CAMPUS HAUNTS are revisited as summer weather conditions prevail and University stu-
dents forsake studies for the Arboretum.

,May Build
Single Grads'

On Couzens


Regents 'Board
Severance Pay for Davis, Revised
SGC Proposal Will Be Considered
Student Government Council and the literary college faculty res-
olution recommending severance pay for H. Chandler Davis will go
before the University Board of Regents at its meeting today.
Final draft of the proposed SGC was approved last week by
the 12-man student-faculty study committee appointed last month
to advise Student Affairs Vice-President James A. Lewis on solutions
to questions raised by the Regents and Student Legislature.
Completed by the Laing study committee last spring and pre-
sented to University President Harlan H. Hatcher at that time, the
.plan was not taken up at the Oc-
tober Regents meeting as expect-

Vice-President of Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis told the Res-
idence Halls Board of Governors
yesterday of the possibility of fu-
ture University construction of
single graduate students' apart-
Meetings among top University
officials have been held recently
discussing feasibility of the idea
and more such meetings are plan-
ned for the near future.
"Financing of married couples'
apartments now being built on the
North Campus site has indicated
that if their is need it might be
possible to build single graduate
student's apartments," he said.
Doing Everything Possible
"The Administration is com-
mitted to doing everything possi-
ble to alleviate the present crowd-
ed housing conditions Lewis con-
At present the University is add-
ing accommodations for 265 stu-
dents at Couzens Hall and build-
ing 100 new apartments on North
Campus for married couples.
Manager of Service Enterprises
Francis C. Shiel reported yester-
day on progress of these two proj-
Couzens Hall addition has been
delayed slightly by ground water
conditions at the building site.
Water continually seeps into the
excavation Shiel said.
Heavy rains' three weeks ago
also slowed construction progress.
Despite assurances by the con-
tractor that he could make up the
lost time, Shiel expressed doubt
yesterday that the addition would
be completed by the originally
scheduled deadline of next Octo-
Finished in June
Provided the weather remains
fairly mild this winter, the 100
unit married students' project
should be finished in June, Shiel
Some may be ready for occu-
pancy April 1.
April 29, 30 and May 1 were ap-
proved, as dates for the annual Big
10 Residence Halls Conference
hosted by the University this year.
In other business new Residence
Halls' staff members were approv-
ed by the Board of Governors.
Pearce Speaks
Before NAACP
Prof. Donald R. Pearce of the
English Department addressed a
meeting of the National Associa-
tion for The Advancement of Col-
ored People yesterday.
Prof. Pearce discussed William
Faulkner's views of the Negro's
situation in America.
UI!Qe Atmron-~rmrji

R. McCarthy (R-Wis) raked the
Watkins committee with a series of
challenges yesterday and drew
from its chairman, Sen. Arthur
Watkins (R-Utah), the exasperated
"I wonder sometimes if I'm on
Sen. Watkins, 67, declared Sen.
McCarthy, recommended for cen-
sure on two counts by the Watkins
committee, always manages to
turn his own trials into trials of
somebody else.
Get Off Hook?
This exchange came near the
end of the second day of Senate de-
bate on the censure charges-a
day that possibly opened a way for
Sen. McCarthy tor get off the hook
on at least one of them if he
Sen. Francis Case (R-SD), a
member of the Watkins commit-
tee, said the whole censure row
'could end very quickly" if Sen.
McCarthy would retract what he
has said about the 1952 Gillette
committee and, in particular, his
"No-brains-no-guts" crack about
one member of it. That member
was Sen. Robert Hendrickson (R-
Sen. Case told reporters:
"If Sen. McCarthy indicated any
regret he had uttered those words,
it would be very easy for the
Senate to accept them and then to
table (knock out) that portion of
the censure resolution."
Senate "Wash Out" Censure
And if that happened, Sen. Case
said, the Senate might also "wash
out" a proposed censure of Sen.
McCarthy on the ground he abused
Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker when
the general appeared before the
McCarthy investigations subcom-
Sen. Case, spelling out what he
had implied in a floor speech, told
newsmen the Senate might get
around a direct censure of Sen. Mc-
Carthy on this second count by
simply disassociating itself from
S e n. McCarthy's remarks to
Gen. Zwicker.
Sen. McCarthy showed no incli-
nation to back down on his charge
that the Gillette committee acted
illegally and improperly - b u t
whether he would tone down his
statement that Sen. Hendrickson
was a "living miracle . .. without
brains or guts"'remained to be seen.
IHC Motion
Favors SGC
Inter-House Council passed with-
out dissent a motion to support the
proposed S t u d e n t Government
Council at its meeting last night.
The Council also passed a reso-
lution authorizing a committee to
put up posters in the quadrangles
listing Student Legislature candi-
dates within the organization. The
committee will offer IHC support
to the SL speakers program and
any other speakers program it
deems desirable.

