a .
Student Reveals Life as Famous 'Pope'
"Hearing confessions of Univer-
sity coeds is so tiring," according
to Russell A. Brown, '56, self-
styled Pope Innocent III, reincar-
"Just this morning I had a
convocation of the bishops. And
this afternoon I'm expecting a call
from Paris," the "Pope" said.
"Pope Innocent's Little Vatican,"
located in an Ann Arbor rooming
house, was bathed in a soft amber
light which came from huge
searchlights upon a tall bookcase.
The "Pope" paced back and forth
across the room.
Cheesecloth Robes
Dressed in flowing robes of
black cheesecloth and a white
shirt worn backwards, the "Pope"
began to relate his miracles. "That
quad judiciary council didn't be-
lieve that the fire was a miracle,"
he snorted. "But it was."
The "miraculous" fire occurred
outside the door of an East Quad
room last spring. Taken before
the house council for trial, he an-
nounced, "I'm Innocent. I can-
not be tried by a temporal body.
If you want to see me you'll have
to request an audience."
Judged guilty, "Pope Innocent
III" was fined $10 for starting a
fire and $5 for "contempt of the
Judiciary Council."
Lecture 'Miracle'
"Then there was the lecture
miracle," the "Pope" said. "They
wouldn't invite me to the discus-
sion on God. So I sent the house
mother a Papal bull, demanding
her presence at an audience. When
she refused to come I was forced
to place the house under inter-
Members of the house; concern-
,A with the "interdict," sent a
I .egation to question the "Pope"
abit removing the sentence. "In-
nocenta" announced that "that
house mother must do penance.
She must walk outside in the snow
beneath my window."
Since the month was May, skep-
tics laughed at this command. The
next day, it snowed. "But that
house mother wouldn't obey my
command. I put a curse on her."
Today she is being treated at
University hospital," he reported.
First Revelation
The self-assumed Pope declared
his first revelation occurred in
the fall of 1953. "When I was
asleep, a very bright light fell on
the bed. Suddenly, its brilliance
Taggart To Speak
Assistant Dean Herbert F. Tag-
gart of the School of Business Ad-
ministration will address the
monthly meeting of the National
Association of Cost Accountants
Thursday, in Chicago.
Dean Taggart will speak on
"Planning Gross Profit Margins."
He is a certified public accountant
for the state and holds a Ph.D de-
gree from the University.
. * Gregorian chants and pop bottle caps
Still Argue
Bias .issues
At Colleges
Although the Supreme Court de-
cision of last May officially de-
cided the issue in public schools,
the segregation question still rages
unsolved among the nation's Uni-
Reports of various disputes
range from the problem of fra-
ternity bias clauses to segregated
housing for Negro football play-
Although Delta Chi, Zeta Beta
Tau, Lambda Chi Alpha and Pi
Kappa Phi deleted bias clauses
last summer, fraternities includ-
ing Acacia, Theta Chi, Alpha Tau
Omega, Delta Tau Delta and Sig-
ma Nu still retain their restric-
Chapter Quits in Protest
While Phi Delta Theta awaits
possible final approval of its bias
clause removal at the 1956 Na-
tional Convention, its chapter at
Williams College in Williamstown,
Mass. turned local in protest to
objections of its pledging a Negro
Indignation over separate ac-
commodations necessary for Negro
halfback Dick Jackson when Cor-
nell played in Houston earlier this
year, caused the school to sched-
ule no future games where segre-
gated housing would be necessary.
Two Negro graduate students
have been segregated in one sec-
tion of a dormitory at the Univer-
sity of North Carolina.
'U' of Texas Rejects Negro
The first Negro applicant for
the University of Texas under-
graduate school was refused en-
trance this fall. He was told to ap-
ply at Prairie View A&M, a state
supported Negro college.
Five Negroes who tried to enter
Memphis State College were in-
formed their entrance in the col-
lege would break a state law.
Meanwhile five junior colleges
and a Jesuit institution in the
South opened their doors to Ne-
groes for the first time. The five
junior colleges all in Texas are
located in Victor, Odessa, Borger,
Edinburg, and Wharton.
