Discussion on Lecture
In Recitation Sections
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
McCarthy Blasts
Censure Charg e s
Calls Watkins Committee 'Unwitting
Handmaidens' of Communist Party
WASHINGTON (P)--A revised resolution of censure and con-
demnation-aimed at Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.)-was filed
in the Senate yesterday.
Sen. McCarthy counterattacked immediately with a charge that
the Senate committee which drafted it was an "unwitting hand-
maiden" of the Communist party.
The resolution was offered by an investigating committee headed
by Sen. Arthur V. Watkins (R-Utah). It is based on the Wisconsin
Republican's alleged defiance of a Senate Elections subcommittee ih
1951-52 and his denunciation of Brig. Gen. Ralph Zwicker during
an anti-Red investigation last fall.
What threatens to be a long a
Rep-ort Asks
No Change'
*In Drives
Student Affairs Committee yes-
terday voted to accept a report
from the Student Legislature Cal-
andaring Committee recommend-
ing no basic change in the present
method of handling all-campus
bucket drives.
The report called for SL to con-i
tinue. calendaring annual drives
for funds upon receipt of a peti-
tion from the sponsoring group
each spring, and to submit the list
separately to SAC for approval.
At present there are four all-
campus appeals for funds held an-
nually-Galens, the World Uni-
versity Service, Fresh Air Camp
and Free University of Berlin.
SAC also gave the J-Hop com-
mittee the go-ahead to plan events
for J-Hop Weekend, Feb. 4-6, in-
cluding a possible winter carnival
Saturday afternoon.
In other actions the Michigan
Singers were given recognition and
a request for a dance sponsored
by the freshmen engineering class
Nov. 19 was granted.
Approval was given for Assem-
bly Association and Inter-House
Council to hold the Big Ten Resi-
dence Halls Conference April 29
to May 1 here.
NEW YORK ( -.. When
questioned about Premier Men-
des-France's new campaign to
drink milk a Galic seaman re-
"Some men like blondes,
some like brunettes. Some like
wine, somerlike milk. I like
blondes, brunettes and wine."
Anthro Club
Hears Survey
Research Talk
The Anthropology Club was tak-
en yesterday on a verbal tour of
Survey Research Center practices
by Prof. Angus Campbell, direc-
tor of the Center.
Outlining its elaborate study
planning, sampling and interview-
ing system, Prof. Campbellude-
scribed the type of detail study
which is the Center's specialty.
Most Center studies are nation-
wide surveys using a formalized
interview to achieve accurate re-
Prof. Campbell commented that
''people in status positions tend to
know the least about psychological
characteristics of those at the bot-
tom of the pyramid," contrasting
the intuitive-type of survey with
Center techniques.
{ The information a v a i l a b 1 e
through the probability sample
method has certain important im-
plications for anthropologists, de-
spite its limitations, Prof. Camp-
bell said..
Silver's Talk
To JEnd Series
Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of The
Temple in Cleveland, will conclude
the "This I Believe" lecture series
nd angry debate on the resolution
is scheduled to open in the Sen-
ate today.
Without waiting until today,j
however, McCarthy released the'
text of a speech he intends to
make on the Senate floor. He sug-
gested in it that the Communists
would be the winners if he is cen-
sured. He charged that the Wat-
kins committee "has done the work
of the Communist party."
Prepared Speech Raps Committee
During the course of the debate,
he said in his prepared speech, he
will demonstrate that the commit-
tee "not only cooperated in the
achievement of Communist goals,
but that in writing its report it
imitated Communist methods-
that it distorted, misrepresented
and omitted in its effort to manu-
facture a plausible rationalization
for advising the Senate to accede
to the clamor for my scalp."
McCarthy asserted "the real
strength of the Communist party
is measured by the extent to
which Communist objectives have
been embraced by loyal Americans.
"I would have the American peo-
ple recognize and contemplate in
dread," he said, "the fact that the
Communist party-a relatively
small group of deadly consirators
-has now extended its tentacles
to that most respected of Ameri-
can bodies, the United States Sen-
ate; that it has made a committee
of the Senate its unwitting hand-
None To. Kill
Dixon- Yates
Power Plans
WASHINGTON (M-Democratsj
on the Senate-House Atomic En-
ergy Committeelaunched a ma-
neuver last night to head off the
signing of the controversial Dixon-
Yates power contract until after
the 84th Congress meets in Jan-
And Senate Democratic Leader'
Lyndon Johnson of Texas voiced
a hope that the contract will have
"quiet burial" in the new Con-
gress which his party will con-
trol. However, the two senators'!
from Arkansas called for a go-
ahead on the contract, which they
declared is "entirely justifiable."
