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TLU xUrn , £NOUVEMBERDM4, .1954
Extensive Repair of Organ
Goes on in Hill Auditorium
Repairmen are now in the pro-
cess of a $40,000 renovation pro-
gram on the organ in Hill Audi-
Many old pipes are being revoic-
ed and some new pipes are being
added. "We are trying to retain
the character of the old organ,"
University organist Robert Noeh-
ren, commente.
Work was started in June and
is expected to be finished by
March first. The reconstruction
and rehabilitation contract was
awarded to Aeolian Skinner Com-
pany of Boston.
All pipes have been removed, the
entire organ is being cleaned and
wind chests are being rebuilt.
Thinner Material
Pipes that will be replaced are
made of a thinner material than
the original tin-lead pipes. With a
smaller diameter and thinner
body, pipes will have a keener tone.
Arthur Birchall, an organre-
pairman from London, England, is
supervising a three-man crew
which is installing new pipes and
chests and tuning the entire en-
"Temperatures from 70 to 72
degrees must be maintained in the
loft for tuning purposes," Birchall
Hays Tells Art
Contest Dates
Dates for the annual Michigan
Union Art Contest and Exhibit
were announced yesterday by Jer-
ry Hays, '56, University relations
committee chairman.
Entries for the contest, open to
all University students, may be
turned in from 4 to 6 p.m. on Nov.
15, 16 and 17 at the room across
from Union student offices.
Hays said sculpture entries will
be accepted for the first time this
year, along with other art media,
including oil paintings, water col-
ors, drawings and prints.
Judges from the fine arts de-
partment, School of Architecture
and Design and the Ann Arbor Art
Association will award merchan-
dise certificates to contest win-
As many entries as possible will
be displayed in the Union lobby
from Dec. 4 to 15, with a coffee
hour scheduled for .the first Sun-
day, Dec. 5. A booklet describing
the entries will be published, Hays
Full details on entrance require-
ments are available at the Union'
student offices, open weekday aft-
ernoons from 3 to 5.R
Pipes are tuned by rolling a
"tuner's tongue" to a desired
length across pipe openings. The
tongue resembles rolled-back cov-
ers of sardine cans.
When work is completed in
March, a new console will be in-
stalled to replace the present one.
"Stops on the old console don't
hold," Birchall said, "and keys
and internal mechanisms are
"Our organ is one of thelargest
in America," Noehren noted, "and
is one of the most famous Univer-
sity organs in the country."
Covers Four Levels
The organ covers four levels in
an area 50 feet high, 75 feet long
and 20 feet wide. More than 7,000
pipes and 600 miles of wire are
used in it.
Pipes range both in tone and
length. Low pitched pipes, made
of wood, are as long as 32 feet
and some high pitched metal pipes
are less than an inch in length.
A Detroit firm built the original
organ which was installed at Chi-
cago's Columbian Exposition in
At the Exposition's conclusion,
the organ 'was purchased by the
University Musical Society and re-
installed in University Hall the
following year.
While in University Hall, the or-
gan was used for chapel exercises,
concerts by organ soloists and by
the Choral Union during its May
Moved to Hill Auditorium
With Hill Auditorium's comple-
tion in 1913, the instrument was
moved to its present site and en-
larged during its rebuilding.
In 1926, the organ was again
completely rebuilt, removing some
of the pipes which had been worn
by age. Because of changes in pipe
designs and tonal qualities, only a
few of the original pipes from
1893 remain.
Non-speaking pipes painted ov-
er the metal base form the front
display of the organ. These are
the only pipes left from 1893.
"Intensive, daily use of the in-
strument," Dean Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music commented,
"has necessitated the present re-
building. Pipes must be revoiced
and mechanical improvements
must be made to bring the organj
up to present-day standards."
Fauri Appointed
Dean Fedele F. Fauri of the
School of Social Work has been
appointed chairman of the Fed-
eral Advisory Council on Employ-
ment Security.
(Continued from Page 1)
"The official argument ad-
vanced by those institutions which
exclude from their faculties mem-
bers of the Communist party is
that it deprives its members of
the intellectual independence es-
sential for teaching and research.
If this were true, there would be
no need to make a rule about it.
Communist party members would
be eliminated in the normal course
of faculty selection."
Prof. Moore admitted Marxist
beliefs, and said about them,
"The moral force of Marxian the-
ory lies in its critique of capital-
ist society in terms of the basic
values of capitalist culture, its
demonstration of the sacrifice of
individuality to property, its ex-
posure of the degradation of the
three great human freedoms into
the one base freedom to buy and
Severance Pay Given
He was given $6,000 severance
pay when dismissed.
Following the trustee's action
to dismiss him, students and fac-
ulty members began a heckling
campaign against Reed president
Duncan S. Ballantine. They said
'the President asserted his author-
ity over faculty and students.
Counter-attacks from professors
and students quickly developed to
a point where the college's admin-
istration was in the hands of the
faculty council and the student
Ballantine Resigns
President Ballantine resigned in
September. When he resigned he
listed good and bad traditions of
Reed College. The good traditions
he cited as academic quality, free
inquality, free inquiry and the
honor system. The bad ones are,
he said, domination of policy
and politics by the faculty coun-
cil, individual irresponsibilityand
an "intransigeant arrogance" to-
ward opinions of the off-campus
When the president resigned,
trustees appointed Prof. Frank
Loxley Griffin, former mathemat-
ics department head, to the posi-
tion. Just as he was taking over
the post, Justice James T. Brand,
Reed College trustee and respect-
ed liberal member of the Oregon
State Supreme Court, also resigned
from the board.
