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November 07, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-07

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FOTI TH MiHIGA DALY 'rfAV. Nsacv 1'itiaai?1? . ' l~AY

The 'Grand Inquisitor'
Faces the Music




JOSEPH R. McCARTHY faces the gentlemen
of his club tomorrow ,on censure charges.
In a letter to The Daily Senator Smathers
of Florida describes this event as ". . . one
of the Senates finest hours, sustaining the
American tradition of fair play and even-
handed justice."
The meeting tomorrow is not the first time
that the United States Senate has met for a
similar purpose.
SINCE THE beginning of the nineteenth
century, a number of Senators and a Presi-
dlent have appeared before the body under like
However, the number has been so small that
the activities tomorrow bear careful scrutiny
by all citizens interested in the perpetuation of
the democratic way of government.
In the selection of the "Select Committee to
Study Censure Charges," every effort was
made to choose men who had previously voiced
no opinion of the junior Senator from Wis-
THE MEN who served on that committee,
while appointed by a Vice-President who has
served as spokesman for his party, represent-
ed a judicious bi-partisan segment of the Sen-
Despite attempts by the defendant and other
Senators to influence the hearings with ir-
relevant testimony, the committee acted with
calm disinterest.
Precedents for the committee to base its
actions on were scarce. The few censure cases
that had occurred were mostly based on single
occurrences that happened in the presence of
the Senate or one of its committees.
In McCarthy's case, the occurrences took
place during a period of several years. In ad-
dition three Senate committees had already
heard testimony on one or more phases of
the alleged incidents of misconduct.
THE COMMITTEE took careful cognizance
of the fact that Senator Flanders and Senator
Fulbright who had made most of the charges
were in no way to be regarded as plaintiffs.
Thus these Senators could in no way be
held legally responsible for any of the allega-
tions which had become the sole responsibility
of the Senate.
On August 24 the original charges had been
narrowed down to 13 in five specific categories.
They were:

1-Incidents of Contempt of the Senate or a
Senatorial Committee.
2-Incidents of Encouragement of United
States Employees to Violate the Law and Their
Oaths of Office or Executive Orders.
3--Incidents Involving Receipt or Use of
Confidential or Classified Documents or Other
Confidential Information from Executive Files.
4-Incidents Involving Abuses of Colleagues
in the Senate.
5-Incident Relating to Ralph W. Zwicker,
a General Officer of the Army of the United
IN THE REPORT which the Senate.will con-
sider tomorrow, the committee recommended
censure on charges numbers one and five.
Particular note should be given to Charge
Number One which concerns abuse of the Sen-
ate. This charge also included proposal num-
ber 30 by Senator Flanders which read:
"That he (McCarthy) ridiculed and defamed
Senator Hendrickson in vulgar and base lan-
guage, calling him: 'A living miracle without
brains or guts'"
This characterization was made by McCar-
thy of Hendrickson who was then a member
of the Senate Subcommittee on Privileges and
Elections which was investigating McCarthy's
sources of income.
THE INCLUSION of this specific charge
among all the others in the final recommenda-
tion for censure will no doubt weigh very
heavily in the minds of many Senators to-
Regardless of partisan disagreements the
Senate is still "the most exclusive gentlemans'
club in the world."
Now that the election is over, Senators will
not feel that the way they vote will mean
success or defeat at the polls.
Certainly McCarthyism was not the vital
election issue that the Senator had hoped it
would be.
Perhaps the hardest decision will be those
the lame duck senators will have to make.
Their political futures may well depend on
the choice they make.
HOWEVER, club loyalty and Administration
support of the Watkins Report should cer-
tainly prompt an honest vote.
The hearings will commence at 10 a.m. to-
morrow. America will watch with interest as
the "Grand Inquisitor" meets his peers.
-Michael Braun