A well-placed Republican lead-
er said meanwhile that the Ei-
senhower Administration would
not retreat from its endorsement
of the deal. But speculation has
developed, he added, about wheth-
er the Dixon-Yates interests will
want to go through with it now
that it has developed into such a
hot political issue.
so-called "good old days" pro-
duced some election confusion
A cobwebbed ballot box
turned up in the Borough Hall
of nearby Millstone when New
Jersey's voting machinery was
impounded in the recent close
United States Senate election.
The box was opened yester-
day. It had been used in the
Millstone primary election of
1910. The contents revealed:
The box contained 16 ballots.
A counter atop the box indi-
cated 18 votes had been cast.
A tally sheet enclosed listed 17
voters in the district.
And one candidate received
19 votes.
New Party
I nterviews
Common Sensers, preparing for
the December student government
elections, are now in the midst of
an interviewing program to select
a party list of candidates.
So far, according to Leah Marks,
Grad., 16 students have applied for
CSP backing. These persons are
being interviewed by the party
Campaign Committee on the quali-
fications of experience and past
ability, potential ability for the fu-
ture, and agreement with the par-
ty platform.
Miss Marks said that the CSP
has been "responsible for getting
about 10 persons to petition for
student government positions."
About six of these, she said, are ex-
pected to run on the party ticket.
Prepare Training Program .
A program is being set up by the
Campaign Committee for the train-
ing of party candidates. Although
no definite plans for this program
have been agreed upon, the pro-
gram is expected to include train-
ing in the presentation of speeches,
and knowledge of the party plat-
The CSP approved candidates
will be announced at an open
meeting, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov.
16 at the Union.
Party Has Three Committees
The Common Sense party is pres-
enttly divided into three commit-
tees. Besides the Campaign Com-
mittee, they are the Public Rela-
tions Committee and the Finance
As yet there has been no formu-
lation of an opposition party. It
is expected that candidates will
campaign for student government
positions either as members of, the
Common Sense party or independ-
Japan Protests
Shooting of Plane
TOKYO () - Japan yesterday
called the shooting down of a U.S.
RB29 photo plane Sunday by Rus-
sian MIGs a "provocative act"
which it said "constitutes viola-
tion of Japanese air."
"We urge the Soviet government
to take necessary measures to pre-
vent recurrence of such provoca-
tive actions," a Foreign Office an-
nouncement said.
The statement said the Japan-
ese government was "seriously
U' Leaders
Hold Talks
With MSC
Daily Managing Editor
Student leaders from the Univer-
sity and Michigan State College sat
down yesterday to an informal dis-
cussion of inter-campus rivalry and
other student problem areas at
both schools.
Attended by heads of major ath-
letic and activity organizations
from both campuses as well as rep-
resentatives from their student af-
fairs offices, the meeting centered
on a discussion of "paint raids"
and MSC's revised driving regula-
Students q n d administrators
present were ;enerally agreed that
their campuses should be given
adequate warning of penalties in-
volved in cases where vandalism
has resulted from an over-flow of
"school spirit."
"If students were made aware
that punishments ranging to sus-
pension from school were in store
for those caught painting-up the ri-
val campus, they might think twice
before organizing a raid," was one
opinion ventured at the meeting.
Joint Judic Warning
Joint Judiciary Council Chair-
man Tawfiq Khoury, '55E, has
made it clear that University stu-
dents caught in acts of vandalism
on the MSC campus can expect
penalties going all the way to sus-
Discussion of how to handle such
cases indicated that making the
guilty party return to clean up his
"art work" is an effective punish-
ment. It was generally felt that ac-
tion should be quick and severe, if
it is to be a deterent to future van-
dal activity.
Stress Uniform Penalties
A hope was expressed that both
schools make an effort to be more
uniform in the penalties levied in
such cases.
Students from both schools point-
ed out by way of positive solution
to the misdirected-rivalry problem,
joint parties and other social ac-
tivities could be planned for week-
ends when the two schools meet
for athletic contests.