Assistant United States At-
torney William Hitz announced
yesterday that a former 'U'
psychology instructor, Lloyd
Barenblatt, is one of eight per-
sons who face indictment for
contempt of Congress.
All eight are persons who re-
fused to answer questions be-
fore House un-American Activi-
ties subcommittee, explained
Barenblatt, identified by a
committee witness Francis
Crowley as a one-time member
of a Communist club at the
University, contended that the
committee had no right to ques-
tion him about his political be-
liefs or personal activities.
World News
By The Associated Press
LUXEMBOURG - Jean Monnet
announced yesterday he is resign-
ing as top executive of the Euro-
pean Coal and Steel Community-
the Schuman Plan.
He said he wanted "entire free-
dom of action and speech for the
realization of European unity."
Monnet, 66, a leading French ex-
pert on international business and
finance for more than a genera-
tion, fathered the community
which Europeanized the coal and
steel industries of six nations.
TRENTON, N.J. - The Demo-
crats announced last night they
will seek a recount of New Jer-
sey's close United States Senate
race in which Republican Clifford
P. Case holds a 3,468-vote edge.
Attorneys for the Democrats will
seek court orders for a recount in
each of the state's 21 counties to-
day, the announcement added.
Team Attack...
LANSING - The new all-Demo-
cratic State "Cabinet" met unof-
ficially today for the first time
and promised a "team" attack at
state and federal levels on major
Michigan problems.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams said
the group and Sen.-Elect Patrick
V. McNamara had agreed to a
joint effort to improve educational
opportunity, build more highways
and create more prosperity.
* * *
Veterans Day...
WASHINGTON - President Ei-,
senhower looked forward yester-
day on the nation's first observ-
ance of Veterans Day, to the con-
tinuation of "a great and glorious

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
TAYLOR HOUSE men , form a bicycle brigade to protect West
Engine arch from possible painting by MSC students. Other
students last night guarded the lions in front of the museum
and other strategic campus locations.
Silver Says Man Free,
Responsible for ethics
"Is man free?"
"Judaism assures that God gave man the capacity for freedom,
self-determination-and self-responsibility," Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver
commented in the final speech in the annual "This I Believe" lec-
ture series yesterday.
Presenting the Jewish attitude towards ethical goals of human
life, the reknowned religious leader continued, "God fashioned man
with the right to choose and the freedom of execution."
Explaining that the -paradox of philosophical problems is one
of the mysteries of life, Rabbi Silver said "As a created being man
is determined; as a creative being
man is free."
O pen Library "God's will does not absolve

K~now Little
About SGC
Sixty students picked at ran-
dom were asked yesterday if they
approved of replacing Student
Legislature with Student Govern-
ment Council, and "why?"
Only forty, when asked to com-
ment, admitted knowing enough
about either SL or SGC to give an
intelligent answer. The majority
of these people are active in cam-
pus organizations.
"I'm definitely in favor of SGC,"
was the opinion of 25 people. Four
were against the dethronement of
SL. Remaining students expressed
no definite opinion, stressing that
they feel a strong publicity cam-
paign is needed to inform students
of facts.
SGC More Effective
Assembly Vice-President Mary
Jo Park, '56, aired her personal
arguments for SGC, saying, "SL
has done much that is fine, but
it is a 'dead' organization now. It
would take too long for SL to out-
live present lack of student confi-
dence. I feel SGC would be more
"For instance, Miss Perk con-
tinued, "with the present election
set-up, students don't know for
whom they are voting. Bringing
in top campus organizations will-
result in a closely-knit govern-
ing body with strong backing."
Dick PinkertorA, '55, Union vice-
president, is also in favor of SGC.
He feels that by cutting down the
size of the governing group nomi-
nees are more "on the spot" for
good ideas and a good workable
Pinkerton asserts SGC will en-
courage people of . "high 'caliber"
to run for office.
Something New
Others, speaking in favor of
SGC, felt an organization with
Regential approval could get more
done, and . that it is "time for
something new."
Some sentimental overtones
were heard in comments against
SGC: "I think SL can represent
us well. if it would real1y settle