AS AN AFTERMATH of the fire
at 508 Monroe that killed two
persons last week, City Council
asked for a reinstatement of Uni-
versity inspection of student hous-
FIRE FUND - A Fire Relief
Fund, set up by The Daily to aid
victims of the rooming house fire,
totaled more than $300 by yester-
literary college faculty passed a
motion urging the University to
give H. Chandler Davis one year's
salary as severance pay.
Davis, a former mathematics
instructor, was dismissed by the
University in August for failing
to testify before a House Commit-
tee on Un-American activities.
SGC PLAN - Final draft of
the Student Government Council
plan was approved by the 12-man
student-faculty study committee
and sent to the Regents for con-
sideration at their meeting Fri-
Student government elections
will definitely be held Dec. 8 and
9, despite the uncertainty of
whether it will be Student Legis-
lature or Student Government
Council on campus.
FLAG SALE -IFC, Panhel sale,
in cooperation with the Junior
Chamber of Commerce, totalled

Money from the sale will go into
a fund for a proposed outdoor
swimming pool for the commun-
LETTER FAD - Chain letters
promising a possible return of
$10,240 for an investment of $10
began circulating on campus.
The letters, which started at
several Midwestern colleges and
Universities, were thought to be
in violation of gambling laws. De-
tective John Walters of the Ann
Arbor police department said that
it would be up to the county pros-
ecutor's office to determine actual
FOOTBALL - The team gird-
ed itself for yesterday's Michigan-
Illinois tilt, since Michigan's Rose
Bowl hopes were still alive.
Michigan's pre-game Big Ten
record was second to that of Ohio
State, and yesterday's game was
decisive in the Big Ten listings,
WEATHER - After two months
of comparatively balmy weather,
cold and snow swept over the lo-
cal area. Snow fell for a few hours
at the beginning of the week, but
failed to stay.
National .. .
ELECTIONS-With both House
seats and Governorship at stake,
the national election tallies con-
cluded on Friday, giving Demo-
crats a majority in the House with
232 Representative against the
Republicans' 203.

Of the 34 Governorships at
stake, Democrats swept Republi-
cans out of eight positions, giv-
ing the Democrats 19 and Repub-
licans 15.
In Michigan, Democratic Gov.
G. Mennan Williams won an un-
precedented fourth term, as the
entire Democratic state executive
ticket was elected.
Patrick V. McNamara, a virtual
unknown in state politics, defeat-
ed Sen. Homer Ferguson in the
senatorial race.
In Washtenaw County elections-
Republicans elected a full slate.
pite a slim majority in the Atomic
Energy Commission, the Admin-
istration seems determined to go
ahead on the Divon-Yates con-
tract, to build a $107,000,000 power
The proposed plant would re-
place power that the Tennessee
Valley Authority is furnished the
GRAM - The United States gave
the United Nations a detailed plalb
for implementing Pr e si d e nt
Dwight D. Eisenhower's atoms-for-
peace program.
It proposed sharing materials
and knowledge through bilateral
agreements, a 1955 scientific con-
ference and formation of an in-
ternational atomic energy agen-
--Dave Kaplan

Returns Show .President
Too Far to the Right
LOOKING AT THE ELECTION returns General Eisenhower might
well read them, it seems to me, for what they disclose about the
results of his leadership and management of the Republican party.
In 1952 he ran well ahead of the aggregate of Republican Con-
gressmen, and the question has been whether he could as President
give the Republicans a lead which would bring them a popular ma-
jority. The election shows that he has failed to do this. While the
Republicans have not suffered more severely than is normal at mid-
term, what they needed for their future as a Party was to make a big
gain. General Eisenhower needed to bring to the Republicans a sizable
proportion of the voters who backed him in 1952. That he has not
succeeded in doing. He has not done it by making speeches appealing
for support because in the past two years he has not conducted an ad-
ministration which has won that support. The details of the voting are
not yet available here in Paris. But the broad returns would certainly
seem to show that the President has gone much too far in appeasing
the Republican right wing, and not nearly far enough in building up the
liberal wing of his party. From Minnesota to Massachusetts the advan-
tage has been with the liberals of both parties-so much so that it may
well be true to say that General Eisenhower's failure to develope a Re-
publican majority is due to his misunderstanding the relative import-
ance of the two wings of his party. The right wing Republicans are a
minority in a minority party, and General Eisenhower has failed to
build a strong party around them.
LOSS OF THE CONTROL of Congress by the Republicans would
have had greater consequences for the President if he had ever had
effective control of the Republican Congress. He has never had it. 'the
legislation passed does not reveal the real relation between General
Eisenhower and Congress. For the legislation which was passed is far
short of the legislation he asked for. And what he asked for had already
been trimmed deeply because he knew he could not get more from the
chairmen of the committees.
The real uninhibited Eisenhower is a liberal in the field of in-
ternational relations and of welface measures. So meager was his in-
fluence in the Republican leadership of Congress that he asked for
much less than he believed in and got much less than he asked for.
But even more serious have been the concessions and surrenders
he has made to his own Congressional leaders in the conduct of the
Executive branch of the government. McCarthy may be a lame duck
but the damage done to the morale and efficiency of administrative of-
ficers and of the foreign service, is enormous, is tragic, and is danger-
ous. The intimidation by the Congressional committees and by their
agents inside the Executive branch has reached a point where-
speaking soberly-one can no longer have confidence in the integrity
of the reports going back to Washington. There is a terrible temptation
to write reports that would sound well at a televised McCarthy hear-