Yesterday's meeting, presided
over by Dean of Men Walter B.
Rea, was the third such held with
student leaders from both schools
tV discuss mutual problems. Plans
call for another meeting on the
MSC campus sometime this winter.
Driving Ban Discussed
In later discussion MSC admin-
istrators reported that removal of
the driving ban at State has elim--
inated the almost impossible job
of enforcement and improved ov-
er-all relations between students
and college authorities.
The new regulations require ev-
ery student bringing a car to cam-
pus to register it with the police
and receive a driving sticker.
Greater traffic control has re-
sulted even though there are be-
tween 700 and 800 more cars on
campus, one MSC leader com-
SL To Discuss
Coming Elections
Plans for handling the coming
student government elections Dec.
8 and 9 will be discussed at the
Student Legislature meeting at 7:30
p.m. today in Strauss Dining Hall,
East Quad.
SL will also hear guest speakers
Stan Levy, '55, president of the
Inter-House Council and Bill Al-
len, Grad., last year's SL exchange
student to the Free University of
Petitioning for candidacy in
the December 8 and 9 student
-Daily-Marj Crozier
COSTLY PAINT JOB-Evidence of the Michigan State students painting activity appeared in
front of the Medical Bldg. yesterday morning in form of a white 'Go State' sign. The paint, was
spread on an estimated 30 buildings before local police caught the students. The Engineering
Arch, Angell Hall, Rackham Bldg., Alice Lloyd Hall and Mosher Hall were among the buildings
painted by the East Lansing raiders. Six students were fined $5 plus $6.85 court costs for their
part in the effort.
MSC Raiders
Fined, May
er Discipline
CIO'Will Discuss Plan
For 30-Hour Work Week
Possibility of a 30-hour work week next year will be discussed dur-
ing a Congress of Industrial Organizations conference in Detroit this
Meeting to lay the basis for demands in .negotiations with Ford
Motor Co., General Motors and Chrysler Corp. next spring, the CIO
has laid out an. agenda of other possible demands, International CIO
public relations director Frank Winn said yesterday when contacted
To be held at 10 a.m. Friday and Saturday in Detroit's Masonic
Light Humor
In Fall Issue
Of Generation
Fall issue of Generation, inter-
arts magazine, willl be on sale
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today on
Featured is an article by William
Wiegand, Grad., "Arthur Miller
and the Man Who Knows," on the
famous alumnus and playwright.
An innovation is the publishing
of a children's story, "The Day
the House Went Wild," with words
by Larry Pike, '54, and pictures
by Stu Ross; '55. "The editors felt
the story afforded the opportunity
to print light humor and a new
variety of student work," editor
Ruth Misheloff, '55, commented.
Three short stories, by Lilia P.
Amansec, Grad., Henry Van Dyke,
and Mark Weingart, '55, are in-
cluded, along with poetry by Miss
Amansec, Richard E. Braun, '56,
Mimi Lewert, '56, and Doris Par-
Another innovation this year is
the scheduling of three issues. Pub-
lishing an extra issue will give
Generation more scope and allow
them to print more student work,
according to its editors.
Generation will be sold on the
Diag, at the. Union, Mason Hall
Lobby, in front of Angell Hall, En-
gine Arch and near the Women's
Dorms. After today, it will be sold
in the bookstores. Copies are
priced at 35 cents.
Temple, the collective bargaining
conference will take up the possi-
bility of cutting .10 hours off the
present 40-hour work week.
Decision Not Predictable
However, Winn added, final de-
cision on this and other possible
demands from employers is not
predictable at this time.
Principal item to be taken up by
the conference will be possible re-
visions of the guaranteed annual
wage, he continued. Revision of
present hospitalization and health
insurance plans will also be dis-
Present cost-of-living escalator
clause may have changes urged by
the conference. Under the escala-
tor clause, wages are tied to the
government's cost-of-living index
and fluctuate accordingly.
Contract negotiations with Ford
and GM will begin during the end
of March, Winn said. Within a few
weeks before that, the CIO will
hold its biennial convention in
195,000 Unemployed
About one month ago 195,000 auto
workers were unemployed in the
Detroit area, he continued. With
modelchangeovers preparatory to
production of 1955 cars now almost
completed, however, more work-
ers are back on the job, he added.