Further Study Asked
Instead it was referred back for
further study. To be considered in
revised form by the Regents for
the first time today, the plan calls
for a Student Government Coun-
cil combining the functions now
belonging to SL and the Student
Affairs Committee.
The new student government
would consist of 18 members, 11
elected by the campus at large and
seven heads of student organiza-
Included in the proposal is an
all-campus referendum to be held
before SGC would become final if
approved by the Regents.
Resolution To Be Considered
Also scheduled to be considered
by the Regents is a resolution pass-
ed by the literary college faculty
asking severance pay for former
mathematics instructor H. Chan-
dler Davis.
Davis was dismissed along with
Prof. Mark Nickerson at the Au-
gust meeting of the Regents upon
the recommendation of President
Hatcher. Behind the dismissal lay
Davis' refusing to testify before
Rep. Kit Clardy's (R-Mich) House
Un-American Activities Commit-

Power Plant
To Replace
TVA Energy
Democrats Hope
To Block Action
WASHINGTON (R) - The 500
million dollar Dixon-Yates power
contract, center of a boiling polit-
ical row, was signed yesterday
with a last minute change to hold
down profits.
But the bitter controversy over
the deal continued. It still is un-
certain when the contract actual-
ly will go into effect and when
construction can start on a big
new private power plant across the
Mississippi River from Memphis,
Many Democrats in Congress
still hope to torpedo the whole
Plant In Arkansas
The contract is between the
Atomic Energy Commission and
the Mississippi Valley Generat-
ing Co., which is sponsored by E.
H. Dixon's Middle South Utilities,
Inc., and -E. A. Yates' Southern
It calls for building a 107 mil-
lion dollar power generating plant
at West Memphis, Ark., to supply
power for the Tennessee Valley
Authority in replacement of en-
eigy TVA now provides for atom-
ic plants.
Backers say the contract, which
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
directed the AEC to negotiate, is
an efficient, economical way of
assuring that TVA's future needs
for power for its customers will
be met.
Step Against TVA
Its enemies contend the con-
tract is a first step toward destroy-
ing TVA by means of a private
utility company they say will take
no financial risks under the con-
Both the government and Dix-
on-Yates agreed on an eleventh-
hour change in the contract that
will put a $600,000 a year ceiling
on Dixon-Yates earnings.
Dixon-Yates said in a joint
statement that they offered to
build the plant on suggestion of
the President that a private utility
take over part of TVA power com-
mitments to AEC, that they didn't
take the initiative, and that "the
possible earnings are too small
to make attractive as a usual busi-
ness venture."
One of Many Modifications
The commission said in a state-
ment of its own that the profits
ceiling was one of several mod-
ifications benefitting the govern-
The signing of the contract
opened the way for the Senate-
House Atomic Energy Committee
to vote on a speed-up proposal,
urged by President Eisenhower,
to advance the effective date of
the contract and let construction
get under way.
Under the law, the committee
would have 30 days to study the
contract at a time when both
houses are in session before the
contract took effect. But the joint
committee can vote- to waive this
30-day period if it sees fit.
Upgren Speaks
On Economic
Outlook Today

Dean Arthur Upgren of the Amos
Tuck School of Business at Dart-
mouth College yesterday asserted
that lower taxes and an increased
liquidity are necessary to stimulate
our economy.
According to Dean Upgren, who
spoke at last night's meeting of
the Conference on Economic Out-