Contemporary Sc ulpture
At Alumni Hall

FIRST OF ALL it is important to note that
the present exhibition on the drawings
and sculptures of various contemporary artists
at the Museum of Art is a collection of works
that are now owned or have been borrowed
for the occasion by the University. In other
words this is not a touring show. It is not very
often that we are given this opportunity to
see the works of such important figures as
Maillol, Moore, Calder, Lehmbruck, Lipchitz
and Arp and know that they are ours. Besides
this, Professor Slusser, the Director, should
be given full credit for the fine placing of each
work in the small space allowed. The color
arrangement of red, black and white in the
gallery itself is both pleasing and appropriate
as a background to the drawings and sculp-
tures presented.
The idea of showing both the sketches and
drawings of a sculptor together with a three-
dimensional form gives the exhibit its main
punch. For instance, Adams' "Monolithic
Form" and college of black on terra cotta col-
ored paper are so alike in design, in shape,
and in structure, that one cannot but feel that
one medium is going to be more successful
than the other. In reference to his idea in this
case I feel that the two-dimensional surface
is more effective. However, the similar forms in
Lynn Chadwick's color lithograph called "Fig-
ures" and iron "Insect Form" are well used in
ONE OF the most beautiful pieces in the
whole exhibit, in this reviewer's opinion, is
Lehmbruck's "Lonely Woman," an etching. The
free, sensitive line plus the position of the wom-
an with her right hip softly accented and her
arms unseen from the back, just suggesting
that they are folded in an almost huddled fa-
shion to her chest emphasizes the feeling of
isloation. It js a restrained and simple drawing,
appropriate to the theme. Thus it has a power
and intensity of its own. Possibly this can be
best seen in comparison with the engraving
"The Road to Exile" by Lipchitz. Here the val-
ue contrasts are strong, the shapes are massive
and sculptural, even on paper. The power and
intensity of this work is more startling and
much less restrained. The shapes seem to twist
in space like writhing, heavy forms. This same
feeling carries over into his sculpture, and in
its own way is highly effective.
One of the most pleasant aspects of this
show is that the works of all the artists are
so completely individual, even within the
framework of one type of art. Whether this is
indicative of thought in our times I certain-
ly wouldn't be able to say. But there is only
one instance in which one artist's style ap-
pears reminiscent of another's. Thomas Mc-
Clure's drawing on gesso board for his sculp-
ture seemed almost Moore-like in its approach.

