See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Delay Action
On Campus
Painting Job
Officials To Confer
With MSC Students
Michigan State College will take
no further action on State students
who were arraigned in Municipal
Court Tuesday until sometime next
week, MSC Dean of Students Thom-
as King said yesterday.
Dean King said the college would
wait until after the trials of five
of the MSC students arrested for
painting the University campus
green and white, and until he has
had a chance to confer with each
student involved.
t He reported Tuesday that pos-
sible penalties include suspension
from school and disciplinary pro-
No Arrests Made at MSC
No arrests have been made in
connection with the large block
'M' found painted in front of the
Music Building at State Tuesday
t Ann Arbor police reported no in-
dications of such -incidents recur-
ring on the University campus.
t However, they said, "We're ready
for them if they come."
Reports from the MSC campus
are also void of any further trou-
ble involving paint and school col-
AMSC To Bring
Trophy to Game
Michigan State students are bringing the huge eight feet high Paul
Bunyan trophy here Saturday for presentation to the Michigan-Michi-
gan State football game winner.
The trophy, presented by Gov. G. Mennen Williams last year as
an award to the annual winner of the Spartan-Wolverine grid clash,
has been displayed by MSC during the past year.
MSC won the game last season, 14-6.
Williams To Be at Game
Athough Gov. Williams will be at the game, he has received no
request from either school to present the trophy to the game's winner.
A source close to the Governor said yesterday he never expected
to present the trophy after the first year.
"He gave it to the two schools and now it is up to the students to
establish and maintain the tradi-
Eleven Students Arraigned
Eleven Michigan State students
were arraigned Tuesday before
Municipal Judge Francis O'Brien
Six pleaded guilty and were, fined
$5 plus $6.85 court costs.
The other five stood mute before
Judge O'Brien and were ordered
to appear for trial. Four are to ap-
pear Saturday morning, with the
other to be tried next Wednesday.
Nine of the 20 arrested had been
released Tuesday morning for lack
of evidence.
Attempt To Form Uniform Rule
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea con-
ferred with Michigan State off i-
cials by phone Tuesday in an at-
tempt to form a uniform policy on
students arrested by local police
rather than by campus authorities.
As of yet, no agreement has been
Joint Judiciary Council Chair-
man Tawfiq Khoury, '55E, has
warned University students that
vandalism on the MSC campus
could result in penalties as stiff as
suspension from the University for
students involved.
Dean King has assured the Uni-
versity that complete restitution
will be made for damage to the
University campus by Michigan
State students.
Japan To Start
Political Party
TOKYO (-Two old-time Japan-
ese leaders purged by the Allied
occupation formally decided yes-
terday to launch a new Conserva-
tive party to oust the often pro-
American government.
Mamoru Shigemitsu, peglegged
World War II foreign minister who
signed Japan's surrender, and
Ichiro Hatoyama, wartime educa-
tion minister, agreed to form the
new party Nov. 23.
r Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida
is scheduled to return from the
United States Wednesday.
t Shigemitsu and Hatoyama have
big followings in the Diet Parlia-
ment, increasing the possibility
the government will lose a vote
of confidence planned by opposition
Conservatives and Socialists. That
would mean a new Diet election.
Anti-Yoshida Liberals and Pro-
gressives plus 147 Socialists would
be enough to carry a no-confidence
vote in the 466-seat lower house.
Gargoyle Gagged
At Canada Border
Early Sunday, a firm group of
Canadian customs officials stated
definitely that several hundred is-
sues of Gargoyle bound for Bos-
ton, could not be transported across
the border at the Detroit-Windsor
After heated discussion with Gar-
goyle Inter-state Sales Represen-
tative J. Philip Benkard, the as yet
Sets 1955
LANSING (J)-Gov. G. Mennen
Williams said yesterday he will
present three major programs to
the 1955 legislature, topped. by a
massive road building program.
Gov. Williams said he would
recommend that the legislature
put on the spring election ballot
a proposal to float a 500 million
dollar bond issue to finance road
He said he thought that his re-
election to a fourth term by an
impressive majority indicated, in
part at least, that the public en-
dorsed his campaign criticism of
the state highway department for
what he called "hit and miss" road
Williams said he saw no reason
to wait for results of a highway
engineering and financing study
now being conducted by the Mich-
igan good roads federation with
the aid of the Automotive Safety
Foundation and other agencies.
That study will not be completed
for another year.