Spring Hill College at Mobile,
the Jesuit school, admitted Negroes
for the first time in its 124 years
of existence.
To Be Sold
Fall issue of Generation, inter-
arts magazine, will go on sale to-
morrow at busy points around cam-
"The Day the House Went Wild,"
a children's story written by Larry
Pike, '54, and illustrated by Stu
Ross, '55A, and an article by Wil-
liam Wiegand, Grad., "Arthur
Miller and the Man Who Knows"
will be featured.
Work in several media, includ-
ing lithographs and pen and ink,
by Sally Angell, Grad., Anne Good-
year, '55A, Kathryn Kitson, '55A,
Mary Kuizenga, '56A, Barbara Mc-
Naught, '57A, and William Sea-
bright, '57A, will be printed.
Fiction by Lilia P. Amansec,
Grad., Henry Van Dyke and Mark
Weingart, '55, will be included in
this issue. Generation will also pub-
lish several poems.
This year marks the first time
Generation has scheduled three is-
sues. Copies will be sold for 35
Week Named
For Education
This week has been designated
American Education Week by its
sponsors, the National Education
Association and other national
Under the theme, "Good Schools
Are Your Responsibility," the
sponsors are encouraging the Amer-
ican public to visit schools and
classrooms, and to re-examine the
educational program of each com-
In an official announcement, the
sponsoring committee stated that
"wishing for good schools is not
Skeptics Corner:
4:15 P.M. League
-Daily-Dean Morton
Cross Terms Heating Tunnel
System U' Breathing Organ
overwhelmed me. I awoke to see
a choir of twelve shining angels
dressed in gold coming down a
long gold staircase, descended
from heaven.
"Grouped in a semi-circle about
my bed, the angels sang a six-part
a capella oratorio. I learned I had
been all the Pope Innocents at one
time or another. Because of my
sins as Pope Innocent VIII during
the Inquisition, I must repent by
destroying the church."
Pop Bottle Caps
In his so-called "Little Vatican,"
the "Pope" strolled to and fro,
gesturing broadly with his right
hand. In his left hand, he rolled
two pop bottle caps, an imitation
of Captain Queeg of "The Caine
Decorated with blue drapes and
flowers made from feathers, the
"Little Vatican" holds a bed, a
bookcase, and a radio set. There
is also a small table "from one of
my other lives" upon which the
"Pope" keeps his glasses.
Barrymore Idol
On top of the bookcase is a
copy of a theatrical book, opened
to a page of John Barrymore
stills. "Barrymore is one of my
favorites," the "Pope" explained.
"He drank 40 barrels of liquor a
week. But I'm sure he blessed
them first."
On the floor are scattered rec-
ord albums, arrayed like a depart-
ment store window display. Most
of the albums are of John Barry-
more readings.
A Few Gregorian Chants
A "Brigadoon" album and a
Tschaikovsky s y m p h o n y, the
"Pope" claimed, were just tempo-
ral disguises for "some Gregorian
chants." "You know, this Dave
Brubeck seems to be employing
some of these chants in his work.
It's so refreshing to hear songs
popular during my youth back
on the hit parade."
The "Pope" grew rather violent
and laughed heartily when quer-
ied about a bottle of shaving lo-
tion. "Non-believers. You will all
burn," he said, pounding on the
wall. "That is really holy oil
which I pour on the heads of my
converts. It turns their skulls
black and then I can tell my
Reluctant to reveal many de-
tails of his temporal existence,
the so-called Pope said he was
forced to assume the identity
of Russell Brown to "fool the non-
believers." As Brown he is a
speech major. He also plays in
the Michigan Marching Band and
gives performances as a magician
at South Quad.
The "Pope" said he was against
religion because it was "ambigu-
ous, contradictory, and the great-
est spreader of propaganda." "I
have come to establish a new to-
talitarian order," he said. "Re-
ligion and democracy cannot ex-
ist together. The Christian reli-
gion is the most deadly enemy of
peace and morality in our modern
world," the "Pope" laughed.