form relationships as they exist in an abstract
space. This kind of interchanging of negative
and positive areas, this free flow of movement
continues to prevail in McClure's sculpture
"Mother and Child." The shapes are simple and
direct, as in the rather geometric head of the
child, while the composition is itself highly
complex, creating both a feeling of complexity
of movement in space and bare simplicity in
the individual forms.
THE HIGH POINT of the show, however, is
the "Seated Figure" by Henri Gaudier-Brzes-
ka. In its simple geometric division of space
into planes it achieves a firm, massive, strong
quality which fits the medium-white marble
--beautifully. The stylistic qualities in this
work and in his drawing reveal the influence
of primitive African and American art. It is
an example of what critics call the beginning
of the Cubist movement in sculpture, and tak-
en from this point of view, it not only is suc-
cessful in itself, but important historically.
All in all, I feel that this is a stimulating ex-
hibition, one of which Ann Arborites should be
proud. It has freshness in its presentation, and
diversity within its limitations, so that it main-
tains compactness without becoming dull. I
would certainly recommend it to both layman
and student as an interesting and inspiring trip
into one aspect of the art world.
THE EXHIBITION is at the Museum of Art
in Alumni Memorial Hall and continues through
November 30. Gallery hours are weekdays 9 to
5 and Sundays 2 to 5 p.m.
-Anna E. Muschenheim
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig...................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.........................City Editor
Jon Sobeloff........... ...... Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs..o .e..........Associate City, Editor
Becky Conrad....................,Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart....................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston. ...........Ch...Sports Editor
HanleyGurwin.............Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer. ....,..... . ,Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz .......................Women's Editor
Joy Squires...............Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith .............. Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton....,........,..Chief Photographer
Busines~s Staff
Lois Pollak ............ .._.......Business Manager
Phil Brunskili,............Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise.........................Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski............ ..Finance Manager

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.n .
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts, and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
VOL. LXV, NO. 41
notice to Student Organizations:
Only student organizations which are
registered with the Office of Student
Affairs for the current year are entitled
to use the Daily Official Bulletin. Ef-
fective with this date, notices from or-
ganizations not registered with the Of-
fice of Students Affairs will not be
Windsor Jewish Community Council,
Windsor, Ontario, is looking for a
Group Worker to organize and direct
activities for a community of 2500 of
all ages.
Liquid Carbonic Corp., Chicago, Ill.,
has an opening in the Compressed Gas
Division for a Chemical Engineer. A
training program has been set up in
sales, accounting and purchasing de-
partments, and the position will prob-
ably require some traveling.
Precast Industries-Lith-I-Bar, Kala-
mazoo, Mich., seeks a Civil Engineer.
Civil Service Commission of Canada,
Ottawa, Canada, is recruiting officers
for the Canadian Foreign Service. The
examination date is Nov. 20, and appli-
cation should be made in advance.
There are also openings in the Cana-
dian Foreign Trade Service, for which
an examination will be given Jan. 22,
1955. Both examinations are open to
seniors who expect to get their degrees
by June, 1955, and are under 31 years
of age.
U.S. Civil Service Commission, Social
Security Admin., Bureau of Old-Age
and Survivors Insurance, Dept. of
Health, Educ., & Welfare, announces a
need for Claims Assistant Trainees and
Field Assistant Trainees to fill positions
throughout Ill., MicL., and Wis. All
seniors who plan to get their degrees
in either Feb. or June may apply. An
WESTERN security depends on
regional security-which can-
not be obtained without peace be-
tween the Arab states and Israel.
The truth is that vanity alone has
prevented the Arabs from settling
the Palestine war. The truth is
that we have never made a serious
attempt to get that settlemen on a
quid pro quo basis. If we are going
to "bribe" the Arab governments,
at least we should bribe them in a
way which makes their own future
secure-not with arms but with
sufficient funds for development
in exchange for 'peace.
-Lillie Shultz in The Nation

* * *


IT SEEMS TO ME that the President and his genuine friends and
supporters need not feel too badly because the Republicans have
lost the control of Congress. That control was never in the hands of
Eisenhower men. The legislative procedure and the investigating ma-
chinery have been used for ends which the President does not believe
in, and in ways which have challenged his constitutional responsibility
and his personal dignity. To be sure it is now possible for the Demo-
crats to turn the engine of investigation and the machinery of legislaf-
tive control against him. They will be tempted to abuse the powers
which is now in their hands.' But they will not be able to do that
profitably if the President acts on his own liberal convictions and
ceases to appease the unappeasable right wing.
* * * *
THE ROLE that General Eisenhower has been attempting to play
in partisan politics does not fit the realities of American politics
and it does not suit his own temperament and talents. It is impossible
to make a majority party out of the Old Guard Republicans. The
attempt to do so by extremely reactionary policies and by McCarthy
methods can succeed only in sowing irreparable dissension among our
people. This will never, it can never, bring together a solid reliable
majority party.
Nor is the attempt to do this, or to connive at it, in character.
General Eisenhower, having no political past, rightly thinks of him-
self as a national figure above the Party struggle destined to uphold
the unity of the nation against the division of interests and of fac-
tions. He can still be that kind of President, now that the election
has brought home the fact that it does not pay and it does not work
for him to be the other kind of President.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