Sunday Nights,
Beginning Sunday evening, thet
Social Science Library will be
open from 7 to 10 p.m. as a study}
Prof. Frederick H. Wagman, di-
rector of University libraries, said
the move is being made as an ex-1
periment to see whether there is:
a large enough demand for study
space on Sunday evenings.l
"I'm a little dubious," he said,
stating that there generally is not
as great a demand for study space
on Sunday nights.
The opening of the study spacel
was brought about as a result of
the efforts of the Student Legisla-
ture Culture and Education Com-

man's moral duty," he asserted.
"The best thought of today says
that man is able to fashion his own
private world within the sphere
of society," the Cleveland Rabbi
observed, adding, "Man is affected
by society but he is responsible for
his own world."
"In ancient Greece religion was
a part of ethics," Rabbi Silver com-
mented. "but in the eyes of the
Jewish prophets religion was the
fountainhead of all ethics, not a
part of it."
Naming the cardinal virtues of
Judaism as "unity, freedom and
compassion," Rabbi Silver- ex-
plained that the good in life is
"to do justly, to love mercy and
to walk humbly with God."


Fire Victims,

Ann Arbor Housing Called Restrictive

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of a series of articles discussing pos-
sible discriminatory practices in Ann
Arbor housing.)
It's hard for a student to find a
place to live in Ann Arbor.
If the student isn't a white Amer-
ican, it becomes harder.
One Negro recently spent a solid
month looking for an apartment,
visiting an average .of four houses
a' day. Some have looked even
"Where Can We Live?"
Albert Wheeler, president of the
Ann Arbor Civic Forum pointed
out, "We're beseiged at the open-
ing of each school year -by people
who want to know 'Where can we
live?' "
Generally, Negroes can find hous-
in, nnl'.iNps vrn.hnrmP Cnd a .

ing in was sold, and the foreign
girl was asked to move.
A French student was denied a
place to live because it was ex-
pected there would be too much
"wine, women" and song" in her
The case of a Negro graduate
student is typical. The lease is
about up on the apartment he and
his wife are renting.
At first he thought it wouldn't be
too difficult to find a place to live,
especially since they have no chil-
All Kinds of Excuses
He answered ads in the papers,
either by phone or in person. Peo-
ple who had given him encourage-
ment over the phone had all kinds
of excuses after they met him and
knew the "situation."

People did not seem to under-
When he asked the inquiring
landlord if he discriminated, the
typical reply was: "No. Why, what
nationality are you?" The conver-
sation that followed boiled down to
the fact housing was restricted.
Experience Embarrassing
Being turned down because of
race is embarrassing, and he hates
to take his wife around while look-
ing at apartments.
Shrugging his shoulders he ad-
mits, "It almost forces on you a
feeling of inferiority."
The student concludes "There
are very few places for Negroes
who are married."
He has been searching intensive-
ly for over two months. He still
hasn't found a place to live.
Just nut of crinity nne Tniver-

rented" is the commonest remark.
"My neighbors wouldn't approve"
or "Everybody here would move
out" is typical of those who do not
hide their discrimination policies.
One landlord theorized, "I don't
like the idea of mixing people. It
just isn't right."
Perhaps the most interesting re-
action was that to. a light-skinned
Negro who was mistaken for a for-
eign student. He had almost got-
ten an apartment, when he men-
tioned his race. "We don't rent to
Negroes" was the reply, followed
by a lecture on "Christianity."
Students who have felt discrimi-
nation often complain: "Everyone
appreciates their not " wanting to
take just anyone into their homes,
but they don't give any considera-
tion to the caliber of the person."

With nearly $475 collected in The
Daily Fire Relief Fund, several of
the students who lived in the room-
ing house which burned on Oct. 28
have applied to the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
John Bingley, assistant to the
dean of men, said yesterday that
two of the five married couples
and two of the four unmarried men
who were forced out of the home
by flames have contacted the OSA.
University grants will be given
in the near future to the 14 peo-
ple who escaped froni the inferno,
Bingley commented. Presently, the
OSA is attempting to get informa-
tion on the needs of the ex-room-
ers in the house so that"a just dis-
tribution of funds may be made.
In addition to the Fund, $200 has
been promised from the Cinema
Guildl insurance fund, while Uni-
versity grants will take up much
of the slack.
The University handles emer-






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