Williams argued that no survey
was needed to prove that the state
needed to spend 500 million dol-
lars on its roads-and probably
He also reemphasized his cam-
paign statements that the bond is-
sue can be financed without in-
creasing the state four and a half
cents a gallon gasoline tax. Pres-
ent gas and license tax money is
sufficient, he argued, to pay off
The Governor said he antici-
pated that better roads would lead
to more travel and increase rev-
enues in that way. It would also
reduce maintenance costs and
more federal road money would
be in the offing.
Gov. Williams said he will also
emphasize in his legislative pro-
gram the matter of education and
a "prosperity" plank covering
more jobs and help to agriculture.
Residence Board
The Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls will hold its first
meeting of the year at 3 p.m. today
in Rm. 2549 Administration Bldg.
Vice-President of Student Affairs
James A.-Lewis will chairman the'
tion necessary to make the trophy
a coveted award in coming sea-
sons," he concluded.
MSC student Ken Richardson is
in charge of transporting the tro-
phy from East Lansing.
University Athletic Director Her-
bert 0. Crisler said earlier this
week that he knows nothing about
trophy presentation plans.
No Comment on Acceptance
He refused to discuss whether
Michigan would accept the trophy
if it won the game. "There are too
many 'ifs' involved in winning the
contest," he said,
Considerable controversy pro-
ceded the trophy presentation last
year. Finally Gov. Williams gave
it to the two schools without offi-
cial University approval.
A meeting of the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics the week before
the game, at which disapproval or
approval of the trophy was to take
place, was not held.
Conversely Michigan State offi-
cials favored the idea and MSC's
athletic board approved the plan
with little dissent.
The University has at no time
since given official sanction to the
GOP Criticized Trophy
The carved' pine trophy, pictur-
ing Paul Bunyan standing astride
a hemispherical map of the state of
Michigan, was widely criticized by
state Republican leaders as a typi-
cal Williams political trick.
Trophy opponents also claimed
it would tend to decrease interest
in the traditional 'Little Brown
Jug' awarded to the winner of
Michigan-Minnesota grid clashes.
Issues Face
'U' Regents
Two controversial issues will con-
front the University Regents at
their November meeting tomorrow.
The revised proposal for a Stu-
dent Government Council is sched-
uled to go before the Regents. A
decision on the proposed reorgani-
zation of student government was
not made as expected at the Re-
gents' October meeting.
Also to be presented to the Re-
gents is the resolution passed by,
the literary college faculty at its
last meeting. The resolution re-
quested that-severance pay be giv-
en to former mathematics instruc-
tor H. Chandler Davis, dismissed
by the Regents as a result of his
refusing to testify before the House
Un - American Activities Com-
No Alarm
WASHINGTON (Rf) - Presi-
dent Eisenhower's wrist alarm
clock went off yesterday dur-
ing his White House news con-
He had been talking for three
minutes, discussing the shoot-
ing down of an American plane
by Russian fighters.
Then, seemingly from no-
where, came that whirring
Eisenhower flushed, smiled
and joined in the laughter as
he shut off the alarm.
"Excuse me," he said.
SL Wrangles
Over Election
Charges of "idiocy" and coun-
ter-charges of "stalling" embroiled
the Student Legislature meeting
last night, as SL failed for the sec-
ond straight week to arrive at a
final plan for conducting student
government elections.
The issue of bitter debate con-
cerned the question of whether to
hold the referendum in which stu-
dents would voice opinions approv-
ing or disapproving Student Gov-
ernment Council at the same time
as the elections, or two weeks ear-
The referendum would be need-
ed, of course, only if the Board of
Regents approves the SGC plan at
its meeting Friday.
SL President Steve Jelin, '55,
presented a motion stating that the
elections and the referendum be
held simultaneously on Dec. 8 and
Elections director Dave Levy,
'57, supported the motion as the
"only feasible solution."
Offers Substitute Motion
Tom Bleha, 55, offered a sub-
stitute motion providing for a ref-
erendum at least two weeks before
the elections which would then
"proceed per usual."
Vice-PresidentsNed Simon, '55
attacked the proposal as "idiotic,"
stating that it would not allow
enough time for complete clarifica-
tion of the issues.
However, after more debate, the
Legislature voted 19 to 11 to con-
sider the Bleha substitute motion
instead of the original. This
brought further discussion as to
whether the Bleha motion actual-
ly set a date for the election.