"Within a month there should be
a big improvement in area employ-
ment," Winn said. "However, the
big question is how long will this
pickup in employment last. This is
not known at the present," he com-
Dean Says
All Damages
Will Be Paid
Nine Released;
Six Admit Guilt
A large block 'M' was painted
last night in front of the Music
Bldg. at Michigan State College.
No University students how-
ever have been arrested by ei-
ther East Lansing or MSC cam-
pus police.
Michigan State students asr
raigned in Municipal Court yes-
terday for painting the University
campus green and white may face
further disciplinary action upon
return to East Lansing.
MSC Dean of Students Thomas
King indicated yesterday suspen-
sion from school or disciplinary
probation would be likly punish-
ment possibilities.
He added however he isn't tak-
ing any definite action until he
talks to each student individually.
Restitution of Damages
King assured University offi-
cials there would be complete res-
titution of damages caused by the
defacing of property.
Six of the students pleaded guilty
yesterday in Municipal Court to
disorderly conduct charges. Each
was fined $5 in addition to $6.85
court costs.
Municipal Judge Francis O'Brien
entered not guilty pleas for five
other students who stood mute
when arraigned. Four were or-
dered to stand trial Saturday morn-
ing before the football game with
the other to be tried next Wednes-
Vice-President of Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis posted bond
for those standing mute saying
he was acting in place of their
Nine other students arrested
early yesterday morning were re-
leased for lack of evidence.
Warning From Judic
Meanwhile reports that Univer-
sity students may have painted
Michigan State property Sunday
and again last night prompted a
warning from Joint Judiciary
Chairman Tawfiq Khoury, '55E.
Due to a great increase in the
MSC campus police force this
week, disorderly students at State
can expect to be caught, Khoury
In conjunction with an agree-
ment reached with Michigan State
all students arrested by campus
police will be referred to Joint
Judiciary for disciplinary action.
Total financial restitution for
damages as well as suspension
from school for a definite or in-
definite period are likely punish-
ments, Khoury concluded.
Last fall seven University stu-
dents caughtupainting Michigan
State's campus by MSC campus
police were suspended from school
temporarily and forced to clean
up their paint job.
Rea Talks with MSC
Meanwhile yesterday Dean of
Men Walter B. Rea discussed with
Michigan State officials procedure
in situations where students are
arrested by local police rather
than campus cops.
Students arrested by campus
cops are referred back to their
own school for discipline but no
agreement between schools exists
for local police arrests such as the
incident yesterday.
Dean Rea has as yet reached no
agreement with Michigan State.
Although only 20 were arrested,
an estimated 30 MSC students
were in town for yesterday morn-
ing's painting spree, touching near-
ly 30 campus buildings.
Retaliation for 'U' Paint
The students arrested claimed it
was retaliation for the alleged
University painting done Sunday
night. Number one object of the
.tfelvnr AnnreQvxfly were '~the lin
-Daily-Marj Crozier
. . . school spirit?
Greek Week
Plans Given
IFC Approval
Fraternity presidents voted ten-
tative approval of Greek Week
plans as presented by Chairman
Jack Schaupp at the Fraternity
Presidents' Assembly yesterday.
Although not completely worked
out, plans include a mass picnic
and keynote speaker Monday, April
18, a Fraternity presidents' ban-
quet Tuesday, exchange dinners
Wednesday, an IFC sing Thurs-
day and a formal ball Friday.
Jointly sponsored by IFC and
Pan - Hellenic Association, this'
year's variety show will feature
the Dave Brubek Quartet on Fri-
day, February 18, according to
Frank Vick, IFC treasurer.
John Baity, '55, president of
IFC, announced that he and Bob
Weinbaum, '56, administrative vice-
president of IFC, will attend the
National Interfraternity Council
convention in December.
'Ens ian Sage
Baity Terms Fraternity Ban 'Unwise'
State University of New York's
decision to ban national fraterni-
ties and sororities from the cam-
puses of 22 of its units was term-
ed unwise yesterday by Interfra-
ternity Council President John
The decision, including a clause
sever ties with their national or-
ganizations," Baity said.
He agreed that college admin-
istrations have the right to pro-
hibit fraternity membership re-
Argues for Voluntary Action
"However progressive change to-
prived them of civic rights, en-
croached on their freedom of as-
sembly and denied them equal
protection of laws.
Judge Augustus N. Hand of the
United States Circuit Court said
in his opinion following the spe-
cial courts refusal to review the
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