examination will be given at the So-
cial Security Office, County Building,
Jackson, Mich., on Saturdays-Nov. 8,
13, and 20, at 8:30 a.m. The positions
are open to both men and women.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371,
Room 3528 Administration Building.
Selective Service Qualification Test
Thurs., Dec. 9.
To be eligible to take the Selective
Service College Qualification Test, the
applicant must be a Selective Service
registrant, who intends to request de-
ferment as a student. He must be sat-
isfactorily pursuing a full-time course
of instruction, graduate or undergard-
uate, leading to a degree. He must not
previously have taken the test.
Apply directily to Local Board No.
85, 210 West Washington, 'Ann Arbor
to secure applications for the test. Ap-
ply in person for applications. They
will not be handled by telephone.
The deadline for mailing the applica-
tions is midnight, Tu'es., Nov. 23.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for George Har-
rey Reazin, Jr., Botany; thesis: "Stud-.
ies on the Physiology of Ochromonas
malhamensis, A Golden-Brown Alga,"
Mon., Nov. 8, 1139 Natural Science
Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, A. S.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and*
Emil Raab, vidlin; Robert Courte, vio-
la; andOliver Edel, cello;will present
the second program in the series of
Sun. afternoon concerts covering the
Beethoven Quartets at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 7
in Rackham Lecture Hall. The program
will include: Quartet in D major, Op.
18, No. 3; Quartet in E minor, Op. 59,
No. 2; Quartet in F major, Op, 135.
The concert is open to the public
without charge.
Styles in Chinese Painting through
Nov. 23; Plastic and Graphic Expres-
sions by Modern Sculptors, through
Nov. 30. Alumni Memorial Hall, Muse-
um of Art. Hours 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
weekdays, 2:00 to 5 p.m. Sundays.
Events Today
Panel discussion on Bernard Shaw:
"Ancient or Modern." After the per-
formance of "Arms and the Man" at
the Dramatic Arts Center Sun., Nov. 7.
Joe Gistirak and professors Donald
Pearce and Edwin Engel will partici-
Late permission for women students
who attend the Panel Discussion after
the play, "Arms and the Man," present-
ed by Dramatic Arts Center on Sunday,
November 7, at Masonic Temple, will
be no later than 45 minutes after the
end of the discussion,
Movies. Free movie, "Eskimo Hunt-
ers," through Nov. 8. 4th floor Exhibit
Hall, Museums Building. Films are
shown daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., in-
cluding Sat., and Sun., with an ex-
tra showing Wed. at 12:30.
Hillel: Sun. Supper Club 8:00 p.m.
Followed by record dance.
Hillel Graduate Mixer. All graduate
men and women, junior and senior
women invited, Refreshments. Non-
members 25c; members, free. Sun., Nov.
7, 8:00 p.m.
Fireside Forum of the First Methodist
Church invites single graduate students
to join our discussion of the question,
"What Kind of Doctor Do You Want?"
led by Norm Hayner, M.D. Youth Room
at 7:30 p.m. Sun. For any interested
bowlers, the group will meet at the
Ann Arbor Recreation Bowling Alley
on Huron Street Sun. at 2:00 p.m, for
a few lines of bowling.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., Nov. 7, 9:30
a.m. Discussion - Basic Christian Be-
liefs; 10:30 a.m. Discussion-Great