Try To Close Debate
With time of cloture near, a pro-
posal to close debate on the ques-
tion and vote on the Bleha substi-
tute was given an affirmative vote
of 20 to 10. A two-thirds vote is
necessary. However Jelin, who is
also SL parliamentarian, said that
the "chairman has the right to
cast a vote in any situation where
that vote will determine the out-
Ruth Rossner, '55, who was
chairing the discussion to allow
Jelin to enter debate, voted to con-
tinue the question.
Time of cloture three minutes
later oat 10:15 p.m. concluded the
However it was mov'ed that SL
hold a special session at 7 p.m.
Friday to consider the issue again.
In a quick vote without debate, the
motion was approved.
Makes Reply
To McCarthy Criticism;
CBNSURE COMMITTEE-Four members of the special senate group which recommended censure
of Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) meet in Washington, D.C. Left to right: Sen. John Stennis (D-
Miss.), Sen. Frank Carlson (R-Kan.), Sen. Arthur Watkins (R-Utah), Sen. Francis Case (R-S.D.)
'U' .Profs. Discuss McCarthy Case
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-
Wis.) is damaging his own case by
charging the committee which has
recommended his censure agreed
members of the political science
departnient yesterday.
"Sen. McCarthy is hurting his
own case by making such intem-
perate charges," was the opinion
of John P. White. "This indicates
that McCarthy is sure he is going
to be censured . .. and is now pur-
suing hisusual extremist tactics,"
he said.
In his charges of yesterday, Sen.
McCarthy accused Sen. Arthur V.
Watkins, (R-Utah), chairman of
the investigating committee of not
giving the facts correctly.
Prof. Daniel Wit commented
that Sen. McCarthy's charges
against the committee and Senate
"provide a good example of the
reasons why censure proposals
were made in the first place."
In the opinion of Prof. Everett
S. Brown, Sen. McCarthy "is en-
tirely wrong. He is likely to hurt
Zoology Club Sees Monkeys'
Reaction to DrugAddiction
his case as far as other senators
are concerned," he added.
"Unthinking People"
Prof. Brown felt that the Sen-
ator is trying to make statements
to prejudice "unthinking people"
in his favor. He said that he does
not see how any member of the
Senate can support Sen. McCar-
thy's opposition to members of
both parties who are trying to do
a fair and impartial job.
Other members of the depart-
ment called Sen. McCarthy's acti-
vities "absurd" and said there is
little to be said about them.
Students Debate Censure
Meanwhile students, in a debate
here sponsored by the speech de-
partment, discussed the legality of
the censure move.
Those who thought that the
United States Senate was within
its rights, stated examples of Mc-
Carthy's unbecoming conduct.
Others claimed that the Senate is
a body which changes member-
ship and therefore the present
session has no right to censure
McCarthy for previous actions.
Opera Role
Due to illness one of the ma-
jor roles in this year's Union
Opera has been left vacant.
Anyone wishing to audition
for the singing and dancing
role may contact Jay, Grant,
general chairman of the Opera,
by calling NO-24431 or NO-
A buse'
Talk Goes
Into. Record
Case, Watkins
Defend Position
of the Watkins committee, which
has been accused by Sen. McCar-
thy (R-Wis.) of being a tool of
Communists, hit back yesterday
with a declaration that senators
doing their duty should not be
subjected to "personal abuse."
Sen. Francis Case (R-S.D.), a'
member of the committee which
recommended censure of Sen. Mc-
Carthy, spoke out near the end of
the Senate's first day of debate.
The day also saw Sen. McCar-
thy swap accusations with Sen.
Arthur V. Watkins (R-Utah), com-
mittee chairman. Sen. McCarthy
accused Sen. Watkins of twisting
facts and the Utah legislator
countered with a charge that Sen.
McCarthy has violated his obli-
gation-if not his oath-as a sen-
Failure To Appear
Sen. Watkins was referring to
McCarthy's failure to appear be-
fore an investigating committee
which looked into his affairs in
1952. This is the basis for one of
the censure counts against him.
The other charges that he abused
Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker when
the general appeared before Mc-
Carthy's Investigations subcom-
Sen. Case, in cautioning against
"personal abuse" of senators, was
replying to Sen. McCarthy's state-
ment that the Watkins committee
acted as the "unwitting handmaid-
en" of the Communist party in
making its censure recommenda-
Charge in Record
Sen. McCarthy made the charge
Tuesday in a speech he said he
would deliver in the Senate yes-
terday. As it turned out he didn't
actually deliver it but put it into
the Congressional Record-with
Sen. Case and others insisting it
be described there as a statement
and not a speech.