Justice Brand said that atti-
tudes of the dominant faculty
group at Reed toward communism
and toward the office of the pres-
ident were the basic reasons for
his decision.
Szel To Conduct
Concert Sunday
Conducted by George Szell, the
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra will
appear at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill
Included in the program will be
Smetana's "Overture to 'The Bar-
tered Bride'," Henry Cowell's
"Hymn and Fuguing Tune," De-
bussy's "La Mer" and Tschai-
kowsky's "Symphony No. 5."
Tickets priced at $3.50, $3, $2.50,
$2 and $1.50 are available at the
University Musical Society office
in Burton Tower.
"sPACE-SCAPES and Images of the Southwest" is the title of
the one-man show by Prof. Chet LaMore of the architecture
school now on view at the Rackham galleries. About 60 oil, case-
in and water color paintings are included as well as wood 'and
steel sculpts. Nearly all these works were done by Prof. LaMore
beginning last February when he took a semester's sabbatical to
the Southwest. Also on view are arts and crafts from Indians of
the Southwest area as well as colored slides of the landscape and
scenes of tribal ceremonies. Rackham gallery hours are 10 a.m.
to 10 p.m. on weekdays.
Gistirak To Replace Andrews
In Latest Arts Center P'lay
Although American universities
offer a much broader education,
European schools offer more in-
tensified learning, Prof. Erich Hyl-
la, director of the Institute for In-
ternational Educational Research
in Frankfort,. Germany, said here
"We are more rigorous in what
we request from our students," he
said. Prof. , Hylla also feels that
European university students get
a "thorough knowledge of the sub-
ject matter."
American schools are not as
selective, he added, citing as one
advantage of the American uni-
versities the fact that education is
offered to more people. Also,
Sen. Laurel
To Lecture,
Nationalist Philippine Senator
Jose Laurel will speak on Filipino-
American relations at 4 p.m. today
in Rackham Amphitheater.
According to Prof. Russel H. Fi-
field of the political science de-
partment, Sen. Laurel is one of
the most influential figures in con-
temporary Philippine government.
Sen. Laurel, a regent of the
University of the Philippines, is
in the United States to negotiate
a revision of the Bell Trade Act of
1946 governing trade between the
United States and the Philippines.
Sponsored by the Institute of
Public Administration, his visit
will begin at noon today when he
is the guest at a luncheon given by
Philippine students.
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Americans "do much better than
we do" in the matter of integrat-
ing social education-extra-curric-
ular activities, student clubs-with
college life.
Prof. Hylla was director of sec-
ondary education in Prussia be-
fore he was discharged by Adolph
Hitler in 1933. He has also served
as chief consultant for reconstruc-
tion of German educ.ation to our
military government after World
War II.
"Our universities start later than
your colleges, at the end of what
could be compared with your soph-
omore year," he said. Up to that
time, the students go to secondary
schools. "Therefore, we have a
more mature group of students-
more highly . selected."
There are fewer examinations
in European universities. In some
fields there are intermediary tests
after four or five semesters of
LaMore Exhibits Art
i -- .00- ,
work, but in most fields there is an
examination upon the completion
of studies.
"We have only one degree-the
doctor's degree. It-has a practical
meaning and importance only in
the universities," Prof Hylla said.
"Students select courses on the
principle of freedom of learning,"
he commented. There are very few
courses which demand prerequi-
sites, and there areno required
courses for graduation. "There is
more chance to select and also
more chance to go astray," Prof.
Hylla said.
He will deliver a lecture on "Ed-
ucation as a Field of Study in Ger-
man Higher Institutions" at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in -Auditorium B,
Angell Hall. It will be the first
in a series of lectures in celebra-
tion of the 75th anniversary of the
first course in education offered
I I-owmanowl-
Hylla Praises American Universities
Two changes will be made in
the cast of "Arms and the Man,"
currently running at the Dra-
matic Arts Center.
Beginning with today's perform-
ance Joe Gistirak will replace Bill
Andrews in the role of Sergius.
Andrews has left the company.
Helen Alexander, who has been
a professional actress at the
Hedgerow Theater in Pennsly-
vania since 1936, will play Mrs.
Petkoff in the Sunday perform-
ance. Barbara Lawrence, who us-
ually plays the part, will be away
that day because of a speaking en-
"Arms and the Man," now in its
third week, can be seen at the
Masonic Temple at 8 p.m. today
through Sunday and next Thurs-
day through Nov. 14.
Single admission tickets priced
Course Urged
A University-directed course in
traffic management to be offered
in upper Michigan has been sug-
gested by Prof. John C. Kohl of
the civil engineering department.
Director of the Transportation In-
stitute of the University, Prof.
Kohl urged that the job of traffic
manager should be raised above
clerical level and made more ef-
According to Prof. Kohl, the
course could e presented as a
one-night session with the instruc-
tor provided by the transportation
company, as a single night session
in upper Michigan taught by a
member of the University faculty
or it could take the form of a one-
week course offered on campus.
Prof. Kohl believes that the
course would be instrumental in
easing transportation problems in
upper Michigan.
at $ 65 may be purchased at the
office of Prof. Warner Rice, chair-
man of the English department,
1605 Haven Hall.
Full season memberships to the
Center entitling the holder to see
the entire seven-play season cost
$10. Half-memberships, which in-
clude admittance to the first three
plays, are $4.50.
The Center's second production,
"Therg London Merchant" by
George Lillo, opens Nov. 18.
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