7:00 p.mJ Those who did not
sign up for the supper are invited to
the program by Prof. Paul Kauper of
the Law Faculty. His subject will be
"The Supreme Court Decision against
Racial Discrimination and Its Results
in our Schools, Churches, and Political
Life." Come to the Center, corner of
Hill St. and Forest Ave.
The Unitarian Student Group will
meet Sun., Nov. 7 at 8:30 p.m. at the
church. The Rev. Max Gaeber, minis-
ter of the Unitarian Church at Madi-
son, wisconsin will address the group.
Students interested in transportation
meet at Lane Hall or in front of Alice
Lloyd Hall lat 7:15 p.m.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Rehears-
al for principals and chorus today in
the League at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Please be
on time.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts fllowing
both the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services.
"Faith of the Church" lecture. series,
4:30 p.m. at Canterbury House. Student
Supper Club, 6:30 p.m., followed by
Question Box Hour, at Canterbury
House. Coffee Hour at the Student Cen-
ter following 8:00 p.m. Evensong.
First Baptist Church. 502 East Huron.
9:45 a.m. Study Philippians, 11:00 a.m.
Sermon. 6:45 p.m. Prof. Leroy Water-
man speaks to Guild on "Religion of
Graduate Outing Club. Meet 2:00
p.m., Sun., at the north entrance of
the Rackham building.
Coming Events
The Russian Circle will meet Mon.,
Nov. 8 at 8:00 p.m. at the International
Center. Prof. Lobanov-Rostovsky will
talk on "The Expansion of Russia."
Public invited. Refreshments.
WCBN-East Quad: There will be a
general business meeting for all staff
members at 7:15 p.m., Mon., Nov. 8, in
the East Quad Council Room. Attend-
ance is required.
New Folk Dance Group,,emphasizing
traditional dances of many countries.
Led by Jud McGehee, former director
of the Stanford University folk danc-
ers. Every Mon., 7:30-10:00. Lane Hall
Recreation Room. "Ethics-by God or
Man." Lecture by Liston Pope, Dean of
the Yale Divinity School. Mon.,8:30
p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Re-
The Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., Nov. 8, in the East Lecture Room
of the Rackham Building at 8:00 p.m.
Mrs. Ann Schendler will speak on "The
Aristotelian Theory Lyric."
The University Chess Club will meet
Mon., Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-A,
Michigan Union.
Rho Chi Society. An open meeting
of Rho Chi, honorary society of phar-
macy, will be held Tues., No. 9, 7:30
p.m. in the Pharmacognosy Lecture
Room, 3005 Chemistry Building. J. B.
Kahn will speak on "The Chemistry
of Hypoallergenic Cosmetics." Refresh-
Meeting of the Anthropology Club.
Tues., Nov. 9, in the East Conference
Room, Rackham, at 8:00. p.m. Dr. An-
gus Campbell of the Survey Research
Center, will speak on "Survey Research
and Anthropology" A brief business
meeting at 7:45 p.m.
The Undergraduate Mathematics
Club will meet at 8:00 p.m., in Room
3-R of the Michigan Union, Mon., Nov.
8. Dr. J. E. McLaughlin will speak on
"The Fundamental Theorem of Alge-
The Mathematics Club will meet
Tues., Nov. 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the West
Conference Room of Rackham Build-
ing. Dr. J. Giese will speak on "Degen-
erate Compressible Flows."










Assembly's Concern ...
To the Editor:
N REGARD TO Murry Frymer's
editorial, "Speak Up, SL: Are
You For the Birds?" in Friday's
Daily, I feel that Mr. Frymer was
unfair not only to SL but to the
Assembly Association also. The

Mlorse Reply .. .
To the Editor:
WAS amazed to find myse
quoted in yesterday's Daily t
the effect that "Clardy won th
election in 1952 mainly by unwa
ranted smears against his oppo
nent." I did not say this, and I d
nnfi rnniv r .fth N it + tnip

a man who has achieved the ulti-
mate in notoriety." I did not say
If this either. What I did say was
to that "investigations" had been
ie used by mediocrities (including
r- Clardy) as a quick and easy source
- of publicity and noteriety; and I
o remarked that Clardy's defeat ap-
ne~aedto indic-ate that this meth-

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