Sen. Case declared, his voice
rising: "I don't want the Senator
from Wisconsin to prove uninten-
tionally to the country that count
one is right."
The first count in the two-count
censure recommendation of the
Watkins committee is that Sen.
McCarthy showed contempt for
another Senate committee.
Sen. Case said the Watkins
group is trying to make is pos-
sible for Senators to accept com-
mittee assignments in the future
without laying themselves open to
"personal abuse."
"We hope," he declared, "to pre-
serve for the Senate of the United
States the right to serve on a
committee, go into the facts and
make a report without having
their motives impugned."
McCarthy told Case he never
meant to suggest any of the six
Senators on the Watkins commit-
tee was sympathetic toward com-
munism. But he continued to in-
sist that the committee "unwit-
tingly" served the Communist
cause by proposing censure for
The debate frequently bogged
down in technical details before
the day was over.
Religious Series
To Feature Rabbi
Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of The
Temple, Cleveland, will speak on
"Ethics-By God or Man" in the
Security SystemA ffects Research'
Dope addicted monkeys were
brought before the Zoology Club
to -illustrate Prof. Maurice H.
Seevers' talk on the effects of mor-
phine on animals.
Prof. Seevers, head of the phar-
macology department, said . that
drug use is almost as old as civili-
zation, dating back as far as the
Reasons for Escape
Man has "always had reasons
to escape from his environment"
he remarked, and it is the chief
cause of addiction. Prof. Seevers
pointed out that in more than 90
per cent of all cases there has
been some emotional difficulty
before adiction.
The problems of dope and its
use have occupied Prof. Seevers
for almost 30 years. Current tests
are being made on monkeys ad-
dicted with morphine.
The aim of the experiments is
to find a pain-killing drug which
will not be habit forming. No such
drug now exists, he commented.
Morphine Tolerance
As is sometimes the case with
addicted humans, the monkeys
build up a tolerance for mor-
phine, allowing them to take doses
up to 25 times the size of a nor-
mally lethal injection.
In the experiment before the
Club, monkeys who were injected
with morphine every six hours for
the last year and a half were used.
One was given a shot of Nalline,
a drug which neutralized the ef-
fects of morphine.
Withdrawal Effects
The 'result was comparable to
withdrawal of the drug over a
period of time, and the monkey
reacted violently. He squirmed,
chewing his chain until his mouth
bled. His body trembled and he
appeared nauseous.
Prof. S eevers said the effects
were similar to those experienced
by humans during the withdrawal
Relations between science and
government have been greatly
damaged because of the security
clearance system, according to
Vannevar Bush, president of the
Carnegie Institution of Washing-
Bush told a subcommittee of
the House Committee on Govern-
ment Operations that "morale is.
very low indeed."
Although Bush testified last
June, reports of the hearings were
made public only recently.
"The security clearance system
as now practiced is, in my opin-
ion, doing great damage to rela-
tions between science and gov-
ernment," Bush said.
Driving a Wedge
"I feel the way in which our se-
curity system is working at the
After he was subpoenaed, the
grant was cancelled and no reason
Restrictions Too Stringent
"I have felt in some cases se-
curity restrictions are too strin-
gent. I don't think the situation is
that serious on this campus but I
feel the government would be well
advised to reexamine its' security
clearance program," Niehuss said.
Bush claimed, "Morale today is
so low that while scientists will
not refuse to serve, they will serve
without enthusiasm and without
fruitful inspiration."
Malenkov Asks
For Diplomacy
Dean of the Rackham School of
Graduate Studies, Ralph A. Saw-
yer, also director of the Phoenix
project, said, "I'm disturbed, as
are most scientists, over applica-
tion of the security ruling but I
wouldn't put the case quite as
strongly as Bush has put it."
"Government agencies are hav-
ing trouble recruiting scientists
because clearance takes such a
long time," Dean Sawyer noted,
Commenting on Nickerson, Dean
Sawyer claimed, "Cases such as
the cancellation of Nickerson's
have an accumulative effect on
morale-a certain amount of con-
cern and uncertainty has arisen in
the last few years."
"Scientists today are discour-
aged and downhearted and feel
they are being pushed out, and
they are . . . " Bush testified be-
fore the Subcommittee.
Shop Talk
Publisher Speaks
On Trade Books
"The future of trade-book type
of publishing depends largely on
colleges and universities." Dan