A regular hierarchy has been set
up by the "Pope." "I have a head
abbess at Martha Cook, three or
four superior nuns at local sorori-
ties, and an extension-bishop at
"Pope Innocent III" then recit-
ed a Latin chant and retired "for
Outside his door, above his tem-
poral name, was a cross turned
Beneath the acres of land which
compose the University campus
runs a system of tunnels which
has been called "the breathing
system of the University."
This description was given by
Foster L. Cross, plant department
senior engineer, to the vast net-
work of tunnels containing numer-
ous pipes and extending for ap-
proximately four miles.
Beginning at the main power
plant, located on Forest and N.
University, the tunnels branch out
supplying all campus buildings
with steam heat and hot water. The
remotest unit serviced by the sys-
tem is South Quadrangle.
Unlikely Site for Parties
While the underground network
has never been used as a back-
ground for a Hollywood suspense
scene, there are rumors that stu-
dents hold drinking parties in its
Cross did not think this likely
since the entrances are locked. "I
guess it would be possible to enter
through a manhole though," he
Temperature in one section, it
does not take one long to discover,
remains at 100 degrees.
Efficient-Despite Complaints
Although the system is an effi-
cient one, Cross said that there
are always complaints "from peo-
ple who claim it's too hot or too
He pointed out however that there
have been no drastic breakdowns or
failures in the pipes for over twen-
ty years, only occasional leaks.
When the need for a repair job
arises, it is
quickly and expertly
handled. Twenty foot sections of
pipe are taken into the tunnel
through one of the manholes,
spaced about three hundred feet
It has not yet been decided
whether the tunnels will be en-
larged to accommodate the build-
ings on the North Campus. "It
would be more economical to use
the present system than to heat
the units individually," Cross said.
New Actors Join
Arts Center Cast
Two new actors have been hired
by the Dramatic Arts Center and
a change has been made in the
season's playbill.
Peter Breck and Paul W. Carr
will both appear in "The Moon and
the Yellow River" by Denis Johns-
ton, opening Nov. 18. The play
will take the spot on the season's
program originally scheduled for
George Lillo's "The London Mer-
Breck, who will play the role of
Darrell Blake in the Johnston play,
started in show business as a drum-
mer and has since written and di-
rected musicals and pageants. He
was a member of the "Alley The-
ater" in Houston, Tex., and has
appeared in stock productions.
Most recently Carr has appeared
on television dramas. The actor,
who will be seen as Commandant
Lanigan in "The Moon and the
Yellow River," has worked with
several theater groups in New Or-
cents. I I1
~ Yanflyes
213 East Liberty
NO 3-1319
(Mailing and FREE Gift Wrapping)
~GO~oM~t a
South Directs New Vigilante
Movement Towards Negroes
JACKSON, Miss., A new type of
anti-Negro vigilante movement -
using boycotts instead of bullwhips
-has arisen in at least one state
in the South.
In the wake of last spring's Su-
preme Coure decision declaring
segregation in public schools un-
constitutional, new organizations
have appeared elsewhere in Dixie
to sound the call for "preservation
of our Southern heritage," the old
rallying cry of the Ku Klux Klan.
At present these various groups
operate independently of one an-
other. Most are weak, capable of
drawing crowds of only several
hundred even when appealing for
mass protest meetings.
The two with muscle are the
American States Rights Associa-
tion headquartered in Birmingham,
Ala., and a network of Citizens
Councils in Mississippi. It is the
Citizens Councils which have ad-
vocated, and apparently already
put in use, the idea of substituting
economic pressure for physical
Citizens Councils have been or-
ganized in 22 of Mississippi's 82
counties and are spreading. Their
purpose is to apply economic pres-
sures to "troublemakers" who
would upset the "Southern way of
Ire of the councils is directed
against "outside agitators" in gen-
eral and the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
people in particular. The only or-
ganized opposition to the move-
ment, and hence its chief target,
is the handful of NAACP members
inside Mississippi.
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